RNS Number : 9215V

Nottingham Building Society

27 July 2018

                                                                 Nottingham Building Society 
                                                   Results for the period ended 30 June 2018 
                                The Nottingham is pleased to present its results for the six 
                               months ended 30 June 2018, in what was another period of good 
                              progress and performance in the development of our unique 'all 
                                 under one roof' advice and service proposition for members. 
                                                         Key performance highlights include: 
                                          *    Total assets of almost GBP4.0 billion - a new 
                                                                  milestone for the Society; 
                                   *    Gross lending of GBP465m and mortgage book growth of 
                                      *    Strong retail franchise - 7.4% increase in branch 
                                  *    Strong customer advocacy with a net promoter score of 
                                                    79.1% and 13,000 new customers welcomed; 
                                                       *    Group pre-tax profit of GBP6.0m; 
                                     *    Arrears levels remain at a historic low level; and 
                                  *    Strong capital ratios with Common Equity Tier 1 ratio 
                                                        of 14.7% and leverage ratio of 5.2%. 
                                 David Marlow, Chief Executive of The Nottingham, commenting 
                                                                         on the results said 
                                  "At the beginning of the year we undertook to move forward 
                                 from our firm foundations, focusing on the four key pillars 
                             of growing and rewarding membership; strong financial adequacy; 
                                   operational excellence and people, culture and community. 
                              At the half year point we are pleased to report good progress. 
                               In terms of growing and rewarding membership we have welcomed 
                             over 13,000 new members to the Society. The seven new branches, 
                            which we added to our network at the end of 2017, have performed 
                                ahead of expectations and are now fully embedded into our 67 
                                 branch network. The growth in popularity of our proposition 
                           and franchise is further evidenced in our branch savings balances 
                                which have continued their strong growth, rising 7.4% in the 
                                period. We were also pleased to celebrate the first birthday 
                                of the launch of our innovative members rewards scheme which 
                            has been designed to deliver our strategy and reward our members 
                                  for planning for, and protecting, their financial futures. 
                           So far we have rewarded over 7,000 members who have been rewarded 
                           with discounts and cashbacks totalling almost GBP400,000, further 
                                  highlighting the benefits of membership of The Nottingham. 
                                  Whilst branches remain key to our strategy, we are acutely 
                               aware of the significant societal changes taking place around 
                              us which is reshaping the way in which customers and potential 
                                members expect to receive their advice and service. This has 
                              been underscored by the well-chronicled challenges being faced 
                           in 2018 by retail businesses of all shapes, sizes and reputation. 
                            We expect this shift to be fully reflected in financial services 
                               in the months and years ahead and that is why it is essential 
                           for us to continue to invest heavily in the Society's capability, 
                                                          both for today and for the future. 
                               In 2017, we announced our commitment to a multi-million pound 
                                  investment to develop our digital capability to complement 
                            our growing physical presence. During 2018, we have been working 
                                 hard and investing to develop a digital platform capable of 
                                 delivering our unique advice and service proposition, which 
                                  will combine the best of face-to-face and digital service. 
                               Customers and members will see the first step in this journey 
                            in the second half of 2018 as we replace our current web portals 
                                  for online savings and intermediary mortgage business with 
                               significantly improved functionality. The Society will launch 
                                a cash Lifetime ISA later this summer, as one element of the 
                            development of our savings proposition using our new capability. 
                             Launching initially in branch, an online offering will be added 
                                  later in the year opening up The Nottingham to a large and 
                          important group of potential new members. Furthermore, we continue 
                           to deliver world class service to our members, which is reflected 
                                 in our Net Promoter Score which has now increased to 79.1%. 
                                As the Group focuses on the delivery of its unique strategy, 
                                it does so against a backdrop of good financial performance. 
                              We have continued to grow the balance sheet delivering GBP465m 
                             of gross lending which has contributed to mortgage asset growth 
                                  of 3.7% in the first six months of the year. As the eighth 
                             largest Society, our total asset position at just shy of GBP4.0 
                                                 billion is a new milestone for the Society. 
                             One of our principal responsibilities is to balance effectively 
                       the conflicting needs of our savers and borrowers, whilst maintaining 
                                  sufficient surplus to run the Society, meet our regulatory 
                            capital requirements and continue our investment for the future. 
                                  This continues to be a challenge, particularly in the face 
                               of the ultra-competitive low mortgage rate environment, where 
                                  we have seen average rates for 2 year fixed business below 
                             75% LTV at 1.70% in the first half of the year. We have focused 
                                particularly hard on this and are encouraged that the growth 
                         in both mortgage and savings balances we are reporting demonstrates 
                               that we are striking that balance for members, whilst broadly 
                               maintaining our net interest margin at the same level as 2017 
                                  at 1.27% (2017:1.29%). This has enabled us to increase net 
                              interest income by 4.6% compared to the same period last year. 
                                 A key element of delivering our strategic plan successfully 
                                 is to execute our spending plans carefully. This presents a 
                               number of challenges to tackle as we grow both the operations 
                              of the Society for members today and undertake one of the most 
                            significant investments in the Society's history for the future. 
                           This has inevitably resulted in increased operating and strategic 
                                 investment costs, which has resulted in a three basis point 
                           increase in cost income ratio to 78.1% and our management expense 
                                                 ratio remaining flat at 1.10% at June 2018. 
                                  Overall we have delivered a surplus before tax of GBP6.0m. 
                               Whilst a decrease in our performance of GBP1.6m over the same 
                            period last year, it reflects not only a growing interest income 
                                  profile but significant investment in our operations today 
                               and for the future and the fact that we are now rewarding our 
                       members for their membership, as already highlighted. Notwithstanding 
                                this, the Society remains well capitalised. This is enabling 
                                  us to progress our significant investment programme at the 
                           current level of surplus, whilst meeting the Board's requirements 
                            for capital sustainability, ensuring a strong independent future 
                                                            for the Society and its members. 
                                                                          Market and Outlook 
                           The current economic and political picture remains very uncertain 
                                 dictating that we must remain vigilant in how we manage the 
                                Society and protect members' interests but also be cognisant 
                         of the significant changes that lie ahead. It remains our intention 
                                to continue to grow the membership of the Society and invest 
                        in the future as we seek to deliver consistent financial performance 
                               in line with what has been achieved in the first half of this 
                                  We will continue to focus on our four strategic pillars of 
                          growing and rewarding membership; delivering strength in financial 
                                adequacy; striving to deliver first class service across our 
                               operations; and continuing to support our communities through 
                                                         our Doing Good Together initiative. 
                                  The Society remains strong with a clear strategy, which is 
                        distinct and increasingly valued. Whilst headwinds and uncertainties 
                          remain, the Board of The Nottingham has confidence in its delivery 
                              and plans to continue to grow the Society in a safe and secure 
                                way, through differentiating ourselves strongly from the big 
                         banks and continuing to support and reward our growing membership." 
                                                                                David Marlow 
                                                                             Chief Executive 
                                                                                26 July 2018 
 Consolidated statement of comprehensive 
  income for the six months ended 
  30 June 2018 
                                                  Period             Period       Year ended 
                                              to 30 June         to 30 June           31 Dec 
                                                    2018               2017             2017 
                                             (Unaudited)        (Unaudited)        (Audited) 
                                                    GBPm               GBPm             GBPm 
 Interest receivable and similar 
  income                                            41.5               40.9             82.2 
 Interest payable and similar charges             (16.5)             (17.0)           (33.9) 
                                           -------------      -------------      ----------- 
 Net interest income                                25.0               23.9             48.3 
 Fees and commissions receivable                     3.9                4.8              9.1 
 Fees and commissions payable                      (0.8)              (0.8)            (1.6) 
 Net (losses)/gains from derivative 
  financial instruments                            (0.3)                0.6            (0.2) 
 Total net income                                   27.8               28.5             55.6 
 Administrative expenses                          (20.1)             (19.0)           (38.3) 
 Depreciation and amortisation                     (1.6)              (1.5)            (3.0) 
 Finance cost                                          -                  -            (0.3) 
 Impairment (losses)/release on 
  loans and advances                               (0.1)                  -              1.3 
 Provisions for liabilities - FSCS 
  levy and other                                       -              (0.4)            (0.8) 
 Profit before tax                                   6.0                7.6             14.5 
 Tax expense                                       (1.2)              (1.6)            (3.0) 
                                           -------------      -------------      ----------- 
 Profit after tax for the financial 
  period                                             4.8                6.0             11.5 
                                           -------------      -------------      ----------- 
 Other comprehensive income: 
 Items that will not be re-classified 
  to the income statement 
   Remeasurement of defined benefit 
    obligation                                         -                  -              2.1 
   Tax on items that will not be 
    re-classified                                      -                  -            (0.4) 
 Items that may subsequently be 
  re-classified to the income statement 
 Available-for-sale reserve 
   Valuation losses taken to reserves                  -              (0.2)            (0.4) 
   Tax on items that may subsequently 
    be re-classified                                   -                  -              0.1 
 FVOCI reserve 
   Valuation losses taken to reserves              (0.2)                  -                - 
   Tax on items that may subsequently                  -                  -                - 
    be re-classified 
 Other comprehensive (expense)/income 
  for the period net of income tax                 (0.2)              (0.2)              1.4 
                                           -------------      -------------      ----------- 
 Total comprehensive income for 
  the period                                         4.6                5.8             12.9 
                                           -------------      -------------      ----------- 
 Consolidated statement of financial 
  as at 30 June 2018 
                                             30 June        30 June       31 Dec 
                                                2018           2017         2017 
                                         (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)    (Audited) 
                                                GBPm           GBPm         GBPm 
 Liquid assets                                 456.3          536.1        494.9 
 Derivative financial instruments               10.1            5.9          7.3 
 Loans and advances to customers             3,489.1        3,239.2      3,368.8 
 Fixed and other assets                         33.3           29.5         29.4 
                                       -------------  -------------  ----------- 
 Total assets                                3,988.8        3,810.7      3,900.4 
                                       -------------  -------------  ----------- 
 Shares                                      2,722.1        2,608.3      2,595.4 
 Borrowings                                  1,001.3          940.2      1,042.3 
 Derivative financial instruments                7.2           14.7          9.9 
 Other liabilities                              14.2           16.0         14.5 
 Subscribed capital                             25.3           25.9         25.6 
                                       -------------  -------------  ----------- 
 Total liabilities                           3,770.1        3,605.1      3,687.7 
 General reserves                              218.9          205.5        212.7 
 Fair value reserves                           (0.2)            0.1            - 
                                       -------------  -------------  ----------- 
 Total reserves and liabilities              3,988.8        3,810.7      3,900.4 
                                       -------------  -------------  ----------- 
 Consolidated statement of changes 
  in members' interests as at 30 June 
                                                 General       FVOCI              reserve 
                                                 reserve     reserve                          Total 
                                                    GBPm        GBPm                 GBPm      GBPm 
 Balance as at 1 January 2018 (Audited)            212.7           -                    -     212.7 
 Change on initial recognition of 
  IFRS 9                                             1.4           -                    -       1.4 
 Profit for the period                               4.8           -                    -       4.8 
 Other comprehensive expense for the 
  period (net of tax) 
  Net losses from changes in fair value                -       (0.2)                    -     (0.2) 
                                              ----------  ----------  -------------------  -------- 
 Total other comprehensive expense                     -       (0.2)                    -     (0.2) 
                                              ----------  ----------  -------------------  -------- 
 Total comprehensive income/(expense) 
  for the period                                     6.2       (0.2)                    -       6.0 
                                              ----------  ----------  -------------------  -------- 
 Balance as at 30 June 2018 (Unaudited)            218.9       (0.2)                    -     218.7 
                                              ----------  ----------  -------------------  -------- 
 Balance as at 1 January 2017 (Audited)            199.5           -                  0.3     199.8 
 Profit for the period                               6.0           -                    -       6.0 
 Other comprehensive expense for the 
  period (net of tax) 
  Net losses from changes in fair value                -           -                (0.2)     (0.2) 
 Total other comprehensive expense                     -           -                (0.2)     (0.2) 
                                              ----------  ----------  -------------------  -------- 
 Total comprehensive income/(expense) 
  for the period                                     6.0           -                (0.2)       5.8 
                                              ----------  ----------  -------------------  -------- 
 Balance as at 30 June 2017 (Unaudited)            205.5           -                  0.1     205.6 
                                              ----------  ----------  -------------------  -------- 
 Balance as at 1 January 2017 (Audited)            199.5           -                  0.3     199.8 
 Profit for the year                                11.5           -                    -      11.5 
 Other comprehensive income for the                                - 
  period (net of tax) 
  Net losses from changes in fair value                -           -                (0.3)     (0.3) 
  Remeasurement of defined benefit 
   obligation                                        1.7           -                    -       1.7 
                                              ----------  ----------  -------------------  -------- 
 Total other comprehensive income/(expense)          1.7           -                (0.3)       1.4 
                                              ----------  ----------  -------------------  -------- 
 Total comprehensive income/(expense) 
  for the period                                    13.2           -                (0.3)      12.9 
                                              ----------  ----------  -------------------  -------- 
 Balance as at 31 December 2017 (Audited)          212.7           -                    -     212.7 
                                              ----------  ----------  -------------------  -------- 
 Consolidated cash flow statement 
  for the period ended 30 June 2018 
                                                      30 June        30 June       31 Dec 
                                                         2018           2017         2017 
                                                  (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)    (Audited) 
                                                         GBPm           GBPm         GBPm 
 Cash flows from operating activities 
 Profit before tax                                        6.0            7.6         14.5 
 Depreciation and amortisation                            1.6            1.5          3.0 
 Interest on subscribed capital                           1.0            1.0          2.0 
 Net gains on disposal and amortisation 
  of debt securities                                      0.3            0.3          0.7 
 (Increase)/decrease in impairment of 
  loans and advances                                    (0.1)              -          1.3 
                                                          8.8           10.4         21.5 
 Changes in operating assets and liabilities 
 Increase in other assets                               (7.2)          (1.7)        (3.9) 
 Decrease in other liabilities                          (2.5)          (6.0)       (10.5) 
 (Increase)/decrease in loans and advances 
  to credit institutions                                (2.1)          (1.1)         10.4 
 (Decrease)/increase in debt securities 
  in issue                                             (16.9)         (17.0)         54.8 
 Increase in loan and advances to customers           (118.5)        (206.6)      (337.5) 
 Increase in shares                                     126.7          150.9        138.0 
 (Decrease)/increase in borrowings                     (24.1)           85.2        115.5 
 Taxation paid                                          (1.6)          (1.4)        (2.6) 
                                                -------------  -------------  ----------- 
                                                       (38.0)           12.7       (14.3) 
 Capital expenditure and financial investment          (39.9)            2.1       (17.3) 
 Financing activities                                   (1.0)          (1.0)        (1.9) 
                                                -------------  -------------  ----------- 
 (Decrease)/increase in cash and cash 
  equivalents                                          (78.9)           13.8       (33.5) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning 
  of year                                               360.3          393.8        393.8 
                                                -------------  -------------  ----------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at end of 
  year                                                  281.4          407.6        360.3 
                                                -------------  -------------  ----------- 
 Summary ratios 
                                              30 June   30 June         31 Dec 
                                                 2018      2017           2017 
                                                    %         %              % 
 Common Equity Tier 1 capital ratio              14.7      14.4           14.6 
 Liquid assets as a percentage of shares 
  and borrowings                                12.25     15.11          13.60 
 Group profit for the year as a percentage 
  of mean total assets                           0.24      0.32           0.31 
 Group management expenses as a percentage 
  of mean total assets                           1.10      1.11           1.10 
 Group interest margin as a percentage 
  of mean assets                                 1.27      1.29           1.29 
        *    The financial information set out above, which was 
             approved by the Board of Directors on 26 July 2018, 
             does not constitute accounts within the meaning of 
             the Building Societies Act 1986. 
        *    The financial information for the year ended 31 
             December 2017 has been extracted from the Annual 
             Report & Accounts for the year and on which the 
             auditors have given an unqualified opinion. 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

July 27, 2018 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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