Group Financial Review 
Group revenue for the half year ended 30 September 2017 grew by 12% to US$254.0 
million from US$225.9 million in the previous year. The contribution to revenue 
by the different segments of the Group is set out in Note 5. 
EBITDA for the period grew by US$5.7 million or 60% from US$9.5 million in the 
previous year to US$15.3 million. The contribution to EBITDA by the different 
segments of the Group is set out in Note 5. 
Profit before tax from continuing operations was US$5.4 million compared with a 
loss of US$0.7 million in the previous year. Profit before tax for the six 
month period was above the result for the full financial year ended 31 March 
2017 of US$5.3 million. 
The group disposed of its financial services operations on 31 August 2017. The 
group does accommodate all financial services participants to ensure ease of 
transacting for customers. 
Segment Commentary 
TM Supermarkets trading as TM and PnP 
Revenue for the period amounted to US$232.0 million, a growth of 15% from 
US$202.0 million in the previous year. The growth in revenue included a 
substantial increase in the number of units sold. 
EBITDA for the period grew by 38% to US$13.2 million. Profit before tax was at 
US$9.1 million, a 49% growth from US$6.1 million in the previous year. 
Refurbishment works are in progress at a number of branches with completion 
expected before the commencement of the festive season. Additional branches are 
soon to be opened and others are under consideration in terms of forward 
Revenue grew by 26% to US$12.9 million from US$10.2 million achieved during the 
six months ended 30 September 2016. International bulk tea export prices 
continued to firm to average US$1.65/kg in the six month's period to 30 
September 2017 compared with an average of US$1.51 for the same period last 
year. Bulk tea production of 3 077 tonnes was 37% higher than 2 251 tonnes 
produced in the comparative prior year period. 
The average price on avocadoes of US$1.62/kg was 80% higher than the previous 
season's average price of US$0.90/kg due to significant improvement in quality 
as the trees mature. 629 tonnes of avocadoes were exported compared to 127 
tonnes in the previous season. 
Macadamia nuts sales of 192 tonnes for the six months to September 2017 were 
19% higher than 162 tonnes for the six months to September 2016. Average price 
of US$4.39/kg was 57% higher than US$2.80/kg realised in the previous period. 
EBITDA was US$2.9 million during the six months period ended 30 September 2017. 
This was a significant growth over US$1.4 million generated during the six 
months ended 30 September 2016. 
In September 2017, Tanganda accessed the concessionary Reserve Bank of 
Zimbabwe's export finance facility which has assisted significantly in sourcing 
inputs and retiring expensive debt. This development has placed Tanganda in a 
sound financial position. 
Revenue grew by 13% to US$8.7 million, with the growth primarily attributable 
to a surge in tourist arrivals in Victoria Falls. New airlines commenced 
flights to Victoria Falls during the period under review. Room occupancy grew 
by 4.59 and 13.14 percentage points at Meikles Hotel and Victoria Falls Hotel 
respectively. The average room rate grew marginally at Victoria Falls Hotel. At 
Meikles Hotel the average room rate declined by 7% as the mix of business 
during the period was dominated by conference groups. 
EBITDA for the period grew by 84% to US$2.1 million from US$1.1 million in the 
previous year. EBITDA for the six month's period was 16% above the result for 
the full financial year ended 31 March 2017. 
The lease for the Victoria Falls Hotel was recently renewed. Planning of the 
refurbishment of the hotel is at an advanced stage. 
Stores - Meikles Stores and Meikles Mega Market 
Seven outlets were closed during the period under review due to working capital 
constraints. Savings were realised from various cost control measures 
implemented during the period. EBITDA for the period resulted in a loss of 
US$1.8 million  compared with a loss of US$1.6 million in the previous year. 
Funding arrangements for working capital requirements have very recently been 
secured. The division will shortly be in a position to trade in a normal 
fashion and the turnaround lead period to profit is expected to be relatively 
Amount owed by Government 
Considerable progress has been made in our interaction with Government towards 
the receipt of the funds that are due to the Company from Government. 
An agreement was due to be finalised immediately before the release of our 
results for the period to 30 September 2017. It is now anticipated that recent 
events will delay finalisation, but it is not expected that the outcome will be 
compromised in any way. 
The Group is expected to increase its EBITDA performance during the second half 
of the financial year. Strategies to reduce short term borrowings further 
during the remaining months of the financial year are in the process of being 
I would like to extend my appreciation to our customers, suppliers, 
shareholders and regulatory authorities for their continued support. I would 
also like to extend my appreciation to my fellow Directors, and to management 
and staff for their dedication and commitment. 
The Board has not declared an interim dividend. However, it is expected that 
following a conclusion of arrangements on the amount owed by Government, it 
will be possible to consider the declaration of an interim dividend. 
JRT Moxon 
Executive Chairman 
14 November 2017 
                                                                Unaudited   Unaudited 
                                                              30 Sep 2017 30 Sep 2016 
                                                                  US$ 000     US$ 000 
Revenue                                                           253,989     225,898 
Net operating costs                                             (245,151)   (222,255) 
Operating profit                                                    8,838       3,643 
Investment income                                                      34         723 
Finance costs                                                     (3,440)     (4,215) 
Net exchange (losses) / gains                                        (37)           7 
Loss recognised on discounting Treasury Bills                         (6)       (774) 
Fair value adjustments on biological assets                             -           3 
Profit / (loss) before tax                                          5,389       (613) 
Income tax expense                                                (2,672)       (769) 
Profit / (loss) for the period from continuing                      2,717     (1,382) 
Profit for the period from discontinued operation                     554        (76) 
Profit / (loss) for the period                                      3,271     (1,458) 
Other comprehensive income / (loss), net of tax 
Items that may be reclassified subsequently to 
profit or loss: 
Reclassification adjustment relating to 
available-for-sale financial assets disposed of in                     47         617 
the current period 
Other comprehensive income for the period, net of                      47         617 
TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME / (LOSS) FOR THE PERIOD                  3,318       (841) 
(Loss) / profit for the period attributable to: 
     Owners of the parent                                            (41)     (3,655) 
     Non-controlling interests                                      3,312       2,197 
                                                                    3,271     (1,458) 
Total comprehensive income / (loss) attributable to: 
     Owners of the parent                                               6     (3,038) 
     Non-controlling interests                                      3,312       2,197 
                                                                    3,318       (841) 
(Loss) / earnings per share (cents) 
Basic                                                              (0.02)      (1.44) 
     Continuing operations                                         (0.24)      (1.41) 
     Discontinued operations                                         0.22      (0.03) 
Diluted                                                            (0.01)      (1.34) 
     Continuing operations                                         (0.21)      (1.31) 
     Discontinued operations                                         0.20      (0.03) 
Headline loss per share (cents)                                    (0.29)      (1.12) 
     Continuing operations                                         (0.21)      (1.09) 
     Discontinued operations                                       (0.08)      (0.03) 
Diluted headline loss per share (cents)                            (0.27)      (1.04) 
     Continuing operations                                         (0.19)      (1.01) 
     Discontinued operations                                       (0.08)      (0.03) 
                                                               Unaudited    Audited 
                                                             30 Sep 2017   31 March 
                                                                 US$ 000    US$ 000 
Non-current assets 
Property, plant and equipment                                    173,253    172,664 
Investment property                                                  241        243 
Investment in Mentor Africa Limited                               20,046     20,046 
Biological assets                                                  1,262      1,147 
Intangible assets                                                    124        124 
Other financial assets                                            11,823     11,901 
Deferred tax                                                       3,859      3,427 
Total non-current assets                                         210,608    209,552 
Current assets 
Treasury Bills                                                         -      3,024 
Inventories                                                       30,710     34,467 
Trade and other receivables                                       16,639     13,969 
Biological assets - produce on bearer plants                       1,195      1,867 
Other financial assets                                             3,419      4,134 
Cash and bank balances                                            27,552     15,637 
Total current assets                                              79,515     73,098 
Total assets                                                     290,123    282,650 
Capital and reserves 
Share capital                                                      2,538      2,538 
Share premium                                                      1,316      1,316 
Other reserves                                                    12,559     12,512 
Retained earnings                                                 83,642     83,683 
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent              100,055    100,049 
Non-controlling interests                                         30,188     28,591 
Total  equity                                                    130,243    128,640 
Non-current liabilities 
Borrowings                                                        15,446      9,241 
Deferred tax                                                      18,551     17,637 
Total non-current liabilities                                     33,997     26,878 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                                          75,067     70,155 
Borrowings                                                        50,816     56,977 
Total current liabilities                                        125,883    127,132 
Total liabilities                                                159,880    154,010 
Total equity and liabilities                                     290,123    282,650 
                                        Share     Share 
                                      capital   premium       Other    Retained 
                                                           reserves    earnings 
                                      US$ 000   US$ 000    US$ 000      US$ 000 
2017 - Unaudited 
Balance at 1 April 2017                 2,538     1,316      12,512      83,683 
(Loss) / profit for the period              -         -           -        (41) 
Other comprehensive income for the          -         -          47           - 
Non-controlling interests arising           - 
from Mopani Property Development                      -           -           - 
(Private) Limited 
Balance at 30 September 2017            2,538     1,316      12,559      83,642 
2016 - Unaudited 
Balance at 1 April 2016                 2,538     1,316      11,418      90,096 
(Loss) / profit for the period              -         -           -     (3,655) 
Other comprehensive income for the          -         -         617           - 
Non-controlling interests arising           - 
from Mopani Property Development                      -           -           - 
(Private) Limited 
Balance at 30 September 2016            2,538     1,316      12,035      86,441 
                                   Attributable  to    Non-controlling     Total 
                                   owners of parent          interests 
                                            US$ 000            US$ 000   US$ 000 
2017 - Unaudited 
Balance at 1 April 2017                     100,049             28,591   128,640 
(Loss) / profit for the period                 (41)              3,312     3,271 
Other comprehensive income for the               47                  -        47 
Non-controlling interests arising                 -            (1,715)   (1,715) 
from Mopani Property Development 
(Private) Limited 
Balance at 30 September 2017                100,055             30,188   130,243 
2016 - Unaudited 
Balance at 1 April 2016                     105,368             21,182   126,550 
(Loss) / profit for the period              (3,655)              2,197   (1,458) 
Other comprehensive income for the              617                  -       617 
Non-controlling interests arising                 -              1,050     1,050 
from Mopani Property Development 
(Private) Limited 
Balance at 30 September 2016                102,330             24,429   126,759 
                                                             Unaudited   Unaudited 
                                                           30 Sep 2017 30 Sep 2016 
CONTINUING AND DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS                        US$ 000      US$ 000 
Cash flows from operating activities 
Profit / (loss) before tax                                       5,943       (709) 
Adjustments for: 
- Depreciation and impairment of property,                       6,658       5,998 
plant and equipment and investment property 
- Net interest                                                   3,399       3,502 
- Net exchange losses / (gains)                                     37         (7) 
- Profit on disposal of subsidiary                               (768)           - 
- Fair value adjustments on biological assets                        -         (3) 
- Loss recognised on discounting Treasury Bills                      6         774 
- Loss on disposal of property, plant and                          176          99 
Operating cash flow before working capital                      15,451       9,654 
Decrease / (increase) in inventories                             3,757       (557) 
(Increase) / decrease in trade and other                       (2,963)       2,139 
Increase in trade and other payables                             4,289       5,850 
Cash generated from operations                                  20,534      17,086 
Income taxes paid                                              (1,567)       (794) 
Net cash generated from operating activities                    18,967      16,292 
Cash flows from investing activities 
Payment for property, plant and equipment                      (7,465)     (6,317) 
Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and                      117          33 
Proceeds from sale of Treasury Bills and coupon                  3,075       1,950 
Net movement in service assets                                    (73)          27 
Net movement in other  investments                                 816       (378) 
Net movement in biological assets                                  557        (23) 
Net cash inflow on disposal of subsidiary                        1,060           - 
Investment income                                                   12          33 
Net cash used in investing activities                          (1,901)     (4,675) 
Cash flows from financing activities 
Net decrease in interest bearing borrowings                         45     (6,333) 
Proceeds on disposal of partial interest in a                        -       1,050 
subsidiary without loss of control 
Finance costs                                                  (3,444)     (4,227) 
Dividend paid - minority shareholders                          (1,715)           - 
Net cash used in financing activities                          (5,114)     (9,510) 
Net increase in cash and bank balances                          11,952       2,107 
Cash and bank balances at the beginning of the                  15,637      10,494 
Net effect of exchange rate changes on cash and                   (37)        (54) 
bank balances 
Cash and bank balances at the end of the period                 27,552      12,547 
1. Basis of preparation 
The abridged unaudited financial results are prepared from statutory records 
that are maintained under the historical cost basis except for biological 
assets and certain financial instruments which are measured at fair value. 
Historical cost is generally based on the fair value of the consideration given 
in exchange for assets. These abridged unaudited financial results do not 
include all information and disclosures required to fully comply with IFRS and 
should be read in conjunction with the Group's annual report per 31 March 2017. 
2. Accounting policies 
Accounting policies and methods of computation applied in the preparation of 
these abridged unaudited financial results are consistent, in all material 
respects, with those used in the prior year. 
3. Going concern 
The Directors assess the ability of the Group to continue in operational 
existence in the foreseeable future at each reporting date. As at 30 September 
2017, the Directors have assessed the Group's ability to continue operating as 
a going concern and believe that the preparation of these unaudited financial 
results on a going concern basis is still appropriate. 
4. Treasury Bills 
Below is an analysis of the movement in the Treasury Bills' balance during the 
                                           Group and   Group and  Group and  Group and 
                                             Company     Company    Company    Company 
                                         30 Sep 2017 30 Sep 2017   31 March   31 March 
                                                                       2017       2017 
                                             US$ 000     US$ 000    US$ 000    US$ 000 
                                                Fair                   Fair 
                                            (Market)     Nominal   (Market)    Nominal 
                                               value       value      value      value 
Balance at the beginning of the                3,024       3,071     11,106     12,247 
Interest charge for the period                    11           4      1,061        409 
Coupon interest received                        (75)        (75)      (551)      (551) 
Treasury Bills disposed /matured             (2,960)     (3,000)    (8,592)    (9,034) 
during the period 
Balance at the end of the period                   -           -      3,024      3,071 
The Treasury Bills have been designated as "available-for-sale" (AFS) financial 
assets and were initially recognised / measured at fair (market) value. The 
fair (market) value of the Treasury Bills on initial recognition, and at each 
Statement of Financial Position date, was calculated based on a yield to 
maturity of 17%. This yield to maturity was determined with reference to the 
percentage discount to the nominal value of the Treasury Bills at which the 
Company has been able to sell certain of the Treasury Bills in the open market 
during the preceding financial periods. 
Interest income on the Treasury Bills is recognised using the effective 
interest rate method and is included in "Investment income" in the Statement of 
Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income. 
5. Segment information 
                                                                  Unaudited  Unaudited 
                                                                30 Sep 2017     30 Sep 
                                                                    US$ 000    US$ 000 
Supermarkets                                                        231,973    202,029 
Agriculture                                                          12,927     10,223 
Hotels                                                                8,685      7,688 
Departmental stores                                                   1,040      2,572 
Wholesaling                                                              89      4,107 
Corporate*                                                            (725)      (721) 
                                                                    253,989    225,898 
Supermarkets                                                         13,229      9,577 
Agriculture                                                           2,980      1,444 
Hotels                                                                2,101      1,140 
Departmental stores                                                   (825)      (467) 
Wholesaling                                                           (948)    (1,158) 
Corporate*                                                          (1,277)      (982) 
                                                                     15,260      9,554 
The EBITDA figures are before Group management fees. 
5. Segment information (continued) 
                                                                  Unaudited    Audited 
                                                                30 Sep 2017   31 March 
                                                                    US$ 000    US$ 000 
Segment assets 
Supermarkets                                                        108,937     98,532 
Agriculture                                                          76,451     76,038 
Hotels                                                               46,467     46,460 
Departmental stores                                                  26,473     26,899 
Wholesaling                                                           4,988      4,196 
Corporate*                                                           26,807     30,525 
                                                                    290,123    282,650 
Segment liabilities 
Supermarkets                                                         50,479     43,314 
Agriculture                                                          29,557     30,944 
Hotels                                                               22,263     22,782 
Departmental stores                                                  18,108     17,286 
Wholesaling                                                          10,237      8,690 
Corporate*                                                           29,236     30,994 
                                                                    159,880    154,010 
*Intercompany transactions and balances have been eliminated from the corporate 
amounts. Corporate also includes other subsidiaries that are immaterial to 
warrant separate disclosure. 
                                                                  Unaudited  Unaudited 
                                                                30 Sep 2017     30 Sep 
6. Other information                                                US$ 000    US$ 000 
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment and investment          6,566      5,361 
Impairment of property, plant and equipment                              92        637 
Capital commitments authorised by the Directors but not                   -     13,466 
contracted for 
Group's share of capital commitments of joint operations              3,000      2,641 
                                                                  Unaudited    Audited 
                                                                30 Sep 2017   31 March 
                                                                    US$ 000    US$ 000 
7. Net borrowings 
Non-current borrowings                                               15,446      9,241 
Current borrowings                                              50,816      56,977 
Total borrowings                                                     66,262     66,218 
Cash and cash equivalents                                          (27,552)   (15,637) 
Net borrowings                                                       38,710     50,581 
Secured                                                              55,453     55,773 
Unsecured                                                            10,809     10,445 
                                                                     66,262     66,218 
The weighted average cost of borrowings for the year was 13.90% per annum (31 
March 2017: 13.63% per annum). 
The Group has issued cross company guarantees worth US$35.2 million (31 March 
2017: US$29.8 million) for Group borrowing facilities. 
8. Discontinued operation 
On 31 August 2017, the Company signed an agreement to dispose of Tuscarora 
Investments (Private) Limited (trading as Meikles Financial Services), which 
carried out the Group's financial services operations. The proceeds of sale 
exceeded the carrying amount of the related net assets and, accordingly, no 
impairment losses were recognised. The disposal of the financial services 
operations is consistent with the Group's long-term policy to focus its 
activities on its main segments, namely retail, agriculture, hospitality, 
wholesaling and security services. The results of the discontinued operations 
included in profit for the period are as set out below. The comparative profit 
and cash flows from discontinued operation have been re-presented to include 
the operation classified as discontinued in the current period. 
                                                                     Unaudited  Unaudited 
                                                                        30 Sep     30 Sep 
                                                                          2017       2016 
                                                                       US$ 000    US$ 000 
Profit / (loss) for the period from discontinued operation 
Net fees and commission income                                             297        310 
Net operating costs                                                  (518)     (396) 
Operating loss                                                           (221)       (86) 
Investment income                                                           11          2 
Interest expense                                                           (4)       (12) 
Loss before tax                                                          (214)       (96) 
Income tax credit                                                            -         20 
Loss for the period                                                      (214)       (76) 
Profit on disposal of operation                                            768          - 
Profit / (loss) for the period from discontinued operation                 554       (76) 
Cash flows from discontinued operation 
Net cash outflows from operating activities                               (98)      (280) 
Net cash flows from investing activities                                     1       (33) 
Net cash inflows from financing activities                                 168        283 
Net cash flows from discontinued operation                                  71       (30) 
Analysis of assets and liabilities over which control was lost                     30 Sep 
                                                                                  US$ 000 
Current assets 
Cash and cash equivalents                                                             224 
Other financial assets                                                              1,156 
Trade and other receivables                                                           255 
Inventory                                                                               7 
Non-current assets 
Property, plant and equipment                                                         197 
Deferred tax asset                                                                    216 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                                                          (1,763) 
Net assets disposed off                                                               292 
Proceeds on disposal                                                                1,060 
Profit on disposal of operation                                                       768 
Meikles Limited Website : http://www.meiklesltd.com/ 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

November 24, 2017 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

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