RNS Number : 9199K
  MKM Group PLC
  30 December 2008

    30 December 2008
    ("the Group" or "the Company")

    Interim Results 
    for the six months ended 30 September 2008

    Key Points 

    *     Revenue of �4.36m (2007: �2.54m; 2007 pro-forma: �5.58m)

    *     Loss before tax of �99,000 (2007: profit of �318,000; 2007 pro-forma profit of �839,000)

    *     Loss per share of 0.1p (2007: basic earnings of 0.5p)

    *     Severe downturn in short term tactical sales promotion activity particularly in Australia due to impact of economic recession 

    *     Comprehensive review of Australian business strategy underway

    *     UK-based long term loyalty business continues to make good progress with successful launch of major new Airport Angel programmes

 MKM Group plc           Brian Smillie, Chief Executive     T: 0161 877 1112
 (www.mkmgroupplc.com)   Matthew Toynton, Finance Director

 WH Ireland Limited      David Youngman/Adrian Kirk         T: 0161 832 2174

 Biddicks                Katie Tzouliadis                   T: 020 7448 1000



    This is my first report to shareholders since my appointment as Group Chief Executive in November 2008 and it is disappointing to have
to announce a loss for the six months ended 30 September 2008. 

    During the six months' period, we continued to implement our strategy of building a robust loyalty and sales promotion business. In
particular, our focus has been on developing longer term loyalty and CRM contracts which provide greater visibility of future earnings. In
tough market conditions, this strategy has enjoyed success, based on our Airport Angel and StARS programmes which have been developed to
help our major clients in the financial services sector retain their premium customers. However, while we have seen encouraging progress in
this area, sales of our short term tactical campaign programmes, which are primarily aimed at helping our clients stimulate new sales, have
suffered in the economic downturn. As a consequence, results from our Australian business in particular, which has a greater dependency on
these programmes, have been adversely affected. Since the period end, trading conditions in the region have continued to deteriorate and, as
a result, we are undertaking a fundamental review of our strategy and operations in Australia.


    This report includes both statutory and pro-forma figures for the six months ended 30 September. These figures are the same for the
period ended 30 September 2008, but the statutory figures for the period ended 30 September 2007 include the figures for the Australian
Leapfrog business from 29 August 2007, the date of its acquisition. The pro-forma figures include the results of the continuing business of
Leapfrog in the UK and Australia and Promodus as though all three businesses had been owned by the Group throughout both periods.

    On a statutory basis, Group revenue for the first half was �4.36m (2007: �2.54m; 2007 pro-forma: �5.58m) illustrating the increased
scale of the business as a result of the acquisitions in 2007. Within this overall result, revenue from the Leapfrog business in the UK was
lower than last year at �1.34m (2007: �1.83m) owing principally to a reduction in the volume of tactical sales promotions in the first half

    The Group's loss before tax was �99,000 (2007: profit of �318,000; 2007 pro-forma profit of �839,000). The reduction in profit mainly
reflected the slow-down in tactical sales promotions across the business.

    The diluted loss per share was 0.1p (2007: earnings of 0.4p). This takes account of the loss for the period, and the increase in the
number of shares following the issue of shares associated with the consideration paid for the acquired businesses.


    No interim dividend is being proposed (2007: - �nil).

    Review of Business

    During the six months' period, we continued to implement our strategy of building a robust loyalty and sales promotion business with the
emphasis on securing multi-year loyalty and CRM contracts which provide greater visibility of future earnings. The primary focus of these
loyalty and CRM programmes is to support our clients in retaining existing customers and enhancing the client/customer relationship. Our
tactical sales promotion business is mainly focused on helping our clients acquire new customers through cost effective short term marketing

    Whilst Leapfrog Australia produced a profit in the first half of the year, trading conditions subsequently deteriorated and, in the
weeks following the period end, the market for short term promotional campaigns declined markedly. In recent weeks, Leapfrog Australia has
experienced cancelled campaigns as the Australian subsidiaries of multinational corporations have received instructions to cut new
programmes and conserve cash. In addition, a client who had indicated it wished to launch a new loyalty programme was instructed to delay
its launch until the economic environment improved.

    In Australia at present, such is the severity of the economic downturn that almost all of the major brands are abstaining from sales
promotion activity other than price discounting and "cash back" offers to win new consumers or clear stock. As a response, we have already
implemented cost cutting measures in Australia but it is clear that we will have to significantly change our approach in the region to match
market conditions and are therefore looking at more radical restructuring options.

    In the UK, our Promodus business also experienced a downturn in activity as its clients cut budgets and we have therefore cut costs and
reallocated some of its resources to our Airport Angel business. However, more positively, Promodus' work resulted in a number of clients
winning awards for campaigns in the financial services sector, which will stand the business in good stead as it pitches for new work. 

    Leapfrog in the UK benefited from the fact that a greater proportion of its business is focused on CRM programmes. Our investment in
StARS and Airport Angel has given us a significant competitive advantage. In September, we announced that we had signed major contracts with
UK based banks for the provision of Airport Angel to their customers. Three of these programmes have now been launched and have been well
received by the consumer with volumes running in line or ahead of plan. Airport Angel cards are now carried by packaged account holders of
Barclays, Abbey and The Cooperative Bank. Since its launch, Airport Angel continues to gain momentum and we are discussing new contracts
both in the consumer and business banking sectors. 


    The impact of the recession on our Australian operations during the last three months has been significant and, as a consequence, it is
clear that we must adopt a different approach in the region in the coming months. However the success of our Airport Angel business and the
nature of StARS related retention programmes are very positive developments for us to build upon.

    The next few months are going to continue to be tough as we work in a very difficult environment and we must ensure we focus our efforts

    Brian Smillie
    Chief Executive 


    Consolidated income statement for the six months ended 30 September 2008

                                                                     Unaudited         Unaudited          Audited
                                                                six mths ended    six mths ended       year ended
                                                                  30 Sept 2008      30 Sept 2007    31 March 2008
                                                                         �'000             �'000            �'000
 Revenue                                                                 4,361             2,540            6,970
 Cost of sales                                                         (1,386)           (1,056)          (2,601)
 GROSS PROFIT                                                           2,975             1,484            4,369 
 Administrative expenses                                               (3,061)           (1,199)          (4,591)
 (LOSS)/PROFIT FROM OPERATIONS                                            (86)              285             (222)
 Finance expense                                                          (15)               (1)             (68)
 Finance income                                                             2                34               41 
 (LOSS)/PROFIT BEFORE TAXATION                                            (99)              318             (249)
 Income tax (charge)/credit                                                18               (95)              45 
 PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD                                                    (81)              223             (204)
 Attributable to the equity holders of the parent                         (81)              223             (204)
 Basic (loss)/earnings per share (pence)                                 (0.1)               0.5            (0.3)
 Diluted (loss)/earnings per share (pence)                               (0.1)               0.4            (0.3)


    Consolidated statement of changes in equity for the six months ended 30 September 2008

                                                       Share capital    Share premium    Share option reserve    Merger reserve   
Translation reserve          Deferred share    Retained earnings     Total
                                                               �'000            �'000                   �'000             �'000             
    �'000                   �'000                �'000     �'000
 Balance as at 1 April 2008                                     365            2,647                      86             1,767              
     (84)                    671                 (311)    5,141 
 Changes in equity for six months ended 30 Sept 2008                                                                                        
                                 Net loss for the                  -                -                       -                 -             
        -                       -                 (81)      (81)
 Total recognised income and expense for the period                -                -                       -                 -             
        -                       -                 (81)      (81)
 Exchange rate loss on translation of overseas                     -                -                       -                 -             
      (2)                       -                    -       (2)
 Balance as at 30 September 2008                                365            2,647                      86             1,767              
     (86)                    671                 (392)    5,058 


    Consolidated statement of changes in equity for the six months ended 30 September 2007

                                                  Share capital    Share premium    Share option reserve    Merger reserve    Translation
reserve          Deferred share    Retained earnings     Total
                                                          �'000            �'000                   �'000             �'000                 
�'000                   �'000                �'000     �'000
 Balance as at 1 April 2007                                218            2,205                      112                                    
   -                      -                 (107)    2,428 
 Changes in equity for six months ended 30 Sept 2007                                                                                        
                            Net profit for the                -                -                       -                 -                  
   -                       -                  223       223
 Total recognised income and expense for the                  -                -                       -                 -                  
   -                       -                  223       223
 Equity credit in respect of share based                      -                -                      10                 -                  
   -                       -                    -        10
 Issue of equity shares                                     133            1,942                       -                 -                  
   -                     840                    -     2,915
 Balance as at 30 September 2007                           351            4,147                     122                 -                   
   -                    840                   116    5,576 

    Consolidated balance sheet at 30 September 2008

                                                                            Unaudited       Unaudited        Audited
                                                                         30 Sept 2008    30 Sept 2007    31 Mar 2008
                                                                                �'000           �'000          �'000
 NON-CURRENT ASSETS                                                                                    
 Property, plant & equipment                                                     663             540            691 
 Intangibles                                                                   6,630           7,209          6,597 
 Deferred tax assets                                                             185             339            185 
                                                                               7,479           8,088          7,473 
 CURRENT ASSETS                                                                                        
 Trade and other receivables                                                   2,340           2,374          2,635 
 Cash and cash equivalents                                                       367             792            134 
                                                                               2,706           3,166          2,769 
 TOTAL ASSETS                                                                 10,185          11,254         10,242 
 CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                                                   
 Trade and other payables                                                     (4,060)         (3,778)        (4,068)
 Borrowings                                                                     (345)               -          (342)
 Loan Stock                                                                     (450)           (700)          (450)
 Provisions                                                                     (202)               -          (159)
 Deferred Consideration                                                                       (1,200)              -
                                                                              (5,057)         (5,678)        (5,019)
 NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                                               
 Borrowings                                                                      (71)               -           (82)
                                                                                 (71)               -           (82)
 NET ASSETS                                                                    5,058           5,576          5,141 
 Share capital                                                                   365             351            365 
 Share premium                                                                 2,647           2,647          2,647 
 Share option reserve                                                             86             122             86 
 Deferred share capital consideration                                            671             840            671 
 Merger Reserve                                                                1,767           1,500          1,767 
 Translation reserve                                                             (86)               -           (84)
 Retained earnings                                                              (392)            116           (311)
 TOTAL EQUITY                                                                  5,058           5,576          5,141 


    Consolidated cash flow statement for the six months ended 30 September 2008

                                                                    Unaudited           Unaudited           Unaudited
                                                                 Six months ended    Six months ended      Year ended 
                                                                   30 Sept 2008        30 Sept 2007       31 March 2008
                                                                   �'000    �'000      �'000    �'000      �'000    �'000
 CASHFLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES                                                                                       
      (Loss)/profit before taxation                                 (99)                318                (249)           
      Adjustments for                                                                                                      
                           Interest receivable                       (2)                (34)                (41)           
                           Depreciation                             151                  50                 174            
                           Gain on deferred                            -                   -                (97)           
                           Interest expense                          15                   1                  68            
                           Share option charge                       10                  10                  25            
      Operating cashflow before movement in working capital                   75                 345                (120)  
      (Increase)/decrease in receivables                            295                (246)               (596)           
      Increase/(decrease) in payables                                (7)               (510)                212            
      Increase/(decrease) in provisions                              42                  (5)                154            
      Effect of foreign exchange rate changes                        (2)                   -                (71)           
      Movement in working capital                                            329                (761)               (301)  
      Interest paid                                                          (15)                 (1)                (68)  
 Net cash (used in)/generated from operations                                389                (417)               (489)  
 CASHFLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES                                                                                       
      Purchase of property, plant and equipment                     (20)                   -               (378)           
      Purchase of intangible assets                                (142)                   -               (247)           
      Acquisition of share capital in new companies                    -             (1,250)             (1,366)           
      Costs associated with acquisition                                -               (152)               (422)           
      Cash within acquired Company                                     -                196                 272            
      Acquisition of subsidiary                                        -                   -             (1,516)           
      Interest received                                               2                  34                  41            
 Net cash outflow from investing activities                                 (160)             (1,172)             (2,100)  
 CASHFLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES                                                                                       
      Issue of ordinary share capital                                  -                475                 475            
 Net cash generated from financing activities                                   -                475                 475   
 Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents                        228              (1,114)             (2,114)  
 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period                   (208)              1,906               1,906   
 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period                           21                 792                (208)  


    Notes forming Part of the Financial Statements for Six months ended 30 September 2008

    1.        Accounting Policies

    The Interim results for the six months ended 30 September 2008, which are neither audited nor reviewed pursuant to guidance issued by
the Auditing Practices Board, have been prepared on the basis of accounting policies consistent with IFRS which has been adopted in the
statutory financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2008 and will be used within the statutory financial statements for the year
ended 31 March 2009.

    2.    Basis of preparation

    The comparatives for the full year ended 31 March 2008 are not the Company's full statutory accounts for that year. A copy of the
statutory accounts for that year has been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The auditors' report on those accounts was unqualified,
did not included references to any matters to which the auditors drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying their report and did
not contain a statement under section 237 (2)-(3) of the Companies Act 1985.

    3.     Turnover

    Turnover is wholly attributable to the principal activity of the group and arises in the following geographical split:

                                  Unaudited                Unaudited                Audited
                             six mths ended           six mths ended             year ended
                                30 Sept 2008            30 Sept 2007          31 March 2008
                                       �'000                    �'000                 �'000

 United Kingdom                        1,677                    1,834                 3,808
 Australia/New Zealand                 2,684                      706                 3,162
 Total                                 4,361                    2,540                 6,970

    4.     Taxation

    The tax credit for the period is based on the actual effective rate of tax for the year ended 31 March 2008.

    5.    Earnings per share

    The basic earnings per share has been calculated using the loss after tax, divided by the weighted average number of shares in issue of
73,071,544 (2007: 48,188,990).

    As a result of the loss in the period to 30 September 2008, the diluted earnings per share is the same as the basic earnings per share
as the employee share options of 2,845,481 and the deferred consideration shares of 20,216,216 are antidilutive.



    Pro-forma consolidated income statement for the six months ended 30 September 2008

                                                    Unaudited         Unaudited          Audited
                                                    Pro-Forma         Pro-Forma        Pro-Forma
                                               six mths ended    six mths ended       year ended
                                                 30 Sept 2008      30 Sept 2007    31 March 2008
                                                        �'000             �'000            �'000
 Revenue                                                4,361             5,577           10,361
 Cost of sales                                        (1,386)           (2,412)          (4,036)
 GROSS PROFIT                                          2,975             3,165            6,325 
 Margin - to be hidden                                    68%               57%              61%
 Administrative expenses                              (3,061)           (2,346)          (5,602)
 PROFIT/(LOSS) FROM OPERATIONS                           (86)              819              723 
 Finance expense                                         (15)                 -             (75)
 Finance income                                            2                21               41 
 PROFIT/(LOSS) BEFORE EXCEPTIONAL CHARGES                (99)              839              689 
 Exceptional costs                                                                         (110)
 PROFIT BEFORE TAXATION                                  (99)              839              579 
 Income tax (charge)/credit                               30              (252)            (174)
 PROFIT/(LOSS) FOR THE PERIOD                            (69)              587              405 
 Attributable to the equity holders of                   (69)              587              405 
 the parent                                                                      

    Notes to the Pro-Forma Income statement for the six months ended 30 September 2008

    1.    Basis of preparation

    The Interim results for the years ended 30 September 2008 and 2007 and the Full year ended 31 March 2008 have been presented above on a
pro-forma basis that reflects the Group results as if the acquisitions completed on 29 August 2007 (The Leapfrog group) and 10 October 2007
(Promodus Ltd) had been completed prior to the 31 March 2007. This information is presented to facilitate understanding and it does not
reflect the actual earnings position attributable to shareholders for the period. 


    Notes to Pro-forma Consolidated income statement for the six months ended 30 September 2007

    2. Segmental Reporting

                                                Unaudited         Unaudited          Audited
                                                Pro-Forma         Pro-Forma        Pro-Forma
                                           six mths ended    six mths ended       year ended
                                             30 Sept 2008      30 Sept 2007    31 March 2008
                                                    �'000             �'000            �'000
 UK Sales Promotions                                1,342             1,834            3,344
 Australia Sales Promotions                         2,684             3,327            6,135
 Promodus                                             335               416              882
 Total                                             4,361             5,577           10,361 
 Gross Profit                                                                
 UK Sales Promotions                                  712             1,090            2,042
 Australia Sales Promotions                         2,029             1,706            3,535
 Promodus                                             234               369              748
 Total                                             2,975             3,165            6,325 
 Profit before Tax and exceptionals                                          
 UK Sales Promotions                                 (47)               368              320
 Australia Sales Promotions                           188               578              604
 Promodus                                            (60)                65              136
 Head Office Costs                                  (180)             (172)            (371)
 Total                                               (99)              839              689 

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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