RNS Number : 3846B

Medusa Mining Limited

16 April 2012

Medusa Mining Limited


16 April 2012


Medusa Mining Limited ("Medusa" or the "Company"), through its Philippines operating company Philsaga Mining Corporation, announces an update of the Co-O Mine surface and underground drilling undertaken since the report dated 17 October 2011 up to 31 March 2012.

Highlights include:

 Hole Number    Width       Grade (uncut) 
                 (metres)    (g/t gold) 
 EXP108         1.90        79.18 
 EXP121         6.00        16.01 
 EXP127         1.00        10.39* 
 EXP134         2.00        93.40 
 EXP136         1.90        79.94 
 L5-078         1.60        69.11 
 L5-097         0.80        377.24 
 L5-100         8.50        89.17 
                10.85       16.52 
 L6-010         2.40        159.23 

* Deepest intersection to date at 1,076 metres below surface.

Surface drilling since October 2011 continues to provide resource infill and extension information for mine planning mainly to the east of the Oriental Fault, including the multiple East Agsao Veins and veins associated with the Roysan Vein. Two surface drill rigs are about to commence drilling to the west of the Oriental Fault and four will remain on the east side of the fault.

Underground drilling continues to confirm vein continuity. Recent statistical studies indicate that 3 to 5 holes out of every 10 holes in a particular vein are required to return ore-grades to indicate that the vein will be mineable.

Peter Hepburn-Brown, Managing Director of Medusa, commented:

"The Co-O Mine drilling continues to confirm our belief that this deposit is a multi-million ounce deposit of high grade veins. The intersection of ore grade veins at over 1,000 metres vertical depth is a significant milestone in indicating the potential of this deposit.

Drilling at the current rate will continue for the foreseeable future."



This report lists the surface and underground drill holes with new assay results returned since 27 September 2011 to 31 March 2012.

Previous detailed drilling reports were published for Co-O Mine drilling on 17 October 2011, 27 July 2011, 05 April 2011, 18 January 2011, 29 October 2010, 30 June 2010, 29 March 2010, January 2010, 10 December 2009, 01 July 2009, 22 January 2009, 01 December 2008 and 12 August 2008. In 2007 the announcements are dated 09 July, 15 May and 28 February.

Results down to 0.2 metres wide are reported since underground development shows that in many cases as the veins approach cross-cutting faults, they narrow down on both sides of the fault over 5 to 10 metres before widening out, and hence the narrower intersections are important in defining vein continuity. There is also some pinching and swelling of veins along strike. Most drilling is sub-parallel to the cross-cutting fault direction (and perpendicular to the strike of the veins) and rarely intersects the faults, which are subsequently identified by underground on-vein development or underground drilling.

It should also be emphasised that drilling of vein systems rarely provides ore-grade intersections in every intersection in a vein. A recent statistical assessment of the percentage of ore-grade drill hole intersections required in each vein to indicate the vein will be mineable shows that 3 to 5 holes out of every 10 holes is required to intersect ore grades. This is consistent with other large vein systems in the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia.

Drill hole collar positions are surveyed by a qualified surveyor and surface drill holes are surveyed downhole at regular intervals using a digital multi-shot downhole camera.

It is important to note that the drilling of narrow epithermal veins generally provides an indication of the presence of the gold mineralised vein but may not always provide good quantitative data with respect to accurate grade and volume estimations for some or all of the following reasons:

   --      Veins commonly pinch and swell and may be brecciated or displaced by faults; 
   --      Gold distribution may be erratic; and 

-- Drill core recovery may be reduced because of the brecciation and soft unconsolidated material and hence the recovered material may not be representative of the material drilled.

The Company regards the initial drilling as indicative only and operates the policy of using drilling to locate the position and extent of the mineralised veins. This is then followed by on-vein development to support the drilling results, and to provide a more accurate estimate of vein grades which results in the upgrading of the resource category from Inferred to Indicated. The development supports the estimation of resources and facilitates the conversion of resources to reserves.

Further information on narrow veins and the Company's policies regarding exploration, development and resources-reserves is contained on the Company's website, www.medusamining.com.au.

Drilling Results

Figure 1 (please see link at the end of this announcement) shows the locations of the recently completed surface drill holes EXP111 to EXP145 comprising 35 holes for a total of 25,152 metres. Assay results are awaited for holes EXP138 to EXP145.

Holes EXP127 to 1,201 metres and EXP133 to 1,200 metres were completed to test for possible deep shaft positions. Hole EXP127 intersected a number of ore-grade veins, however EXP133 was in barren ground for its entire length.

Table I shows the results >=3 g/t gold over >=0.2 metres for holes EXP102 to EXP137. The locations of holes EXP102 to EXP110 were shown in the announcement of 17 October 2011. A number of these holes have been drilled to define the upper limits of mineralisation in the structures containing the veins and consequently some may not have intersected vein mineralisation within the grade and/or width parameters in this report.

Figure 2 (please see link at the end of this announcement) shows the locations of the recently completed underground drill holes totalling 14,023 metres in 66 holes. Table II lists underground drill hole results >=3 g/t gold over >=0.2 metres received since 27 October 2011 as well as some previously completed holes whose locations are also shown in Figure 2 (please see link at the end of this announcement). Assays are awaited for holes L2-051 to L2-053, L2-055 to L2-057, L3-022, L3-027, L3-028, L5-087, L5-088, L5-091 to L5-096, L5-105, L5-106, L6-023, L6-025 and LM-011.

Table I. Surface drill hole results >=3 g/t gold and >=0.2 metres downhole for previously completed holes EXP102 to EXP110 and new holes EXP111 to EXP137.

 Hole number       East     North    Dip ([deg])     Azimuth      From          Width         Grade 
                                                      ([deg])      (metres)      (metres)      (uncut) 
                                                                                               (g/t gold) 
  EXP103            614203   913145      -66             180          34.40         0.80      8.13* 
                                                                      138.90        0.35      6.87* 
  EXP105            614670   913306      -50             160          434.40        1.00      3.83* 
                                                                      534.20        0.95      22.27* 
                                                                      555.05        0.30      9.70* 
                                                                      675.30        0.60      4.70* 
  EXP106            614867   913453      -50             160          644.90        1.45      7.39* 
                                                                      697.40        2.05      14.47* 
                                                                      743.60        1.00      11.30* 
  EXP107            614108   913265      -60             180          556.90        0.80      21.27* 
  EXP108            614630   913331      -50             160          73.10         1.90      79.18* 
                                                                      450.80        1.00      5.33* 
                                                                      562.80        0.65      49.37* 
                                                                      576.20        0.70      17.97* 
                                                                      654.50        0.65      10.73* 
                                                                      667.40        1.10      3.54* 
                                                                      693.80        1.10      4.78* 
                                                                      713.45        0.65      3.14* 
                                                                      784.20        1.25      3.32* 
  EXP111            614041   913225      -57             160          160.05        1.65      8.03* 
                                                                      403.55        0.70      3.96* 
                                                                      499.95        0.45      3.59* 
  EXP112            614172   912957      -48             160          308.95        0.40      25.27* 
                                                                      316.85        0.30      38.33* 
                                                                      354.00        0.55      33.37* 
                                                                      411.65        1.40      30.66* 
  EXP113            614928   913453      -50             160          615.45        1.00      4.25* 
                                                                      658.55        0.65      7.47* 
  EXP114            614442   912987      -50             180          325.75        1.75      4.97* 
                                                                      379.35        0.20      4.90* 
                                                                      425.20        0.90      3.33* 
                                                                      430.95        1.45      7.73* 
                                                                      461.80        1.00      4.10* 
                                                                      481.60        0.45      8.83* 
                                                                      494.40        0.20      12.10* 
                                                                      523.40        1.15      12.94* 
                                                                      532.70        0.30      4.87* 
                                                                      565.85        0.25      8.57* 
  EXP116            614107   913162      -50             180          357.65        0.35      5.10* 
                                                                      360.00        0.80      8.40* 
                                                                      482.40        0.85      83.33* 
                                                                      497.60        1.65      3.10* 
                                                                      545.30        0.25      16.17* 
                                                                      558.20        0.30      3.50* 
                                                                      567.30        0.95      4.43* 
                                                                      672.30        1.15      53.70* 
 Hole number       East     North    Dip ([deg])     Azimuth      From          Width         Grade 
                                                      ([deg])      (metres)      (metres)      (uncut) 
                                                                                               (g/t gold) 
  EXP117            614507   913213      -53             180          173.75        0.20      4.50* 
                                                                      423.95        1.45      4.82* 
                                                                      485.05        0.30      7.51* 
                                                                      580.05        0.50      5.13* 
                                                                      597.25        1.00      3.38* 
                                                                      602.65        1.00      13.27* 
                                                                      770.50        1.60      7.01* 
                                                                      812.50        0.90      3.96* 
  EXP118            614134   912960      -50             160          244.40        2.20      16.39* 
                                                                      269.70        0.40      9.47* 
                                                                      314.05        0.80      36.17* 
                                                                      396.90        2.40      15.79* 
                                                                      558.70        0.45      64.37* 
                                                                      579.50        0.20      3.72* 
  EXP119            613899   913105      -53             160          56.75         1.65      6.01* 
                                                                      69.90         1.40      3.07* 
                                                                      152.65        0.65      4.10* 
                                                                      166.35        0.65      3.70* 
                                                                      277.60        2.50      3.17* 
                                                                      300.25        0.70      3.67* 
                                                                      347.10        1.35      7.05* 
                                                                      352.35        2.45      3.84* 
                                                                      367.15        0.25      4.29* 
                                                                      405.80        0.35      5.90* 
                                                                      409.85        3.30      3.88* 
                                                                      480.25        1.00      15.70* 
                                                                      518.45        0.55      9.59* 
                                                                      554.30        0.25      3.85* 
                                                                      598.70        0.45      3.23* 
  EXP120            614586   913271      -50             160          474.40        2.35      10.53* 
                                                                      478.45        0.30      7.17* 
                                                                      479.75        0.40      6.10* 
                                                                      488.35        1.20      5.33* 
                                                                      557.00        0.25      58.93* 
                                                                      577.45        0.35      3.26* 
  EXP121            614551   912992      -55             180          314.40        2.10      9.78* 
                                                                      568.85        0.25      43.97* 
                                                                      573.30        4.80      13.04* 
                                                                      580.15        6.00      16.01* 
  EXP124            614549   913123      -52             160          332.85        0.30      3.15* 
                                                                      452.05        1.35      7.09* 
                                                                      463.85        2.90      20.16* 
                                                                      518.55        0.40      15.97* 
                                                                      783.55        1.75      17.01* 
  EXP125            614044   912858      -59             160          247.65        1.00      17.27* 
                                                                      319.85        0.95      9.00* 
  EXP127            614551   912592      0               -90          888.70        0.30      3.78* 
                                                                      1055.80       0.90      3.30* 
                                                                      1076.40       1.00      10.39* 
  EXP128            614394   913026      -60             180          306.30        3.80      7.24* 
                                                                      342.80        0.20      4.21* 
                                                                      344.80        0.35      22.77* 
                                                                      362.30        0.35      25.33* 
                                                                      366.85        0.70      22.17* 
 Hole number       East     North    Dip ([deg])     Azimuth      From          Width         Grade (uncut) 
                                                      ([deg])      (metres)      (metres)      (g/t gold) 
  EXP130            614510   912909      -52             180          322.90        0.40          29.56* 
  EXP134            614604   913032      -65             180          389.45        0.25          42.84* 
                                                                      463.85        0.20          3.30* 
                                                                      495.20        0.50          8.75* 
                                                                      500.00        1.55          25.08* 
                                                                      653.60        2.00          93.40* 
                                                                      706.60        0.30          8.96* 
                                                                      719.80        2.40          5.39* 
                                                                      815.70        3.50          37.50* 
                                                                      898.30        3.80          6.70* 
                                                                      922.10        1.30          36.78* 
  EXP136            614655   913101      -57             180          223.65        0.45          4.42* 
                                                                      263.45        0.45          27.13* 
                                                                      321.05        0.65          14.43* 
                                                                      385.25        0.25          51.09* 
                                                                      409.80        0.35          3.68* 
                                                                      413.30        0.65          9.00* 
                                                                      455.40        1.30          11.27* 
                                                                      462.70        0.45          52.57* 
                                                                      521.70        1.90          79.94* 
                                                                      580.70        0.25          121.73* 
                                                                      582.95        0.45          3.43* 
                                                                      657.40        1.00          5.67* 
                                                                      771.75        1.05          3.40* 
  EXP137            614744   913100      -60             180          497.40        0.20          29.73* 
                                                                      517.15        0.25          4.33* 
                                                                      564.90        0.60          9.47* 


(i) Intersection widths are downhole drill widths not true widths;

(ii) Assays denoted by (*) are by Philsaga Mining Corporation's laboratory, all other assays are by McPhar Geoservices Inc. in Manila;

(iii) Grid coordinates based on the Philippine Reference System 92.

Table II. Underground drill hole results >=3 g/t gold and >=0.2 metres downhole for new holes and previously completed holes designated .

 Hole number     East     North     Dip ([deg])   Azimuth    From          Width         Grade (uncut) 
                                                   ([deg])    (metres)      (metres)      (g/t gold) 
  L2-046          614062   913053   3             233            56.80         0.25      20.34* 
                                                                 61.75         0.45      8.77* 
  L2-054          613279   912925   3             356            70.55         0.75      10.00* 
                                                                 79.15         0.45      16.83* 
  L2-057          613275   912928   0             61             20.90         1.00      4.41* 
  L3-021          614103   913045   3             350            69.00         0.95      11.47* 
  L3-024          614103   913051   10            34             118.80        0.35      11.00* 
  L5-070          613951   912921   -47           138            28.60         0.40      10.73* 
                                                                 30.65         0.55      3.10* 
                                                                 33.55         0.50      3.27* 
                                                                 126.20        0.20      30.87* 
                                                                 143.95        1.80      9.27* 
 Hole number     East     North     Dip ([deg])   Azimuth    From (metres)     Width       Grade (uncut) 
                                                   ([deg])                      (metres)    (g/t gold) 
  L5-075          614143   912935   -33           166            45.80         0.40        4.60* 
                                                                 278.40        0.60        44.07* 
  L5-077          614146   912933   -33           55             188.10        0.40        7.77* 
                                                                 277.45        0.55        25.57* 
                                                                 303.15        0.35        7.37* 
                                                                 307.60        1.25        7.02* 
  L5-078          614146   912931   -33           160            71.90         1.35        27.23* 
                                                                 76.85         1.60        69.11* 
  L5-079          613950   912925   -60           9              26.95         6.55        6.45* 
                                                                 80.60         0.60        15.21* 
  L5-080          614146   912933   -33           57             166.10        0.30        5.70* 
  L5-081          613948   912924   -60           335            46.60         0.80        7.40* 
                                                                 92.80         0.25        6.20* 
                                                                 93.90         1.10        9.50* 
                                                                 205.60        0.35        10.90* 
  L5-082          614146   912932   -47           59             88.10         0.30        3.96* 
                                                                 117.10        0.45        6.50* 
                                                                 147.85        0.60        37.26* 
  L5-083          613947   912923   -60           333            107.45        0.20        3.30* 
                                                                 139.90        1.15        3.93* 
  L5-084          614146   912933   -47           54             127.60        0.50        99.17* 
                                                                 135.40        0.55        3.95* 
                                                                 143.25        2.05        25.01* 
  L5-085          613947   912923   -47           321            23.00         0.50        3.55* 
                                                                 88.40         0.30        4.67* 
  L5-086          614145   912933   -47           231            121.65        1.95        8.42* 
                                                                 143.55        0.20        31.70* 
  L5-087          613950   912925   -60           8              25.50         0.70        4.80* 
                                                                 82.70         4.15        4.37* 
                                                                 127.55        0.70        3.32* 
                                                                 135.90        0.45        4.33* 
  L5-089          613951   912923   -60           200            68.65         0.75        7.00* 
                                                                 74.40         5.00        8.23* 
                                                                 132.80        0.55        6.13* 
  L5-090          613951   912922   -60           323            15.90         1.65        7.14* 
                                                                 97.10         1.80        27.44* 
                                                                 102.85        1.15        63.00* 
                                                                 126.85        0.25        3.73* 
  L5-091          613615   912851   0             63             244.30        0.50        4.85* 
  L5-097          613951   912924   -40           13             14.60         0.80        377.24* 
                                                                 24.60         3.20        4.58* 
                                                                 51.95         1.85        4.54* 
  L5-098          613950   912925   0             206            5.90          0.60        9.49* 
                                                                 12.70         0.90        10.34* 
                                                                 26.95         1.20        5.79* 
                                                                 59.50         1.25        7.72* 
                                                                 73.70         0.35        7.33* 
  L5-099          613612   912854   0             6              38.90         0.75        3.25* 
                                                                 44.50         0.40        6.77* 
                                                                 58.80         0.65        4.56* 
                                                                 69.70         0.25        15.97* 
 Hole number     East     North    Dip ([deg])     Azimuth    From          Width         Grade (uncut) 
                                                    ([deg])    (metres)      (metres)      (g/t gold) 
  L5-100          613949   912924       -40        186            4.40          8.50      89.17* 
                                                                  30.70         0.40      3.90* 
                                                                  57.50         3.50      9.86* 
                                                                  51.55         10.85     16.52* 
                                                                  269.85        0.55      6.74* 
  L5-101          613612   912855       0          206            34.75         0.30      8.07* 
                                                                  49.30         0.70      12.87* 
                                                                  160.75        0.35      28.90* 
  L5-102          613948   912924       -43        356            1.23          0.37      6.10* 
                                                                  5.40          0.50      11.80* 
                                                                  10.65         3.55      6.14* 
                                                                  29.40         0.30      24.37* 
                                                                  30.52         0.33      15.20* 
                                                                  54.10         0.45      8.27* 
                                                                  56.30         3.55      9.07* 
                                                                  61.30         3.05      3.40* 
                                                                  64.00         0.50      7.33* 
                                                                  76.90         0.65      4.83* 
                                                                  349.00        0.80      19.00* 
  L5-103          613947   912923       0          342            4.65          1.35      5.97* 
                                                                  12.70         1.70      28.66* 
                                                                  43.00         0.65      4.73* 
                                                                  196.90        0.90      8.02* 
  L6-005          614096   912732       3          177            35.05         0.70      54.92* 
  L6-009          614056   912834       3          53             3.45          1.00      72.50* 
                                                                  53.15         0.25      3.43* 
                                                                  61.60         1.10      12.80* 
                                                                  68.00         1.00      4.93* 
  L6-010          614055   912831       3          120            32.80         2.40      159.23* 
                                                                  43.70         0.60      4.53* 
                                                                  65.65         0.35      7.13* 
                                                                  100.50        3.80      4.25* 
                                                                  106.55        2.75      3.72* 
  L6-011          614055   912831       3          116            39.75         1.85      12.50* 
                                                                  54.60         0.20      16.37* 
  L6-012          614054   912836       3          21             58.10         0.20      6.12* 
                                                                  58.85         1.05      3.41* 
  L6-013          614053   912836       3          358            5.60          0.35      4.10* 
                                                                  9.35          3.20      5.93* 
                                                                  47.10         0.55      40.00* 
  L6-014          614052   912836       3          347            16.25         0.25      5.00* 
                                                                  48.40         0.20      8.10* 
                                                                  78.05         1.75      7.57* 
  L6-015          614051   912836       3          339            23.45         0.50      5.13* 
                                                                  59.85         0.50      3.87* 
                                                                  91.80         0.60      4.49* 
                                                                  115.65        2.15      4.95* 
                                                                  120.70        1.00      3.23* 
                                                                  123.60        1.00      3.04* 
 Hole number     East     North     Dip ([deg])   Azimuth    From          Width         Grade (uncut) 
                                                   ([deg])    (metres)      (metres)      (g/t gold) 
  L6-016          614050   912836   3             148            1.50          0.30      4.93* 
                                                                 22.25         2.95      3.22* 
                                                                 30.70         0.90      20.13* 
                                                                 104.25        0.25      3.97* 
  L6-017          613963   613963   3             221            62.75         0.45      5.17 
                                                                 68.00         2.10      4.22* 
  L6-018          613958   912841   3             259            16.80         0.25      6.30* 
                                                                 51.80         2.10      9.65* 
  L6-019          613961   912848   3             200            56.50         0.70      9.33* 
                                                                 66.50         0.40      17.60* 
  L6-020          613960   912844   3             241            27.20         0.55      6.40* 
                                                                 79.16         0.34      9.77* 
                                                                 92.37         0.59      20.62* 
                                                                 98.14         0.31      4.40* 
                                                                 107.20        0.69      8.72* 
  L6-022          614062   912752   3             133            51.00         0.40      84.79* 
                                                                 57.10         0.65      4.30* 
                                                                 61.60         0.55      4.20* 
  LM series 
  LM-002          614384   912722   0             319            66.00         1.40      10.33* 
                                                                 96.00         0.45      4.39* 
                                                                 107.35        0.60      3.98* 
                                                                 136.70        0.30      7.37* 
                                                                 182.00        2.00      3.21* 
                                                                 212.10        1.40      30.94* 
                                                                 219.45        0.75      13.47* 
                                                                 223.00        1.25      3.06* 
                                                                 228.10        0.55      13.20* 
  LM-003          614384   912724   0             326            291.70        0.30      7.23* 
  LM-004          614385   912724   0             323            106.75        0.80      5.73* 
                                                                 110.35        0.55      13.93* 
                                                                 131.70        0.30      94.70* 
                                                                 194.50        0.40      5.70* 
  LM-005          614387   912724   0             342            92.60         0.50      6.20* 
                                                                 146.50        0.60      24.00* 
  LM-006          614388   912722   0             354            102.80        1.55      4.48* 
                                                                 281.40        0.45      17.63* 
                                                                 311.00        0.40      6.63* 
  LM-007          614389   912723   0             10             55.90         0.35      17.85* 
                                                                 91.10         0.30      11.37* 
                                                                 181.25        0.50      4.70* 
                                                                 303.40        0.40      3.58* 
  LM-008          614390   912723   0             28             115.10        0.30      4.80* 
  LM-009          614390   912723   0             31             177.00        0.20      9.17* 
                                                                 314.35        0.45      3.46* 


(i) Intersection widths are downhole drill widths not true widths;

(ii) Assays denoted by (*) are by Philsaga Mining Corporation's laboratory, all other assays are by McPhar Geoservices Inc. in Manila;

(iii) Grid co-ordinates based on the Philippine Reference System 92.


Samples are taken from mainly HQ sized (hole outside diameter 96 mm, hole inside diameter 63.5mm) and some NQ sized (hole outside diameter 75.8 mm, hole inside diameter 47.6 mm) drill core. The selected sample intervals are halved by diamond saw and half the core was bagged, numbered and sent to the Company laboratory. In a small number of cases to confirm the geological logging, the selected interval was re-split and [1/4] core re-submitted for assay.

Initial sample preparation and assaying is undertaken at the Company's on-site laboratory. Samples are dried at 105 C for 6 to 8 hours, crushed to less than 1.25 cm by jaw crusher, re-crushed to less than 3 mm using a secondary crusher followed by ring grinding of 700 to 800 grams of sample to nominal particle size of less than 200 mesh. Barren rock wash is used between samples in the preparation equipment. The samples are assayed by fire assay with Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS) finish on a 30 gram sample. All assays over 5 g/t gold are re-assayed using gravimetric fire assay techniques on a 30 gram sample.

Check assaying of approximately 50% of samples used in the yearly resource estimates is undertaken by McPhar Geoservices Phils Inc ("McPhar"), a NATA and ISO 9001/2000 accredited laboratory in Manila. The pulps are airfreighted to McPhar who fire assay 30 grams of samples using AAS finish and a selected number of samples are checked using gravimetric fire assay techniques. Duplicate samples and standards are included in each batch of check samples.

When reporting results, where available, the assays of McPhar as an independent laboratory have been given priority over the Company laboratory's results.

For further information please contact:

  Medusa Mining Limited 
  Peter Hepburn-Brown, Managing Director 
  Geoffrey Davis, Non-Executive Chairman    +61 8 9367 0601 
 United Kingdom 
  Fairfax I.S. PLC 
  Financial Adviser and Broker 
  Ewan Leggat/Laura Littley                 +44 (0)20 7598 5368 

Information in this report relating to Exploration Results has been reviewed and is based on information compiled by Mr Geoff Davis, who is a member of The Australian Institute of Geoscientists. Mr Davis is the Chairman of Medusa Mining Limited and has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposits under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a "Competent Person" as defined in the 2004 Edition of the "Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves". Mr Davis consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.


This announcement may contain certain forward-looking statements. The words 'anticipate', 'believe', 'expect', 'project', 'forecast', 'estimate', 'likely', 'intend', 'should', 'could', 'may', 'target', 'plan' and other similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Indications of, and guidance on, future earnings and financial position and performance are also forward-looking statements.

Such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, many of which are beyond the control of Medusa, and its officers, employees, agents and associates, that may cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements.

Actual results, performance or outcomes may differ materially from any projections and forward-looking statements and the assumptions on which those assumptions are based.

You should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements and neither Medusa nor any of its directors, employees, servants or agents assume any obligation to update such information.

Figure1. (please see the link at the end of this announcement) shows the map of the Co-O Mine Level 6 plan showing the locations of new drill holes EXP111 to EXP145.

Figure 2. (please see the link at the end of this announcement) shows the map of the Co-O Mine Level 6 plan showing the locations of the new underground drill holes.

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