RNS Number : 4670A

Toumaz Limited

29 September 2015

29 September 2015

Toumaz Limited

Half year results

Toumaz Limited (AIM: TMZ, 'Toumaz', or the 'Group'), a pioneer in low-power, wireless semiconductor technologies for digital audio and healthcare, has published its results for the six months ended 30 June 2015.

Financial highlights

   --      Revenues up 30% at GBP14.0m (H1 2014: GBP10.8m) 
   --      Gross profit up 40% to GBP6.3m (H1 2014: GBP4.5m) 
   --      EBITDA loss at GBP5.5m (H1 2014: loss GBP5.6m) 
   --      R&D expenditure: GBP6.2m (H1 2014: GBP5.1m) 
   --      As at 30 June 2015, the cash balance was GBP5.5m 

Frontier Silicon - Digital Audio

Digital Audio revenues increased by 34% to GBP13.8m (H1 2014: GBP10.3m), since April, the business has been EBITDA positive. The Board expects a strong performance in the second half of 2015, with record shipments in August.

The Group has a leading global position in the DAB market and gross margins which reflect this. The connected audio business is growing rapidly from a small base, driven in particular by global demand for streaming services, such as Spotify and Apple Music.

The prospects for 2016 are good. In June Toumaz signed an agreement to include Google Cast technology in its next generation connected audio solution, due to ship in mid-2016.

This business unit is expected to be cash generative and EBITDA positive in 2016.

Sensium Healthcare - Patient Monitoring

The Group now has a system that demonstrably works having resolved all the technical issues from its initial trials in 2014. This enhanced version of SensiumVitals(R) is now deployed into NHS hospitals as well as internationally. Although the system is well received as an improvement in patient care, it is taking longer than expected for the economic case to be made conclusively, i.e. that the costs of installing the system and its operation are outweighed by the benefits of earlier intervention in the treatment of deteriorating patient health.

The Board is now conducting a detailed review of the business model adopted to date, using internal resources and external advisers. This will establish in the near future the optimum way for Toumaz to secure value from the intellectual property behind the SensiumVitals(R) system.


At the end of June 2015, the Group had GBP5.5m in cash. Cash burn is seasonally significantly higher in the first half of the year than the second half. The Board has implemented an overhead reduction plan and R&D spend has peaked.

The Group expects to be able to fund its operations to the point of cash generation, without recourse to a further equity raise as a result of the review into the Sensium Healthcare business, the continued good performance in Digital Audio and the prospective availability of a modest debt facility.

Anthony Sethill, CEO of Toumaz, commented:

"Our Digital Audio business - Frontier Silicon - is performing well. The development of the Sensium Healthcare business is slower than envisaged.

"Accordingly, the Board is reviewing its options to best exploit the SensiumVitals(R) system and its IP.

"We expect to be cash generative from the middle of 2016. We are fully focussed on optimising shareholder value."


 Toumaz Limited                              +44 (0)20 7391 0630 
 Anthony Sethill, Chief Executive Officer 
 Jonathan Apps, Chief Financial Officer 
 Peel Hunt LLP (Nominated Adviser and 
  Broker)                                    +44 (0)20 7418 8900 
 Richard Kauffer/Euan Brown 
 Instinctif Partners                         +44 (0)20 7457 2020 
 Adrian Duffield/Chantal Woolcock 

About Toumaz (www.toumaz.com)

Toumaz Limited is a pioneer in low-power, wireless semiconductor and software technologies for digital audio and healthcare. The company has two divisions, Frontier silicon and Sensium Healthcare. Frontier Silicon provides chips, modules and software for digital radio and connected audio devices. Sensium Healthcare develops wireless solutions for patient monitoring.


The Group's results have been largely driven by a strong performance in Digital Audio. Group revenues were up 30% at GBP14.0m (H1 2014: GBP10.8m), with a 34% increase in Digital Audio revenues at GBP13.8m (H1 2014: GBP10.3m).

Gross profit improved 40% to GBP6.3m (H1 2014: GBP4.5m) while Group EBITDA loss remained flat at GBP5.5m (H1 2014: loss GBP5.6m).

Digital Audio has benefitted from strong growth in digital radio and connected audio. In both lines of business, the Group has secured significant design wins which augur well for the rest of this year and 2016. In June, the Group announced that its next generation connected audio solution would support Google's Cast technology.

R&D expenditure on Digital Audio has now peaked and is expected to reduce in the second half of 2015 and into 2016. In March, the Group completed development of its 4th generation digital radio chip. In connected audio, the Group has decided no longer to develop its own silicon chip and instead will base its next generation solution on 3(rd) party silicon.

This new approach delivers significant savings on R&D cash expenditure and also fits well with Google's preferred way of working. Following this decision, the Group is making a non-cash impairment of GBP3.0m of capitalised licensed IP costs for assets that no longer have value to the company.

As a discrete business unit, Digital Audio has been EBITDA positive since April. Looking forward, the business is expected to deliver robust profits and cash generation in a rapidly expanding market.

The Healthcare business is focused on securing trials in major hospitals in key territories in order to deliver data which demonstrate the benefits of the system and which can be published in peer-reviewed journals. The business is making solid progress in securing these reference sites and is currently undertaking trials in two major NHS teaching hospitals - Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham and St James's University Hospital Leeds. The intention is to publish results from these trials in order to accelerate commercial deployments in 2016.

In light of the slower than expected commercial uptake, the Group has scaled back its product development plans and has reduced its Healthcare R&D budget.

The Board is also conducting a detailed review of the business model adopted to date, using internal resources and external advisers. This will establish the optimum way for Toumaz to secure value from the intellectual property behind the SensiumVitals system.

Current trading and outlook

Group full year revenues for 2015 are expected to be lower than originally forecast, primarily due to slow progress in Healthcare.

The Group is expecting Digital Audio to show double digit revenue growth and product margins after record shipments in August, in line with Board expectations. With careful cash management, EBITDA losses for the full year 2015 should be reduced from those reported in 2014.

The prospects for the Digital Audio business in 2016 are good. The agreement to include Google Cast technology in its next generation connected audio solution is due to ship in mid-2016. This business is expected in 2016 to be cash generative and profitable at the EBITDA level.

At the end of June 2015, the Group had GBP5.5m in cash and is expected to be cash generative from H2 2016.

Frontier Silicon - Digital Audio

Frontier Silicon, the Group's digital audio division, has performed strongly in the first half of 2015. In digital radio, the business retains its strong leadership position in a market delivering positive growth. The introduction of the Group's 4(th) generation digital radio chip enables the business to maintain product margins at healthy levels.

The Group is using its expertise in radio and internet technologies as a platform from which to expand its position in the rapidly emerging connected audio sector. In June, the Group announced it was working with Google on a next generation solution, due for release in mid-2016.

Digital Radio

In digital radio, revenues in the first half of 2015 were up 17% to GBP8.7m (H1 2014: GBP7.4m).

The Group has maintained its strong market leadership position - with sales boosted by the continuing international adoption of DAB, especially in Germany, Netherlands and Norway. In April, Norway became the first country in the world to set a firm date for the switch from analogue to digital (2017) - and Switzerland is expected to follow in 2020-24.

The Group completed the development of its 4(th) generation digital radio chip ("Kino 4") in March; and has made its first shipments to customers. Volumes are growing quickly and products incorporating the new chip, from brands including Sony, Yamaha and Denon, will be on retail shelves in Q4 this year.

At the IFA consumer electronics show in Berlin in September, the Group launched a new solution, based on Kino 4, which will enable manufacturers more easily to develop DAB digital radios with colour screens - significantly reducing the costs (and increasing expected volumes) for this product category. These devices will be shipping in the first half of 2016.

Connected Audio

The connected audio business saw an 80% jump in revenues to GBP5.1m (GBP2.8m in H1 2014) - driven by market growth and a strong competitive performance of the Group's existing connected audio solution. The Group is seeing the benefits of its relationship with Spotify and its investment in additional functionality, such as hybrid radio (combining DAB and IP in a single device), multi-room technologies and new smartphone apps.

In June, the Group announced it was one of a small number of solution providers to be selected to incorporate Google's Cast technology within its next generation connected audio platform. This new solution is expected to ship in mid-2016 (later than previously anticipated following the inclusion of the Google technology and associated changes to product design).

R&D Expenditure

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September 29, 2015 02:01 ET (06:01 GMT)

The development costs associated with the completion in March of the 4(th) generation digital radio chip and the ongoing investment in connected audio development contributed to a higher R&D spend in H1 2015. With the business no longer developing its own connected audio silicon, and Kino 4 completed, R&D expenditure will be reduced from H2 2015.

Sensium Healthcare

Q1 saw two significant developments for the Healthcare business. In February, the Group regained the North American distribution rights for SensiumVitals(R) ; and in March, following field trials in 2014, a programme to improve the robustness and usability of the system was completed.

Both of these developments are essential building blocks required to secure the long term commercial value of the system. The first small scale trial of the new enhanced system began in Q2 at Clinimark, an FDA-approved facility for the clinical testing of medical devices.

The business is concentrating on securing trials with major academic hospitals with a view to publishing clinical and healthcare economic results in peer-reviewed journals. These results should provide the necessary evidence to encourage those hospitals to roll-out the system more broadly and allow them to act as reference sites for other potential accounts. The Group's key territories are the UK, France, Germany and North America.

Since March, five new trials have started using the new enhanced system. These trials include two high profile NHS hospitals: Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham and St James's University Hospital, Leeds - both of which will be undertaking studies to ascertain the impact of the system.

The division has reduced expenditure on product development - focusing only on incremental enhancements which will facilitate earlier adoption of the system.

Financial Review

Group H1 revenues were up 30% to GBP14.0m (2014 GBP10.8m) with gross margin up 40% to GBP6.3m (2014: GBP4.5m). The growth in Group revenue follows a similar growth in the first half of 2014 of 32%. Frontier Silicon (Digital Audio) revenues grew by 34% to GBP13.8m from GBP10.3m in the first half of 2015.

Digital radio revenue growth (17% year on year) was primarily due to growth in the German, Dutch and Scandinavian markets, Norway having announced definitive dates for a switch off of the analogue signal in 2017.

Connected audio revenues increased by 80% to GBP5.1m (H1 2014: GBP2.8m) primarily due to the uptake of the Group's solutions for Spotify Connect and Internet Radio.

Healthcare revenues of GBP0.2m (H1 2014: GBP0.5m) included revenues from the North American distributor which, following the termination of that agreement in early 2015, will not recur. Revenues in 2015 derive from sales of SensiumVitals(R) patches and bridges together with grant income.

Overall gross margins are 44.8% (2013: 42.1%), and gross profit has increased by GBP1.7m.

EBITDA loss can be calculated as:

                             Six months to 30 June   Six months to 30 June 
                              2015                    2014 
                             GBP'000                 GBP'000 
  Revenue                     14,027                  10,788 
 Cost of sales               7,736                   6,244 
 Gross profit                6,291                   4,544 
 Research and development    6,239                   5,133 
 Sales and admin expenses    5,517                   4,962 
 EBITDA (loss)               (5,465)                 (5,591) 

Research and development costs are expensed where possible and mainly reflect the final spend on bringing the fourth generation digital radio solution to market (which now shipping in quantity), and the development of the next generation connected audio solutions.

The Board believes that the research and development expenditure of the Group has peaked and will reduce in absolute terms from that seen to date

Sales and admin expenses have increased due to the planned growth in SensiumVitals(R) sales and marketing and sales support personnel numbers.

EBITDA has remained broadly unchanged.

Other non-trading costs included in the full profit and loss account primarily comprise the non-cash employee share based payments and amortisation and depreciation.

The Board took the decision in Q2 2015 to end its development of its own silicon platform and to use commercially available silicon to support its immediate next generation connected audio solutions. This decision has resulted in an impairment of the carrying value of intangible assets - in this case, certain of the licensed IP purchased by the Group to enable it to design and build the silicon wafers.

In developing its own silicon, the Group had sub-contracted with Imagination Technologies plc for certain of the elements of design. An agreement was signed in August 2015 whereby Imagination Technologies was granted rights to certain of these licences to allow them to continue development of the chip. When Imagination Technologies brings the solution to market, the Group will receive a volume based royalty.

The impairment charge booked reflects the Board's estimate of the assets affected offset by the fair value of the future royalty revenue streams. Accordingly, a non-cash impairment charge of GBP3.0m has been taken. This charge falls below EBITDA.

Group pre-tax loss was GBP10.7m (2014: loss GBP7.5m) with a loss per share of 0.61p (2014: loss 0.46p). The increase in loss is largely attributable to the impairment charge.

Cash and cash equivalents at 30 June 2015 were GBP5.5m (31 Dec 2014: GBP12.5m) and the balance at 31 August 2015 was GBP4.6m. Historically, the Group has a cyclical business whereby cash is consumed primarily in the first half of the year with the second half showing only a modest decline. The Board expects that trend to continue in 2015. The Group is in advanced discussions to complete a modest debt facility which will give it greater resilience on its cash position.

Unaudited Interim Results for the six month period ended 30 June 2015

Statement of Comprehensive Income

for the period ended 30 June 2015

                                             Unaudited Six  Unaudited Six       Audited 
                                                    months         months    Year ended 
                                                     Ended          Ended   31 December 
                                       Note   30 June 2015   30 June 2014          2014 
                                                GBP'000        GBP'000       GBP'000 
Revenue                                             14,027         10,788        26,238 
Cost of sales                                      (7,736)        (6,244)      (14,800) 
-------------------------------------  ----  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
Gross profit                                         6,291          4,544        11,438 
-------------------------------------  ----  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
Amortisation of intangible 
 assets                                            (1,355)        (1,269)       (2,456) 
Impairment                                6        (3,016)              -             - 
Depreciation                                         (230)          (210)         (419) 
Share based payment                                  (678)          (375)         (825) 
Research & development                             (6,239)        (5,133)      (11,750) 
Sales & administrative expenses 
 - other                                           (5,517)        (4,962)       (9,452) 
-------------------------------------  ----  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
Total administrative expenses                     (17,035)       (11,949)      (24,902) 
-------------------------------------  ----  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
Loss from continuing operations                   (10,744)        (7,405)      (13,464) 
Finance income                                          12             49            68 
Finance charges                                          -          (118)         (119) 
-------------------------------------  ----  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
Loss before taxation                              (10,732)        (7,474)      (13,515) 
Taxation                                               436           (95)         1,273 
-------------------------------------  ----  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
                                                  (10,296)        (7,569)      (12,242) 
Other comprehensive (expense)/income 
 Items that will be reclassified 
 subsequently to profit or loss 
Exchange differences on translating 
 foreign operations                                   (11)           (18)            22 
Other comprehensive income/(expense) 
 for the period                                       (11)           (18)            22 
-------------------------------------  ----  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
Total comprehensive loss for 
 the period                                       (10,307)        (7,587)      (12,220) 
-------------------------------------  ----  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
Basic and diluted loss per 
 share attributable to owners 
 of the parent                            4        (0.61)p        (0.46)p       (0.74)p 
-------------------------------------  ----  -------------  -------------  ------------ 

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

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at 30 June 2015

                                            Unaudited      Unaudited            Audited 
                                  Note   30 June 2015   30 June 2014   31 December 2014 
Assets                                        GBP'000        GBP'000            GBP'000 
Non-current assets 
Goodwill                             5         19,118         19,118             19,118 
Other intangible assets              6         14,271         18,011             17,260 
Property, plant and equipment                     737            612                578 
                                               34,126         37,741             36,956 
------------------------------  ------  -------------  -------------  ----------------- 
Current assets 
Inventories                                     2,935          3,045              1,564 
Tax receivable                                      -          1,709              1,500 
Trade and other receivables          7          4,796          3,657              4,141 
Cash and cash equivalents                       5,521         13,173             12,513 
------------------------------  ------  -------------  -------------  ----------------- 
Total current assets                           13,252         21,584             19,718 
------------------------------  ------  -------------  -------------  ----------------- 
Total assets                                   47,378         59,325             56,674 
------------------------------  ------  -------------  -------------  ----------------- 
Current liabilities 
------------------------------  ------  -------------  -------------  ----------------- 
Trade and other payables             8          9,134          7,330              8,863 
Total liabilities                               9,134          7,330              8,863 
------------------------------  ------  -------------  -------------  ----------------- 
Share capital                        9          4,257          4,189              4,195 
Contingent consideration                            -            109                  - 
Share premium                                 115,251        115,082            115,251 
Share based payment reserve                     4,003          2,942              3,325 
Foreign exchange reserve                        (105)          (134)               (94) 
Retained earnings                            (85,162)       (70,193)           (74,866) 
Total equity                                   38,244         51,995             47,811 
------------------------------  ------  -------------  -------------  ----------------- 
Total equity and liabilities                   47,378         59,325             56,674 
------------------------------  ------  -------------  -------------  ----------------- 

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

for the period ended 30 June 2015

                                                              based                 Foreign 
                          Share      Contingent     Share   payment    Retained    exchange         Total 
                        Capital   consideration   premium   reserve    earnings     reserve        equity 
                        GBP'000         GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000       GBP'000 
At 1 January 2015         4,195               -   115,251     3,325    (74,866)        (94)        47,811 
Share-based payments          -               -         -       678           -           -           678 
Contingent shares 
 issued                       -               -         -         -           -           -             - 
Issue of share 
 capital                     62               -         -         -           -           -            62 
Transactions with 
 owners                      62               -         -       678           -           -           740 
                       --------  --------------  --------  --------  ----------  ----------  ------------ 
Loss for the period           -               -         -         -    (10,296)           -    (10,296) 
Other comprehensive 
Exchange differences 
 on translating 
 foreign operations           -               -         -         -           -        (11)          (11) 
Total comprehensive 
 loss                         -               -         -         -    (10,296)        (11)      (10,307) 
                       --------  --------------  --------  --------  ----------  ----------  ------------ 
At 30 June 2015           4,257               -   115,251     4,003    (85,162)       (105)        38,244 
                       ========  ==============  ========  ========  ==========  ==========  ============ 
                                                              based                 Foreign 
                          Share      Contingent     Share   payment    Retained    exchange       Total 
                        capital   consideration   premium   reserve    earnings     reserve      equity 
                        GBP'000         GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000 
At 1 January 2014         4,101             318   114,881     2,567    (62,624)       (116)      59,127 
Share-based payments          -               -         -       375           -           -         375 
Contingent shares 
 issued                       8           (209)       201         -           -           -           - 
Issue of share 
 capital                     80               -         -         -           -           -          80 
Transactions with 
 owners                      88           (209)       201       375           -           -         455 
                       --------  --------------  --------  --------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
Loss for the period           -               -         -         -     (7,569)           -     (7,569) 
Other comprehensive 
Exchange differences 
 on translating 
 foreign operations           -               -         -         -           -        (18)        (18) 
Total comprehensive 
 loss                         -               -         -         -     (7,569)        (18)     (7,587) 
                       --------  --------------  --------  --------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
At 30 June 2014           4,189             109   115,082     2,942    (70,193)       (134)      51,995 
                       ========  ==============  ========  ========  ==========  ==========  ========== 
                            Share      Contingent     Share   payment   Retained  Foreign exchange 
                          capital   consideration   premium   reserve   earnings           reserve  Total equity 
                          GBP'000         GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000           GBP'000       GBP'000 
At 1 January 2014           4,101             318   114,881     2,567   (62,624)             (116)        59,127 
Share-based payments            -               -         -       825          -                 -           825 
Issue of share 
 capital                       83               -        63         -          -                 -           146 
Cost of share                   -               -                                                - 
 issue                                                    -         -          -                               - 
Deferred consideration 
 - retention element            -               -         -      (67)          -                 -          (67) 
Contingent shares 
 issued                        11           (318)       307         -          -                 -             - 
Transactions with 
 owners                        94           (318)       370       758          -                 -           904 
                         --------  --------------  --------  --------  ---------  ----------------  ------------ 
Loss for the period             -               -         -         -   (12,242)                 -      (12,242) 
Other comprehensive 
Exchange differences 
 on translating 
 foreign operations             -               -         -         -          -                22            22 
Total comprehensive 
 loss                           -               -         -         -   (12,242)                22      (12,220) 
                         --------  --------------  --------  --------  ---------  ----------------  ------------ 
At 31 December 
 2014                       4,195               -   115,251     3,325   (74,866)              (94)        47,811 
                         ========  ==============  ========  ========  =========  ================  ============ 

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

For the period ended 30 June 2015

                                          UnauditedSix    UnauditedSix 
                                             months          months          Audited 
                                          ended 30 June   ended 30 June     Year ended 
                                              2015            2014        31 December2014 
                                            GBP'000         GBP'000          GBP'000 
Cash flows from operating activities 
Loss before taxation                           (10,732)         (7,474)          (13,515) 
Amortisation                                      1,355           1,269             2,456 
Depreciation                                        230             210               419 
Impairment of prepayments                         3,016               -                 - 
Share based payments                                678             375               825 

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Net interest (received)/ paid                      (12)              69                51 
(Increase)/ decrease in inventories             (1,371)         (1,570)              (89) 
Decrease/(increase) in trade 
 and other receivables                            (622)             582               817 
(Decrease)/ increase in trade 
 and other payables                                 271           (929)               604 
Foreign exchange movements                         (11)            (18)                22 
Tax (paid)/ refund                                1,999             916             1,722 
Net cash outflow from operating 
 activities                                     (5,199)         (6,570)           (6,638) 
---------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ---------------- 
Cash flow from investing activities 
Purchase of property, plant 
 and equipment                                    (399)           (185)             (356) 
Purchase on intangible assets                   (1,385)         (1,555)           (1,991) 
Interest (paid)/ received                          (12)            (69)              (51) 
Acquisition of subsidiaries, 
 net of cash                                          -               -                 - 
Net cash used in investing activities           (1,796)         (1,809)           (2,398) 
---------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ---------------- 
Cash flow from financing activities 
Proceeds from issue of share 
 capital                                              -               3                 - 
Share issue costs                                     -               -                 - 
Net cash inflow from financing 
 activities                                           3               3                 - 
---------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ---------------- 
Net change in cash and cash 
 equivalents                                    (6,992)         (8,376)           (9,036) 
---------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ---------------- 
Cash and cash equivalents at 
 beginning of period                             12,513          21,549            21,549 
Cash and cash equivalents at 
 end of period                                    5,521          13,173            12,513 
---------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ---------------- 

Notes to the Interim Report

For the period ended 30 June 2015

1. Nature of operations and general information

Toumaz Limited and subsidiaries' ('the Group') principal activity is that of commercial exploitation of wireless technologies with commercial propositions for the digital audio and healthcare sectors.

Toumaz Limited is the Group's ultimate parent company. It is incorporated in the Cayman Islands. The address of Toumaz Limited's registered office is Elgin House, 119 Elgin Avenue, George Town, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands. Toumaz Limited's shares are listed on the Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock Exchange.

Toumaz Limited's consolidated interim financial statements are presented in Pounds Sterling (GBP), which is also the functional currency of the parent company.

The financial information set out in this interim report does not constitute statutory accounts. The Group's statutory financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2014 are available from the Group's website. The auditor's report on those financial statements was unqualified.

2. Accounting Policies

Basis of Preparation

These interim condensed consolidated financial statements are for the six months ended 30 June 2015. They have been prepared following the recognition and measurement principles of IFRS. They do not include all of the information required for full annual financial statements, and should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements of the Group for the year ended 31 December 2014.

These financial statements have been prepared on the going concern basis and under the historical cost convention. The Group reported cash on the balance sheet at 30 June 2015 of GBP5.5m and the Board believes that when the underlying performance and recent initiatives are taken into account (as set out below), that the going concern basis of preparation is appropriate.

   --      the seasonal nature of the Group's cash burn 
   --      research and development spend has peaked 
   --      overhead spend has been restricted 
   --      the outcome of the review into the healthcare business 
   --      the strong trading performance of Frontier Silicon 
   --      the realistic prospect of a debt facility 

These condensed consolidated interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the accounting policies adopted in the last annual financial statements for the year to 31 December 2014.

The accounting policies have been applied consistently throughout the Group for the purposes of preparation of these condensed consolidated interim financial statements.

3. Revenue by sector

                      Unaudited      Unaudited   31 December 
                   30 June 2015   30 June 2014          2014 
                        GBP'000        GBP'000       GBP'000 
Digital Radio             8,685          7,444        18,020 
Connected Audio           5,105          2,835         7,472 
Healthcare                  237            509           746 
Revenue                  14,027         10,788        26,238 
----------------  -------------  -------------  ------------ 

4. Loss per share

The calculation of the basic loss per share is based on the loss attributable to ordinary shareholders divided by the weighted average number of shares in issue during the period. The impact of the share options and share warrant on the loss per share is anti-dilutive.

                                                                Basic loss per share 
                               Unaudited Six months ended    Unaudited Six months ended      Audited Year ended 31 
                                      30 June 2015                  30 June 2014                 December 2014 
Loss for the period 
attributable to equity 
shareholders                                 GBP10,296,000                  GBP7,569,000                 GBP12,242,000 
Weighted average number of 
 0.25p ordinary shares                       1,702,925,947                 1,675,547,064                 1.677.866.400 
(Loss) per share - basic and 
 diluted                                           (0.61)p                       (0.46)p                       (0.74)p 

5. Goodwill

                                  Silicon  Toumaz Healthcare  Toumaz Microsystems    Total 
                                  GBP'000            GBP'000              GBP'000  GBP'000 
At 1 January 2014                   8,536             10,582                5,951   25,069 
Additions                               -                  -                    -        - 
                                 --------  -----------------  -------------------  ------- 
At 30 June 2014                     8,536             10,582                5,951   25,069 
Additions                               -                  -                    -        - 
                                 --------  -----------------  -------------------  ------- 
At 31 December 2014                 8,536             10,582                5,951   25,069 
Additions                               -                  -                    -        - 
At 30 June 2015                     8,536             10,582                5,951   25,069 
                                 ========  =================  ===================  ======= 
At 1 January 2014                       -                  -                5,951    5,951 
Charge in period                        -                  -                    -        - 
                                 --------  -----------------  -------------------  ------- 
At 30 June 2014                         -                  -                5,951    5,951 
Charge in period                        -                  -                    -        - 
                                 --------  -----------------  -------------------  ------- 
At 31 December 2014                     -                  -                5,951    5,951 
Charge in period                        -                  -                    -        - 
At 30 June 2015                         -                  -                5,951    5,951 
                                 ========  =================  ===================  ======= 
Net book amount at 30 June 
 2015                               8,536             10,582                    -   19,118 
                                 ========  =================  ===================  ======= 
Net book amount at 30 June 
 2014                               8,536             10,582                    -   19,118 
                                 ========  =================  ===================  ======= 
Net book amount at 31 December 
 2014                               8,536             10,582                    -   19,118 
                                 ========  =================  ===================  ======= 

Toumaz Healthcare

Goodwill relating to Toumaz Healthcare results from the acquisition of Toumaz Healthcare Limited (formerly Toumaz UK Limited ) on 3 November 2005.

Toumaz Microsystems

Goodwill relating to Toumaz Microsystems results from the acquisition of Future Waves UK Limited and Toumaz Asia on 20 May 2009.

Frontier Silicon

Goodwill relating to Frontier Silicon results from the acquisition of Frontier Silicon Ltd on 20 August 2012.

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September 29, 2015 02:01 ET (06:01 GMT)

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