RNS Number : 8056G

Nottingham Building Society

29 July 2021

                                             Nottingham Building Society 
                               Results for the period ended 30 June 2021 
             The Nottingham delivers a resilient performance for the six 
           months ended 30 June 2021, with a return to profitability and 
            continued investment in its member and digital propositions, 
            which are attracting a growing number of new members, whilst 
             remaining true to its mutual ethos as a responsible society 
                   to members, colleagues and the communities it serves. 
                                     Key performance highlights include: 
               *    Capital strength improved with CET 1 ratio at 15.7%, 
                                      up from 15.0% at 31 December 2020; 
                 *    Continued investment in the Society's business and 
                     digital capability, whilst delivering profitability 
                   at both an underlying and statutory level (underlying 
                       profit before tax of GBP3.7m and statutory profit 
                                                  after tax of GBP4.9m); 
               *    Strong liquidity and funding position with liquidity 
                                                 coverage ratio of 208%; 
              *    Arrears levels remain very low at less than a quarter 
                                           of mortgage industry average; 
              *    Strong customer advocacy with a Net Promoter Score of 
                                                                73%; and 
              *    Strong retail franchise with over 50,000 Lifetime ISA 
                            customers alongside increased branch savings 
                *    Mortgage assets of GBP3.0bn are slightly lower than 
                   the position at 31 December 2021, but reflect a solid 
                                    performance in a competitive market. 
             David Marlow, Chief Executive of The Nottingham, commenting 
                                                     on the results said 
             "As we entered 2021, we were clear that great uncertainties 
        remained, both economically and socially. Our priorities through 
            the first half of 2021 therefore have been to steer a steady 
         course, manage our balance sheet carefully, grow our membership 
             and return to a sustainable level of profitability. We also 
            committed to continue with our plans to reinvent the Society 
              for the new world of digital financial services. I am very 
            pleased to report therefore that, as we head into the second 
             half of 2021, we have made substantial progress against all 
                                          our objectives and priorities. 
                                              Reinventing The Nottingham 
           We have worked hard this year to build on the initiatives and 
           progress we achieved in 2020, to reinvent the Society for the 
       future. Our aim is to deliver a unique combination of traditional 
            building society activities and independent advice services, 
                                    in our branch network and digitally. 
             In June we announced the next step in our reinvention, when 
           we set out our new approach to providing independent mortgage 
          advice to our members and non-members through a differentiated 
           strategic partnership with Mortgage Advice Bureau and Belvoir 
            Financial Services. This new partnership, which will include 
         the sale of our mortgage broking subsidiary Nottingham Mortgage 
       Services to the Belvoir Group, provides us access to the capacity 
             of expert advisors and digital tools that will be essential 
              to our future home buyers. This deal enables us to provide 
            fast access to independent mortgage advice across our branch 
            network and to offer digital-led mortgage advice to the tens 
             of thousands of Lifetime ISA (LISA) savers, who are already 
                                 saving with us to buy their first home. 
                                       Trading and financial performance 
    In a period of very sound progress, despite the ongoing restrictions 
          of the pandemic, a clear highlight of the year so far has been 
              the continuing growth of younger members saving with us in 
         a LISA to buy their first home. We now have over 50,000 members 
          doing so, the vast majority digitally, with balances in excess 
              of a quarter of a billion pounds, up from just over GBP55m 
      a year ago. We expect both member numbers and balances to continue 
            to grow during the second half of the year and are very much 
           looking forward to welcoming them to our unique Beehive Money 
      app when it is launched in the autumn. Our branch savings balances 
        have also continued to grow, despite now having a smaller number 
                                      of locations across our heartland. 
           Our Net Promoter Score has showed good resilience. We believe 
          the slight reduction on where we have consistently been before 
        reflects the ongoing restrictions on service delivery to members 
            during the pandemic. Our score of 73 still places us amongst 
                               the best performing businesses in the UK. 
             Amongst our priorities for 2021 was to return to profit and 
          to manage our balance sheet carefully in the ongoing uncertain 
           environment. We are pleased that at the half year mark we are 
              delivering on both of these priorities. The key drivers of 
                     the performance in the period to 30 June 2021 were: 
                      *    increased activity seen in the housing market 
                   generally has delivered over half a billion pounds in 
                     mortgage applications received in the first half of 
                   2021; up over a third on the same period in 2020 with 
                      completions up 18% and a good pipeline of business 
                                           heading into the second half; 
                 *    An improving income profile up 8% on the first six 
                    months of 2020, supported by a strong improvement in 
                     our net interest margin to 1.20%, compared to 1.07% 
                                                               for 2020; 
               *    An improving picture on Society non-interest income. 
                          This is a good endorsement of our new emerging 
                   business model, which we expect to be further boosted 
                           as we begin to bed in our new mortgage advice 
                                                      partnership model; 
                 *    The benefit of a modest release of GBP0.6m on loan 
                      impairments due to improved expectations driven by 
                       stronger economic forecasts and the continued low 
                                                   incidence of arrears; 
               *    Finally, we have also seen some unwinding of charges 
                       booked for the fair valuing of derivatives in the 
                             prior periods and continuation of strategic 
                    investment expenditure supporting the reinvention of 
                                                            the Society. 
             Overall, this has taken us to a statutory profit before tax 
        of GBP5.7m on a total group basis, compared to a loss of GBP4.6m 
   declared in the first half of 2020. This robust all-round improvement 
         in financial performance is also demonstrated at the underlying 
             level, where we delivered a profit before tax of GBP3.7m in 
           the first half, compared to a loss of GBP1.3m in 2020 for the 
                                                            total group. 
              We continue to manage our balance sheet conservatively. At 
        the half year point our balance sheet has reduced by 3%. However 
         this is accompanied by improvements in our CET 1 ratio to 15.7% 
        and improved leverage ratio of 5.5%. We have maintained a strong 
              liquidity position with the LCR at 208% despite continuing 
          to reduce the level of funding from the Bank of England's term 
                                                        funding schemes. 
            Our arrears ratio of 0.19% remains at sector lending levels, 
              with only 44 accounts more than 3 months in arrears at the 
             end of June. The vast majority of the nearly 3,000 members, 
              who we supported with mortgage payment deferrals, have now 
              returned to making payments as normal, with only a handful 
                                                           now in place. 
              We highlighted in our 2020 annual statement the phenomenal 
           role played by every member of the team at The Nottingham and 
              how this had significantly contributed to how we have been 
            able to support our members throughout the pandemic. This is 
              along with the hard work that went on behind the scenes to 
              drive the significant initiatives and projects required in 
             our reinvention of the Society. This outstanding commitment 
         has continued throughout this year. The Board remain enormously 
         grateful for their continued hard work and focus, without which 
             we would not have been able to report such continued marked 
                                                progress in 2021 so far. 
      As lockdown begins to unwind during the summer, we remain cautious 
             around some uncertainties that will remain, particularly as 
            the unprecedented level of government support and subsidy is 
          withdrawn and the pandemic continues to evolve. There are also 
             potential headwinds that we may face from Brexit which have 
            so far been largely masked by the significance of the impact 
       of the pandemic. Inflation too, could prove to be more persistent 
          than some commentators and experts are currently anticipating. 
            We will continue to monitor developments and adapt our plans 
            Over recent months, the Board and I have been in discussions 
              regarding the long-term leadership of the Society. We have 
            agreed that after more than ten years as CEO of the Society, 
      a period book-ended by the financial crisis and a global pandemic, 
       I will step down during 2022. The process to appoint my successor 
          to lead the Society through the next period of its development 
                                                  is currently underway. 
             The past 15 months have brought unprecedented challenges to 
             our society and our communities at large. We have navigated 
           those challenges well so far, whilst demonstrating our mutual 
     credentials in support of our members, colleagues, and communities. 
              We are also fundamentally reshaping the Society to support 
          our growing membership well in a newly emerging world. It will 
             be important that we continue to focus on this and be ready 
              for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in the 
                                         remainder of 2021 and beyond ." 
                                                            David Marlow 
                                                         Chief Executive 
                                                            29 July 2021 
 Consolidated Income Statement                       Period to           Period to        Year ended 31 
                                                       30 June             30 June             Dec 2020 
                                                          2021                2020 
  Total Group Basis                                (Unaudited)         (Unaudited)            (Audited) 
                                                          GBPm                GBPm                 GBPm 
 Net interest income                                      22.2                20.5                 40.6 
 Net fees & commissions receivable                         1.8                 2.2                  3.7 
                                                --------------       -------------       -------------- 
 Net underlying income                                    24.0                22.7                 44.3 
 Management expenses                                    (20.9)              (21.3)               (41.1) 
 Impairment release/(charge) - loans 
  & advances                                               0.6               (2.7)                (2.9) 
 Profit of disposal of property, plant 
  & equipment                                                -                   -                  0.1 
                                                --------------       -------------       -------------- 
 Underlying profit/(loss) before tax                       3.7               (1.3)                  0.4 
 Gains/(losses) from derivative financial 
  instruments                                              2.6               (3.3)                (2.7) 
 Net strategic investment costs                          (0.6)                   -                (4.5) 
 Change in accounting estimate                               -                   -                (1.6) 
                                                --------------       -------------       -------------- 
 Reported profit/(loss) before tax                         5.7               (4.6)                (8.4) 
 Tax (expense)/ credit                                   (0.8)                 0.8                  1.2 
                                                --------------       -------------       -------------- 
 Reported profit/(loss) after tax                          4.9               (3.8)                (7.2) 
                                                --------------       -------------       -------------- 
 Profit/(loss) after tax - continuing 
  operations                                               4.7               (3.7)                (7.0) 
 Profit/(loss) after tax - discontinued 
  operations                                               0.2               (0.1)                (0.2) 
                                                --------------       -------------       -------------- 
   The Board allocates resources and manages the business on a total 
   Group basis. The whole-of-market mortgage advice business generated 
   a profit after tax of GBP0.2m in the period. 
   Within the consolidated statutory financial statements, the mortgage 
   advice business, is reported as a discontinued operation. In the 
   prior year, the estate agency business was also classified as discontinued. 
 Consolidated income statement 
  for the six months ended 30 June 
                                                     Period to           Period to        Year ended 31 
                                                       30 June             30 June             Dec 2020 
                                                          2021                2020 
                                                   (Unaudited)         (Unaudited)            (Audited) 
                                                          GBPm                GBPm                 GBPm 
 Continuing operations 
 Interest receivable and similar income                   31.8                36.2                 68.8 
 Interest payable and similar charges                    (9.6)              (15.7)               (28.2) 
                                                --------------       -------------       -------------- 
 Net interest income                                      22.2                20.5                 40.6 
 Fees and commissions receivable                           1.6                 1.0                  2.1 
 Fees and commissions payable                            (0.6)               (0.3)                (1.0) 
 Net gains/(losses) from derivative 
  financial instruments                                    2.6               (3.3)                (2.7) 
 Total net income                                         25.8                17.9                 39.0 
 Administrative expenses                                (18.0)              (16.6)               (35.3) 
 Depreciation and amortisation                           (2.9)               (3.1)                (9.1) 
 Operating profit/(loss) before impairment                 4.9               (1.8)                (5.4) 
 Impairment release/(charge) - loans 
  and advances                                             0.6               (2.7)                (2.9) 
 Profit on disposal of property, plant 
  & equipment                                                -                   -                  0.1 
 Profit/(loss) before tax                                  5.5               (4.5)                (8.2) 
 Tax (expense)/credit                                    (0.8)                 0.8                  1.2 
                                                --------------       -------------       -------------- 
 Profit/(loss) after tax for the financial 
  period from continuing operations                        4.7               (3.7)                (7.0) 
 Discontinued operations 
 Profit/(loss) after tax for the financial 
  period from discontinued operations                      0.2               (0.1)                (0.2) 
                                                --------------       -------------       -------------- 
 Profit/(loss) after tax for the financial 
  period                                                   4.9               (3.8)                (7.2) 
                                                --------------       -------------       -------------- 
 Consolidated statement of financial 
  as at 30 June 2021 
                                                30 June             30 June            31 Dec 
                                                   2021                2020              2020 
                                            (Unaudited)         (Unaudited)         (Audited) 
                                                   GBPm                GBPm              GBPm 
 Liquid assets                                    561.7               666.2             592.2 
 Derivative financial instruments                   4.5                 1.5               0.8 
 Loans and advances to customers                3,045.9             3,152.1           3,128.0 
 Fixed and other assets                            38.5                39.1              37.4 
                                          -------------  ---  -------------  ---  ----------- 
 Total assets                                   3,650.6             3,858.9           3,758.4 
                                          -------------  ---  -------------  ---  ----------- 
 Shares                                         2,891.0             2,809.1           2,794.2 
 Borrowings                                       491.0               764.8             685.2 
 Derivative financial instruments                  17.8                35.8              32.5 
 Other liabilities                                 15.0                12.0              16.0 
 Subscribed capital                                24.0                24.5              24.2 
                                          -------------  ---  -------------  ---  ----------- 
 Total liabilities                              3,438.8             3,646.2           3,552.1 
 General reserves                                 211.1               212.7             206.3 
 Fair value reserves                                0.7                   -                 - 
                                          -------------  ---  -------------  ---  ----------- 
 Total reserves attributable to members 
  of the Society                                  211.8               212.7             206.3 
 Total reserves and liabilities                 3,650.6             3,858.9           3,758.4 
                                          -------------  ---  -------------  ---  ----------- 
 Consolidated statement of changes 
  in members' interests for the period 
  ended 30 June 2021 
                                                    General     FVOCI reserve 
                                                    reserve                       Total 
                                                       GBPm              GBPm      GBPm 
 Balance as at 1 January 2021 (Audited)               206.3                 -     206.3 
   Profit for the period                                4.9                 -       4.9 
 Other comprehensive (expense)/income 
  for the period (net of tax) 
  Net gains from changes in fair value                    -               0.7       0.7 
  Remeasurement of defined benefit obligation         (0.1)                 -     (0.1) 
 Total comprehensive income for the 
  period                                                4.8               0.7       5.5 
                                                 ----------  ----------------  -------- 
 Balance as at 30 June 2021 (Unaudited)               211.1               0.7     211.8 
                                                 ----------  ----------------  -------- 
 Balance as at 1 January 2020 (Audited)               216.6             (0.4)     216.2 
   Loss for the period                                (3.8)                 -     (3.8) 
 Other comprehensive (expense)/income 
  for the period (net of tax) 
  Net gains from changes in fair value                    -               0.4       0.4 
   Remeasurement of defined benefit obligation        (0.1)                 -     (0.1) 
                                                 ----------  ----------------  -------- 
 Total comprehensive (expense)/income 
  for the period                                      (3.9)               0.4     (3.5) 
                                                 ----------  ----------------  -------- 
 Balance as at 30 June 2020 (Unaudited)               212.7                 -     212.7 
                                                 ----------  ----------------  -------- 
 Balance as at 1 January 2020 (Audited)               216.6             (0.4)     216.2 
   Loss for the year                                  (7.2)                 -     (7.2) 
 Other comprehensive (expense)/income 
  for the period (net of tax) 
  Net gains from changes in fair value                    -               0.4       0.4 
  Remeasurement of defined benefit obligation         (3.1)                 -     (3.1) 
 Total comprehensive (expense)/income 
  for the period                                     (10.3)               0.4     (9.9) 
                                                 ----------  ----------------  -------- 
 Balance as at 31 December 2020 (Audited)             206.3                 -     206.3 
                                                 ----------  ----------------  -------- 
 Summary consolidated cash flow statement 
  for the period ended 30 June 2021 
                                                     30 June        30 June       31 Dec 
                                                        2021           2020         2020 
                                                 (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)    (Audited) 
                                                        GBPm           GBPm         GBPm 
 Cash flows from operating activities                    9.1            2.2          5.6 
 Changes in operating assets and liabilities          (25.8)           26.9       (46.0) 
                                               -------------  -------------  ----------- 
 Net cash generated by operating activities           (16.7)           29.1       (40.4) 
 Cash flows from investing activities                 (67.8)          124.2        152.6 
 Cash flows from financing activities                  (1.3)          (1.4)        (2.8) 
 (Decrease)/increase in cash and cash 
  equivalents                                         (85.8)          151.9        109.4 
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning 
  of period                                            382.0          272.6        272.6 
                                               -------------  -------------  ----------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at end of 
  period                                               296.2          424.5        382.0 
                                               -------------  -------------  ----------- 
 Summary ratios 
                                                   30 June    30 June   31 Dec 
                                                      2021       2020     2020 
                                                         %          %        % 
 Common Equity Tier 1 ratio                           15.7       15.0     15.0 
 Liquid assets as a percentage of shares 
  and borrowings                                     16.61      18.64    17.02 
 Group profit/(loss) for the year as 
  a percentage of mean total assets                   0.26     (0.20)   (0.19) 
 Total Group management expenses as 
  a percentage of mean total assets                   1.16       1.11     1.25 
 Group continuing management expenses 
  as a percentage of mean total assets                1.13       1.03     1.17 
 Group interest margin as a percentage 
  of mean assets                                      1.20       1.07     1.07 
        *    The financial information set out above, which was 
             approved by the Board of Directors on 28 July 2021, 
             does not constitute accounts within the meaning of 
             the Building Societies Act 1986. 
        *    The financial information for the year ended 31 
             December 2020 has been extracted from the Annual 
             Report & Accounts for the year and on which the 
             auditors have given an unqualified opinion. 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

July 29, 2021 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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