This submission replaces the one filed at 07:12 this morning. 
The financial data herein is now correctly classified as "unaudited" which was 
absent from the original disclosure.  All remaining text remains as published. 
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
30 April 2009 
This announcement contains regulated information 
Annual Financial Report for the year ended 31 December 2008 
New Star Private Equity Investment Trust PLC (the "Company") today announces 
its annual results for the year ended 31 December 2008. 
Investment Objective 
The Company's investment objective is to produce capital gains through exposure 
to a diversified portfolio of private equity investments. 
Performance summary 
                                  31 December 2008 31 December 2007      Change 
Net Asset Value (1)                         GBP61.0m           GBP74.5m      -18.1% 
Net Asset Value per share (1)               323.7p           377.6p     - 14.3% 
Share price (2)                              84.0p           299.0p      -71.9% 
Discount (1)                                 74.1%            20.8%         N/A 
FTSE All Share Index (2)                   2,209.3          3,286.7      -32.8% 
LPX Europe Index * (2)                       189.2            402.1      -52.9% 
* The LPX Europe Index represents the most actively traded private equity 
companies traded on a European exchange. 
Source: (1) New Star Asset Management Limited (2) Datastream 
Chairman's Statement 
The last year was an extraordinarily difficult one for financial markets and a 
disappointing one for your Company. The consequences of the collapse of several 
large financial institutions and the reduction in the availability of financing 
for management buy-outs coupled with the falls in equity markets has had a 
detrimental impact on the valuation of your Company's investments. As a result 
the net asset value fell from 377.6p per Ordinary Share at 31 December 2007 to 
323.7p at 31 December 2008 a fall of 14.3%. In the same period the FTSE 
All-Share Index fell by 32.8% and the LPX Europe Index fell by 52.9%. 
At 31 December 2008 the value of the Company's investments, including cash and 
treasury bills, was GBP61.0 million. The value of the Company's interest in 
limited partnerships was GBP50.4 million, 29.0% of which is valued at cost. The 
year end valuation is based on the figures provided by the managers of the 
limited partnerships in which the Company invests.  The Company has received 
audited accounts in respect of all of the limited partnerships except Parallel, 
Fondinvest and Zeus for each of which we have received unaudited management 
accounts to 31 December 2008.  The various limited partnerships have made 
provisions against a number of the underlying investments and this is discussed 
in more detail in the Investment Review. In light of the current economic 
environment it is possible that the trading conditions for certain of the 
underlying investments may deteriorate and that further provisions may be made 
in subsequent quarters. Further information on the Company's limited 
partnership interests and the look-through investments is shown below. 
Liquidity and Gearing 
Aggregated cash and money market balances were approximately GBP2.5 million at 
31 December 2008. Including listed private equity vehicles, the Company 
currently has GBP6.2 million of liquidity. In addition, the Company has undrawn 
loan facilities of GBP30 million with the Bank of Scotland, GBP10 million until 
July 2010 and GBP20 million until July 2011. 
The Board of Directors monitors closely the Company's cashflow and has 
considered the level of liquid assets, together with the timescales over which 
investments may be realised and outstanding commitments may be drawn down. It 
is the opinion of both the Board and the Manager that the Company has 
sufficient resources to meet its future commitments. 
Investment activity 
During the year there were four full realisations of GBP4.7million, six partial 
realisations of GBP3.4 million and GBP16.7 million of drawdowns of commitments. New 
commitments of GBP18.0 million were made to two French mid-market buy-out funds 
and a secondary fund-of-funds. 
Share price 
The most disappointing aspect of the year was the sharp fall in the Company's 
share price though this was a sector wide phenomenon. As a function of this 
fall, the shares moved from a discount to net asset value of approximately 
20.8% at 31 December 2007 to a discount to net asset value of 74.1% at 31 
December 2008. 
There were several reasons for this. 
Firstly, the lack of visibility regarding the valuations of private equity 
investments following the sharp fall in financial markets and deterioration in 
operating conditions for businesses led to a belief that there would be 
material provisions against the previous values put on investment portfolios. 
Secondly, the consequence of the high level of debt that many private equity 
portfolio companies had taken on could result in, at a minimum, a significant 
impact on valuations. 
Finally, that as a result of overcommitment policies, private equity funds 
would have insufficient cash to meet future commitments. This would then lead 
to either dilutive rights issues and/or private equity funds selling some of 
their limited partnership interests at significant discounts to their carrying 
While the fall in the share price was understandable, against the background 
described above and the collapse of Lehman Brothers and bailout or part 
nationalisation of a number of other US and European banks, the degree of fall 
was extraordinary. 
In the course of the year the Company bought back 882,000 Ordinary shares 
during the year, of which 50,000 were cancelled and 832,000 were placed into 
treasury. Against the sharp fall in share prices in the sector, however, it was 
felt that further buybacks would have no effect on the Company's share price or 
the level of discount. Nevertheless your Board is conscious of the need to seek 
to narrow the discount to net asset value and will therefore continue to review 
on a regular basis the Company's buyback policy with a view to do whatever is 
in the best interests of shareholders. 
It is the Company's policy to pay dividends only to the extent required to 
maintain investment trust status. No dividend has been declared in respect of 
the year ended 31 December 2008 (2007: 0.66p per share). Shareholders should 
note that the level of dividend will vary from year to year, as the Company's 
income is expected to be changeable. 
New Star Asset Management Group PLC, the parent company of the Manager, was 
acquired by Henderson Group PLC ("Henderson Global Investors") with effect from 
9 April 2009. Following this acquisition Nick Brind and Paul Craig have stepped 
down as fund managers to the Company and the Board would like to thank them for 
their efforts. Going forward the Company's assets will be managed by Ian 
Barrass who is head of Fund of Funds at Henderson Private Equity. The Board 
looks forward to working with Ian and his colleagues at Henderson Global 
The Board 
John Duffield resigned as a Director of the Company with effect from 30 April 
2009. The Board would like to thank him for his support for and contribution to 
the Company. 
Change of name 
The Manager is now part of the Henderson Global Investors and the Board 
considers that it would be desirable for this to be reflected in the Company's 
name. Accordingly a resolution to change the Company's name to "Henderson 
Private Equity Investment Trust plc" will be proposed at the Annual General 
Meeting to be held on Wednesday, 17 June 2009 at 3.00 p.m. 
As a result of the reduction in the availability of financing for management 
buy-outs, the number of transactions in the industry has fallen substantially. 
This has, however, had less impact on the Company than would have been expected 
in the circumstances reflecting its focus on mid-market buyout funds. 
Furthermore, although the short-term operating environment remains difficult, 
the Company's focus on the mid-market buy-out sector and the experience and 
track-records of those managers that we have invested with should ensure that 
as and when conditions improve that the Company will provide attractive returns 
to shareholders. 
John Mackie CBE 
30 April 2009 
Investment Review 
The year ended 31 December 2008 proved a tumultuous period for financial 
markets and private equity was no exception. The consequences of the financial 
crisis had a significant impact on your Company including a slowdown in 
portfolio realisations, a decline in the net asset value and most notably, a 
sharp widening in the discount of the share price to net asset value. 
Limited partnership interests 
During the course of the year new commitments totalling GBP18 million were made 
to three new limited partnership funds. All were European focused funds 
reflecting the Company's strategy to increase both manager and geographical 
diversification. In the French middle-market buyout sector new commitments were 
made to Astorg IV and Pragma II. A secondary specialist was also added via 
Fondinvest VIII as we anticipated an environment of distressed sellers of 
limited partnerships following a significant slowdown in realisations. 
The level of new commitments is in stark contrast to the previous year. This 
reflects both the Manager's and the Board's view that a challenging economic 
environment and the scarcity of bank finance will markedly reduce portfolio 
realisations over the foreseeable future and thereby reduce the Company's 
ability to recycle capital. That said, this should not preclude the Company 
from participating in attractive investment opportunities thrown up by the 
economic recession since a number of funds within the portfolio have undrawn 
New Investments 
Seventeen new investments with a combined value of GBP11.4 million were made 
during the year, primarily in the first half of 2008 through the Company's 
limited partnership interests. The largest, through August Equity Partners II 
("AEP II"), was a GBP3.8 million investment in Enara. AEP II also invested GBP2.9 
million in Accura Support Services ("Accura"). Enara is a leading independent 
provider of both private and social services-based home care in London and the 
Home Counties. It focuses on providing care for adults with learning 
difficulties and mental health needs and the elderly. Accura is a provider of 
highly specified mission critical components principally to the oil & gas and 
aerospace sectors. 
Following the commitment to Astorg IV there was an immediate drawdown relating 
to three investments made in 2007: Ethypharm - a world leader in the 
development and manufacture of oral drug delivery systems; SCT Telecom - an 
innovative telecom services provider and the French leader in the SME market 
segment; and OGF - the French leading funeral services operator. There was also 
one new investment in 2008 in Photonis - a world leader in photo-detection. The 
four investments had a combined value of GBP2.5m. Similarly, the commitment to 
Pragma II resulted in an immediate drawdown for two investments made in 2007 
while there was one new investment in 2008. The total drawdown for Pragma II 
was GBP1.1 million. 
There were four realisations during the year totalling GBP4.7m, although much of 
this was achieved via the sale of Healthcare Homes Group, a specialist care 
home operator, by August Equity Partners I ("AEP I"), in a secondary buyout to 
Bowmark for 2.7 times the original investment. August backed the management 
buy-in in August 2005 when the group consisted of only four homes and 100 beds 
which had been expanded through acquisition to 21 homes and over 800 beds by 
the date of the disposal. There were also three partial realisations from AEP I 
involving Hat Trick, Planit Holdings and Imagine Publishing. 
Rutland I also returned capital via a partial realisation of Wolstenhome Group, 
a manufacturer of pigments and coatings. Rutland had already announced that 
Wolstenhome had sold certain assets and goodwill of its metallic effect pigment 
and metallic printing business and following this latest disposal the valuation 
largely represents the value of the company's premises. 
Listed Private Equity 
Listed private equity trusts endured a torrid year amid a constant stream of 
worries that wore down even the most loyal of supporters. To put this into 
perspective, the LPX Europe Index fell 52.9% during the year compared with the 
FTSE All-Share Index which fell 32.8%. Initially, investors focused on fears of 
corporate failure among the underlying portfolio companies. These fears were 
exacerbated by a lack of transparency and poor liquidity compared with more 
generalist investment companies. As the year progressed and the financial 
crisis became more pronounced, investors in listed private equity trusts were 
exposed to the fear that certain trusts might have difficulty in their ability 
to honour outstanding commitments to limited partnerships given the dramatic 
slowdown in portfolio realisations and the reduced availability of bank debt. 
Somewhat ironically, managers of private equity trusts had, in the past, been 
criticised for an inefficient use of their balance sheets. This inevitably led 
to many trusts over-committing to new limited partnerships to reduce the 
effects of `cash drag'. In the current environment, however, those trusts which 
have employed a more aggressive over-commitment strategy have been forced to 
address the strength of their balance sheets. This has resulted in asset 
disposals and capital fund raisings. 
New Star Private Equity Investment Trust has avoided those trusts most exposed 
to the current downturn, such as those with an aggressive over-commitment 
strategy or focused on large leverage buyouts. Even the trusts with the most 
respected managers endured falling net asset values and a significant widening 
in discounts to net asset value. While we are acutely aware of the lack of 
visibility in corporate earnings, difficulty in obtaining bank finance and the 
over-commitment issue we remain confident that our managers are positioned to 
weather the current financial storm while the large discounts to net asset 
value provide some comfortable room for error. 
Amid a background of economic recession, a sharp fall in the value of equity 
markets and the credit crisis there has been a number of downward pressures on 
valuing private equity businesses. Historically, private equity managers have 
been able to offset operational improvements against a decline in either top 
line growth or comparable multiples. However, the speed and severity of the 
current downturn has proved challenging for many managers and/or companies, 
especially those with considerable levels of leverage. Furthermore, even 
companies that have performed well, have, in many cases seen a decline in 
comparable multiples and therefore their own valuation. Nevertheless, it is 
also true that private equity managers have better access to information, 
greater control over their investments and in many cases operational expertise 
and experience. Consequently, crucial decisions can be taken early and we have 
witnessed these measures first hand within the portfolio. 
Current market conditions are undeniably challenging and the immediate 
prospects for all businesses remain uncertain. The crisis in the global 
financial system has reduced credit availability and the ability of investors 
to finance new transactions. Simultaneously, the sharp downturn in the economy 
has put enormous pressure on corporate profits. Although not immune from these 
pressures, we remain confident in our managers' ability to create value through 
varying financial and economic environments over the longer-term. In the 
short-term the prerequisite skills will be to monitor and manage portfolio 
companies closely, taking action to protect and enhance value and detailed 
attention to banking agreements. The best private equity managers find 
opportunity in change and thrive on adapting to it. 
The corollary of the current economic environment is that it will create 
significant opportunities for many private equity managers. Lower valuations in 
public equity markets should provide the opportunity for managers to acquire 
high quality businesses at attractive prices. In addition, an increasing number 
of businesses will need to restructure, refinance or drive operational change 
which should further increase opportunities. Consequently, the overriding aim 
is to ensure the Company preserves a strong balance sheet through current 
financial and economic difficulties so that it remains well positioned to 
benefit from the longer term opportunities. 
New Star Asset Management Limited 
30 April 2009 
Investment Portfolio 
The Company's investments at 31 December 2008 were: 
Company                      Category            Country    Valuation      % of 
                                                                 GBP000 Portfolio 
August Equity Partners I     Limited Partnership UK            11,380      18.4 
Rutland Fund I               Limited Partnership UK            10,795      17.4 
Parallel Ventures 2006       Limited Partnership UK             9,820      15.9 
August Equity Partners II    Limited Partnership UK             9,555      15.4 
Astorg IV                    Limited Partnership France         2,927       4.7 
Logic Group                  Direct investment   UK             2,500       4.0 
Fondinvest Capital           Limited Partnership France         1,884       3.0 
Century Capital Partners     Limited Partnership US             1,538       2.5 
Fund IV 
Rutland Fund II              Limited Partnership UK             1,197       1.9 
Evolvence India              Listed              UK             1,002       1.6 
Ten largest investments                                        52,598      84.8 
HG Capital Trust             Listed              UK               993       1.6 
Graphite Enterprise          Listed              UK               920       1.5 
Quorum Oil & Gas Technology  Listed              UK               884       1.4 
Reconstruction Capital       Listed              UK               640       1.0 
Pragma II                    Limited Partnership France           608       1.0 
SVG Capital 8.25%            Listed              UK               525       0.8 
Convertible Loan Stock 
Renewable Energy Generation  Listed              UK               497       0.8 
ARC Capital                  Listed              UK               332       0.5 
Private Equity Investor      Listed              UK               296       0.5 
Wendel Investments           Listed              France           288       0.5 
Twenty largest investments                                     58,541      94.4 
Dinamia                      Listed              Spain            280       0.4 
Elderstreet Capital Partners Limited Partnership UK               275       0.4 
Zeus Private Equity          Limited Partnership UK               263       0.4 
Lyceum Capital Fund II       Limited Partnership UK               166       0.3 
China Growth Opportunities   Listed              UK                55       0.1 
KB Fund III B                Limited Partnership UK                19       0.0 
KB Fund III                  Limited Partnership UK                 8       0.0 
Total investments                                              59,607      96.0 
French (Govt) 4% 12/09/2009                                     1,472       2.4 
Cash                                                              968       1.6 
Total Portfolio                                                62,047     100.0 
Portfolio Analysis 
Type of investment 
Type of investment           Percentage of portfolio    Percentage of portfolio 
                                                2008                       2007 
Limited partnerships                             81%                        71% 
Listed funds                                     11%                        13% 
Cash and treasury                                 4%                        12% 
Direct investment                                 4%                         4% 
Geographic exposure ("look-through") 
Country or region            Percentage of portfolio    Percentage of portfolio 
                                                2008                       2007 
UK                                               68%                        82% 
Europe                                           25%                        13% 
North America                                     4%                         1% 
India                                             2%                         2% 
China                                             1%                         2% 
Sector exposure of limited partnerships 
Sector                       Percentage of portfolio    Percentage of portfolio 
                                                2008                       2007 
Healthcare                                       28%                        18% 
Technology                                       21%                        16% 
Financial                                        13%                        24% 
Services                                         12%                        10% 
Industrial                                       12%                        14% 
Goods                                             9%                        13% 
Other                                             5%                         5% 
Limited partnership by vintage 
Vintage                      Percentage of portfolio    Percentage of portfolio 
                                                2008                       2007 
Less than 1 year                                 18%                        21% 
1 - 2 years                                      28%                        52% 
2 - 3 years                                      39%                        11% 
More than 3 years                                15%                        16% 
Valuation basis of limited partnerships 
Valuation basis              Percentage of portfolio    Percentage of portfolio 
                                                2008                       2007 
Earnings                                         71%                        72% 
Cost                                             29%                        28% 
Limited Partnerships 
August Equity Partners 
August Equity Partners provides equity capital for management buy-outs, 
buy-ins, development capital and replacement capital in growing businesses. 
They invest between GBP10 million and GBP50 million of equity in UK companies in 
the healthcare, media and technology, industrial products and services and 
business services sectors. 
Rutland Partners 
Rutland Partners ("Rutland"), founded in 1986, invests in UK companies facing 
difficult strategic challenges or which may be underperforming, in need of 
restructuring or entering a period of change. Rutland does not focus on any 
specific sectors and provide equity for management buy-outs, buy-ins, 
public-to-privates, turnarounds, secondary purchases and replacement capital. 
They invest between GBP10 million and GBP50 million of equity per investment into 
UK companies valued at between GBP20 million and GBP200 million. 
Parallel Private Equity 
Established in 1997 Parallel Private Equity ("Parallel") operates formal 
co-investment agreements with a number of UK and European mid-market private 
equity managers. In this time they have invested more than GBP1.3 billion in over 
330 deals. In realising over 220 deals to date, in excess of GBP1.9 billion has 
been returned to investors. They will invest up to GBP10 million of equity per 
transaction in companies valued at between GBP10 million to GBP400 million. 
Astorg Partners 
Astorg Partners ("Astorg") is an independent French private equity manager 
whose origins date back to 1983 when it was created as a joint-venture between 
SUEZ and state-owned Institut de Dévelopment Industriel. Astorg will invest at 
least EUR15 million of equity in companies primarily in the healthcare, 
professional services and retail sectors valued between EUR100 million and EUR800 
Lyceum Capital 
Established in 1999, and formerly known as West Private Equity prior to their 
buy-out from West LB, Lyceum Capital invests in UK companies valued at between 
GBP10 million and GBP75 million in most segments of the UK business and consumer 
service industries, where consolidation strategies can be actively pursued. 
They will invest in companies requiring between GBP10 million and GBP40 million in 
Fondinvest was founded in 1994 and is a specialist primary fund of funds and 
secondary funds investor and launched one of the first secondary funds in 
Europe in 1996. They currently manage over EUR2 billion in private equity funds 
and have offices in Paris, Tokyo and San Francisco. 
Century Capital Management 
Century Capital Management ("Century") is a Boston based investment adviser 
whose origins date back to 1928. It formed its first private equity fund in 
1987 and specialises in the middle market financial services industry with a 
focus on insurance. Century will invest equity of between US$10 million and 
US$30 million in individual transactions. 
Pragma Capital 
Pragma Capital is a French private equity manager founded in 2002, in a 
spin-out from Crédit Agricole and Crédit Lyonnais that focuses on the French 
middle-market. They will typically invest between EUR10 million to EUR35 million 
into companies, across a wide variety of sectors, valued at between EUR50 million 
and EUR250 million. 
Elderstreet is a UK venture capital fund manager investing in early stage 
businesses within the UK. It typically provides between GBP0.5 million and GBP5.0 
million funding for MBOs and development capital. Elderstreet invests in a 
range of industry sectors and has a specialist technology practice investing in 
the software and computer services market. 
Zeus Private Equity 
Zeus Private Equity ("Zeus") was formed in 2005 by a team who had previously 
worked together at Aberdeen Murray Johnstone Private Equity. Zeus provides 
funding for management buy-outs, buy-ins, equity release and restructuring 
opportunities for businesses in the UK valued at up to GBP50 million in a wide 
range of sectors. 
10 Largest "Look-through" Investments 
Limited partnership                         Rutland Fund I 
Valuation                                          GBP4.118m 
Percentage of Portfolio                               6.6% 
Rutland formed Notemachine in September 2006 via a recommended offer for 
AIM-listed Scott Tod, a UK company involved in the provision of ATM services 
throughout the UK. In January 2007, Rutland acquired TRM (ATM) Limited, a 
complementary business involved in the deployment of ATMs in the UK and 
Germany. The combined business currently operates approximately 6,000 ATMs in 
the UK. At the year-end the investment was written down by 65%. 
Liberty Acquisitions ("Lifeways Community Care Group") 
Limited partnership               August Equity Partners I 
Valuation                                          GBP4.026m 
Percentage of Portfolio                               6.5% 
Lifeways is a market leading provider of supported living for people with 
complex needs and is the only provider offering nationwide coverage. Lifeways 
offers specialist care to over 900 people with challenging needs, including 
autism, psychiatric or learning disabilities and acquired brain injuries, in 
their own home or a community setting. 
Limited partnership              August Equity Partners II 
Valuation                                          GBP3.981m 
Percentage of Portfolio                               6.4% 
Enara is a leading provider of both private and social services-based home care 
in London and the Home Counties. It focuses on care for the elderly and adults 
with learning difficulties and mental health needs. 
Advantage Healthcare Group 
Limited partnership                         Rutland Fund I 
Valuation                                           GBP3,338 
Percentage of Portfolio                               5.4% 
Advantage Healthcare was formed following the acquisition of a group of 
healthcare-staffing businesses from BUPA and specialises in flexible healthcare 
staffing. It has a significant database of temporary nurses, doctors, allied 
health professionals and carers which provides to the NHS, BUPA and other 
private carers to cover staff shortfalls and fluctuating workloads. At the 
year-end the investment was written down by 23%. 
Limited partnership              August Equity Partners II 
Valuation                                          GBP3.049m 
Percentage of Portfolio                               4.9% 
Accura is a provider of highly specified mission critical components primarily 
to the oil and gas and aerospace sectors. Accura operates as two separate 
divisions: supply chain services under the brands Liniv and Concept and 
technical contract services under the brands Accura Geometric and Accura 
Rollford Holdings ("Rixonway") 
Limited partnership               August Equity Partners I 
Valuation                                          GBP2.646m 
Percentage of Portfolio                               4.3% 
Rixonway is a UK kitchen manufacturing business dedicated to providing kitchens 
for community regeneration and has over 25 years experience in social housing 
and the public sector. It is a key supplier to many local authorities, 
purchasing consortia, registered social landlords, arms length management 
organisations and major regeneration contractors involved in social housing 
refurbishment in the UK. 
Logic Group 
Limited partnership                      Direct investment 
Valuation                                          GBP2,500m 
Percentage of Portfolio                               4.0% 
The Logic Group through its software delivers the secure provision of card 
transaction processing, loyalty and insight programmes as well as IT services 
consultancy for many of Europe's leading businesses. Logic's customers include 
Norwich Union, HBOS, Arcadia, BP, B&Q, Comet, Dixons, Fortnum & Mason, RBS, 
Tesco, Vodafone and Manchester United. 
Boat International 
Limited partnership               August Equity Partners I 
Valuation                                          GBP2.416m 
Percentage of Portfolio                               3.9% 
Boat International ("Boat") is an international publisher of market leading 
magazines and websites and an events organiser targeted at the super yacht 
industry. Boat produces over 1.4 million magazines each year that sell in over 
57 countries worldwide and are published in six different languages. They 
organise 8 annual events across the world in London, Monaco, Fort Lauderdale, 
Venice, Port Cervo and New York. 
Wolstenholme Group 
Limited partnership                         Rutland Fund I 
Valuation                                          GBP1.837m 
Percentage of Portfolio                               3.0% 
Wolstenholme Group was a division of Wolstenholme Rink acquired in July 2000. 
It is a leading manufacturer of pigments and coatings for the print industry. 
In June 2007 Rutland announced that Wolstenholme had sold certain assets and 
goodwill of its metallic effect pigment and metallic printing business to 
Eckart GmbH and Co. Wolstenholme retains its carbon black dispersions business 
in the US and Ronald Britton in the UK. 
Limited partnership              August Equity Partners II 
Valuation                                          GBP1.754m 
Percentage of Portfolio                               2.8% 
4Projects is a leading provider of project collaboration solutions. The 
solutions are delivered via software principally to the architecture, 
engineering and constructions sectors. 4Projects solutions are used to 
co-ordinate large scale, multi-party construction projects and for the 
management of complex or diverse property estates. The company has a blue chip 
customer base and recent projects include the construction of Arsenal's 
Emirates Stadium and the OCS stand at the Brit Oval. 
Business Review 
The Business Review is designed to give shareholders an insight into the 
operations of the Company. Further information on the Company's activities and 
prospects may be found in the Chairman's Statement and the Investment Review. 
Investment Objective 
The Company's investment objective is to produce capital gains through exposure 
to a diversified portfolio of private equity investments. 
Investment Policy 
The Company seeks to achieve its investment objective through a policy of 
investing principally in limited partnership interests and listed vehicles 
exposed to private equity investments or other similar strategies. The main 
focus of these investments is mid-market buyout funds in the UK and Europe. The 
Company may also invest in cash, quoted companies, fixed income securities, 
debt instruments and other alternative asset funds. 
Where the Directors and the Manager believe that it would be beneficial to do 
so, the Company may make direct investments in unquoted companies. It is 
expected any such investments will be co-investments alongside private equity 
managers with which the Company or Manager has existing investments. 
The Company intends to reduce the "cash-drag" effect by investing its 
uncommitted assets and committed but un-drawn assets in listed private equity 
funds to gain investment exposure to private equity and also by employing a 
policy of over-commitment. An over-commitment policy means that the Company may 
commit more than its available uncommitted assets to limited partnerships on 
the basis that such commitments can be managed by anticipating future cash 
flows to the Company and through the use of borrowings where necessary. 
It is expected that the portfolio will be fully invested in most market 
conditions although the Company may maintain a large cash weighting from time 
to time to manage its over-commitments policy, to protect capital returns or 
pending identification of appropriate investment opportunities. The Company may 
enter into derivative transactions for the purpose of efficient portfolio 
management hedging (for example, interest rate, currency or market exposure). 
In order to comply with the requirements for investment trust status, the 
exposure to any one company will not exceed 15% of total assets at the time of 
investment. The Company may invest more than 15% of its total assets in other 
UK listed investment companies. 
The Board has established guidelines with a view to spreading investment risk. 
The principal guidelines are that: 
  * at least 25% of total assets must be invested in private equity funds which 
    themselves principally invest in the UK and Europe; 
  * up to 25% of total assets may be invested in private equity funds which 
    principally invest outside of the UK and Europe; 
  * the total value of investments in listed private equity funds should not 
    exceed 50% of total assets; 
  * the total value of direct unquoted investments will represent no more than 
    25% of the Company's net assets at the point of purchase; 
  * cash should not exceed 30% of total assets; and 
  * the Company may utilise gearing representing up to 30% of its total assets 
    at the point of drawdown. 
Information on how the Company has invested its assets with a view to spreading 
investment risk in accordance with its investment policy is set out above. 
The performance of the Company is reviewed regularly by the Board using the 
following key performance indicators: 
  * net asset value movement 
  * share price movement. 
In the year ended 31 December 2008 the Company's NAV per share fell from 377.6p 
to 323.7p, a decrease of 14.3%, whilst the share price fell by 71.9% from 
299.0p to 84.0p. In the same period the FTSE All Share Index fell by 32.8%. An 
analysis of performance during the year may be found in the Chairman's 
Statement and the Investment Review. 
The Board also monitors the discount of the NAV per share to the share price. 
At 31 December 2008 the discount was 74.1% compared to 20.8% at 31 December 
Regulatory environment 
The Company is an investment trust and is subject to the rules governing 
investment trust status laid down in the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988. 
The Company has been approved by HM Revenue & Customs as an investment trust 
for the year ended 31 December 2007. Approval for the year ended 31 December 
2007 is subject to review should there be any subsequent enquiry under 
Corporation Tax Self Assessment. In the opinion of the Directors the Company 
has conducted its affairs so that it qualified as an investment trust during 
the year ended 31 December 2008 and subsequently. The Company is an investment 
company under Section 266 of the Companies Act 1985. 
The Company is listed on the London Stock Exchange. It must therefore conduct 
its activities in accordance with the Listing Rules and Disclosure and 
Transparency Rules published by the Financial Services Authority. 
Risk Management 
The principal risks associated with the Company include the following: 
Investment strategy 
Inappropriate long-term strategy, asset allocation and manager selection might 
lead to the underperformance of the Company. The Board regularly considers the 
Company's strategy, asset allocation, investment selection and performance. 
Long term nature of private equity investments 
Private equity investments are long-term in nature and it may take several 
years before they can be realised. 
Financial risks of private equity 
A substantial proportion of the Company's assets are invested in limited 
partnerships which invest in private companies. These unquoted investments are 
less readily marketable than quoted securities. In addition, such investments 
may carry a higher degree of risk than quoted securities. 
Valuation uncertainty 
In valuing its investments in unlisted private equity funds or limited 
partnerships and in calculating its net asset value, the Company relies to a 
significant extent on the accuracy of financial and other information provided 
by these funds to the Manager. Limited partnerships typically only provide 
updated valuations on a quarterly or six-monthly basis. 
Regulatory risk 
Failure to comply with applicable legal and regulatory requirements could lead 
to the suspension or loss of the Company's Stock Exchange listing or result in 
financial penalties. Breach of Section 842 of the Income and Corporation Taxes 
Act 1988 could lead to the loss of the Company's investment trust status, 
leading to the Company being subject to tax on its capital gains. 
The quality of the management team employed by the Manager is an important 
factor in delivering good performance and the loss by the Manager of key staff 
could adversely affect investment returns. In addition, the failure of the 
Manager's core fund management systems might lead to the loss of data or 
inaccurate reporting. The performance of the Manager is reviewed by the Board 
on an ongoing basis. In addition, the Board undertakes a formal review each 
Business conditions and general economy 
The Company's investment returns are influenced by general economic conditions 
in the UK and globally. Factors such as interest rates, inflation, investor 
sentiment and the availability and cost of credit could adversely affect the 
performance of both the Company and its underlying investments. 
The Company's assets are invested on a fund-of-funds basis. This helps mitigate 
investment risk by providing access to a range of different private equity 
funds and private equity managers. In addition, the underlying portfolio is 
diversified across a spread of different vintages, sectors and countries. The 
Board regularly monitors the Company's asset allocation, investment selection 
and performance. A detailed analysis of the portfolio may be found above. 
The Company has a policy of only paying dividends to the extent necessary to 
comply with investment trust status. Therefore, to the extent that there is net 
income within an accounting period, the Directors intend to declare dividends 
such that no more than 15% of the Company's investment income for the 
accounting period is retained. 
No dividend has been declared in respect of the year ended 31 December 2008 
(2007: 0.66p per share). 
Share capital 
At 31 December 2008 there were 18,850,212 (2007: 19,732,212) shares in issue, 
together with a further 832,000 (2007: nil) shares held in treasury. 
In the year ended 31 December 2008 the Company repurchased a total of 882,000 
shares at prices between 254.0p and 262.0p per share. Of these shares 832,000 
are held in treasury, whilst 50,000 shares were cancelled. In the year ended 
31 December 2007 a total of 10,881,800 shares were repurchased at prices 
between 310.0p and 342.0p per share; all of the shares repurchased during 2007 
were cancelled. 
No shares were issued during the year under review (2008: 3,534,512 shares). 
In common with most investment trusts, the Company does not have any executive 
directors or employees. The day-to-day management and administration of the 
Company, including investment management, is delegated to New Star Asset 
Management Limited. On 9 April 2009 the parent company of the Manager, New Star 
Asset Management Group PLC, was acquired by Henderson Group plc ("Henderson") 
Under the terms of the investment management agreement, New Star receives a 
fee, payable monthly in arrears, equivalent to 1.25% per annum of the Company's 
assets invested in limited partnerships and direct private equity interests and 
0.75% per annum on the remainder of the Company's assets. No management fee is 
payable by the Company in respect of any asset invested in funds managed New 
Star. New Star will also be entitled to an annual performance fee of 10% of any 
return in excess of 8% per annum. The Investment Management Agreement may be 
terminated by either party by giving 12 months notice in writing, subject to 
there being an initial period of 24 months which ends on 1 July 2009. 
The Board monitors the performance of the Manager and considers that the 
continuing appointment of the Manager is in the interests of shareholders as a 
whole. In carrying out its review, the Board considered the past investment 
performance of the Company, the capability and resources of the Manager and the 
terms and conditions of the management agreement. 
Employee, environmental and community issues 
The Company does not have any employees, with the day-to-day management and 
administration of the Company being delegated to the Manager. New Star Asset 
Management Limited manages the Company's portfolio in accordance with the 
investment objective and policy; environmental, social and community matters 
are considered to the extent that they impact on the Company's investment 
returns. The Manager's parent company, Henderson, has implemented environmental 
management practices, which includes systems to limit the use of non-renewable 
resources and minimise the impact of operations on the environment where 
Going Concern 
The Directors believe that the Company has adequate resources to continue in 
operational existence for the foreseeable future. In forming this judgement the 
Directors have considered the level of the Company's liquid assets (including 
its committed GBP30 million loan facility) and the likely timescales over which 
investments are likely to be realised and outstanding commitments are likely to 
be drawn down. In light of these factors, the Directors consider that it is 
appropriate to adopt the going concern basis in preparing these accounts. 
New Star Asset Management Limited, Secretary 
30 April 2009 
Statement under Disclosure and Transparency Rule 4.1.12 
The Directors of the Company each confirm to the best of their knowledge that: 
a) the financial statements have been prepared in accordance with applicable 
accounting standards, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, 
financial position and profit or loss of the Company; and 
 b. this Annual Report includes a fair review of the development and 
    performance of the business and the position of the Company, together with 
    a description of the principal risks and uncertainties they face. 
For and on behalf of the Board of Directors 
Terry Connor 
30 April 2009 
Unaudited Income Statement 
for the 12 months ended 31 December 2008 
                                       Year to                  Year to 
                                  31 December 2008         31 December 2007 
                        Notes Revenue  Capital    Total Revenue Capital   Total 
                                GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
(Losses) / gains on                 - (11,105) (11,105)       -  11,212  11,212 
investments held at 
fair value through 
profit or loss 
Gains on foreign                    -       99       99       -      21      21 
Income                      2   2,378        -    2,378   2,323       -   2,323 
Investment Management       3   (377)        -    (377)   (913)   (323) (1,236) 
Administration expenses         (934)        -    (934)   (553) (1,018) (1,571) 
Return on ordinary              1,067 (11,006)  (9,939)     857   9,892  10,749 
activities before 
finance costs and 
taxation for the 
financial year 
Interest payable and             (70)        -     (70)   (176)       -   (176) 
similar charges 
Return on ordinary                997 (11,006)  (9,923)     681   9,892  10,573 
activities before 
taxation for the 
financial year 
Taxation                      (1,066)        -  (1,066)   (290)      97   (193) 
Return on ordinary               (69) (11,006) (11,075)     391   9,989  10,380 
activities after 
finance costs and 
taxation for the 
financial year 
Return per Ordinary            (0.4p)  (57.0p)  (57.4p)    1.7p   42.6p   44.3p 
Share (based on average 
number of shares in 
financial year) 
Number of Ordinary Shares                     18,850,212             19,732,212 
in issue at year end 
Average number of                             19,280,488             23,436,058 
Ordinary Shares in issue 
during the year 
The total columns of this statement are the profit and loss account for the 
Company and the revenue and capital columns represent supplementary 
information. The total columns represent all the information required to be 
disclosed in the Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses ("STRGL"). For 
this reason a STRGL is not presented. 
All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing 
operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued in the current or prior 
The notes which follow form an integral part of these financial statements. 
Unaudited Reconciliation of Movement in Shareholders' Funds 
for the year ended 31 December 2008 
                          Year ended 31 December 2008 
               Called    Share    Capital Realised Revaluation  Revenue Shareholders' 
                       premium redemption  capital     capital  Reserve         funds 
              capital  account    reserve  reserve     reserve 
                GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000       GBP'000    GBP'000         GBP'000 
Balance at 1      987   17,321        702   35,840      18,036    1,630        74,516 
January 2008 
Net loss on         -        -          -    (246)           -        -         (246) 
Net gain on         -        -          -    3,601           -        -         3,601 
Transfer on         -        -          -       86        (86)        -             - 
disposal of 
Decrease in         -        -          -        -    (14,460)        -      (14,460) 
on unlisted 
Net gains on        -        -          -       99           -        -            99 
Dividends           -        -          -        -           -    (130)         (130) 
Revenue             -        -          -        -           -     (69)          (69) 
to Ordinary 
Shares bought     (3)        -          3    (128)           -        -         (128) 
back and 
Shares bought       -        -          -  (2,169)           -        -       (2,169) 
back and held 
in treasury 
Balance at 31     984   17,321        705   37,083       3,490    1,431        61,014 
December 2008 
The notes which follow form an integral part of these financial statements. 
Unaudited Reconciliation of Movement in Shareholders' Funds 
for the year ended 31 December 2008 
                          Year ended 31 December 2007 
               Called up    Share    Capital Realised Revaluation  Revenue Shareholders' 
                   share  premium redemption  capital     capital  Reserve         funds 
                          account    reserve  reserve     reserve 
                   GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000       GBP'000    GBP'000         GBP'000 
Balance at 1       1,354    5,145        158   70,887       9,271    2,661        89,476 
January 2007 
Net loss on            -        -          -  (1,231)           -        -       (1,231) 
Net loss on            -        -          -  (6,680)           -        -       (6,680) 
Transfer on            -        -          -   10,358    (10,358)        -             - 
disposal of 
Increase in            -        -          -        -          19        -            19 
on listed 
Increase in            -        -          -        -      19,104        -        19,104 
on unlisted 
Net gains on           -        -          -       21           -        -            21 
Dividends paid         -        -          -        -           -  (1,422)       (1,422) 
Revenue                -        -          -        -           -      391           391 
to Ordinary 
Share                (3)        -          3    (156)           -        -         (156) 
Capital            (364)   12,176        541 (36,115)           -        -      (23,762) 
Performance            -        -          -    (226)           -        -         (226) 
Reconstruction         -        -          -  (1,018)           -        -       (1,018) 
Balance at 31        987   17,321          .   35,840      18,036    1,630        74,516 
December 2007 
The notes which follow form an integral part of these financial statements. 
Unaudited Balance Sheet 
at 31st December 2008 
                                                         2008              2007 
                                                        GBP'000             GBP'000 
Fixed assets 
Investments                                            61,079            71,150 
Current assets 
Debtors                                                   197               969 
Cash at bank                                            2,277             5,173 
                                                        2,474             6,142 
Amounts falling due within one                        (2,539)           (2,776) 
Net current assets                                        790             3,366 
Net assets                                             61,014            74,516 
Capital and reserves 
Called up share capital                                   984               987 
Share premium                                          17,321            17,321 
Capital redemption reserve                                705               702 
Capital reserve                                        40,573            53,876 
Revenue reserve                                         1,431             1,630 
Shareholders' funds                                    61,014            74,516 
Net asset value per Ordinary Share                     323.7p            377.6p 
Approved by the Board of Directors on 30 April 2009. 
The notes which follow form an integral part of these financial statements. 
Unaudited Cash Flow Statement 
for the year ended 31 December 2008 
                                                     2008                  2007 
                                                    GBP'000                 GBP'000 
Net cash (outflow) / inflow from                      550                 1,365 
operating activities 
Tax paid                                              119                 (313) 
Financial investment 
Purchase of listed fixed asset                   (13,228)              (14,849) 
Purchase of unlisted fixed asset                 (16,395)              (49,636) 
Sale of listed fixed asset investments             15,288                44,727 
Sale of unlisted fixed asset investments           13,056                44,997 
Net cash (outflow) / inflow from                  (1,279)                25,239 
financial investment 
Equity dividends paid                               (130)               (1,422) 
Net cash inflow before financing                      740                24,869 
Issue of Ordinary Shares                                -                12,353 
Purchase of Ordinary Shares for                   (2,297)              (36,271) 
Bank interest paid                                   (74)                 (169) 
Reconstruction costs                                    -               (1,018) 
Decrease in cash                                  (3,111)                 (236) 
Net funds at start of the year                      3,980                 4,195 
Gains on foreign exchange                              99                    21 
Net funds at the end of the year                      968                 3,980 
The notes which follow form an integral part of these financial statements. 
  * Basis of preparation 
The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost 
convention, modified to include the revaluation of investments and in 
accordance with applicable United Kingdom accounting standards. 
The Company is not an investment company within the meaning of Section 833 of 
the Companies Act 2006. However, it conducts its affairs as an investment trust 
for taxation purposes under Section 842 of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 
1988. As such, the Directors consider it appropriate to present the accounts in 
accordance with the Statement of Recommended Practice "Financial Statements of 
Investment Trust Companies" (the "SORP"), as issued by the Association of 
Investment Companies in December 2005. Under the SORP, the financial 
performance of the Company is presented in an Income Statement in which the 
total column is the profit and loss account of the Company. Additional 
disclosure of the total revenue is provided by including the revenue and 
capital column analysis, which the Directors consider better demonstrates 
revenue profits available for distribution by dividend. The Directors therefore 
consider that the departures from the specified provisions of Schedule IV of 
the Companies Act 1985, relating to the format of accounts for companies that 
are investment companies, are appropriate to give a true and fair view. The 
departures have no effect on total return or on the balance sheet. 
2 Income 
                                                  2008                     2007 
                                                 GBP'000                    GBP'000 
Income from fixed asset investments 
Franked income:                                     86 
Dividends from unlisted UK                           -                        1 
Unfranked income: 
Dividends from listed overseas                     119                        - 
Distribution fro UK unlisted                     1,730                      723 
Listed UK treasury gilts                            90                    1,155 
Listed UK loan stock investments                    35                        - 
Listed overseas treasury gilts                      90                        - 
                                                 2,064                    1,878 
Total income from fixed asset                    2,150                    1,879 
Other income 
Deposit interest                                   168                      347 
Other income                                        60                       97 
                                                   228                      444 
                                                 2,378                    2,323 
Income from fixed asset investments 
Listed                                             420                    1,155 
Unlisted                                         1,730                      724 
                                                 2,150                    1,879 
3 Investment management fee 
                                                  2008                     2007 
                                                 GBP'000                    GBP'000 
Investment management fee - charged                803                      913 
to revenue 
VAT on management fee recovered                  (426)                        - 
Performance fee - charged to capital                 -                      323 
                                                   377                    1,236 
The investment management agreement provides for a management fee of 1.25% per 
annum of the Company's assets (at valuation) invested in limited partnerships 
and direct private equity interests and 0.75% per annum on the remainder of the 
Company's assets. No management fee is payable by the Company in respect of any 
asset invested in funds managed by the Manager or its associates. The Company's 
Manager will be entitled to an annual performance fee of 10% of any return in 
excess of 8% per annum. 
The investment management agreement may be terminated by either party by giving 
12 months notice in writing, subject to there being an initial period of 24 
months which ends on 1 July 2009. Prior to 2 July 2007, the Company's manager 
was August Equity Management Limited ("August Equity") and a fee of 1.25% of 
the net asset vale of the Company was payable. At 31 December 2008 management 
fees of GBP146,000 (2007: GBP212,000) and performance fees of GBPnil (2007: GBP323,000) 
were payable to the Manager. As the performance fee is expected to be driven by 
capital appreciation, the Directors have determined that it should be charged 
to the capital account. 
Investment management fees are no longer subject to VAT. In recognition that 
VAT was paid in error prior to 2008, the Company has recovered from HM Revenue 
& Customs, via August Equity, VAT amounting to GBP426,000. 
4 Dividend 
No dividend has been declared in respect of the year ended 31 December 2008 
(2007: 0.66p per share). 
5 Return per ordinary share 
                                           2008             2008           2008 
                                        Revenue          Capital          Total 
                                          GBP'000            GBP'000          GBP'000 
Attributable to ordinary                   (69)         (11,006)       (11,075) 
Return per ordinary share                (0.4p)          (57.0p)        (57.4p) 
                                           2007             2007           2007 
                                        Revenue          Capital          Total 
                                          GBP'000            GBP'000          GBP'000 
Attributable to ordinary                    391            9,989         10,380 
Return per ordinary share                  1.7p            42.6p          44.3p 
The return per ordinary share is based on the weighted average of 19,280,488 
ordinary shares in issue (2007: 23,436,058). At the year end there were 
18,850,212 ordinary shares n issue (2007: 19,732,212). 
6 Related party transactions 
During the year under review Mr Duffield was a Director of the Company and 
Chairman of the Manager, New Star Asset Management Limited. Details of the 
contractual arrangements between the Company and the Manager may be found in 
the Business Review and in note 3 above. Mr Duffield resigned as a Director of 
the Company with effect from 30 April 2009 and resigned as Chairman and 
Director of the Manager with effect from 9 April 2009. 
7 2007 Financial information 
The figures and financial information for 2007 are an extract of the Annual 
Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2007 and do not 
constitute statutory accounts. The Annual Report and Financial Statements for 
the year ended 31 December 2007 have been delivered to the Registrar of 
Companies and included the Report of the Independent Auditors which was 
unqualified and did not contain a statement under s237(2) or (3) Companies Act 
8 2008 Financial information 
The figures and financial information for 2008 are an extract of the Annual 
Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2008 and do not 
constitute statutory accounts. The statutory accounts for 2008 will be 
finalised on the basis of the financial information presented by the directors 
in this preliminary announcement and will be delivered to the Registrar of 
Companies in due course. 
9 Annual Report and Financial Statements 
The Annual Report and Financial Statements will be posted to shareholders in 
May 2009 and will be available on the Company's webpage: 
or in hard copy format from the Registered Office, 201 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 
The Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday, 17 June 2009 at 3.00 p.m. 
at the offices of Henderson Global Investors, 201 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 3AE. 
By Order of the Board 
New Star Asset Management Limited, Secretary 
30 April 2008 
For further information please contact: 
Ian Barrass, Henderson Global Investors, 020 7818 2964 

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