28 November 2003


Russell Stevens              07860 562621                            
Chief Executive              Russell@meriden-group.co.uk             
Ewan Leggat                  020 7107 8000                           
Seymour Pierce Limited       Ewanleggat@seymourpierce.com            

               Meriden Group Plc (the "Company" or "the Group")                

              Preliminary results for the year ended 31 July 2003              


  * Steady improvement in turnover and profitability
  * Major improvements in efficiency
  * Robust organic growth
  * Evolving strategy
  * Continuing caution in face of challenging market conditions
  * Further strengthening of the management team
  * Second Centre opened in London
  * Increases in both dividend and dividend cover
  * Period end cash balances to fund future organic growth and acquisitions
Financial Highlights

  * Turnover of �5.8m (2002 : �5.5m)
  * EBITDA of �0.79m (2002 : �0.67m)
  * Pre tax profits of �0.71m (2002 : �0.61m)
  * Earnings per share in the trading period of 0.18p (2002 : 0.15p)
  * Year end cash balance of �0.81m (2002 : �0.54m) to fund future growth
  * Total dividend of 0.023p (2002 : 0.02p)
  * Dividend cover 7.6x (2002 : 7.5x)
Commenting, Russell Stevens, Chief Executive said:

"In our first two years of trading we have established a stable base from which
we are now posed to move forward from with a strategy of continued organic
growth supplemented with selective strategic acquisitions in order to build a
broad based business services group. "

Chairman's Statement

I am pleased to present this my second Chairman's report for Meriden Group Plc.


Despite challenging trading conditions, the Group has built on the encouraging
results achieved in its first full year of operation. It has delivered a
pre-tax profit of �0.71m (2002: �0.61m) on a turnover of �5.8m (2002: �5.5m)
resulting in earnings per share of 0.18p (2002: 0.20p) and year end cash
balances of �0.81m (2002: �0.54m). We are particularly pleased that the Board
is recommending a final dividend, which takes the total dividend for the year
to 0.023p (2002: 0.02p) per share.

Our client base has continued to expand, with larger corporations and
government agencies joining traditional small to medium sized enterprises as
clients. Our growing experience in delivering services to a diverse client base
has enabled us to further develop our management techniques and, as a result,
our efficiency has improved significantly during the year. An increase in
turnover of 5% has driven a 17% increase in profit after taxation and the
profit per employee rose 58% from �14,023 in 2002 to �22,067 in 2003,
reflecting the fact that subcontractors have been used in many divisions rather
than increasing our directly employed head count.

One of the Board's fundamental policies is that each division must be
profitable and justify its return on capital employed. During the year the
Recruitment and Training Divisions were discontinued as their returns were
unacceptable and the Board could not be certain of improvements given the
prevailing market conditions. However, our remaining services have continued to
develop and evolve successfully and are now delivered through six divisions.


The Board reviewed its long term business strategy during the year and has
refined this to focus more on the diversity of the services we provide rather
than our geographical presence. While we will continue to search for
organizations with whom we could build successful, fully-scoped partnerships in
commercial centres around the country, the Board now also intends to pursue
robust growth of the business by delivering a wider spectrum of business
services. The Board also intends to exploit entrepreneurial opportunities when
the Group's financial strength and business expertise can be leveraged.

This wider spectrum of services will be developed through both organic growth
and through acquisition. We have demonstrated our ability to grow organically;
and shortly after the year end the Group acquired Eltora Digital. This first
acquisition significantly strengthened the IT Systems Division and is already
delivering financial benefits. Some acquisitions will integrate with existing
divisions and others will become divisions in their own right and the Group
intends to make further announcements shortly.

The Board continues to recognize that the full potential of the Group cannot be
realized solely from its base in the West Midlands. While the Group's
geographic expansion may be less broad than originally envisaged, a second
centre in London was opened during the year and a third centre in South Wales
is under evaluation. The Board will continue to take a cautious approach to the
expansion of the business whether it be by organic growth, acquisition or
geographic expansion in order to preserve the Group's earnings stream and its
dividend flow.

The Board is delighted to report that we continue to be able to attract and
retain high calibre individuals on to the management team. We would like to
thank all of our personnel for their hard work and commitment to providing
first class services to our clients and to building this exciting business
services group.

Mr Derek Hall

Non-executive Chairman

27 November 2003

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31 July 2003

                                  Note      Year ended  Period ended
                                          31 July 2003  31 July 2002
                                                     �             �
Turnover                                     5,790,628     5,511,923
Cost of sales                                4,312,261     4,101,319
                                           -----------   -----------
Gross profit                                 1,478,367     1,410,604
Administrative expenses                        785,564       809,421
                                           -----------   -----------
Operating profit                               692,803       601,183
Interest receivable                             12,352         8,106
                                           -----------  ------------
Profit on ordinary activities                  705,155       609,289
before taxation                                                     
Taxation                                       197,592       174,578
                                           -----------  ------------
Profit on ordinary activities                  507,563       434,711
after taxation                                                      
Dividends                                       66,628        58,000
                                           -----------  ------------
Retained profit for the year                   440,935       376,711
                                           -----------  ------------
Basic and diluted earnings per      3             0.18          0.20
share (pence)                                                       
                                           -----------  ------------
Basic and diluted earnings per      3             0.18          0.15
share in trading period (pence)                                     
                                           -----------  ------------

Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31 July 2003

                            Note     As at         As at     
                                  31 July 2003  31 July 2002 
                                       �             �       
Fixed Assets                                                 
Tangible assets                        251,298        364,731
Fixed asset investments                177,902        177,853
                                   -----------    -----------
                                       429,200        542,584
Current assets                                               
Work in progress                        36,420         67,228
Debtors                              3,407,637      1,287,120
Cash at bank and in hand               805,589        538,817
                                   -----------   ------------
                                     4,249,646      1,893,165
Creditors: amounts falling           2,988,824      1,168,414
within one year                                              
                                   -----------   ------------
Net current assets                   1,260,822        724,751
                                   -----------   ------------
Total assets less current            1,690,022      1,267,335
Provisions for liabilities              59,021         77,269
and charges                                                  
                                   -----------   ------------
Net assets                           1,631,001      1,190,066
                                   -----------   ------------
Capital and reserves                                         
Called up share capital                290,000        290,000
Share premium                          523,355        523,355
Profit and loss account                817,646        376,711
                                   -----------   ------------
Equity shareholders' funds    4      1,631,001      1,190,066
                                   -----------   ------------

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31 July 2003

                                             Notes      Year ended  Period ended
                                                      31 July 2003  31 July 2002
                                                                 �             �
Net cash inflow from operating activities      5           422,683       331,171
Return on investments and servicing of                                          
Interest received                                           12,352         8,106
                                                      ------------  ------------
Net cash inflow from returns on investments                 12,352         8,106
and servicing of finance                                                        
Tax paid                                                  (97,309)             -
Capital expenditure and financial investment                                    
Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets                 (24,274)     (436,169)
Payments to acquire fixed asset investments                   (49)     (177,853)
Receipts from the sale of tangible fixed                    40,297           207
                                                      ------------  ------------
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from capital                      15,974     (613,815)
expenditure and financial investment                                            
Dividends paid                                            (86,928)             -
                                                      ------------  ------------
Net cash inflow/(outflow) before financing                 266,772     (274,538)
                                                      ------------  ------------
Issue of ordinary share capital                                  -     1,250,000
Share issue costs                                                -     (436,645)
                                                      ------------  ------------
Net cash inflow from financing                                   -       813,355
                                                      ------------  ------------
Increase in cash                               6           266,772       538,817
                                                      ------------  ------------

Notes to the Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 July 2003

1     Basis of Preparation                                                
      The preliminary announcement has been prepared in accordance with   
      applicable accounting standards and under the historical cost       

2     Comparative figures                                                 
      Comparative figures are for the period from incorporation on 15     
      February 2001 to 31 July 2002. The Company commenced trading on 14  
      August 2001.                                                        

3    Earnings per share                                                                     
     The calculation of the basic earnings per share is based on the profit on              
     ordinary activities after taxation and on the weighted average number of shares        
     in issue during the period. The profit and weighted average number of shares           
     used in the calculations are set out below:                                            
                            Profit        Weighted         Average       Basic Earnings per 
                                                                                   share in 
                                 �         average       number of    Earnings              
                                            number          shares   per share       period 
                                         of shares      in trading     (pence)      (pence) 
     Basic and diluted                                                                      
     earnings per                                                                           
     Year ended 31         507,563     290,000,000     290,000,000        0.18         0.18 
     July 2003                                                                              
     Period ended 31       434,711     211,541,360     290,000,000        0.20         0.15 
     July 2002                                                                              
                       ----------- --------------- --------------- ----------- ------------ 
     The earnings per share in the trading period is based on the number of shares          
     in issue in the trading period and not from the date of incorporation as with          
     the basic earnings per share. The directors believe this provides a more               
     accurate basis in the initial years on which to monitor the progress of the            

4    Reconciliation of movements in                                     
     shareholders' funds                                                
                                                       2003         2002
                                                          �            �
     Profit on ordinary activities after            507,563      434,711
     Dividend                                      (66,628)     (58,000)
                                               ------------ ------------
     Profit on ordinary activities after            440,935      376,711
     taxation and dividends                                             
     Issue of ordinary share capital (net of              -      813,355
     Opening shareholders' funds                  1,190,066            -
                                               ------------ ------------
     Closing shareholders' funds                  1,631,001    1,190,066
                                               ------------ ------------

5    Reconciliation of operating profit with net cash inflow from operating
                                                    Year ended Period ended
                                                  31 July 2003 31 July 2002
                                                             �            �
     Operating profit                                  692,803      601,183
     Depreciation                                       97,410       71,231
     Decrease/(increase) in work in progress            30,808     (67,228)
     Increase in debtors                           (2,120,517)  (1,287,120)
     Increase in creditors                           1,722,179    1,013,105
                                                  ------------ ------------
     Net cash inflow from operating activities         422,683      331,171
                                                  ------------ ------------

6    Analysis of changes in net                                            
                                         1 August    Cash Flow 31 July 2003
                                                       in Year            �
     Cash at bank and in hand             538,817      266,772      805,589
                                     ------------ ------------ ------------

7     Publication of non-statutory                                         
      The financial information set out in this preliminary announcement   
      does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in Section 240 of  
      the Companies Act 1985. The summarised balance sheet at 31 July 2003 
      and the summarised profit and loss account, summarised cashflow      
      statement and associated notes for the year then ended have been     
      extracted from the Company's 2003 statutory financial statements upon
      which the auditors opinion is unqualified and does not contain any   
      statement under section 237 of the Companies Act 1985.Statutory      
      accounts for the year ended 31 July 2003 will be delivered to the    
      Registrar in due course. The comparative financial information is    
      based on the statutory accounts for the financial period ended 31    
      July 2002. Those accounts on which the auditors issued an unqualified
      opinion have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.           

8     Dividend                                                             
      The Company intends to pay the final dividend of 0.013p per ordinary 
      share on 21 January 2004 to shareholders on the register at the close
      of business on 19 December 2003.                                     
9     Availability of Annual Report                                        
      The Annual Report will be posted to shareholders before the end of   
      December 2003 and copies will be available from the registered office
      of the Company or as a download from the Company's website at        
      www.meriden-group.co.uk at the end of December 2003.