Novo Nordisk increased operating profit by 21% in 2009 
In 2010, operating profit is expected to increase by around 10% 
  * Sales increased by 12% in Danish kroner and by 11% in local currencies. 
o        Sales of NovoSeven( ®) increased by 11% (10% in local currencies). 
o        Sales of Norditropin( ®) increased by 14% (10% in local currencies). 
  * Gross margin improved by 1.8 percentage points to 79.6% in 2009, primarily 
    reflecting continued productivity improvements, price increases in the US 
    and a positive currency impact of around 0.4 percentage points. 
  * Reported operating profit increased by 21% to DKK 14,933 million. Adjusted 
    for the impact from currencies underlying operating profit increased by more 
    than 15%. 
  * Net profit increased by 12% to DKK 10,768 million. Earnings per share 
    (diluted) increased by 15% to DKK 17.82. 
  * At the Annual General Meeting on 24 March 2010, the Board of Directors will 
    propose a 25% increase in dividend to DKK 7.50 per share of DKK 1. The Board 
    of Directors has furthermore decided to initiate a new share repurchase 
    programme of DKK 7.5 billion during 2010. 
  * In January 2010, Novo Nordisk received marketing authorisation for 
    Victoza( ®), the once-daily human GLP-1 analogue for the treatment of type 2 
    diabetes, from both the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the 
    Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. 
  * For 2010, sales growth measured in local currencies is expected to be in the 
    range of 6-10% whereas operating profit measured in local currencies is 
    expected to increase by around 10%. 
Lars Rebien Sørensen, president and CEO, said: "We are satisfied with the solid 
business performance in 2009, which is primarily driven by the robust sales 
growth for our portfolio of modern insulins. The launch of Victoza( ®) in Europe 
is very encouraging and we look forward to continuing the global roll-out of 
Victoza( ®) following the recent approvals in the US and Japan." 
 Consolidated financial statement 2009                                      3 
 Long-term financial targets                                                4 
 Sales development by segment                                               5 
 Sales development by region                                                5 
 Diabetes care                                                              5 
 Biopharmaceuticals                                                         6 
 Development in costs and operating profit                                  7 
 Net financials and tax                                                     7 
 Capital expenditure and free cash flow                                     8 
 Outlook 2010                                                               8 
 Research and development update                                            10 
 Equity                                                                     11 
 Corporate governance                                                       13 
 Sustainability issues update                                               14 
 Legal issues update                                                        15 
 Financial calendar                                                         16 
 Conference call details                                                    16 
 Forward-looking statement                                                  17 
 Management statement                                                       18 
 Contacts for further information                                           19 
 Appendix 1:        Quarterly numbers in DKK                                20 
 Appendix 2:        Statement of comprehensive income                       21 
 Appendix 3:        Balance sheet                                           22 
 Appendix 4:        Statement of cash flows                                 23 
 Appendix 5:        Statement of changes in equity                          24 
 Appendix 6:        Quarterly numbers in EUR / Supplementary information    25 
 Appendix 7:        Key currencies assumptions / Supplementary information  26 
Consolidated financial statement 2009 
Today, the Board of Directors and Executive Management approved the audited 
Annual Report 2009 of Novo Nordisk A/S. The Board of Directors and Executive 
Management also approved this financial statement containing condensed financial 
information for 2009. This financial statement is prepared in accordance with 
the recognition and measurement requirements of IFRS as issued by the 
International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and endorsed by the EU, and with 
additional Danish disclosure requirements for listed companies. The accounting 
policies used in this financial statement are consistent with those used in the 
annual reports for 2008 and 2009. 
 Profit and loss             2009   2008    2007   2006   2005 % change 2009 vs 
 (Amounts below in DKK 
 Sales                     51,078 45,553  41,831 38,743 33,760              12% 
 Gross profit              40,640 35,444  32,038 29,158 24,583              15% 
 Gross margin               79.6%  77.8%   76.6%  75.3%  72.8% 
 Sales and distribution    15,420 12,866  12,371 11,608  9,691              20% 
 Percent of sales           30.2%  28.2%   29.6%  30.0%  28.7% 
 Research and development   7,864  7,856   8,538  6,316  5,085               0% 
 - hereof costs related to      -  (325) (1,325)      -      - 
 AERx( ®) (1)) 
 Percent of sales           15.4%  17.2%   20.4%  16.3%  15.1% 
 Percent of sales (excl         -  16.5%   17.2%      -      - 
 AERx( ®)) (1)) 
 Administrative expenses    2,764  2,635   2,508  2,387  2,122               5% 
 Percent of sales            5.4%   5.8%    6.0%   6.2%   6.3% 
 Licence fees and other       341    286     321    272    403              19% 
 operating income 
 Operating profit          14,933 12,373   8,942  9,119  8,088              21% 
 Operating margin           29.2%  27.2%   21.4%  23.5%  24.0% 
 Operating profit (excl         - 12,698  10,267      -      - 
 AERx( ®))(1)) 
 Operating margin (excl         -  27.9%   24.5%      -      - 
 AERx( ®)) (1)) 
 Net financials             (945)    322   2,029     45    146           (393%) 
 Profit before income      13,988 12,695  10,971  9,164  8,234              10% 
 Income taxes               3,220  3,050   2,449  2,712  2,370               6% 
 Income tax rate            23.0%  24.0%   22.3%  29.6%  28.8% 
 Net profit                10,768  9,645   8,522  6,452  5,864              12% 
 Net profit margin          21.1%  21.2%   20.4%  16.7%  17.4% 
(                                            ) 
(1)) Excluding costs related to the discontinuation of all pulmonary diabetes 
Consolidated financial statement 2009 - continued 
                                     2009   2008   2007   2006   2005 % change 
                                                                      2009 vs 
 Other key numbers 
 (Amounts below in DKK million 
 except earnings per 
 share, dividend per share and 
 number of employees) 
 Depreciation, amortisation, etc    2,551  2,442  3,007  2,142  1,930        4% 
 Capital expenditure                2,631  1,754  2,268  2,787  3,665       50% 
 Free cash flow                    12,332 11,015  9,012  4,707  4,833       12% 
 Total assets                      54,742 50,603 47,731 44,692 41,960        8% 
 Equity                            35,734 32,979 32,182 30,122 27,634        8% 
 Equity ratio                       65.3%  65.2%  67.4%  67.4%  65.9% 
                                    17.82  15.54  13.39  10.00   8.92       15% 
 Dividend per share (in DKK)(1))     7.50   6.00   4.50   3.50   3.00       25% 
 Payout ratio (2))                  40.9%  37.8%  32.8%  34.4%  33.2%        8% 
 Payout ratio (adjusted)( 3))           -      -  34.9%      -      - 
 Average number of full-time       27,985 26,069 24,344 22,590 21,146        7% 
(1)) Proposed dividend for the financial year 2009. 
(2)) Dividend for the year as a percentage of net profit. 
(3)) Dividend for the year as a percentage of net profit adjusted for impact of 
Dako and AERx( ®) discontinuation. 
Long-term financial targets 
 Performance against long-term    2009   2008   2007  2006  2005     Long-term 
 financial targets                                                target ratio 
                                 20.7%  38.4% (1.9%) 12.7% 15.9%      15% 
 AERx( ®)) (1))                       -  23.7%  12.6%     -     - 
                                 29.2%  27.2%  21.4% 23.5% 24.0%      30% 
 AERx( ®)) (1))                       -  27.9%  24.5%     -     - 
                                 47.3%  37.4%  27.2% 25.8% 24.7%      50% 
                                114.5% 114.2% 105.7% 73.0% 82.4% 
                                111.5%  97.6%  87.0% 80.2% 82.4%      80% 
( ) 
(1)) Excluding costs related to the discontinuation of all pulmonary diabetes 
Sales development by segment 
Sales increased by 12% in Danish kroner and by 11% measured in local currencies. 
Growth was realised within both diabetes care and biopharmaceuticals; the 
primary growth contribution originated from the modern insulins and 
NovoSeven( ®). The sales growth was in line with the latest guidance of 'at the 
level of 10%' sales growth in local currencies and 'around 1.5 percentage points 
higher' as reported in Danish kroner. 
                                          Growth      Growth   Share of 
                                   2009      as     in local     growth 
                                   DKK  reported currencies   in local 
                                million                      currencies 
 The diabetes care segment 
 Modern insulins                 21,471      24%         23%        82% 
 - NovoRapid( ®)                   9,749      25%         22%        36% 
 - NovoMix( ®)                     6,499      15%         15%        18% 
 - Levemir( ®)                     5,223      36%         35%        28% 
 Human insulins                  11,315     (4%)        (5%)      (13%) 
 Protein-related products         2,064      12%         10%         4% 
 Oral antidiabetic products       2,652      11%          9%         4% 
 Diabetes care - total           37,502      12%         11%        77% 
 The biopharmaceuticals segment 
 NovoSeven( ®)                     7,072      11%         10%        13% 
 Norditropin( ®)                   4,401      14%         10%         8% 
 Other products                   2,103       9%          6%         2% 
 Biopharmaceuticals - total      13,576      11%          9%        23% 
 Total sales                     51,078      12%         11%       100% 
Sales development by region 
In 2009, sales growth was realised in all regions. North America was the main 
contributor with 48% share of the growth measured in local currencies. 
International Operations and Europe contributed 32% and 19%, respectively, of 
the total sales growth - also measured in local currencies. 
Diabetes care 
Sales of diabetes care products increased by 12% measured in Danish kroner to 
DKK 37,502 million and by 11% in local currencies compared to 2008. 
Modern insulins, human insulins and protein-related products 
Sales of modern insulins, human insulins and protein-related products increased 
by 13% in Danish kroner to DKK 34,850 million and by 11% measured in local 
currencies, driven by North America and International Operations. Novo Nordisk 
continues to be the global leader with 51% of the total insulin market and 45% 
of the modern insulin market, both measured by volume. 
The portfolio of modern insulins is the main contributor to growth, and sales 
increased by 24% in Danish kroner to DKK 21,471 million and by 23% in local 
currencies. All regions realised solid growth rates, with North America 
accounting for 51% of the growth followed by Europe and International 
Operations. Sales of modern insulins now constitute 65% of Novo Nordisk's sales 
of insulin in Danish kroner. 
North America 
Sales in North America increased by 25% in Danish kroner and by 20% in local 
currencies in 2009, reflecting a solid penetration of the modern insulins 
Levemir( ®),( )NovoLog( ®) and NovoLog( ®) Mix 70/30. Novo Nordisk ( ®) 
54% of the total insulin market and 51% of the modern insulin market, both 
measured by volume, and is capturing the main share of growth in the modern 
insulin market. The device penetration in Europe remains high with more than 
95% of Novo devices, primarily NovoPen( ®) and FlexPen( ®). 
Victoza( ®), the first once-daily human GLP-1 analogue, has been launched in 
Germany, the United Kingdom, Denmark, Ireland, Norway, Switzerland, the 
Netherlands, Greece and Sweden. Launch activities are progressing well in these 
markets and feedback from healthcare professionals and patients is encouraging. 
In Germany, the GLP-1 class constitutes more than 3% of the total diabetes care 
market and Victoza( ®) has more than 52% of the GLP-1 market, both measured in 
weekly value market shares. 
International Operations 
Sales within International Operations increased by 17% in Danish kroner and by 
19% in local currencies. The main contributor to growth in 2009 was sales of 
modern insulins, primarily in China and Turkey. Furthermore, sales of human 
insulin continue to add to overall growth in the region, primarily driven by 
China. The device penetration in China is high with more than 90% of Novo 
Nordisk's insulin volume sold in devices, primarily NovoPen( ®). 
Japan & Oceania 
Sales in Japan & Oceania increased by 12% measured in Danish kroner and 
decreased by 1% in local currencies. The sales development reflects sales growth 
for all three modern insulins, NovoRapid( ®), Levemir( ®) and NovoRapid Mix( ®) 
30, countered by pressure on the overall Novo Nordisk market share due to 
intense competition. Novo Nordisk has 67% of the total insulin market in Japan 
and 59% of the modern insulin market, both measured by volume. The device 
penetration in Japan remains high with more than 95% of Novo Nordisk's insulin 
volume being sold in devices, primarily NovoPen( ®) and FlexPen( ®). 
Oral antidiabetic products (NovoNorm( ®)/Prandin( ®)) 
In 2009, sales of oral antidiabetic products increased by 11% in Danish kroner 
to DKK 2,652 million and by 9% in local currencies compared to 2008. 
In 2009, sales of biopharmaceutical products increased by 11% measured in Danish 
kroner to DKK 13,576 million and by 9% measured in local currencies compared to 
NovoSeven( ®) 
Sales of NovoSeven( ®) increased by 11% in Danish kroner to DKK 7,072 million and 
by 10% in local currencies. Sales growth for NovoSeven( ®) was primarily realised 
in International Operations and Europe. The sales growth for NovoSeven( ®) mainly 
reflected increased sales from treatment of spontaneous bleeding episodes for 
congenital inhibitor patients, which remains the largest therapeutic area of use 
for NovoSeven( ®). 
Norditropin( ®) 
Sales of Norditropin( ®) (ie growth hormone in a liquid, ready-to-use 
formulation) increased by 14% measured in Danish kroner to DKK 4,401 million and 
by 10% measured in local currencies compared to 2008. North America and Europe 
were the main contributors to growth measured in local currencies. Novo Nordisk 
maintained its position as the second-largest company in the global growth 
hormone market with 24% market share measured by volume. 
Other products 
Sales of other products within biopharmaceuticals, which predominantly consist 
of hormone replacement therapy-related products, increased by 9% in Danish 
kroner to DKK 2,103 million and by 6% in local currencies. This development 
primarily reflects continued sales progress for Vagifem( ®), a topical oestrogen 
product, in the US. 
Development in costs and operating profit 
The gross margin increased to 79.6% from 77.8% in 2008. This improvement 
primarily reflects improved production efficiency, higher average selling prices 
in the US and a positive currency effect. The improved production efficiency 
primarily reflects higher yields in diabetes bulk production and increased 
utilisation of insulin filling and packaging lines. The gross margin was 
positively impacted by around 0.4 percentage points as a result of a positive 
currency development, primarily the higher value of the US dollar and the 
Japanese yen versus the Danish krone compared to 2008. 
In 2009, total non-production-related operating costs increased by 12% to DKK 
26,048 million compared to last year. Around 1.5 percentage points of the 
increase in non-production-related operating costs reflect the higher value of 
key currencies versus the Danish krone in 2009 compared to 2008. The underlying 
development in non-production-related operating costs relates to the expanded 
sales force in especially the US, the UK, Germany, Japan and China, countered by 
a stable level for research and development costs. The development in research 
and development costs primarily reflects non-recurring costs in 2008 related to 
the discontinuation of all pulmonary diabetes projects and of the growth hormone 
therapy project for patients with low serum albumin in dialysis (LSAD) countered 
by costs in 2009 related to late-stage development of the new insulin Degludec 
and DegludecPlus (formerly known as SIBA and SIAC) in the second half of 2009. 
Operating profit in 2009 increased by 21% to DKK 14,933 million compared to 
2008 and is thus slightly higher than the latest guidance for growth in reported 
operating profit of around 18%. 
Net financials and tax 
Net financials showed a net expense of DKK 945 million in 2009 compared to a net 
income of DKK 322 million in 2008. 
Included in net financials is the result from associated companies with an 
expense of DKK 55 million, primarily related to Novo Nordisk's share of losses 
in ZymoGenetics, Inc. In 2008, the result from associated companies was an 
expense of DKK 124 million. 
For 2009, the foreign exchange result was an expense of DKK 751 million compared 
to an income of DKK 141 million in 2008. This development reflects losses on 
foreign exchange hedging of especially US dollars and Japanese yen, due to the 
appreciation of these currencies versus Danish kroner in 2009 compared to the 
exchange rate level prevailing in 2008. 
The realised results for net financial expenses of DKK 945 million in 2009 were 
lower than the latest guidance of a total net financial expense of 'around DKK 
750 millionŽ. The lower result for net financials is primarily explained by 
losses on foreign exchange hedging of especially US dollars and Japanese yen due 
to the appreciation of these currencies versus Danish kroner in the fourth 
quarter of 2009. 
The realised effective tax rate for 2009 was 23% which is in line with the 
latest guidance of a tax rate of 'approximately 23%' for the full year of 2009. 
Capital expenditure and free cash flow 
Net capital expenditure for property, plant and equipment for 2009 was realised 
at DKK 2.6 billion compared to DKK 1.8 billion in 2008. The main investment 
projects in 2009 were the insulin filling plant in Tianjin, China, and new 
device manufacturing lines in Denmark. The realised capital expenditure was in 
line with previously communicated expectations of 'around DKK 2.5 billion'. 
Free cash flow for 2009 was realised at DKK 12.3 billion compared to DKK 11.0 
billion in 2008. The higher cash flow is driven by higher net profit and lower 
income taxes paid, countered by increased capital expenditure during 2009. The 
realised cash flow was above the latest guidance of 'at least DKK 11 billion' 
primarily driven by improved operating performance and temporary extension of 
the credit terms for employee withholding taxes in Denmark. 
Outlook 2010 
The current expectations for 2010 are summarised in the table below: 
|Expectations are as reported, if not |         Current expectations         | 
|                                     |                                      | 
|otherwise stated                     |           2 February 2010            | 
|Sales growth                         |                                      | 
|                                     |                6-10%                 | 
|  - in local currencies              |At a similar level as local currencies| 
|                                     |                                      | 
|  - as reported                      |                                      | 
|Operating profit growth              |                                      | 
|                                     |              Around 10%              | 
|  - in local currencies              |At a similar level as local currencies| 
|                                     |                                      | 
|  - as reported                      |                                      | 
|Net financial expense                |        Around DKK 100 million        | 
|Effective tax rate                   |          Approximately 23%           | 
|Capital expenditure                  |        Around DKK 3.5 billion        | 
|Depreciation, amortisation and       |        Around DKK 2.7 billion        | 
|                                     |                                      | 
|impairment losses                    |                                      | 
|Free cash flow                       |        Around DKK 12 billion         | 
|                                     |                                      | 
|                                     |                                      | 
Novo Nordisk expects sales growth in 2010 of 6-10% measured in local currencies. 
This is based on expectations of continued market penetration for Novo Nordisk's 
key strategic products within diabetes care, including continued global roll-out 
of Victoza( ®), and biopharmaceuticals as well as expectations of continued 
intense competition, potential generic competition to NovoNorm( ®)/Prandin( ®) and 
an adoption of a healthcare reform in the US. Given the current level of 
exchange rates versus Danish kroner, the reported sales growth is now expected 
to be at a level similar to the growth rate measured in local currencies. 
For 2010, growth in operating profit is expected to be around 10% measured in 
local currencies. The forecast reflects further improvement of the gross margin, 
increased spending for R&D activities, primarily related to insulin Degludec and 
DegludecPlus, and higher licence fees and other operating income. Given the 
current level of exchange rates versus Danish kroner, the reported operating 
profit growth is now expected to be at a level similar to the growth rate 
measured in local currencies. Given the development in key currencies in 2009, a 
higher share of the 2010 growth for reported sales and operating profit is 
expected to be realised in the second half of 2010. 
For 2010, Novo Nordisk expects a net financial expense of around DKK 100 
million. The current expectation primarily reflects Novo Nordisk share of losses 
in associated companies. 
The effective tax rate for 2010 is expected to be maintained at around 23%. 
Capital expenditure is expected to be around DKK 3.5 billion in 2010, primarily 
related to the new insulin formulation and filling plant in China and new device 
capacity in Denmark. Expectations for depreciations, amortisation and impairment 
losses are around DKK 2.7 billion, and free cash flow is expected to be around 
DKK 12 billion. 
All of the above expectations are based on the assumption that the global 
economic environment will not significantly change business conditions for Novo 
Nordisk during 2010 and that currency exchange rates, especially the US dollar, 
remain at the current level versus the Danish krone during 2010 (see appendix 
7). Novo Nordisk has hedged expected net cash flows in a number of invoicing 
currencies and, all other things being equal, movements in key invoicing 
currencies will impact Novo Nordisk's operating profit as outlined in the table 
 Key invoicing  Annual impact on Novo Nordisk's  Hedging period 
   currencies      operating profit of a 5%         (months) 
                      movement in currency 
      USD               DKK 580 million                17 
      JPY               DKK 150 million                15 
      CNY               DKK 100 million                17* 
      GBP                DKK 80 million                13 
      CAD                DKK 40 million                9 
*USD used as proxy when hedging Novo Nordisk's CNY currency exposure 
The financial impact from foreign exchange hedging is included in 'Net 
Research and development update 
Diabetes care 
Significant regulatory progress has been made for the first once-daily human 
Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 (GLP-1) analogue Victoza( ®), previously known under the 
INN name liraglutide. As announced on 20 January and 26 January, respectively, 
Victoza( ®) is now also approved in Japan and the US. With these recent 
approvals, and the marketing authorisation granted by the European Commission on 
30 June 2009, Victoza( ®) has now been approved in all of the triad markets for 
diabetes treatment. 
In the US, Victoza( ®) is indicated as an adjunct to diet and exercise to improve 
glycaemic control in adults with type 2 diabetes. The US prescribing information 
includes a boxed warning based on the thyroid c-cell tumours found in rodent 
studies and Victoza ® is contraindicated in patients with a personal or family 
history of medullary thyroid carcinoma, and in patients with multiple endocrine 
neoplasia syndrome type 2. Novo Nordisk expects to launch Victoza( ®) within 
In Japan, Victoza( ®) is the first GLP-1 analogue to be approved by the Ministry 
of Health, Labour and Welfare and the awarded indication covers monotherapy and 
combination therapy with sulfonylurea in type 2 diabetes. Novo Nordisk expects 
to launch Victoza( ®) in Japan in the first half of 2010, upon completion of 
price negotiations. 
Results from clinical trial extensions of LEAD(TM) 3, comparing Victoza( ®) to a 
sulphonylurea, and the phase 3b trial comparing Victoza( ®) to a DPPIV inhibitor, 
confirm both the superiority and sustainability of HbA(1c) reduction and weight 
loss that was seen in the main study periods with Victoza( ®). The study 
extensions have now documented treatment effect for periods of 3 years and 1 
year in the two trials, respectively. 
The phase 3 programmes, BEGIN((TM)) and BOOST((TM)), for the two new generation 
insulins, Degludec and DegludecPlus, respectively, continue to progress 
according to plan. The BEGIN((TM)) programme includes a trial comparing Degludec 
with sitagliptin in insulin naïve type 2 diabetes patients. The BOOST((TM)) 
programme includes two trials comparing once-daily injection of DegludecPlus 
with once-daily injection of insulin glargine in patients with type 2 diabetes, 
who are insulin naïve or already treated with insulin, respectively. Further 
trials are expected to be initiated during the first half of 2010. 
Recently, Novo Nordisk has initiated a phase 1 study investigating the benefits 
of a new combination product of insulin degludec and Victoza ® for people with 
type 2 diabetes. 
To improve the treatment outcomes and convenience in patients affected by 
diabetes, the development of tailor-made proteins for oral administration has 
been a long-standing Novo Nordisk aspiration. The biggest challenge in 
developing proteins for oral delivery is to achieve sufficient uptake of the 
drug into the body. Based on Novo Nordisk insight into the design of stable 
insulin and GLP-1 analogues, as well as formulation partnerships with Emisphere 
Technologies, Inc. and Merrion Pharmaceuticals plc, Novo Nordisk strives to 
overcome the hurdles related to degradation in the gastrointestinal tract and 
subsequent lack of absorption into the circulation. 
The first phase 1 clinical trial with a Novo Nordisk insulin analogue designed 
for oral administration has been initiated with the aim of investigating the 
safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in healthy 
volunteers and people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The trial is planned to 
enrol about 80 people. 
Within oral GLP-1, Novo Nordisk has initiated a phase 1 clinical trial with a 
long-acting GLP-1 analogue. The objective of the trial is to investigate the 
safety, tolerability and bioavailability in about 155 healthy volunteers. 
Novo Nordisk has initiated a phase 1 trial with NN9161, to be developed for 
treatment of obesity. The trial will investigate safety, tolerability, 
pharmacokinetics and potential signs of efficacy in approximately 140 obese, but 
otherwise healthy volunteers. 
Both the US and European regulatory agencies have approved Vagifem( ®) 10 mcg for 
local treatment of topical atrophy. Vagifem( ®) 10 mcg represents a reduced 
strength of the already approved vaginal oestrogen product, Vagifem( ®) 25 mcg. 
The introduction of a lower dose of Vagifem( ®) is in line with the 
recommendations from the International Menopause Society (IMS), the North 
American Menopause Society (NAMS) and American College of Obstetricians & 
Gynecologists (ACOG) and Novo Nordisk expects to launch Vagifem( ®) 10 mcg in the 
first quarter of 2010 in the US, and in the third quarter of 2010 in Europe. 
In June 2009, the EU label for NovoSeven( ®) RT was updated to reflect that 
safety and efficacy has not been established outside the approved indications 
for the drug. On 15 January 2010, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 
approved an update to the NovoSeven( ®) RT label. A boxed warning was added to 
the NovoSeven( ®) RT label, stating that serious arterial and venous thrombotic 
and thromboembolic events are associated with its use outside of licensed 
indications. This label change was initiated by Novo Nordisk as part of routine 
periodic safety updates. 
To strengthen its activities within inflammation, Novo Nordisk has inlicensed a 
human anti-IL-21 monoclonal antibody (anti-IL-21 mAb) developed by ZymoGenetics, 
as well as broad intellectual property rights covering anti-IL-21 mAb and the 
development of other IL-21 antibodies. The anti-IL-21 mAb is a pre-IND candidate 
for the treatment of autoimmune and inflammatory diseases, with which Novo 
Nordisk expects to initiate a phase 1 trial in 2010. 
Total equity was DKK 35,734 million at the end of 2009, equivalent to 65% of 
total assets, unchanged from the end of 2008. Please refer to appendix 5 for 
further elaboration of changes in equity during 2009. 
Proposed dividend and share repurchase programme 
At the Annual General Meeting on 24 March 2010, the Board of Directors will 
propose a 25% increase in dividend to DKK 7.50 per share of DKK 1, corresponding 
to a pay-out ratio of 40.9%, compared to 37.8% for the financial year 2008. No 
dividend will be paid on the company's holding of treasury B shares. 
During 2009, Novo Nordisk repurchased 21,661,949 B shares at an average price of 
DKK 301 per share, equivalent to a cash value of DKK 6.5 billion. Novo Nordisk 
thereby concluded the previously announced share repurchase programme. 
The Board of Directors has approved a new DKK 7.5 billion share repurchase 
programme to be executed during 2010. Novo Nordisk will initiate its share 
repurchase programme in accordance with the provisions of the European 
Commission's regulation no. 2273/2003 of 22 December 2003 (The Safe Harbour 
Regulation). For that purpose Novo Nordisk has appointed J. P. Morgan Securities 
Ltd. as lead manager to execute a part of its share repurchase programme 
independently and without influence from Novo Nordisk. The purpose of the 
programme is to reduce the company's share capital. Under the agreement, J. P. 
Morgan Securities Ltd. will repurchase shares on behalf of Novo Nordisk for an 
amount of up to DKK 2 billion during the trading period starting today and 
ending on 26 April 2010. A maximum of 231,787 shares can be bought during one 
single trading day, equal to 20% of the average daily trading volume of Novo 
Nordisk B shares on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen during the month of January 2010, and 
a maximum of 13,211,858 shares in total can be bought during the trading period. 
At least once every seven trading days, Novo Nordisk will issue an announcement 
in respect of the transactions made under the repurchase programme. 
Share savings programme 
In the autumn of 2009, the employees in the Danish part of the organisation were 
offered participation in a share savings programme. An annual maximum of DKK 
22,800 per employee can be saved out of gross salary in 2010. The savings will 
be converted into Novo Nordisk B shares at the market price on 7 December 2010 
contingent on continued employment. The shares will be restricted until January 
Approximately 8,400 employees elected to participate in the programme, 
corresponding to 64% of the eligible employees. The total invested amount by the 
employees is expected to be approximately DKK 160 million. The programme is cost 
neutral to the company. 
Holding of treasury shares and reduction of share capital 
As per 2 February 2010, Novo Nordisk A/S and its wholly-owned affiliates owned 
32,137,945 of its own B shares, corresponding to 5.2% of the total share 
In order to maintain capital structure flexibility, the Board of Directors at 
the Annual General Meeting in 2010 will propose a reduction in the B share 
capital from DKK 512,512,800 to DKK 492,512,800 by cancelling 20,000,000 B 
shares of DKK 1 from the company's own holdings of B shares at a nominal value 
of DKK 20,000,000, equivalent to 3.2% of the total share capital. After 
implementation of the share capital reduction, the company's share capital will 
amount to DKK 600,000,000 divided into an A share capital of DKK 107,487,200 and 
a B share capital of DKK 492,512,800. 
Cancellation of listing and trading on the London Stock Exchange 
Novo Nordisk has decided to apply to the UK Listing Authority to cancel the 
listing of its B shares and to request that trading in those shares on the 
London Stock Exchange be cancelled. 
Novo Nordisk believes that it would be in the best interests of the company to 
terminate its listing on the Official List of the UK Listing Authority and 
cancel the trading of the B shares on the London Stock Exchange as trading 
levels of the shares have been very low. Investors have historically shown a 
preference for trading the B shares on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen. 
The company will retain the listing of its B shares on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen and 
the listing of its ADRs on the New York Stock Exchange. The cancellation of the 
listing from the Official List of the UK Listing Authority and of trading on the 
London Stock Exchange is therefore not expected to adversely affect shareholders 
or investors. 
A notice period of not less than 20 business days prior to de-listing and 
cancellation will commence today, 2 February 2010. It is intended that 
de-listing and cancellation will take effect at or shortly after 8.00 am (London 
time) on 2 March 2010. 
Corporate governance 
Remuneration policy for executives 
Novo Nordisk's existing remuneration policy aims to attract, retain and motivate 
members of the Board of Directors and Executive Management of Novo Nordisk. 
Remuneration levels are designed to be competitive and to align the interest of 
the board members and executives with those of the shareholders. 
Long-term share-based incentive programme for senior management 
As from 2004, members of Novo Nordisk's Executive Management (currently 5) and 
other members of the Senior Management Board (currently 23) have participated in 
a performance-based incentive programme where a proportion of the calculated 
shareholder value creation has been allocated to a joint pool for the 
participants. For members of Executive Management and other members of the 
Senior Management Board, the joint pool operates with a yearly maximum 
allocation per participant equal to eight months' fixed base salary plus pension 
contribution. Once the joint pool has been approved by the Board of Directors, 
the total cash amount is converted into Novo Nordisk A/S B shares at market 
price. The market price is calculated as the average trading price for Novo 
Nordisk B shares on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen in the open trading window following 
the release of full-year financial results. The shares in the joint pool are 
locked up for a three-year period before they are transferred to the 
participants. In the lock-up period, the Board may remove shares from the joint 
pool in the event of lower than planned value creation in subsequent years. 
For 2006, 261,500 shares were allocated to the joint pool and the market value 
of the scheme, corresponding to DKK 46 million, was expensed in 2006. The number 
of shares in the 2006 joint pool has not been reduced by the Board of Directors 
as the financial performance in the subsequent years (2007-2009) reached 
specified threshold levels. Hence, the original number of shares allocated to 
the joint pool will, according to the principles of the scheme, be transferred 
to 24 current and former members of senior management immediately after the 
announcement of the 2009 full-year financial results on 2 February 2010. 
For 2009 and based on an assessment of the economic value generated in 2009, as 
well as the performance of the R&D portfolio and key sustainability projects, 
the Board of Directors on 1 February 2010 approved the establishment of a joint 
pool for the financial year of 2009 by allocating a total of 177,066 Novo 
Nordisk B shares, corresponding to a cash value of DKK 54 million. This 
allocation amounts to 7 months of fixed base salary on average per participant. 
This amount was expensed in the 2009 accounts. 
As the long-term share-based incentive programme is evaluated by the Board of 
Directors to have worked successfully in 2009, it is planned to continue in 
2010 with an unchanged structure. 
Long-term share-based incentive programme for corporate vice presidents and vice 
As from 2007, a number of key employees below top-level management also 
participate in a share-based programme with similar performance criteria as the 
programme for the members of Executive Management and other members of the 
Senior Management Board. The share-based incentive programme for key employees 
will, as is the case for the programme for Executive Management and other 
members of the Senior Management Board, be based on an annual calculation of 
shareholder value creation compared to the planned performance for the year. The 
pool will operate with a maximum contribution per participant equal to four 
months' fixed base salary. The shares in the pool are also locked up for a 
three-year period before they potentially may be transferred to the 
Based on an assessment of the economic value generated in 2009 as well as the 
performance of the R&D portfolio and key sustainability projects, the Board of 
Directors on 1 February 2010 approved the establishment of a pool for 2009 by 
allocating a total of 605,218 Novo Nordisk B shares, corresponding to a cash 
value of DKK 186 million. This allocation amounts to 3.5 months of fixed base 
salary on average per participant. The number of participants for 2009 is 
approximately 675. The cash value of the allocation will be amortised over four 
Compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley requirements 
In 2009, Novo Nordisk was, as was the case in 2008, compliant with the US 
Sarbanes-Oxley Act section 404 that requires detailed documentation of how 
financial reporting processes, systems and controls are designed and operating. 
Management's conclusion and the external auditor's certification of the 2009 
compliance are included in the Form 20-F, which Novo Nordisk as a listed company 
on the New York Stock Exchange is required to file with the US Securities and 
Exchange Commission (SEC). The Form 20-F for 2009 is expected to be filed in 
February 2010. 
Sustainability issues update 
Diabetes Leadership Forum in China 
In October at the Diabetes Leadership Forum 2009 China, sponsored by Novo 
Nordisk, around 650 government representatives, doctors, nurses, international 
organisations, patient associations and key opinion leaders met in Beijing to 
discuss the rapidly growing burden of diabetes in China. A conservative estimate 
is that 40 million Chinese have diabetes, and this number is expected to double 
by 2025. Around 7% of the total healthcare budget in China is spent on the 
treatment of diabetes and its complications. 
The Forum was jointly hosted by the Chinese Ministry of Health and the World 
Diabetes Foundation, organised by the Chinese Diabetes Society and the Chinese 
Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, with the support of the International 
Diabetes Federation. 
Novo Nordisk has been present in China for 15 years, providing insulin products 
as well as education programmes for physicians and patients. Novo Nordisk has 
delivered training for more than 200,000 physicians and nurses, including 
programmes delivered by the Steno Diabetes Center funded through the Novo 
Nordisk Foundation. Today, China is Novo Nordisk's fourth-largest market in 
terms of sales. 
Free insulin and diabetes care to children in Bangladesh 
In November 2009, the programme Changing Diabetes( ®) in Children was expanded to 
include Bangladesh through a five-year commitment to a joint initiative between 
Novo Nordisk and the Diabetic Association of Bangladesh, supported by the World 
Diabetes Foundation. 
The initiative includes the setting-up of three dedicated paediatric diabetes 
clinics for diagnosis and treatment of children with type 1 diabetes. The 
clinics will also provide patient education and registration, training for 
healthcare professionals and diabetes care supplies to 700 children. 
The programme, which is part of Novo Nordisk's access to diabetes care strategy, 
offers diabetes care, including free insulin, for children with type 1 diabetes 
in the world's poorest countries. So far it reaches out to six countries and 
relies on a sustainable cooperation with local partners, including governments 
and diabetes associations, to build local capacity for diagnosis and treatment 
of type 1 diabetes in children. 
Legal issues update 
As of 1 February 2010, Novo Nordisk Inc., along with a majority of the hormone 
therapy product manufacturers in the US, is a defendant in product liability 
lawsuits related to hormone therapy products. These lawsuits currently involve a 
total of 52 individuals who allege use of a Novo Nordisk hormone therapy 
product. These products (Activella( ®) and Vagifem( ®)) have been sold and 
marketed in the US since 2000. Until July 2003, the products were sold and 
marketed exclusively in the US by Pharmacia & Upjohn Company (now Pfizer Inc.). 
Furthermore, 63 individuals currently allege, in relation to similar lawsuits 
against Pfizer Inc., that they have also used a Novo Nordisk hormone therapy 
product. Currently, Novo Nordisk does not have any trials scheduled in 2010. 
Novo Nordisk does not expect the pending claims to have a material impact on 
Novo Nordisk's financial position. 
In 2002, Sanofi-Aventis filed an opposition against a European NovoRapid( ®) 
formulation patent covering the combination of ingredients used in the aqueous 
formulation of NovoRapid( ®). Initially the patent was revoked in 2006 by the 
Opposition Division of the European Patent Office. In December 2009, the patent 
for the NovoRapid( ®) formulation was re-instated by the Board of Appeal of the 
European Patent Office. The implications are that the combination of ingredients 
used in the NovoRapid( ®) formulation is covered by patent in Europe until 2017. 
No further appeal is possible. A similar patent is also in force in a number of 
countries outside the EU, including the US, Canada, Brazil, Russia, China, 
India, Japan and Australia, with patent term until 2017. 
Novo Nordisk is involved in an ongoing patent infringement dispute with Caraco 
Pharmaceuticals Laboratories, Ltd (Caraco) regarding Caraco's application to 
market a generic version of Prandin( ®) in the US. The parties await a decision 
from the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (CAFC) on Novo Nordisk Use 
Code (describing the therapeutic use for Prandin( ®)).  If the CAFC decision is 
in favour of Novo Nordisk, the validity trial regarding Novo Nordisk's U.S. 
Patent No. 6,677,358  ('358 patent), covering the Prandin( ®)/metformin 
combination is expected to proceed in the second quarter of 2010.  If the '358 
patent is upheld during the validity trial, then Caraco will not be able to 
launch a generic version of Prandin( ®) without infringing Novo Nordisk's 
intellectual property rights. If the CAFC decision is not in Novo Nordisk's 
favour, then Novo Nordisk must change its Use Code and, as a result, Caraco will 
be permitted to change its label such that it does not infringe Novo Nordisk's 
intellectual property rights. 
In January 2010, the Inspector General of the US Department of Defense issued a 
subpoena directed to Novo Nordisk to provide documents relating to NovoSeven( ®). 
Novo Nordisk is cooperating with the Office of the Inspector General and the US 
Attorney's Office for the District of Maryland in responding to the subpoena, 
but cannot, at this point in time, determine or predict the outcome of the 
investigation or when the next update related to this case will be available 
given the unpredictable nature of these investigations. 
Financial calendar 
2 February 2010             Financial statement for 2009 
4 February 2010             PDF version of the Annual Report 2009 available on 
novonordisk.com <http://www.novonordisk.com/> 
18 February 2010            Printed version of the Annual Report 2009 
24 March 2010               Annual General Meeting 2010 
27 April 2010                                   Financial statement for the 
first three months of 2010 
5 August 2010                Financial statement for the first six months of 
27 October 2010             Financial statement for the first nine months of 
2 February 2011             Financial statement for 2010 
Conference call details 
At 1.00 pm CET today, corresponding to 7.00 am EST, a conference call will be 
held. Investors will be able to listen in via a link on novonordisk.com 
<http://www.novonordisk.com/>, which can be found under 'Investors - Download 
centre'. Presentation material for the conference call will be made available on 
the same page approximately one hour before. 
Forward-looking statements 
Novo Nordisk's reports filed with or furnished to the US Securities and Exchange 
Commission (SEC), including this document as well as the company's Annual Report 
2009 and Form 20-F, both expected to be filed with the SEC in February 2010, and 
written information released, or oral statements made, to the public in the 
future by or on behalf of Novo Nordisk, may contain forward-looking statements. 
Words such as 'believe', 'expect', 'may', 'will', 'plan', 'strategy', 
'prospect', 'foresee', 'estimate', 'project', 'anticipate', 'can', 'intend', 
'target' and other words and terms of similar meaning in connection with any 
discussion of future operating or financial performance identify forward-looking 
statements. Examples of such forward-looking statements include, but are not 
limited to: 
-         statements of plans, objectives or goals for future operations, 
including those related to Novo Nordisk's products, product research, product 
development, product introductions and product approvals as well as cooperations 
in relation thereto 
-         statements containing projections of or targets for revenues, income 
(or loss), earnings per share, capital expenditures, dividends, capital 
structure or other net financials 
-         statements of future economic performance, future actions and outcome 
of contingencies such as legal proceedings 
-         statements of the assumptions underlying or relating to such 
In this document, examples of forward-looking statements can be found under the 
headings 'Outlook 2010', 'Research and development update', 'Equity' and 'Legal 
issues update'. 
These statements are based on current plans, estimates and projections. By their 
very nature, forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and 
uncertainties, both general and specific. Novo Nordisk cautions that a number of 
important factors, including those described in this document, could cause 
actual results to differ materially from those contemplated in any 
forward-looking statements. 
Factors that may affect future results include, but are not limited to, global 
as well as local political and economic conditions, including interest rate and 
currency exchange rate fluctuations, delay or failure of projects related to 
research and/or development, unplanned loss of patents, interruptions of 
supplies and production, product recall, unexpected contract breaches or 
terminations, government-mandated or market-driven price decreases for Novo 
Nordisk's products, introduction of competing products, reliance on information 
technology, Novo Nordisk's ability to successfully market current and new 
products, exposure to product liability and legal proceedings and 
investigations, changes in governmental laws and related interpretation thereof, 
including on reimbursement, intellectual property protection and regulatory 
controls on testing, approval, manufacturing and marketing, perceived or actual 
failure to adhere to ethical marketing practices, investments in and 
divestitures of domestic and foreign companies, unexpected growth in costs and 
expenses, failure to recruit and retain the right employees and failure to 
maintain a culture of compliance. 
Please also refer to the overview of risk factors in 'Risk Management' on pp 
40-42 of the Annual Report 2009 available on the company's website 
(novonordisk.com <http://www.novonordisk.com/>) as of 4 February 2010. 
Unless required by law Novo Nordisk is under no duty and undertakes no 
obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement after the 
distribution of this document, whether as a result of new information, future 
events or otherwise. 
Management statement 
Today, the Board of Directors and Executive Management approved the audited 
Annual Report of Novo Nordisk A/S for the year 2009. The Board of Directors and 
Executive Management also approved this financial statement containing condensed 
financial information for 2009. 
The consolidated financial statements in the Annual Report 2009 are prepared in 
accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by the 
International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), and with the International 
Financial Reporting Standards as endorsed by the EU. Further, the consolidated 
financial statements and Management's Review are prepared in accordance with 
additional Danish disclosure requirements for listed companies. 
This financial statement has been prepared in accordance with the accounting 
policies as applied in the consolidated financial statements for 2009 and 
additional Danish disclosure requirements for listed companies. 
In our opinion the accounting policies used are appropriate and the overall 
presentation of this financial statement is adequate. Furthermore, in our 
opinion, Management's Review includes a true and fair account of the development 
in the operations and financial circumstances, of the results for the year and 
of the financial position of the Group as well as a description of the most 
significant risks and elements of uncertainty facing the Group in accordance 
with Danish disclosure requirements for listed companies. 
Bagsværd, 2 February 2010 
 Executive Management: 
   Lars Rebien Sørensen  Jesper Brandgaard 
   President and CEO     CFO 
   Lise Kingo            KÃ¥re Schultz       Mads Krogsgaard Thomsen 
 Board of Directors: 
   Sten Scheibye         Göran A Ando 
   Chairman              Vice chairman 
   Henrik Gürtler        Johnny Henriksen   Pamela J Kirby 
   Anne Marie Kverneland Kurt Anker Nielsen Søren Thuesen Pedersen 
   Hannu Ryöppönen       Stig Strøbæk       Jørgen Wedel 
Contacts for further information 
 Media:                              Investors: 
 Mike Rulis                          Klaus Bülow Davidsen 
 Tel: (+45) 4442 3573                Tel: (+45) 4442 3176 
 mike@novonordisk.com                klda@novonordisk.com 
 <mailto:mike@novonordisk.com>       <mailto:klda@novonordisk.com> 
                                     Kasper Roseeuw Poulsen 
                                     Tel: (+45) 4442 4471 
 In North America:                   In North America 
 Sean Clements                       Hans Rommer 
 Tel: (+1) 609 514 8316              Tel: (+1) 609 919 7937 
 secl@novonordisk.com                hrmm@novonordisk.com 
 <mailto:secl@novonordisk.com>       <mailto:hrmm@novonordisk.com> 
Further information about Novo Nordisk is available on the company's homepage 
novonordisk.com <http://novonordisk.com/> 
Appendix 1: Quarterly numbers in DKK 
 (Amounts in DKK 
 million, except 
 number of 
 earnings per 
 share and 
 number of 
 shares                                                                       % 
 outstanding.)                                                           change 
                                2009                                         Q4 
                                                        2008                 vs 
                     Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1     Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1   2008 
 Sales           13,062 12,517 13,001 12,498 12,583 11,246 11,110 10,614     4% 
 Gross profit    10,427  9,832 10,391  9,990 10,047  8,640  8,556  8,201     4% 
 Gross margin     79.8%  78.5%  79.9%  79.9%  79.8%  76.8%  77.0%  77.3% 
 Sales and 
 costs            4,237  3,502  3,837  3,844  3,558  3,155  3,178  2,975    19% 
 Percent of       32.4%  28.0%  29.5%  30.8%  28.3%  28.1%  28.6%  28.0% 
 costs            2,387  1,884  1,849  1,744  2,439  1,579  1,980  1,858    -2% 
 Percent of       18.3%  15.1%  14.2%  14.0%  19.4%  14.0%  17.8%  17.5% 
 expenses           726    666    693    679    749    633    626    627    -3% 
 Percent of        5.6%   5.3%   5.3%   5.4%   6.0%   5.6%   5.6%   5.9% 
 Licence fees 
 and other 
 income (net)       142     34     78     87     73     51     74     88    95% 
 profit           3,219  3,814  4,090  3,810  3,374  3,324  2,846  2,829    -5% 
 Operating        24.6%  30.5%  31.5%  30.5%  26.8%  29.6%  25.6%  26.7% 
 Share of 
 (loss) in 
 companies          (2)    (7)   (11)   (35)      4   (58)    (3)   (67)  -150% 
 income              58      9    166    142   (82)    306    429    474  -171% 
 expenses           258    209    361    412    226     66     21    368    25% 
 Profit before 
 income taxes     2,992  3,607  3,884  3,505  3,070  3,506  3,251  2,868    -3% 
 Net profit       2,323  2,755  2,991  2,699  2,330  2,664  2,471  2,180     0% 
 losses             754    657    533    607    752    560    567    563     0% 
 expenditure        935    726    557    413    764    448    328    214    22% 
 Cash flow 
 from operating 
 activities       3,583  5,039  2,608  4,148  3,204  3,673  2,916  3,070    12% 
 Free cash 
 Flow             2,402  4,242  2,062  3,626  2,421  3,210  2,589  2,795    -1% 
 Total assets    54,742 52,589 51,246 50,205 50,603 48,990 48,478 47,534     8% 
 Total equity    35,734 34,874 34,086 31,345 32,979 32,173 33,046 31,251     8% 
 Equity ratio     65.3%  66.3%  66.5%  62.4%  65.2%  65.7%  68.2%  65.7% 
 employees at 
 the end of the 
 period          28,809 28,497 27,998 27,429 26,575 26,360 26,060 25,765     8% 
 per share 
 (in DKK)          3.95   4.62   4.96   4.44   3.82   4.34   3.99   3.51     3% 
 per share 
 (in DKK)          3.92   4.58   4.91   4.41   3.80   4.30   3.96   3.48     3% 
 number of 
 (million)        598.9  596.4  603.1  607.4  609.3  614.2  618.6  620.9    -3% 
 number of 
 incl dilutive 
 of options 
 'in the money' 
 (million)        595.2  601.4  607.9  612.7  614.4  618.6  623.5  626.3    -3% 
 Sales by 
 analogues)       5,714  5,353  5,414  4,990  5,028  4,365  4,103  3,821    14% 
 insulins         2,685  2,747  2,879  3,004  3,093  2,806  2,966  2,939   -13% 
 sales              569    519    492    484    477    464    460    443    19% 
 (OAD)              636    650    675    691    602    671    478    640     6% 
 care total       9,604  9,269  9,460  9,169  9,200  8,306  8,007  7,843     4% 
    NovoSeven ®    1,742  1,651  1,874  1,805  1,774  1,534  1,648  1,440    -2% 
    Norditropin ®  1,171  1,074  1,122  1,034  1,060    941    986    878    10% 
 therapy            460    440    435    409    442    394    391    385     4% 
 products            85     83    110     81    107     71     78     68   -21% 
 ceuticals total  3,458  3,248  3,541  3,329  3,383  2,940  3,103  2,771     2% 
 Sales by 
 America          4,510  4,527  4,710  4,532  4,478  3,759  3,467  3,450     1% 
    Europe        4,594  4,376  4,375  4,195  4,453  4,305  4,400  4,061     3% 
 Operations       2,493  2,288  2,532  2,513  2,186  2,074  2,069  2,096    14% 
    Japan & 
 Oceania          1,465  1,326  1,384  1,258  1,466  1,108  1,174  1,007     0% 
 care             1,720  2,286  2,333  2,171  2,424  1,963  1,510  1,672   -29% 
 ceuticals        1,499  1,528  1,757  1,639    950  1,361  1,336  1,157    58% 
Appendix 2: Statement of comprehensive income 
                                                                  12M       12M 
 DKK million                                                     2009      2008 
 Income statement 
 Sales                                                         51,078    45,553 
 Cost of goods sold                                            10,438    10,109 
 Gross profit                                                  40,640    35,444 
 Sales and distribution costs                                  15,420    12,866 
 Research and development costs                                 7,864     7,856 
 Administrative expenses                                        2,764     2,635 
 Licence fees and other operating income (net)                    341       286 
 Operating profit                                              14,933    12,373 
 Share of profit or loss of associated companies, net of tax     (55)     (124) 
 Financial income                                                 375     1,127 
 Financial expenses                                             1,265       681 
 Profit before income taxes                                    13,988    12,695 
 Income taxes                                                   3,220     3,050 
 NET PROFIT FOR THE YEAR                                       10,768     9,645 
 Basic earnings per share (DKK)                                 17.97     15.66 
 Diluted earnings per share (DKK)                               17.82     15.54 
 Segment Information 
|Segment sales:                                                                | 
|                                                                              | 
|   Diabetes care                                              37,502    33,356| 
|                                                                              | 
|   Biopharmaceuticals                                         13,576    12,197| 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|Segment operating profit:                                                     | 
|                                                                              | 
|   Diabetes care                                               8,510     7,569| 
|                                                                              | 
|    Operating margin                                           22.7%     22.7%| 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|   Biopharmaceuticals                                          6,423     4,804| 
|                                                                              | 
|    Operating margin                                           47.3%     39.4%| 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|Total segment operating profit                                14,933    12,373| 
 Statement of comprehensive income 
 Net profit for the year                                       10,768     9,645 
     Other comprehensive income: 
     Gains and losses arising from translating the financial 
 statement of 
    foreign operations and re-measuring available-for-sale 
 financial assets                                                 527     (482) 
     Adjustment of cash flow hedges for the year                1,252   (1,555) 
     Share of other comprehensive income of associated 
 companies                                                          9        39 
     Other                                                         10      (45) 
     Income taxes relating to other comprehensive income         (25)        81 
     Other comprehensive income for the year, net of tax        1,773   (1,962) 
 TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR                       12,541     7,683 
Appendix 3: Balance sheet 
                                                 31 Dec 31 Dec 
 DKK million                                       2009    2008 
 Intangible assets                                1,037     788 
 Property, plant and equipment                   19,226  18,639 
 Investments in associated companies                176     222 
 Deferred income tax assets                       1,455   1,696 
 Other non-current financial assets                 182     194 
 TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS                        22,076  21,539 
 Inventories                                     10,016   9,611 
 Trade receivables                                7,063   6,581 
 Tax receivables                                    799   1,010 
 Other current assets                             1,962   1,704 
 Marketable securities and financial instruments  1,530   1,377 
 Cash at bank and in hand                        11,296   8,781 
 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS                            32,666  29,064 
 TOTAL ASSETS                                    54,742  50,603 
 Share capital                                      620     634 
 Treasury shares                                   (32)    (26) 
 Retained earnings                               34,435  33,433 
 Other reserves                                     711 (1,062) 
 TOTAL EQUITY                                    35,734  32,979 
 Non-current debt                                   970     980 
 Deferred income tax liabilities                  3,010   2,404 
 Retirement benefit obligations                     456     419 
 Provisions for other liabilities                 1,157     863 
 Total non-current liabilities                    5,593   4,666 
 Current debt and financial instruments             418   1,334 
 Trade payables                                   2,242   2,281 
 Tax payables                                       701     567 
 Other current liabilities                        6,813   5,853 
 Provisions for other liabilities                 3,241   2,923 
 Total current liabilities                       13,415  12,958 
 TOTAL LIABILITIES                               19,008  17,624 
 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                    54,742  50,603 
Appendix 4: Statement of cash flows 
 DKK million                                   2009    2008 
 Net profit for the year                     10,768   9,645 
 Adjustment for 
 non-cash items: 
   Income taxes                               3,220   3,050 
   Depreciation, amortisation and 
  impairment losses                           2,551   2,442 
   Interest income and 
  interest expenses                              71   (385) 
   Other adjustment                             859     614 
 Income taxes paid                          (1,998) (3,172) 
 Interest received                              284     656 
 Interest paid                                 (98)   (247) 
 Cash flow before change 
 in working capital                          15,657  12,603 
 (Increase)/decrease in 
  trade receivables and 
 other current assets                         (740)   (700) 
 in inventories                               (405)   (591) 
 Increase/(decrease) in 
 trade payables and other 
 current liabilities                            921   1,228 
 Exchange rate adjustment                      (55)     323 
 Cash flow from 
 operating activities                        15,378  12,863 
 Purchase of intangible 
 assets and non-current 
  financial assets                            (433)   (264) 
 Proceeds from sale of 
 property, plant and 
  equipment                                       1      18 
 Purchase of property, plant and equipment  (2,632) (1,772) 
 Net change in marketable 
 securities (maturity 
 exceeding three months)                          -     466 
 Dividend received                               18     170 
 Cash flow from 
  investing activities                      (3,046) (1,382) 
 Repayment of non-current 
  debt                                            -   (153) 
 Purchase of treasury shares                (6,512) (4,717) 
 Proceeds from sale 
 of treasury shares                             117     295 
 Dividends paid to the 
  CompanyŽs owners                          (3,650) (2,795) 
 Cash flow from 
 financing activities                      (10,045) (7,370) 
 NET CASH FLOW                                2,287   4,111 
 Unrealised gain/(loss) on 
  exchange rates and marketable securities 
 included in cash and 
  cash equivalents                               21     (2) 
 Net change in cash 
 and cash equivalents                         2,308   4,109 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
 at the beginning of the year                 8,726   4,617 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at the end of the year                     11,034   8,726 
 Additional information: 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at the end of the year                     11,034   8,726 
 Bonds with original term to 
  maturity exceeding three months             1,013     997 
 Undrawn committed credit facilities          4,465   7,451 
 AT THE END OF THE YEAR                      16,512  17,174 
 Cash flow from operating 
 activities                                  15,378  12,863 
 + Cash flow from 
 investing activities                       (3,046) (1,382) 
 -  Net change in marketable 
 securities (maturity exceeding 
  three months)                                   -     466 
 FREE CASH FLOW                              12,332  11,015 
Appendix 5:  Statement of changes in equity 
                                              Exchange  loss on   Other 
                     Share           Retained     rate     cash adjust- 
                   capital  Treasury earnings  adjust-     flow ments   Total 
 DKK million                shares             ments   hedges 
 at the 
 beginning of 
 the year              634      (26)   33,433    (256)    (859)      53  32,979 
 income for 
 the year                              10,768      527    1,252     (6)  12,541 
 in equity: 
 Dividends                            (3,650)                           (3,650) 
 payment                                  259                               259 
 Purchase of 
 treasury shares                (22)  (6,490)                           (6,512) 
 Sale of 
 shares                            2      115                               117 
 of the 
 B share 
 capital              (14)        14                                          - 
 at the 
 end of 
 the year              620      (32)   34,435      271      393      47  35,734 
 At the end of the year proposed 
  dividends (not yeat declared) 
 of DKK 4.400 million 
 (7.50 DKK per share) are included 
 In Retained earnings. 
 No dividend is declared on 
 treasury shares. 
                                            Exchange    loss on 
                                                rate       cash   Other 
                    Share Treasury Retained  adjust-       flow adjust- 
 DKK million      capital   shares earnings    ments     hedges   ments   Total 
 Balance at the 
 beginning of 
 the year             647     (26)   30,661      209        678      13  32,182 
  income for 
 the year                             9,645    (465)    (1,537)      40   7,683 
 in equity: 
 Dividends                          (2,795)                             (2,795) 
 payment                                331                                 331 
 of treasury 
  shares                      (16)  (4,701)                             (4,717) 
 Sale of 
 shares                          3      292                                 295 
 of the B 
 capital             (13)       13                                            - 
 at the 
  end of 
 the year             634     (26)   33,433    (256)      (859)      53  32,979 
 At the end of the year proposed 
 dividends (declared in 2009) 
  of DKK 3,650 million (6.00 DKK 
 per share) are included in 
 Retained earnings. 
 No dividend is declared on treasury shares. 
Appendix 6: Quarterly numbers in EUR / Supplementary information 
 (Amounts in EUR million, except 
 number of employees, earnings 
 per share and number of shares outstanding). 
 Key figures are translated into EUR as supplementary 
 information - the translation is 
 based on average exchange rate 
 for income statement and exchange rate at the balance 
 sheet date for balance sheet items. 
 The specified percent changes are based on the changes 
 in the 'Quarterly numbers in DKK', see appendix 1. 
 (Amounts in 
 EUR million, 
 except number 
 of employees, 
 earnings per 
 share and 
 number of 
 outstanding.)                                                          %change 
                               2009                                      Q42009 
                                                       2008                  vs 
                    Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1     Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1  Q42008 
 Sales           1,756  1,681  1,746  1,677  1,688  1,508  1,489  1,424      4% 
 Gross profit    1,401  1,321  1,395  1,341  1,348  1,159  1,147  1,100      4% 
 Gross margin    79.8%  78.5%  79.9%  79.9%  79.8%  76.8%  77.0%  77.3% 
 Sales and 
 costs             570    471    515    516    478    423    426    399     19% 
 Percent of      32.4%  28.0%  29.5%  30.8%  28.3%  28.1%  28.6%  28.0% 
 costs             321    253    248    234    327    211    266    249    (2%) 
 Percent of      18.3%  15.1%  14.2%  14.0%  19.4%  14.0%  17.8%  17.5% 
 expenses           97     90     93     91    100     85     84     84    (3%) 
 Percent of       5.6%   5.3%   5.3%   5.4%   6.0%   5.6%   5.6%   5.9% 
 Licence fees 
 and other 
 income (net)       19      5     10     12     10      7     10     12     95% 
 profit            432    512    549    512    453    446    381    380    (5%) 
 Operating       24.6%  30.5%  31.5%  30.5%  26.8%  29.6%  25.6%  26.7% 
 Share of 
 (loss) in 
 companies           0    (1)    (1)    (5)      2    (8)      0    (9)  (150%) 
 income              8      2     22     19      8     41     57     64  (171%) 
 expenses           38     28     49     55     50      9      3     49     25% 
 Profit before 
 income taxes      402    485    521    471    413    470    436    385    (3%) 
 Net profit        312    370    402    362    313    357    332    292      0% 
 losses            102     88     72     81    101     75     76     76      0% 
 expenditure       125     98     75     55    102     60     44     29     22% 
 Cash flow 
 from operating 
 activities        481    677    350    557    429    492    391    412     12% 
 Free cash 
 Flow              323    569    277    487    325    430    347    375    (1%) 
 Total assets    7,356  7,064  6,881  6,741  6,792  6,566  6,500  6,375      8% 
 Total equity    4,802  4,685  4,577  4,208  4,426  4,312  4,431  4,191      8% 
 Equity ratio    65.3%  66.3%  66.5%  62.4%  65.2%  65.7%  68.2%  65.7% 
 employees at 
 the end of the 
 period         28,809 28,497 27,998 27,429 26,575 26,360 26,060 25,765      8% 
 per share 
 (in DKK)         0.53   0.62   0.66   0.60   0.51   0.58   0.54   0.47      3% 
 per share 
 (in DKK)         0.52   0.62   0.66   0.59   0.51   0.57   0.53   0.47      3% 
 number of 
 (million)       589.9  596.4  603.1  607.4  609.3  614.2  618.6  620.9    (3%) 
 number of 
 of options 
 'in the money' 
 (million)       595.2  601.4  607.9  612.7  614.4  618.6  623.5  626.3    (3%) 
 Sales by 
 analogues)        767    719    727    670    675    585    550    513     14% 
 insulins          361    369    387    403    415    376    398    394   (13%) 
 sales              76     70     66     65     64     62     62     59     19% 
 (OAD)              86     87     90     93     81     90     64     86      6% 
 care total      1,290  1,245  1,270  1,231  1,235  1,113  1,074  1,052      4% 
    NovoSeven ®     234    222    252    242    238    206    221    193    (2%) 
  Norditropin ®     158    144    150    139    142    126    132    118     10% 
 therapy            62     59     58     55     59     53     52     52      4% 
 products           12     11     16     10     14      9     11      9   (21%) 
 total             466    436    476    446    453    394    416    372      2% 
 Sales by 
 America           606    607    633    608    601    504    465    463      1% 
    Europe         618    588    587    563    597    577    590    545      3% 
 Operations        335    308    340    337    293    278    278    281     14% 
    Japan & 
 Oceania           197    178    186    169    197    149    157    135      0% 
 care              230    307    314    291    325    263    203    224   (29%) 
 ceuticals         202    205    235    221    127    183    179    155     58% 
Appendix 7: Key currencies assumptions / Supplementary information 
            |                      |                     | 
 DKK per 100|2009 average exchange |Assumed 2010 average |Current exchange rate 
            |        rates         |   exchange rates    |as of 27 January 2010 
 USD        |         536          |         528         |         529 
 JPY        |         5.73         |        5.88         |        5.91 
 GBP        |         836          |         855         |         858 
 CNY        |          78          |         77          |         78 
 CAD        |         470          |         495         |         497 
            |                      |                     | 
Company Announcement no 4 / 2010 
    Company Announcement no 4 2010: http://hugin.info/2013/R/1379258/339430.pdf 

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