RNS Number : 8712A

LED International Holdings Ltd

30 December 2014

LED International Holdings Limited

("LED" or the "Company")

Final Results for the year ended 30 June 2014

The board of directors of LED is pleased to present the Company's annual report and audited financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2014 (the "Accounts").

The Accounts are currently being sent to shareholders and will shortly be available for download from the Company's website, www.led-intl.com, in accordance with AIM Rule 20.


For further information:

 LED International Holdings Limited 
 Stephen Chan - Chief Executive Officer    +852 2243 3100 
 Allenby Capital Limited 
                                           +44 (0) 20 3328 
 Nick Naylor / Alex Price                   5656 

Notes to Editors:

LED International Holdings Limited and its subsidiaries specialize in the provision of EMC contracts under which the Group installs energy saving products in its customers' premises, including lighting and reactance filtering equipment supplied by the Group, and the subsequent savings made by the customers in their electricity charges are then shared between the Group and the customers thereby enabling the Group to generate recurring revenue rather than one-off sales revenue. Historically, the Group's business has been the development, manufacture and sale of low-powered light-emitting diode ("LED") display screens and modules.

Under EMC contracts, the Group provides energy efficiency solutions, including LED lighting, reactance filtering energy saving and other energy efficiency solutions. Specifically, the Group overhauls its customers' existing lighting and power consumption systems (which are based on traditional lighting technology and power generation equipment) with proprietary LED lighting products, reactance filtering equipment and other solutions provided by the Group. These energy efficiency products are installed in customers' premises. The Group bears all the upfront costs associated with the supply and installation of the energy efficiency solutions and these costs are then recouped by sharing in the monthly energy savings generated by the customers' use of the energy efficiency solutions over the period of the contracts. The Group receives revenue from customers on several different payment terms including on a pre-payment, monthly or quarterly basis.

For more information, please visit: http://www.led-intl.com


                                             2014         2013 
                                           HK$'000      HK$'000 
 LED element products 
 Revenue                                     21,903         22,184 
 Gross profit                                   676            359 
 Gross profit margin                           3.1%           1.6% 
 EMC contracts 
 Revenue                                         33             39 
 Gross profit                                    33             21 
 Gross profit margin                           100%          53.8% 
 Loss before income tax                    (21,238)       (19,205) 
 Income tax                                       -              - 
 Loss for the year                         (21,238)       (19,205) 
 Other comprehensive income                     264          (570) 
 Total comprehensive loss for 
  the year                                 (20,974)       (19,775) 
 Loss for the year attributable 
 Owners of the Company                     (13,733)       (12,864) 
 Non-controlling interests                  (7,505)        (6,341) 
 Loss for the year                         (21,238)       (19,205) 
 Total comprehensive loss attributable 
 Owners of the Company                     (13,606)       (13,544) 
 Non-controlling interests                  (7,368)        (6,231) 
 Total comprehensive loss for 
  the year                                 (20,974)       (19,775) 
 Losses per share for loss 
  attributable to the owners                            (Restated) 
  of the Company 
   Basic and diluted (HK$ per 
    share)                                   (2.73)         (3.10) 
========================================  =========  ============= 


LED International Holdings Limited (AIM: LED) (the "Company") and its subsidiaries (together the "Group") specialise in the provision of energy management contract services ("EMC contracts") or energy performance contracting services under which the Group installs energy saving products in its customers' premises, including lighting and reactance filtering equipment supplied by the Group, and the subsequent savings made by customers in their electricity charges are then shared between the Group and the customers thereby enabling the Group to generate recurring revenue rather than one-off sales revenue. Historically, the Group's business has been the development, manufacture and sale of low-powered light-emitting diode ("LED") display screens and modules. Over the past years, the Group has transformed its business to the provision of EMC contracts in the People's Republic of China (the "PRC"). The Board of Directors (the "Board") is pleased to report on the final results of the Group for the year ended 30 June 2014.


The shareholders should note that BDO Limited, our independent auditor, has issued a disclaimer of opinion on the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2014. Further details of the basis of the disclaimer of opinion and disclaimer of opinion are contained on the Independent Auditor's Report on pages 27 to 33 of the Accounts.

Without further modifying their opinion, our independent auditor also draws attention to note 38(b) to the Accounts, which describes a contingency relating to the Company in relation to the fire at the Harbour Grand Hotel, North Point, Hong Kong, further details of which were announced on 23 April 2012. Further background on this issue is contained in the Operating Review section below.


According to its 12(th) Five-Year Plan (the "Five-Year Plan"), China plans to lower its energy consumption by 16 per cent. and cut its carbon dioxide emission by 17 per cent. by 2015. Against the background of the Chinese government's introduction of a series of policies and regulations designed to promote, encourage and regulate energy conservation within the PRC, the Chinese government will continue to build its economic growth on energy sustainability and ecological conservation. This signifies energy savings and conservation, promising opportunities in the energy management market and the Group aims to become one of the leading energy and green management service providers in the PRC.


During the financial year under review, the global economy continued to struggle in an uphill battle against the lingering effects of an unenthusiastic investment and consumption environment following the economic recession over the last few years in Europe and the USA. At the same time, China's economic growth was gradually slowing as the structural transformation of the economy continued during the financial year. This resulted in continued difficult trading conditions for the Group and, domestically, our operation was also burdened by rising inflation, appreciating Renminbi ("RMB") and slowing economic growth for the first half of the financial year, but the impacts of these factors were reversed at the second half of the financial year, within the PRC. These factors impacted on the Group's gross margin and resulted in an operating loss for the financial year ended 30 June 2014.

Over the past few years, the Group has provided EMC services in the PRC. The Group's EMC company ("EMCO") has been operated through Shenzhen Green Pearl Energy Management Services Company Limited ("GPEMCO"), a company with a valid and effective EMCO registration with the National Development and Reform Commission. Operating through GPEMCO enables the Group to take advantage of certain favorable policies and terms for the EMC industry within the PRC. In previous periods, the Group secured a number of contracts to support the Group's strategy and mark the commencement of the successful implementation of its energy efficiency solutions under the EMC business model. Post year-end on 5 December 2014, GPEMCO was awarded a EMC contract by Tianjin Tian Gang United Special Steels Company Limited, a subsidiary of Tianjin Iron & Steel Group Company Limited, based in Tianjin, the PRC, for a contract amount of RMB1,830,000 (approximately GBP189,095) over a six-year period. Further contracts continue to be negotiated, details of which will be announced as appropriate.

In response to the above, the Board is continuing to gradually drive the Group to secure meaningful revenues from the growing domestic PRC EMC market, as well as implementing measures to reduce the Group's overhead expenditure and assessing the future of its manufacturing operations. The Board remains convinced that the Group's overall operations remain sound.

On 25 September 2013 the Company received a letter from an adjudicator alleging that its principal and its principal's insured have suffered substantial losses in the form of property damage, consequential loss and public liability (the "Potential Claim") from a fire at Harbour Grand Hotel (the "Hotel"), North Point, Hong Kong, that may have started at the giant LED display screen supplied by the Company, further details of which were announced on 23 April 2012. The Company's legal advisor has made repeated requests to the adjudicator to disclose any reports compiled by the Hotel and/or government investigator but, to date, the adjudicator has failed to respond to these requests or communicated with the Company. Further, to date, the Company has not received any communications from the investigator in relation to this fire.

In the absence of any response from the adjudicator since late 2013, the Board considers that the Potential Claim is without legal basis or merit and intends to defend any attempts by the adjudicator to seek recourse for the fire from the Company. Further updates will be made at the appropriate time.


Revenue and loss attributable to shareholders of the Company for the financial year ended 30 June 2014 amounted to HK$21,936,000 (approximately GBP1,729,000) (2013: HK$22,223,000) and HK$13,733,000 (approximately GBP1,082,000) (2013: HK$12,864,000) respectively. During the financial year ended 30 June 2014, the Group recorded a slight decrease in operating revenue by HK$287,000 (approximately GBP23,000) over 2013. The decrease in operating revenue was brought about mainly by the slowing growth in the domestic market in the PRC. Furthermore, the Group generated a gross profit in the amount of HK$709,000 (approximately GBP56,000) for the financial year.

Operating revenue for the financial year ended 30 June 2014 generated from LED element products mainly supplied to major home appliance manufacturers in the PRC, decreased by HK$281,000 (approximately GBP22,000) from the same period in 2013. The Group strengthened its product quality controls and customer relationships with existing major customers and attempted to diversify these sources of revenue and customers during the financial year. The Group's operating revenue from EMC contracts decreased by HK$6,000 (approximately GBP500) over 2013.

An operating gross profit for LED element products of approximately 3.1 per cent., excluding impairment losses for inventories totaling HK$3,184,000 (approximately GBP251,000) (2013: HK$1,363,000) contained under other operating expenses, was attained during the financial year, 1.5 per cent. higher than 2013. The operating gross margin of EMC contracts was approximately 100 per cent. (2013: 53.8 per cent.) for the year ended 30 June 2014.

During the financial year under review, the Group's major operating expenses, comprising administrative expenses, other operating expenses and finance costs, were HK14,512,000(approximately GBP1,144,000), HK$4,868,000(approximately GBP384,000) and HK$3,595,000(approximately GBP283,000) respectively (2013: HK$15,113,000, HK$2,512,000 and HK$2,099,000 respectively). Such expenses mainly comprised (i) employee benefits expense in the sum of HK$11,392,000(approximately GBP898,000) (2013: HK$6,793,000); (ii) depreciation in the sum of HK$284,000 (approximately GBP22,000) (2013: HK$1,285,000); (iii) operating lease rental in the sum of HK$3,134,000(approximately GBP247,000) (2013: HK$919,000); (iv) cost of defective inventories in the sum of HK$1,796,000(approximately GBP142,000) (2013: HK$649,000) and (v) impairment losses in the sum of HK$2,346,000(approximately GBP185,000) (2013: HK$918,000).

The aggregate amount of approximately HK$8,713,000 (approximately GBP687,000) (2013: HK$7,815,000) relating to the employee benefits expense, depreciation and operating lease rental were included in cost of sales for the financial year.

The Group continued to strengthen its controls on continuing operating expenditures during the financial year.


As announced on 31 March 2014 (the "March Announcement"), the Company agreed to allot 3,536,606 ordinary shares in the Company (the "Ordinary Shares") at a price per Ordinary Share of HK$2.50 (approximately 19.37 pence) in settlement and/or in reduction of its liability in the outstanding loans, service fees and salaries owed to various directors, employees and other creditors.

In the event, as further announced post-year end on 30 September 2014, the arrangements outlined in the March Announcement did not take place since, as specified in the March Announcement, these were conditional on the calling of an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company which was not subsequently called.

The Company has subsequently agreed revised arrangements in settlement and/or in reduction of its certain liabilities in the outstanding sums owed to various creditors and has resolved to allot a total of 532,875 ordinary shares at a price per ordinary share of HK$6.496 (approximately 51.00 pence) (the "Settlement"). An aggregate amount of HK$3,461,499 (approximately GBP274,940) is treated as paid to the various creditors under the Settlement.


   1.     Provision and conversion of working capital loan and placing of new ordinary shares 

As announced on 16 December 2013, the Company had entered into a working capital loan in the sum of RMB6,000,000 (approximately HK$7,720,000 or GBP600,000) provided by Rubyfield Holdings Limited and Speedy Dragon Holdings Limited (collectively, the "Subscribers") in equal tranches (the "Loan"). The Loan, which was unsecured, was interest free and was repayable on demand. It was also announced that it is the intention of the parties that the Loan would be converted on the issue of any equity raised as part of the fundraising process.

As further announced on 30 December 2013, the Company completed a conditional placing of new ordinary shares with the Subscribers, raising RMB31 million (approximately HK$39.89 million or GBP3.09 million) (including fees and expenses) (the "Placing"). The RMB31 million (approximately HK$39.89 million or GBP3.09 million) would be satisfied as to the first RMB25 million (approximately HK$32.17 million or GBP2.50 million) by way of new funds and, as to the balance, by the application of the current outstanding balance of the Loan (currently RMB6.0 million, approximately HK$7,720,000 or GBP600,000) (the "Conversion"). The net proceeds of the Placing would be used by the Company for general working capital purposes and to provide the necessary capital contribution to Green Pearl Leasing (China) Company Limited ("GP Leasing Co"), the Company's new lease finance company.

The Placing was conditional upon, inter alia, the: (i) consolidation of every 100 existing authorised issued and unissued ordinary shares of HK$0.10 each in the capital of the Company into 1 new ordinary share of HK$10.00 each in the capital of the Company ("New Ordinary Share") (the "Share Consolidation"); (ii) passing of resolutions to give the Directors the authority to issue shares pursuant to the Placing and Conversion free of any rights of pre-emption at the 2013 Annual General Meeting of the Company, which was held on 26 February 2014 (the "2013 AGM"); and (iii) the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission ruling that The Codes on Takeovers and Mergers and Share Repurchases did not apply to the Company.

On 26 February 2014, the consolidation of every 100 existing authorised issued and unissued ordinary shares of HK$0.10 each in the capital of the Company into 1 new ordinary share of HK$10.00 each in the capital of the Company was approved at the 2013 AGM of the Company. Pursuant to the Placing, the Subscribers were to subscribe for 3,875,000 new ordinary shares (the "Placing Shares") at a price of HK$10.29 (being approximately 79.96 pence) per Placing Share (the "Placing Price"). The Conversion was also to take place at the Placing Price.

As announced on 11 July 2014, the Company and the Subscribers reached a supplementary agreement in relation to the placing of the Placing Shares and the conversion of the Loan under the terms of which payment of the Subscription Funds to the Company had been made in full and final settlement of all of the Subscribers' legal obligations under the Placing. The Placing Shares were issued at a price of 75 pence per share representing a premium of 780 per cent. to the closing mid-price on 10 July 2014 and the Company, via its indirect subsidiary, Shenzhen Green Pearl Energy Management Services Company Limited, received the subscription funds of RMB25,000,000 (approximately HK$32.17 million or GBP2.35 million) (the "Subscription Funds") from the Subscribers at that time. The Company will utilise the proceeds of the Subscription Funds for general working capital purposes.

   2.     Issue of convertible loan notes and placing of new ordinary shares 

As announced on 31 March 2014, the Company entered into agreements with Best Merchant Ventures Limited (the "Noteholder"), Legend Giant Ventures Limited ("LGV"), Talent Plus Ventures Limited ("TPV") and Y&C International Holding Group Limited ("Y&C") (collectively, the "Investors") for the issue of convertible loan notes and the conditional placing of new ordinary shares, raising a total sum of RMB100 million (approximately HK$128.68 million or GBP9.68 million) (the "Transaction").

Pursuant to the terms of the Transaction, the Company's new wholly-owned subsidiary, Osmar Limited ("Osmar") would issue convertible loan notes to the Noteholder (the "Loan Notes"), raising RMB95,000,000 (approximately HK$122.25 million or GBP9.20 million) (the "Osmar Loan"). The net proceeds of the Osmar Loan would be used by the Company to provide the necessary capital contribution to GP Leasing Co and also for general working capital purposes. The Company would also carry out a restructuring exercise whereby the beneficial interest in GP Leasing Co shall be transferred to Osmar.

Pursuant to the terms of the Transaction, the Company had also conditionally placed 2,500,000 shares with LGV, TPV and Y&C at a placing price of RMB2 per share (approximately 19.37 pence) raising RMB5,000,000 (approximately GBP484,000) (the "Subscription Funds"). The Subscription Funds would be used to assist in continued development of the Company's EMC business model and to augment the Company's working capital position.

However, as further announced on 16 May 2014, the Company did not receive any of the funds from the Noteholder and the Investors in relation to the Transaction. Due to the non-receipt of the funds from the Noteholder and the Investors, the Transaction did not, in the event, proceed.

Post year-end on 22 December 2014, the Company disposed off its entire interest in Osmar at net book value to a connected party, in which a director, Mr. Stephen Chan has an interest.

   3.     Renewal of loan facility with Ping An Bank Company, Limited 

As announced on 10 March 2014, Ping An Bank Company, Limited granted a new loan facility of RMB2,800,000 (approximately HK$3,600,000 or GBP280,000) (the "New Loan") to the Company's 60 per cent. owned subsidiary, Kepu Electronic Technology (Shenzhen) Company, Limited ("Kepu"). The New Loan was granted on mostly identical terms to the original loan granted on 15 January 2013 (the "Original Loan"), and has been used to augment Kepu's working capital position and facilitate its organic growth plans. The Original Loan was repaid in full by Kepu in accordance with its terms.

The New Loan expires twelve months from drawdown and attracts interest at a 40 per cent. increase to the prevailing lending rate per annum determined by the People's Bank of China (currently 6 per cent. per annum) which is currently 8.4 per cent. per annum. Kepu is required to repay the New Loan by monthly instalments of RMB80,000 (approximately HK$102,000 or GBP8,000) commencing one month from drawdown with the remaining balance (plus accrued interest) payable at the end of the New Loan facility. The New Loan is secured by a first charge over Rooms 1013-15, Shen Hua Commercial Building, 2018 Jia Bin Road, Luo Wu, Shenzhen, the PRC, a property owned by a third party, together with personal guarantees given by Mr. Fu Wei, the general manager and legal representative of Kepu, and his wife, Ms. Huang Yu Feng.


On 15 November 2013, Mr. Harby Janagol resigned as a Non-Executive Director with immediate effect.

Post year-end on 30 August 2014, Mr. Kevin Miu resigned as a Non-Executive Director with effect from 30 November 2014.


The Directors do not recommend the payment of any dividend for the year and the Board is committed to an ongoing review of the Company's dividend policy.


EMC business

The Group is focused on the domestic PRC economy and adopts a conservative but proactive approach towards entering into the growing EMC market under the brand name "Green Pearl". In order to focus primarily on its EMC business model, the Company disposed its remaining effective equity interest (60 per cent.) in LED International (Far East) Limited, the immediate holding company of Kepu and the Group's different business model of development, manufacture and sale of LED element products,to Mr. Fu Wei post year-end on 17 December 2014.

Notwithstanding the recent slowdown in China's GDP growth, the Board believes that the Chinese government will implement fiscal and monetary policies to stimulate steady economic growth in the PRC.

The energy saving and environmental protection industry ranks top among the seven strategic emerging industries outlined in the Five-Year Plan. Following the gradual import and sale of incandescent lamps complemented by fiscal subsidies, this presents a tremendous market opportunity for green lighting. In view of rising national power consumption, the Board believes that measures that the Chinese government has taken to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions will lead to increasing opportunities for energy saving and carbon reduction products, services and solutions within the PRC.

In addition to the supply of LED lighting and reactance filtering equipment to the domestic PRC market, the Group has also been considering the introduction of other carbon reduction solutions to offer a total carbon reduction solution to the PRC. Post-year end on 22 December 2014, the Company entered into a conditional agreement subject to shareholder approval to acquire a distribution network in the PRC. The Board envisages that the acquisition will enable the Group to take advantage of the operating cash flows, market its "Green Pearl" green products and give the Group immediate access to this distribution network through which the Group will be able to promote its EMC business in the PRC.

The Group is exploring the possible export of its energy saving and carbon reduction products, services and solutions, mainly solar lighting products and solutions, to the emerging markets in the Atlantic and Pacific regions, where potential demand for solar related products and services is prominent.

The Board remains cautiously optimistic and confident in the Group's business, market and products as well as its long-term growth potential in the PRC. Furthermore, the Board considers that the overall operations of the Group remain sound and that the transformation of the Group into an energy management service provider in the PRC is the correct strategy.

Green Pearl Leasing (China) Company Limited

As announced previously the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce granted the Group a highly sought after leasing finance license to enable the Company to provide lease financing to customers. The Company formed a new wholly owned direct subsidiary, Green Pearl Leasing (China) Company Limited ("GP Leasing Co"), in order to carry on this business.

GP Leasing Co was formed as the Board believes that the Group's EMC business model will be financed substantially by debt capital finance, mainly bank finance for the Group or equipment leasing finance for its customers. The Board believes that equipment leasing finance will become one of the major sources of finance for EMC contracts in the foreseeable future.

As announced on 5 December 2014, the Company made the required capital contribution to GP Leasing Co in an amount of USD2,691,900 (approximately RMB16,535,000, HK$20,996,000 or GBP1,700,000) (the "Contribution"). An independent certified public accounting firm in China confirmed that the Company had made the Contribution as required.

In order to focus on its EMC business model, the Company has been considering forming joint ventures in order to develop this aspect of the business further and identify how the Company can leverage knowledge, experience and contacts.


Finally, on behalf of the Board, I would like to thank all of our management team and staff members for their valuable contribution and dedication to the Group. I would also like to thank Mr. Miu for his invaluable contribution to the Group during his tenure. I also express my gratitude to our customers, suppliers and government authorities for their continuous support.

Stephen Weatherseed

Non-Executive Director and Chairman

Hong Kong, 29 December 2014



(incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability)

Report on the financial statements

We were engaged to audit the consolidated financial statements of LED International Holdings Limited (the "Company") and its subsidiaries (together the "Group") set out on pages 34 to 96 of the Accounts, which comprise the consolidated and the company statements of financial position as at 30 June 2014, and the consolidated statement of comprehensive income, the consolidated statement of changes in equity and the consolidated statement of cash flows for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information.

Directors' responsibility for the consolidated financial statements

The directors are responsible for the preparation of consolidated financial statements that give a true and fair view in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards and the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance, Cap.32 by operation of the transitional and saving provisions in Schedule 11 to the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance, Cap.622, and for such internal control as the directors determine is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

Auditor's responsibility

Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Accounts based on our audit. This report is made solely to you, as a body, in accordance with Section 141 of the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance, Cap.32 by operation of the transitional and saving provisions set out in section 80 of Schedule 11 to the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance, Cap.622, and for no other purpose. We do not assume responsibility towards or accept liability to any other person for the contents of this report.

Except for the inability to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence as explained below, we conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. Because of the matters described in the Basis for Disclaimer of Opinion paragraphs, however, we were not able to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence to provide a basis for an audit opinion.

Basis for Disclaimer of Opinion

1. Disposal of subsidiaries, Yanford Limited and Shenzhen Strongbase New Opto-Electronics Technology Company Limited ("Strongbase New") (together referred to as "Yanford Group")

On 14 November 2011, the Group completed the acquisition of the entire equity interests in Strongbase New. On 21 March 2013, the Group completed the disposal of the entire equity interests in Yanford Limited and its subsidiary, Strongbase New (the "Yanford Group") with certain energy management business ("EMC business") related assets and liabilities being retained by the Group ("EMC Assets and Liabilities"), as set out in note 34(b) to the Accounts.

Included in the Company's consolidated statement of comprehensive income for the year ended 30 June 2013 was Yanford Group's loss for the year up to the date of disposal of approximately HK$1,449,000, represented by revenue of approximately HK$39,000, cost of sales of approximately HK$18,000, other income of approximately HK$282,000, distribution of costs of approximately HK$113,000, administrative expenses of approximately HK$1,339,000 and other operating expenses of approximately HK$300,000 ("Disposal Group Results"). As at 30 June 2013 and 2014, the EMC Assets and Liabilities included in the consolidated statement of financial position of the Group are property, plant and equipment of approximately HK$39,000, inventories of approximately HK$2,468,000, trade and other receivables of approximately HK$3,967,000, cash and bank balances of approximately HK$15,000 and trade and other payables of approximately HK$5,306 ("EMC Balances"). There was no movement in the EMC Balances per the Group's accounting records during the year ended 30 June 2014.

As Yanford Group was disposed of last year, in the course of our audit of the financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2013, the Group's management had no access to the accounting records subsequent to the disposal and the Group's management was unable to allow us access to the books and records of the Yanford Group without the consent and cooperation from the new owner of Yanford Group, which the new owner of Yanford Group had no obligation to provide and in fact did not provide. These accounting records included those relating to the EMC Assets and Liabilities. As such the Group's management had not been able to provide us with all the underlying supporting information and documentary evidence which we considered necessary for our audit purpose in relation to the items making up the assets and liabilities of the Yanford Group at the date of disposal, the Disposal Group Results and the EMC Balances as at 30 June 2013.

   (a)    Disposal Group Results and distribution to a shareholder on disposal of Yanford Group 

As disclosed in note 34(b) to the Accounts, the disposal of the Yanford Group was to a shareholder of the Company. The difference between the disposal consideration and the carrying amount of Yanford Group's net assets at the date of disposal of approximately HK$5,063,000 was regarded as a distribution to a shareholder and included in the consolidated statement of change in equity of the Group for the year ended 30 June 2013 accordingly.

As explained in the paragraphs above, the Group's management had no access to the accounting records subsequent to the disposal. As such the Group's management had not been able to provide us with all the underlying supporting information and documentary evidence which we considered necessary for our audit purpose in relation to the disposal of the Yanford Group up to the date of disposal. Accordingly, we are unable to satisfy ourselves as to whether the Disposal Group Results and the amount of distribution to a shareholder on disposal of Yanford Group has been arrived at properly. Together with other matters we disclaimed our opinion on the Company's consolidated financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2013. Such limitations remained unresolved in our audit of the Company's consolidated financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2014.

   (b)   EMC Assetsand Liabilities and profit or loss 

As mentioned above, notwithstanding the disposal of the Yanford Group on 21 March 2013, the Group retained EMC Assets and Liabilities. Due to the limitations on our scope of audit of the financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2013, together with other matters we disclaimed our opinion on the consolidated financial statements.

These limitations were unresolved in the current year. In addition, the Group's management was unable to provide us with information and evidence relating to the EMC Balances as at 30 June 2014 and the EMC activities during the financial year then ended as we considered necessary for the purpose of our audit of the consolidated financial statements. There were no other satisfactory audit procedures that we could adopt in order to satisfy ourselves as to the EMC Balances as at 30 June 2014 and the performance of EMC business for the year then ended. Any adjustment considered necessary to the EMC Balances as at 30 June 2014 and to the performance of EMC business for the year then ended would have a consequential effect on the Group's consolidated statement of financial position as at 30 June 2014 and its results for the year then ended.

   2.        Deconsolidation of a subsidiary 

As explained in note 3(c) to the Accounts, the directors of the Company considered that the Group's control over Shenzhen China-LED Photo-Technology Limited ("Shenzhen LED") had been lost and therefore, the Company had deconsolidated Shenzhen LED as from 17 April 2010, prior to our appointment as auditor. Same as last year, during the course of our audit, we were unable to obtain satisfactory documentary evidence from the Group's management regarding the loss of control. The Group's management represented to us that they no longer had possession of the accounting and other records of Shenzhen LED and had lost contact with the then management of Shenzhen LED which might have provided the necessary alternative evidence. Other than the representation, the Group's management have not provided to us other evidence regarding their loss of control. There were no other satisfactory audit procedures that we could adopt to satisfy ourselves that the control of Shenzhen LED has been lost and therefore, with regard to the deconsolidation of Shenzhen LED, we were unable to determine whether any adjustment might be necessary to consolidate Shenzhen LED as part of the Group as if no deconsolidation had happened before. Together with other matters, we disclaimed our opinion on the Company's consolidated financial statements for the financial year ended 30 June 2013. Any adjustment considered necessary to the consolidation of Shenzhen LED would have a consequential effect on the Group's consolidated statement of financial position as at 30 June 2014, its loss and total comprehensive income for the year ended 30 June 2014, and the elements making up the consolidated statement of changes in equity and consolidated statement of cash flows.

In addition, due to the limitation as explained above, we have been unable to carry out any audit procedures to satisfy ourselves as to the existence and correctness of the amounts of contingent liabilities attributable to Shenzhen LED as set out in note 38(a) to the Accounts.

3. Trade receivables, inventories and sales of a subsidiary, Kepu Electronic Technology (Shenzhen) Company Limited ("Kepu")

Included in the consolidated statement of financial position of the Group as at 30 June 2013 and 30 June 2014 are trade receivables of Kepu, a subsidiary of the Company, of approximately HK$4,939,000 and approximately HK$4,750,000 respectively due from its major customers whereas included in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income for the year ended 30 June 2013 and 30 June 2014 are sales of Kepu to these major customers of approximately HK$16,845,000 and approximately HK$19,471,000 respectively. These balances and amounts were mainly attributable to Kepu's sales to the major customers in the PRC on a consignment basis. In relation to the consignment sales, no consignment stock was included in the inventories of HK$6,663,000 and HK$6,338,000 in the consolidated statement of financial position of the Group as at 30 June 2013 and 30 June 2014. In the course of our audit of the financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2013, we noted that the local management of Kepu had not maintained satisfactory accounting records on these consignment sales and stocks. Together with other matters, we disclaimed our opinion on the Company's consolidated financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2013. These limitations were unresolved in current year and we faced with the same limitations in our audit of the Company's consolidated financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2014. There were no other satisfactory audit procedures that we could adopt in order to satisfy ourselves as to the existence and accuracy of such trade receivables, the completeness of such inventories and the existence of such sales. Any adjustments which might have been found necessary in respect of these items would have a consequential effect on the Group's consolidated statement of financial position as at 30 June 2014, its loss and total comprehensive income for the year then ended 30 June 2014 and the elements making up the consolidated statement of cash flows.

   4.        Convertible loan notes issued to a director of the Company 

As explained in note 27 to the Accounts, included in non-current liabilities in the consolidated statement of financial position as at 30 June 2014 are convertible loan notes of approximately HK$10,000,000 (US$1,282,000) issued to the then director of the Company (the "Convertible Loan Notes") on 27 March 2014. The Convertible Loan Notes were issued to the then director of the Company to settle an original loan due from the Company to him (the "Original Loan"). On initial recognition, the Convertible Loan Notes as a whole should be measured at fair value. Any difference between the fair value of the Convertible Loan Notes and the carrying amount of the Original Loan extinguished should be recognized as a gain or loss on settlement in the consolidated income statement.

In accordance with International Accounting Standard 32 "Financial Instruments: Presentation" and International Accounting Standard 39 "Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement", the Convertible Loan Notes were made up of financial liability, equity and derivative components. On initial recognition the fair value of the liability component and the fair value of the derivative (if not closely related to the liability component) shall be measured first. The equity component shall be assigned the residual amount after deducting from the fair value of the Convertible Loan Notes as a whole the amount determined for the liability component and derivative, if any. Subsequently, the financial liability component shall be carried at amortised cost using the effective interest method while the derivative (if not closely related to the liability component) shall be stated at fair value and the equity component shall remain in equity until conversion or redemption with no subsequent remeasurement.

The initial fair value of the Convertible Loan Notes was determined by the Company's management at HK$10,000,000 which was approximately the principal amount of the Convertible Loan Notes and equaled the carrying amount of the Original Loan. As a result, there was no gain or loss on settlement of the Original Loan. On initial recognition of the Convertible Loan Notes, no fair value was allocated to the equity component and no derivative was separately stated. As at 30 June 2014, the Convertible Loan Notes was also stated at HK$10,000,000. For the year ended 30 June 2014, interest charge of approximately HK$237,000 was recognized in the consolidated income statement with the corresponding credit recognized in the account "Amount due to a director".

During the course of our audit, the Company has not provided us with information about the valuation of the Convertible Loan Notes as a whole on initial recognition, the determination of components included in the Convertible Loan Notes and the components' respective fair value on initial recognition. As such, we are unable to satisfy ourselves as to the initial fair value of the Convertible Loan Notes as a whole and the initial fair value to be allocated to the liability component, the equity component and the derivative component, if any to be separately stated. As a result, we are unable to satisfy ourselves whether the carrying amount of the Convertible Loan Notes was fairly stated as at 30 June 2014, whether there should be equity and derivative components and their carrying amounts as at 30 June 2014, whether the interest on the Convertible Loan Notes calculated using the effective interest method of approximately HK$237,000 recognised in the consolidated income statement for the year ended 30 June 2014 was fairly stated, and whether any gain or loss on settlement of the Original Loan should be recognized in the consolidated income statement for the year ended 30 June 2014.

There were no satisfactory alternative audit procedures that we could adopt to satisfy ourselves as to the above matters. Any adjustments which might have been found necessary would have a consequential effect on the Group's financial position as at 30 June 2014 and its performance for the year then ended.

   5.        Going Concern 

The Group incurred a loss before income tax of approximately HK$21,238,000 for the year ended 30 June 2014 and, as of that date, the Group had net current liabilities and net liabilities of approximately HK$55,520,000 and HK$61,338,000 respectively. These conditions indicate the existence of material uncertainty which may cast significant doubt on the Group's ability to continue as a going concern, with a potential consequence that the Group may be unable to realise its assets and discharge its liabilities in the normal course of business.

As explained in note 3(b) to the Accounts, the management have taken certain measures ("Measures") including to secure further contracts, which the management have assessed to be profitable, negotiate with certain directors to obtain their undertakings not to demand repayments of amounts due to them until there are funds available for repayment, secure new funding from existing shareholders and/or new investors, and negotiate with its banker to renew bank facilities of the Group. The directors of the Company are of the opinion that the Measures will be successfully executed after 30 June 2014.

These financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis, the validity of which depends upon the successful execution of the Measures so that the Group will have sufficient working capital to finance its operations and/or settle or arrange its financial obligations. However, the Company's directors have not provided us with a cash flow forecast in sufficient detail to satisfy ourselves that the Group has sufficient resources to satisfy the demand for repayment of liabilities. Due to this limitation on our scope of work, we are unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence to assess whether the Group has the ability to settle liabilities that are due for repayment, and therefore whether it is appropriate to use going concern basis in preparing the consolidated financial statements. There were no other satisfactory audit procedures that we could adopt in this regard.

Should the use of the going concern basis in preparing the consolidated financial statements be determined to be inappropriate, adjustments might have to be made to reduce the value of assets to their recoverable amounts, to provide for any further liabilities which might arise and to reclassify non-current assets and liabilities as current assets and liabilities.

Disclaimer of Opinion

Because of the significance of the matters described in the Basis for Disclaimer of Opinion paragraphs, we have not been able to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence to provide a basis for an audit opinion and, accordingly, we do not express an opinion on the consolidated financial statements of the Company, and whether the financial statements have been properly prepared in accordance with the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance, Cap.32.

Emphasis of matter

Without further modifying our opinion, we draw your attention to note 38(b) to the Accounts, which describes a contingency relating to the Company.


In accordance with Section 141(4) and 141(6) of the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance, Cap.32 by operation of the transitional and saving provisions set out in section 80(1) of Schedule 11 to the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance, Cap. 622, we report that in respect alone of the inability to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence about the matters described in the Basis for Disclaimer of Opinion paragraphs above:

- We have not obtained all the information and explanations that we considered necessary for the purpose of our audit; and

   -     We were unable to determine whether proper books of account had been kept. 
BDO Limited 
Certified Public Accountants 
Chiu Wing Cheung Ringo 
Practising Certificate 
 Number P04434 

Hong Kong, 29 December 2014



                                                                 Notes      2014        2013 
                                                                         HK$'000     HK$'000 
 Revenue                                                                   21,936       22,223 
 Cost of sales                                                           (21,227)     (21,843) 
                                                                        ---------  ----------- 
 Gross profit                                                                 709          380 
 Other income                                                               1,596        3,100 
 Distribution costs                                                         (568)        (498) 
 Administrative expenses                                                 (14,512)     (15,113) 
 Other operating expenses                                                 (4,868)      (2,512) 
 Loss on disposal of subsidiaries                                               -      (2,463) 
 Finance costs                                                            (3,595)      (2,099) 
 Loss before income tax                                                  (21,238)     (19,205) 
 Income tax                                                                     -            - 
                                                                        ---------  ----------- 
 Loss for the year                                                       (21,238)     (19,205) 
 Other comprehensive income 
 Items that may by reclassified 
  subsequently to profit or loss: 
        *    Exchange gains/(losses) on translating foreign 
             presentations                                                    264        (640) 
        *    Exchange gains reclassified on disposal of 
             subsidiaries                                                       -           70 
                                                                        ---------  ----------- 
 Other comprehensive income for 
  the year, including reclassification 
  adjustments                                                                 264        (570) 
                                                                        ---------  ----------- 
 Total comprehensive income for 
  the year                                                               (20,974)     (19,775) 
                                                                        =========  =========== 
 Loss for the year attributable 
 Owners of the Company                                                   (13,733)     (12,864) 
 Non-controlling interests                                                (7,505)      (6,341) 
                                                                        ---------  ----------- 
                                                                         (21,238)     (19,205) 
                                                                        =========  =========== 
 Total comprehensive income attributable 
 Owners of the Company                                                   (13,606)     (13,544) 
 Non-controlling interests                                                (7,368)      (6,231) 
                                                                        ---------  ----------- 
                                                                         (20,974)     (19,775) 
                                                                        =========  =========== 
 Losses per share for loss attributable                                             (Restated) 
  to the owners of the Company 
  Basic and diluted (HK$ per share)                               3        (2.73)       (3.10) 
                                                                        =========  =========== 


AS AT 30 JUNE 2014

                                      Notes     2014        2013 
                                               HK$'000    HK$'000 
 Non-current assets 
 Property, plant and equipment                    2,057        182 
 Goodwill                                             -          - 
 Deposit paid for acquisition 
  of a subsidiary                                 2,125      2,125 
                                                  4,182      2,307 
 Current assets 
 Inventories                                      6,338      6,663 
 Trade and other receivables                     13,272     14,585 
 Amount due from a former director                3,329      3,497 
 Amount due from a related company                3,333          - 
 Pledged bank deposit                            10,024     10,110 
 Cash and bank balances                             154      1,403 
                                             ----------  --------- 
                                                 36,450     36,258 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                        58,381     49,219 
 Borrowings                                      20,535     18,006 
 Amount due to a director                         3,811      1,655 
 Amounts due to non-controlling 
  interests                                         568        550 
 Amounts due to related companies                 3,127      1,310 
 Loan from a director                   4             -     10,160 
 Loan from a former director            4         3,979        600 
 Current tax liabilities                          1,569      1,653 
                                                 91,970     83,153 
 Net current liabilities                       (55,520)   (46,895) 
                                             ----------  --------- 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Loan from a former director            4             -      3,379 
 Convertible loan notes                          10,000          - 
                                             ----------  --------- 
 Net liabilities                               (61,338)   (47,967) 
                                             ==========  ========= 
 Share capital                                  166,846     50,329 
 Reserves                                     (204,507)   (81,987) 
 Equity attributable to owners 
  of the Company                               (37,661)   (31,658) 
 Non-controlling interests                     (23,677)   (16,309) 
 Capital deficiency                            (61,338)   (47,967) 
                                             ==========  ========= 


AS AT 30 JUNE 2014

                                      Notes     2014        2013 
                                               HK$'000    HK$'000 
 Non-current assets 
 Property, plant and equipment                        -          - 
 Investments in subsidiaries                         80         41 
                                                     80         41 
 Current assets 
 Trade and other receivables                        359        712 
 Amounts due from subsidiaries                      229          - 
 Amount due from a former director                3,329      3,497 
 Amount due from a related                        3,333          - 
 Pledged bank deposit                            10,024     10,110 
 Cash and bank balances                              91         66 
                                             ----------  --------- 
                                                 17,365     14,385 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                        15,807     15,829 
 Borrowings                                       9,964     10,021 
 Amounts due to subsidiaries                     24,731     24,693 
 Amount due to a director                           463        185 
 Amounts due to related companies                 1,678        477 
 Loan from a former director            4         3,979        600 
                                                 56,622     51,805 
 Net current liabilities                       (39,257)   (37,420) 
                                             ----------  --------- 
 Non-current liability 
 Loan from a former director            4             -      3,379 
                                             ----------  --------- 
 Net liabilities                               (39,177)   (40,758) 
                                             ==========  ========= 
 Share capital                                  166,846     50,329 
 Reserves                                     (206,023)   (91,087) 
 Capital deficiency                            (39,177)   (40,758) 
                                             ==========  ========= 



                                                Attributable to shareholders of the Company 
                                     Shares                           PRC 
                  Share      Share    to be  Capital  Exchange  statutory  Accumulated      Total  Non-controlling     Total 
                capital    premium   issued  reserve   reserve    reserve       losses    reserve        interests    equity 
                HK$'000    HK$'000  HK$'000  HK$'000   HK$'000    HK$'000      HK$'000    HK$'000          HK$'000   HK$'000 
At 1 July 
 2012            36,624    121,941      826      644     1,592        617    (185,601)   (59,981)         (11,265)  (34,622) 
Loss for 
 the year             -          -        -        -         -          -     (12,864)   (12,864)          (6,341)  (19,205) 
 losses on 
 operations           -          -        -        -     (722)          -            -      (722)               82     (640) 
 on disposal 
 subsidiaries         -          -        -        -        42          -            -         42               28        70 
                -------  ---------  -------  -------  --------  ---------  -----------  ---------  ---------------  -------- 
 income for 
 the year             -          -        -        -     (680)          -     (12,864)   (13,544)          (6,231)  (19,775) 
Share issued 
 to extinguish 
 liabilities      6,156          -        -        -         -          -            -          -                -     6,156 
Shares issued 
 of a 
 subsidiary       7,549          -        -  (5,424)         -          -            -    (5,424)                -     2,125 
 subsidiaries         -          -        -        -         -          -      (3,038)    (3,038)            1,187   (1,851) 
 with owners     13,705          -        -  (5,424)         -          -      (3,038)    (8,462)            1,187     6,430 
Share options 
 expired              -          -        -    (296)         -          -          296          -                -         - 
At 30 June 
 2013 and 
 1 July 2013     50,329    121,941      826  (5,076)       912        617    (201,207)   (81,987)         (16,309)  (47,967) 
Loss for 
 the year             -          -        -        -         -          -     (13,733)   (13,733)          (7,505)  (21,238) 
 gains on 
 operations           -          -        -        -       127          -            -        127              137       264 
 income for 
 the year             -          -        -        -       127          -     (13,733)   (13,606)          (7,368)  (20,974) 
 to no-par 
 value regime 
 on 3 March 
 2014           116,517  (121,941)        -    5,424         -          -            -  (116,517)                -         - 
Shares to 
 be issued 
 by the way 
 of placing           -          -    7,603        -         -          -            -      7,603                -     7,603 
 with owners    116,517  (121,941)    7,603    5,424         -          -            -  (108,914)                -     7,603 
At 30 June 
 2014           166,846          -    8,429      348     1,039        617    (214,940)  (204,507)         (23,677)  (61,338) 
                =======  =========  =======  =======  ========  =========  ===========  =========  ===============  ======== 



                                                 Notes     2014      2013 
                                                         HK$'000   HK$'000 
 Cash flows from operating activities 
 Loss before income tax                                  (21,238)  (19,205) 
 Adjustments for: 
    Interest income                                          (33)      (34) 
    Interest expense                                        3,595     2,099 
    Realised gain on derivative financial 
     instrument                                                 -     (157) 
    Depreciation of property, plant and 
     equipment                                                284     1,285 
     Provision for impairment of trade 
      and other receivables                                   958       204 
    Provision for impairment of obsolete 
     inventory                                              1,388       714 
     Write back of long outstanding payables 
      and reversal of overprovision                         (827)   (1,576) 
     Loss on disposal of subsidiaries                           -     2,463 
                                                         --------  -------- 
 Operating loss before working capital 
  changes                                                (15,873)  (14,207) 
    (Increase)/Decrease in inventories                    (1,064)       143 
    Decrease/(Increase) in trade and 
     other receivables                                        355   (5,647) 
    Increase in trade and other payables                    9,905     6,955 
    Increase in amounts due to non-controlling 
     interests                                                 18        61 
Net cash used in operating activities                     (6,659)  (12,695) 
Cash flows from investing activities 
 Payments for purchase of property, 
  plant and equipment                                     (2,165)     (224) 
 Proceeds from gain on derivative 
  financial instruments                                         -       157 
 Increase in amount due from a former 
  director                                                      -   (1,145) 
 Net cash outflow arising from disposal 
  of subsidiaries                                               -     (385) 
 Decrease/(Increase) in pledged bank 
  deposit                                                      86      (33) 
 Interest received                                             33        34 
                                                         --------  -------- 
Net cash used in investing activities                     (2,046)   (1,596) 
                                                         --------  -------- 
Cash flows from financing activities 
 Increase in amount due to a director                       1,094     5,569 
 (Decrease)/Increase in amounts due 
  to related companies                                    (1,516)       833 
 Net proceeds from shares to be issued 
  for the Placing                                           7,603         - 
 Proceeds from borrowings                                   8,554    17,056 
 Repayments of borrowings                                 (6,267)  (15,220) 
 Interest paid                                            (2,526)   (1,251) 
Net cash generated from financing 
 activities                                                 6,942     6,987 
                                                         --------  -------- 
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents                 (1,763)   (7,304) 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning 
 of the year                                              (8,618)     (956) 
Effect of foreign exchange rate changes                       271     (358) 
                                                         --------  -------- 
Cash and cash equivalents at end 
 of the year                                             (10,110)   (8,618) 
                                                         ========  ======== 


30 JUNE 2014

   (a)     Statement of compliance 

These consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with all applicable IFRSs, which collective term includes all applicable individual International Financial Reporting Standards, International Accounting Standards, ("IAS") and Interpretations issued by the International Accounting Standards Board and the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance, which concern the preparation of financial statements, which for this financial year and the comparative period continue to be those of the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance, Cap.32 in accordance with the transitional and saving arrangements for Part 9 of the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance, Cap.622 "Accounts and Audit" which are set out in sections 76 to 87 of Schedule 11 to that Ordinance. The consolidated financial statements also comply with IFRS as issued by the IASB as adopted by the European Union. The differences between IFRS as adopted by the European Union and IFRS as issued by the IASB have not had a material impact on the consolidated financial statements for the years presented.

   (b)     Basis of measurement 

The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention. The measurement bases are fully described in the accounting policies below.

The Group incurred a loss of approximately HK$21,238,000 for the year ended 30 June 2014 and, as of that date, the Group had net current liabilities and net liabilities of approximately HK$55,520,000 and HK$61,338,000 respectively. These conditions indicate the existence of material uncertainty which may cast significant doubt on the Group's ability to continue as a going concern, with a potential consequence that the Group may be unable to realise its assets and discharge its liabilities in the normal course of business.

The management have taken certain measures ("Measures") including to secure further contracts, which the management have assessed to be profitable, negotiate with certain directors to obtain their undertakings not to demand repayments of amounts due to them until there are funds available for repayment, secure new funding from existing shareholders and/or new investors, and negotiate with its banker to renew bank facilities of the Group. Details of some of these Measures subsequent to 30 June 2014 are disclosed in note 40 to the Accounts. In the opinion of the directors, based on the successful execution of the Measures, the Group will have sufficient cash resources to satisfy its working capital and other financing requirements for the foreseeable future. Accordingly, the directors are of the opinion that it is appropriate to prepare the consolidated financial statements on a going concern basis.

These financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis, the validity of which depends upon the ongoing financial support from the Company's substantial shareholder and successful execution of the Group's business plan, attainment of profitable operations and securing of new financing. These include successful securing of further EMC contracts which the management have assessed to be profitable, obtaining of undertakings from certain directors and a former director not to demand repayments of amounts due to them until there are funds available for the repayments and the renewal of bank facilities after the reporting date.

Should the use of the going concern basis in preparing the consolidated financial statements be determined to be inappropriate, adjustments might have to be made to reduce the value of assets to their recoverable amounts, to provide for any further liabilities which might arise and to reclassify non-current assets and liabilities as current assets and liabilities.

(c) Deconsolidation of a subsidiary, Shenzhen China-LED Photo-Technology Limited ("Shenzhen LED")

The Group entered into a preliminary sale and purchase agreement dated 11 February 2009 to dispose of its entire interest in a wholly-owned subsidiary, Shenzhen LED. The assets and liabilities of Shenzhen LED had been reclassified as held for sale as at 30 June 2009 and the results of Shenzhen LED were previously presented under discontinued operations in the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2009. However, the disposal of Shenzhen LED did not proceed. The sale and purchase agreement dated 11 February 2009 was effectively terminated on 17 April 2010.

Notwithstanding that the Group owned the entire equity interests in Shenzhen LED, Shenzhen LED was no longer regarded as a subsidiary of the Group as the directors of the Company are of the opinion that the control of Shenzhen LED had been lost in the prior year.

The directors of Company considered that Shenzhen LED is not under the control of the Company given (i) the Company was unable to obtain any books and records from Shenzhen LED; (ii) the Company had not been provided with any up-to-date financial reports of Shenzhen LED and thus had no information as to the current financial situation of Shenzhen LED and (iii) the current management of the Group had lost contact with the then management of Shenzhen LED. As a result, the Company expressed a lack of confidence in its ability to properly control and manage Shenzhen LED. In light of this situation, the directors of the Company resolved to deconsolidate Shenzhen LED from the effective date of 17 April 2010.

   (d)     Use of estimation and judgements 

It should be noted that accounting estimates and assumptions are used in preparation of these financial statements. Although these estimates and assumptions are based on management's best knowledge and judgement of current events and actions, actual results may ultimately differ from those estimates and assumptions. The areas involving a higher degree of judgement or complexity, or areas where assumptions and estimates are significant to the consolidated financial statements, are disclosed in note 5 to the Accounts.


Operating segments are identified on the basis of internal reports about components of the Group that are regularly reviewed by the chief operating decision maker in order to allocate resources to the segment and to assess their performance.

Segment information reported was analysed on the basis of the types of products sold by the Group's operating division (i.e. LED element products and energy management contracts services). The Group's reportable segments are as follows:


   -   LED element products 
   -   Energy management contracts services 

Segment revenues and results

The following is an analysis of the Group's revenue and results from operations by reportable segment.

                              LED element         EMC contracts            Total 
                         --------------------  ------------------  --------------------- 
                            2014       2013      2014      2013       2014       2013 
                          HK$'000    HK$'000    HK$'000   HK$'000   HK$'000     HK$'000 
 Revenue and 
 Segment revenue            21,903     22,184        33     39        21,936      22,223 
                         =========  =========  ========  ========  =========  ========== 
 Segment results          (14,951)   (13,331)        33   (1,728)   (14,918)    (15,059) 
                         =========  =========  ========  ======== 
 Other income                                                            769       3,100 
  of long outstanding 
  payables and 
  reversal of 
  in prior years                                                         827         848 
 Loss on disposal 
  of subsidiaries                                                          -     (2,463) 
 Provision for 
  of trade and 
  other receivables                                                    (958)       (204) 
  expense                                                            (3,145)     (3,328) 
 Unallocated                                                           (218)           - 
 Finance costs                                                       (3,595)     (2,099) 
                                                                   ---------  ---------- 
 Loss before 
  tax                                                               (21,238)    (19,205) 
                                                                   =========  ========== 

Revenue reported above represents revenue generated from external customers. There were no inter-segment sales during the years ended 30 June 2014 and 2013.

The accounting policies of the reportable segment are the same as the Group's accounting policies described in note 4(s) to the Accounts.

Segment loss represents the loss incurred by each segment without allocation of certain administration costs including directors' salaries, finance costs and income tax expense. This is the measure reported to the chief operation decision maker for the purposes of resource allocation and assessment of segment performance.

Segment assets and liabilities

                                          2014      2013 
                                         HK$'000   HK$'000 
 Segment assets 
 LED element products                     14,579    15,566 
 EMC contracts                             8,623     8,614 
                                        --------  -------- 
 Total segment assets                     23,202    24,180 
 Unallocated assets: 
   Amount due from a former director       3,329     3,497 
   Amount due from a related company       3,333         - 
   Pledged bank deposit                   10,024    10,110 
   Others                                    744       778 
                                        --------  -------- 
 Consolidated assets                      40,632    38,565 
                                        ========  ======== 
 Segment liabilities 
 LED element products                     47,326    37,694 
 EMC contracts                             4,680     4,678 
 Total segment liabilities                52,006    42,372 
 Unallocated liabilities: 
   Bank overdrafts                        10,264    10,021 
   Amount due to a director                3,811     1,655 
   Amounts due to related companies        3,127     1,310 
   Loan from a director                        -    10,160 
   Loan from a former director             3,979     3,979 
   Convertible loan notes                 10,000         - 
   Others                                 18,783    17,035 
                                        --------  -------- 
 Consolidated liabilities                101,970    86,532 
                                        ========  ======== 

For the purposes of monitoring segment performance and allocating resources between segments:

-- all assets are allocated to reportable segments other than unallocated assets including amounts due from a former director and a related company and pledge bank deposit. Goodwill is allocated to respective reportable segment as described in note 16 to the Accounts. Assets used jointly by reportable segments are allocated on the basis of the revenue earned by individual reportable segments; and

-- all liabilities are allocated to reportable segment other than current tax liabilities and unallocated liabilities including interest payables, bank overdrafts, amounts due to a director and related companies, loans from a director and a former director and convertible loan notes. Liabilities for which a reportable segment is jointly liable are allocated in proportion to segment assets.

                           LED element              EMC contracts               Unallocated                    Total 
                     ----------------------       -----------------       ----------------------       --------------------- 
                       2014        2013         2014        2013        2014         2013            2014         2013 
                      HK$'000     HK$'000      HK$'000     HK$'000     HK$'000      HK$'000         HK$'000      HK$'000 
 Depreciation              66        1,059            -        226          218            -             284        1,285 
 Write-back of 
  long outstanding 
  payables and 
  reversal of 
  in prior years            -        (728)            -          -        (827)        (848)           (827)      (1,576) 
 Cost of defective 
  being sold            1,796          649            -          -            -            -           1,796          649 
 Provision for 
  impairment loss 
  of inventories        1,388          714            -          -            -            -           1,388          714 
 Provision for 
  impairment of 
  trade and other 
  receivables               -            -            -          -          958          204             958          204 
 Addition to 
  assets                1,855          170            -         53          310            -           2,165          223 

The Group's revenue from its operations from its major products and services is disclosed in "segment revenue and results".

Geographical information

The Group operates in two principal geographical areas - Hong Kong and the PRC (place of domicile) excluding Hong Kong. The Group's revenue by geographical locations is determined based on the shipment destination instructed by customers. The Group's non-current assets by geographical locations are determined based on physical location of the assets. The Group's revenue from operations from external customers and information about its non-current assets by geographical location are detailed below.

                                      2014      2013 
                                     HK$'000   HK$'000 
 Revenue from external customers 
 Hong Kong                             1,204     1,440 
 The PRC                              20,732    20,783 
                                    --------  -------- 
                                      21,936    22,223 
                                    ========  ======== 
 Non-current assets 
 Hong Kong                                 -         - 
 The PRC                               2,057       182 
                                    --------  -------- 
                                       2,057       182 
                                    ========  ======== 
 Capital expenditure 
 Hong Kong                                 -         - 
 The PRC                               2,096       223 
                                       2,096       223 
                                    ========  ======== 
   3.      LOSSES PER SHARE 

The calculation of the basic and diluted losses per share attributable to owners of the Company is based on the following:

                                           2014         2013 
                                          HK$'000      HK$'000 
 Loss for the year: 
 Loss for the purpose of basic 
  and diluted losses per share 
 (loss for the year attributable 
  to owners of the Company)                 13,733        12,864 
                                        ==========  ============ 
 Number of shares: 
 Weighted average number of ordinary 
  shares for the purpose of basic 
  and diluted losses per share           5,032,934     4,149,574 
                                        ==========  ============ 

In calculating the diluted losses per share attributable to the owners of the Company for the year ended 30 June 2014 and 2013, the potential issue of shares arising from the exercise of share options would decrease the losses per share attributable to the owners of the Company and is not taken into account as they have an anti-dilutive effect. Therefore, the diluted losses per share attributable to the owners of the Company for the year ended 30 June 2014 and 2013 is based on the loss attributable to the owners of the Company of approximately HK$13,733,000 (2013: HK$12,864,000) and on the weighted average of 5,032,934 (2013: 4,149,574 (restated)) ordinary shares outstanding during the year ended 30 June 2014, which are the amounts used in calculating the basic losses per share for the year.

The weighted average number of ordinary shares held in 2013, for the purpose of calculating basic and diluted loss per share, has been retrospectively adjusted for the ten-for-one share consolidation (as detailed in note 28(e) to the Accounts) during the year ended 30 June 2014.


As at 30 June 2013, a loan from a director of approximately US$1,282,000 (equivalent to HK$10,000,000) to the Group was interest-bearing at its rate of 9% per annum and due for repayment within the next twelve months and the interest will be settled in the form of the shares of the Company. The fair value of the liability component and the equity component (note 29 to the Accounts) were determined at inception of the received loan. The fair value of the liability component was calculated using a market interest rate for a similar loan and subsequently measured at amortised cost. The residual amount, representing the value of the equity as shares to be issued, was included in shareholders' equity (note 29 to the Accounts). The loan was secured by a charge over Green Pearl BVI's entire shareholding in its subsidiaries, Carten (note 17 to the Accounts) and Yanford Limited.

The loan was due on 26 April 2013 and became immediately repayable on demand. Interest of approximately HK$664,000 (2013: HK$160,000) was accrued as part of the liability component for the period subsequent to the due date up to the reporting date. On 27 March 2014, the loan was settled by the Convertible Loan Notes (note 27 to the Accounts).

As at 30 June 2014, a loan from a former director to the Group and the Company of approximately HK$600,000 was interest-bearing at a rate of three months LIBOR plus 4% per annum and repayable on demand and approximately HK$3,379,000 was interest-bearing at the rate of three months LIBOR plus 4% per annum and repayable on 7 September 2014. As stated in note 40(b) to the Accounts, on 30 September 2014, 442,118 ordinary shares of the Company were issued to the former director to settle the liabilities with him in the net amount of approximately HK$2,872,000.


In addition to the transactions and balances disclosed elsewhere in these consolidated financial statements, the Group had the following significant transactions with related parties during the year:

                                                    2014      2013 
                                        Notes      HK$'000   HK$'000 
 Interest on convertible loan note       (a)           237         - 
  to a director 
 Loan interest to director                (b)          664       848 
 Loan interest to a former director       (c)          168       172 
 Loan interest to a related party        (d)           309         - 
 Consultancy and management fee 
  expense                                 (e)        1,920     1,080 
 Subcontracting income                    (f)            -       679 
 Deposit paid for acquisition of 
  a subsidiary                            (g)            -     2,125 
 Consideration received for disposal 
  of a subsidiary                         (h)            -       629 
                                                  ========  ======== 


(a) Interest on Convertible Loan Notes (note 27 to the Accounts) of approximately HK$237,000 (2013: nil) was charged at a rate of 9% per annum on the aggregate principal amount and shall be satisfied by the issue of ordinary shares of the Company on redemption or maturity date to a director, calculated by reference to the closing middle market price of the Company's shares on the date of redemption or maturity.

(b) Loan interest payable was accrued as payable to a director of the Company and the imputed interest was credited to the liabilities component in respect of the loans from director (note 26 to the Accounts).

   (c)   Loan interest payable was accrued as payable to a former director of the Company. 

(d) Loan interest was charged by a related party, who is a director of the Company's subsidiary, at rates ranging from 2% to 9% per month.

(e) Consultancy and management fee expense of HK$720,000 (2013: HK$1,080,000) was charged by a non-controlling interest for the provision of consultancy services in relation to EMC contracts and consultancy and management fee expense of HK$1,200,000 (2013: nil) was charged by a related company, in which one of directors of the Company has beneficial interest, for provision of consultancy, advisory and management services to the Group.

(f) Subcontracting income represented the income for the subcontract of the operations of Kepu to a holder of a non-controlling interest with effect from 1 June 2012 and the terms of the subcontract arrangement are that the holder of the non-controlling interest is entitled to the profits/losses of the subcontracted operations fully for one year from 1 June 2012 in return for the annual fee.

(g) Shares were allotted to a substantial shareholder to acquire the 100% equity interest of a subsidiary (note 18 to the Accounts). The acquisition was not completed as at the reporting date.

(h) The consideration was received from a holder of a non-controlling interest in respect of the disposal of Yanford in the prior year.

The directors of the Company are of the opinion that the above related party transactions were conducted on normal commercial terms and in the ordinary course of business.

Compensation to key management personnel

The remuneration of directors and other members of key management during the year were as follows:

                                                 2014       2013 
                                                HK$'000    HK$'000 
 Short-term employee benefits                       750      2,034 
 Post employment benefits                            15         75 
                                               --------   -------- 
                                                    765      2,109 
                                               ========   ======== 
   (a)     Placing of new shares 

As stated in note 29(b) to the Accounts, the Placing of 3,875,000 new ordinary shares to two potential investors was completed on 11 July 2014 with settlement of the balancing payment of RMB25,000,000 (approximately HK$31,040,000).

   (b)     Capitialisation of liabilities 

On 29 September 2014, the Company entered into agreements to settle liabilities of certain creditors with an aggregate amount of approximately HK$3,461,000 by issuing 532,875 ordinary shares of the Company (the "Settlement"). The price per ordinary share was HK$6.496 (approximately 51 pence) represented the closing mid-market price on 26 September 2014. On 30 September 2014, 532,875 ordinary shares were issued, including 442,118 ordinary shares being issued to a former director to settle the liabilities with him of approximately HK$2,872,000.

   (c)     Disposal of Kepu 

On 17 December 2014, the Company entered into a sale and purchase agreement with Mr. Fu Wei ("Fu"), a director of Kepu, relating to the disposal by the Group of the remaining effective equity interest (60%) in Kepu.

Kepu specialises in the research, development and manufacturing of its own brand of opto-electronic products, such as LED modules, LED unit boards and LED bar-screens, which are used in consumer electronic goods such as air-conditioners, microwave ovens, conventional ovens, refrigerators, washing machines and fixed line telephones.

As announced on 17 May 2012 and as a part of its ongoing business review, the Board had determined that the activities of Kepu present considerable, but different opportunities from LED's primary focus of its EMC business model. As currently structured, the Company does not have the resources to take full advantage of the opportunities available to Kepu nor does the Board foresee Kepu becoming a profitable member of the Group in the foreseeable future. For this reason, the Company has taken the decision to sell its remaining interest in Kepu. This will provide the Company with further resources to promote and focus on the EMC business model.

In pursuance of this strategy, the Company has disposed of its effective equity interest in Kepu to Fu for a consideration of RMB360,000 (approximately HK$450,000 or GBP37,000). Included within the sale was Far East, the immediate holding company of Kepu and a subsidiary of the Company in which the Company held 60% and in which Mr. Weng Xiao Yong holds the remaining 40 % equity interest.

The proceeds of the sale of Kepu will be used to facilitate the Group's working capital and support its EMC development plans.

Further details are set out in the Company's announcements dated 17 December 2014.

   (d)     Proposed acquisition of Shenzhen Ruihetai Industry Co. Limited 

On 22 December 2014, the Company entered into a conditional agreement under which it, or a nominated member of its Group, will acquire the majority of the issued share capital of Shenzhen Ruihetai Industry Co. Limited ("RHT") (the "Acquisition") from Ms. Li Sai Ying and Mr. Lin Zhong (together, the "Vendors") at a maximum consideration of RMB11,259,903 (approximately GBP1,136,000) (the "Consideration"). The exact shareholding of RHT after the Acquisition is to be determined and is subject to the local laws and regulations governing foreign investments in PRC companies.

The Consideration is to be satisfied by the issue of up to 334,200 new ordinary shares in the Company at HKD12.49806 per share and the issue of a three year, non-interest bearing convertible loan note in the amount of up to HKD9,746,009. The loan notes are convertible into ordinary shares in the Company at a price of HK$12.49806. The price per share represents the closing mid-price of 102 pence on 19 December 2014.

RHT is a large-scale grain enterprise incorporated in the PRC. It is mainly engaged in the business of rice storage, processing, distribution, and the wholesale and retail sale of rice. RHT has long established relationships with business partners in major grain-producing areas in Northeast China, Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Guangxi as well as internationally in Thailand. RHT has established rice counters in major shopping malls, supermarkets and chain stores in residential areas throughout the PRC and, in doing so, RHT has built a strong and reputable food distribution network in the PRC. The Company envisages that the Acquisition will enable the Group to take advantage of the operating cash flows generated from RHT and market its "Green Pearl" green products through RHT's distribution network in the PRC.

The Company has agreed to provide a working capital loan to RHT in the amount of RMB50 million to support the business development of RHT and the Vendors will continue to assume responsibility for the management and operation of RHT. In order to finance this working capital loan, the Company intends to raise additional funding through equity and/or debt financing.

As part of the Acquisition, the Vendors will provide a profit guarantee that the annual net profit of RHT shall be at least RMB70 million for the three-year period after the completion of the Acquisition, such amount shall exclude the green products introduced by the Company and distributed through RHT within the PRC during the three-year period. In the event that this profit guarantee is not met, the Consideration payable by the Company will be reduced.

The Vendors have agreed to enter into a lock-in and orderly market agreement with the Company and its Nominated Adviser, Allenby Capital Limited, under which the Vendors have agreed not to sell or otherwise dispose of any of their shares in the Company during the three-year period following the completion of the Acquisition.

To comply with the local laws and regulations governing foreign investments in PRC companies, the exact structure and terms of the Acquisition and the loan notes are subject to the legal opinion of PRC lawyers.

By reason of the size of RHT in relation to the Company, the Acquisition is classified as a reverse takeover under the AIM Rules. In pursuance of the AIM Rules, trading in the Company's shares has been suspended from 8 a.m. on 22 December 2014 pending the preparation and publication of the AIM admission document and the notice of general meeting setting out the details of the Acquisition and seeking shareholder approval.

As Mr. Lin Zhong is sole shareholder of Speedy Dragon Holdings Limited, a substantial shareholder of the Company, the Acquisition of RHT constitutes a related party transaction pursuant to Rule 13 of the AIM Rules. The Company's directors, having consulted with the Company's nominated adviser, Allenby Capital Limited, consider that the terms of the Acquisition are fair and reasonable insofar as the Company's shareholders are concerned.

Further details are set out in the Company's announcement dated 22 December 2014.

   (e)     Disposal of Osmar Limited 

On 22 December 2014, the Company disposed of its entire interest in Osmar Limited together with its wholly owned subsidiary, Green Pearl Leasing Holdings Limited, at a consideration of USD2,500 to a related company, in which a director, Mr. Stephen Chan, has an interest. Osmar Limited and Green Pearl Leasing Holdings Limited are principally engaged in investment holding.


This statement was approved by the directors on 29 December 2014. This statement does not constitute the Group's statutory accounts for the year ended 30 June 2014. Statutory accounts for the year ended 30 June 2013 have been delivered to the Hong Kong Registrar of Companies. The auditor's report on those accounts was subject to a disclaimer. The auditor's report for the accounts for the year ended 30 June 2014 is subject to a disclaimer in the manner set out above.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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