RNS Number : 4430D

Lincat Group PLC

23 March 2011

Lincat Group plc ("the Group"), the AIM listed manufacturer of commercial catering appliances and bar equipment, announces its preliminary results for the year to 31 December 2010.

Financial highlights:

-- Revenues on continuing operations up 6% to GBP32.7m (2009: GBP30.8m)

-- 15% growth in underlying operating profit to GBP5.6m (GBP4.9m)

-- Underlying fully diluted earnings per share up 20% to a record 77.7p

-- Year-end cash and short-term deposits of GBP7.1m (2009: GBP5.1m)

Commenting on the year's results, Alan Schroeder, Chairman, said:

"The Group has delivered another strong result on the back of double-digit sales growth at Lincat Limited and is well positioned to grow further during 2011 as the UK catering equipment market continues its recovery."

 Lincat Group plc 
 Alan Schroeder, Chairman        } 
 Paul Bouscarle, Chief 
  Executive                      }     01522 875555 
 Terry Storey, Finance 
  Director                       } 
 Cenkos Securities plc 
  Ivonne Cantu (Nomad)           } 
  Jeremy Warner Allen (Sales)     }    0207 397 8980 

23 March 2011


I am delighted to be reporting on a year that has seen the Group grow revenue and operating profits before exceptional items strongly. Against a background of generally weak market conditions, our trading companies are to be congratulated on delivering such a positive result.

Financial result

The Group's domestic appliance business, Mercury, was sold in 2009. The most relevant year-on-year comparisons, therefore, are of continuing operations excluding Mercury and it is those comparisons that will be used throughout these statements unless otherwise stated.

Group sales from continuing operations in 2010 grew 6% to GBP32.7m, driven by 12% sales growth at Lincat Limited, our largest operation. Group sales in the UK grew by 8% to GBP27.7m, whilst export sales fell fractionally to GBP5.0m.

Operating profit from continuing operations of GBP5.6m compares with the prior year underlying figure of GBP4.9m, a rise of 15%. Profit before tax of GBP5.7m compares with GBP9.9m in 2009 but this latter figure includes an exceptional profit of GBP5.1m on the disposal of IMC's vacated Hertfordshire site.

Underlying, diluted earnings per share from continuing operations - excluding both Mercury and the exceptional item in 2009 - rose 20% from 64.9p to a record 77.7p.

Cash flow

The Group has held substantial cash reserves since December 2009, following the sale of IMC's redundant Hertfordshire site. Total cash and short-term deposits rose during the year from GBP5.1m to GBP7.1m, despite a period of high capital expenditure that included the purchase for GBP0.6m of a laser profiling cell at Lincat Limited.

Trading outlook

Industry statistics indicate an accelerating recovery in the UK catering equipment market during the latter part of 2010, although the levels of demand remain some way below the peak of late 2007. This trend suggests that trading conditions will continue to improve during 2011, albeit the rate of improvement may be slow and uneven.

Against the anticipated background of a strengthening market, the Group's operations continue to improve their competitive positions through innovation and investment. 2011 is set to be a milestone year for new product introductions around the Group, as a number of major long-term projects reach completion. We remain confident of our ability to offer the market an ever more attractive product offering and to deliver strong returns to our shareholders.

Alan Schroeder



Our operations have collectively delivered another impressive result, driven by an exceptionally strong performance at Lincat Limited, at a time when market conditions have not been easy.


Group operating profit of GBP5.6m, an increase of 15% against the comparable figure of GBP4.9m for 2009, represents a 17% return on sales of GBP32.7m. Gross profit remained at 50% of sales, despite generally higher levels of input cost inflation.

During the year, the Group's operations generated GBP4.8m of cash after payments for tax and interest. GBP1.2m was invested in plant and equipment and a further GBP1.6m was paid out in dividends to shareholders. At the year end, holdings of cash and short-term investments had risen by GBP2.0m to GBP7.1m.

Pension scheme

The sole final salary scheme within the Group, which had been closed to new members since 2003, was closed to future accrual in April 2010. Following a triennial valuation at 30 June 2010, which showed a deficit of GBP1.9m, the sponsoring employer, IMC, agreed a recovery plan with the scheme trustees that will see two payments totalling GBP0.5m made to the scheme by 30 June 2011 and further payments covering the balance of the June 2010 deficit being made over the subsequent six years. The scheme's IAS 19 pre-tax deficit at 31 December 2010 was GBP1.4m.


Following a fall in revenues in 2009, it is pleasing to report sales growth of 6% for 2010, despite continuing weaknesses in certain sectors of the market, for example pubcos, bars and certain segments of the public sector.

Lincat Limited's revenues grew by 12% between 2009 and 2010, with both UK and export sales increasing at a similar rate. Previous reports made reference to enhanced dealer incentives introduced in early 2009 and these, combined with a systematic and targeted approach to sales activities, have underpinned the company's strong performance. Some significant new products were launched during the year, including a range of pizza ovens that has already been taken up by a national retail chain. Manufacturing efficiencies and material cost savings have been delivered by the investment in a laser profiler in March 2010.

Continuing weakness in the demand for bar equipment was the major factor that led to a 9% fall in sales at IMC, where both UK and export revenues experienced a similar decline. IMC's stainless steel underbar systems are largely supplied to new builds, as there is no significant replacement market for these non-mechanical products, which leads to a volatile demand pattern. New product development has concentrated on broadening the company's offering of bottle coolers and further investment in innovative food waste recycling equipment.

After a first half year of high order intake but a low level of shipments, Britannia delivered a much stronger second half performance, with sales at a similar level to 2009. Substantial progress was made on training the company's Australian licensee and royalty payments will start to accrue from April 2011.

In summary, the Group's operations have once again produced a result that bears testament to the professionalism and commitment of the management and staff at each of the businesses. We have continued to encourage investment and enterprise throughout the economic downturn and remain convinced that this strategy has been to the benefit of the Group, its customers and its employees. With major product launches scheduled for this year - and against an anticipated background of gradually strengthening demand - we look forward to 2011 with some confidence.

Paul Bouscarle

Chief Executive


                                                      Total        Total 
                                                    Year to      Year to 
                                                31 December    1 January 
                                                       2010         2010 
                                        Note        GBP'000      GBP'000 
 Revenue                                   1         32,747       30,763 
 Cost of sales                                     (16,356)     (15,419) 
                                                 ----------   ---------- 
 Gross profit                                        16,391       15,344 
 Distribution costs                                 (5,039)      (4,676) 
 Administrative expenses                            (2,627)      (2,665) 
 Other operating expenses                           (3,122)      (3,129) 
                                                 ----------   ---------- 
 Operating profit before exceptional 
  item                                                5,603        4,874 
 Exceptional item                          2              -        5,092 
                                                 ----------   ---------- 
 Operating profit                                     5,603        9,966 
 Net finance income/(costs)                3             53        (114) 
                                                 ----------   ---------- 
 Profit before taxation                               5,656        9,852 
 Taxation                                           (1,505)      (1,337) 
                                                 ----------   ---------- 
 Profit after tax from continuing 
  operations                                          4,151        8,515 
 Profit after tax from discontinued 
  operations                               4              -           58 
                                                 ----------   ---------- 
 Profit for the year attributable 
  to shareholders                                     4,151        8,573 
                                                     ======       ====== 
 Earnings per share                        5 
 From continuing operations: 
 Basic                                                78.2p       161.4p 
 Diluted                                              77.7p       161.4p 
 From continuing and discontinued 
 Basic                                                78.2p       162.5p 
 Diluted                                              77.7p       162.5p 


                                                          Year to      Year to 
                                                      31 December    1 January 
                                                             2010         2010 
                                                          GBP'000      GBP'000 
 Profit for the period                                      4,151        8,573 
 Other comprehensive income: 
 Actuarial gains/(losses) on defined benefit 
  pension scheme                                              528      (1,476) 
 Tax on the above                                           (143)          413 
                                                       ----------   ---------- 
 Other comprehensive income for the year, net 
  of tax                                                      385      (1,063) 
 Total comprehensive income for the year                    4,536        7,510 
                                                       ----------   ---------- 
 Total comprehensive income for the year 
  attributable to equity shareholders                       4,536        7,510 
                                                31 December    1 January 
                                                       2010         2010 
                                         Note       GBP'000      GBP'000 
 Non-current assets 
 Goodwill                                               693          693 
 Other intangible assets                                551          234 
 Property, plant and equipment                        8,840        8,584 
 Deferred tax asset                                       2           85 
                                                 ----------   ---------- 
                                                     10,086        9,596 
 Current assets 
 Inventories                                          3,463        3,459 
 Trade and other receivables                          5,901        5,227 
 Short-term investments                               1,000            - 
 Cash and cash equivalents                            6,148        5,141 
                                                 ----------   ---------- 
                                                     16,512       13,827 
                                                 ----------   ---------- 
 Total assets                                        26,598       23,423 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Retirement benefit obligation              6       (1,368)      (1,889) 
 Deferred tax liabilities                             (708)        (523) 
                                                 ----------   ---------- 
                                                    (2,076)      (2,412) 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                           (4,391)      (4,192) 
 Current tax liabilities                              (686)        (726) 
 Provisions                                           (415)        (371) 
                                                 ----------   ---------- 
                                                    (5,492)      (5,289) 
                                                 ----------   ---------- 
 Total liabilities                                  (7,568)      (7,701) 
                                                 ----------   ---------- 
 Net assets                                          19,030       15,722 
 Shareholders' equity 
 Issued share capital                                   549          543 
 Share premium account                                  286            2 
 Investment in own shares                              (16)         (16) 
 Other reserves                                         874          874 
 Retained earnings                                   17,337       14,319 
                                                 ----------   ---------- 
 Total equity                                        19,030       15,722 


                       Share        Share       in own        Other     Retained 
                     capital      premium       shares     reserves     earnings        Total 
                     GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000 
 At 2 January 
  2009                   543            2         (16)          874        8,253        9,656 
  income for 
  the year                 -            -            -            -        7,510        7,510 
 Credit to 
  equity for 
  payments                 -            -            -            -           86           86 
 Dividends paid            -            -            -            -      (1,530)      (1,530) 
                  ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------   ---------- 
 At 1 January 
  2010                   543            2         (16)          874       14,319       15,722 
  income for 
  the year                 -            -            -            -        4,536        4,536 
 Credit to 
  equity for 
  payments                 -            -            -            -          112          112 
 Issue of share 
  capital                  6          284            -            -            -          290 
 Dividends paid            -            -            -            -      (1,630)      (1,630) 
                  ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------   ---------- 
 At 31 December 
  2010                   549          286         (16)          874       17,337       19,030 


                                                          Year to      Year to 
                                                      31 December    1 January 
                                                             2010         2010 
                                              Note        GBP'000      GBP'000 
 Net cash inflow from operating activities       7          4,795        4,473 
 Investing activities 
 Interest received                                             46            2 
 Short-term investment                                    (1,000)            - 
 Proceeds of sale of business                                   -          323 
 Disposal proceeds of property                                  -        5,500 
 Disposal proceeds of plant and equipment                     124           62 
 Purchase of intangible assets                               (54)         (27) 
 Purchases of property, plant and equipment               (1,213)        (576) 
 Expenditure on product development                         (351)        (136) 
                                                       ----------   ---------- 
 Net cash used in investing activities                    (2,448)        5,148 
 Financing activities 
 Dividends paid                                           (1,630)      (1,530) 
 Proceeds on issue of shares                                  290            - 
 Repayment of borrowings                                        -      (3,682) 
                                                       ----------   ---------- 
 Net cash from financing activities                       (1,340)      (5,212) 
 Increase in cash and cash equivalents                      1,007        4,409 
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning 
  of the year                                               5,141          732 
                                                       ----------   ---------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the end 
  of the year                                               6,148        5,141 

Notes to the consolidated financial statements

 1.         Segmental information 
 The Group is organised into three operating units in line with its 
  statutory entities and these are the business segments for which 
  information is supplied to the Chief Executive. 
 Business                Year to 31 December 
 segment                         2010                      Year to 1 January 2010 
                      Revenue       Profit   Margin      Revenue       Profit   Margin 
                      GBP'000      GBP'000        %      GBP'000      GBP'000        % 
 Lincat                21,800        4,112     18.9       19,440        3,167     16.3 
 IMC - 
  underlying            8,228        1,820     22.1        9,035        1,928     21.3 
 IMC - profit on 
  sale of 
  property                  -            -                     -        5,092 
 Britannia              2,719          247      9.1        2,692          361     13.4 
 sales                      -            -                 (404)            - 
                   ----------   ----------            ----------   ---------- 
  operations           32,747        6,179                30,763       10,548 
 Central costs              -        (576)                     -        (582) 
 Net finance 
  income/(costs)            -           53                     -        (114) 
 Taxation                   -      (1,505)                     -      (1,337) 
  operations                -            -                   901           58 
                   ----------   ----------            ----------   ---------- 
 Total for the 
  year                 32,747        4,151                31,664        8,573 
 Geographical segments 
 The Group's operations are all located in the United Kingdom. 
                                   Revenue by destination 
                             Year to 
                         31 December               Year to 
                                2010        1 January 2010 
                             GBP'000               GBP'000 
 United Kingdom               27,701                25,691 
 Rest of World                 5,046                 5,072 
                          ----------            ---------- 
 Total                        32,747                30,763 
 2.   Exceptional item 
                                                Year to      Year to 
                                            31 December    1 January 
                                                   2010         2010 
                                                GBP'000      GBP'000 
 Profit on sale of IMC's Hertfordshire 
  freehold property                                   -        5,092 

The sale of IMC's former manufacturing site in Hertfordshire was completed on 21 December 2009; the total proceeds of sale were GBP7.5m.

 3.    Finance income and finance costs 
                                                        Year to        Year to 
                                                    31 December      1 January 
                                                           2010           2010 
                                                        GBP'000        GBP'000 
           Finance income: 
           Interest receivable on short-term 
            deposits                                         58              2 
           Expected return on pension scheme 
            assets                                          480            393 
           Finance costs: 
           Interest payable on bank loans and 
            overdrafts                                      (7)          (116) 
           Interest on pension scheme 
            liabilities                                   (478)          (393) 
                                                     ----------     ---------- 
           Net finance income/(costs)                        53          (114) 
 4.   Discontinued operations 

The disposal of the Group's domestic appliance business, Mercury Appliances, was completed on 25 August 2009. The results of Mercury Appliances were shown as discontinued operations in the 2009 condensed consolidated income statement, as follows:

                                                    Year to    Year to 
                                                31 December    1 January 
                                                       2010      2010 
                                                    GBP'000     GBP'000 
 Revenue                                                  -          901 
 Expenses                                                 -      (1,095) 
                                                 ----------   ---------- 
 Loss before tax                                          -        (194) 
 Tax                                                      -           54 
                                                 ----------   ---------- 
 Loss after tax                                           -        (140) 
 Profit on disposal                                       -          258 
 Tax on disposal                                          -         (60) 
                                                 ----------   ---------- 
 Total profit attributable to discontinued 
  operations                                              -           58 
 5.   Earnings per share 
                                               Year to      Year to 
                                           31 December    1 January 
                                                  2010         2010 
                                               GBP'000      GBP'000 
 From continuing operations                      4,151        8,515 
 Exceptional item                                    -      (5,092) 
                                            ----------   ---------- 
 Adjusted earnings from continuing 
  operations                                     4,151        3,423 
 Average number of shares during 
  year ('000) 
 For basic earnings per share                    5,305        5,275 
 Dilutive effect of share options                   39            - 
                                            ----------   ---------- 
 For diluted earnings per share                  5,344        5,275 
 Earnings per share 
 From continuing operations, adjusted: 
         Basic                                   78.2p        64.9p 
         Diluted                                 77.7p        64.9p 
 From continuing operations, total: 
         Basic                                   78.2p       161.4p 
         Diluted                                 77.7p       161.4p 
 From discontinued operations: 
         Basic                                       -         1.1p 
         Diluted                                     -         1.1p 
 From continuing and discontinued 
         Basic                                   78.2p       162.5p 
         Diluted                                 77.7p       162.5p 
 6.   Retirement benefit obligation 

With effect from 30 April 2010, the IMC defined benefit pension scheme closed to the future accrual of benefits and all remaining active members became deferred pensioner members. An estimate of the assets and liabilities of the defined benefit scheme was updated to 31 December 2010 by an independent actuary in accordance with IAS 19. The principal assumptions were:

                                         Year to            Year to 
                                     31 December 2010    1 January 2010 
 Rate of increase in salaries                     n/a              3.8% 
 Rate of increase of pensions in 
  payment                                        3.6%              3.6% 
 Discount rate                                   5.4%              5.7% 
 Inflation assumption                            3.6%              3.8% 
 Expected return on plan assets                  6.9%              7.4% 

Year to 31 December 2010 Year to 1 January 2010

                         Scheme        Scheme                    Scheme        Scheme 
                         assets   obligations          Net       assets   obligations          Net 
                        GBP'000       GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000       GBP'000      GBP'000 
 At beginning of 
  the year                6,602       (8,491)      (1,889)        5,704       (6,139)        (435) 
 Current service 
  cost                        -          (31)         (31)            -          (43)         (43) 
  contributions              22             -           22           65             -           65 
  contributions              13          (13)            -           39          (39)            - 
  gains/(losses)            491            37          528          674       (2,150)      (1,476) 
  income/(expense)          480         (478)            2          393         (393)            - 
 Benefits paid            (268)           268            -        (273)           273            - 
                     ----------    ----------   ----------   ----------    ----------   ---------- 
 At end of the 
  year                    7,340       (8,708)      (1,368)        6,602       (8,491)      (1,889) 
        Consolidated cash flow statement: reconciliation of operating 
 7.      profit to net cash inflow from operating activities 
                                                     Year to           Year to 
                                            31 December 2010    1 January 2010 
                                                     GBP'000           GBP'000 
 Operating profit from continuing 
  activities                                           5,603             4,874 
 Operating loss from discontinued 
  activities                                               -             (187) 
 Amortisation of intangible assets                        64                75 
 Depreciation                                            932               950 
 Profit on disposal of tangible 
  fixed assets                                          (50)                 - 
 Share based payments                                    112                86 
 Increase/(decrease) in provisions                        44               (8) 
 (Increase)/decrease in inventories                      (4)               454 
 Increase in trade and other receivables               (657)             (419) 
 Increase in trade and other payables                    178               142 
                                                  ----------        ---------- 
 Cash generated by operations                          6,222             5,967 
 Interest paid                                           (7)             (103) 
 Corporation tax paid                                (1,420)           (1,391) 
                                                  ----------        ---------- 
 Net cash inflow from operating 
  activities                                           4,795             4,473 

8. Basis of preparation

This preliminary report, which has been agreed with the auditors, was approved by the Board on 22 March 2011. The financial information set out above does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of section 435 of the Companies Act 2006.

The statutory accounts for the period ended 1 January 2010, which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies, carry an unqualified report by the auditors and do not contain a statement under Section 498 (2) or section 498 (3) of the Companies Act 2006.

The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2010 will be finalised on the basis of the financial information presented by the directors in this preliminary announcement and will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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