RNS Number : 0337G

Management Resource Solutions PLC

27 February 2015

27 February 2015 For immediate release

Management Resource Solutions PLC

("MRS" or the "Company")

Interim Results for the six months ended 31 December 2014

MRS, the human capital resource consultancy quoted on AIM, is pleased to announce its Interim Results for the six months ended 31 December 2014.

Financial Highlights

-- 130% increase in turnover to A$11.4m (approximately GBP5.8m) compared to the same period the previous year (H1 FY14: A$4.9m, approximately GBP2.5m).

-- Increase in profit before tax to A$1,289,000 (approximately GBP658,000), excluding exceptional costs of listing of A$798,000 (H1 FY14: A$158,000, approximately GBP81,000).

   --     Earnings per share of 1.70c (approximately 0.87p) (H1 FY14: 0.33c). 
   --     Interim dividend of 0.35p (approximately 0.69c) per share declared (H1 FY14: Nil). 

Operational Highlights

-- Good progress with the Papua New Guinea (PNG) Contract with PEAL our first major EPC contract that is progressing in line with expectations outlined during the AIM Admission process.

-- Solid performance from our base human capital business providing niche quality assurance, HSE and environmental services to blue chip clients in the construction, engineering, civil engineering, petrochemical and coal seam gas sectors.

   --     Good start to the second half and trading in line with management expectations. 

Paul Morffew, MRS CEO said:

"The first half of the current financial year was significant in positioning MRS to deliver on our growth strategy. We successfully listed on the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange and expanded our offering to complementary EPC activities through a major contract in PNG. This is an area where we see significant further potential. Despite the disruption of the listing process, the first half saw excellent growth with a more than doubling turnover following our move into EPC segment.

"We have had a good start to the second half of the financial year and continue to trade in line with management expectations."

Going forwards our recent listing will allow us to capitalise on additional opportunities for both organic and acquisitive growth.


For further information:

 Management Resource Solutions PLC       c/o FTI +44 (0)20 
  Paul Morffew, Chief Executive                  3727 1000 
  Timothy Jones, Finance Director 
 Northland Capital Partners Limited 
  (Nominated Adviser and Broker) 
  William Vandyk 
  David Hignell                        +44 (0)20 7382 1100 
 FTI Consulting 
  Edward Westropp 
  Oliver Winters 
  Adam Cubbage                         +44 (0)20 3727 1000 

About MRS

MRS provides project, quality, environmental and health & safety management services to some of the largest companies and projects across Australia, Oceania and Southeast Asia. MRS are sector specialists in the construction, engineering, civil engineering, petrochemical and coal seam gas sectors. MRS sources its contractors from a database of over 23,000 professionals around the globe, allowing it to react quickly and fully to client requirements.

Further information on the Company can be found at http://www.mrsplc.net/.

Management Resource Solutions PLC

("MRS" or the "Company")

Interim Results for the six months ended 31 December 2014

CEO's Statement

Dear Shareholders,

I am pleased to report to you on an extremely active period both in terms of corporate activity, with our listing to AIM and, in an operational sense, with the ongoing execution of our contract with PEAL marking our successful move into complementary engineering procurement and construction (EPC) activities.

Our goal during the first half of the financial year was to continue to deliver our growth strategy whilst enhancing our capabilities across all areas to become a leading supplier of human capital, risk management and project management services to projects in the energy, resources and construction sectors.

During this period we began to deliver on that strategy increasing turnover by 130% compared to the first half of the previous financial year. We reported a 211% period on period increase in profit before tax after accounting for significant non-recurring costs resulting from our admission to trading on AIM.

As outlined in our Admission Document, MRS intends, where appropriate, to be a dividend payer. In light of the company's first half performance, the board has declared an interim dividend of 0.35 pence per share, which will be paid on 10 April to those shareholders who appear on the company's register as of 13 March. The company's ordinary shares will be marked ex-dividend on 12 March.

We entered the second half of the financial year with confidence and are trading in line with our expectations. MRS's Project Management and Engineering Services team has been making steady progress on the Pacific Energy Aviation Limited [PEAL] Aviation Fuel Airport Fuel Depot in Papua New Guinea (PNG). The base project is set for completion in mid-2015 and forms an integral part of MRS's larger expansion and diversification growth strategy. The skills and proficiency demonstrated on delivering this project should bode well as we seek to advance our EPC offering going forwards.

Our human capital business continues to provide a good base of visible revenues from a number of blue chip customers allowing us to seek higher growth expansion opportunities such as PNG. We operate in a highly regulated environment that requires an extremely high standard of competence and have the requisite people, expertise and systems to enable our customers to meet these requirements.

Our market listing has raised our profile and should help us to achieve our ambitions growth plans.

The MRS team has performed well during HY15 and, on behalf of the Board, I would like to thank all of our employees for their dedication and the progress made by the company. I would also like to thank our shareholders for your continuing support.

Paul Morffew


Financial Highlights

Condensed Statement of Comprehensive Consolidated Income

Six months ended 31 December 2014

                                                     6 months             6 months   Year ended 
                                                                                        30 June 
                                                     ended 31             ended 31    (Audited) 
                                                     December             December 
                                             2014 (Unaudited)     2013 (Unaudited) 
                                    Note                $'000                $'000        $'000 
 Revenue                                               11,403                4,967       10,490 
 Cost of sales                                        (7,156)              (1,563)      (4,610) 
                                          -------------------  -------------------  ----------- 
 Gross Profit                                           4,247                3,404        5,880 
 Administrative expenses             3                (3,757)              (3,219)      (5,625) 
                                          -------------------  -------------------  ----------- 
 Operating Profit                                         490                  185          255 
 Other Income                                               2                    2            - 
 Finance costs - interest                                 (1)                 (29)         (68) 
                                          -------------------  -------------------  ----------- 
 Profit before tax                                        491                  158          187 
 Tax credit/(expense)                                      30                 (57)        (135) 
                                          -------------------  -------------------  ----------- 
 Profit for the period 
  attributable to equity 
  holders of the parent 
  company                                                 521                  101           52 
                                          -------------------  -------------------  ----------- 
 Earnings per share attributable 
  to equity holders of 
  the parent company 
 Basic                                 4                1.70c                0.33c        0.17c 
                                          -------------------  -------------------  ----------- 
 Fully diluted                         4                1.67c                0.33c        0.17c 
                                          -------------------  -------------------  ----------- 

Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet at 31 December 2014

                                 At 31 December   At 31 December    At 30 June 
                                           2014             2013          2014 
                                    (Unaudited)      (Unaudited)     (Audited) 
 Assets                                   $'000            $'000         $'000 
 Non-current assets 
 Property, plant, equipment                 339              156           154 
 Deferred tax                               193              110           164 
                                            532              266           318 
                                ---------------  ---------------  ------------ 
 Current assets 
 Trade and other receivables              2,651            1,742         2,829 
 Cash and cash equivalents                2,109               98         1,063 
                                          4,760            1,840         3,892 
                                ---------------  ---------------  ------------ 
 Total assets                             5,292            2,106         4,210 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                 2,168              650         2,898 
                                ---------------  ---------------  ------------ 
                                          2,168              650         2,898 
                                ---------------  ---------------  ------------ 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Borrowings                                  40              129            46 
 Deferred tax                                13               27            15 
                                             53              156            61 
                                ---------------  ---------------  ------------ 
 Total liabilities                        2,221              806         2,959 
                                ---------------  ---------------  ------------ 
 Net assets                               3,071            1,300         1,251 
                                ===============  ===============  ============ 
 Equity attributable 
  to equity holders 
  of the parent 
 Share capital                           36,623           36,586        36,586 
 Share premium                              889                -             - 
 Issue costs reserve                          -            (332)         (332) 
 Reorganisation reserve                (36,032)         (36,032)      (36,032) 
 Retained earnings                        1,591            1,078         1,029 
 Total equity attributable 
  to equity holders of 
  the parent                              3,071            1,300         1,251 
                                ===============  ===============  ============ 

Condensed Statement of Changes in Equity (unaudited)

For the six months ended 31 December 2014

                     Share capital      Share   Issue costs   Reorganisation    Retained     Total 
                                      premium       reserve          reserve    earnings    equity 
                             $'000      $'000         $'000            $'000       $'000     $'000 
 At 1 July 2013             36,586          -         (332)         (36,032)         977     1,199 
 Profit for the 
  period                         -          -             -                -         101       101 
 At 31 December 
  2013                      36,586          -         (332)         (36,032)       1,078     1,300 
 Loss for the 
  period                         -          -             -                         (49)      (49) 
 At 30 June 2014            36,586          -         (332)         (36,032)       1,029     1,251 
 Transfer                        -      (332)           332                -           -         - 
 Shares issued                  37      1,342             -                -           -     1,379 
 Costs of issue                  -      (121)             -                -           -     (121) 
 Profit for the 
  period                         -          -             -                -         521       521 
 Share based 
  payment charges                -          -             -                -          41        41 
 At 31 December 
  2014                      36,623        889             -         (36,032)       1,591     3,071 
                    ==============  =========  ============  ===============  ==========  ======== 

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

For the six months ended 31 December 2014

                                                   6 months            6 months   Year ended 
                                                   ended 31            ended 31      30 June 
                                                   December            December         2014 
                                           2014 (Unaudited)    2013 (Unaudited) 
 Cash flows from operating activities                 $'000               $'000        $'000 
 Receipts from customers                             10,853               4,297       13,691 
 Payments to suppliers and employees               (10,821)             (4,699)     (12,959) 
 Interest received                                        2                   2            4 
 Finance costs                                         (20)                (29)         (68) 
 Income tax paid                                       (21)               (199)        (287) 
                                         ------------------  ------------------  ----------- 
 Net cash flow from operating 
  activities                                            (7)               (628)          380 
                                         ------------------  ------------------  ----------- 
 Cash flows from investing activities 
 Purchase of non-current assets                       (185)                (15)         (37) 
                                         ------------------  ------------------  ----------- 
 Net cash flow from investing 
  activities                                          (185)                (15)         (37) 
                                         ------------------  ------------------  ----------- 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
 Decrease in borrowings                                (19)                (13)         (34) 
 Issue of Shares                                      1,359                   -            - 
 Costs of issue                                       (102)                   -            - 
                                         ------------------  ------------------  ----------- 
 Net cash flow from financing 
  activities                                          1,238                (13)         (34) 
                                         ------------------  ------------------  ----------- 
 Net increase/(decrease) in cash 
  held                                                1,046               (656)          309 
                                         ------------------  ------------------  ----------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at 
  1 July 2014                                         1,063                 754          754 
                                         ------------------  ------------------  ----------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at 
  31 December 2014                                    2,109                  98         1063 
                                         ------------------  ------------------  ----------- 

Notes forming part of the Interim Results

For the six months ended 31 December 2014

1. Accounting Policies

The condensed consolidated unaudited interim financial information set out in this report is based on the financial statements of Management Resource Solutions Plc ("MRS"). The condensed financial information should be read in conjunction with the annual financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2014, which were prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards. The financial statements for the Group for the six months ended 31 December 2014 were approved and authorised for issue by the Board on 24 February 2015. These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the accounting policies that are expected to be applied in the Report and Accounts of MRS for the year ending 30 June 2015 and are consistent with International Financial Reporting Standards adopted for use in the European Union.

2. Basis of preparation

The financial information for the six months ended 31 December 2014 and 2013 is unreviewed and unaudited and does not constitute the Company's statutory financial statements for those periods. The comparative financial information for the full year ended 30 June 2014 has been derived from the statutory financial statements for that period. The statutory accounts for the year ended 30 June 2014 have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The auditors' report on those accounts was unqualified.

The financial statements are presented in Australian Dollars and all values are rounded to the nearest thousand dollars ($'000) except where otherwise indicated.

3. Administrative expenses

Administrative expenses for the period include non-recurring costs of $798,000 incurred in connection with the Company's listing on the AIM.

4. Earnings per share

Earnings per share is calculated on the reported profit for the period of $521,000 and on 30,662,696 ordinary shares, being the weighted average number of shares in issue throughout the period ended 31 December 2014.

For diluted earnings per share, the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue has been adjusted to assume conversion of all dilutive potential ordinary shares. The Company has two classes of dilutive potential ordinary shares, being share options granted to directors and employees and warrants to subscribe for ordinary shares issued in connection with the placing of ordinary shares on 11 December 2014.

5. Interim Statement

Copies of this Interim report for the six months ended 31 December 2014 will be available on the company's website www.mrsplc.net


This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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