RNS Number : 4699W 
New Star Financial Opp Fd Ltd 
29 July 2009 

New Star Financial Opportunities Fund Limited 
Announcement of Half Yearly Results for the six months to 31 May 2009 
Julian Tregoning (Chairman) 
 George Baird 
Christopher Fish 
Nigel Taylor 
Investment Manager 
New Star Asset Management Limited 
a member of the Henderson Global Investors Group 
201 Bishopgate, London EC2M 
Administrator, secretary and registered office 
Elysium Fund Management Limited 
PO Box 650, 2nd Floor, No. 1 Le Truchot, 
St. Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 3JX 
Telephone: 01481 810100 Facsimile: 01481 810120 
Capita Registrars (Guernsey) Limited 
 Longue Hougue House, St. Sampsons, 
Guernsey GY2 4JN 
KPMG Channel Islands Limited 
PO Box 20, 20 New Street, St. Peter Port, 
Guernsey GY1 4AN 
Prime Broker 
Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited 
 2nd Floor, One Cabot Square, 
Canary Wharf, London E14 4QJ 
13 High Street, St. Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 3AT 
Registered number 
Registered in Guernsey No. 37630 
The investment objective of the Company is to provide Shareholders with a high 
level of income and the potential for capital and income growth. 
The Company will seek to achieve its investment objective by investing 
predominantly in the equity, debt or other securities of listed European and UK 
financial companies. The Company may invest up to 25 per cent of its total 
assets (at the time of purchase) in financial companies listed outside Europe 
and the UK. 
The Company also may invest up to 10 per cent of its total assets (at the time 
of purchase) in unquoted financial securities and limited partnerships, which 
themselves invest in financial companies. 
Individual holdings will be limited to 7.5 per cent of the total assets (at the 
time of purchase) and the Company will not invest more than 10 per cent of the 
total assets (at the time of purchase) in other investment companies. 
Apart from normal hedging activities, the Company may enter into short sale 
transactions which shall be limited to 20 per cent of the total assets in 
aggregate with a limit on short sales of individual stocks of 5 per cent of 
total assets. 
The Company will maintain gearing in most market conditions, with borrowing 
limited to 50 per cent of total assets at the time of drawdown, other than for 
short-term settlement for cash flow purposes. 
The benchmark for measuring the Company's investment performance is the Dow 
Jones STOXX 600 Financials Index. 
The Company has 38,132,932 Ordinary Shares of 0.1p each in issue. The Ordinary 
Shares are geared by a credit facility, being a prior charge on capital. 
| PERFORMANCE - TOTAL RETURN                 |                                 % change | 
|                                            |                                          | 
| Net Asset Value                            |                                    (0.5) | 
| Ordinary Share price                       |                                    (5.3) | 
| Dow Jones STOXX 600 Financials Index*      |                                     12.9 | 
| FTSE Financials Index                      |                                     11.9 | 
|                                            |                                          | 
| * Sterling equivalent                      |                                          | 
|                                            |                                          | 
| ORDINARY SHARES          |     As at 31 May |  As at 30 November |             % Change | 
|                          |             2009 |               2008 |                      | 
|                          |                  |                    |                      | 
| Net Asset Value          |           32.25p |             34.28p |                (5.9) | 
| Mid-market price         |           27.50p |             31.00p |               (11.3) | 
| Discount                 |            14.7% |               9.6% |                      | 
|                          |                  |                    |                      | 
| REVENUE                  |  1 December 2008 | 1 December 2007 to |                      | 
|                          |               to |                    |                      | 
|                          |      31 May 2009 |        31 May 2008 |             % Change | 
|                          |                  |                    |                      | 
| Earnings per Ordinary    |            1.70p |              3.35p |               (49.3) | 
| Share                    |                  |                    |                      | 
| Dividends paid per       |            1.85p |              2.35p |               (21.3) | 
| Ordinary Share           |                  |                    |                      | 
|                          |                  |                    |                      | 
| CAPITAL                  |                  |                    |                      | 
|                          |                  |                    |                      | 
| Loss per Ordinary Share  |          (1.87)p |           (10.59)p |                 82.3 | 
|                          |                  |                    |                      | 
|                          |                  |                    |                      | 
In the last annual report I remarked that I hoped that there would be a little 
light at the end of the proverbial tunnel when I came to write this Statement 
and I am pleased to say that there is some light with the Dow Jones STOXX 600 
Financials Index (GBP) rising 15.1% and closing the period under review at 
146.70 points. This conceals the extent of the volatility we endured as the 
Index fell to 82.34 points on the 6 March. Against this background, the net 
asset value total return of your company fell 0.5%. This disappointing result 
was driven largely by the large weighting to corporate bonds which were bought 
as a defensive measure in 2008 and fell in value dramatically and unexpectedly 
as the financial crisis developed. 
In January 2009, your Company paid a fourth interim dividend of 1.10p in respect 
of the year ended 30 November 2008, making a total for that year of 4.40p per 
share. In April a first interim dividend of 0.75p was paid in respect of the 
current year, and a second interim of the same amount will be paid on 31 July 
2009. As I indicated in the last annual report, your board proposes to pay total 
dividends of 3.0p for the current year, and I am happy to confirm that this 
continues to be our intention. 
Following the completion of the acquisition of New Star Asset Management Group 
PLC, the ultimate parent company of the Company's Manager, by Henderson Group 
plc in April 2009, the Board was pleased to announce the appointment of the 
financials investment manager, Guy de Blonay, to manage the Company's portfolio. 
The Board wishes to thank Nick Brind, our previous Portfolio Manager, for all he 
did for the Company since taking over the Company's portfolio in 2003. 
Given all that has happened in the Financials sector over the period of this 
report and given the appointment of Mr de Blonay, your Directors decided it was 
appropriate to include a full Investment Manager's Report in this Half-Yearly 
Report; it follows this Statement. 
Your Board is currently undertaking a process of shareholder consultation to 
determine the optimum strategy for the fund under Henderson's management and 
with Mr de Blonay as Portfolio Manager, and I hope to be able to report the 
outcome of our deliberations very shortly. 
Details of related party transactions are contained in the annual report. There 
have been no material transactions with our related parties during the six-month 
period under review. 
It is probably fair to say that the risks many economies faced earlier this year 
of a systemic collapse of the banking system and the issues surrounding solvency 
have been alleviated. The main hurdle now faced by many economies is creating a 
sustainable recovery from the current severe recessionary environment. It, 
however, is our view that fundamental value remains for the Financials sector 
despite the lingering risks of credit quality, capitalisation, politics and 
regulation, and we believe that the Company's portfolio remains generally 
well-positioned to take advantage of the growth opportunities that will emerge 
in the months ahead. Going forward global diversification will be a key theme, 
and, within the limit of 25% that may be invested outside the UK and continental 
Europe, we have made initial investments in Asia and the USA with that in mind. 
Julian Tregoning 
29 July 2009 
The six months under review have been a tale of two halves. The first half 
contained the worst elements of the financial crisis with banks taking 
centre-stage over worries about capital, large write-downs, nationalisations and 
the end of the ban on short-selling the sector. Concerns about Western European 
bank exposure to Eastern Europe increased as rating agencies downgraded the 
outlook for some countries and this triggered further steep declines in share 
prices by mid-February. Pessimism about further credit losses and lack of 
capital for financial institutions persisted, with markets hitting a nadir in 
early March. Insurance companies suffered steep share price declines as 
investors began to question their valuations if all assets were marked to the 
prevailing market prices. 
The second half began in early March. Sentiment began to turn as comments from 
large financial companies such as Citigroup and Barclays indicated that they had 
been profitable in the first two months of the year. Subsequently, financials 
embarked on a strong rally from early March to the end of the period under 
review, driven by the shift in sentiment from a doomsday scenario - 
nationalisation of the banking sector - to a more rational outlook. Confidence 
grew that policymakers had managed to avoid a systemic collapse of the banking 
system and a deflationary depression through their monetary, fiscal and 
financial policies. These factors helped to create a floor for credit and equity 
Since March 2009 bank fundamentals have improved: the inter-bank market has 
began to work more efficiently, primarily due to the liquidity provided by 
central banks and governments, which has brought down borrowing costs 
significantly for banks. For example, 3-month sterling LIBOR has come down from 
120 basis points to around 40 basis points in the last six months. Whilst short 
term rates have reduced costs, banks have also been re-pricing assets - loans to 
their customers - to reflect the higher credit risk environment arising from 
increasing unemployment, falling collateral values and the global economic 
downturn. For many banks the higher asset yields have offset deposit spread 
compression. So it is reasonable to assume that the favourable increases in net 
interest margins will continue for the medium term. 
By late April capital markets had begun to reopen and the calendar second 
quarter was a particularly active period for capital raising both to strengthen 
balance sheets and to repay government support money. In the US alone, the 
financial sector raised US$89bn in 95 deals in the second quarter. Importantly, 
this capital was raised without the vast discounts to market share prices that 
some analysts were expecting. 
In light of the above, the performance of your Company has been mixed over the 
first six months of this financial year. The Company's equity portion has 
rallied strongly since the lows seen in March. In contrast, the performance of 
the Company's fixed-income portfolio has been more subdued, although there have 
been a few holdings that have performed very well. Whereas liquidity has 
returned more easily to the equity market, there is still a certain element of 
reservation from fixed-income investors and the poor performance of this asset 
class accounts for our poor performance against the Index. 
The Company's fixed-income portfolio was negatively affected by The Royal Bank 
of Scotland's announcement that it had reached an agreement with the UK 
government to replace the GBP5bn of preference shares it held with new ordinary 
shares. This increased investors' fears that the coupons might be deferred or 
not paid on certain debt securities issued by banks. This adversely affected 
valuations despite the fact that only one holding within the Company's 
fixed-income portfolio has announced that coupons have been suspended. The 
remainder of the Company's fixed-income portfolio continues to provide an 
important income stream, but some valuations are still suffering from 
The Company's equity portfolio in general has performed strongly since the lows 
seen in early March but the hedging, which helped to offset the falls early in 
the year, was not reduced until late April. This meant that the Company did not 
participate as strongly in the first few weeks of the rally as it might have 
Having taken over management of the investment portfolio in mid-April, it became 
clear that to benefit from the current outlook for global financials the Company 
would need to take a slightly different direction. In light of this, there has 
been a move to increase the exposure to regions outside Europe and the UK, and 
it is our intention to continue this trend. 
The risk/reward trade-off of holding banks has improved considerably as the 
extreme volatility of 2008 has faded. In our view banks can potentially return 
to profitability sooner than expected. The key area of opportunity for banks in 
the near term would appear to be the high revenue potential from capital markets 
as companies seek capital, trading intensifies and mergers and acquisitions 
activity recovers. In particular, those companies that opportunistically 
purchased key investment banking franchises around the time of Lehman's collapse 
are favourably positioned to profit from strong market share growth and 
integration synergies. 
Emerging markets also are providing an interesting opportunity for 
stock-picking. The investment rationale follows from the favourable 
macro-economic backdrop and the large fiscal stimulus packages within the 
region. Banks in Hong Kong, China and Singapore did not suffer from the 
financial crisis to the same extent as their western peers: they were less 
exposed to structured products, are generally better capitalised and their 
domestic markets are not stymied by an over-indebted consumer. Chinese banks 
continue to enjoy positive loan growth and are gradually improving their 
business mix to higher margin products. 
Investors are closely following the second quarter earnings season and 
monitoring management guidance to establish any long-term trends. This should 
reveal if the sector is sufficiently re-capitalised to absorb expected loan 
impairments and take advantage of the growth opportunities. In developed 
markets, profitability will depend on the ability of banks to grow their margins 
in a more favourable yield curve environment and their level of exposure to 
capital markets. Across all countries there remain considerable opportunities to 
expand simple banking products although this opportunity is strongest in 
emerging markets. A genuine bull market in emerging markets is possible and 
there is a realistic chance of earnings upgrades if the global macro-economic 
environment continues to heal. 
An area to watch closely will be regulation. Potentially, it could lead to banks 
taking much less risk, further de-leveraging and a structural shift away from 
the global banking model. Forecasts for normalised profits will depend strongly 
on levels of capital and permitted leverage. On the other hand, the potential 
for a change in accounting policy could provide a boost to many banks' balance 
sheets if there is a system-wide acknowledgement that some "available for sale" 
assets should be accounted for at amortised costs rather than via mark to market 
Whilst the sector has strong fundamental opportunities, the key factor to a 
sustainable recovery will come from the macro-economic environment. Provided the 
'stressed' scenarios - as used in the various government stress tests of banking 
systems - are not exceeded there are many companies currently trading on 
attractive valuation multiples. The risk, however, is that the US consumer 
remains troubled by rising unemployment and a stagnant housing market or that 
corporate confidence recovers only slowly. In such an environment the road to 
improving profitability may prove slower than recent optimism has suggested. 
Guy de Blonay 
29 July 2009 
 in respect of the Unaudited Half-Yearly Consolidated Financial Report 
In accordance with the Disclosure and Transparency Rules 4.2.7R and 4.2.8R, we 
confirm that, to the best of our knowledge: 
a) The condensed set of unaudited consolidated half-yearly financial statements 
has been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34, 
Interim Financial Reporting, as adopted by the European Union, as required by 
the Disclosure and Transparency Rule 4.2.4R; 
b) The Chairman's Statement includes a fair review of the information required 
to be disclosed under the Disclosure and Transparency Rule 4.2.7R, interim 
management report. This includes: (i) an indication of important events that 
have occurred during the first six months of the financial year, and their 
impact on the condensed set of unaudited financial statements presented in the 
half-yearly financial report and (ii) a description of the principal risks and 
uncertainties for the remaining six months of the financial year; and 
c) The Chairman's Statement  includes a fair review of the information required 
to be disclosed under the Disclosure and Transparency Rule 4.2.8R (disclosure of 
related party transactions and changes therein). 
Julian Tregoning 
For and on behalf of the Board 
29 July 2009 
For the six months ended 31 May 2009 (unaudited) 
|                 |      1 December 2008        |      1 December 2007        |        1 December 2007        | 
|                 |       to 31 May 2009        |       to 31 May 2008        |      to 30 November 2008      | 
|                 |        (Unaudited)          |        (Unaudited)          |          (Audited)            | 
|                 | Revenue | Capital |   Total | Revenue | Capital |  Total  | Revenue |  Capital |   Total  | 
|                 |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
|                 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 |  GBP'000 |  GBP'000 | 
|                 |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
|                 |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
| INVESTMENT      |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
| INCOME          |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
| Net losses on   |      -  |   (429) |   (429) |      -  | (4,427) | (4,427) |      -  | (17,134) | (17,134) | 
| investments     |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
| held at fair    |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
| value through   |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
| profit or loss  |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
| Net             |      -  |   (147) |   (147) |      -  |     728 |     728 |      -  |    2,413 |    2,413 | 
| (losses)/gains  |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
| on derivative   |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
| instruments     |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
| Exchange gains  |      -  |     178 |     178 |      -  |     758 |     758 |      -  |    1,084 |    1,084 | 
| on capital      |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
| items           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
| Other income    |     697 |      -  |     697 |   1,445 |      -  |   1,445 |   2,351 |       -  |    2,351 | 
|                 |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
| Total income    |     697 |   (398) |     299 |   1,445 | (2,941) | (1,496) |   2,351 | (13,637) | (11,286) | 
| EXPENSES        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
| Management fee  |      -  |    (47) |    (47) |      -  |    (98) |    (98) |      -  |    (170) |    (170) | 
| Other expenses  |      -  |   (180) |   (180) |      -  |   (177) |   (177) |      -  |    (354) |    (354) | 
| NET RETURN      |     697 |   (625) |      72 |   1,445 | (3,216) | (1,771) |   2,351 | (14,161) | (11,810) | 
| BEFORE FINANCE  |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
| COSTS AND       |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
| TAXATION        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
| FINANCE COSTS   |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
| Interest        |      -  |    (89) |    (89) |      -  |   (598) |   (598) |       - |  (1,006) |  (1,006) | 
| payable         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
| Finance charge  |      -  |      -  |      -  |      -  |    (94) |    (94) |      -  |     (94) |     (94) | 
| attributable to |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
| ZDP Shares      |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
| Ordinary and    |      -  |      -  |      -  |      -  |   (320) |   (320) |      -  |    (308) |   (308)  | 
| ZDP Share       |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
| repayment costs |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
|                 |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
|                 |      -  |    (89) |    (89) |       - | (1,012) | (1,012) |       - |  (1,408) |  (1,408) | 
| NET RETURN      |     697 |   (714) |    (17) |  1,445  | (4,228) | (2,783) |   2,351 | (15,569) | (13,218) | 
| BEFORE TAXATION |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
|                 |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
| TAXATION        |    (50) |      -  |    (50) |   (107) |      -  |   (107) |   (114) |       -  |    (114) | 
|                 |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
| TOTAL RETURN    |    647  |   (714) |    (67) |  1,338  | (4,228) | (2,890) |   2,237 | (15,569) | (13,332) | 
| ATTRIBUTABLE TO |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
| ORDINARY        |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
| SHAREHOLDERS    |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
|                 |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
|                 |  pence  |  pence  |   pence |  pence  |  pence  |  pence  |  pence  |   pence  |   pence  | 
|                 |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
| Basic return    |    1.70 |  (1.87) |  (0.17) |   3.35  | (10.59) |  (7.24) |   5.73  |  (39.89) |  (34.16) | 
| per Ordinary    |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
| Share           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
| Return per ZDP  |       - |       - |       - |       - |    0.38 |    0.38 |       - |     0.38 |     0.38 | 
| Share           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
The consolidation refers to comparative periods only and comprises the Company 
and its subsidiary, up to the date of the subsidiary's winding-up on 4 February 
All items in the above statement are derived from continuing operations except 
for items relating to ZDP Shares. 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 
For the six months ended 31 May 2009 (unaudited) 
|                                      |                  | Distributable | Distributable |         Non-  |         | 
|                                      |            Share |      reserves |      reserves | distributable |         | 
|                                      |                  |               |               |               |         | 
|                                      |          capital |             - | -             |      reserves |  Total  | 
|                                      |                  |       revenue | other         |               |         | 
|                                      |          GBP'000 |       GBP'000 |       GBP'000 |       GBP'000 | GBP'000 | 
| SIX MONTHS ENDED 31 MAY 2009 (UNAUDITED)                                |               |               |         | 
| AT 1 DECEMBER 2008                   |               42 |         2,188 |        20,386 |       (9,546) |  13,070 | 
| Net increase/(decrease) in net       |               -  |           647 |            -  |         (714) |    (67) | 
| assets from operations               |                  |               |               |               |         | 
| Cancellation of shares held in       |              (4) |            -  |             4 |            -  |       - | 
| treasury                             |                  |               |               |               |         | 
| Dividends paid                       |               -  |         (705) |            -  |            -  |   (705) | 
|                                      |                  |               |               |               |         | 
| AT 31 MAY 2009                       |               38 |         2,130 |        20,390 |      (10,260) |  12,298 | 
|                                      |                  |               |               |               |         | 
| SIX MONTHS ENDED 31 MAY 2008 (UNAUDITED)                   |          |          |          | 
| AT 1 DECEMBER 2007                   |   15,375 |    1,686 |   20,961 |    6,023 |   44,045 | 
| Net increase/(decrease) in net       |       -  |    1,338 |       -  |  (4,228) |  (2,890) | 
| assets from operations               |          |          |          |          |          | 
| Reduction in value of Ordinary       | (15,314) |       -  |   15,314 |       -  |       -  | 
| shares                               |          |          |          |          |          | 
| Shares bought back for cancellation  |     (19) |       -  | (13,005) |       -  | (13,024) | 
| Shares bought back to be held in     |       -  |       -  |  (2,884) |       -  |  (2,884) | 
| treasury                             |          |          |          |          |          | 
| Dividends paid                       |       -  |    (896) |       -  |       -  |    (896) | 
|                                      |          |          |          |          |          | 
| AT 31 MAY 2008                       |       42 |    2,128 |   20,386 |    1,795 |   24,351 | 
|                                      |          |          |          |          |          | 
| YEAR ENDED 30 NOVEMBER 2008 (AUDITED)                      |          |          |          | 
| AT 1 DECEMBER 2007                   |   15,375 |    1,686 |   20,961 |    6,023 |   44,045 | 
| Net increase/(decrease) in net       |       -  |    2,237 |       -  | (15,569) | (13,332) | 
| assets from operations               |          |          |          |          |          | 
| Reduction in value of Ordinary       | (15,314) |       -  |   15,314 |       -  |       -  | 
| shares                               |          |          |          |          |          | 
| Shares bought back for cancellation  |     (19) |       -  | (13,005) |       -  | (13,024) | 
| Shares bought back to be held in     |       -  |       -  |  (2,884) |       -  |  (2,884) | 
| treasury                             |          |          |          |          |          | 
| Dividends paid                       |       -  |  (1,735) |       -  |       -  |  (1,735) | 
|                                      |          |          |          |          |          | 
| AT 30 NOVEMBER 2008                  |       42 |    2,188 |   20,386 |  (9,546) |   13,070 | 
|                                      |          |          |          |          |          | 
The consolidation refers to comparative periods only and comprises the Company 
and its subsidiary, up to the date of the subsidiary's winding-up on 4 February 
As at 31 May 2009 (unaudited) 
|                                      |    31 May 2009 |    31 May 2008 | 30 November 2008 | 
|                                      |    (Unaudited) |    (Unaudited) |        (Audited) | 
|                                      |        GBP'000 |        GBP'000 |          GBP'000 | 
| NON-CURRENT ASSETS                   |                |                |                  | 
| Investments held at fair value       |         20,001 |        35,566  |           19,686 | 
| through profit or loss               |                |                |                  | 
|                                      |                |                |                  | 
| CURRENT ASSETS                       |                |                |                  | 
| Amounts due on derivative financial  |              - |            536 |            1,738 | 
| instruments                          |                |                |                  | 
| Trade and other receivables          |            721 |          2,143 |              447 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents            |          1,246 |          7,896 |            3,602 | 
|                                      |          1,967 |         10,575 |            5,787 | 
|                                      |                |                |                  | 
| TOTAL ASSETS                         |        21,968  |        46,141  |           25,473 | 
|                                      |                |                |                  | 
| CURRENT LIABILITIES                  |                |                |                  | 
| Investments at fair value            |              - |              - |              206 | 
| Amounts due on derivative financial  |            560 |             62 |               30 | 
| instruments                          |                |                |                  | 
| Prime broker facility                |          8,516 |         20,688 |           12,061 | 
| Trade and other payables             |            594 |          1,040 |              106 | 
|                                      |          9,670 |         21,790 |           12,403 | 
|                                      |                |                |                  | 
| NET ASSETS                           |         12,298 |         24,351 |           13,070 | 
|                                      |                |                |                  | 
| CAPITAL AND RESERVES                 |                |                |                  | 
| Called-up share capital              |             38 |             42 |               42 | 
| Distributable reserves - revenue     |          2,130 |          2,128 |            2,188 | 
| Distributable reserves - other       |         20,390 |         20,386 |           20,386 | 
| Non-distributable reserves           |       (10,260) |          1,795 |          (9,546) | 
|                                      |                |                |                  | 
| TOTAL EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS     |         12,298 |         24,351 |           13,070 | 
|                                      |          pence |          pence |            pence | 
| NET ASSET VALUE PER ORDINARY SHARE   |          32.25 |          63.86 |            34.28 | 
|                                      |                |                |                  | 
| Number of Ordinary Shares in issue   |     38,132,932 |     38,132,932 |       38,132,932 | 
| at period end excluding shares held  |                |                |                  | 
| in treasury                          |                |                |                  | 
The consolidation refers to comparative periods only and comprises the Company 
and its subsidiary, up to the date of the subsidiary's winding-up on 4 February 
For the six months ended 31 May 2009 (Unaudited) 
|                                     |  1 December 2008 |     1 December | 1 December 2007 | 
|                                     |               to |        2007 to |              to | 
|                                     |      31 May 2009 |    31 May 2008 |     30 November | 
|                                     |                  |                |            2008 | 
|                                     |      (Unaudited) |    (Unaudited) |       (Audited) | 
|                                     |         GBP'000  |       GBP'000  |         GBP'000 | 
|                                     |                  |                |                 | 
| OPERATING ACTIVITIES                |                  |                |                 | 
| Net return before finance costs and |               72 |        (1,771) |        (11,810) | 
| tax                                 |                  |                |                 | 
| Adjustments to reconcile net return |                  |                |                 | 
| before finance costs and tax to net |                  |                |                 | 
| cash flows from operating           |                  |                |                 | 
| activities:                         |                  |                |                 | 
| Adjustment for losses on            |              576 |          3,699 |          14,721 | 
| investments                         |                  |                |                 | 
| Adjustment for exchange gains       |            (178) |          (758) |         (1,084) | 
| (Increase)/decrease in receivables  |              (5) |            489 |             296 | 
| Increase/(decrease) in payables     |               36 |          (100) |           (131) | 
| Purchase of investments             |          (9,016) |       (12,451) |        (17,372) | 
| Sale of investments                 |            8,396 |         45,670 |          54,656 | 
| Realised exchange (losses)/gains on |              (3) |            184 |             184 | 
| settlement                          |                  |                |                 | 
| Exchange gains on currency          |              181 |            574 |             900 | 
| Short investments                   |            (175) |              - |             251 | 
| Realised gains on derivative        |            2,181 |            395 |             882 | 
| instruments                         |                  |                |                 | 
| CASH GENERATED FROM OPERATIONS      |            2,065 |         35,931 |          41,493 | 
|                                     |                  |                |                 | 
| TAXATION                            |                  |                |                 | 
| Tax paid                            |             (50) |          (107) |            (20) | 
|                                     |                  |                |                 | 
| DIVIDENDS                           |                  |                |                 | 
| Equity dividends paid               |            (705) |          (896) |         (1,735) | 
|                                     |                  |                |                 | 
| FINANCING ACTIVITIES                |                  |                |                 | 
| Interest paid                       |            (121) |          (496) |           (966) | 
| Share repurchases                   |                - |       (13,024) |        (13,024) | 
| Share purchases to be held in       |                - |        (2,884) |         (2,884) | 
| treasury                            |                  |                |                 | 
| ZDP Share repayment costs paid      |                - |          (424) |           (431) | 
| Repayment to ZDP Shareholders       |                - |       (41,572) |        (41,572) | 
| CASH USED IN FINANCING ACTIVITIES   |            (121) |       (58,400) |        (58,877) | 
| INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH AND     |            1,189 |       (23,472) |        (19,139) | 
| EQUIVALENTS                         |                  |                |                 | 
| CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT 1      |          (8,459) |         10,680 |          10,680 | 
| DECEMBER 2008                       |                  |                |                 | 
| CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT 31 MAY |          (7,270) |       (12,792) |         (8,459) | 
| 2009                                |                  |                |                 | 
|                                     |                  |                |                 | 
The consolidation refers to comparative periods only and comprises the cash flow 
of the Company and its subsidiary, up to the date of the subsidiary's winding-up 
on 4 February 2008. 
For the six months ended 31 May 2009 (unaudited) 
New Star Financial Opportunities Fund Limited (the "Company") is a company 
domiciled in Guernsey. The condensed unaudited consolidated financial statements 
of the Company for the six months ended 31 May 2009 comprise the Company and for 
the comparative periods the Company and its subsidiary, up to the date of the 
subsidiary's winding-up on 4 February 2008. 
Following recent changes to the Guernsey regulatory fund regime, the Company has 
elected to be an "authorised" closed-ended investment scheme under the 
Protection of Investors (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 1987, as amended. This has 
no impact on the operation of the Company. 
These condensed unaudited consolidated half-yearly financial statements for the 
six months ended 31 May 2009 were authorised for issuance on 29 July 2009. 
a)   Statement of compliance 
These condensed unaudited consolidated half-yearly results have been prepared in 
accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") for interim 
financial reporting; IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting. They do not include all 
of the information required for full annual financial statements. 
Where presentational guidance set out in the Statement of Recommended Practice 
(SORP) for investment trusts issued by the Association of Investment Companies 
(AIC) in January 2003 (revised December 2005) is consistent with the 
requirements of IFRS, the Directors have sought to prepare the accounts on a 
basis compliant with the recommendations of the SORP. 
b)   Basis of preparation 
The condensed consolidated financial statements have been prepared on a fair 
value basis for financial assets and financial liabilities at fair value through 
profit or loss and derivative financial instruments. 
The condensed consolidated financial statements are presented in Sterling 
rounded to the nearest thousand. The functional currency of the Company is 
Sterling as this is the currency of the primary economic environment within 
which the Company operates. 
The accounting policies have been consistently applied by the Company and are 
consistent with those used in the financial statements for the year ended 30 
November 2008. 
These unaudited condensed consolidated half-yearly financial statements should 
be read in conjunction with the last audited financial statements as at 30 
November 2008. 
The charge for the six months ended 31 May 2009 is GBP50,000 (six months ended 
31 May 2008: GBP107,000; year ended 30 November 2008: GBP114,000). These amounts 
represent irrecoverable withholding tax paid on overseas income. 
The Company is domiciled in Guernsey and is exempt from paying tax on income or 
capital gains of that jurisdiction under the terms of The Income Tax (Exempt 
Bodies) (Guernsey) Ordinance 1989. The Company is liable to an exemption fee of 
GBP600 per annum. 
On 15 June 2009, a second interim dividend of GBP285,997; 0.75 pence per share 
relating to the year ending 30 November 2009, was declared. This dividend which 
is payable on 31 July 2009, has not been shown in the Consolidated Statement of 
Changes in Net Equity. 
The basic revenue return per Ordinary Share is based on a net increase in net 
assets from operations of GBP647,000 (31 May 2008: GBP1,338,000; 30 November 
2008: GBP2,237,000) and on 38,132,932 Ordinary Shares (31 May 2008: 39,920,577; 
30 November 2008: 39,026,754) being the weighted average number in issue 
(excluding treasury shares) throughout the period. The basic capital return per 
Ordinary Share is based on a net decrease in assets from operations of 
GBP714,000 (31 May 2008: decrease of GBP4,228,000; 30 November 2008: decrease of 
GBP15,569,000) and on 38,132,932 Ordinary Shares (31 May 2008: 39,920,577; 30 
November 2008: 39,026,754) being the weighted average number in issue (excluding 
treasury shares) throughout the period. 
There are no potential Ordinary Shares in existence, therefore no diluted 
returns per Share have been shown. 
|                                      |    31 May 2009 |    31 May 2008 |    30 November | 
|                                      |                |                |           2008 | 
|                                      |    (Unaudited) |    (Unaudited) |      (Audited) | 
|                                      |          pence |         pence  |          pence | 
|                                      |                |                |                | 
| Net asset value per Ordinary Share   |          32.25 |          63.86 |          34.28 | 
|                                      |                |                |                | 
The net asset value per Ordinary Share is based on the net assets attributable 
to the Ordinary Shareholders of GBP12,298,000 (31 May 2008: GBP24,351,000; 30 
November 2008: GBP13,070,000) and on 38,132,932 (31 May 2008: 38,132,932; 30 
November 2008: 38,132,932) Ordinary Shares in issue (excluding treasury shares) 
at the end of the period. 
Apart from Management fees there were no significant related party transactions 
during the period (31 May 2008: none; 30 November 2008: none). During the period 
GBP47,000 (31 May 2008: GBP98,000; 30 November 2008: GBP170,000) was payable to 
New Star Asset Management Limited. At the period end GBP37,000 (31 May 2008: 
GBP32,000; 30 November 2008: GBP18,000) was outstanding and is included in trade 
and other payables. 
Forty largest investments at 31 May 2009 
|    Holding | Company                 | Sector              | Security     |   Fair Value | 
|            |                         |                     |              |      GBP'000 | 
|            |                         |                     |              |              | 
|   196,488  | HSBC Holdings           | Banks               | Ordinary     |       1,093  | 
|   325,000  | Personal Group Holdings | Non-Life            | Ordinary     |         827  | 
|            |                         | insurance           |              |              | 
|   150,000  | DnB NOR                 | Banks               | Ordinary     |         769  | 
|   750,000  | Santander 3.375%        | Fixed income        | Bond         |         662  | 
|    23,818  | Julius Baer Holdings    | General Financial   | Ordinary     |         620  | 
|     2,444  | Banque Cant Vaudoise    | Banks               | Ordinary     |         579  | 
|   154,895  | Aviva                   | Life insurance      | Ordinary     |         518  | 
|   750,000  | Investec 7.75%          | Fixed income        | Bond         |         452  | 
|     5,066  | Muenchener Rueckve      | Non-Life            | Ordinary     |         437  | 
|            |                         | insurance           |              |              | 
|   550,000  | SVG Capital             | Fixed income        | Convertible  |         436  | 
|            |                         |                     | Bond         |              | 
|   487,961  | Sberbank Rossii         | Banks               | Ordinary     |         428  | 
|   500,000  | Intesa Sanpaolo 6.625%  | Fixed income        | Bond         |         420  | 
|   750,000  | Provident Financial     | Fixed income        | Bond         |         411  | 
|            | 7.125%                  |                     |              |              | 
|   300,000  | Randall & Quilter       | Non-Life            | Ordinary     |         384  | 
|            |                         | insurance           |              |              | 
|   700,000  | Kensington Group 9%     | Fixed income        | Bond         |         350  | 
|   550,000  | Generali Finance 6.214% | Fixed income        | Bond         |         346  | 
|     8,379  | Deutsche Bank           | Banks               | Ordinary     |         344  | 
|   269,072  | RSA Insurance Group     | Non-Life            | Ordinary     |         338  | 
|            |                         | insurance           |              |              | 
|   149,876  | Marfin Popular          | Banks               | Ordinary     |         335  | 
|   350,000  | 3i Group 3.625%         | Fixed income        | Bond         |         319  | 
|   225,000  | Hansard Global          | Life insurance      | Ordinary     |         307  | 
|   350,000  | Standard Chartered      | Fixed income        | Bond         |         296  | 
|            | 8.103%                  |                     |              |              | 
|    23,422  | Standard Chartered      | Banks               | Ordinary     |         294  | 
|   500,000  | BNP Paribas 4.875%      | Fixed income        | Bond         |         285  | 
|   550,000  | F&C Asset Management    | Fixed income        | Bond         |         283  | 
|            | 6.75%                   |                     |              |              | 
|   800,000  | Prudential 6.5%         | Fixed income        | Bond         |         277  | 
|   500,000  | AXA 6.772%              | Fixed income        | Bond         |         268  | 
|   300,000  | RSA Insurance Group     | Fixed income        | Preference   |         264  | 
|            | 7.375%                  |                     |              |              | 
|   600,000  | Standard Life 5.314%    | Fixed income        | Bond         |         256  | 
|     4,612  | Deutsche Boerse         | General Financial   | Ordinary     |         248  | 
|     1,476  | Helvetia Holding        | Non-Life            | Ordinary     |         247  | 
|            |                         | insurance           |              |              | 
|   250,000  | Liontrust Asset         | General Financial   | Ordinary     |         246  | 
|            | Management              |                     |              |              | 
|   250,000  | Alliance & Leicester    | Fixed income        | Bond         |         246  | 
|            | 9.625%                  |                     |              |              | 
|   400,000  | Credit Agricole 5.136%  | Fixed income        | Bond         |         245  | 
|   450,000  | Legal & General Group   | Life insurance      | Ordinary     |         242  | 
|    66,000  | Sparebank 1 SMN         | Banks               | Ordinary     |         241  | 
|   250,000  | Intesa Sanpaolo 6.25%   | Fixed income        | Bond         |         225  | 
|     5,252  | BNP Paribas             | Banks               | Ordinary     |         224  | 
|   350,000  | Nordea Bank Finland     | Fixed income        | Bond         |         220  | 
|            | 6.25%                   |                     |              |              | 
|     4,339  | Gecina                  | Real Estate         | Ordinary     |         220  | 
|            |                         | Investment Trust    |              |              | 
|            | TOTAL FOR FORTY LARGEST HOLDINGS BY MARKET VALUE             |       15,202 | 
|            | OTHER HOLDINGS            |                 |                |        4,799 | 
|            | TOTAL FAIR VALUE OF INVESTMENTS                              |       20,001 | 
|            |                           |                 |                |              | 
The Company holds the following short positions on unexpired derivatives: 
The Company has a swap based on the DOW Jones Europe STOXX Bank Index with a 
total notional value of GBP1,608,000. The unrealised loss on these contracts at 
31 May 2009 was GBP518,000. 
The Company also has six contracts for difference with a total notional value of 
GBP419,000. The unrealised loss on these contracts at 31 May 2009 was GBP42,000. 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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