RNS Number : 2521C
  Litho Supplies PLC
  29 August 2008


    Results for the six months ended 30 June 2008


    Litho Supplies Plc, the leading supplier of consumable products, analogue and digital equipment and related services to the printing,
graphic arts and corporate markets in the UK, announces its results for the six months ended 30 June 2008.


 -  Pre-tax profits (after the add back of reorganisation costs) of �0.34m

 -  Sales of �25.38m (�22.41m).

 -  Strong sales and profit performance by Graphic Arts Equipment Limited since
    its acquisition on 24 January 2008, with exclusive UK distribution rights
    for the Horizon and Perfecta print finishing ranges of equipment.

 -  The board is recommending an interim dividend of 0.50p per share (2.00p)
    reflecting current market conditions, recent acquisition payments and the
    ongoing reorganisation of the business.

    Litho Supplies Chief Executive Michael Hammond said:

    "The first half of 2008 has been a challenging environment with the uncertainty in the financial markets affecting the confidence in
many industry sectors with the resulting impact on the print market.

    Despite these conditions, I am pleased to report a good performance from our newly acquired subsidiary, Graphic Arts Equipment Limited,
selling exclusively in the UK the Horizon and Perfecta ranges of print finishing equipment.

    In order to most effectively serve the printing and corporate market, we are continuing with the reorganisation of the Group and
addressing the cost base, including the centralisation of our administration to our head office in Breaston, Derbyshire."


 Michael Hammond, Chief Executive    Tel: 01332 873921
 Eddie Williams, Sales Director      Tel: 01332 873921
 Gerry Mitchell, Financial Director  Tel: 0117 9724455

 Mike Coe, Blue Oar Securities Plc   Tel: 0117 933 0020


    Unaudited results for the six months ended 30 June 2008

    The unaudited half year results for the six months ended 30 June 2008 show pretax profits of �0.34m (�0.58m) after adding back �0.30m
(�0.09m) of costs associated with the reorganisation of the business. The profit before tax after reorganisation expenses was �0.04m
(�0.49m) and sales for the period were �25.38m (�22.41m).

    Basic earnings per share for the six months ended 30 June 2008 were 0.16p (1.78p). As a comparison the basic earnings per share before
reorganisation costs were 1.52p (2.21p).

    The uncertainties in the financial markets during the period have affected confidence in many sectors which in turn has impacted on the
printing sector making market conditions extremely competitive.

    The Group has incurred higher fuel costs in the first six months of the year for the distribution of products to our customers. Also,
whilst the majority of our purchases are in Sterling, we do have some products settled in Euros and Dollars and, particularly in relation to
the Euro purchases, products have increased in price due to currency movements. Against the backdrop of an extremely competitive market,
these increased costs have been passed on to customers where possible.

    In October 2007 we completed the acquisition of Graphica Plus Limited, trading as Andersons, serving the wide format printing, proofing
and signage markets. Graphic Arts Equipment Limited (GAE) and Shinohara (UK) Limited (Shinohara) were also acquired in January 2008. GAE
sells print finishing equipment, maintenance and support, with sole UK distribution rights for Horizon and Perfecta equipment, and Shinohara
sells Shinohara printing presses. 423,602 ordinary shares of 10p each in Litho Supplies Plc were admitted to listing on 31 January 2008 at a
price of 47p each as part of the consideration for Payrite Services Limited, the holding company of GAE. The cash consideration and working
capital requirements of these acquisitions, together with the reorganisation costs of the business, have had a considerable impact on our
bank balance compared to the previous year. Net cash balances at 30 June 2008 were �149,000 (�4.87m).

    Taking all these points into consideration and the cash costs of further reorganisation of the business that will be carried out in the
second half, the board has considered it prudent to declare a reduced interim dividend of 0.50p (2.00p).

    The dividend will be paid on 31 October 2008 to shareholders on the register on 3 October 2008. The ex-dividend date is 1 October 2008.

    Trading performance

    Sales in the UK of consumable and media products which remain, with electronic and wide format equipment sales, the core activity of the
business were �16.86m (�16.70m) with the complementary consumable products sold by Graphica Plus Limited, trading as Andersons, providing
�1.27m of the total.

    We are continuing with our policy of the consolidation of end of line analogue products which continue to decline in order to maintain
strict controls over stockholding of these products.

    Progress has been maintained with both telesales and on-line ordering during the period and both functions are extremely important,
combined with the ongoing implementation of our new computer system, in order to service our customers as efficiently and cost effectively
as possible. Further progress on the implementation of the computer system will be made in the second half.

    With the present economic conditions, sales of consumable products, including plates, pressroom, flexographic and wide format products,
have all been extremely competitive with pressure on gross margins. We have worked hard on the sales mix of products, both to provide
effective solutions for our customers and also to maintain gross margins. Sales and margins of pressroom products held up best in comparison
to the other consumable products that we distribute.

    Sales of electronic equipment were �4.12m (�5.37m) with a number of customers deferring their capital investment decisions until
confidence in the UK economy improves; whilst other customers have not been prepared to commit to the higher charges being requested by the
finance providers. Complementary equipment sales were added by our acquisitions GAE and Shinohara of �4.10m and �299,000 respectively.

    The integration and reorganisation of Graphica Plus Limited, trading as Andersons, has continued in the first half of 2008. Progress is
being made in expanding the active customer base of the company but while we believe the printing sector that Graphica Plus serves, such as
the point of sale and signage markets, will display growth in the medium to long term, it has been quiet as the economy has slowed down.
Some further reorganisation of Graphica Plus will therefore take place in the second half of the year.

    GAE has performed extremely well since acquisition in January 2008; it has a quality range of finishing products, a strong management
team and has benefited from access to Litho Supplies' customer base. GAE has also had a positive start to the second half of the year.

    Following continued increases in energy costs and raw materials, many manufacturers are now implementing price increases which we will
have to pass on to all of our customers.

    In April 2008 we exhibited at Sign & Digital UK at the NEC. The sales leads obtained at this exhibition were positive and will provide
opportunities in the second half of the year, albeit that the signage and point of sale sectors have been affected by the present economic

    We were also in attendance at Drupa 2008, a large European exhibition held in Dusseldorf, Germany in May 2008. This exhibition provided
good opportunities for complementary products and new supplier relationships to be identified for the future.


    The second half will to a great extent be dependent on confidence returning to the UK economy which, when it happens, should quickly
filter through to the printing sector and our customer base. With our portfolio of printing products, including the complementary products,
added to by our recent acquisitions, we are well placed to take advantage of increased trading activity.

    I am pleased to announce that with effect from August 2008, we secured the exclusive UK agency for sales and support of the Hamada range
of offset presses. The brand is a market leader in the high street, inplant and commercial print sectors, and sits very nicely alongside our
existing Shinohara range of presses and other equipment within our portfolio.

    We will be holding cost effective open house events at our GAE showroom commencing in September to demonstrate to our customers the full
benefits offered by these press systems, together with the automated finishing products that we distribute.

    From the beginning of August 2008 we have taken on the exclusive UK distribution agreement for CGS, a print software product linked to
consumable media sales opportunities.  We are constantly reviewing and considering other opportunities in order to grow the business but
also at the same time reorganising the Group to address the cost base; this reorganisation will continue in the second half of 2008 and will
involve a number of one-off costs.

    We are also attending Total Print! Expo at Earl's Court in October 2008 with support from our suppliers to promote our full ranges of
office equipment and finishing products such as Fastback and Fujipla.

    The relocation of our central administration and accounting function from Bristol to our Head Office at Breaston will take place at the
end of September, at which time we will be appointing a new Finance Director to replace Gerry Mitchell who has held this position for the
last 13 years. A further announcement will be made at the appropriate time.

    There is no doubt that we are operating in much tougher market conditions than we have seen for some time, but I consider that the
reorganisation changes we continue to make to the structure of the business will strengthen our platform and enable us to look forward to
2009 with more confidence provided, of course, market conditions do not deteriorate further.

    As usual, I am extremely grateful to all of our customers and suppliers, both new and longstanding, for their continual support and I
thank all of our employees for their loyalty and hard work over the last six months.

    B C Clark
    29 August 2008

    Litho Supplies Plc

    Responsibility statement

    We confirm that to the best of our knowledge:

    The condensed set of financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34.

    By order of the Board

    Chief Executive Officer

    29 August 2008

    Litho Supplies Plc
    Condensed Consolidated Income Statement

                                       6 months     6 months       Year
                                          Ended        ended      ended
                                        30 June      30 June     31 Dec
                                           2008         2007       2007
                                      Unaudited    Unaudited    Audited
                                          �'000        �'000      �'000
 Continuing operations                                        
 Sale of goods                           25,385       22,410     43,254
 Cost of sales                           21,427       18,847     36,599
 Gross profit                             3,958        3,563      6,655
 Distribution costs                       1,315        1,094      2,235
 Administrative expenses                  2,328        2,011      3,888
 Reorganisation costs                       300           91        211
 Profit from continuing operations                            
 before tax and net finance income           15          367        321
 Finance costs                                5            -          1
 Finance income                              26          122        198
 Profit before tax                           36          489        518
 Income tax expense                           -          107        (6)
 Profit for the period                       36          382        524
 Attributable to:                                             
 Equity holders of the company               36          382        501
 Minority interest                            -            -         23
                                             36          382        524
 Earnings per share                                           
               -basic                     0.16p        1.78p      2.33p
               -diluted                   0.16p        1.65p      2.28p

    Litho Supplies Plc
    Condensed Consolidated Statement of Recognised Income and Expense

                                                6 months     6 months       Year
                                                   Ended        Ended      ended
                                                 30 June      30 June     31 Dec
                                                    2008         2007       2007
                                               Unaudited    Unaudited    Audited
                                                   �'000        �'000      �'000
 Income and expense recognised directly in                             
 Actuarial gain for the period                     (501)        1,732      1,834
 Deferred tax credit (charge)                        140        (520)      (550)
 Net income recognised directly in equity          (361)        1,212      1,284
 Profit for the period                                36          382        524
 Total recognised income for the period            (325)        1,594      1,808
 Attributable to: Equity holders of the                                
 company                                           (325)        1,594      1,785
 Minority interest                                     -            -         23
                                                   (325)        1,594      1,808

    Litho Supplies Plc
    Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet

                                           30 June      30 June     31 Dec
                                              2008         2007       2007
                                         Unaudited    Unaudited    Audited
                                             �'000        �'000      �'000
 Non-current assets                                              
 Property, plant and equipment                 876          410        547
 Intangible assets                           4,084        1,089      2,393
 Deferred tax asset                          1,093          966        979
                                             6,053        2,465      3,919
 Current assets                                                  
 Inventories                                 7,493        4,357      4,437
 Trade receivables                          10,451       10,513      9,260
 Income tax receivable                         113           26        208
 Other current assets                        1,880        1,195      1,284
 Cash and cash equivalents                     786        4,873      3,543
                                            20,723       20,964     18,732
 Total assets                               26,776       23,429     22,651
 Equity attributable to equity holders                           
 of the parent                                                   
 Share capital                               2,219        2,144      2,177
 Share premium                              13,744       13,420     13,587
 Other reserves                                511          511        511
 Retained earnings                         (7,384)      (6,554)    (6,791)
 Minority interest in equity                     -            -         23
 Total equity                                9,090        9,521      9,507
 Non-current liabilities                                         
 Interest bearing loans and borrowings          34            2          -
 Retirement benefit obligation               2,594        3,038      2,531
                                             2,628        3,040      2,531
 Current liabilities                                             
 Trade and other payables                   12,095        9,552      9,263
 Interest bearing loans and borrowings         827            2          2
 Provisions                                  2,136        1,314      1,348
                                            15,058       10,868     10,613
 Total liabilities                          17,686       13,908     13,144
 Total equity and liabilities               26,776       23,429     22,651

    Litho Supplies Plc
    Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

                                   Share      Share    Retained       Other     Total
                                 capital    premium    earnings    reserves    Equity
                                   �'000      �'000       �'000       �'000     �'000
 At 1 January 2007                 2,144     13,420     (7,719)         511     8,356
 Actuarial gains                       -          -       1,732           -     1,732
 Deferred tax charge                   -          -       (520)           -     (520)
 Profit for the period                 -          -         382           -       382
 Total recognised income for                                                 
                                       -          -       1,594           -     1,594
 Dividends                             -          -       (429)           -     (429)
 At 30 June 2007                   2,144     13,420     (6,554)         511     9,521
 Actuarial gains                       -          -         102           -       102
 Deferred tax charge                   -          -        (30)           -      (30)
 Profit for the period                 -          -         142           -       142
 Minority interest                     -          -        (23)           -      (23)
 Total recognised expense for                                                
                                       -          -         191           -       191
 Issue of shares                      33        167           -                   200
 Dividends                             -          -       (428)           -     (428)
 At 31 December 2007 - Audited                                               
                                   2,177     13,587     (6,791)         511     9,484
 Actuarial gains                       -          -       (501)           -     (501)
 Deferred tax credit                   -          -         140           -       140
 Profit for the period                 -          -          36           -        36
 Total recognized income for                                                 
                                       -          -       (325)           -     (325)
 Issue of shares                      42        157           -           -       199
 Dividends                             -          -       (268)           -     (268)
 At 30 June 2008                   2,219     13,744     (7,384)         511     9,090

    Litho Supplies Plc
    Condensed Consolidated Cash Flow

                                                6 months     6 months       Year
                                                   ended        ended      Ended
                                                 30 June      30 June     31 Dec
                                                    2008         2007       2007
                                               Unaudited    Unaudited    Audited
                                                   �'000        �'000      �'000
 Cash flows from operating activities                                  
 Cash flows generated from operations            (1,689)          162         17
 Income tax paid                                      94            -          -
 Net cash flows from operating activities                              
                                                 (1,595)          162         17
 Cash flows from investing activities                                  
 Proceeds from sale of property,                                       
 plant and equipment                                   7          100         12
 Proceeds from sale of non-current assets                              
 held for sale                                         -            -         91
 Interest received                                    32          133        216
 Interest paid                                       (5)            -        (1)
 Purchase of property, plant and equipment         (209)        (129)      (296)
 Acquisitions                                    (1,529)         (10)      (683)
 Net cash flows from investing activities                              
                                                 (1,704)           94      (661)
 Cash flows from financing activities                                  
 Payment of finance lease liabilities               (11)          (2)        (4)
 Finance lease                                       184            -          -
 Dividends paid to equity holders of the                               
 company                                           (268)        (429)      (857)
 Net cash flows from financing activities                              
                                                    (95)        (431)      (861)
 Net decrease in cash and cash                                         
 equivalents                                     (3,394)        (175)    (1,505)
 Net cash and cash equivalents at start of                             
 period                                            3,543        5,048      5,048
 Net cash and cash equivalents at end of                               
 period                                              149        4,873      3,543

    Notes to the Condensed Financial Statements:

 1.                              The financial information in this half yearly statement for the six months
                                 ended 30 June 2008 and the comparative figures for the six months ended 30 June
                                 2007 do not constitute statutory accounts as defined in Section 240 of the
                                 Companies Act 1985. The financial information for the full preceding year is
                                 extracted from the statutory accounts for the financial year ended 31 December
                                 2007, as stated under IFRS as adapted for use in the European Union. Those
                                 statutory accounts, upon which the auditors issued an unqualified opinion, have
                                 been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.

 2.                              The half yearly condensed financial statements for the six months ended 30 June
                                 2008 have been prepared on the basis of the IFRS expected to be in issue for
                                 the year ending 31 December 2008 and in accordance with the consistent use of
                                 accounting policies that are disclosed in the audited consolidated financial
                                 statements for the year ended 31 December 2007.

 3.                              The business risks disclosed in the directors' report and audited consolidated
                                 financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2007 were still applicable
                                 for the six months ended 30 June 2008 and the board considers they will still
                                 apply for the remainder of the financial year. Further information regarding
                                 potential business risks to the Group is disclosed above in the chairman's half
                                 yearly statement and interim management report.

 4.                              EARNINGS PER SHARE

 The earnings per share have been calculated as follows:

                                6 months      6 months          Year
                                   ended         ended         ended
                                 30 June       30 June        31 Dec
                                    2008          2007          2007
 Profit available for equity                            
 Shareholders                    �36,000      �382,000      �501,000
 Weighted average number of                             
 shares of 10p each in issue  22,122,072    21,436,148    21,499,847
 Earnings per share                0.16p         1.78p         2.33p
 Weighted average number of                             
 shares of 10p each in issue  22,122,072    23,121,148    21,944,847
 Earnings per share                0.16p         1.65p         2.28p

 Taking into consideration the exercise price of the options, the number of
 dilutive potential shares from unexercised executive share options granted as
 at 30 June 2008 was nil and as at 30 June 2007 was 1,685.000.

 The dividends paid in May 2008 and May 2007 were 1.25p per share and 2.00p per share respectively.

 The board is declaring an interim dividend for 2008 of 0.50p per share to shareholders on the register on 3 October 2008 and will be paid
on 31 October 2008. These half yearly results do not reflect this
 dividend payable.

                             INTEREST BEARING LOANS AND BORROWINGS

                                     Effective    Maturity      June     June    December
                                 Interest rate                  2008     2007        2007
                                             %                 �'000    �'000       �'000
 Bank loan                                7.23         2008        2        -           -
 Obligations under finance                                                     
 leases and hire purchase                                                      
                                           9.5         2009      188        2           2
 Bank overdraft                      Base rate    On demand                    
                                          +1.5                   637        -           -
                                                                 827        2           2
 Obligations under finance                                                     
 leases and hire purchase                                                      
                                          11.3         2010       34        -           -


                                  6 months    6 months       Year
                                     ended       ended      Ended
                                   30 June     30 June     31 Dec
                                      2008        2007       2007
                                     �'000       �'000      �'000
 Balance at 1 January                2,531       5,188      5,188
 Pension cost for the period          (11)          11         33
 Contributions during the period     (427)       (429)      (856)
 Actuarial losses (gains)              501     (1,732)    (1,834)
                                     2,594       3,038      2,531


 On 24 January 2008 Litho Supplies (UK) Limited acquired 100% of the share capital of Payrite Services Limited, its main trading subsidiary
Graphic Arts Equipment Limited, and the remaining 49% of the share capital of Shinohara (UK) Limited. The Group already owned 51% of the
share capital of Shinohara (UK) Limited, all private companies based in the UK.

 Graphic Arts Equipment's principal activity is the sale, installation and servicing of leading lines of printing and finishing equipment
with exclusive distribution agreements for Horizon and Perfecta in the UK and Ireland. Shinohara (UK) Limited markets, sells and services
the Shinohara Printing Press.

 Details of the aggregate net assets acquired and goodwill for the acquisitions above are as follows:


 Purchase consideration: 
 Cash paid                                     1,400
 Direct cost relating to the acquisition          43
 Fair value of shares issued                     200
 Deferred performance - related consideration    600

 Fair value of assets acquired (see below)       651
 Goodwill                                      1,592

 It has not been possible to accurately allocate a fair value to the experienced management, sales and technical team acquired and the
customer relationships, therefore the excess of the purchase consideration over the asset and
 liabilities acquired has been treated as goodwill.
 The assets and liabilities arising from the acquisitions provisionally determined are as follows:

                                Fair value    Net book value
                                     �'000             �'000
 Cash and cash equivalents             259               259
 Property, plant and equipment         230               230
 Inventories                         1,835             1,835
 Trade and other receivables           413               413
 Trade and other payables          (2,034)           (2,034)
 Borrowings                           (52)              (52)
 Net assets acquired                   651               651

 The fair value of the shares issued was based on the average mid-market price of the company's shares over the seven business days
immediately preceding the completion date. A total of 423,602 ordinary shares were issued as part of the consideration for Payrite Services
Limited and its main trading subsidiary, Graphic Arts Equipment Limited.
 The acquired business of GAE contributed revenues of �4.10m and net profit of �418,000 (excluding any reorganisation and integration costs)
to the Group for the post acquisition period 24 January 2008 to 30 June 2008.
 Shinohara (UK) Limited contributed revenues of �299,000 and a net loss of �1,000 to the Group for the period 24 January 2008 to 30 June
2008. Marketing and advertising expenditure was incurred in this period to promote the Shinohara range of presses and the trading result
above is after charging this expenditure.
 9.                                                                                CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS

 For the purposes of the cash flow statement, cash and cash equivalents comprise the following:

                               6 months    6 months      Year
                                  Ended       Ended     Ended
                                30 June     30 June    31 Dec
                                   2008        2007      2007
                                  �'000       �'000     �'000
 Cash at bank and in hand           786       4,873     3,543
 Bank overdraft                   (637)           -         -
 Net cash at bank and in hand       149       4,873     3,543


                                           30 June
 Authorised Ordinary shares of 10p each     32,000

                                               Share capital    Share premium
                                    No.'000            �'000            �'000
 Ordinary shares issued and                                   
 fully paid                                                   
 At 1 January 2008                                            
                                     21,768            2,177           13,587
 Issued during period                   423               42              157
 At 30 June 2008                     22,191            2,219           13,744

 The shares issued during the period were part of the consideration for the acquisition of Payrite Services Limited and its 100% subsidiary
Graphic Arts Equipment Limited, the shares were admitted to listing on 31 January 2008.  

                                                                                RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS


 During the period the company received �200,000 from Litho Supplies (UK) Limited for shares issued as part of the consideration for the
acquisition disclosed in note 8 above.

 On 25 April 2008 a dividend was received by Litho Supplies Plc from its subsidiary Litho Supplies (UK) Limited via Litho Supplies
Investments Limited.

 12.    This half yearly statement was approved by the board on 29 August 2008
          and copies of this statement together with the accounts for the year
         ended 31 December 2007 and the interim report for the period ended 30
       June 2007, can be obtained from the Company Secretary at the Registered
        Office:- Unit 2, Chapel Way, Avon Valley Business Park, St Annes Park,
                                                             Bristol, BS4 4EU.

         The 2008 half yearly statement is also available with other financial
               information on the company's website www.litho.co.uk, under the
                                                            corporate section.

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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