RNS Number:4567D
London Asia Capital PLC
29 September 2004

For release                                                    29 September 2004

                            London Asia Capital plc

Interim Results - Six months to 30 June 2004

London Asia Capital ("London Asia" or the "Company"), the AIM listed merchant
banking group focused on China, announces Interim Results for the six months to
30 June 2004, featuring profits, dividends and near doubled net assets.

London Asia focuses on the key growth sectors of Energy & Environment, IT,
Financial Services and Media.

 Jack Wigglesworth, Chairman, said: "I am delighted to announce a profit and a
 considerable strengthening of London Asia's financial position, as we continue
                   to expand our activities in China."

Financial Highlights
*    Operating profit of #394k (loss #86k, six months to 30 November 2003);
*    Dividend of #530k from Chinese investments;
*    Net assets almost doubled to #8.2m;
*    Cash up from #2.2m to #2.8m;
*    Long term investments up from #3m to #4.9m;
*    Successful fund raisings of over #2.3m;
*    Investments of c. #2m in seven companies in China, Malaysia and Singapore;

Other Highlights
*    Twin strategy in China:
     - Invest in profitable, growth businesses for dividends, management fees 
       and investment realisation
     - Advise Chinese companies, including own investments
*    Increased team and network in China; recent opening of New York office
*    Access to +7,000 businesses in China (via business parks and Chinese
     venture capitalists)
*    Focus outside main cities of Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou to find
     attractively priced investments
*    Chinese Stock Market undergoing reform, making it more accessible and 
     market driven
*    Chinese economy continues to grow strongly

Regarding the Outlook

Mr. Wigglesworth said: "Our key focus at present is on maximising the revenue
opportunities that can be generated from our investments to date and the
infrastructure we have built up within and outside China. We are working closely
with China Financial Services management and advisors to assist in its listing.
 In the second half we will receive management fees from some of the companies
in our portfolio; we have a number of advisory mandates where we are receiving
fees; and we have a number of opportunities in the fund management sector. We
are very excited about the opportunities for the Company."


London Asia Capital plc

Simon Littlewood, Chief Executive                        Tel: 020 7332 2219
Paul McManus, Binns & Co PR Ltd                          Tel: 020 7153 1485
                                                         Mob: 07980 541 893

London Asia Capital plc
Interim Statement for the
six months ended
30th June 2004

Chairman's Statement


I am delighted to announce a profit for the six months to 30th June 2004 and a
considerable strengthening of London Asia's financial position, as we continue
to expand our activities in China.

Highlights include:
  * dividend of #530,000 from one of our Chinese investments;
  * net assets nearly doubled in the period to #8.2 million;
  * cash at bank risen from #2.2 million to #2.8 million;
  * long term investments risen from #3.0 million to #4.8 million.

As an investment company, we show our investments at original cost rather than
actual value, and profits generated by these investments are not consolidated.
We account, however, for dividends received and management fees, which we are
starting to charge.

Financing and investments
During the period we raised over #2.3 million, via a placing in February 2004
and the exercise of 10.1 million warrants attached to shares placed in October
2003.  The remaining 12.9 million warrants expire at the end of October 2004.

The first months of the current financial year were marked by considerable
investment activities extending our holdings in our strategic investment sectors
of Energy & Environment, IT, Financial Services and Media. During the period we
have made the following investments, amounting to approximately #2 million at
*    570,000 in Century Data, a Chinese environmental business which monitors 
     pollution levels in China via China Mobile's GPRS system.  This company
     has expanded considerably from its initial base in Hebei Province since our
     investment, and is now looking to expand its operations across several 
     provinces in China to take advantage of recent legislation passed by the 
     Chinese government to reduce some of the damage caused to the environment 
     by its rapid industrialisation;
*    #269,000 in Tianfeng, a Chinese SMS technology business focusing on the 
     Chinese corporate market.  This company continues to expand its customer
     base and range of services within China, where the mobile is a more common 
     means of communication for business people than the Internet or fixed line 
     phones and faxes;
*    #375,000 in Capitalink, a venture capital group with a number of
     investments in the Chinese power, resource and environmental sectors.  This
     sector is seeing rapid growth as a result of the continuing switch from an
     agricultural to industrial economy in China and increased urbanisation - in 
     July we announced that Asia Water, one of Capitalink's portfolio companies, 
     had won a large long term contract in China.  We are working with 
     Capitalink's existing investments to assist them in restructuring and 
     raising additional finance, which has the potential to generate significant 
     fee income and additional investment opportunities for the Company going 
*    #602,000 in EAsset Management, a Malaysian investment banking boutique with 
     existing funds under management and a corporate finance business focused on
     listing businesses on the Malaysian Stock Market;
*    #70,000 in MyEG, a Malaysian based e-government services business, part of 
     the Governments Multi Media Super Corridor project;
*    #55,000 in a Chinese power saving business, which is currently applying for 
     listing in Singapore;
*    #19,000 to maintain our 30% stake in London Asia Capital Singapore, which 
     carried out a rights issue in the period to provide funds for investment
     in companies looking to IPO in Singapore.

Our aim is to continue to build our portfolio of investments, which puts us in a
strong position to make substantial gains from 2006 onwards when we believe
there will be the opportunity to list some of our investments within China.  The
Chinese Stock Market is undergoing a period of considerable reform to make it
more accessible to non state owned businesses and more market driven.  We
anticipate achieving higher valuations listing our investments in China rather
than elsewhere once this reform process is completed and investors in China and
overseas have confidence in the market.

In addition to the investments made in the period, we held the following
investments at 30th June 2004:

Company                                          Sector         Hold         Invested
China Financial Services             Financial services          48%            2,274
Biaoqi Media Group                                Media          51%              322
TCIB                                 Financial services          25%              107
Idiom Ltd (Puca)                               IT (SMS)          16%              230
Europasia Education plc                       Education           6%              128

China Financial Services (formerly Beijing Success)
Beijing Success, the operating subsidiary, continues to see strong growth, with
unaudited profits after tax for the six months to 30th June 2004 of over #0.6
million, up over 30% on 2003.  The listing procedure is well underway managed by
Mr Peng Mun Foo, recently appointed Finance Director, who is updating the draft
prospectus to incorporate the results to 30th June 2004.  Depending on market
conditions, we anticipate that the listing will be finalised towards the end of
this year or early in 2005, depending on market conditions.

Biaoqi Media Group("Biaoqi")
Biaoqi consists of three investments, two in advertising businesses and one in a
film, TV production and publishing business, Biaoqi Culture.  Biaoqi Oriental
Radio, the radio adverting business acquired in late 2003, continues to do well.
Biaoqi Culture is currently working on a large project for Chinese TV, the
profits from which will feed through in the second half of the year when the
program is completed.

TCIB provides corporate finance advice to companies within China, with a focus
on advising businesses on listing in the UK and Singapore. TCIB has to date
signed up three clients seeking to go to IPO, and has a number of other
potential clients where TCIB is finalising the terms of their appointment with a
view to listing them next year.

Irish based business which provides SMS marketing packages and solutions to
corporate and governmental clients such as Vodafone, Guinness, Coke, Irish
Television, Nestle, Mars.  Puca is currently seeking to tie up with partners
across Europe and Asia to leverage its expertise and client contacts.

Europasia Education ("EPE")
AIM listed EPE successfully completed a private placement in June, in which
London Asia participated, the proceeds of which went to acquire a profitable
English language school based in Bournemouth, UK.  London Asia is assisting EPE
in identifying suitable acquisitions in China.

China Strategy
We have a twin strategy in China:
*    Invest in profitable, growth businesses from which we can take dividends, 
     management fees and ultimately realise our investment via sale or
*    Advise Chinese companies, including our own investments, on raising funds 
     or listing outside China, or selling themselves to overseas investors.

We have built up a team and network of offices in China to give us access to
investment opportunities and enable us to be near the companies we invest in and
advise.  During the period we have increased the number of staff we employ both
within China, and in our Singapore and London offices, which are responsible for
managing the exit from our investments and assisting companies go to IPO.  We
recently opened an office in New York, headed by an experienced Wall Street
investment banker, to enable us to tap into the largest financial market in the

In addition to our own team, we have extended our existing relationships and
coverage in China through alliances with Chinese Government economic zones and
business parks, and Chinese venture capitalists.  This gives us access to over
7,000 businesses in China.

There have been various concerns expressed about the overheating of the Chinese
economy and the Chinese Government's attempts to slow the growth in the economy.
We focus on the following industry sectors, which we believe are less affected
by the Government's measures and continue to see strong growth due to the
opening up of the Chinese economy to private enterprise and the rise of consumer
demand within China:

*    Media, IT and telecom - China is the largest mobile market in the world by 
     user numbers, and the media sector is developing rapidly as Western brands 
     attempt to tap into the Chinese consumer market
*    Financial services - the financial services market in China is relatively 
     undeveloped, and still subject to legal constraints and restrictions on non 
     Chinese businesses taking majority holdings.  As part of China's 
     commitments to the World Trade Organisation, many of these restrictions on 
     non Chinese businesses becoming involved in China's financial services 
     industry are being relaxed.  London Asia is currently looking at a number 
     of opportunities in the financial services sector in China, in particular 
     the possibility of investing in a fund management business to tap into the 
     high savings rates within China
*    Environment, energy, water and waste - China's rapid growth over the last 
     25 years has created large power shortages and substantial damage to the
     environment.  China is the second largest user of oil after the USA, and 
     there are a number of power projects under construction.  To counteract the 
     damage caused by rapid industrialisation, the Chinese Government has passed 
     a number of laws to try to prevent further damage to the environment and 
     improve air and water quality, and develop renewable energy resources.

We are increasingly focusing on areas outside the main cities of Shanghai,
Beijing, and Guangzhou, in line with the Chinese government's policy of
spreading investment away from the more developed coastal cities to inland
cities.  This enables us to continue to find attractively priced good quality
investment opportunities and avoid the overheating in some sectors of the
Chinese economy.

China's Economy
China's economy continues to grow strongly, and foreign investment into China
continues to increase, with China overtaking the USA in 2003 to become the
largest recipient of foreign direct investment according to figures released by
the UN and OECD, with Foreign Direct Investment into China up 19% in the first
eight months of 2004 to US$44 billion, with contracted investment up 39% to
US$93 billion for the same period, and 28,748 new foreign invested ventures
approved by the Chinese Ministry of Commerce.

IMF figures show China's GDP per head in 2003 exceeded US$1,000 for the first
time - placing it only 110th out of 179 countries for GDP per capita, showing
the huge growth that is still required in China to bring it up to comparable
levels of wealth with the West.

China resisted pressure to revalue its currency upwards and has maintained the
link to the US Dollar, which with sterling's continued strength against the
dollar means the exchange rate remains favourable for UK based investors in
China.  Any upwards revaluation of the Chinese currency would mean an increase
in the value of our investments in Sterling.

Our key focus at present is on maximising the revenue opportunities that can be
generated from our investments to date and the infrastructure we have built up
within and outside China.
*    We have our first dividend from our portfolio companies, and in the second 
     half of the year we will receive management fees from some of the companies 
     in our portfolio.
*    We have a number of advisory mandates where we are receiving fees for
     assisting businesses in raising finance or going to IPO.  This is a side of 
     the business we intend to continue to expand, as it generates cash and 
     profits without significant additional investment.
*    We have a number of opportunities in the fund management sector.  We see 
     considerably more opportunities to invest in China than we are able to fund
     from our own resources.  Managing a fund will enable us to fund those 
     deals, generating additional fee income and opportunities for capital 

We are very excited about the opportunities for the company.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff for their hard work
and our shareholders for their continued support of the company.

Jack Wigglesworth
29th September 2004

London Asia Capital plc
Unaudited profit and loss account
For the six months ended 30 June 2004
                                                   Six months ended        Six months ended        Period ended
                                                            30 June        30 November 2003    31 December 2003
                                                               2004             (Unaudited)           (Audited)
                                                        (Unaudited)                   #'000               #'000

Operating profit/(loss)                                         394                    (86)               (131)
Net interest payable                                             24                    (27)                (29)
Retained profit(loss) for the financial                         418                   (113)               (160)
Basic earnings/(loss) per ordinary share                      0.59p                 (0.41p)             (0.50p)
Diluted earnings/(loss) per ordinary share                    0.44p                 (0.41p)             (0.50p)

All amounts are derived from continuing operations.
There were no recognised gains or losses not dealt through the profit and loss

London Asia Capital plc
Unaudited Balance Sheet
As at 30 June 2004
                                                        30 June      30 November 2003           31 December
                                                           2004                                        2003
                                                    (Unaudited)           (Unaudited)             (Audited)
                                               #'000      #'000      #'000      #'000      #'000      #'000
Fixed assets
Tangible assets                                               6                     2                     3
Investments                                               4,924                 2,959                 2,974

Current assets
Debtors                                          733                   104                    77
Investments                                      246                   138                   138
Cash at bank and in hand                       2,786                 2,278                 2,234
                                               3,765                 2,520                 2,449

Creditors: amounts falling due within one       (43)               (2,183)                 (783)
Net current assets                                        3,722                   337                 1,666
Total assets less current liabilities                     8,652                 3,298                 4,643

Creditors: amounts falling due after more                 (474)                 (447)                 (459)
than one year

Total assets less liabilities                             8,178                 2,851                 4,184

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                                   4,057                 2,337                 2,736
Share premium account                                    10,070                 6,834                 7,815
Profit and loss account                                 (5,949)               (6,320)               (6,367)

Equity shareholders' funds                                8,178                 2,851                 4,184

London Asia Capital plc
Unaudited cash flow statement
For the six months ended 30 June 2004
                                                   Six months ended     Six months ended         Period ended
                                                            30 June     30 November 2003     31 December 2003
                                                        (Unaudited)          (Unaudited)            (Audited)
                                                  #'000       #'000      #'000     #'000     #'000      #'000

Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating                      (992)                1,954                  538

Returns on investment
Net interest paid                                    24                   (27)                (29)
Net cash outflow from returns on                                 24                 (27)                 (29)

Capital expenditure
Payment to acquire tangible assets                  (3)                    (2)                 (4)
Purchase of investments                           (466)                      -                (10)
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from capital                        (469)                  (2)                 (14)

Acquisitions and disposals
Payment to acquire subsidiary                                 (314)              (2,175)                (789)
undertakings and investment in associates
Net cash outflow before management of                       (1,751)                (250)                (294)
liquid resources and financing

Management of liquid resources
Current asset investments                         (108)                    156                 156
Bank deposits                                         -                (1,000)                   -
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from management                     (108)                (844)                  156
of liquid resources

Proceeds from issue of shares                     2,406                  2,293               2,282
Net proceeds from convertible loan stock              5                    211                 222
Repayment of bank loan                                -                  (230)               (230)
Net cash inflow from financing                                2,411                2,274                2,274
Increase/(decrease) in cash                                     552                1,180                2,136

Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds
                                                            30 June     30 November 2003    31 December 2003
                                                        (Unaudited)          (Unaudited)           (Audited)
                                                              #'000                #'000               #'000

Profit/(loss) for the period                                    418                (113)               (160)
Issue of ordinary share capital                               3,576                2,296               3,676
Net addition to shareholders' funds                           3,994                2,183               3,516
Opening shareholders' funds                                   4,184                  668                 668
Closing shareholders' funds                                   8,178                2,851               4,184

London Asia Capital plc
Notes to the interim results

1.   Basis of preparation
     The results for the six months ended 30 June 2004 are unaudited and have
     not been reviewed by the Auditors. They have been prepared on accounting 
     bases and policies that are consistent with those used in the preparation 
     of the financial statements of the company for the period ended 31 December 

     The financial statements contained in this report do not constitute
     statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 
     1985. The results for the period ended 31 December 2003 were reported on by 
     the auditors and received an unqualified audit report. Full accounts for 
     the period ended 31 December 2003 have been delivered to the Registrar of 

2.   Significant accounting policies
     Fixed asset investments
     Fixed asset investments are stated at cost less provision for diminution
     in value.

     Current asset investments
     Current asset investments comprise marketable and quoted investments held 
     for resale and are stated at lower of cost and net realisable value.

     Group accounts
     The financial statements present information about the company as an 
     individual undertaking and not about its group. The company has taken 
     advantage of the exemptions provided by section 229(3) of the Companies Act 
     1985 not to prepare group accounts on the basis that severe long term 
     restrictions are in place which hinder the exercise of the company's rights 
     over the assets and management of its subsidiary undertakings that, in the 
     case of certain of the subsidiary undertakings, these companies are not 
     material to the company's financial statements. Furthermore, due to 
     restrictions faced by the company in relation to its subsidiary 
     undertakings, income derived from these investments is accounted for on a 
     received basis.

     Associated undertakings and participating interests
     The company has not treated certain investments in which it holds more than 
     20% of the shares as associated undertakings as the directors consider that 
     the company does not have the required significant influence over the 
     operations of these undertakings.

3.   Earnings per share
     The calculation of the basic earnings per share is based on the profit 
     after tax of #418,000 on 70,901,779 ordinary shares being the weighted 
     average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period. The 
     convertible loan stock, options and warrants were anti-dilutive in respect 
     of the period.

     The calculation of diluted earnings per share is based on basic earnings 
     per share adjusted to allow for the issue of ordinary shares on the assumed
     conversion of all options, warrants and convertible debt resulting in
     101,773,426 ordinary shares.

4.   Dividend
     The directors do not recommend the payment of an interim dividend.

5.   Taxation
     No taxation is expected to arise due to tax losses brought forward.

6.   Interim Results
     Copies of the Interim Results are available on the company's web site,
     www.londonasia.com, or from the Company's registered office, 11 Central 
     House, High Street, Ongar, Essex, CM5 9AA.  Send an email to 
     accounts@londonasia.com if you would like a copy of the accounts posted to 

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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