RNS Number:1314G
Mizuho Holdings Inc
14 January 2003

                                Corporate Name:  Mizuho Holdings, Inc.  

                                Representative:  Terunobu Maeda, President & CEO  

                                Head Office   :  1-6-1, Marunouchi, 
                                                 Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan 

                                Code Number   :  8305

               Announcement of Execution of Agreements for the 
            Business Reorganization for the Mizuho Financial Group

Today, in a meeting of its board of directors, Mizuho Holdings, Inc. ("MHHD") 
(Terunobu Maeda, President & CEO) passed a resolution to conclude the agreements 
listed below and signed the agreements. These agreements are subject to approval 
by resolution in a shareholders meetings and approval of the relevant regulatory 

(1) The stock-for-stock exchange ("kabushiki-kokan") agreement with Mizuho 
    Financial Group, Inc. ("MHFG"), by which MHFG will become the parent company 
    (100% ownership) of MHHD and MHHD will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of 

(2) The corporate split agreement with Mizuho Bank, Ltd. ("MHBK") and Mizuho 
    Corporate Bank, Ltd. ("MHCB"), by which MHHD will succeed the "Mizuho Asset 
    Trust & Banking Management Business" from MHBK and MHCB. 

(3) The corporate split agreement with MHFG, by which MHHD will transfer the 
    "Trust Banking Subsidiary Company Management Business" to MHFG.

Details of the above are as follows:

I.  The execution of the stock-for-stock exchange "kabushiki-kokan" agreement 
    by and between MHHD and MHFG 

1.  The objective of the stock-for-stock exchange
    The Mizuho Financial Group announced a program titled "Business 
    Reorganization of the Mizuho Financial Group" ("Business Reorganization") on 
    December 4, 2002. The purpose of the Business Reorganization is to 
    dramatically reform group strategy, enhance competitiveness, secure stable 
    profitability, and maximize the corporate value on a group basis.

    The stock-for-stock exchange is being made to transform MHFG, a wholly-owned 
    subsidiary of MHHD, into a new financial holding company, and to transform 
    MHHD into a wholly-owned subsidiary of MHFG, as part of the Business 

2.  Conditions and other related information regarding the stock-for-stock 

(1) Schedule for the stock-for-stock exchange

    Board meeting for approval of the stock-for-stock 
    exchange agreement:                                         January 14, 2003
    Execution of the stock-for-stock exchange agreement:        January 14, 2003
    Class meetings for approval of
    the stock-for-stock exchange agreement:    February 3, 2003 (scheduled date)
    Shareholders meeting for approval of
    the stock-for-stock exchange agreement:    February 5, 2003 (scheduled date)
    Execution of the stock-for-stock exchange:   March 12, 2003 (scheduled date)

(2) Share exchange ratio

    One MHFG common share shall be allotted per one MHHD common share, and one 
    MHFG preferred share of each class shall be allotted per one MHHD preferred 
    share of the equivalent class.


(1) Calculation of the share exchange ratio

In preparation for the stock-for-stock exchange, MHHD and MHFG requested Global 
Management Directions Limited ("GMD"), an independent valuation institution, to 
calculate the share exchange ratio (the exchange ratio in order to determine the 
number of MHFG shares to be allotted per one MHHD share) in order to ensure that 
the stock-for-stock exchange is fair and appropriate. 

GMD, in accordance with the request from MHHD and MHFG, calculated the share 
exchange ratio as follows on the basis that MHHD holds all the issued and 
outstanding shares of MHFG, and taking into account the net worth per MHFG share 
after the stock-for-stock exchange and other relevant factors.

                                        MHHD                         MHFG

Share Exchange Ratio                      1                            1

MHHD and MHFG agreed to set the share exchange ratio as described above, through 
a careful study of calculation methodology and conclusion of the share exchange 
ratio by GMD, and consultation based thereon.

(2) New shares to be issued for the stock-for-stock exchange

    Common shares:                                        9,430,250.71 shares 
    Class I preferred shares:                                    33,000 shares 
    Class II preferred shares:                                  100,000 shares 
    Class III preferred shares:                                 100,000 shares 
    Class IV preferred shares:                                  150,000 shares 
    Class VI preferred shares:                                  150,000 shares 
    Class VII preferred shares:                                 125,000 shares 
    Class VIII preferred shares:                                125,000 shares 
    Class IX preferred shares:                                  140,000 shares 
    Class X preferred shares:                                   140,000 shares

(3) Monies to be paid upon the stock-for-stock exchange

    Monies shall not be paid upon the stock-for-stock exchange.

3.  Summary of the parties to the stock-for-stock exchange 

    Please refer to the Attachment for details of MHHD and MHFG.

4.  Outline of the holding company after the stock-for-stock exchange

(1) Corporate name:    Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.

(2) Business:          Management and administration of subsidiary companies 
                       pursuant to the Banking Law of Japan

(3) Registered office: 1-6-1, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

(4) Representative:    Terunobu Maeda, President & CEO

(5) Capital:           Y1 trillion (Upon the time of the stock-for-stock 
                       exchange, capital of Y999.5 billion to be added on to the 
                       stated capital of Y500 million as of January 13, 2003.)

II. Execution of the corporate split agreement by and among MHHD, MHBK, and MHCB 

1.  Objective of the corporate split

    MHBK and MHCB will jointly split off the Mizuho Asset Trust & Banking 
    Management Business, and MHHD will succeed the subject business by way of a 
    corporate split, as part of the implementation of the Business 

2.  Summary of the corporate split

(1) Schedule for the corporate split

    Board meeting for approval of the corporate 
    split agreement:                                            January 14, 2003 
    Execution of the corporate split agreement:                 January 14, 2003 
    Execution of the corporate split:            March 12, 2003 (scheduled date) 
    Registration of the corporate split:         March 12, 2003 (scheduled date)

(2) Structure of the corporate split

    In this corporate split, MHHD will be the succeeding company, and MHBK and 
    MHCB will be the split companies. This corporate split meets the 
    requirements for a simplified corporate split for MHHD, the succeeding 
    company, pursuant to Article 374-23, Paragraph 1 of the Commercial Code, and 
    will be carried out without obtaining approval for the corporate split 
    agreement in a shareholders meeting as provided for in Article 374-17, 
    Paragraph 1 of the Commercial Code.

(3) Allotment of shares

    MHHD shares will be allotted to neither the shareholders of MHBK nor the 
    shareholders of MHCB, as MHHD, the succeeding company, holds all of the 
    issued and outstanding shares of MHBK and MHCB.

(4) Capital increase in conjunction with the corporate split

    There will be no capital increase at the time of the corporate split.

(5) Monies to be paid upon the corporate split

    Monies shall not be paid upon the stock-for-stock exchange.

(6) Rights and obligations to be transferred to MHHD

    The rights and obligations to be transferred to MHHD will be the assets and 
    liabilities, all rights and obligations incidental thereto, and the 
    contractual status with regard to the Mizuho Asset Trust & Banking 
    Management Business of MHBK and MHCB. The obligations that will be 
    transferred to MHHD in accordance with the corporate split agreement shall 
    be transferred in a manner whereby the transferors shall be released from 
    the transferred obligations.

(7) Prospect of Performance on Obligations

    MHHD has determined that, after the corporate split is executed, the split 
    companies (MHBK and MHCB) and the succeeding company (MHHD) are fully 
    expected to perform on all obligations within the prescribed term for the 
    subject obligations.

3.  Summary of parties to the corporate split

    Please refer to the Attachment for details of MHHD (the succeeding company), 
    MHBK (a split company) and MHCB (a split company).

4.  Details of business to be transferred

(1) Contents of the Mizuho Asset Trust & Banking Management Business

    "Mizuho Asset Trust & Banking Management Business" refers to the management 
    and administration of Mizuho Asset Trust & Banking Co., Ltd. conducted by 
    MHBK and MHCB.

(2) Assets and Liabilities of the Mizuho Asset Trust & Banking Management 

                           (Unit: Ybillion; figures current as of Jan. 14, 2003)

                    Assets                          Liabilities - Capital
         Item             Book value              Item              Book value

    Fixed assets              297.3       Liabilities - Capital        297.3

         Total                297.3               Total                297.3

III. Execution of the corporate split agreement by and between MHHD and MHFG 

1.  Objective of the corporate split

    MHHD will split off the Trust Banking Subsidiary Company Management Business 
    and transfer the subject business to MHFG by way of a corporate split, as 
    part of the implementation of the Business Reorganization.

2.  Summary of the corporate split

(1) Schedule for the corporate split

    Board meeting for approval of the corporate 
    split agreement:                                            January 14, 2003
    Execution of the corporate split agreement:                 January 14, 2003
    Class meetings for approval of the corporate 
    split agreement:                           February 3, 2003 (scheduled date)
    Shareholders meeting for approval of
    the corporate split agreement:             February 5, 2003 (scheduled date)
    Execution of the corporate split:            March 12, 2003 (scheduled date)
    Registration of the corporate split:         March 12, 2003 (scheduled date)

(2) Structure of the corporate split

    In this corporate split, MHHD will be the split company and MHFG will be the 
    succeeding company.

(3) Allotment of shares

    No MHFG shares will be allotted to the shareholders of MHHD, as MHFG, the 
    succeeding company, will be the parent company (100% ownership) of MHHD.

(4) Capital decrease in conjunction with the corporate split

     The amount of decrease of MHHD's capital at the time of the corporate split 
     will be Y130 billion.

(5) Monies to be paid upon the corporate split

    Monies shall not be paid upon the corporate split.

(6) Rights and obligations to be transferred to MHFG

    The rights and obligations to be transferred to MHFG will be the assets and 
    liabilities, all rights and obligations incidental thereto, and the 
    contractual status with regard to the Trust Banking Subsidiary Company 
    Management Business of MHHD. The obligations that shall be transferred to 
    MHFG in accordance with the corporate split agreement shall be transferred 
    in a manner whereby the transferor shall be released from the transferred 

(7) Prospect of Performance on Obligations

    MHHD has determined that, after the corporate split is executed, the split 
    company (MHHD) and the succeeding company (MHFG) are fully expected to 
    perform on all obligations within the prescribed term for the subject 

3.  Summary of parties to the corporate split

    Please refer to the Attachment for details of MHHD (the split company) and 
    MHFG (the succeeding company).

4.  Details of business to be transferred

(1) Content of the Trust Banking Subsidiary Company Management Business

    "Trust Banking Subsidiary Company Management Business" refers to the 
    management and administration of MHHD's trust banking subsidiary company 
    conducted by MHHD.

(2) Assets and Liabilities of the Trust Banking Subsidiary Company Management 

                           (Unit: Ybillion; figures current as of Jan. 14, 2003)

                   Assets                      Liabilities - Capital

         Item         Book value             Item              Book value

    Fixed assets         440.3       Liabilities - Capital        440.3

         Total           440.3               Total                440.3

For inquiry: Public Relations
             Mizuho Holdings, Inc. 

                                                                                      Data as of end of September, 2002 
                                                                                      (For MHFG: as of January 13,2003)

Corporate Name                 Mizuho Financial Group Inc.                     Mizuho Holdings, Inc.    
                                         ("MHFG")                                     ("MHHD")                

Outline of Business       Management and Administration of               Management and Administration of 
                        subsidiary companies pursuant to the           subsidiary companies pursuant to the       
                                Banking Law of Japan                            Banking Law of Japan

Date of                           January 8, 2003                                September 29, 2000          

Location of                      Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo                                Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo      
Head Office         
Representative                    Terunobu Maeda,                                  Terunobu Maeda,          
                                  President & CEO                                  President & CEO 

Capital (JPY)                     500 million yen                                 2,572 billion yen  

Outstanding Shares

  Common Shares                    4,000 shares                                  9,430,250.71 shares 

                                                               First Series Class 1 preferred shares       33,000 shares
                                                               Second Series Class II preferred shares    100,000 shares
                                                               Third Series Class III preferred shares    100,000 shares
                                                               Fourth Series Class IV preferred shares    150,000 shares
  Preferred Shares                      -                      Sixth Series Class VI preferred shares     150,000 shares
                                                               Seventh Series Class VII preferred shares  125,000 shares
                                                               Eighth Series Class VIII preferred shares  125,000 shares
                                                               Ninth Series Class IX preferred shares     140,000 shares
                                                               Tenth Series Class X preferred shares      140,000 shares

Shareholders' Equity            499.44 million yen                                 6,561.5 billion yen

Total Assets                    499.66 million yen                                 7,629.9 billion yen

Fiscal Year End                      March 31                                           March 31

Number of Employees                      -                                                290

                                                               Common Shares
                                                               * The Dai-ichi Mutual Life Insurance Company      (4.02%)
                                                               * Japan Trustee Services Bank, Ltd.               (3.18%)
Percentage of                                                    (Trust account)
shares outstanding                   MHHD (100%)               * The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd             (2.56%)
by Principal                                                     (Trust account)
Shareholders                                                   * Nippon Life Insurance Company                   (2.23%)
                                                               * The Yasuda Mutual Life Insurance Company        (1.86%)

                                                               Preferred Shares 
                                                               * The Resolution and Collection Corporation        (100%)

Corporate Name                 Mizuho Bank Ltd.                              Mizuho Corporate Bank Ltd.                 
                                  ("MHBK")                                            ("MHCB")

Outline of                         Banking                                            Banking  
Date of                         June 7, 1897                                        May 7, 1923

Location of                   Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo                                  Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Head Office        
Representative                  Tadashi Kudo                                       Hiroshi Saito 
                              President & CEO                                     President & CEO

Capital (JPY)                 470 billion yen                                     710 billion yen

Outstanding Shares

  Common Shares            3,776,704,101 shares                                 5,653,556,612 shares
                       First Series Class I                            Second Series Class IV 
                         preferred shares       14,190,000 shares        preferred shares         64,500,000 shares
                       Second Series Class II                           Third Series Class 111 
                         preferred shares       43,000,000 shares        preferred shares         53,750,000 shares
                       Third Series Class II                           Fourth Series Class 111 
                         preferred shares       43,000,000 shares        preferred shares         53,750,000 shares
                       Fourth Series Class IV                          Fifth Series Class V 
                         preferred shares       64,500,000 shares        preferred shares         18,810,000 shares
Preferred Shares       Fifth Series Class V                             Sixth Series Class V1 
                         preferred shares       85,500,000 shares        preferred shares         57,000,000 shares
                       Sixth Series Class VI                           Seventh Series Class VII 
                         preferred shares       71,250,000 shares        preferred shares         57,000,000 shares
                       Seventh Series Class Vll                        Eighth Series Class VIII
                         preferred shares       71,250,000 shares        preferred shares         85,500,000 shares
                       Eighth Series Class VIII                        Ninth Series Class IX 
                         preferred shares       18,200,000 shares        preferred shares        121,800,000 shares
                       Ninth Series Class IX                           Tenth Series Class X 
                         preferred shares       18,200,000 shares        preferred shares        121,800,000 shares

Shareholders' Equity         2,154.8 billion yen                                 1,784.3 billion yen

Total Assets                71,231.1 billion yen                                65,908.6 billion yen

Fiscal Year End                   March 31                                             March 31

Number of Employees                 20,506                                               8,369

Percentage of                                                    
shares outstanding                   MHHD (100%)                                      MHHD (100%)
by Principal                                                    

Company Name                                     Mizuho Financial Group Inc.                   

Fiscal Years                          for FY ended        for FY ended        for FY ended      
                                        2001/3/31           2002/3/31           2002/9/30

Ordinary Income                            -                   -                   -            
(Billions of Yen)    

Net Business Profits
(Billions of Yen)                          -                   -                   -            

Ordinary Profits
(Billions of Yen)                          -                   -                   -            

Net Income                                 -                   -                   -            
(Billions of Yen)      

Net Income Per                             -                   -                   -            
Share (Yen)

Cash Dividends Per                         -                   -                   -
Share (Yen)

Total Shareholders'
Equity Per Share (Yen)                     -                   -                   -

Company Name                                        Mizuho Holdings Inc.

Fiscal Years              for FY ended                      for FY ended                      for FY ended      
                            2001/3/31                         2002/3/31                         2002/9/30

Ordinary Income                  114.0                            123.0                               11.4
(Billions of Yen)    

Net Business Profits                 -                                -                                  -
(Billions of Yen)                          

Ordinary Profits                  99.2                            100.0                                0.3
(Billions of Yen)                          

Net Income                        97.7                             98.5                                0.1
(Billions of Yen)                 

Net Income Per                9,404.65                         8,286.55                              20.64
Share (Yen)
                 Common Shares         Y7,000     Common Shares            Y3,500      Common Shares               Y0   
                 First Series Class 1             First Series Class 1                 First Series Class 1
                 Preferred Shares     Y22,500     Preferred Shares        Y22,500      Preferred Shares            Y0
                 Second Series Class II           Second Series Class II               Second Series Class II
                 Preferred Shares      Y8,200     Preferred Shares         Y8,200      Preferred Shares            Y0

                 Third Series Class III           Third Series Class III               Third Series Class III
                 Preferred Shares     Y14,000     Preferred Shares        Y14,000      Preferred Shares            Y0

                 Fourth Series Class IV           Fourth Series Class IV               Fourth Series Class IV
                 Preferred Shares     Y47,600     Preferred Shares        Y47,600      Preferred Shares            Y0

Cash Dividends   Fifth Series Class V             Fifth Series Class V                 Sixth Series Class VI
Per Share (Yen)  Preferred Shares      Y7,500     Preferred Shares              -      Preferred Shares            Y0

                 Sixth Series Class VI            Sixth Series Class VI                Seventh Series Class VII
                 Preferred Shares     Y42,000     Preferred Shares        Y42,000      Preferred Shares            Y0

                 Seventh Series Class VII         Seventh Series Class VII             Eight Series Class VIII
                 Preferred Shares     Y11,000     Preferred Shares        Y11,000      Preferred Shares            Y0

                 Eight Series Class VIII          Eight Series Class VIII              Ninth Series Class IX
                 Preferred Shares      Y8,000     Preferred Shares         Y8,000      Preferred Shares            Y0
                 Ninth Series Class IX            Ninth Series Class IX                Tenth Series Class X
                 Preferred Shares     Y17,500     Preferred Shares        Y17,500      Preferred shares            Y0

                 Tenth Series Class X             Tenth Series Class X
                 Preferred Shares      Y5,380     Preferred Shares         Y5,380

Total Shareholders'
Equity Per Share (Yen)            Y483,949.97                         Y494,962.03                         Y489,158.76

Company Name                                        Mizuhu Bank Ltd.

Fiscal Years                          for FY ended        for FY ended        for FY ended      
                                        2001/3/31           2002/3/31           2002/9/30

Ordinary Income                            -                   -                     640.7          
(Billions of Yen)    

Net Business Profits                       -                   -                     205.4
(Billions of Yen)            

Ordinary Profits
(Billions of Yen)                          -                   -                      46.5      

Net Income                                 -                   -                      17.7      
(Billions of Yen)      

Net Income Per                             -                   -                      4.70      
Share (Yen)

                                                                      Common Shares               Y0  
                                                                      First Series Class 1
                                                                      Preferred Shares            Y0
                                                                      Second Series Class II
                                                                      Preferred Shares            Y0

                                                                      Third Series Class II
                                                                      Preferred Shares            Y0

                                                                      Fourth Series Class IV
                                                                      Preferred Shares            Y0

Cash Dividends Per                         -                   -      Fifth Series Class V
Share (Yen)                                                           Preferred Shares            Y0

                                                                      Sixth Series Class VI
                                                                      Preferred Shares            Y0

                                                                      Seventh Series Class VII
                                                                      Preferred Shares            Y0

                                                                      Eight Series Class VIII
                                                                      Preferred Shares            Y0

                                                                      Ninth Series Class IX
                                                                      Preferred Shares            Y0
Total Shareholders'
Equity Per Share (Yen)                                                               346.81

Company Name                                        Mizuho Corporate Bank Ltd

Fiscal Years                          for FY ended        for FY ended        for FY ended      
                                        2001/3/31           2002/3/31           2002/9/30

Ordinary Income                            -                   -                     790.6          
(Billions of Yen)    

Net Business Profits                       -                   -                     196.7
(Billions of Yen)            

Ordinary Profits                           -                   -                      44.8
(Billions of Yen)                               

Net Income                                 -                   -                      34.5      
(Billions of Yen)      

Net Income Per                             -                   -                      6.12      
Share (Yen)

                                                                      Common Shares               Y0     
                                                                      Second Series Class IV
                                                                      Preferred Shares            Y0

                                                                      Third Series Class III
                                                                      Preferred Shares            Y0

                                                                      Fourth Series Class III
                                                                      Preferred Shares            Y0

Cash Dividends Per                                                    Fifth Series Class V
Share (Yen)                                                           Preferred Shares            Y0

                                                                      Sixth Series Class VI
                                                                      Preferred Shares            Y0

                                                                      Seventh Series Class VII
                                                                      Preferred Shares            Y0

                                                                      Eight Series Class VIII
                                                                      Preferred Shares            Y0

                                                                      Ninth Series Class IX
                                                                      Preferred Shares            Y0
                                                                      Tenth Series Class X
                                                                      Preferred Shares            Y0
Total Shareholders'
Equity Per Share (Yen)                                                               120.36


                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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