Preliminary Results for the 52 weeks ended 29 October 2005


Trading Results

The  trading results for the year, before exceptional items, show a loss of �153,000 (2004: �264,000).  During the
first  six  months of the year steady progress was made with the half year results showing a small  loss  of  just
�6,000.  As indicated at the half year end, however, the second half was expected to be difficult as retail  sales
slowed,  particularly in the DIY sector, and our customers reduced their stock levels.  In the event,  the  retail
market  was tougher than anticipated with sales in the second half being less than �1 million, giving total  sales
for  the year of �2.26 million (2004: �2.5 million).  To counter the effect of the lower level of sales, overheads
were  reduced even further and this has produced the improvement at the operating level, after adjusting  for  the
profit on the sale of the building last year.  Our trading results were helped by the fact that we have managed to
maintain our gross margin levels.

In  order  to reduce our overheads we vacated rented premises of some 5,000 sq feet adjacent to our main  factory.
The closure costs are included as exceptional items in the accounts.  Our overheads costs are now at a level where
a comparatively small increase in sales will result in the Company operating at a profit.

We  continue to increase the percentage of our sales which are imported from the Far East.  We have maintained our
ceramic  manufacturing operation as we have, so far, been unable to find suitable quality products  from  the  Far
East  or Eastern Europe.  We are continually reviewing our manufacturing operation but in the absence of a  viable
alternative  your  Board  believe that it would have a serious detrimental effect to cease ceramic  manufacturing.
The  number  of employees in manufacturing is now just ten, and our total number of employees has been reduced  to

New Product Development

The  long term strategy of the Company is to develop a much broader product offering of imported products in order
to  increase substantially the level of sales.  However, it is important that we offer products that are right for
the  market place but are also sufficiently different from those offered by our competitors.  To achieve this,  we
have  spent  a  great deal of time investigating market opportunities and researching new products.   As  reported
earlier,  we launched a new range of door furniture at the end of 2005 which we expect to increase sales  to  this
sector of the market.

At  the  KBB  Exhibition in January 2006 we launched a whole new range of products including  bathroom  furniture,
shower  equipment  and  bathroom  scales.  The initial response to this at the  Exhibition  was  very  encouraging
particularly  for  bathroom furniture where the unit sales value will be far greater  than  our  normal  range  of
products.   Orders  are now being placed with overseas suppliers for delivery to customers in the  middle  of  the
year.  We should see the benefit of sales of these products in the second half of the current financial year.

Issue of Additional Share Capital

On  7 December 2004, shareholders approved resolutions increasing the authorised share capital of the Company  and
authorising the Board to issue shares without reference to the rights of pre-emption set out in Section 89 (i)  of
the Companies Act 1985.

The authority to issue additional shares applied for a period of 15 months from the date the resolution was passed
and has therefore now expired.

Although  a number of discussions were held during the year with a view to issuing additional equity, it  was  not
found  possible  to  reach  a  satisfactory  agreement with interested parties  which  would  have  benefited  all
shareholders.  The restructuring of our borrowings has provided additional working capital for the Company.

However, your Board is of the opinion that an injection of additional equity is still desirable to assist with the
longer  term growth of the Company and it is therefore proposed that the authority to issue additional  shares  be
renewed  for  a period of another year.  Accordingly a resolution has been included in the agenda for  the  Annual
General Meeting to seek shareholders' agreement for the renewal of the authority.

Balance Sheet

At  the end of the financial year shareholders' funds stood at �1.62 million (2004 �1.83 million).  Net assets per
share have therefore declined to 29.1p per share, although a valuation of our freehold property carried out during
the year showed a surplus of over �300,000 compared with the value in the year end balance sheet. Stocks are still
high but the introduction of new ranges has resulted in increased stocks of imported items.

During  the year we restructured our borrowings as a result of moving our banking arrangements from Barclays  Bank
plc  to  HSBC Bank plc.  HSBC has provided the Company with additional long term loans and has improved our  short
term borrowing arrangements.  This has given us much more flexibility in managing our foreign imports.

However, as a result of the loss for the year the Company, although operating within its facilities, was in breach
of  its  banking covenant at the year end, but HSBC has waived the requirement to comply.  The banking  facilities
are  due for renewal in May 2006, at which time, subject to achieving the sales budget, they will be adequate  for
our requirements.

Future Prospects

The  present  economic situation gives cause for concern with retailers reporting lower sales  and  the  level  of
unemployment  rising.   Substantial cost increases are occurring in respect of power,  distribution  and  business
rates.   We  are  also  experiencing large increases in freight costs with our imported  products.   Labour  costs
continue to increase with very little prospect of passing on price increases to our customers.  In spite  of  this
we are operating off a lower cost base than at any time in our recent past.  We are starting to see improved sales
coming through as a result of new product development, aggressive marketing and an improved customer portfolio.

In  spite of past disappointments, your Board feels that we have now turned the corner and the current year should
show a significant improvement in the Company's fortunes.

I  would, finally, like to thank the management and staff of the Company for their efforts and support during  the

R E W Newman
23 March 2006

52 weeks ended 29 October 2005

                                                            Before      Exceptional        52 weeks        52 weeks
                                                       exceptional            items           ended           ended
                                                             items         (Note 1)      29 October      30 October
                                                              2005             2005            2005            2004
                                                                 �                �               �               �
TURNOVER - continuing operations                         2,263,377                -       2,263,377       2,500,920
Cost of sales                                          (1,395,583)         (53,646)     (1,449,229)     (1,553,212)
                                                        ---------          --------     -----------     -----------
GROSS PROFIT                                               867,794         (53,646)         814,148         947,708
Distribution costs                                       (638,362)                -       (638,362)       (834,083)
Administrative expenses                                  (333,298)                -       (333,298)         (4,830)
(includes  2004:  �354,102  profit  on  sale   of
building)                                               ----------         --------     -----------     -----------

OPERATING /LOSS)PROFIT                                   (103,866)         (53,646)       (157,512)         108,795
  - continuing operations
Interest receivable and similar income                         147                -             147             141
Interest payable and similar charges                      (48,938)                -        (48,938)        (55,736)
                                                        ----------         --------     -----------     -----------
(LOSS)/PROFIT ON ORDINARY                                (152,657)         (53,646)       (206,303)          53,200
  ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAXATION                            ----------         --------     

Tax on (loss)/profit on ordinary activities                                                       -               -
                                                                                        -----------     -----------
(LOSS)/PROFIT ON ORDINARY                                                                 (206,303)          53,200
  ACTIVITIES AFTER TAXATION                                                             -----------     -----------

(LOSS)/RETAINED PROFIT FOR THE                                                            (206,303)          53,200
  FINANCIAL YEAR                                                                        ===========     ===========

(LOSS)/EARNINGS PER ORDINARY SHARE                                                          (3.69)p           0.95p

There are no recognised gains and losses for the current or preceding financial period other than as stated in the
profit and loss account.

At 29 October 2005

                                                                                               2005            2004
                                                                                                  �               �
FIXED ASSETS                                                                                                       
Intangible assets                                                                            18,981          21,981
Tangible assets                                                                           1,398,547       1,461,291
                                                                                          ---------       ---------
                                                                                          1,417,528       1,483,272
CURRENT ASSETS                                                                                                     
Stocks and work in progress                                                               1,304,774       1,282,030
Debtors                                                                                     420,866         385,455
Cash at bank and in hand                                                                      1,855           3,687
                                                                                          ---------       ---------
                                                                                          1,727,495       1,671,172
CREDITORS: AMOUNTS FALLING DUE WITHIN ONE YEAR                                            (741,778)       (739,339)
                                                                                          ---------       ---------
NET CURRENT ASSETS                                                                          985,717         931,833
                                                                                          ---------       ---------
TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT  LIABILITIES                                                    2,403,245       2,415,105

CREDITORS: AMOUNTS FALLING DUE AFTER MORE THAN ONE YEAR                                   (778,899)       (584,456)
                                                                                          ---------       --------- 
TOTAL NET ASSETS                                                                          1,624,346       1,830,649
                                                                                          =========       =========
CAPITAL AND RESERVES                                                                                               
Called up share capital                                                                     558,439         558,439
Share premium account                                                                     1,397,747       1,397,747
Capital redemption reserve                                                                   19,000          19,000
Revaluation reserve                                                                         260,113         265,185
Profit and loss account                                                                   (610,953)       (409,722)
                                                                                          ---------       ---------
TOTAL EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS                                                          1,624,346       1,830,649
                                                                                          =========       =========

52 weeks ended 29 October 2005

                                                                                               2005            2004
                                                                                                  �               �
CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES                                                       (138,401)        (50,298)
Returns on investments and servicing of finance                                            (49,554)        (55,281)
Capital expenditure and financial investment                                                (8,863)         772,877
                                                                                          ---------       ---------
NET CASH (OUTFLOW)/INFLOW BEFORE FINANCING                                                (196,818)         667,298
Financing - increase/(decrease) in debt                                                      65,447       (645,522)
                                                                                          ---------       ---------
(DECREASE)/INCREASE IN CASH IN THE PERIOD                                                 (131,371)          21,776
                                                                                          =========       =========

52 weeks ended 29 October 2005

                                                                                               2005           2004
                                                                                                  �              �
Stock write-offs                                                                             39,335              -
Factory closure costs and redundancy payments                                                14,311         16,572
Reorganisation of Board and compensation for redundancy                                           -         20,039
Profit on sale of warehouse building                                                              -      (354,102)
                                                                                             ------      ---------
                                                                                             53,646      (317,491)
                                                                                             ======      =========


The  calculation of the basic earnings per share is based on the weighted average number of shares in issue during
the  financial  year  of  5,584,391 (2004: 5,584,391) and on the loss attributable  to  ordinary  shareholders  of
�206,303 (2004: �53,200 profit).

3.   The financial information on the Group set out above does not constitute statutory information financial year
within  the  meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.  The statutory accounts for the 52 weeks  ended  29
October  2005  will  be  finalised on the basis of the financial information presented by the  directors  in  this
preliminary announcement and will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the Group's Annual  General
4.    Copies of the 2005 Report and Accounts will be sent to shareholders in due course.  Further copies  will  be
available from the registered office of The Longmead Group plc, Millwey Industrial Estate, Axminster, Devon,  EX13
5HU  and from the Company's nominated adviser, Smith & Williamson Corporate Finance Limited at 25 Moorgate, London
EC2R 6AY for one month from the date of this announcement.

The Longmead Group PLC


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