Drilling Report: Exploration Update - Tulu Kapi Gold Project,

AIM Release
                                                     1 September 2008

                   Minerva Resources Plc (AIM:MVA)
               ('Minerva Resources' or 'the Company')

        Exploration Update - Tulu Kapi Gold Project, Ethiopia

  * Results from an additional two holes of a 22 hole diamond drill
    programme at the Tulu Kapi Gold Project have confirmed
    significant depth and strike extensions of high grade gold
    mineralisation and the presence of additional hydrothermally
    altered zones

  * Significant intersection results include 3.5m @ 13.0g/t Au
    (including 1.0m @ 19.2g/t Au and 0.5m @ 15.3g/t Au ), 6.04m @
    5.0g/t Au (with 1.2m @ 6.7g/t Au), 5.9m @ 3.7g/t Au (with 0.9m @
    5.6g/t Au and 1.0m @ 7.0g/t Au), 0.8m @ 6.4g/t Au and 2.0m @
    5.0g/t Au

  * Further drilling results expected to be announced later this

Terry Ward, Managing Director, commented today, "The additional assay
results  verify  the   continuation  of   the  multiple   mineralised
intersections with high grade values. They also support the  presence
of a widely mineralised system at the Tulu Kapi project.

The assay  results from  the remaining  holes at  Tulu Kapi  and  the
drilling at the  Dina, Gudeya-Guji  and Guji  prospects are  expected
later this month.

We are proceeding to investigate the potential for these prospects to
be combined with the Tulu Kapi Project in the establishment of a 'one
treatment plant - multiple feed sources scenario'".

Tulu Kapi Prospect (100% Minerva Resources)

Minerva Resources has completed an initial 22 diamond drill holes  at
its Tulu Kapi  gold project  in western  Ethiopia on  a 600m  section
encompassing a  large gold  zone delineated  by numerous  1930s  mine
workings and more recent exploration  activity at its Tulu Kapi  gold
prospect in western Ethiopia.

Additional assay results from holes 18 and 20 have been received  and
are shown in Appendix A,  together with previously announced  results
from holes 1 to 17. The  results of the remaining holes are  expected
to be received by the company over the forthcoming months. The delays
are due to the excessive demand on the assay laboratories.

The holes have been drilled, 40m  apart, on fence lines at  intervals
of 80m  along  a 600m  length  of the  strike  of the  deposit  on  a
north-west/south-east direction. The aim was to examine the depth and
strike continuity and  the grades  of the  altered zones,  identified
from an earlier preliminary drill programme.

The deposit is  located on  the flanks and  centre of  a large  hill,
rising from an elevation of 1,640m at its base to 1,770m at its peak.
A UNDP borehole, drilled in  the 1970's,  intersected 0.7m @  27.0g/t
Au, 650m to the north east of the most northern fence line drilled by
Minerva Resources  to-date,  demonstrating  the  project's  continued
strike potential.

Qualified Person

The information in this release which relates to exploration  results
is based on  information compiled  by Chris  Wilson, BSc(Hons),  PhD,
FAusIMM (CP), FSEG.  Dr.Wilson is a  consultant to Minerva  Resources
and has provided Best  Practice and QA/QC  training resources to  the
Company's geologists in  Ethiopia. He is  auditing the current  drill
programme and is responsible for signing off exploration results  for
news releases to  the market.  Dr. Wilson  is a  Competent Person  as
defined in the Australian Code for Reporting of Exploration  Results,
Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves and has reviewed and approved this

For further information please contact:

Terry Ward
Minerva Resources plc
Tel: +44 (0)20 73795012 / (0) 7989571576
web: www.minervaresources.com

Jane Stacey / Fiona Hyland
Conduit PR
Tel: +44 (0)20 74296606 / (0)7922923306

James Joyce / Sarang Shah
W. H. Ireland
Tel: +44 (0)20 72201666

                             Appendix A

|                                       Tulu Kapi - Significant     |
| Intersections                                                     |
| Hole Number | From    | To (m) | Length  | Au     | Comments      |
|             | (m)     |        | (m)     | (g/t)  |               |
| TKBH 01     | 10.3    | 20.3   | 10.0    | 2.1    |               |
| TKBH 02     | 137.3   | 143.0  | 5.7     | 2.9    |               |
|             | 147.9   | 153.9  | 6.0     | 1.9    |               |
| TKBH 04     | 46.4    | 84.3   | 37.9    | 4.6    |               |
|             |         |        |         |        | With 157g/t   |
|             | 46.4    | 84.3   | 37.9    | 1.6    | Au cut to     |
|             |         |        |         |        | 31.1g/t Au    |
| Including several 0.3m to 1.1m intersections with grades ranging  |
| from 2.1 to 4.2g/t Au                                             |
|             |         |        |         |        | Including     |
| TKBH 05     | 36.7    | 41.9   | 5.2     | 2.7    | 3.0m @ 3.7g/t |
|             |         |        |         |        | Au            |
|             |         |        |         |        | Including     |
|             | 71.8    | 75.7   | 3.9     | 2.9    | 1.1m @ 6.9g/t |
|             |         |        |         |        | Au            |
|             |         |        |         |        | Including     |
| TKBH 06     | 146.7   | 160.8  | 14.1    | 2.7    | 5.0m @ 6.3g/t |
|             |         |        |         |        | Au            |
|             |         |        |         |        | Including     |
| TKBH 07     | 53.5    | 62.3   | 8.8     | 2.2    | 5.0m @ 4.9g/t |
|             |         |        |         |        | Au            |
|             | 95.8    | 96.7   | 0.9     | 2.3    |               |
|             |         |        |         |        | Including     |
|             | 112.2   | 117.1  | 4.9     | 2.9    | 1.2m @        |
|             |         |        |         |        | 10.4g/t Au    |
|             | 121.8   | 122.8  | 1.0     | 2.3    |               |
|             | 157.0   | 157.6  | 0.6     | 13.8   |               |
|             |         |        |         |        | Including     |
| TKBH 08     | 64.9    | 80.6   | 15.7    | 2.7    | 6.9m @ 4.5g/t |
|             |         |        |         |        | Au            |
|             |         |        |         |        | Including     |
|             | 87.8    | 98.8   | 11.0    | 2.0    | 6.8m @ 2.6g/t |
|             |         |        |         |        | Au            |
|             |         |        |         |        | Including     |
|             | 107.0   | 111.1  | 4.1     | 5.8    | 2.1m @        |
|             |         |        |         |        | 10.5g/t Au    |
|             | 221.5   | 227.0  | 5.5     | 5.0    |               |
|             | 231.5   | 234.0  | 2.5     | 3.8    |               |
|             | 239.0   | 244.3  | 5.3     | 2.1    |               |
| TKBH 09     | 75.3    | 76.5   | 1.2     | 5.8    |               |
|             | 118.5   | 122.0  | 3.5     | 2.6    |               |
| TKBH 10     | 16.4    | 18.6   | 2.2     | 2.0    |               |
|             |         |        |         |        | Including     |
|             | 28.0    | 48.7   | 20.7    | 4.8    | 5.3m @        |
|             |         |        |         |        | 13.2g/t Au    |
|             |         |        |         |        | and           |
|             |         |        |         |        | 3.0m @ 5.3g/t |
|             |         |        |         |        | Au            |
|             | 68.9    | 75.2   | 11.3    | 1.9    |               |
|             | 201.0   | 203.8  | 2.8     | 9.3    |               |
|             |         |        |         |        | Including     |
| TKBH 11     | 16.0    | 32.0   | 16.0    | 1.7    | 4.7m @ 3.1g/t |
|             |         |        |         |        | Au            |
|             | 55.0    | 56.1   | 1.1     | 18.0   |               |
|             | 162.0   | 165.3  | 3.3     | 2.5    |               |
|             | 185.0   | 186.7  | 1.7     | 4.6    |               |
|             |         |        |         |        | Including     |
| TKBH 12     | 0.5     | 19.0   | 18.5    | 4.3    | 9.6m @ 5.7g/t |
|             |         |        |         |        | Au and        |
|             |         |        |         |        | 3.1m @ 6.1g/t |
|             |         |        |         |        | Au            |
|             | 56.6    | 68.4   | 11.8    | 4.6    |               |
|             |         |        |         |        | Including     |
| TKBH 13     | 49.7    | 57.7   | 8.0     | 1.9    | 4.4m @ 3.2g/t |
|             |         |        |         |        | Au            |
|             |         |        |         |        | Including     |
|             | 63.0    | 69.0   | 6.0     | 1.7    | 1.9m @ 4.5g/t |
|             |         |        |         |        | Au            |
|             |         |        |         |        | Including     |
| TKBH 14     | 59.0    | 63.0   | 4.0     | 10.2   | 1.0m @        |
|             |         |        |         |        | 37.2g/t Au    |
|             |         |        |         |        | Including     |
|             | 93.8    | 98.2   | 4.4     | 2.9    | 1.2m @        |
|             |         |        |         |        | 8.85g/t Au    |
|             |         |        |         |        | Including     |
|             | 160.6   | 164.6  | 4.0     | 5.0    | 1.1m @        |
|             |         |        |         |        | 14.8g/t Au    |
| TKBH 15     | 35.4    | 36.0   | 0.6     | 11.2   |               |
|             | 103.5   | 104.5  | 1.0     | 3.4    |               |
|             |         |        |         |        | Including     |
| TKBH 17     | 2.0     | 6.3    | 4.3     | 2.2    | 1.3m @ 6.3g/t |
|             |         |        |         |        | Au            |
|             |         |        |         |        | Including     |
|             | 58.7    | 62.9   | 4.2     | 2.5    | 1.0m @ 6.3g/t |
|             |         |        |         |        | Au            |
|             | 67.0    | 68.0   | 1.0     | 5.8    |               |
|             |         |        |         |        | Including     |
|             | 137.0   | 140.0  | 3.0     | 5.1    | 1.0m @        |
|             |         |        |         |        | 12.2g/t Au    |
|             |         |        |         |        | Including     |
| TKBH18*     | 39.0    | 45.0   | 6.0     | 4.0    | 1.2m @ 6.7g/t |
|             |         |        |         |        | Au            |
| TKBH20*     | 0.0     | 1.7    | 1.7     | 2.2    |               |
|             |         |        |         |        | Including     |
|             | 52.0    | 55.0   | 3.0     | 2.6    | 1.0m @ 4.1g/t |
|             |         |        |         |        | Au            |
|             |         |        |         |        | Including     |
|             | 59.1    | 65.0   | 5.9     | 3.7    | 0.9m @ 5.6g/t |
|             |         |        |         |        | Au and        |
|             |         |        |         |        | 1.0m @ 7.0g/t |
|             |         |        |         |        | Au            |
|             | 94.1    | 95.0   | 0.9     | 2.6    |               |
|             |         |        |         |        | Including     |
|             | 96.0    | 98.0   | 2.0     | 3.3    | 1.0m @ 5.0g/t |
|             |         |        |         |        | Au            |
|             | 99.0    | 100.0  | 1.0     | 2.4    |               |
|             |         |        |         |        | Including     |
|             | 201.0   | 204.5  | 3.5     | 13.0   | 1.0m @19.2g/t |
|             |         |        |         |        | Au and        |
|             |         |        |         |        | 0.5 @ 15.3g/t |
|             |         |        |         |        | Au            |
|             | 215.2   | 216.0  | 0.8     | 6.4    |               |
|             | 245.0   | 247.0  | 2.0     | 5.0    |               |

* indicates the  latest assay  results. The other  results have  been
announced previously  and  are  presented here  for  completeness  of

Notes to Editors

Minerva  Resources  plc  is  a  UK  based  mineral  exploration   and
development company quoted on London's Alternative Investment  Market
(AIM:MVA). The Company is intent  on delivering shareholder value  by
increasing and developing  its mineral  resources in  a socially  and
environmentally responsible manner.

The main focus is resource development in Ethiopia where the  Company
has first-mover advantage on prospective ground on the Arabian-Nubian
shield. Key projects  include the  gold resources at  the Tulu  Kapi,
Gudeya-Guji, Guji and  Dina Prospects  and the  Yubdo Platinum  Mine,
located in western Ethiopia, some 560km west of Addis Ababa.

Tulu Kapi was mined in the 1930s by an Italian company. In the 1970s,
the United Nations  Development Programme (UNDP)  mapped and  drilled
Tulu Kapi.  Tan  Range  Exploration carried  out  soil  sampling  and
further mapping and drilling in the  1990s. These two phases of  work
confirmed mineralisation extending over a strike length of 1.5km. The
project is undergoing resource drilling on a 600m section at present,
after   encouraging   Minerva   Resources   ground   mapping,    data
reinterpretation and excellent scout drilling results.

Drilling programmes are  also underway at  the Gudeya-Guji, Guji  and
Dina gold prospects,  which are  located in close  proximity to  Tulu
Kapi. The drilling has shown  mineralised intersections on all  three

The results  from  the  drilling  on  Tulu  Kapi  and  the  satellite
prospects and their close proximity point towards a new gold province
with the potential for  the establishment of  a 'one treatment  plant
- -multiple feed scenario'.

The Company  is examining  the potential  to expand  the small  scale
platinum production operations at Yubdo, some 25km from the Tulu Kapi
Project. A  pilot  gravity  recovery  plant  has  been  installed,  a
metallurgical research  programme  has  been  initiated  and  further
exploration activities have  commenced on  the 9km  by 1.5km  surface
expression of the orebody.

In Sierra  Leone,  the  Company  holds  gold,  platinum  and  diamond
exploration licences, which  will for  the most part  continue to  be
developed by existing Joint Venture partners.


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