Notice of General Meeting and Cancellation of Trading on AIM

                                                       30 December

                        NEPTUNE MINERALS PLC

                  Notice of Annual General Meeting

Neptune Minerals  plc ("the  Company") announces  that the  Company's
Annual General  Meeting ("AGM")  will  be held  on 30  January  2009,
commencing  at  11am  at  the  offices  of  Memery  Crystal  LLP,  44
Southampton Buildings, London WC2A 1AP.

The Notice of AGM is being posted to shareholders along with a letter
from the  Chairman.  Extracts  are  set  out  below  and  copies  are
available at the Company's website at:

                   Cancellation of Trading on AIM

One of the  Resolutions to  be put to  Neptune Minerals  shareholders
("Shareholder") at  the AGM  is  to request  their approval  for  the
cancellation of the  admission of the  Company's ordinary fully  paid
shares ("Shares") to trading  on the AIM market  of the London  Stock
Exchange plc ("AIM") (the "Cancellation").

After due consideration, the Board has concluded that there is little
prospect, in the current poor investment climate, of raising  working
capital through  AIM and,  furthermore, that  the ongoing  costs  and
administrative requirements of  maintaining an  AIM listing  outweigh
the benefits gained from retaining it.

The Board concluded that it is  in the best interests of the  Company
and of all the  Shareholders to cancel the  Company's listing on  AIM
and secure additional funding from private equity investors.

If Shareholders wish  to sell  their Shares on  AIM they  must do  so
prior to the cancellation becoming effective. Following cancellation,
the  Company's  Shareholders   will  have  to   effect  any   further
transactions in the  Company's Shares  off market  at a  price to  be
agreed between the relevant parties.

If Shareholders approve  the Cancellation at  the AGM, the  effective
date for the proposed  Cancellation is 7.00am UK  time on 9  February

For further information please contact:

Simon McDonald (Neptune MD and CEO):          T: +61 (0) 2 9957 5244
By email to the Company             

Fiona Owen (Grant Thornton UK LLP, Nomad):    T: +44 (0) 20 7383 5100

Rozanne Ichikowitz (Grant Thornton, Sydney):  T: +61 (0) 2 8297 2522

Daniel   Fox-Davies   (Fox   Davies   Capital T: +44 (0) 20 7936 5230
Limited, Broker):

Nadja Vetter/Sofia Rehman/Matthew Law (Cardew T: +44 (0) 20 7930 0777
Group, PR):                                   T: +44 (0) 7941 340 436


Notice is hereby  given that  the Annual General  Meeting of  Neptune
Minerals Plc ("the Company") will be held on 30 January 2009 at 11.00
am at the offices  of Memery Crystal  LLP, 44 Southampton  Buildings,
London, WC2A 1AP for the purpose of considering and, if thought  fit,
passing the following resolutions:

As ordinary business:

1. That the financial statements of the Company for the period  ended
30 June 2008 together with the Reports of the Directors and  Auditors
be received and adopted.

2. That Mazars LLP  of 3  Sheldon Square, London  be re-appointed  as
auditors of the Company  to hold office until  the conclusion of  the
next Annual General Meeting and  that their remuneration be fixed  by
the Directors.

3. To re-elect John  Feenan, who  retires by  rotation in  accordance
with the  Company's Articles  of Association,  as a  Director of  the

4. To elect Richard Gorton, who was appointed as a Director since the
last Annual General Meeting, as a Director of the Company.

As special business:

Ordinary resolution

5. That  the  Directors  be  and   they  are  hereby  generally   and
unconditionally authorized in accordance with the Companies Act  1985
(the "Act") to exercise all powers  of the Company to allot  relevant
securities within the  meaning of  Section 80 of  the Act  up to  the
aggregate nominal amount of the authorised but unissued share capital
of the Company immediately following the passing of this  resolution,
provided  that  the  authority  hereby  conferred  shall  operate  in
substitution for and to the exclusion of any previous authority given
to the Directors pursuant to Section  80 of the Act and shall  expire
on the date  15 months after  the passing of  this resolution or,  if
earlier, at the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting of  the
Company, unless such authority is renewed, varied, or revoked by  the
Company in general  meeting, save that  the Company may  at any  time
before such expiry  make an  offer or agreement  which might  require
relevant  securities  to  be  allotted  after  such  expiry  and  the
Directors may allot relevant securities in pursuance of such offer or
agreement as if the authority hereby conferred had not expired.

Special Resolutions

6. That the Directors be  and they are  hereby empowered pursuant  to
Section 95  of the  Act to  allot equity  securities (as  defined  in
Section 94 of the Act)  for cash as if Section  89(1) of the Act  did
not apply to  any such  allotment pursuant to  the general  authority
conferred on them by resolution 5 above (as varied from time to  time
by the Company in general meeting) provided that such power shall  be
limited to:

(a) the allotment of  equity securities in  connection with a  rights
issue or any other pre-emptive offer  in favour of holders of  equity
securities where the equity  securities respectively attributable  to
the interests of all such holders are proportionate (as nearly as may
be) to  the respective  amounts  of equity  securities held  by  them
subject  only  to  such  exclusions  or  other  arrangements  as  the
directors  may   consider  appropriate   to  deal   with   fractional
entitlements or legal or practical difficulties under the laws of  or
the requirements of any recognised stock exchange or regulatory  body
in any territory or otherwise;

(b) the  allotment of  options,  conditional awards  and  performance
shares of  0.5  pence each  in  the capital  of  the Company  to  the
management and employees,  Directors and consultants  of the  Company
pursuant to the Company's Executive Incentive Plan and the subsequent
allotment  on  conversion  or,  as  appropriate,  exercise  of   such
performance shares,  conditional  awards  or  options  into  ordinary
shares representing up  to an  aggregate 20 per  cent of  all of  the
issued ordinary share  capital after conversion  or (as  appropriate)
exercise of all  options, conditional awards  and performance  shares
issued under the Executive Incentive Plan; and

(c) the allotment (otherwise than pursuant to sub-paragraphs (a)  and
(b) above) of equity securities up to an aggregate nominal amount  of
�66,500 representing approximately 20 per cent of the issued ordinary
share capital of the Company

and the power hereby conferred shall operate in substitution for  and
to the  exclusion  of  any  previous power  given  to  the  Directors
pursuant to Section 95  of the Act  and shall expire  on the date  15
months after the passing  of this resolution or,  if earlier, at  the
conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting of the Company,  unless
such power is renewed or extended prior to or at such meeting  except
that the Company may before the expiry of any power contained in this
resolution make an offer  or agreement which  would or might  require
equity securities to be allotted after such expiry and the  Directors
may allot equity securities in  pursuance of such offer or  agreement
as if the power conferred hereby had not expired.

7. That the  Articles  of Association  produced  to the  meeting  and
initialed  by  the  Chairman  of  the  meeting  for  the  purpose  of
identification be  adopted  as the  Articles  of Association  of  the
Company in substitution for, and to the exclusion of, the Articles of

8. To consider and, if thought fit, pass the following resolution:
In accordance with Listing Rule 41 of the AIM Market the admission of
the Company's Ordinary Shares on the  AIM Market of the London  Stock
Exchange be cancelled.

By Order of the Board

Simon McDonald
Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director
30 December 2008

Chairman's Letter to Shareholders

Dear Shareholder,

            Neptune Minerals Plc - Annual General Meeting

I enclose a  notice to convene  the third Annual  General Meeting  of
Neptune Minerals Plc ("Neptune") to be held at the offices of  Memery
Crystal LLP, 44 Southampton Buildings, London WC2A 1AP at 11.00am  on
30th January, 2009.  A  map showing the location  of the AGM is  also
enclosed, together with your proxy form.

I set out below some background on Resolutions 3 to 8.

Resolution 3

Neptune's Articles of Association require  one-third of the Board  to
retire by  rotation at  each Annual  General Meeting.   The  retiring
Director may  offer  himself  up for  re-election.   John  Feenan  is
therefore retiring by  rotation in accordance  with the Articles  and
standing for re-election.

Resolution 4
Richard Gorton was  appointed by the  Board on  5 May 2008  as a  Non
Executive Director of  the Company to  fill the casual  vacancy as  a
result of  Mr. Vanderspuy's  resignation.   Mr. Gorton  is  therefore
standing for election by shareholders as a Director of the Company.

Resolutions 5 and 6

Resolution  5  authorise  the  Board  of  Neptune  to  issue   equity
securities up  to  the  unissued  authorised  share  capital  of  the
Company.  Resolution 6 authorises directors to allot for cash:

  * Securities pre-emptively to existing holders of securities;
  * Performance shares, conditional awards and options to the
    employees and management of Neptune; and
  * Securities up to the equivalent of 20% of Neptune's existing
    issued ordinary share capital.

This gives the Board of Neptune  some flexibility to issue a  limited
number of  further  equity  securities  for  example,  the  issue  of
ordinary shares pursuant to a strategic placing, as well as  ordinary
shares or options to consultants or third parties.

Resolution 7

Resolution 7 proposes  the adoption of  New Articles of  Association,
substantially in  the  form of  the  Company's previous  Articles  of
Association, but  updated to  reflect changes  in the  law since  the
current Articles  of  Association  were  adopted.   The  changes  are
summarised below:-

A.            Articles which duplicate statutory provisions

Provisions  in  the  current  articles  which  replicate   provisions
contained in the Companies Act 2006 are in the main amended to  bring
them into line with the Companies Act 2006.  Certain examples of such
provisions include  provisions as  to the  form of  resolutions,  the
variation of class rights, the requirement to keep accounting records
and provisions regarding  the period  of notice  required to  convene
general meetings.  The main changes made to reflect this approach are
detailed below.

B.            Form of resolution

The current articles contain a provision that, where for any  purpose
an ordinary  resolution  is  required,  a  special  or  extraordinary
resolution  is  also  effective  and  that,  where  an  extraordinary
resolution is required, a special resolution is also effective.  This
provision  is  being   amended  as  the   concept  of   extraordinary
resolutions has not been retained under the Companies Act 2006.

C.            Convening general and annual general meetings

The provisions in the current articles dealing with the convening  of
general meetings and the length of notice required to convene general
meetings are  being  amended to  conform  to new  provisions  in  the
Companies Act 2006.  In particular  a general meeting  to consider  a
special resolution  can  be  convened  on  14  days'  notice  whereas
previously 21 days' notice was required.

D.            Votes of members

Under the Companies Act 2006 proxies  are entitled to vote on a  show
of hands whereas under the current articles proxies are only entitled
to vote on a poll. The time limits for the appointment or termination
of a proxy appointment have been altered by the Companies Act 2006 so
that the articles cannot  provide that they  should be received  more
than 48 hours before the meeting or in the case of a poll taken  more
than 48 hours after the meeting,  more than 24 hours before the  time
for the  taking of  a poll,  with weekends  and bank  holidays  being
permitted to be excluded  for this purpose.  Multiple proxies may  be
appointed provided  that  each proxy  is  appointed to  exercise  the
rights attached  to  a  different  share  held  by  the  shareholder.
Multiple corporate  representatives may  be  appointed (but  if  they
purport to exercise their rights in different ways, then the power is
treated as  not being  exercised). The  new articles  reflect all  of
these new provisions.

E.            Age of directors on appointment

The current  articles contain  a provision  requiring a  director  to
stand for re-election if he has attained the age of 70 years or more.
Such provision could now fall  foul of the Employment Equality  (Age)
Regulations 2006 and so has been removed from the new articles.

F.            Conflicts of interest (new article 111)

The Companies  Act  2006 sets  out  directors' general  duties  which
largely codify  the existing  law but  with some  changes. Under  the
Companies Act, from 1 October 2008 a director must avoid a  situation
where he  has,  or can  have,  a  direct or  indirect  interest  that
conflicts, or possibly may conflict with the company's interests. The
requirement is very broad and could apply, for example, if a director
becomes a  director  of  another  company or  a  trustee  of  another
organisation. The  Companies  Act  2006 allows  directors  of  public
companies to  authorise  conflicts  and  potential  conflicts,  where
appropriate, where the Articles of Association contain a provision to
this effect.  The Companies  Act  2006 also  allows the  Articles  of
Association to contain other  provisions for dealing with  directors'
conflicts of interest  to avoid a  breach of duty.  The new  articles
give the directors authority to approve such situations.

There are safeguards which will  apply when directors decide  whether
to authorise a conflict or potential conflict. First, only  directors
who have no interest in the  matter being considered will be able  to
take the relevant decision, and secondly, in taking the decision  the
directors must act  in a way  they consider, in  good faith, will  be
most likely to promote the company's success.

It is also proposed  that the Articles of  Association be amended  to
contain provisions relating  to confidential information,  attendance
at board  meetings and  availability  of board  papers to  protect  a
director being  in  breach of  duty  if  a conflict  of  interest  or
potential conflict  of interest  arises. These  provisions will  only
apply where the position  giving rise to  the potential conflict  has
previously been  authorised  by  the directors.  It  is  the  Board's
intention to report annually on the Company's procedures for ensuring
that  the  Board's  powers   to  authorise  conflicts  are   operated

G.           Provision for Employees on Cessation of Business

The 2006  Act provides  that  the powers  of  the directors  to  make
provision for a person employed or formerly employed by a company  in
connection with the cessation or transfer to any person of the  whole
or part of the  undertaking of the company,  may be exercised by  the
directors or by the company in general meeting. However, if the power
is to be exercised by the directors, the Articles of Association must
include a  provision to  this effect.  It is  proposed to  amend  the
Articles to give effect to this.

H.            Records to be kept

The provision in  the current  articles requiring the  Board to  keep
accounting records has been removed as this requirement is  contained
in the Companies Act 2006.

I.              Directors' indemnities

The Companies Act  2006 has in  some areas widened  the scope of  the
powers of a company  to indemnify directors  and to fund  expenditure
incurred in connection with certain actions against directors.

Resolution 8

The Company is today announcing that it seeks shareholder approval to
cancel the admission of the  Company's Ordinary Shares to trading  on
AIM (the "Cancellation").

This letter sets out the background to - and reasons for the proposed
Cancellation; why your Board believes it to be in the best  interests
of  all  Shareholders;  and   includes  a  recommendation  from   the

The Ordinary Shares were admitted  to trading via an introduction  on
AIM in October 2005. The Company  sought admission for its shares  in
order to access capital markets for proposed exploration work on  its
granted  licences.  Since  Admission,  there  has  been  very  little
liquidity in the Company's  shares. Additionally, attempts to  access
further UK-based  institutional  investors for  a  secondary  capital
raising to fund  ongoing working  capital and  exploration work  have
been unsuccessful.

As a result, the Board has undertaken  a review of its need to  raise
additional funding  and  the associated  costs  and benefits  to  the
Company and its shareholders of continuing  to be traded on AIM.  The
chief factors considered were that:

a) The costs and regulatory requirements associated with  maintaining
admission to  AIM  are  significant  in  relation  to  the  Company's
existing limited financial resources.  Currently the existing  annual
costs associated with  the listing, including  regulatory costs,  the
retention of a UK based non-executive director, public relations  and
other associated costs, are approximately GBP150,000;

b) The nature of the Company as a junior mining explorer has lead  to
a limited amount of liquidity in the Company's Ordinary Shares;

c) Accessing secondary capital  through conventional investor  groups
has proved difficult on AIM; and

d) The Company has been in positive funding discussions with a number
of parties. Further  to these  discussions, the  Board has  concluded
that maintaining an AIM listing currently offers no material value to
the Company and  has not made  it any easier  to obtain funding.  The
Board believes that  the depressed  share price  renders a  realistic
valuation  of  joint   venture  or   investment  participation   more

After due consideration, the Board has concluded that there is little
prospect, in the current poor investment climate, of raising  working
capital through  AIM and,  furthermore, that  the ongoing  costs  and
administrative   requirements   of   maintaining   an   AIM   listing
substantially outweigh the benefits gained from retaining it.

The Board concluded that it is  in the best interests of the  Company
and its  Shareholders  to  cancel  the  listing  on  AIM  and  secure
additional funding from private equity investors.

Under the  AIM Rules  for  Companies, the  Cancellation can  only  be
effected by  the Company  after securing  shareholder approval  of  a
resolution by Shareholders in a  general meeting, and the  expiration
of a period of at least twenty  business days from the date on  which
notice of the Cancellation is given.

Shareholders should  note  that  cancellation  is  likely  to  reduce
significantly  the  liquidity  and  marketability  of  the  Company's
Ordinary Shares. Once  Cancellation has taken  effect, the  Company's
Shareholders will no  longer be  able to effect  transactions in  the
Company's Ordinary Shares on market at the market price.

Shareholders should note that the Company is currently not subject to
the provisions  of  the  Takeover  Code,  as  its  place  of  central
management is not currently in the United Kingdom.  If the  Company's
place of central management were to move to the United Kingdom,  then
the Takeover Code would then apply to the Company for a period of  at
least ten years after de-listing.  Shareholders should also note that
the Company's  Articles  of Association  provide  that, if  a  person
acquires shares in the Company in circumstances in which he would  be
obliged to make  or extend  an offer  to Shareholders  or holders  of
other securities  in  the Company  under  the Takeover  Code  if  the
Company was subject  to the Code,  the directors of  the Company  may
serve notice upon such person requiring him (and or persons acting in
concert which  him)  to  make  or  extend  an  offer  in  writing  in
accordance with the requirements of the Code as if the Code did apply
to the Company.  These provisions will continue after de-listing.

If Shareholders wish to sell their Common Shares on AIM they must  do
so  prior   to  the   cancellation  becoming   effective.   Following
Cancellation, the  Company's Shareholders  will  have to  effect  any
further transactions in the Company's Ordinary Shares off market at a
price to be agreed between the relevant parties. Once the transaction
is agreed, the relevant parties should contact the Company's Transfer
Agent, Share Registrars - whose contact  details can be found on  the
their website (

If Shareholders approve the Cancellation at the AGM, the Cancellation
will take effect on 9 February 2009 at 7.00am UK time.

The Annual Report for the period ended 30 June 2008 is enclosed.

I look forward to seeing you at the Annual General Meeting on the
30th January 2009.

John Goodwin


This announcement was originally distributed by Hugin. The issuer is 
solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

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