RNS Number:2319M
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp
12 May 2005



                                      Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation
                                                                    May 12, 2005

          NTT's Shares and Shareholders (as of March 31, 2005)

1. Classification of Shareholders

                                    NTT's Shares and Shareholders 
                                                                Foreign Corporations, etc. 

            Government    Financial    Securities     Other                                 Domestic       
            and Public   Institutions    Firms       Domestic         Not                  Individuals,         Odd-Lot
Details       Bodies                               Corporations  Individuals  Individuals      etc.      Total   Shares

Total            4            456        116        12,008          854         94        1,341,574    1,355,106

Shares   6,431,835      2,247,601     42,233       259,026    2,761,456        289        3,960,858   15,703,298  37,911
      %      40.96          14.31       0.27         1.65         17.59       0.00            25.22       100.00

Notes:   1.   "Other Domestic Corporations" includes 13,193 shares under the name of Japan Securities
              Depository Center, and "Odd-Lot Shares" includes 0.72 shares under the name of Japan
              Securities Depository Center.
         2.   "Domestic Individuals, etc." includes 801,458 shares of treasury stock, and "Odd-Lot Shares" 
              includes 0.67 shares of treasury stock. The actual number of treasury stock
              shares at the end of March 31, 2005 was 801,450.67.
         3.   The number of shareholders who own only odd-lot shares is 380,678.

2. Classification by Number of Shares

                                         NTT's Shares and Shareholders                           
                         At        At        At       At        At        At      At          Total
                       Least      Least     Least    Least     Least     Least    Least               Odd-Lot
Details                1,000       500       100      50        10         5        1                  Shares
Number of                357       163     1,052    1,514    36,222    85,074   1,230,724    1,355,106
              %         0.03      0.01      0.08     0.11      2.67      6.28       90.82       100.00

Total Shares      12,327,228   111,719   206,770   96,771   555,257   516,588   1,888,965   15,703,298    37,911

              %        78.50      0.71      1.32     0.62      3.53      3.29       12.03       100.00

Notes:   1.   "At Least 1,000" includes 13,193 shares under the name of the Japan Securities Depository
              Center, and "Odd-Lot Shares" includes 0.72 shares under the name of Japan Securities
              Depository Center.
         2.   "At Least 1,000" includes 801,458 shares of treasury stock, and "Odd-Lot Shares" includes 
              0.67 shares of treasury stock.

3. Principal Shareholders

Name                                                                                Share         Percent of
                                                                                   Holdings         Total
The Minister of Finance                                                          6,431,810.26         40.86
Japan Trustee Services Bank, Ltd. (Trust Account)                                  594,411.00          3.78
The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account)                               489,163.00          3.11
Moxley and Company                                                                 301,268.00          1.91
The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A. London                                              275,381.00          1.75
State Street Bank and Trust Company 505103                                         176,224.00          1.12
NTT Employee Share-Holding Association                                             141,092.22          0.90
Nippon Life Insurance Company                                                       95,953.68          0.61
State Street Bank and Trust Client Omnibus Account OM02                             84,278.00          0.54
The Sumitomo Trust and Banking Company, Ltd. (Trust Account B)                      81,699.00          0.52
                                                                                 ------------       -------
Total                                                                            8,671,280.16         55.09
                                                                                 ------------       -------

Note:  The Company's holdings of treasury stock (801,450.67 shares) are not 
included in the above figures.


                                      Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation
                                                                    May 12, 2005

        Consolidated Financial Results for the Year ended March 31, 2005

                     April 1, 2004 - March 31, 2005

(Consolidated Results of Operations)
                                                                                                    (Billions of Yen)
Details                                                     Year            Year                      
                                                           ended           ended                   
                                                            March           March                 
                                                           31, 2005        31, 2004                          Percent
                                                                     (Decrease)         (Decrease)
                                                           --------        --------        ----------        ----------

Operating Revenues                                         10,805.9        11,095.5            (289.7 )          (2.6% )
Operating Expenses                                          9,594.7         9,535.2              59.5             0.6%
                                                           --------        --------        ----------       ----------  

Operating Income                                            1,211.2         1,560.3            (349.1 )         (22.4% )
Other Income (Expenses), Net                                  512.1           (33.0 )           545.1               -
                                                           --------        --------        ----------       ---------- 

Income before Income Taxes                                  1,723.3         1,527.3             196.0            12.8%
Income Taxes                                                  713.9           603.2             110.7            18.4%
Minority Interests in Earnings of Consolidated                290.2           260.0              30.3            11.6%
Equity in Net Earnings (Losses) of Affiliates                  (9.0 )         (20.3 )            11.3            55.8%
                                                           --------        --------        ----------      ---------- 
Net Income (Loss)                                             710.2           643.9              66.3            10.3%

Note: NTT's consolidated financial statements have been prepared in
accordance with the accounting principles generally accepted in the United
States of America (U.S. GAAP).

(Operating Performance of NTT and its Major Subsidiaries)
                                                                                                      (Billions of Yen)
             NTT (Holding           NTT East             NTT West               NTT              NTT DATA     NTT
               Company)                                                    Communications                    DoCoMo

              Non-Consolidated   Non-Consolidated   Non-Consolidated   Non-Consolidated   Consolidated     Consolidated
--------   ----------------     ----------------     ----------------     ----------------     ------------     ----

Operating       323.2              2,180.9              2,098.0              1,090.0            854.1          4,844.6

Change from      65.1                (86.2 )              (68.8 )              (16.5 )            7.4           (203.5 )

% Change        25.2%                (3.8% )              (3.2% )              (1.5% )           0.9%            (4.0% )

Operating       179.5              2,093.1              2,027.8              1,020.1            814.8          4,060.4

Change from      (6.6 )              (87.5 )              (52.2 )               29.8             27.8            115.3

% Change        (3.6% )              (4.0% )              (2.5% )               3.0%             3.5%             2.9%

Operating       143.7                 87.7                 70.1                 69.8             39.2            784.2

Change from      71.8                  1.3                (16.5 )              (46.3 )          (20.4 )         (318.8 )

Recurring       151.7                 97.6                 80.0                 67.9             32.1         *1,288.2

Change from      73.0                 (0.2 )              (10.4 )              (45.0 )          (17.4 )          187.1

Special         350.6                  8.3                 10.1                  4.0                -

Special             -                  6.7                  7.1                 25.0                -

Net Income      455.6                 58.1                 41.0                 24.6             20.1            747.6

Change from     215.3                  0.1                (20.4 )                0.4             (6.8 )           97.6

*  NTT DoCoMo's "Recurring Profit" represents its "Income before Income Taxes."


(Consolidated Financial Results Forecasts for the Year Ending March 31, 2006)                                           
                                                                                                   (Billions of Yen)
                             NTT (Holding                                       NTT                               
                              Company)       NTT East           NTT West    Communications                      NTT
            Consolidated                            NTT DATA        DoCoMo
                      Consolidated    Consolidated      Consolidated    Consolidated   Consolidated  Consolidated

Operating  10,590.0             340.0        2,012.0           1,966.0         1,081.0         880.0       4,805.0

Change       (215.9 )            16.7         (168.9 )          (132.0 )          (9.0 )        25.9        (39.6 )

% Change      (2.0% )             5.2%          (7.7% )          (6.3% )         (0.8% )        3.0%        (0.8% )

Operating   9,540.0             169.0        1,997.0           1,962.0         1,023.0         835.0      3,995.0

Change        (54.7 )           (10.5 )        (96.1 )           (65.8 )           2.8          20.2        (65.4 )

% Change      (0.6% )            (5.9% )        (4.6% )          (3.2% )           0.3%          2.5%       (1.6% )

Operating   1,050.0             171.0           15.0               4.0            58.0          45.0       810.0

Change       (161.2 )            27.2          (72.7 )           (66.1 )         (11.8 )         5.8        25.8

Income      1,080.0            *177.0         * 25.0            * 15.0          * 60.0          41.0       874.0

Change       (643.3 )            25.2          (72.6 )           (65.0 )          (7.9 )         8.9      (414.2 )

Net           440.0             174.0           15.0               9.0            34.0          27.0       533.0

Change       (270.2 )          (281.6 )        (43.1 )           (32.0 )           9.3           6.9      (214.6 )

* "Income before Income Taxes" for NTT (Holding Company), NTT
East, NTT West, NTT Communications, and NTT DATA represent their recurring


The consolidated financial results forecasts above are forward-looking
statements about the future performance of NTT which are based on the
assumptions, estimates, judgments, projections and beliefs of the management of
NTT in light of the information currently available to it. The projected numbers
in this report were derived using certain assumptions that are indispensable for
making projections in addition to facts that have been ascertained in the past
and confirmed accurately. Risks and uncertainties inherent in future
projections, NTT's future business operation, the status of the economy
in Japan and abroad, possible fluctuations in the securities markets and other
changes in circumstances could cause NTT's actual results to differ
materially from the projected figures above.

The numbers of the other consolidated subsidiaries (397 companies) are as

NTT East Corporation Group (89 companies)
NTT West Corporation Group (50 companies)
NTT Communications Group (45 companies)
NTT DATA Group (43 companies)
NTT DoCoMo Group (89 companies) and
NTT Facilities Group (11 companies), NTT Urban Development Group (8 companies),
NTT Comware Corporation Group (8 companies), NTT Business Associe Group (19
companies), and 35 other companies.



* Number of Telephone Subscriber Services

                            Details                                  March      March       Increase         Percent
                               ---                                    31,        31,       (Decrease)       Increase
                                                                      2005       2004      ----------      (Decrease)
                                                                     ------     ------                     -----------

Telephone + INS-Net                                                  58,788     60,072         (1,284 )          (2.1% )
Telephone Subscriber Lines                                           50,321     50,938           (617 )          (1.2% )
INS-Net Subscriber Lines                                              8,467      9,135           (667 )          (7.3% )
FLET'S ADSL                                                           5,208      4,089          1,119            27.4%
B FLET'S                                                              1,665        840            824            98.1%
Cellular                                                             48,825     46,328          2,497             5.4%
FOMA*                                                                11,501      3,045          8,456           277.7%
i-mode                                                               44,021     41,077          2,944             7.2%
FOMA*                                                                11,353      2,997          8,356           278.8%

    1. "Number of Telephone Subscriber Lines" is the total of individual lines and central station

    2. In terms of number of channels, transmission rate, and line use rate (base rate), INS-Net 1500 is in all cases
       roughly ten times greater than INS-Net 64. For this reason, one INS-Net 1500 subscriber is calculated as ten
       INS-Net 64 subscribers.

    3. "Number of Cellular" includes the DoPa Single Service subscribers.

    *  Partial listing only.

* Indicators
                                  Details                                        March        March         Increase
                                    ---                                           31,          31,         (Decrease)
                                                                                  2005         2004        ----------
                                                                                 -------      -------

EBITDA Margin                                                                      32.8%        35.5%      (2.7 point )
Operating Free Cash Flow (Billions of yen)                                       1,482.2      1,920.2          (438.0 )
ROCE                                                                                5.8%         7.3%      (1.5 point )


    1. EBITDA Margin = (Operating income + DA)/Operating revenues
    2. Operating Free Cash Flow = Operating income + DA - Capital investment
    3. ROCE = Operating incomex(1 - Statutory tax rate)/Operating capital employed
    *  DA (Depreciation and amortization, Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment) : (March 31, 2005) 2,328.4
       billion yen (March 31, 2004) 2,373.5 billion yen
    *  Capital investment : See figures in the table of "Capital Investements" below.
    *  Operating capital employed : (March 31, 2005) 12,307.0billion yen (March 31, 2004) 12,324.0 billion yen
    *  Statutory tax rate : (March 31, 2005) 41% (March 31, 2004) 42%

                          Details                               March       March        Increase        (Employees)
                            ---                                  31,         31,        (Decrease)         Percent
                                                                 2005        2004       ----------        Increase 
                                                                -------     -------                      (Decrease)

                    Number of Employees                         201,500     205,300         (3,800 )           (1.9% )

                                                                                                    (Billions of Yen)

                          Details                                March        March         Increase        Percent
                            ---                                   31,          31,         (Decrease)       Increase
                                                                  2005         2004        ----------      (Decrease)
                                                                 -------      -------                      ----------

                    Capital Investments                          2,057.4      2,013.6            43.8            2.2%

Note: The figures represent the accrual-based amounts required for acquisition
of property, plant and equipment, and intangibles.

                                                               (Billions of Yen)

                          Details                                March       March        Increase         Percent
                             ---                                  31,         31,        (Decrease)        Increase
                                                                  2005        2004       ----------       (Decrease)
                                                                 -------     -------                      ----------

                   Interest-Bearing Debts                        5,525.8     5,921.7         (395.8 )          (6.7% )


      Non-Consolidated Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2005

                     April 1, 2004 - March 31, 2005
          (Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)

(Operating Results)

                       Details                                Year          Year         Increase          (Billions
                         ---                                  ended         ended       (Decrease)          of Yen)
                                                            March 31,       March       ----------          Percent
                                                               2005          31,                            Increase
                                                            ---------       2004                           (Decrease)
                                                                            -----                          ----------

Operating Revenues                                              323.2       258.1             65.1              25.2%
Operating Expenses                                              179.5       186.2             (6.6 )            (3.6% )
Operating Income                                                143.7        71.8             71.8             100.0%
Non-Operating Income                                              7.9         6.8              1.1              17.5%
Recurring Profit                                                151.7        78.6             73.0              92.8%
Special Profits                                                 350.6       189.5            161.0              85.0%
Special Losses                                                      -        12.1            (12.1 )               -
Net Income                                                      455.6       240.3            215.3              89.6%

(Proposal for Appropriation of Unappropriated Retained Earnings)

                    Details                         (Billions
                       ---                            of Yen)
                                                    Year ended
                                                     March 31,

Unappropriated Retained Earnings for the Year           * 651.4     Net Income                                    455.6

Return of Special Depreciation Reserve to                   1.8     Unappropriated Retained Earnings Brought      243.0
Retained Earnings                                                   Forward (+)

Total                                                     653.3     Interim Dividends for the Year (-)             47.2

Appropriation of Unappropriated Retained                   44.8     * Unappropriated Retained Earnings for the    651.4
Earnings                                                            Year

Cash Dividends                                             44.8
Bonuses to Directors and Corporate Auditors      70 million yen

Unappropriated Retained Carried Forward                   608.4

(Forecasts for the Year Ending March 31, 2006)

                    Details                             Operating         Operating         Recurring         (Billions
                      ---                                Revenues           Income            Profit            of Yen)
                                                        ---------         ---------         ---------              Net
Forecasts for the Year Ending March 31, 2006                340.0             171.0             177.0             174.0


                                 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone East Corporation
                                                                    May 12, 2005

      Non-Consolidated Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2005

                         April 1, 2004 - March 31, 2005
          (Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)

Operating Results

Details                                                           Year          Year          Increase        (Billions
----                                                              Ended         Ended        (Decrease)        of Yen)
                                                                 March         March         ----------        Percent
                                                                  31,           31,                            Increase
                                                                  2005          2004                          (Decrease)
                                                                 -------       -------                        ----------

Operating Revenues                                               2,180.9       2,267.1           (86.2)           (3.8%)

Operating Expenses                                               2,093.1       2,180.7           (87.5)           (4.0%)

Operating Income                                                    87.7          86.4              1.3             1.5%

Non-Operating Income                                                 9.8          11.4            (1.5)          (13.7%)

Recurring Profit                                                    97.6          97.8            (0.2)           (0.2%)

Special Profits                                                      8.3           9.3            (0.9)           (9.8%)

Special Losses                                                       6.7           6.7               -                -

Income before Income Taxes                                          99.2         100.4            (1.1)           (1.1%)

Income Taxes                                                        41.1          42.4            (1.2)           (3.0%)

Net Income                                                          58.1          57.9              0.1             0.2%

Notes:   1.   Special Profits for the year ended March 31, 2005 are gain on sale of property, plant and equipment.

         2.   Special Losses for the year ended March 31, 2005 are amortization of cumulative effect of change in
              accounting standard for severance payments and pension plans.

Proposal for Appropriation of Unappropriated Retained Earnings

                                                       of Yen)
Details                                              Year Ended
----                                                  March 31,

Unappropriated Retained Earnings for the Year           *83.5         Net Income                                   58.1

Cash Dividends                                           33.5         Unappropriated Retained Earnings Brought     25.4
Bonuses to Directors and Corporate Auditors   54 million yen
                                                                      ------------------------------------------   ----

Appropriation of Unappropriated Retained Earnings       33.5          * Unappropriated Retained Earnings for the   83.5
Unappropriated Retained Earnings Carried Forward        50.0

Forecasts for the Year Ending March 31, 2006

Details                                                 Operating         Operating         Recurring         (Billions
----                                                     Revenues           Income            Profit           of Yen)
                                                        ---------         ---------         ---------            Net

Forecasts for the Year Ending March 31, 2006              2,012.0              15.0              25.0              15.0

                                     - 1 -

Breakdown of Operating Revenues and Operating Expenses

(1)   Operating Revenues

Service                                                           Year          Year          Increase        (Billions
---                                                               Ended         Ended        (Decrease)        of Yen)
                                                                 March         March         ----------        Percent
                                                                  31,           31,                            Increase
                                                                  2005          2004                          (Decrease)
                                                                 -------       -------                        ----------

Voice Transmission Services Revenues (excluding the              1,401.4       1,506.9          (105.5)           (7.0%)
amounts of IP Services Revenues)

Monthly Charge Revenues*                                           903.6         939.5           (35.9)           (3.8%)

Call Rates Revenues*                                               190.4         238.7           (48.3)          (20.2%)

Interconnection Call Revenues*                                     215.1         224.4            (9.2)           (4.1%)

IP Services Revenues                                               211.3         151.3             60.0            39.7%

Leased Circuit Services Revenues (excluding the amounts of         208.7         246.9           (38.2)          (15.5%)
IP Services Revenues)

Telegram Services Revenues                                          27.2          30.9            (3.7)          (12.2%)

Other Telecommunications Services Revenues                         175.9         166.5              9.3             5.6%

Related Business Revenues                                          156.2         164.3            (8.0)           (4.9%)
                                                                 -------       -------       ----------       ----------
Total                                                            2,180.9       2,267.1           (86.2)           (3.8%)
                                                                 -------       -------       ----------       ----------

* Partial listing only

Note: "Voice Transmission Services Revenues" represent the total
of telephone revenues and ISDN revenues.

(2)   Operating Expenses

Details                                                           Year          Year          Increase        (Billions
---                                                               Ended         Ended        (Decrease)        of Yen)
                                                                 March         March         ----------        Percent
                                                                  31,           31,                            Increase
                                                                  2005          2004                          (Decrease)
                                                                 -------       -------                        ----------

Personnel                                                          206.5         234.3           (27.8)          (11.9%)

Purchase of goods and services                                   1,275.3       1,343.5           (68.1)           (5.1%)

Depreciation and amortization                                      469.8         458.8             11.0             2.4%

Retirement of fixed assets                                          63.7          68.4            (4.6)           (6.8%)

Miscellaneous Taxes                                                 77.6          75.6              1.9             2.6%
                                                                 -------       -------       ----------       ----------
Total                                                            2,093.1       2,180.7           (87.5)           (4.0%)
                                                                 -------       -------       ----------       ----------

                                     - 2 -

Financial Position

Details                                                         March         March          Increase         (Billions
----                                                             31,           31,          (Decrease)         of Yen)
                                                                 2005          2004         ----------         Percent
                                                                -------       -------                          Increase

Fixed Assets                                                    3,503.8       3,664.0           (160.2 )        (4.4)%

Current Assets                                                    584.4         642.6            (58.1 )        (9.1)%

Total Assets                                                    4,088.3       4,306.7           (218.4 )        (5.1)%

Long-Term Liabilities                                           1,547.2       1,744.8           (197.6 )       (11.3)%

Current Liabilities                                               622.0         668.1            (46.1 )        (6.9)%

Total Liabilities                                               2,169.2       2,413.0           (243.8 )       (10.1)%

Interest-Bearing Debt*                                          1,028.0       1,105.6            (77.6 )        (7.0)%

Shareholders' Equity                                            1,919.0       1,893.6             25.4            1.3%

Total of Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity                   4,088.3       4,306.7           (218.4 )        (5.1)%

*  Partial listing only

Cash Flows

Details                                                                       Year          Year          (Billions
----                                                                          Ended         Ended          of Yen)
                                                                              March         March          Increase
                                                                               31,           31,
                                                                               2005          2004         (Decrease)
                                                                              ------        ------        ----------

I.        Cash Flows from Operating Activities                                 432.9         537.8            (104.9 )

II.       Cash Flows from Investing Activities                                (388.0 )      (380.7 )            (7.2 )

III.      Cash Flows from Financing Activities                                (110.1 )      (191.4 )            81.3

IV.       Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents                 (65.2 )       (34.3 )           (30.9 )

V.        Cash and Cash Equivalents at Beginning of Year                       186.2         220.6             (34.3 )

VI.       Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of Year                             121.0         186.2             (65.2 )

                                     - 3 -


1.   Number of Subscriber Lines

Details                                                            March        March         Increase         Percent
---                                                                 31,          31,         (Decrease)        Increase
                                                                    2005         2004        ----------       (Decrease)
                                                                   ------       ------                        ----------

Number of Telephone Subscriber Lines #(1,000)                      24,925       25,264            (339)           (1.3)%

Number of ISDN Subscriber Lines #(1,000)                            4,425        4,756            (331)           (7.0)%

Number of Subscriber Lines                                         29,350       30,020            (670)           (2.2)%

Notes:   1.   "Number of Telephone Subscriber Lines" is the total of individual lines and central
              station lines (Analog Lite Plan is included).

         2.   Since, in terms of number of channels, transmission rate, and line use rate (base rate), INS-Net 1500 is
              in all cases roughly ten times greater than INS-Net 64, one INS-Net 1500 subscriber is calculated as ten
              INS-Net 64 subscribers (INS-Net 64 Lite Plan is included).

2.   Number of IP-related Services Subscribers

Details                                                          March       March        Increase         Percent
---                                                               31,         31,        (Decrease)        Increase
                                                                 2005        2004        ----------       (Decrease)
                                                                 -----       -----                        ----------

Number of B-FLET'S Subscribers #(1,000)                        885         426              459           107.7%

Number of FLET'S ADSL Subscribers #(1,000)                   2,833       2,283              551            24.1%

Number of FLET'S ISDN Subscribers #(1,000)                     413         514            (101)          (19.7)%

3.   Number of Employees

Details                                                           March        March         Increase        (Employees)
---                                                                31,          31,         (Decrease)        Percent
                                                                   2005         2004        ----------        Increase
                                                                  ------       ------                        (Decrease)

Number of Employees                                               14,200       14,900            (700)            (4.7)%

4.   Capital Investements

Details                                                           Year         Year          Increase         (Billions
---                                                               Ended        Ended        (Decrease)         of Yen)
                                                                  March        March        ----------         Percent
                                                                   31,          31,                            Increase
                                                                  2005         2004                           (Decrease)
                                                                  -----        -----                          ----------

Capital Investments                                               399.1        377.8              21.3              5.6%

                                     - 4 -

                                                                    May 12, 2005


                Settlement for Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2005

The results of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone East Corporation (NTT East) for
fiscal 2004 are presented in the following attachments.


1.    Summary of Results for Fiscal Year Ended March 31,2005
2.    Non-consolidated Balance Sheets
3.    Non-consolidated Statements of Income
4.    Non-consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
5.    Proposal for Appropriation of Unappropriated Retained Earnings
6.    Business Results (Non-consolidated Operating Revenues)
7.    Changes in Directors

Hiroshi Niitsu and Kenkichi Nakata
Accounting Section, Finance Division
NTT East
Tel: +81-3-5359-3331
E-mail: kessan@sinoa.east.ntt.co.jp

Attachment 1

            Summary of Results for Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2005

During the fiscal year ended March 31, 2005, the economy continued to show signs
of a steady recovery. Personal consumption showed a gradual increase and capital
investment increased. Toward the end of the fiscal year, however, the economic
recovery eased as personal consumption turned flat.

In the information and communications sector, demand for broadband services has
been growing rapidly, ADSL speed has continued to rise, and intense competition
for customers has led to lower rates. In the second half of the fiscal year,
demand for optical access services expanded on a large scale. In the fixed-line
market, competitive conditions became even more severe as other
telecommunications carriers entered the basic service fees market by providing
direct subscriber telephone services using dry copper lines.

Within this business environment, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone East
Corporation (NTT East) has worked hard to develop new sources of revenue and
build a strong financial base while keeping business operations focused on the
vision of being "a truly customer-oriented company." NTT East
has positioned this fiscal term as the critical year for gearing up its recently
launched "Hikari" optic network and has implemented an internal
reorganization in order to further boost its sales and service-development
capabilities and to accelerate decision making. In addition, NTT East has worked
actively to develop a wide range of new IP/broadband services and to provide
high value-added content.

The main actions implemented during this fiscal year may be summarized as

First, in the broadband market, NTT East worked to further upgrade and expand
its services to respond to its customers' diverse needs, while
continuing to lower rates. Specifically, in August 2004, NTT East began offering
faster transfer speeds through "FLET'S ADSL More III,"
with maximum download speeds of approximately 47 Mbps and maximum upload speeds
of approximately 5 Mbps. In November 2004, we introduced the 1 Gbps B FLET'S 
"Hyper Family Type," which provides services to
multiple subscribers via a fiber optic network with maximum download and upload
speeds of 100 Mbps.


In addition, NTT East began providing a high quality IP Telephony Service
(Hikari Denwa) which uses fiber access to provide low-priced voice transmissions
with the same quality as fixed telephone lines, first to condominium complexes
in September 2004, and then to single-family dwellings in February 2005. While
actively expanding our service areas, NTT East also added a menu of services for
small and medium-sized enterprises in April 2005, so that our existing corporate
IP telephone services can be used by a wider range of corporate customers.

Meanwhile, NTT East began providing an IP-based video phone terminal called
"FLET'S PHONE VP1000" operated by a user-friendly touch
screen, for added customer convenience. We also launched the "FLET'S SPOT" 
service which provides high-speed, flat-rate wireless
Internet access at speeds up to 54 Mbps using wireless LAN access points near
major train stations, hotels, and other key locations in the Tokyo metropolitan

In broadband content, NTT East expanded the menu of the "DisneyBB on
FLET'S" which allows users to have fun together with Disney
characters. It also expanded its offerings of high value-added content for the
broadband environment through business alliances including launching the new
"Try To Golfers'BB on FLET'S" service which
gives users a virtual experience of actual golf courses.

NTT East has also taken a number of steps to promote sales. We have worked to
lower rates by instituting toll-free calls between "Corporate IP
Telephone Service" subscribers for intraprefectual in addition to
interprefectual calls, reduced the monthly access rates for B FLET'S
services, and extended campaigns that waive the monthly fees for FLET'S
and other services for a limited period of time.


With respect to phone rates, in April 2004, NTT East launched a new fixed-line
to mobile telephone service which allows users to dial the NTT East access code
0036 and receive lower rates than those set by mobile carriers. Considering the
recent changes in the competitive environment of the telecommunications market,
and in anticipation of the coming era of optical IP services, which will usher
in a system of flat basic charges and call rates, NTT East introduced the
"Ichiritsu" fee reduction plan in January 2005, and lowered
subscription fees (facilities and equipment charges) in March 2005.

In the corporate services sector, NTT East implemented a review of its
headquarters in July 2004 in order to construct business units for each business
group based on operations by industry and business category and to realize a
corporate system that will enable it to provide total services from service
development to sales. Under NTT East's "Team M@rketing
Solutions," a business concept for tackling issues and developing new
businesses in partnership with its corporate customers, NTT East has been
working actively to provide new services for business users, including data
centers and corporate optic access services such as "Mega Data Netz,
" "Super Wide LAN," and "Metro Ether,"
while simultaneously moving forward with its "total solutions"
business designed to meet the increasingly diverse and sophisticated needs of
its customers, by taking advantage of the bilateral-contract system under the
amended Telecommunications Business Law, revised in April 2004. In addition,
active efforts are under way in the e-Japan Strategic Sales Promotion Division
of the Corporate Business Headquarters, as well as the e-Japan Strategic Sales
Promotion Office of the Business Communications Department of each branch, to
respond to opportunities presented by the e-Japan Priority Plans of local
governments within the NTT East area.

As for business management structure, we have established three new units
-the Consumer Business Headquarters, Corporate Business Headquarters,
and Network Business Headquarters-and implemented a reorganization of
NTT East corporate headquarters by streamlining and consolidating administrative
departments to increase the speed of decision making, including relationships
with branch offices. In addition, the NTT East Group has been working actively
to expand its business domain, as seen in the development of a new IT home
consulting business offered through partnerships with the prefectural
outsourcing subsidiaries* established under the group's structural
reform program.

*  Prefectural outsourcing subsidiaries: Companies set up at the prefecture
level named NTT Service (prefecture name)   Corporation, NTT ME (prefecture or
region name) Corporation, or NTT Business Associe (prefecture name) Co., Ltd.

We also recognize that ensuring compliance is vitally important to the continued
existence of any business, and have pursued this through upgrading management
systems and providing thorough employee education. In anticipation of the
full-scale enforcement of the Personal Information Protection Act this April,
NTT East formulated and released a policy on the protection of personal
information, and established a Personal Information Protection Promotion Office.
NTT East will continue to diligently promote the appropriate handling of
personal information.

In its efforts to protect the environment and in accordance with "NTT
East's Global Environment Charter" enacted in December 1999, NTT
East has continued to advance environmental management and worked to reduce
burden on the environment, for example, by developing eco-steel telephone poles
with superior durability and corrosion prevention properties, taking measures to
counter global warming, reducing paper resources and waste materials,
continuously implementing information and communications life-cycle assessments
(LCA), and most recently, by publishing the NTT East Environmental Report 2004.

Furthermore, NTT East provided support to the victims of the October 2004
Niigata Chuetsu Earthquake by making an all-out effort to quickly restore
telecommunications facilities and resume communications services. In addition,
NTT East strove to ensure means of communication by setting up public telephones
and operating the "171" disaster message service, and did not
charge basic fees to customers who suffered equipment damage or were otherwise
unable to use their telephones. NTT East also provided free Dial Q2 services to
broadcasters and public organizations in order to assist the collection of
contributions to the victims of the Sumatra earthquake and tsunami.


As a consequence of these developments, NTT East's business results for
the fiscal year ended March 31, 2005 were as follows. Operating revenue totaled
2,180.9 billion yen (a decrease of 3.8% from the previous year), recurring
profit amounted to 97.6 billion yen (a decrease of 0.2% from the previous year),
and net profit totaled 58.1 billion yen (an increase of 0.2% from the previous


Attachment 2

          (Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)
                                                                                     March 31,       March 31, 2005
                                                                                     ---------    ---------------------
                                                                                     Millions     Millions   * Millions
                                                                                      of Yen       of Yen       of US$
                                                                                     ---------    ---------    --------
FIXED ASSETS                                                                         3,664,084    3,503,830      32,746
CURRENT ASSETS                                                                         642,633      584,469       5,462
TOTAL ASSETS                                                                         4,306,718    4,088,300      38,208
                                                                                     ---------    ---------    --------

Long-term debt                                                                       1,010,103      883,881       8,260
Liability for employees' severance payments                                            728,580      656,004       6,130
Other                                                                                    6,207        7,359          68
Total long-term liabilities                                                          1,744,890    1,547,245      14,460
                                                                                     ---------    ---------    --------

Current portion of long-term debt                                                       95,559      144,171       1,347
Accounts payable, trade                                                                170,463      118,372       1,106
Accounts payable, other                                                                324,058      273,517       2,556
Accrued taxes on income                                                                    146        2,676          25
Other                                                                                   77,950       83,266         778
Total current liabilities                                                              668,178      622,004       5,813
                                                                                     ---------    ---------    --------
TOTAL LIABILITIES                                                                    2,413,069    2,169,249      20,273
                                                                                     ---------    ---------    --------

Common stock                                                                           335,000      335,000       3,130
Additional paid-in capital                                                           1,499,726    1,499,726      14,016
Unappropriated retained earnings for the year                                           57,985       83,563         780
Net unrealized gains (losses) on securities                                                936          760           7
TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                                           1,893,648    1,919,050      17,935
                                                                                     ---------    ---------    --------
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                          4,306,718    4,088,300      38,208
                                                                                     ---------    ---------    --------

Note:* Yen amounts have been translated, for convenience only, at Y107=US$1.00,
the approximate exchange rate on March 31, 2005. Fractions are rounded down.


Attachment 3

          (Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)
                                                                                         Year Ended March 31
                                                                                   2004                2005
                                                                                 ---------    -----------------------
                                                                                 Millions     Millions    * Millions
                                                                                  of Yen       of Yen         of US$
                                                                                 ---------    ---------      --------

OPERATING REVENUES                                                               2,267,184    2,180,928        20,382

OPERATING EXPENSES                                                               2,180,778    2,093,194        19,562

OPERATING INCOME                                                                    86,406       87,733           819

NON-OPERATING REVENUES                                                              61,277       61,006           570

NON-OPERATING EXPENSES                                                              49,830       51,124           477

RECURRING PROFIT                                                                    97,853       97,615           912

SPECIAL PROFITS                                                                      9,305        8,397            78

SPECIAL LOSSES                                                                       6,736        6,736            62

INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES                                                         100,422       99,276           927

CORPORATION, INHABITANT, AND ENTERPRISE TAXES                                       16,237      (21,153 )        (197 )

DEFERRED TAX EXPENSES (BENEFITS)                                                    26,200       62,300           582

NET INCOME                                                                          57,985       58,129           543
                                                                                 ---------    ---------      --------  

PER SHARE DATA #(in exact)                                                        of Yen       of Yen         of US$
                                                                                 ---------    ---------      --------

NET INCOME                                                                           8,646        8,667            81

CASH DIVIDEND                                                                        4,850        5,000            46

Note:* Yen amounts have been translated, for convenience only, at Y107=US$1.00,
the approximate exchange rate on March 31, 2005. Fractions are rounded


Attachment 4

          (Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)
                                                                                         Year Ended March 31
                                                                                  2004                  2005
                                                                                --------      ------------------------
                                                                                Millions      Millions       *Millions
                                                                                 of Yen        of Yen         of US$
                                                                                --------      ---------      ---------
Cash flows from operating activities:
Income before income taxes                                                       100,422         99,276            927
Depreciation and amortization                                                    465,913        483,027          4,514
Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment                                 45,879         40,136            375
Increase (decrease) in liability for employees' severance payments               (63,293 )      (72,575 )         (678 )
(Increase) decrease in accounts receivable                                         5,654         12,725            118
Increase (decrease) in accounts payable and accrued expenses                      (7,316 )      (83,952 )         (784 )
Increase (decrease) in accrued consumption tax                                     1,332           (158 )           (1 )
Other                                                                            (48,441 )      (11,987 )         (112 )
                                                                                -------- -    ----------     ----------
Sub-total                                                                        500,151        466,490          4,359
                                                                                ---------     ----------     ----------

Interest and dividends received                                                    1,216            297              2
Interest paid                                                                    (20,919 )      (17,771 )         (166 )
Income taxes received (paid)                                                      57,412        (16,095 )         (150 )
                                                                                ---------     ----------     ----------
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities                              537,861        432,922          4,046
                                                                                ---------     -------- -     ----------
Cash flows from investing activities:
Payments for property, plant and equipment                                      (377,906 )     (401,013 )       (3,747 )
Acquisition of investments                                                        (1,564 )       (7,353 )          (68 )
Other                                                                             (1,313 )       20,315            189
                                                                                ---------     ----------     ----------
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities                             (380,784 )     (388,050 )       (3,626 )
                                                                                ---------     ----------     ----------

Cash flows from financing activities:
Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt                                          10,000         17,950            167
Payments for settlement of long-term debt                                       (143,373 )      (95,559 )         (893 )
Increase (decrease) in short-term borrowings                                     (55,000 )            -              -
Dividends paid                                                                    (3,035 )      (32,495 )         (303 )
                                                                                ---------     ----------     ----------
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities                             (191,408 )     (110,104 )       (1,029 )
                                                                                ---------     ----------     ----------
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                             (34,331 )      (65,232 )         (609 )
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                                   220,619        186,287          1,741
                                                                                ---------     ----------     ----------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                                         186,287        121,055          1,131
                                                                                ---------     ----------     ----------

Note:* Yen amounts have been translated, for convenience only, at Y107=US$1.00,
the approximate exchange rate on March 31, 2005. Fractions are rounded


Attachment 5

                                                                                      Year Ended        (Millions of
                                                                                      March 31,             Yen)
                                                                                         2004            Year Ended
                                                                                     -------------        March 31,

Unappropriated Retained Earnings for the Year                                               57,985             83,563
Proposal of Appropriation:
Cash Dividends                                                                              32,495             33,500
                                                                                      (Y4,850 per  )     (Y5,000 per  )
                                                                                             share              share
Bonuses to directors and corporate auditors                                                     57                 54
(Portion to corporate auditors)                                                                (11 )              (13 )
Unappropriated Retained Earnings Carried Forward                                            25,433             50,008

Note: Fractions are rounded down.


Attachment 6

          (Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)

Services                                                                       Year           Year         (Millions
-----                                                                          Ended          Ended         of Yen)
                                                                             March 31,      March 31,
                                                                                2004           2005         Increase
                                                                             ---------      ---------      (Decrease)

Voice Transmission Services                                                  1,506,952      1,401,433        (105,518 )
Revenues (excluding the amounts of IP Services Revenues)
Monthly Charge Revenues*                                                       939,584        903,629         (35,954 )
Call Rates Revenues*                                                           238,749        190,405         (48,343 )
Interconnection Call Revenues*                                                 224,417        215,128          (9,289 )
IP Services Revenues                                                           151,343        211,357          60,014
Leased Circuit Services Revenues (excluding the amounts of IP Services         246,962        208,730         (38,232 )
Telegram Services Revenues                                                      30,992         27,201          (3,791 )
Other Telecommunications Services Revenues                                     166,561        175,907           9,345
                                                                             ---------      ---------      -----------
Total Revenues                                                               2,102,812      2,024,629         (78,182 )
                                                                             ---------      ---------      -----------
Related Business                                                               
Total Revenues                                                                 164,371        156,298          (8,073 )
                                                                             ---------      ---------      -----------
Total Operating Revenues                                                     2,267,184      2,180,928         (86,256 )
                                                                             ---------      ---------      -----------

*  Partial listing only

Note: Fractions are rounded down.


Attachment 7

                              Changes in Directors

(1)   Candidates for Senior Vice President

Toyohiko Takabe              (NTT Corporation)

Fuminori Kozono              (Deputy Senior Executive Manager, Corporate Business Headquarters)

Hiroki Watanabe              (Executive Manager, Strategy Planning Division, Corporate Business Headquarters)

Masayuki Yamamura            (NTT Corporation)

Kiyoshi Kousaka              (NTT West Corporation)

(2)   Senior Vice President scheduled to retire from office

Satoshi Miura                (Scheduled to join NTT Corporation)

Senior Executive Vice
Goro Yagihashi               (Scheduled to join DAIMEI TELECOM ENGINEERING CORP.)

Executive Vice President
Kazuo Ohki                   (Scheduled to join NTT-ME Corporation)

Senior Vice President
Akira Arima                  (Scheduled to join NTT Corporation)

Senior Vice President
Masaki Mitsumura             (Scheduled to join NTT Communications Corporation)


(3)  Personnel scheduled to take posts of President, Senior Executive Vice 
     President, and Executive Vice President

(i)     President                                           Toyohiko Takabe

(ii)    Senior Executive Vice President
        Executive Vice President                            Tetsuo Koga

(iii)   Executive Vice President
        Senior Vice President                               Atsushi Yano


(4)   New Executives' Positions and Organizational Responsibilities

                New Position(s) and                         Name                     Current Position(s) and
          Organizational Responsibilities                                        Organizational Responsibilities
                --------------------                                      ---------------------------------------------

Senior Executive Vice President                       Hajime Takashima    Senior Executive Vice President
Senior Executive Manager,                                                 Senior Executive Manager, Corporate
Corporate Business Headquarters                                           Business Headquarters
Responsible for:                                                          Responsible for Information System
    Information System
    Technology Department
    Procurement and Supply Center

Senior Executive Vice President                       Tetsuo Koga         Executive Vice President
Senior Executive Manager,                                                 Senior Executive Manager, Consumer
Consumer Business Headquarters                                            Business Headquarters
Responsible for:                                                          Executive Manager, Business Marketing
    Protection of Personal Data                                           Department, Consumer Business Headquarters 
    Institutional Affairs
    General Affairs and Personnel Department
    Accounts and Finance Department

Executive Vice President                              Atsushi Yano        Senior Vice President
Senior Executive Manager,                                                 Executive Manager, Plant Planning
Network Business Headquarters                                             Department, Network Business Headquarters

Senior Vice President                                 Fuminori Kozono     Deputy Senior Executive Manager,
Deputy Senior Executive Manager,                                          Corporate Business Headquarters
Corporate Business Headquarters                                           Executive Manager, e-Japan Strategic
Executive Manager, e-Japan Strategic                                      Sales Promotion Division, Corporate
Sales Promotion Division,                                                 Business Headquarters
Corporate Business Headquarters


               New Position(s) and                          Name                     Current Position(s) and
         Organizational Responsibilities                                         Organizational Responsibilities
              -----------------------                                      --------------------------------------------

Senior Vice President                                Hiroki Watanabe       Executive Manager, Strategy Planning
Executive Manager,                                                         Division, Corporate Business Headquarters
Corporate Strategy Planning Department

Senior Vice President                                Masayuki Yamamura
General Manager, Tokyo Branch
Deputy Senior Executive Manager,
Corporate Business Headquarters

Senior Vice President                                Kiyoshi Kousaka


Toyohiko Takabe will become a Senior Vice President on June 28, 2005, and will
be appointed President of NTT East on the same day. Similarly, Kiyoshi Kousaka
will become a Senior Vice President of NTT Corporation on June 28, 2005, and
will be appointed Senior Vice President of NTT East on the same day. Senior Vice
President Kiyoshi Kousaka has met the requirements for external Senior Vice

Executives scheduled to retire from office will do so following the sixth
regular shareholders' meeting (June 24), except for President Satoshi
Miura, who will resign on June 28, 2005.


                                 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone West Corporation
                                                                    May 12, 2005

      Non-Consolidated Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2005

                         April 1, 2004 - March 31, 2005
          (Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)

Operating Results

Details                                                          Year          Year          Increase         (Billions
---                                                              Ended         Ended        (Decrease)         of Yen)
                                                                March         March         ----------
                                                                 31,           31,                             Percent
                                                                 2005          2004                            Increase
                                                                -------       -------                         (Decrease)

Operating Revenues                                              2,098.0       2,166.8            (68.8 )          (3.2%)
Operating Expenses                                              2,027.8       2,080.1            (52.2 )          (2.5%)
Operating Income                                                   70.1          86.6            (16.5 )         (19.1%)
Non-Operating Income                                                9.9           3.8              6.0            156.7%
Recurring Profit                                                   80.0          90.5            (10.4 )         (11.6%)
Special Profits                                                    10.1          15.0             (4.8 )         (32.2%)
Special Losses                                                      7.1           7.1                -                -
Income before Income Taxes                                         83.0          98.3            (15.3 )         (15.6%)
Income Taxes                                                       41.9          36.8              5.1             13.8%
Net Income                                                         41.0          61.5            (20.4 )         (33.2%)

Proposal for Appropriation of Unappropriated Retained Earnings

Details                                           (Billions of Yen)
---                                                  Year Ended
                                                      March 31,

Unappropriated Retained Earnings for the Year              *68.6    Net Income                                     41.0
Cash Dividends                                              31.2
Bonuses to Directors and Corporate Auditors       55 million yen    Unappropriated Retained Earnings Brought       27.5

Appropriation of Unappropriated Retained Earnings       31.2        *  Unappropriated Retained Earnings for the    68.6
Unappropriated Retained Earnings Carried Forward        37.4

Forecasts for the Year Ending March 31, 2006

Details                                               Operating          Operating          Recurring          (Billions
---                                                    Revenues            Income             Profit            of Yen)
                                                      ---------          ---------          ---------             Net

Forecasts for the Year Ending                          1,966.0              4.0               15.0                9.0
            March 31, 2006

                                  - 1 -

Breakdown of Operating Revenues and Operating Expenses

(1) Operating Revenues
                                                                                                           of Yen)

Service                                                        Year         Year         Increase           Percent
----                                                           Ended        Ended       (Decrease)          Increase
                                                              March        March        ----------        (Decrease)
                                                               31,          31,                           ----------
                                                               2005         2004
                                                              -------      -------

Voice Transmission Services Revenues (excluding the           1,369.1      1,465.8           (96.6 )           (6.6% )
amounts of IP Services Revenues)
Monthly Charge Revenues*                                        872.8        905.5           (32.7 )           (3.6% )
Call Rates Revenues*                                            198.7        245.9           (47.2 )          (19.2% )
Interconnection Call Revenues*                                  209.5        216.1            (6.6 )           (3.1% )
IP Services Revenues                                            180.3        127.2            53.0             41.7%
Leased Circuit Services Revenues (excluding the amounts         174.3        206.0           (31.6 )          (15.4% )
of IP Services Revenues)
Telegram Services Revenues                                       31.1         33.4            (2.2 )           (6.7% )
Other Telecommunications Services Revenues                      165.9        165.2             0.6              0.4%
Related Business Revenues                                       177.0        169.0             8.0              4.7%
                                                              -------      -------      ---------- -      ---------- -
Total                                                         2,098.0      2,166.8           (68.8 )           (3.2% )
                                                              -------      -------      ---------- -      ---------- -

*  Partial listing only

Note: "Voice Transmission Services Revenues" represent the total of telephone 
revenues and ISDN revenues.

(2) Operating Expenses
                                                                                                           of Yen)

Details                                                        Year         Year         Increase           Percent
----                                                           Ended        Ended       (Decrease)          Increase
                                                              March        March        ----------        (Decrease)
                                                               31,          31,                           ----------
                                                               2005         2004
                                                              -------      -------

Personnel                                                       195.1        226.6           (31.5 )          (13.9% )
Purchase of goods and services                                1,277.6      1,270.7             6.9              0.5%
Depreciation and amortization                                   425.8        453.4           (27.6 )           (6.1% )
Retirement of fixed assets                                       56.1         57.0            (0.9 )           (1.6% )
Miscellaneous Taxes                                              73.0         72.1             0.9              1.3%
                                                              -------      -------      ---------- -      ---------- -
Total                                                         2,027.8      2,080.1           (52.2 )           (2.5% )
                                                              -------      -------      ---------- -      ---------- -

                                  - 2 -

Financial Position

Details                                                       March        March         Increase         (Billions
----                                                           31,          31,         (Decrease)         of Yen)
                                                               2005         2004        ----------         Percent
                                                              -------      -------                         Increase

Fixed Assets                                                  3,440.4      3,595.2          (154.7 )           (4.3% )

Current Assets                                                  640.3        630.5             9.8              1.6%

Total Assets                                                  4,080.8      4,225.8          (144.9 )           (3.4% )

Long-Term Liabilities                                         1,775.3      1,865.6           (90.2 )           (4.8% )

Current Liabilities                                             754.6        815.2           (60.5 )           (7.4% )

Total Liabilities                                             2,530.0      2,680.8          (150.8 )           (5.6% )

Interest-Bearing Debts*                                       1,297.2      1,381.4           (84.2 )           (6.1% )

Shareholders' Equity                                          1,550.7      1,544.9             5.8              0.4%

Total of Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity                 4,080.8      4,225.8          (144.9 )           (3.4% )

*  Partial listing only

Cash Flows

Details                                                                                                     (Billions
----                                                                                                          of Yen)
                                                                                                            March 31,

Cash Flows from Operating Activities                                                                            498.2

Cash Flows from Investing Activities                                                                           (369.4 )

Cash Flows from Financing Activities                                                                           (118.6 )

Cash and Cash Equivalents at Beginning of Year                                                                  118.8

Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of Year                                                                        128.9

                                  - 3 -


1.   Number of Subscriber Lines

Details                                                      March        March         Increase           Percent
----                                                          31,          31,         (Decrease)          Increase
                                                              2005         2004        ----------         (Decrease)
                                                             ------       ------                          ----------

Number of Telephone Subscriber Lines (1,000)                 25,396       25,674             (278 )            (1.1% )
Number of ISDN Subscriber Lines (1,000)                       4,042        4,378             (337 )            (7.7% )
Number of Subscriber Lines                                   29,438       30,053             (615 )            (2.0% )

Notes:     1.     "Number of Telephone Subscriber Lines" is the total of individual lines and central
                  station lines (Analog Lite Plan is included).
           2.     Since, in terms of number of channels, transmission rate, and line use rate (base rate), INS-Net 1500
                  is in all cases roughly ten times greater than INS-Net 64, one INS-Net 1500 subscriber is calculated
                  as ten INS-Net 64 subscribers (INS-Net 64 Lite Plan is included).

2.    Number of IP-related Services Subscribers

Details                                                        March       March        Increase           Percent
----                                                            31,         31,        (Decrease)          Increase
                                                               2005        2004        ----------         (Decrease)
                                                               -----       -----                          ----------

Number of B-FLET'S Subscribers (1,000)                        779         414              365              88.2%
Number of FLET'S ADSL Subscribers (1,000)                   2,374       1,806              568              31.5%
Number of FLET'S ISDN Subscribers (1,000)                     356         466             (110 )           (23.5% )

3.    Number of Employees

Details                                                     March        March         Increase           Percent
----                                                         31,          31,         (Decrease)          Increase
                                                             2005         2004        ----------         (Decrease)
                                                            ------       ------                          -----------

Number of Employees                                         12,850       13,750             (900 )             (6.5% )

4.    Capital Investements

Details                                                        Year         Year          Increase         (Billions
----                                                           Ended        Ended        (Decrease)         of Yen)
                                                               March        March        ----------         Percent
                                                                31,          31,                            Increase
                                                               2005         2004                           (Decrease)
                                                               -----        -----                          ----------

Capital Investments                                            397.8        397.6               0.2              0.1%

                                  - 4 -

                                                                    May 12, 2005


                Settlement for Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2005

The results of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone West Corporation (NTT West) for
fiscal 2004 are presented in the following attachments.

1.    Summary of Results for Fiscal Year Ended March 31,2005
2.    Non-consolidated Balance Sheets
3.    Non-consolidated Statements of Income
4.    Non-consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
5.    Proposal for Appropriation of Unappropriated Retained Earnings
6.    Business Results (Non-consolidated Operating Revenues)
7.    New Board of Directors

Mr. Shinji Uchida or Mr. Kazunori Oonishi
Accounting Section, Finance Division
NTT West
Tel: 06-4793-3141
E-mail: kessan-info@west.ntt.co.jp

Attachment 1

            Summary of Results for Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2005

During the fiscal year ended March 31, 2005, the Japanese economy moved
gradually toward a moderate recovery, with significant improvement in corporate
earnings and capital spending.

The telecommunications market has been undergoing drastic structural changes in
anticipation of the changeover from voice to Internet and data
telecommunications, along with the rapid proliferation of IP phone services. In
this environment, the full scale introduction of direct connection phone
services using dry copper bodes an era of intense competition in the fixed-line
phone market, including basic rates. Meanwhile, the business environment
surrounding the growing broadband market has grown harsher than ever, due to
intensifying competition among telecommunications carriers for new customers in
the form of both services and prices, this in spite of the fact that broadband
access services like optical fiber and ADSL are experiencing full-scale
proliferation and expansion.

In the midst of the significant environmental changes in the market and
competitive conditions, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone West Corporation (NTT
West) positioned fiscal 2004 as critical year for making a dramatic leap into
the optical fiber broadband market, and for transforming the base of its revenue
structure from telephones to IP. Toward this end, NTT West moved forward with
efforts to take full advantage of the characteristics of optical fiber to enrich
its application and content services, promote high value-added solution
businesses like security services, expand the operations of the entire NTT West
Group, and reexamine the current price structure of fixed-line phone services.
Specifically, NTT West implemented the following measures:

1.    Development of the Broadband Business

i.    Expanded Broadband Access Services

In the area of optical fiber services, NTT West added to the existing B-FLET'S 
plans with the launch of the "FLET'S HIKARI PREMIUM
Family Type" plan, a new access service for detached houses that
provides connectivity via ISPs, high-quality video-telephony via IPv6
technology, and security, to satisfy diverse user needs. NTT West also
introduced the "Video Communication Network Service", which
enables bundled transmission of up to 400 channels, to satisfy the needs of
broadcasters that use telecommunications services to distribute multi-channel
video via optical fiber lines.

In ADSL, NTT West expanded its existing plans with the addition of "FLET'S ADSL 
More Special," which boasts a downstream speed of up to
44  47 Mbps and an upstream speed of up to 5 Mbps, in response to customer
demand for faster telecommunications.

NTT West ran a limited-time, no-monthly-fee campaign for new subscribers to
B-FLET'S and FLET'S ADSL services. NTT West also introduced
attractive special discount programs: "FLET'S ATTO (amazing)
DISCOUNT," which provides a discount on monthly charges conditioned on 2
continuous years of use, and "FLET'S ZUTTO (continuous)
DISCOUNT," which offers an automatic discount on monthly charges based
on the number of years of use, in order to attract new customers and encourage
continued use of the service.

Further, to expand the availability of FLET'S services and to respond to
the need for "after-hours system failure recovery" primarily on
the part of corporate and SOHO users, NTT West extended the "Support
Menu," which provides 24/7 service 365 days a year, to cover the
"Family 100" plan, in addition to the "FLET'S
ADSL Type 2," "B-FLET'S Business Type,"
"B-FLET'S Basic Type," and "B-FLET'S
Mansion Type" plans.

ii)   Expanded Broadband Application Services

In response to the need for lower call rates and the growing demand for
high-quality IP telephone services comparable to fixed-line telephony, NTT West
promoted the rapid deployment of its IP phone service by offering the 
"HIKARIDENWA (optical fiber phone)" to B-FLET'S Mansion Type
users living in multi-family housing, and in February 2005 began accepting
advance applications for the service from FLET'S HIKARI PREMIUM Family
Type users living in detached houses. NTT West modified its service terms for
the "HIKARI DENWA Business Type" plan (formerly, IP Phone
Service for Corporate Customers) to include additional options for lower-cost
access lines (B-FLET'S Basic Type), in order to make the service
accessible to a wider spectrum of business customers.

NTT West improved the transmission speed of its public wireless LAN service,
"FLET'S SPOT," to 54 Mbps, and boosted the number of
access points in the western Japan region to over 3,000 by the end of March,
making the service more conveniently accessible to more customers. All of these
accomplishments underscore its status as Japan's largest public wireless
LAN service provider.

NTT West also launched a new application service for B-FLET'S and FLET'S ADSL 
customers, "FLET'S v6 APPLI," an add-on
service based on IPv6 technology that provides high-quality video-telephony and
security functions.

Furthermore, in broadband content distribution, NTT West launched "FLET'S v6 
CAST," an IPv6-enabled content distribution service for
high-quality video and music that connects the servers of content providers. It
is available to FLET'S HIKARI PREMIUM and FLET'S v6 APPLI

Furthermore, NTT West, ITOCHU Corporation and SKY Perfect Communications Inc.
joined forces in February 2004 to conduct a two-month test distribution of
quality-controlled content via IPv6 technology. The results of this test led to
On Demand TV, Inc., a joint venture between ITOCHCHU, SKY Perfect, NTT West and
NTT East, and the March 2005 launch of "On Demand TV" video
distribution for NTT East and West FLET'S subscribers.

In addition, since last year FLET'S SQUARE has been collaborating with
leading content owners to provide attractive content that is unique to FLET'S 
services. This includes video programs from Takarazuka Revue Company
related to its shows, "In Quest of the Blue Bird" and "Takarazuka Dream 
Kingdom," a variety of entertainment from The Walt Disney Company Japan, Ltd., 
and new "Pokemon content" from The Pokemon Company.

2.    Development of the Solution Business

NTT West has been offering the "prosol Series" of system
solutions to satisfy the needs of a wide range of customers, from public to
private sector corporations. During the period under review, NTT West expanded
its "N.prosol" lineup, which provides total solutions for
optimized networks, with the launch of "SSL-VPN Solution," a
service that responds to the growing demand for security through the easy
creation of a safe, reliable remote access environment for smaller businesses
and municipalities, and the "Video Conference Package," a
service that enables rapid, high-quality video communication connections at low
cost via broadband circuits like B-FLET'S.

NTT West also added to its lineup for "C.prosol," a total
solution for optimized commerce (commercial transaction cycles) that enables
enterprises, regardless of type of business, to quickly apply information
technology to their business at low cost. NTT West introduced the "Shared EDI 
Solution for Liquor Businesses," which is specifically
designed to facilitate greater operating efficiency and speed for liquor
businesses, and the "EDI Solution for Department Stores," which
assists vendors like wholesalers and manufacturers in achieving strategic

Furthermore, as a new item in the lineup for "D.prosol," a total
solution addressing customers demand for protection against security threats,
NTT West worked together with NTT MARKETING ACT and NTT NEOMEIT to launch the
"Information Security Audit Service," which allows an objective
assessment of a customer's information assets management. NTT West has
also partnered with Tokio Marine and Fire Insurance Company, Limited to
introduce "Security Check Safety," a security diagnostic service
which includes an indemnification plan, providing a total security solution that
covers any demand for compensation for damages arising from a security breach.

Additionally, NTT West introduced two new services: "U.prosol,"
a total solution that assists the management of universities in creating the
best environment for education and research as well as surviving an era of tough
competition with the support of information technology; and "A.prosol,
" a total solution that aids in the revitalization of rural regions
through improved productivity, one of the real challenges faced by today's 
agricultural industry.

Meanwhile, NTT West integrated IP and mobile telephony to build an IP phone
system connecting 49 OSAKA GAS CO., LTD. operating bases. This IP phone system
handles external calls through the "HIKARI DENWA Business Type"
service (formerly, IP Phone Service for Corporate Customers) provided to
corporate customers by NTT West, while internal calls (between operating bases)
are handled by NTT West's high-quality, optical fiber, wide-area
Ethernet service. On the company premises, a mobile terminal serves to make/
receive both internal (between operating bases) and external calls via the IP
phone system, while the same terminal device serves off premises as a mobile
phone. All in all, the system contributes to total communications cost savings
while achieving high-quality voice communications comparable to fixed-line
telephony. At the same time, it leads to improved productivity by transforming
working styles.

3.    Expanded NTT West Group Operations

NTT NEOMEIT CORPORATION has been actively working to expand its operations
through closer ties and diverse alliances with NTT West Group companies,
focusing on system integration and maintenance integration (SI/MI). During the
period under review, NTT NEOMEIT launched the "AQStage PF IP Call Center
Service," a service with enhanced security that employs grid technology;
"InfoDock," a comprehensive information security diagnostic
tool; and "AQStage Call S," an IP phone service for small- and
medium-sized businesses. NTT NEOMEIT also enriched its service lineup with the
introduction of "AQStage Shared Public Wireless LAN Access Point
Service," which houses multiple wireless LAN carriers in a single public
wireless LAN access point to promote widespread use of the LAN access service
while solving radio interference problems.

Furthermore, in order to prevent possible personal information leaks resulting
from the disposal and replacement of personal computers, NTT NEOMEIT has tied up
with TOKYO LEASING CO., LTD. to establish a reutilization/recycling business for
personal computers. The first step was marked by the opening of a "PC
Security Recycle Center," which handles all processes from complete hard
disk data erasure to the recycling of used personal computers and intermediate
treatment of industrial waste, in a high-security environment.

EYE," a new monitoring service for the security of the elderly. Sensor
systems are installed in the homes of elderly people who live alone so that
either other family members or local government staff can review the daily
living situation remotely via personal computer, and an e-mail message can be
transmitted to a pre-registered contact should any problem be detected.

NTT MARKETING ACT likewise joined with NTT Syscom Corporation and Dai Nippon
Printing Co., Ltd. to develop "ACTOS KIT OKKAKE (surveillance) CAMERA
MENU," an image distribution system combining broadband circuits and
wireless IC tag technology. NTT MARKETING ACT has begun to market this system
through its group companies as a solution package mainly for kindergartens and
nursery schools.

In addition to the above, since last year NTT MARKETING ACT has been offering
"ACTOS e-MACHISHIROU"(Find your town information on the web), a
portal site that provides local community information, as a solution that allows
local stores and businesses to attract more customers and increase sales; and
"ACTOS MOBILE C," a service that enables timely distribution of
e-mail and coupons to members of a user company via mobile phones using
2-dimensional codes.

4.   Measures for Fixed-Line Telephone Services

i.   Reduction in Telephone Charges and Review of Telephone Installation Charges

To properly respond to changes in the business environment and customer needs,
and in an effort to achieve the smooth migration of fixed-line phone subscribers
to optical fiber IP networks, NTT West reduced basic charges (line service
charges) and eliminated the fees NTT West charges for the touch-tone option. To
the same end, NTT West introduced two new types of discount plans: "
Ichirittu Plan 1,"which permits intra-prefecture calls at a flat rate of
Y8.5 per 3 minutes, and "Ichirittu Plan 2," which allows
intra-prefecture calls at a flat rate of Y7.5 per 3 minutes for a fixed monthly
payment of Y100 per telephone line.

NTT West also reexamined the telephone installation charges for subscriber
telephone lines and INS-Net 64 lines, as well as the surcharge for the Light
Plan (subscriber telephone and INS-Net 64 Light).

ii.   Launch of Service for Calls from Fixed-line to Mobile Telephones

In the past, calls from fixed-line to mobile phones were priced exclusively by
the mobile-phone operators. However, NTT West has been able to start its own
low-rate telephone service for calls from fixed-line to mobile telephones (THANK
YOU DIAL 0039 Service), now that dialing a mobile-phone operator's
identification number enables NTT West to determine the charges itself.

In addition to the above, NTT West waived the basic fees for customers who could
not use their telephones due to building damage from typhoons and those who had
no access to their telephones because they had been ordered to evacuate, and
also waved reinstallation charges for customers who moved from damaged buildings
to temporary housing. NTT West also provided a Dial Q2 collection service free
of charge for donations for the victims of the Niigata Chuetsu Earthquake and
the Sumatra Earthquake.

Meanwhile, in light of the severe social criticism stemming from a series of
corporate scandals, the NTT West Group has been actively working to reinforce
its corporate ethics. During the period under review, the Group further applied
itself to cultivating high ethical standards both officially and privately, and
creating a solid corporate culture against fraud and misconduct. Among other
things, the Group also held corporate ethics workshops similar to those held
last year for all levels of management and employees, produced new videos that
carry the president's message to employees, and conducted a survey of
corporate ethics awareness among all employees, in order to install a
consciousness of ethics throughout the organization.

Moreover, in light of the lessons learned from the recent spate of information
leaks, the NTT West Group has been promoting proper management of customer
information through training workshops for all employees, in order to boost
morale and tighten control over the handling of customer information. In
addition, NTT West has completely overhauled its systems operations and is
exercising closer supervision over the customer information held by contractors,
in order to implement all possible means to protect the information NTT West has
on its customers.

In the area of environmental protection, NTT West has been addressing the
conservation of paper resources, measures against global warming, and reduction
of industrial waste, which are its top priorities for reducing the environmental
impact of its business activities. Specifically, NTT West has taken effective
measures to reduce the consumption of pure pulp for telephone directories, cut
back the consumption of power for communications, and reduced industrial waste,
through annual numerical targets established under a medium- to long-term action

The NTT West Group has also been working on certification to ISO14001, the
international standard for environmental management systems, in order to
constantly improve its efforts to protect the environment and reduce
environmental risks. NTT West's strategy has been to have each branch or
office location apply for certification under its own budget; during the period
under review, the Okayama and Kumamoto branches joined 13 other branches that
had already succeeded in obtaining this certification. The Group will continue
to work hard to achieve certification for every branch as well as all group
companies by the end of fiscal 2005.

As part of NTT West Group's program of actively disclosing information
regarding the status of the Group's environmental protection measures,
in October 2004 NTT West compiled and published the NTT West Group Environmental
Report, a follow-up to the edition of the previous year. The report presents the
overall progress of NTT West Group's environmental protection measures
as well as the environmental protection activities of the NTT MARKETING ACT
Group and NTT NEOMEIT Group, demonstrating its commitment to the protection of
the environment as a matter of corporate responsibility.

As a result of the above, operating revenue for the fiscal year amounted to
2,098 billion yen (down 3.2% from the previous year), and recurring profit
amounted to 80 billion yen (down 11.6% from the previous year). Net income
totaled 41 billion yen (down 33.2% from the previous year), marking the second
consecutive year of positive net income.

Attachment 2

          (Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)
                                                                                     March 31,       March 31, 2005
                                                                                        2004      ---------------------
                                                                                     Millions     Millions        *
                                                                                      of Yen       of Yen       of US$
                                                                                     ---------    ---------    --------
Fixed assets                                                                         3,595,293    3,440,499      32,154
Current assets                                                                         630,525      640,329       5,984

Total assets                                                                         4,225,819    4,080,829      38,138
                                                                                     ---------    ---------    --------


Long-term liabilities:
Long-term debt                                                                       1,065,285    1,055,194       9,861
Liability for employees' severance payments                                            790,436      710,090       6,636
Other                                                                                    9,945       10,112          94
Total long-term liabilities                                                          1,865,667    1,775,397      16,592
                                                                                     ---------    ---------    --------

Current liabilities:
Current portion of long-term debt                                                      276,201      200,090       1,870
Accounts payable, trade                                                                137,748      167,218       1,562
Accounts payable, other                                                                288,992      269,332       2,517
Accrued taxes on income                                                                    186        2,481          23
Other                                                                                  112,095      115,567       1,080
Total current liabilities                                                              815,225      754,690       7,053
                                                                                     ---------    ---------    --------

Total liabilities                                                                    2,680,893    2,530,087      23,645
                                                                                     ---------    ---------    --------

Shareholders' equity
Common stock                                                                           312,000      312,000       2,915
Additional paid-in capital                                                           1,170,054    1,170,054      10,935
Unappropriated retained earnings for the year                                           62,109       68,670         641

Net unrealized gains (losses) on securities                                                762           17           0

Total shareholders' equity                                                           1,544,926    1,550,741      14,492
                                                                                     ---------    ---------    --------

Total liabilities and shareholders' equity                                           4,225,819    4,080,829      38,138
                                                                                     ---------    ---------    --------

Note:  Yen amounts have been translated, for convenience only, at Y107=US$1.00, 
the approximate exchange rate on March
*      31, 2005. Fractions are rounded down.

Attachment 3

          (Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)
                                                                                          Year Ended March 31
                                                                                    2004                 2005
                                                                                  ---------     ----------------------
                                                                                  Millions      Millions         *
                                                                                     of            of         Millions
                                                                                     Yen           Yen
                                                                                  ---------     ---------      of US$

Operating revenues                                                                2,166,852     2,098,048       19,607

Operating expenses                                                                2,080,163     2,027,899       18,952

Operating income                                                                     86,688        70,148          655

Non-operating revenues                                                               54,910        56,074          524

Non-operating expenses                                                               51,038        46,135          431

Recurring profit                                                                     90,560        80,087          748

Special profits                                                                      15,001        10,170           95

Special losses                                                                        7,181         7,181           67

Income before income taxes                                                           98,381        83,077          776

Corporation, inhabitant, and enterprise taxes                                       (52,421 )     (57,120 )       (533 )

Deferred tax expenses (benefits)                                                     89,300        99,100          926

Net income                                                                           61,502        41,097          384

                                                                                  --------- -   --------- -   -------- -
                                                                                   of Yen        of Yen        of US$
                                                                                  ---------     ---------     --------

Per share data (in exact)
Net income                                                                            9,849         6,577           61

Cash dividend                                                                         5,528         5,000           46

Note:  Yen amounts have been translated, for convenience only, at Y107=US$1.00, 
the approximate exchange rate on March
*      31,2005. Fractions are rounded down.


Attachment 4

          (Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)
                                                                                         Year Ended March 31
                                                                                    2004               2005
                                                                                  --------     ---------------------
                                                                                  Millions     Millions        *
                                                                                   of Yen       of Yen      Millions
                                                                                  --------     --------
                                                                                                             of US$
Cash flows from operating activities:
Income before income taxes                                                          98,381       83,077          776
Depreciation and amortization                                                      460,027      435,060        4,065
Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment                                   35,576       33,319          311
Increase (decrease) in liability for employees' severance payments                 (74,174 )    (80,346 )       (750 )
(Increase) decrease in accounts receivable                                         (17,431 )      1,956           18
Increase (decrease) in accounts payable and accrued expenses                        (9,252 )     (6,390 )        (59 )
Increase (decrease) in accrued consumption tax                                       2,652       (2,652 )        (24 )
Other                                                                               16,907        1,162           10
                                                                                  -------- -   -------- -   -------- -

Sub-total                                                                          512,687      465,187        4,347
                                                                                  -------- -   -------- -   -------- -

Interest and dividends received                                                        716          283            2
Interest paid                                                                      (22,421 )    (19,698 )       (184 )
Income taxes received (paid)                                                        69,813       52,439          490
                                                                                  -------- -   -------- -   -------- -

Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities                                560,795      498,212        4,656
                                                                                  -------- -   -------- -   -------- -

Cash flows from investing activities:
Payments for property, plant and equipment                                        (409,205 )   (381,332 )     (3,563 )
Acquisition of investments                                                            (806 )     (3,678 )        (34 )
Other                                                                               23,640       15,609          145
                                                                                  -------- -   -------- -   -------- -

Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities                               (386,371 )   (369,401 )     (3,452 )
                                                                                  -------- -   -------- -   -------- -

Cash flows from financing activities:
Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt                                           200,000      190,000        1,775
Payments for settlement of long-term debt                                         (417,656 )   (276,201 )     (2,581 )
Increase (decrease) in short-term borrowings                                        40,000        2,000           18
Dividends paid                                                                     (18,769 )    (34,494 )       (322 )
                                                                                  -------- -   -------- -   -------- -

Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities                               (196,426 )   (118,696 )     (1,109 )
                                                                                  -------- -   -------- -   -------- -

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                               (22,001 )     10,114           94
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                                     140,808      118,806        1,110
                                                                                  -------- -   -------- -   -------- -

Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                                           118,806      128,920        1,204
                                                                                  -------- -   -------- -   -------- -

Note:* Yen amounts have been translated, for convenience only, at Y107=US$1.00, 
the approximate exchange rate on March 31, 2005. Fractions are rounded down.

Attachment 5

                                                                                      Year Ended        (Millions of
                                                                                      March 31,             Yen)
                                                                                         2004            Year Ended
                                                                                     -------------        March 31,

Unappropriated Retained Earnings for the Year                                               62,109             68,670
Proposal of Appropriation:
Cash Dividends                                                                              34,494             31,200
                                                                                      (Y5,528 per  )     (Y5,000 per  )
                                                                                             share              share
Bonuses to directors and corporate auditors                                                     42                 55
(Portion to corporate auditors)                                                                (11 )              (13 )
Unappropriated Retained Earnings Carried Forward                                            27,572             37,415

Note: Fractions are rounded down.

Attachment 6

          (Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)

Services                                                                        Year           Year         (Millions
-----                                                                           Ended          Ended         of Yen)
                                                                              March 31,      March 31,       Increase
                                                                                 2004           2005        (Decrease)
                                                                              ---------      ---------      ----------

Voice Transmission Services Revenues (excluding the amounts of IP             1,465,833      1,369,195         (96,637 )
Services Revenues)
Monthly Charge Revenues*                                                        905,590        872,886         (32,704 )
Call Rates Revenues*                                                            245,963        198,733         (47,229 )
Interconnection Call Revenues*                                                  216,169        209,544          (6,625 )
IP Services Revenues                                                            127,284        180,326          53,041
Leased Circuit Services Revenues (excluding the amounts of IP Services          206,031        174,392         (31,638 )
Telegram Services Revenues                                                       33,421         31,180          (2,241 )

Other Telecommunications Services Revenues                                      165,281        165,929             648
                                                                              ---------      ---------      ---------- -

Telecommunications total revenues                                             1,997,852      1,921,025         (76,826 )
                                                                              ---------      ---------      ---------- -

Related business total revenues                                                 169,000        177,022           8,022
                                                                              ---------      ---------      ---------- -

Total operating revenues                                                      2,166,852      2,098,048         (68,804 )
                                                                              ---------      ---------      ---------- -

*  Partial listing only

Note: Fractions are rounded down.

Attachment 7

                             NEW BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                       (Subject to Shareholder's Approval)


Shunzo Morishita

Senior Executive Vice Presidents

Tsutomu Ebe
Jun-ichi Yuuki

Executive Vice Presidents

Hiroaki Takano

Senior Vice Presidents

Fumio Takaesu                  Yukihiro Ozaki                 Shinji Jikuya
Yasuyoshi Katayama             Takayuki Watanabe              Takushi Itoh
Akio Nishio                    Kazutoshi Murao                Michitomo Ueno
Hiroo Unoura

Corporate Auditors

Sadayoshi Ishikawa             Toshihisa Fukumoto             Kazuaki Katori

Note:  The first three members of this list are nominated for positions with 
representative authority.

                                                                    May 12, 2005
                                                  NTT Communications Corporation

          (Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)
                                                                                                                of Yen

                                                                    Year          Year          Increase      % Increase
                                                                    Ended         Ended        (Decrease)     (Decrease)
                                                                    March       March 31,      ----------     ----------
                                                                     31,          2004
                                                                    2005        ---------

Operating Revenues                                                 1,090.0        1,106.6          (16.5)         (1.5)%
Operating Expenses                                                 1,020.1          990.3            29.8           3.0%
Operating Income                                                      69.8          116.2          (46.3)        (39.9)%
Non-Operating Income                                                  (1.9 )         (3.1 )           1.2          39.8%
Recurring Profit                                                      67.9          113.0          (45.0)        (39.9)%
Special Profits                                                        4.0              -             4.0             -

Special Losses                                                        25.0           50.4          (25.4)        (50.4)%
Income before Income Taxes                                            47.0           62.5          (15.5)        (24.8)%
Income Taxes                                                          22.4           38.3          (15.9)        (41.6)%
Net Income                                                            24.6           24.1             0.4           1.8%

1.   Fractions are rounded down.
2.   Special Profits for the year ended March 31, 2005 : ACCA Networks Co., Ltd. 4 billion yen
3.   Special Losses for the year ended March 31, 2005 : NTT USA Inc. 24.2 billion yen ; NTT Australia Pty. Ltd. 0.7
     billion yen

          (Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)

                                                  Billions of Yen
                                                    Year Ended
                                                    31, 2005

Unappropriated Retained Earnings for the Year   * 41.2                Net Income                                   24.6
Cash Dividends                                  8.7                   Unappropriated Retained Earnings Carried     16.6

Bonuses to Directors and Corporate Auditors        61 (million yen)   * Unappropriated Retained Earnings for the   41.2
Total of Appropriation of Unappropriated        8.7
Retained Earnings
Unappropriated Retained Earnings Carried        32.4

Note:    Fractions are rounded down.

                  FORECASTS FOR THE YEAR ENDING MARCH 31, 2006
          (Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)
                                                                                        of Yen

Operating Revenues                                                                      1,081.0
Operating Expenses                                                                      1,023.0
Operating Income                                                                           58.0
Recurring Profit                                                                           60.0
Net Income                                                                                 34.0

Note:    Fractions are rounded down.

          (Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)
                                                                                                             of Yen

                                                             Year          Year          Increase          % Increase
                                                             Ended         Ended        (Decrease)         (Decrease)
                                                            March         March         ----------         ----------
                                                             31,           31,
                                                             2005          2004
                                                            -------       -------


Voice Transmission Services Revenues                          440.6         467.3           (26.7)               (5.7 %)
(Excluding the amounts of IP Services Revenues)
IP Services Revenues                                          278.3         223.7             54.5               24.4 %
Major Items:
Open Computer Network Services Revenues                       133.4         123.9              9.5                7.7 %
IP-Virtual Private Network Services Revenues                   63.1          56.4              6.7               12.0 %
Wide-Area Ethernet Services Revenues                           35.0          20.2             14.8               73.0 %
Data Communications Revenues                                  212.7         267.0           (54.2)              (20.3 %)
(Excluding the amounts of IP Services Revenues)
Major Items:
Leased Circuit Services Revenues                              135.6         168.4           (32.8)              (19.5 %)
Frame-Relay Services Revenues                                  31.6          46.8           (15.1)              (32.4 %)
Solutions Services Revenues                                   125.8         117.2              8.6                7.4 %
Others                                                         32.5          31.1              1.3                4.2 %
Total                                                       1,090.0       1,106.6           (16.5)               (1.5 %)


Personnel                                                      86.5          86.7            (0.1)               (0.2 %)
Purchase of goods and services                                514.3         493.6             20.7                4.2 %
Depreciation and amortization                                 120.2         117.6              2.6                2.3 %
Retirement of fixed assets                                     17.7          19.5            (1.8)               (9.4 %)
Communication Network Charges                                 269.2         261.5              7.7                2.9 %
Miscellaneous Taxes                                            12.0          11.3              0.6                5.9 %
Total                                                       1,020.1         990.3             29.8                3.0 %

Non-Operating Expenses                                         28.0          29.7             (1.6 )             (5.5 %)
Major Item:
Financial Expenses                                             14.4          15.1             (0.6 )             (4.5 %)

Note: Fractions are rounded down.

                         NON-CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET
          (Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)

                                                                                                             of Yen

                                                                     March      March       Increase       % Increase
                                                                      31,        31,
                                                                      2005       2004      (Decrease)      (Decrease)
                                                                     -------    -------    ----------      ----------

Fixed Assets                                                         1,234.4    1,244.6         (10.2 )        (0.8%)
Current Assets                                                         306.7      284.5          22.2            7.8%
Total Assets                                                         1,541.2    1,529.2          11.9            0.8%


Long-Term Liabilities                                                  756.1      830.4         (74.3 )        (8.9%)
Current Liabilities                                                    379.9      323.9          56.0           17.3%
Total Liabilities                                                    1,136.1    1,154.3         (18.2 )        (1.6%)
Major Item:
Interest-Bearing Debts                                                 779.9      853.4         (73.4 )        (8.6%)

SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                                   405.1      374.8          30.2            8.1%

TOTAL OF LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                        1,541.2    1,529.2          11.9            0.8%

Note: Fractions are rounded down.

                                   CASH FLOWS
          (Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)
                                                                                                              of Yen

                                                                          Year             Year              Increase
                                                                          Ended            Ended            (Decrease)
                                                                          March            March
                                                                           31,              31,
                                                                           2005             2004
                                                                          ------           ------

Cash Flows from Operating Activities                                       233.5            242.2                 (8.7 )
Cash Flows from Investing Activities                                      (154.7 )         (138.7 )              (16.0 )
Cash Flows from Financing Activities                                       (83.0 )          (96.8 )               13.7
Cash and Cash Equivalents at end of year                                    61.0             65.4                 (4.3 )


1.    Number of Employees
                                                                     March       March        Increase        % Increase
                                                                      31,         31,
                                                                     2005        2004        (Decrease)       (Decrease)
                                                                     -----       -----       ----------       ----------

                                                                     7,700       7,700       -        -
2.      Capital Investments
                                                                                                                of Yen

                                                                     Year        Year         Increase        % Increase
                                                                     Ended       Ended       (Decrease)       (Decrease)
                                                                     March       March       ----------       ----------
                                                                      31,         31,
                                                                     2005        2004 
                                                                     -----       -----

                                                                     143.6       124.8             18.7            15.0%

                       NTT Communications Major Services

"Myline" carrier-selection services
                                                                  As of March 31, 2004         As of March 31, 2005
                                                                  ---------------------        ---------------------

Myline registrations for inter-prefectural long-distance                     23,874,000                   25,153,000
calls                                                               (subscriber market  %)       (subscriber market  %)
                                                                            share: 57.5                  share: 60.7
Myline registrations for international calls                                 19,987,000                   21,388,000
                                                                    (subscriber market  %)       (subscriber market  %)
                                                                            share: 53.9                  share: 57.3

                                                                                           April 1,            April 1,
                                                                                            2003 to             2004 to
                                                                                            March               March
                                                                                           31, 2004            31, 2005
                                                                                           --------            --------

Traffic*           Numbers of calls                                                            8.34               **
                   Duration of calls                                                           360                **

*     Calls for NTT Com's specific numbers and inter-prefectural calls. Does not include free dial and
      interconnected calls.
**    Not yet available.

"OCN" Internet access services
                                                                                      As of March 31,   As of March 31,
                                                                                            2004              2005
                                                                                      --------------    --------------

OCN service subscribers                                                                     4,118,000         4,640,000

Main network services for business customers
                                                                                      As of March 31,   As of March 31,
                                                                                           2004              2005
                                                                                      --------------    --------------

Business customers of main network services                                                   337,000           354,000
Leased circuits                                                                                50,000            41,000
Frame relay / Cell relay                                                                       56,000            39,000
IP-VPN                                                                                         86,000            93,000
OCN Internet access                                                                           129,000           150,000
Ethernet services (e-VLAN)                                                                     17,000            22,000

Data centers
                                                                                      As of March 31,   As of March 31,
                                                                                           2004              2005
                                                                                      --------------    --------------

Colocation service users                                                                          396               460
Data centers*                                                                             67 in Japan       67 in Japan
                                                                                          26 overseas       27 overseas
Total size of domestic data centers                                                   Approx. 56,000    Approx. 56,000
                                                                                                   m2                m2

Note: Domestic centers are those that have applied for Information Security
Management System approval.

                                                                    May 12, 2005

NTT Com Announces Financial Results For Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2005

TOKYO, JAPAN - NTT Communications Corporation (NTT Com) today announced
its non-consolidated financial results for the fiscal year that ended March 31,

Revenue from phone, leased-circuit and other existing services continued to
decline, but success with new services helped to generate operating revenues of
1,090.0 billion yen, down only 1.5% year on year. Despite continued efforts to
drastically reduce costs, recurring profit declined 39.9% to 67.9 billion yen
due to significant market changes. A special loss of 25 billion yen was booked
for the revaluation of shares held in NTT USA, Inc. and other affiliates, but
net income rose 1.8% to 24.6 billion yen as a result of 4 billion yen profit
from the sale of shares in ACCA Networks Company.


The global market for information and communication technologies (ICT) continued
to experience intensifying competition and ongoing consolidation among market
players. Technological innovation led to new competition, such as rival carriers
adding their own vertical services to customer premises via "dry copper
" lines and introducing expanded IP phone services via optical fiber
lines. Demand rose for integrated voice and IP services and increased
information security prior to the full-scale introduction of Japan's new
Personal Information Protection Law in April 2005. Economic globalization,
including expanded multinational business in China, India and other parts of
Asia, generated diversified demand for seamless global networks and other
ICT-based products and services.

In line with other ICT companies, NTT Com took aggressive steps to raise its
competitiveness and take advantage of potential new revenue sources and growth
in the rapidly changing business environment. Guided by its vision of becoming a
"Global IP Solution Company," NTT Com continued to develop and
strengthen comprehensive services for network reliability, security, IT asset
management and global access within four core business domains -
solutions, network management, security and global services.


During the fiscal year, NTT Com developed new one-stop solutions and business
models for diversified customer needs. To support such efforts, the company
focused resources on growth areas, reorganized sales, delivery, customer
services and product development, strengthened operations and reduced costs. It
also broadened the scope of proactive business models aimed at helping customers
achieve both 20% lower costs and 20% greater performance, and aggressively
diversified its high-demand security services.


Operating revenue from voice and data transmission services (excluding IP
services) declined due to intensifying competition and the market shift to
low-cost IP services. Nevertheless, operating revenue from IP and solutions
services showed solid increases as a result of continuing success of NTT Com's 
transformation into a global IP solution company. Specifically, NTT
Com actively worked to develop the following in its four core business domains.

In global services, NTT Com became the first Asian carrier to be named "
Best Global Carrier" at the World Communication Awards 2004 in
recognition of its global IP-VPN services for multinational companies and the
global reach of its services. In addition, NTT Com opened up an office in India
to become the first Japanese telecommunications company to provide global IP-VPN
services in this promising market. NTT Communications China was established to
provide multinational companies with value-added solutions services. Verio 
Inc.'s financial condition continued to recover thanks to its strengthened
partnership with NTT America, Inc.

In solutions services, the company offered outsourcing services for networking,
hosting, applications, servers and security and other solutions to help business
customers improve operational efficiency and reduce total cost of ownership. A
new service called ".Phone Business V" became Japan's
first service for live video communications between PCs and NTT DoCoMo's
third-generation FOMA-brand mobile phones. For individuals, the company created
broadband services for personal solutions, such as the CoDen Hikari service,
which bundles voice, Internet and video services, the OCN Music Store
music-downloading service and the OCN Theater video-on-demand service for
subscribers who use optical fiber.

In network management services, the company launched the AGILIT hosting service,
which combines automated operations, IT infrastructure management and security.
It also packaged VPN services with maintenance and monitoring services for
routers and desktop computers.

In security services, as demand grew in anticipation of the full-scale
introduction of the Personal Information Protection Law in April 2005, NTT Com
responded with new security inspection services, such as customer-security
monitoring and evaluation services, and sales of smart cards for security
applications at financial institutions. NTT Com also upgraded internal security
at its own workplaces.

1.    Voice Transmission Services

Operating revenue from voice transmission services (excluding IP services) fell
5.7% to 440.6 billion yen. Revenue declined because of shrinking demand for
fixed-line phone services, and new competition from IP phone services as well as
rival carriers adding their own vertical services to customer premises via
"dry copper" lines. New revenue was generated through the
introduction of services such as PL@TINUM LINE, which offers unprecedented low
rates on calls placed locally, out of city (same prefecture), internationally or
to mobile phones. Revenue was also augmented in international markets with
stronger sales of prepaid cards and through increased market share.

2.    IP Services

Operating revenue from IP services, underpinned by expanding demand, rose 24.4%
to 278.3 billion yen. As of the end of March 2005, 4.64 million users were
subscribing to NTT Com's "OCN" ISP, which was enhanced
with higher-speed ADSL service and expanded access to optical fiber services
during the year.

3.    Data Communications Services

Operating revenue from data communications services (excluding IP services)
dropped 20.3% to 212.7 billion yen. Revenues declined due to competition from
cheaper IP-VPN and VPN services that leverage Internet cost advantages. For
those customers who place maximum priority on the quality, reliability and
security of leased circuits, however, NTT Com launched a simple, highly reliable
leased-circuit service called Giga Stream.

4.    Solutions Services

Operating revenue from solutions services rose 7.4% to 125.8 billion yen. NTT
Com worked to increase revenue from comprehensive solutions for customer
facilities and systems, such as data-centers, security and managed (monitoring
and operation) services.

5.    Other Services

Revenue from other value-added services, mainly for the leasing of facilities
and resale of products, increased 4.2% to 32.5 billion yen.

The breakdown of revenues was changed from this reporting period in accordance
with revisions to Japan's telecommunications business accounting

                                     # # #

About NTT Com

NTT Communications is a subsidiary of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone (NTT)
Corporation (NYSE: NTT) - one of the world's largest telecommunications
companies. NTT Com provides high-quality, technologically advanced network
management, security and solution services to consumers, corporations and
governments on a global basis, with a special focus on the Asia-Pacific region.
Its world-class backbone network, combined with the networks of partner
companies around the world, offers access to more than 200 countries. NTT Com
Group has over 30 companies in the Asia-Pacific region, Europe and the Americas.
The company has garnered several awards for its leading edge technologies,
outstanding performance and customer service, including "Best Global
Carrier - 2004." For more information, please visit http//:www.ntt.com

More information about this release:


(Mr.) Tei A. Gordon or (Ms.) Akiko Suzaki
Media Relations
Tel. +81 3 6700 4010 / info@ntt.com

All others:

(Mr.) Noboru Takeuchi or (Mr.) Makoto Inoue
Accounts and Finance Department
Tel. +81 3 6700 4311 / infoaf@ntt.com

Attachment 1

          (Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)
                                                                                     March 31,       March 31, 2005
                                                                                        2004      ---------------------
                                                                                     Millions     Millions    *Millions
                                                                                      of Yen       of Yen       of US$
                                                                                     ---------    ---------    --------

Fixed assets                                                                         1,244,658    1,234,435      11,536
Current assets                                                                         284,554      306,776       2,867

Total assets                                                                         1,529,213    1,541,212      14,403
                                                                                     ---------    ---------    --------


Long-term liabilities:
Long-term debt                                                                         751,736      678,813       6,344
Liability for employees' severance payments                                             74,416       73,380         685
Other                                                                                    4,333        3,965          37
Total long-term liabilities                                                            830,486      756,159       7,066
                                                                                     ---------    ---------    --------

Current liabilities:
Current portion of long-term debt                                                       98,297       82,530         771
Accounts payable, trade                                                                 47,252       60,265         563
Short-term borrowings                                                                    3,382          644           6
Accounts payable, other                                                                146,704      178,524       1,668
Accrued taxes on income                                                                      -       12,007         112

Other                                                                                   28,276       45,975         429
Total current liabilities                                                              323,913      379,947       3,550
                                                                                     ---------    ---------    --------

Total liabilities                                                                    1,154,399    1,136,107      10,617
                                                                                     ---------    ---------    --------


Common stock                                                                           211,650      211,650       1,978
Additional paid-in capital                                                             119,149      119,149       1,113
Unappropriated retained earnings for the year                                           25,485       41,231         385
Net unrealized gains (losses) on securities                                             18,529       33,074         309

Total shareholders' equity                                                             374,813      405,105       3,786
                                                                                     ---------    ---------    --------
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity                                           1,529,213    1,541,212      14,403
                                                                                     ---------    ---------    --------

Note:  *Yen amounts have been translated, for convenience only, at Y107=US$1.00, 
the approximate exchange rate on March 31, 2005. Fractions are rounded down.

Attachment 2

          (Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)
                                                                                          Year Ended March 31
                                                                                    2004                 2005
                                                                                  ---------     ----------------------
                                                                                  Millions      Millions     *Millions
                                                                                   of Yen        of Yen        of US$
                                                                                  ---------     ---------     --------

Operating revenues                                                                1,106,603     1,090,072       10,187
Operating expenses                                                                  990,386     1,020,196        9,534
Operating income                                                                    116,216        69,876          653
Non-operating revenues                                                               26,527        26,166          244
Non-operating expenses                                                               29,710        28,082          262
Recurring profit                                                                    113,034        67,959          635
Special profits                                                                           -         4,094           38
Special losses                                                                       50,460        25,022          233
Income before income taxes                                                           62,573        47,032          439
Corporation, inhabitant, and enterprise taxes                                        (1,610 )      37,420          349
Deferred tax expenses (benefits)                                                     40,000       (15,000 )       (140 )
Net income                                                                           24,183        24,612          230
                                                                                  --------- -   --------- -   -------- -

Per share data (in exact)                                                          of Yen        of Yen        of US$
                                                                                  ---------     ---------     --------

Net income                                                                           13,866        14,109          131
Cash dividend                                                                         5,064         5,000           46

Note:  *Yen amounts have been translated, for convenience only, at Y107=US$1.00, 
the approximate exchange rate on March 31, 2005. Fractions are rounded down.

Attachment 3

          (Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)
                                                                                         Year Ended March 31
                                                                                    2004               2005
                                                                                  --------     ---------------------
                                                                                  Millions     Millions        *
                                                                                   of Yen       of Yen      Millions
                                                                                  --------     --------      of US$
Cash flows from operating activities:
Income before income taxes                                                          62,573       47,032          439
Depreciation and amortization                                                      120,082      123,494        1,154
Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment                                   14,975       13,822          129
Increase (decrease) in loan-loss reserves                                               88         (325 )         (3 )
Increase (decrease) in liability for employees' severance payments                     586       (1,035 )         (9 )
Evaluation losses on shares of affiliated companies                                 50,460       25,022          233
(Increase) decrease in accounts receivable                                          11,542       (3,934 )        (36 )
Increase (decrease) in accounts payable and accrued expenses                        18,010       25,228          235
Increase (decrease) in accrued consumption tax                                      (5,531 )       (269 )         (2 )
Other                                                                               11,966        7,819           73
                                                                                  -------- -   -------- -   -------- -

Sub-total                                                                          284,754      236,854        2,213
                                                                                  -------- -   -------- -   -------- -

Interest and dividends received                                                      1,561        2,222           20
Interest paid                                                                      (15,322 )    (14,733 )       (137 )
Income taxes received (paid)                                                       (28,770 )      9,159           85
                                                                                  -------- -   -------- -   -------- -

Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities                                242,223      233,503        2,182
                                                                                  -------- -   -------- -   -------- -

Cash flows from investing activities:
Payments for property, plant and equipment                                        (120,774 )   (155,158 )     (1,450 )
Acquisition of investments                                                            (860 )     (1,603 )        (14 )
(Increase) decrease in short-term loan                                                (163 )       (365 )         (3 )
Other                                                                              (16,921 )      2,332           21
                                                                                  -------- -   -------- -   -------- -

Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities                               (138,719 )   (154,794 )     (1,446 )
                                                                                  -------- -   -------- -   -------- -

Cash flows from financing activities:
Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt                                            19,541        8,783           82
Payments for settlement of long-term debt                                          (99,220 )    (98,297 )       (918 )
Increase (decrease) in short-term borrowings                                        (4,911 )     15,246          142
Dividends paid                                                                     (12,246 )     (8,811 )        (82 )
                                                                                  -------- -   -------- -   -------- -

Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities                                (96,837 )    (83,078 )       (776 )
                                                                                  -------- -   -------- -   -------- -

Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents                          (246 )          9            0
                                                                                  -------- -   -------- -   -------- -

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                                 6,419       (4,359 )        (40 )
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                                      59,024       65,444          611
                                                                                  -------- -   -------- -   -------- -

Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                                            65,444       61,084          570
                                                                                  -------- -   -------- -   -------- -

Note:  *Yen amounts have been translated, for convenience only, at Y107=US$1.00, 
the approximate exchange rate on March 31, 2005. Fractions are rounded down.

Attachment 4

                                                                                                    (Millions of Yen)
                                                                                      Year Ended         Year Ended
                                                                                      March 31,
                                                                                         2004             March 31,
                                                                                     -------------          2005

Unappropriated retained earnings for the Year                                               25,485             41,231
Proposal of appropriation:
Cash dividends                                                                               8,811              8,700
                                                                                      (Y5,064 per  )     (Y5,000 per  )
                                                                                             share              share
Bonuses to directors and corporate auditors                                                     55                 61
(Portion to corporate auditors)                                                                (10 )              (10 )
Unappropriated Retained Earnings Carried Forward                                            16,618             32,469

Note: Fractions are rounded down.

Attachment 5

          (Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)
                                                                                                     (Millions of Yen)
Services                                                                         Year          Year          Increase
-----                                                                            Ended         Ended        (Decrease)
                                                                               March 31,     March 31,      ----------
                                                                                  2004          2005
                                                                               ---------     ---------

Voice transmission services revenues (excluding the amounts of IP services       467,399       440,655         (26,743 )
IP services revenues                                                             223,761       278,315          54,554
Open computer network services revenues*                                         123,957       133,475           9,518
IP-Virtual private network services revenues*                                     56,439        63,198           6,758
Wide-Area Ethernet services revenues*                                             20,279        35,086          14,807
Data communications revenues (excluding the amounts of IP services               267,042       212,751         (54,290 )
Leased circuit services revenues*                                                168,497       135,642         (32,854 )
Solution services revenues                                                       117,205       125,829           8,623
Others                                                                            31,195        32,520           1,324
                                                                               ---------     ---------      ---------- -

Total operating revenues                                                       1,106,603     1,090,072         (16,531 )
                                                                               ---------     ---------      ---------- -

* Partial listing only

Note: Fractions are rounded down.

Attachment 6

               NTT Communications' New Board of Directors
                  (subject to shareholders' approval)

President and CEO

Hiromi Wasai

Senior Executive Vice Presidents

Masayuki Nomura
Masaki Mitsumura

Executive Vice Presidents

Masae Tamura
Osamu Inoue
Yo Yusa

Senior Vice Presidents

Masayuki Nakagawa
Koichi Maeda
Akira Yabiki
Sadao Maki
Mitsuo Murakami
Masanobu Suzuki
Tatsuo Kawasaki
Tetsuya Obata

Corporate Auditors

Kenichi Shiraishi
Yutaka Yamaga
Kikuo Mito

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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