RNS Number:0832G
Marakand Minerals Limited
22 October 2007

News release

For immediate release: 22 October 2007

                           Marakand Minerals Limited

           Final Results for the twelve months ended 30 June 2007


*   No indication from the Uzbek Government that Marakand will have any role 
    in the future development of the Khandiza polymetallic deposit and
    exploration of the surrounding area

*   Oxus Gold plc (Marakand's 84.04% controlling shareholder) decision to sell 
    Marakand's Turkish exploration assets to KazakhGold Group Limited.
    Marakand received $950,000 from Oxus.

*   Agreement for Oxus Gold Plc to acquire the remaining 15.96% of the
    Company's ordinary shares

LONDON: 22 October 2007 - Marakand Minerals Limited ("Marakand", the "Company"
or "the Group") has today announced, in respect of the year ended 30 June 2007,
a loss of approximately $19.4 million after charging a provision for impairment
against the carrying value of its investment in the Khandiza project of
approximately $19.1 million. Net assets at 30 June 2007 amounted to
approximately $9.4 million.

This has been a disappointing year for the Group following difficulties in
engaging with the Uzbek authorities in respect of the development of the
Khandiza zinc-lead-copper-silver project in Uzbekistan.

(All references to $ are to United States dollars.)

Report on Activities

Financial Results

The Group reports an unaudited loss for the period of $19,421,000 (2006:
$2,027,000) after an exceptional charge of $19,051,000 against the Group's
investment in the Khandiza project. The loss per share is 19.04 cents (2006:
2.01 cents).

Principal activities and review of business developments

Marakand is a mining exploration and development company which has focused on
base metals and silver.  Its principal asset is its interest in the Khandiza
polymetallic deposit in South East Uzbekistan, and the surrounding exploration
areas.  Until recently, the Company had also been pursuing a strategy to acquire
exploration assets in Turkey.

Khandiza Deposit, Uzbekistan

The Khandiza deposit contains, above a 2 % zinc cut off, a JORC classified and
audited Measured and Indicated Resource containing 11.8Mt at an average grade of
7.66 % zinc, 3.65 % lead, 0.91 % copper, 129 g/t silver and 0.38 g/t gold, plus
an Inferred Resource containing 2.6Mt at an average grade of 5.36 % zinc, 2.81 %
lead, 0.65 % copper, 161 g/t silver and 0.38 g/t gold.

Marakand obtained its interest in Khandiza under the Primary Exploration
Agreement.  The Primary Exploration Agreement was originally entered into on 14
December 1996 between Goscomgeology (the State Committee of Geology and Mineral
resources for the Republic of Uzbekistan) and Oxus Resources Corporation.

The Primary Exploration Agreement provides Marakand, with rights to conduct
geological prospecting, prepare a feasibility study and negotiate with
Goscomgeology regarding the obtaining of an exploration licence and the
development of mining operations on the Khandiza deposit.

During the period 1996 to 2002, Oxus Resources Corporation completed Stage I of
a Feasibility Study and considerable exploration and deposit evaluation work.

In July 2002, the Primary Exploration Agreement was assigned to Oxus Mining
Limited and further to Oxus Minerals Corporation, which was then re-named
Marakand Minerals Limited ("Marakand"). Oxus Resources Corporation assigned its
rights to Oxus Minerals Corporation at the same time, thus before the issuance
of Presidential Decree # 359 on 17th October 2002, wherein Oxus was given the
exclusive right to negotiate with the Uzbek Government the development of the
Khandiza Deposit on the basis of a concession or production sharing agreement.

Marakand (previously Oxus Minerals Corporation) was established in September
2003. In October 2003, a private placement financing through the Royal Bank of
Canada ("RBC") was completed for #4 million (approximately US$6.8 million) to
enable Marakand to complete the final stage of the Khandiza Feasibility Study.
Marakand was successfully listed on the AIM division of the London Stock
Exchange in November 2003.

The feasibility study was satisfactorily completed and submitted to the Uzbek
Government as scheduled in October 2004, fully in accordance with Decree 359.

In 2005, Marakand completed an environmental and social impact assessment on the
project, and negotiated framework contracts with selected smelters, including
the State-owned Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Combinat ("Almalyk MMC")
smelter in Uzbekistan. Marakand was then asked to resubmit its project economics
on the basis of a 50:50 JV with no tax privileges. Subsequent progress on the
project was however limited, as Marakand failed to get the required resolution,
promised from the Uzbek Government, which would have allowed the company to
proceed with project financing, detailed engineering designs and then
construction and development

In August 2006, the Uzbek Government issued Presidential Decree 442,
transferring the rights to develop the Khandiza deposit and related assets from
Goscomgeology to the State-owned Almalyk MMC.  Since then, Marakand has been
seeking to clarify the nature of its continued role in the project with the
Uzbek Government, but has had no response.

With the further passage of time, and difficulties in engaging with the Uzbek
Government, it appears increasingly unlikely that the Company will be involved
in the future development of the Khandiza deposits.

Turkish Exploration

Marakand announced on 1 August 2006, that the Company had entered into exclusive
option agreements to acquire majority interests in two separate copper / gold
exploration license areas in southern Turkey, namely a 25% interest in the Hatay
Madencilik JV relating to the Hatay exploration license; and an option on the
Karakilise exploration license. Both license areas are located in the
prospective southern Turkish 'ophiolite belt' related to the Cyprus Arc, and
host ' Cyprus-type' copper / gold mineralisation. Exploration works, including
surface drilling, had previously been undertaken on both license areas.

In February 2007, Marakand completed a further programme of stream sediment
sampling, geological mapping, surface channel sampling and a 10 hole surface
drilling programme on the Hatay license.

On the 12th March 2007, Marakand was then advised by Oxus, that Oxus had agreed
in principle and subject to final contract, to sell certain assets to KazakhGold
Group Limited, including exploration assets in Turkey, owned by Marakand.

Oxus Gold plc and Oxus Resources Corporation entered into a deed for the sale
and purchase of assets with KazakhGold on 26 April 2007 ("SPA").  Under the SPA
the interest held by Marakand in Hatay was to be novated to KazakhGold by letter
agreement. The Novation Agreement was eventually signed by Yurttaslar
Construction, the JV partner, on the 9th June, wherein it was agreed that
"Yurttaslar Shareholders hereby consent to the transfer of Marakand's interest
of 12,500 regular shares in the joint stock company Hatay Madencilik to
KazakhGold Group Limited". However Yurttaslar have so far failed to sign a Board
Resolution to transfer the shares, and discussions are currently ongoing between
Oxus, Marakand, KazakhGold and Yurtasslar.

The Karakilise Option Agreement was novated from Marakand to KazakhGold on 30
April 2007. The Novation Letter provides that Marakand transfers all of its
rights, obligations and liabilities under the Karakilise Agreement to

Based on a fair market valuation undertaken by independent mineral industry
consultants, Marakand Directors accepted Oxus' offer of US$950,000 in cash to
acquire the Company's 25% interest in the Hatay Madencilik joint stock company
and the rights to an Option Agreement on the Karakilise copper / gold
exploration licence. The proceeds of the offer were applied to reducing the
Company's loan account with Oxus.


In the event that Marakand has no future role in the Khandiza project, and in
light of the disposal by Oxus of Marakand's exploration assets in Turkey,
announced on 26 April 2007, Marakand would become a dormant company with no
activities. However Marakand remains the owner of the rights to the feasibility
study and the environmental and social impact assessment undertaken in relation
to the Khandiza project, together with associated geological exploration data,
results of all technical and engineering studies and financial analyses carried
out subsequent to June 1996. As at 30 June 2007, the book value of these studies
was US$9,405,000.

The Board has concluded that there is therefore no remaining commercial value
for the Company in respect of the Khandiza project and have, accordingly,
written down the value of its investment to reflect this.

Oxus Gold Plc has agreed to acquire the 15.96% of the shares in the Company
which it does not own by means of a share-for-share exchange. A circular
together with further financial details in respect of Oxus Gold Plc has been
sent to all shareholders.

Presently the day-to-day expenditure of the Company is being funded by Oxus Gold
Plc through an inter-company loan account. The Company and its Uzbek subsidiary
no longer have any cash resources or any ability to pursue its interests in the
Khandiza project.


Following a board meeting of Marakand on 11 January 2007, the Company announced
its intention to reconstitute its board of directors with immediate effect.  The
decision to restructure the board was taken to ensure an appropriate board
composition and cost structure in light of the ongoing process of seeking
clarity on the Company's future in the Khandiza project, the exploration focus
in Turkey and the increased ownership, financial support and involvement in
Marakand by Oxus.

Accordingly Alasdair Stuart and Richard Robinson offered their resignation as
Directors and employees with immediate effect.  William Charter resigned as a
full-time employee, but agreed to remain on the board as executive director in a
part-time capacity, to be joined by Oliver Prior as a non-executive director. Mr
Prior is also serving as an independent non-executive director on the board of
Oxus Gold Plc, the Company's parent undertaking. The Company wishes to thank Mr.
Stuart and Mr. Robinson for their services to the Company.

Post-balance sheet events

Oxus Gold Plc has agreed to acquire the 15.96% of the shares in the Company
which it does not own by means of a share-for-share exchange. Further details of
this acquisition have been sent to all shareholders.

For further information contact:


William J Charter - Executive Technical Director      Tel: +90 (0) 539 711 2196

Richard Wilkins - Company Secretary                   Tel: +44 (0) 207 907 2000

Mark Ashurst                                          Tel: +44 (0) 20 7050 6500

Consolidated Income Statement
                                                                                       Year ended 30    Year ended 30
                                                                                            June              June
                                                                                            2007              2006
                                                                             Note          US$000            US$000

Revenue                                                                                         30                132

Direct expenses
Exploration and mining development property                                    3           (19,051)            (1,224)

Gross loss                                                                                 (19,021)            (1,092)

Administrative expenses                                                                       (178)              (720)
Share-based payments                                                                           (39)              (207)
Foreign exchange loss                                                                           (1)               (42)
Loss on sale of Turkish assets                                                 4              (143)                 -

Operating loss                                                                             (19,382)            (2,061)

Financial income                                                               5                5                  35
Financial expense                                                              6              (41)                  -
Net financial (expense)/income                                                                (36)                 35

(Loss)/Profit before tax                                                                  (19,418)             (2,026)

Taxation                                                                                       (3)                 (1)

(Loss)/Profit for the year attributable to equity shareholders                            (19,421)             (2,027)

Loss per share - US cents                                                      7           (19.04)              (2.01)

All amounts relate to discontinued operations.

Consolidated Balance Sheet                                               Note          2007               2006
                                                                                      US$000             US$000

Non-current assets
Exploration and mining development properties                             8            9,405              28,456

Current assets
Trade and other receivables                                                9               1                   1
Cash and cash equivalents                                                 10               8                 131
                                                                                           9                 132

Total assets                                                                           9,414              28,588

Equity and liabilities

Equity attributable to shareholders
Share capital                                                             11           1,822               1,781
Share premium                                                                          5,713               5,521
Capital reserve                                                                       27,279              27,240
Retained earnings                                                                    (25,707)             (6,286)

Total equity                                                                           9,107              28,256

Current liabilities
Trade and other payables                                                  12             307                 330
Corporation taxes                                                                          -                   2
                                                                                         307                 332

Total equity and liabilities                                                           9,414              28,588

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement                                                Note  Year ended 30    Year ended 30
                                                                                           June             June
                                                                                           2007             2006
                                                                                          US$000           US$000

Cash flows from operating activities
Loss before tax for the year                                                             (19,418)         (2,026)
Adjustments for:
Interest paid                                                                                 41               -
Loss arising from impairment of exploration and mining development property               19,051               -
Equity-settled share-based payment expenses                                                   39             207
Cash flows from operating activities before changes in working capital and                  (287)         (1,819)

(Decrease)/increase in trade and other payables                                              (28)            235
Cash absorbed by operating activities                                                       (315)         (1,584)

Cash flows from financing activities
Proceeds from the issue of share capital                                                     233               -
Interest paid                                                                                (41)
Net cash from financing activities                                                           192               -

Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents                                                   (123)         (1,584)
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 July                                                          131           1,715
Cash and cash equivalents at 30 June                                              10           8             131

Statement of Changes in Equity for the Group
For the year ended 30 June 2007
                                                  Share           Share         Capital        Retained          Total
                                                Capital         Premium         Reserve        Earnings
                                                 US$000          US$000          US$000          US$000          US$000

Balance at 1 July 2005                            1,781           5,521           27,033          (4,259)        30,076

Losses after tax for the year                         -               -                -          (2,027)        (2,027)

Total recognised in income and expense for the year   -               -                -          (2,027)        (2,027)
Equity-settled share-based payments                   -               -              207               -            207

Balance at 30 June 2006                           1,781           5,521           27,240          (6,286)        28,256

Balance at 1 July 2006                            1,781           5,521           27,240          (6,286)        28,256

Losses after tax for the year                         -               -                -         (19,421)       (19,421)
Total recognised in income and expense for the year   -               -                -         (19,421)       (19,421)
Conversion of Directors' remuneration to shares      41             192                -               -            233
Equity-settled share-based payments                   -               -               39               -             39

Balance at 30 June 2007                           1,822           5,713           27,279         (25,707)         9,107

Statement of Changes in Equity for the Group
For the year ended 30 June 2007 - continued

Share capital is the amount subscribed for shares at nominal value.

Share premium represents the excess of the amount subscribed for share capital
over the nominal value of these shares net of share issue expenses.

Capital reserve represents the credit to equity in respect of share-based
payments together with reserves arising from the acquisition of the Uzbekistan

Retained earnings represent the cumulative loss of the Group attributable to
equity shareholders.


1    Corporate information
     Marakand Minerals Limited ("the Company") is a company incorporated in the Guernsey in the Channel Islands. The
     primary focus of the Company was to develop precious and base metal opportunities is the Khandiza region of

2    Basis of preparation and accounting policies
     The group financial statements consolidate those of the Company and its subsidiary (together referred to as "the
     Group"). The parent company financial statements present information about the Company as a separate entity and not
     about its group.

     These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs
     and IFRIC interpretations) as adopted by the European Union.

3   Impairment of investment in the Khandiza polymetallic deposit and surrounding exploration area, Uzbekistan

      The amount of the Group's investment in the exploration and mining development property held at Khandiza,
      Uzbekistan were stated in 2006 at the value of $28,456,000 being the valuation of the project based upon a report
      by Wardell Armstrong International on 28 November 2003. On 10 August 2006 a decree was issued instructing the
      Group's partner, Goscomgeology, to transfer local responsibility for Khandiza from Goscomgeology to Almalyk
      Mining and Metallurgical Combinat, a state owned base metal mining and smelter company. The decree also cancelled
      an earlier decree which had authorised the Group to proceed with the project on a concession basis or product
      sharing agreement. The Group indicated its preparedness to develop the project jointly with Almalyk but no
      clearly defined role or structure was forthcoming. The Group no longer has the resource available to pursue its
      claims against the Uzbek Government. The Board has reached the conclusion that the value of the investment made
      in the Khandiza polymetallic deposit and surrounding exploration area is no more than the amounts expended to
      complete the feasibility study and the environmental and social impact assessment undertaken in relation to the
      project, together with associated geological exploration data, results of all technical and engineering studies
      and financial analyses carried out subsequent to June 1996, which amounts to $9,405,000. The investment has been
      written down to this value in the year.

4    Loss on sale of Turkish assets

     Upon the sale of Oxus Gold plc's non-Uzbek assets to KazakhGold plc, the Company agreed to dispose of its
     interests in its Turkish Hatay exploration licence and its Karakalise exploration licences to Oxus Resources
     Corporation. Both of these licences are for exploration in Turkey. Oxus Resources Corporation is a wholly owned
     subsidiary of Oxus Gold Plc the Company's parent undertaking. The licences were sold at market value as
     determined by independent mineral industry consultants.

5     Financial income                                                              Year ended 30     Year ended 30
                                                                                        June              June
                                                                                        2007              2006
                                                                                       US$000            US$000

      Interest receivable                                                                  5                 35

6     Financial expenses                                                            Year ended 30     Year ended 30
                                                                                        June              June
                                                                                        2007              2006
                                                                                       US$000            US$000

      Interest payable to parent undertaking                                              41                -

7      Loss per share

     The calculation of the basic loss per share is based upon the net loss after tax attributable to ordinary
     shareholders of US$19,421,000 (2006: a loss of US$2,027,000) and a weighted average number of shares in issue
     for the year of 102,005,249 (2006: 101,023,490).

                                                                               Year ended 30     Year ended 30
                                                                                   June              June
                                                                                   2007              2006
                                                                                   Group             Group

     Basic loss per share (cents)                                                 (19.04)            2.01

     (Loss)/profit attributable to ordinary shareholders                        $19,421,000       $2,027,000

                                                                                  Number            Number

     Weighted average number of shares in issue                                 102,005,249       101,023,490

     Diluted earnings per share

     The diluted loss per share for 2006 and 2007 is the same as the basic loss per share as the loss for the year
     has an anti-dilutive effect.

8    Exploration and mining development properties                                                    Uzbekistan
                                                                                                      Group and

     At 1 July 2005                                                                                     28,456
     Additions                                                                                               -
     Disposals                                                                                               -
     At 30 June 2006                                                                                    28,456

     At 1 July 2006                                                                                     28,456
     Additions                                                                                               -
     Disposals                                                                                               -
     Impairment of carrying value                                                                      (19,051)
     At 30 June 2007                                                                                     9,405

     The Group's exploration and development properties are not amortised until production commences. The Group's
     investments in exploration and mining development properties were reviewed for impairment in the year.

9    Trade and other receivables
                                                                                        2007              2006
                                                                                        Group             Group
                                                                                       US$000            US$000

     Amounts due from parent undertaking                                                    1                 -
     Prepayments                                                                            -                 1
                                                                                            1                 1

10   Cash and cash equivalents
                                                                                        2007              2006
                                                                                        Group             Group
                                                                                       US$000            US$000

     Cash at bank                                                                           8               131

     Cash at bank and bank and other deposits consist of cash. There is no material foreign exchange movement in
     respect of cash and cash equivalents.

11      Issued share capital
                                                   Number             Number            US$000           US$000
                                                    2007               2006              2007             2006

        At 1 July                            101,023,490        101,023,490             1,781            1,781
        Shares issued in the year              2,095,567                  -                41                -
        At 30 June                           103,119,057        101,023,490             1,822            1,781

        During 2006 2,095,576 shares were issued at #0.058 to Directors in payment for outstanding salaries and fees.

        At 1 July 2006 the Company had 20,000,000 warrants outstanding. These warrants were not exercised and expired
        on 30 October 2006.

12   Trade and other payables
                                                                                        2007              2006
                                                                                        Group             Group
                                                                                       US$000            US$000

     Trade creditors                                                                       29                  1
     Amounts due to parent undertaking                                                    271                304
     Other creditors                                                                        4                 13
     Accruals                                                                               3                 12
                                                                                          307                330

13   Post-balance sheet events

     On 22 October 2007 the Company's parent undertaking, Oxus Group Plc, announced that is proposing to acquire the
     15.96% of the ordinary share capital of MML that it does not currently own. Oxus Gold Plc is listed on the
     Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock Exchange.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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