It gives me pleasure to present the Chairman's Report for the financial year 
ended 31 March 2018. 
The abridged financial statements are now audited. The Company has decided not 
to account for sums due from the Government of Zimbabwe in the year under 
review.  The history of this matter speaks to the unilateral acquisition of 
Meikles Limited funds by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe in 1998. 
Government has committed itself to pay the amount due to the Company and the 
sums will be included in the financial statements when the final receipt is 
confirmed. The settlement will include an agreement on interest to be paid to 
the Company and will provide for payment to be made progressively in tranches. 
It is believed the total payment will be received by the end of March 2019. The 
receipt of funds from Government will be material to the future direction of 
the entire Group. 
The Group performed well during the year under review. 
Due to the late release of the audited financial results for reasons explained 
to Shareholders, it is considered appropriate to provide Shareholders with 
information on Group performance for the first four months in the financial 
year to 31 March 2019.  This information is included in the section of this 
report headed "Outlook". 
Group earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation and amortisation 
("EBITDA") have grown from US$12.2 million in the financial year to 31 March 
2016 to US$24.8 million in the financial year to 31 March 2017 to US$41.1 
million in the year under review. 
Revenue has grown from US$453.6 million in 2016 to US$457.6 million in 2017 to 
US$534.9 million in the year under review. 
Segmental contributions to Revenue and EBITDA are set out in Note 5. 
Profit before taxation has grown by 225 percent to US$19.2 million (2017 US$5.9 
Supermarkets - trading as TM and Pick n Pay 
EBITDA grew by 45 percent to US$34.5 million.  The segment traded in 55 
stores.  In the forthcoming financial year, the segment plans to open a number 
of new stores and there will be further upgrades of existing stores. Consistent 
growth is anticipated in the coming year. 
The segment has no borrowings and has the resources to implement future growth. 
EBITDA grew to US$10.3 million from US$6.1 million in the previous year. 
The quantum of tea harvested on the Tanganda Estates was an all-time record on 
a calculated comparative basis. Selling prices for tea, avocados and macadamias 
were greater than in the previous year. 
The avocado and macadamia areas planted over the last years are significant in 
size, but remain largely immature. Although volumes of both crops were 
significantly greater in the year under review than in the previous year, the 
process to maturity on the existing plantations will take another three years. 
Once maturity is reached, production in these areas will exceed current 
production levels by a very significant tonnage. Sales and profit contribution 
are expected to grow over the next three years to a level where the historic 
dependence on tea, both in bulk and in packeted form, will be diminished, not 
in terms of a reducing tea performance, which is expected to continue to grow 
in contribution, but by enhanced overall performance following the impact of 
the new agricultural products. 
Tanganda invested in certification by Rainforest Alliance of 706 small scale 
tea growers. This development will benefit small scale farmers with improved 
revenues. The development will assist in the conservation of biodiversity and 
natural resources for the benefit of both present and future generations. 
EBITDA increased to US$4.1 million in the current year from US$1.8 million in 
the previous year. 
Sales and profits include the entire results of Meikles Hotel and only 50 
percent of The Victoria Falls Hotel, where the segment is in equal 
partnership with a third party. 
A refurbishment programme for The Victoria Falls Hotel will commence before the 
end of 2018. However, of greater significance a project to enlarge the hotel 
with additional accommodation is currently in the initial stages of planning, 
and implementation is to be expedited. 
Both hotels are benefiting from a growth in occupancy during the first months 
of the new financial year. 
Retail and properties 
The EBITDA loss in retail at US$4.2 million was almost identical to the loss of 
US$ 4.1 million in the previous year. 
This segment was badly affected throughout the year by the absence of funds due 
to the Group from Government, a position which is still prevalent in the early 
months of the new financial year. All Mega Market and M stores have been 
permanently closed, partly in the latter months of the year under review and 
partly in the early months of the new financial year. 
Management has successfully reduced expenditures, so going forward losses are 
With the knowledge that funding is to be forthcoming,  the segment will focus 
on a retail offering that is compatible with the forward requirements of a 
smaller but more specialised retail offering. 
The commercial real estate properties owned by the Group are very well located 
in the major city centres. These buildings are currently being analysed for 
redevelopment along a similar concept to that achieved at Village Walk, 
Borrowdale. It is anticipated that these projects, when completed will generate 
substantial rental revenue for the Group, together with growth in capital 
Financial Services 
In order to focus on the activities of our main segments, the financial 
services operation was sold at a profit during the year under review. 
Security Services 
Meikles Guard Services continue to provide guard services to both Group 
companies and to certain third parties. It is anticipated that further third 
party contracts will be secured. 
The Meikles Foundation continued to focus its attention and energy helping the 
under privileged and disadvantaged. The Foundation has worked closely with both 
Roundtable and TM Pick n Pay in efforts to raise funds, supply food, blankets, 
clothing and medication to the needy. An annual fund raising golf championship 
partnering TM Pick n Pay resulted in funding to the Rainbow Children's Home, 
KidzCan Zimbabwe, Cleveland Dam residents feeding programme, Island Hospice and 
Healthcare and the Arcadia Baptist Church feeding programme. In recognition of 
World Water Day, the Meikles Foundation, in collaboration with the Embassy of 
Italy, was part of an initiative to raise awareness of the importance of 
sustainable water consumption and management. 
The Meikles Foundation was involved in the renovation and completion of a space 
at the Thomas Meikle Property, Robert Mugabe Road in Harare, for a dance hub 
run by Afrikera Arts Space who provide an internationally recognised three year 
diploma in all forms of dance and basic business studies. The Thomas Meikle 
Library at National Gallery remains a project close to the heart of the 
The strategy of the Meikles Foundation is to partner like-minded organisations 
who are prepared to work and achieve their project goals and to source funding 
both locally and internationally for all projects. 
Financial performance for the first four months of the financial year to 31 
March 2019 have resulted in a growth in turnover of 27 percent to US$213.2 
million (previous year US$168.2 million), an improvement in EBITDA of 113 
percent to US$20.4 million (previous year US$9.6 million) and an increase in 
profit before taxation to US$14.1 million (previous year US$3.0 million). 
Overall borrowings net of cash and bank balances as at 31 July 2018 were 
US$21.1 million (31 March 2018 US$39.1 million). 
Negotiations are in progress with a banking institution to convert present 
short term borrowings to medium term loans. This will result in a 
rationalisation of our relationships with banking institutions. The process is 
expected to be completed by the end of December 2018. 
With anticipated receipt of funds from Government, the Group will be in a 
position of financial strength. However, the Company may in addition seek 
funding from further cash generating opportunities, which will become be 
available in the future months. 
The Board resolved not to declare a dividend for the year. 
I would like to extend my appreciation to our customers for their continued 
support and to our shareholders and regulatory authorities for their support 
and guidance. I would also like to extend my thanks and appreciation to fellow 
Board members, management and staff for their dedication and commitment. 
JRT Moxon 
Executive Chairman 
27 September 2018 
                                                               31 March    31 March 
                                                                   2018        2017 
                                                                US$ 000     US$ 000 
Revenue                                                         534,930     457,626 
Net operating costs                                           (508,197)   (443,908) 
Operating profit                                                 26,733      13,718 
Investment income                                                   271       2,121 
Finance costs                                                   (8,640)     (9,143) 
Net exchange losses                                               (468)       (161) 
Loss recognised on discounting Treasury Bills                       (6)     (1,429) 
Fair value adjustments on biological assets                       1,336         789 
Profit before tax                                                19,226       5,895 
Income tax expense                                             (11,533)     (6,249) 
Profit / (loss) for the year from continuing                      7,693       (354) 
Profit / (loss) for the year from discontinued                      501       (392) 
Profit / (loss) for the period                                    8,194       (746) 
Other comprehensive income, net of tax 
Items that may be reclassified subsequently to 
profit or loss: 
Reclassification adjustments relating to 
available-for-sale financial assets disposed of in                   47         441 
the current year 
Fair value adjustments on available-for-sale                          -         653 
financial assets 
Other comprehensive income for the year, net of tax                  47       1,094 
TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR                           8,241         348 
(Loss) / profit for the year attributable to: 
     Owners of the parent                                         (829)     (6,719) 
     Non-controlling interests                                    9,023       5,973 
                                                                  8,194       (746) 
Total comprehensive (loss) / income attributable 
     Owners of the parent                                         (782)     (5,625) 
     Non-controlling interests                                    9,023       5,973 
                                                                  8,241         348 
(Loss) / earnings per share (cents) 
Basic                                                            (0.32)      (2.65) 
Diluted                                                          (0.31)      (2.46) 
Headline earnings / (loss) per share (cents)                       0.08      (2.00) 
Diluted headline earnings / (loss) per share                       0.08      (1.86) 
AS AT 31 MARCH 2018 
                                                           31 March 2018    31 March 
                                                                 US$ 000     US$ 000 
Non-current assets 
Property, plant and equipment                                    175,267     172,664 
Investment property                                                  239         243 
Investment in Mentor Africa Limited                               20,046      20,046 
Biological assets                                                  1,299       1,147 
Intangible assets                                                    124         124 
Other financial assets                                            11,815      11,901 
Deferred tax                                                         121       3,427 
Total non-current assets                                         208,911     209,552 
Current assets 
Treasury Bills                                                         -       3,024 
Inventories                                                       43,870      34,467 
Trade and other receivables                                       17,341      13,969 
Biological assets - produce on bearer plants                       2,810       1,867 
Other financial assets                                             3,383       4,134 
Cash and bank balances                                            34,175      15,637 
Total current assets                                             101,579      73,098 
Total assets                                                     310,490     282,650 
Capital and reserves 
Share capital                                                      2,562       2,538 
Share premium                                                      1,469       1,316 
Other reserves                                                    12,559      12,512 
Retained earnings                                                 82,854      83,683 
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent               99,444     100,049 
Non-controlling interests                                         36,241      28,591 
Total  equity                                                    135,685     128,640 
Non-current liabilities 
Borrowings                                                        17,309       9,241 
Deferred tax                                                      19,189      17,637 
Total non-current liabilities                                     36,498      26,878 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                                          82,334      70,155 
Borrowings                                                        55,973      56,977 
Total current liabilities                                        138,307     127,132 
Total liabilities                                                174,805     154,010 
Total equity and liabilities                                     310,490     282,650 
                                Share   Share Non-distributable                      Attributable  Non-controlling   Total 
                              capital premium          reserves Investments Retained  to owners of       interests 
                                                                revaluation earnings        parent 
                                  US$     US$          US$ 000     US$ 000   US$ 000       US$ 000         US$ 000     US$ 
                                  000     000                                                                          000 
Balance at 1 April 2017         2,538   1,316            12,559        (47)   83,683       100,049          28,591 128,640 
(Loss) / profit for the year        -       -                 -           -    (829)         (829)           9,023   8,194 
Issue of shares                    24     153                 -           -        -           177               -     177 
Other comprehensive income          -       -                 -          47        -            47               -      47 
for the year 
Dividend paid - minority            -       -                 -           -        -             -         (1,715) (1,715) 
Non-controlling interests           -                         -                                  -             342     342 
arising from Mopani Property                -                             -        - 
Development (Private) Limited 
Balance at 31 March 2018        2,562   1,469            12,559           -   82,854        99,444          36,241 135,685 
Balance at 1 April 2016         2,538   1,316            12,559     (1,141)   90,402       105,674          21,182 126,856 
(Loss) / profit for the year        -       -                 -           -  (6,719)       (6,719)           5,973   (746) 
Other comprehensive income          -       -                 -       1,094        -         1,094               -   1,094 
for the year 
Non-controlling interests           -                         -                                  -           1,436   1,436 
arising from Mopani Property                -                             -        - 
Development (Private) Limited 
Balance at 31 March 2017        2,538   1,316            12,559        (47)   83,683       100,049          28,591 128,640 
                                                                   31 March   31 March 
                                                                       2018       2017 
                                                                   US$ 000    US$ 000 
Cash flows from operating activities 
Profit / (loss) before tax - continuing operations                   19,226      5,895 
                       - discontinued operation                         554      (551) 
                                                                     19,780      5,344 
Adjustments for: 
- Depreciation and impairment of property, plant and                 13,311     11,801 
equipment, investment property and biological assets 
- Net interest                                                        8,415      8,022 
  * Dividend income                                                    (53)      (992) 
- Net exchange losses                                                   468        161 
- Profit on disposal of operation                                     (768)          - 
- Fair value adjustments on biological assets                       (1,336)      (789) 
  * Loss recognised on discounting Treasury Bills                         6      1,429 
- Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment                   1,545        123 
Operating cash flow before working capital changes                   41,368     25,099 
Increase in inventories                                             (9,403)    (1,076) 
(Increase) / decrease in trade and other receivables                (3,627)      1,317 
Increase in trade and other payables                                 11,895      8,986 
Cash generated from operations                                       40,233     34,326 
Income taxes paid                                                   (6,447)    (3,520) 
Net cash generated from operating activities                         33,786     30,806 
Cash flows from investing activities 
Payment for property, plant and equipment                          (17,717)   (14,229) 
Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment                 350        230 
Proceeds from sale of Treasury Bills and coupon interest              3,075      8,809 
Net movement in service assets                                         (89)         37 
Net movement in other  investments                                      847      (515) 
Net expenditure on biological assets                                    241      (374) 
Net cash flow on disposal of subsidiary                               1,060          - 
Investment income                                                       208         56 
Net cash used in investing activities                              (12,025)    (5,986) 
Cash flows from financing activities 
Net increase / (decrease) in interest bearing borrowings              7,064   (11,745) 
Non-controlling interests arising from Mopani Property                  519      1,436 
Development (Private) Limited 
Finance costs                                                       (8,640)    (9,163) 
Dividend paid - minority shareholders                               (1,715)          - 
Net cash used in financing activities                               (2,772)   (19,472) 
Net increase in cash and bank balances                               18,989      5,348 
Cash and bank balances at the beginning of the year                  15,637     10,494 
Net effect of exchange rate changes on cash and bank                  (451)      (205) 
Cash and bank balances at the end of the year                        34,175     15,637 
1. Basis of preparation 
The abridged audited financial statements are prepared from statutory records 
that are maintained under the historical cost basis except for biological 
assets and certain financial instruments which are measured at fair value. 
Historical cost is generally based on the fair value of the consideration given 
in exchange for assets. These abridged financial statements are presented in 
United States of America dollars (US$), which is the Group's functional 
currency. In the current environment the determination of functional currency 
is a significant judgement area. The country's Accounting Profession reviewed 
the requirements of the accounting standards and concluded that the US$ was 
still the appropriate functional currency. 
2. Statement of compliance 
The Group's abridged audited financial statements have been extracted from 
financial statements prepared in accordance with International Financial 
Reporting Standards and the Companies Act (Chapter 24.03) and relevant 
statutory instruments (SI33/99 and SI62/96). These abridged set of financial 
results should be read in conjunction with the complete set of financial 
statements for the year ended 31 March 2018, which have been audited by 
Deloitte & Touche Chartered Accountants (Zimbabwe) and an unmodified audit 
opinion issued thereon. The auditors have included a section on key audit 
matters. The key audit matters were on material uncertainty related to going 
concern and contingent assets and liabilities. The auditor's report is 
available for inspection at the Company's registered address. 
3. Accounting policies 
Accounting policies and methods of computation applied in the preparation of 
these abridged financial statements are consistent, in all material respects, 
with those used in the prior year. 
4. Going concern 
The Directors assess the ability of the Group to continue in operational 
existence in the foreseeable future at each reporting date. As at 31 March 
2018, the Directors have assessed the Group's ability to continue operating as 
a going concern and believe that the preparation of these financial statements 
on a going concern basis is still appropriate. 
5. Segment information 
                                                                  31 March    31 March 
                                                                      2018        2017 
Revenue                                                            US$ 000     US$ 000 
Supermarkets                                                       487,822     413,997 
Agriculture                                                         28,847      21,173 
Hotels                                                              17,646      14,667 
Departmental stores                                                  1,881       4,640 
Wholesaling                                                            224       4,432 
Corporate*                                                         (1,490)     (1,283) 
                                                                   534,930     457,626 
Supermarkets                                                        34,514      23,807 
Agriculture?                                                        10,289       6,096 
Hotels                                                               4,063       1,814 
Departmental stores                                                (2,218)     (1,333) 
Wholesaling                                                        (1,998)     (2,797) 
Corporate*                                                         (3,570)     (2,779) 
                                                                    41,080      24,808 
The EBITDA figures are before Group management fees. 
Segment assets 
Supermarkets                                                       126,701      98,532 
Agriculture                                                         85,582      76,038 
Hotels                                                              46,966      46,460 
Departmental stores                                                 23,446      26,899 
Wholesaling                                                          1,071       4,196 
Corporate*                                                          26,724      30,525 
                                                                   310,490     282,650 
Segment liabilities 
Supermarkets                                                        56,148      43,314 
Agriculture                                                         32,779      30,944 
Hotels                                                              23,515      22,782 
Departmental stores                                                 18,999      17,286 
Wholesaling                                                         10,032       8,690 
Corporate*                                                          33,332      30,994 
                                                                   174,805     154,010 
*Intercompany transactions and balances have been eliminated from the corporate 
amounts. Corporate also includes other subsidiaries that are immaterial to 
warrant separate disclosure. 
?Current year EBITDA is after adding back US$1.25 million loss on disposal of 
coffee bearer plants, which were uprooted to pave way for macadamia trees. 
                                                                   31 March   31 March 
                                                                       2018       2017 
6. Other information                                                US$ 000    US$ 000 
Capital commitments authorised by the Directors but not         23,583      13,500 
contracted for 
Group's share of capital commitments of joint operations              3,000          - 
7.1 Net borrowings 
Non-current borrowings                                               17,309      9,241 
Current borrowings                                              55,973      56,977 
Total borrowings                                                     73,282     66,218 
Cash and cash equivalents                                          (34,175)   (15,637) 
Net borrowings                                                       39,107     50,581 
Secured                                                              57,505     55,773 
Unsecured                                                            15,777     10,445 
                                                                     73,282     66,218 
The weighted average cost of borrowings for the year was 13.39% per annum 
(2017: 13.63% per annum). 
The Group has issued cross company guarantees worth US$42.1 million (2017: 
US$29.8 million) for Group borrowing facilities. 
7.2   Breach of loan covenants 
During the current year, the Group was in default on some of its loan covenants 
with financial institutions. Details of loans in default as at 31 March 2018 
are as follows: 
  * US$4.6 million (2017: US$3.9 million) unsecured borrowing, carrying 
    interest at 18% p.a. The loan expired on 31 October 2017 and is now subject 
    of litigation. The loan is from a Government related financial institution. 
  * US$432,678 (2017: US$3.6 million) unsecured borrowing, carrying interest at 
    15% p.a. The loan expired on 23 July 2017 and is now subject of litigation. 
    The loan is from a Government related financial institution. 
  * US$16.1 million (2017: US$14.7 million) partially secured borrowing, 
    carrying interest at 12% p.a. The loan is currently on overdraft and 
    negotiations to extend the tenure are underway. 
  * Loan instalments and interest amounting to US$1.1 million were in arrears 
    as at 31 March 2018 for a loan of US$2.1 million (2017: US$2.7 million) 
    expiring on 31 January 2019. 
  * Loan instalments and interest amounting to US$673,000 were in arrears as at 
    31 March 2018 for a loan of US$3.4 million (2017: US$nil) expiring on 31 
    May 2018. Loan instalments amounting to US$373,000 were in arrears for a 
    loan of US$4.7 million (2017: US$5.9 million) expiring on 31 July 2021. 
  * Interest payments amounting to US$151,000 were in arrears as at 31 March 
    2018 for a loan of US$3.2 million (2017: US$0.9 million) expiring on 31 
    December 2019. 
8. Discontinued operation 
On 31 August 2017, the Company signed an agreement to dispose of Tuscarora 
Investments (Private) Limited (trading as Meikles Financial Services), which 
carried out the Group's financial services operations to Veritran (Private) 
Limited. Proceeds received were used in financing working capital requirements 
of the Group. The proceeds of sale exceeded the carrying amount of the related 
net assets and, accordingly, no impairment losses were recognised. The disposal 
of the financial services operations is consistent with the Group's long-term 
policy to focus its activities on its main segments, namely retail, 
agriculture, hospitality and security services. The results of the discontinued 
operation included in profit for the period are as set out below. The 
comparative profit and cash flows from discontinued operation have been 
re-presented to include the operation classified as discontinued in the current 
                                                                  31 March    31 March 
                                                                      2018        2017 
                                                                   US$ 000     US$ 000 
Profit / (loss) for the period from discontinued operation 
Net fees and commission income                                         297         583 
Net operating costs                                            (518)       (1,125) 
Operating loss                                                       (221)       (542) 
Investment income                                                       11          11 
Interest expense                                                       (4)        (20) 
Profit on disposal of operation                                        768           - 
Profit / (loss) before tax                                             554       (551) 
Taxation                                                              (53)         159 
Profit / (loss) for the period from discontinued operation             501       (392) 
Cash flows from discontinued operation 
Net cash outflows from operating activities                           (98)       (298) 
Net cash flows from investing activities                                 1       (127) 
Net cash inflows from financing activities                             168         404 
Net cash flows from discontinued operation                              71        (21) 
Analysis of assets and liabilities over which control was lost                31 March 
                                                                               US$ 000 
Property, plant and equipment                                                    (197) 
Deferred tax asset                                                               (216) 
Inventory                                                                          (7) 
Other financial assets                                                         (1,156) 
Trade and other receivables                                                      (255) 
Cash and cash equivalents                                                        (224) 
Trade and other payables                                                         1,763 
Net assets disposed off                                                          (292) 
Proceeds on disposal                                                             1,060 
Profit on disposal of operation                                                    768 
Meikles Limited Website : www.meiklesltd.com 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

September 28, 2018 03:59 ET (07:59 GMT)

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