24 FEBRUARY 2011 
In   the   context   of   the  recommended  proposals  for  the  winding-up  and 
reconstruction of the Company as set out in the Circular dated 12 January 2011, 
M&G Equity Investment Trust P.L.C. announces the following. 
Results of Meetings 
At  the Extraordinary  General Meeting  of the  Company and the separate general 
meetings  of  the  holders  of  Income  Shares, Capital Shares and Zero Dividend 
Shares holders, all resolutions proposed were duly passed. 
The full text of the resolutions passed are set out in full as an appendix to 
this announcement. 
Valid elections and deemed elections were received as follows for the Options: 
|                 |  M&G HIT   |M&G Corporate | M&G Global  |Cash Option|Total | 
|                 |  Package   |  Bond Fund   |Dividend Fund|           |      | 
|                 |   Units    |              |             |           |      | 
|Zero Dividend    |   13.8%    |     0.9%     |    9.6%     |   75.6%   |100.0%| 
| Shares          |            |              |             |           |      | 
|Income Shares (1)|    n/a     |     n/a      |     n/a     |    n/a    | n/a  | 
|Capital    Shares|    8.9%    |     n/a      |     n/a     |   91.1%   |100.0%| 
|(2)              |            |              |             |           |      | 
|Package Units    |   63.9%    |     4.1%     |    8.5%     |   23.5%   |100.0%| 
|(comprising one  |            |              |             |           |      | 
|of each of the   |            |              |             |           |      | 
|above Share      |            |              |             |           |      | 
|classes)         |            |              |             |           |      | 
(1) Income Shareholders will receive any capital entitlements in the liquidation 
of the Company as cash payments; 
(2) Capital Shareholders were not offered the M&G OEIC Options. 
Reclassified Shares 
Application  will be made to the UK Listing Authority to amend the Official List 
to  reclassify the Income Shares, Capital Shares and Zero Dividend Shares as set 
out below: 
|Reclassified Share Class                                      Number of Shares| 
|Reclassified Shares with I1 Rights of 1p each - ISIN          68,609,935      | 
|GB00B640VM60                                                                  | 
|Reclassified Shares with I2 Rights of 1p each - ISIN          4,368,599       | 
|GB00B664Q541;                                                                 | 
|Reclassified Shares with I3 Rights of 1p each - ISIN          9,108,409       | 
|GB00B3M9GC94;                                                                 | 
|Reclassified Shares with I4 Rights of 1p each - ISIN          92,457,196      | 
|GB00B3P7M114;                                                                 | 
|Reclassified Shares with C1 Rights of 1p each - ISIN          74,568,081      | 
|GB00B64YJ914;                                                                 | 
|Reclassified Shares with C2 Rights of 1p each - ISIN          4,368,599       | 
|GB00B61S1M30;                                                                 | 
|Reclassified Shares with C3 Rights of 1p each - ISIN          9,108,409       | 
|GB00B605W666;                                                                 | 
|Reclassified Shares with C4 Rights of 1p each - ISIN          86,499,050      | 
|GB00B674DC97;                                                                 | 
|Reclassified Shares with Z1 Rights of 1p each - ISIN          77,875,828      | 
|GB00B670ZJ80;                                                                 | 
|Reclassified Shares with Z2 Rights of 1p each - ISIN          4,991,432       | 
|GB00B61PH045;                                                                 | 
|Reclassified Shares with Z3 Rights of 1p each - ISIN          15,584,560      | 
|GB00B677GR45;                                                                 | 
|Reclassified Shares with Z4 Rights of 1p each - ISIN          76,092,319      | 
|GB00B65D6P27.                                                                 | 
Reclassification is expected to take effect from 8 a.m. on 3 March 2011. 
Expected Completion Timetable 
The expected timetable for the completion of the transaction is as follows: 
|Wednesday 2 March 2011               |Expected  payment date for Third Interim| 
|                                     |Dividend;                               | 
|                                     |10.00 a.m.  Latest  time  and  date  for| 
|                                     |receipt  of  Forms  of  Proxy  and CREST| 
|                                     |Proxies for Second EGM;                 | 
|                                     |12.00 noon Calculation Date;            | 
|                                     |12.00 noon   Calculation  of  the  issue| 
|                                     |price  of Securities in  M&G High Income| 
|                                     |to be issued pursuant to the Scheme;    | 
|                                     |                                        | 
|Thursday 3 March 2011                |8.00 a.m.   Opening   of  the  Company's| 
|                                     |register of Shareholders and dealings in| 
|                                     |Reclassified  Shares on the London Stock| 
|                                     |Exchange expected to commence;          | 
|                                     |                                        | 
|Friday 4 March 2011                  |Effective Date for the implementation of| 
|                                     |the Proposals;                          | 
|                                     |7.30 a.m.   Dealings   in   Reclassified| 
|                                     |Shares suspended;                       | 
|                                     |10.00 a.m.                              | 
|                                     |Second EGM                              | 
|                                     |Company placed into liquidation;        | 
|                                     |12.00 noon                              | 
|                                     |Calculation  of the issue  price for M&G| 
|                                     |Corporate  Bond Fund Shares  and the M&G| 
|                                     |Global Dividend Fund Shares;            | 
|                                     |Issue  of  the  M&G  Corporate Bond Fund| 
|                                     |Shares  and the M&G Global Dividend Fund| 
|                                     |Shares;                                 | 
|                                     |                                        | 
|Sunday 6 March 2011                  |10.00 a.m.  Latest  time  and  date  for| 
|                                     |receipt  of  Forms  of  Proxy  and CREST| 
|                                     |Proxies for the Third EGM;              | 
|                                     |                                        | 
|Monday 7 March 2011                  |Confirmation   letters   despatched  for| 
|                                     |Securities issued in uncertificated form| 
|                                     |in  respect  of  the  M&G Corporate Bond| 
|                                     |Fund  Option and the M&G Global Dividend| 
|                                     |Fund Option;                            | 
|                                     |                                        | 
|Tuesday  8 March 2011 (or  as soon as|CREST  accounts  credited  with  cash in| 
|practicable thereafter)              |respect of the Cash Option;             | 
|                                     |Cheques  despatched  in  respect  of the| 
|                                     |Cash Option;                            | 
|                                     |                                        | 
|Tuesday 8 March 2011.                |10.00 a.m. Third EGM;                   | 
|                                     |Securities  in  M&G  High  Income issued| 
|                                     |pursuant to the Scheme;                 | 
|                                     |Securities issued in uncertificated form| 
|                                     |credited  to the stock accounts in CREST| 
|                                     |of   the  persons  entitled  thereto  in| 
|                                     |respect of the Package Unit Option;     | 
|                                     |                                        | 
|Monday  14 March 2011 (or  as soon as|Certificates  despatched  for Securities| 
|practicable thereafter)              |issued  in certificated  form in respect| 
|                                     |of the Package Unit Option;             | 
|                                     |                                        | 
|By Friday 2 March 2012               |Listing  on the London Stock Exchange of| 
|                                     |Reclassified Shares cancelled.          | 
|                                     |                                        | 
The information in this announcement should be read in conjunction with the full 
text  of the Circular. Capitalised terms used in this announcement shall, unless 
the  context otherwise requires, bear the meaning  given to them in the circular 
issued by M&G Equity Investment Trust P.L.C. dated 12 January 2011. 
Nathan Brown, Numis Securities: 020 7260 1426 
Jonathan McClelland, Secretary: 020 7548 3027 
SPECIAL  RESOLUTION: THAT the passing  of the Special Resolution  set out in the 
Notice  of the First Extraordinary General Meeting  of the Company to be held on 
24 February 2011, or any adjournment thereof, and the Special Resolution set out 
in  the Notice of the Second Extraordinary  General Meeting of the Company to be 
held  on 4 March 2011 or any adjournment thereof  and any and every variation of 
the  rights attached to the Income Shares of the Company involved in or effected 
by the passing or implementation of such Resolution be hereby sanctioned. 
SPECIAL  RESOLUTION: THAT the passing  of the Special Resolution  set out in the 
Notice  of the First Extraordinary General Meeting  of the Company to be held on 
24 February 2011, or any adjournment thereof, and the Special Resolution set out 
in  the Notice of the Second Extraordinary  General Meeting of the Company to be 
held  on 4 March 2011 or any adjournment thereof  and any and every variation of 
the rights attached to the Capital Shares of the Company involved in or effected 
by the passing or implementation of such Resolution be hereby sanctioned. 
SPECIAL  RESOLUTION: THAT the passing  of the Special Resolution  set out in the 
Notice  of the First Extraordinary General Meeting  of the Company to be held on 
24 February 2011, or any adjournment thereof, and the Special Resolution set out 
in  the Notice of the Second Extraordinary  General Meeting of the Company to be 
held  on 4 March 2011 or any adjournment thereof  and any and every variation of 
the  rights attached to the  Zero Dividend Shares of  the Company involved in or 
effected  by  the  passing  or  implementation  of  such  Resolution  be  hereby 
1.1with effect  from the date (the "Amendment Date") on which the amendment to 
the  Official List to reflect the reclassification of the Shares as Reclassified 
Shares  becomes  effective  each  of  the  Income Shares of 1p each, the Capital 
Shares  of 1p each and the Zero Dividend Shares of 1p each in the capital of the 
Company  (together the "Shares") in  issue at the date  of the passing of this 
Resolution shall be reclassified as Shares the holder of which has (or is deemed 
to  have) elected to have  reclassified as Shares with  Zl Rights, I1 Rights, C1 
Rights,  Z2 Rights, I2  Rights, C2 Rights,  Z3 Rights, I3  Rights, C3 Rights, Z4 
Rights,  I4  Rights  or  C4  Rights,  as  the  case  may be, (the "Reclassified 
Shares")  in such respective numbers  as may be required  to give effect to any 
Election validly made (or deemed to have been made) by the holders of Shares and 
otherwise  in accordance with the terms of the  Scheme set out in Part IV of the 
circular  dated 12 January 2011 to  the Shareholders and  Package Unitholders of 
the Company (the "Circular"), a copy of which has been laid before the meeting 
and signed for the purpose of identification by the Chairman; 
1.2 for the purposes of this Special Resolution: 
1.2.1to the extent any holder of Zero Dividend Shares shall have validly elected 
(or shall be deemed to have elected) for, and under the terms of the Scheme will 
become  entitled  to  receive,  M&G  HIT  Package  Units,  such  Shares shall be 
reclassified as Shares with Zl Rights; 
1.2.2 to  the extent any holder of Capital Shares shall have validly elected (or 
shall  be deemed to  have elected) for,  and under the  terms of the Scheme will 
become  entitled  to  receive,  M&G  HIT  Package  Units,  such  Shares shall be 
reclassified as Shares with Cl Rights; 
1.2.3to the  extent any holder  of Package Units  shall have validly elected (or 
shall  be deemed to  have elected) for,  and under the  terms of the Scheme will 
become  entitled to  receive, M&G  HIT Package  Units, the  Zero Dividend Shares 
comprised  in such Package Units shall be reclassified as Shares with Zl Rights, 
the  Income  Shares  comprised  in  such  Package Units shall be reclassified as 
Shares  with I1 Rights  and the Capital  Shares comprised in  such Package Units 
shall be reclassified as Shares with Cl Rights; 
1.2.4 to  the  extent  any  holder  of  Zero  Dividend Shares shall have validly 
elected  (or shall be  deemed to have  elected) for, and  under the terms of the 
Scheme  will become  entitled to  receive, M&G  Corporate Bond Fund Shares, such 
Shares will be reclassified with Z2 Rights; 
1.2.5 to  the extent any holder of Package  Units shall have validly elected (or 
shall  be deemed to  have elected) for,  and under the  terms of the Scheme will 
become  entitled to receive,  M&G Corporate Bond  Fund Shares, the Zero Dividend 
Shares  comprised in such Package Units shall  be reclassified as Shares with Z2 
Rights,  the Income Shares comprised in such Package Units shall be reclassified 
as  Shares with I2 Rights and the Capital Shares comprised in such Package Units 
shall be reclassified as Shares with C2 Rights; 
1.2.6 to  the  extent  any  holder  of  Zero  Dividend Shares shall have validly 
elected  (or shall be  deemed to have  elected) for, and  under the terms of the 
Scheme  will become entitled  to receive, M&G  Global Dividend Fund Shares, such 
Shares shall be reclassified with Z3 Rights; 
1.2.7 to  the extent any holder of Package  Units shall have validly elected (or 
shall  be deemed to  have elected) for,  and under the  terms of the Scheme will 
become  entitled to receive, M&G Global  Dividend Fund Shares, the Zero Dividend 
Shares  comprised in such Package Units shall  be reclassified as Shares with Z3 
Rights,  the Income Shares comprised in such Package Units shall be reclassified 
as  Shares with I3 Rights and the Capital Shares comprised in such Package Units 
shall be reclassified as Shares with C3 Rights; 
1.2.8 to  the  extent  any  holder  of  Zero  Dividend Shares shall have validly 
elected  (or shall be  deemed to have  elected) for, and  under the terms of the 
Scheme  will become entitled to  receive, the Cash Option,  such Shares shall be 
reclassified as Shares with Z4 Rights; 
1.2.9 to  the extent any holder of Income Shares shall be deemed to have elected 
for,  and under the terms of the Scheme will become entitled to receive the Cash 
Option, such Shares shall be reclassified as Shares with I4 Rights; 
1.2.10 to the extent any holder of Capital Shares shall have validly elected (or 
shall  be deemed to have elected) for, and,  under the terms of the Scheme, will 
become entitled to receive the Cash Option, such Shares shall be reclassified as 
Shares with C4 Rights; 
1.2.11 to  the extent any holder of Package Units shall have validly elected (or 
shall  be deemed to  have elected) for,  and under the  terms of the Scheme will 
become  entitled to receive, the Cash Option, the Zero Dividend Shares comprised 
in such Package Units shall be reclassified as Shares with Z4 Rights, the Income 
Shares  comprised in such Package Units shall  be reclassified as Shares with I4 
Rights  and  the  Capital  Shares  comprised  in  such  Package  Units  shall be 
reclassified as Shares with C4 Rights; 
1.3 each of the holders of Shares with the rights set out in paragraph 1.2 above 
shall  have the respective rights set out  in the Articles of Association of the 
Company as amended by this Special Resolution; 
1.4 the  Articles of Association of the Company  be amended with effect from the 
Amendment Date by: 
1.4.1 deleting Article 4.1 and substituting the following: 
"The  holders  of  the  zero  dividend  shares of 1 pence each ("Zero Dividend 
Shares"),  designated as  Zero Dividend  Shares with  Zl Rights,  Z2 Rights, Z3 
Rights  and  Z4  Rights,  income  shares  of  1 pence  each ("Income Shares"), 
designated as Income Shares with Il Rights, I2 Rights, I3 Rights, and I4 Rights, 
and  capital shares of 1 pence each  ("Capital Shares"), designated as Capital 
Shares with Cl Rights, C2 Rights, C3 Rights, and C4 Rights, in each case in such 
respective  numbers as shall result from the passing at an Extraordinary General 
Meeting  of  the  Company  convened  for  24 February  2011 (or  any adjournment 
thereof) of the Special Resolution set out in the notice thereof, shall have the 
rights set out in this Article"; 
1.4.2 inserting the following Article as Article 4A: 
"The  rights attaching to  the Income Shares,  Capital Shares and Zero Dividend 
Shares shall be as follows: 
(i) in relation to dividends, interest and entitlements on the winding-up of the 
(a)  the Shares with  Zl Rights, Il  Rights and C1  Rights and shall be entitled 
only  to  dividends  and/or  interest  deriving  from  profits of the segregated 
business constituting the A Fund and to amounts in the winding-up of the Company 
which are in aggregate equal to the net assets of the A Fund; 
(b) the Shares with Z2 Rights, I2 Rights and C2 Rights shall be entitled only to 
dividends  and/or  interest  deriving  from  profits  of the segregated business 
constituting  the B Fund and  to amounts in the  winding-up of the Company which 
are in aggregate equal to the net assets of the B Fund; 
(c) the Shares with Z3 Rights, I3 Rights and C3 Rights shall be entitled only to 
dividends  and/or  interest  deriving  from  profits  of the segregated business 
constituting  the C Fund and  to amounts in the  winding-up of the Company which 
are in aggregate equal to the net assets of the C Fund; 
(d) the Shares with Z4 Rights, I4 Rights and C4 Rights shall be entitled only to 
dividends  and/or  interest  deriving  from  profits  of the segregated business 
constituting  the D Fund and  to amounts in the  winding-up of the Company which 
are in aggregate equal to the net assets of the D Fund; 
(ii)  in  a  winding-up  of  the  Company  in  circumstances  where  the Special 
Resolution  contained in the  notice of general  meeting of Income Shareholders, 
the Special Resolution contained in the notice of general meeting of the Capital 
Shareholders,  the Special  Resolution contained  in the  notice of  the general 
meeting  of the Zero Dividend Shareholders,  the Special Resolution contained in 
the  notice of the First Extraordinary General Meeting, convened for 24 February 
2011 and   the  Special  Resolution  contained  in  the  notice  of  the  Second 
Extraordinary  General Meeting convened  for 4 March 2011, have  been passed and 
have  become  unconditional,  they  shall  have  the following additional rights 
notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these Articles of Association: 
(a)the  rights of the holders of Shares with  Zl Rights, I1 Rights and C1 Rights 
in  respect of  assets of  the Company  shall be  satisfied by the issue to such 
holders of the numbers of M&G HIT Package Units to which they shall respectively 
be entitled in accordance with the Scheme; 
(b)  the rights of the holders of Shares with Z2 Rights, I2 Rights and C2 Rights 
in  respect of  assets of  the Company  shall be  satisfied by the issue to such 
holders  of the numbers  of M&G Corporate  Bond Fund Shares  to which they shall 
respectively be entitled in accordance with the Scheme; 
(c)  the rights of holders of Shares with  Z3 Rights, I3 Rights and C3 Rights in 
respect of assets of the Company shall be satisfied by the issue to such holders 
of  the  numbers  of  M&G  Global  Dividend  Fund  Shares  to  which  they shall 
respectively be entitled in accordance with the Scheme; 
(d)  the rights of holders of Shares with  I4 Rights, C4 Rights and Z4 Rights in 
respect  of assets of the  Company shall be satisfied  by a payment of such cash 
amount as they shall respectively be entitled in accordance with the Scheme; 
Subject  to the special  rights set out  above, for all  other purposes of these 
Articles  of Association, the  Shares with Z1  Rights, I1 Rights,  C1 Rights, Z2 
Rights,  I2 Rights, C2  Rights, Z3 Rights,  I3 Rights, C3  Rights, I4 Rights, C4 
Rights  and  Z4  Rights  shall  continue  to  be  Shares  and  these Articles of 
Association shall be construed accordingly. Words and expressions defined in the 
circular  dated  12 January  2011 to  Shareholders  and Package Unitholders (the 
"Circular")  shall bear the same respective  meanings in this Article 4A, save 
where the context otherwise requires"; 
1.4.3 deleting Article 4.3.1(i) and substituting with the following: 
"first,  there shall be paid to holders of Zero Dividend Preference Shares (and 
distributed amongst such holders rateably in accordance with the amounts paid or 
credited  as  paid  up  on  the  Zero  Dividend  Preference  Shares held by them 
respectively)  an amount equal to 31 pence per Zero Dividend Preference Share as 
increased  on the eighth day of each  month at such rate, compounded each month, 
as will give an entitlement to 100 pence at 4 March 2011 the first such increase 
occurring on 8th April 1996 and the last on 4 March, 2011;" 
1.5 from  the Amendment  Date, the  undertaking of  the Company shall be divided 
into  3 segregated funds and  the liquidation fund.  On that date, the Directors 
shall  allocate to each of the segregated businesses assets and liabilities such 
that  the values of each such segregated business  are equal to those set out in 
paragraph 4.2 of the Scheme, and 
1.6 Subject to the fulfilment or, to the extent permitted, earlier waiver of the 
conditions  set out in paragraph 15 of  the scheme (the "Scheme") contained in 
Part  IV of  the Circular  (other than  the passing  of this  Resolution), which 
includes  the passing of the Special Resolution at the General Meeting of Income 
Shareholders  set  out  in  the  notice  of  the  meeting of Income Shareholders 
convened  for 24 February 2011 (or any adjournment  thereof), the passing of the 
Special Resolution at the General Meeting of Capital Shareholders set out in the 
notice  of the meeting of Capital Shareholders convened for 24 February 2011 (or 
any  adjournment  thereof)  and  the  passing  of  the Special Resolution at the 
General  Meeting of  Zero Dividend  Shareholders set  out in  the notice  of the 
meeting  of  Zero  Dividend  Shareholders  convened for 24 February 2011 (or any 
adjournment  thereof) (copies  of which  have been  laid before this Meeting and 
signed by the Chairman for the purpose of identification): 
1.6.1notwithstanding anything  to the contrary in the Articles of Association of 
the  Company, the Scheme (a copy of which  has been laid before this Meeting and 
signed  by the  Chairman for  the purpose  of identification)  be and  is hereby 
approved   and   the   Liquidators   of   the   Company,  when  appointed,  (the 
"Liquidators")  be and  hereby are  authorised to  implement the Scheme and to 
execute any document and do anything for the purpose of carrying the Scheme into 
1.6.2in particular,  and without prejudice  to the generality  of paragraph 2.1 
above,  the  Liquidators,  when  appointed,  be  and  hereby  are authorised and 
directed,  pursuant to this Resolution and/or the Articles of Association of the 
Company, as amended by this Resolution: 
(a)to  procure that  the Company  enters into  and gives  effect to the Transfer 
Agreements  between the  Company, the  Liquidators and  each of  M&G High Income 
Investment Trust P.L.C., the M&G Corporate Bond Fund and the M&G Global Dividend 
Fund,  as the case may be, (each a "Rollover Fund" and together the "Rollover 
Funds")  for the transfer of the assets comprised in the relevant Funds (all as 
defined  in or for the  purposes of the Scheme),  of the Company to the relevant 
Rollover  Funds, as the  case may be,  such agreements to  be in the form of the 
drafts  laid before this meeting and signed for the purpose of identification by 
the  Chairman thereof with such amendments as  the parties thereto may from time 
to time agree; 
(b)to  procure  that  each  Fund  (as  defined  in  the Scheme) be vested in the 
relevant  Rollover  Fund  or  its  nominees,  subject  to  (as  applicable)  the 
instrument of incorporation or prospectus of the relevant Rollover Fund; 
(c)to  request each Rollover Fund (or  M&G Securities or the relevant depositary 
as  the  case  may  be)  to  arrange  for  the  distribution  among  the Capital 
Shareholders, Zero Dividend Shareholders and Package Unitholders who so elect or 
are  deemed so to elect of the Securities to be issued pursuant to the Scheme by 
way  of satisfaction and discharge  of their respective interests  in so much of 
the  undertaking, property and assets of the  Company as shall be transferred to 
each Rollover Fund, as the case may be, in accordance with the Scheme; and 
(d) to convert into cash the Liquidation Fund (as defined in the Scheme); 
1.7the Liquidators, when appointed, be and are hereby authorised to divide among 
the  members in specie the whole  or any part of the  business of the Company in 
accordance  with the  Scheme and  may, for  that purpose,  value any  assets and 
determine  how  the  division  shall  be  carried  out as between the members or 
different  classes of members. The Liquidators may vest the whole or any part of 
the assets of the Company in trustees upon such trusts for the benefit of, inter 
alia,  the members as  they may determine,  but no member  shall be compelled to 
accept any assets upon which there is a liability; 
1.8 the Liquidators when appointed be and are hereby authorised to exercise such 
powers  pursuant  to  this  Resolution  and/or  the Articles, as amended by this 
Resolution,  as may be necessary or desirable  in their judgement to give effect 
to the Scheme. 
2this Special  Resolution shall operate by way of such further amendments to the 
Articles of Association as may be necessary to give effect hereto; and 
3 terms defined in the Circular to Shareholders dated 12 January 2011 shall have 
the same meanings in this Resolution, save where the context otherwise requires. 
This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of 
Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that: 
(i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and 
    other applicable laws; and 
(ii) they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and 
     originality of the information contained therein. 
Source: M&G Equity Investment Trust PLC via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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