Octopus VCT plc 
   Half-Yearly Results 
   16 October 2013 
   Octopus VCT plc, managed by Octopus Investments Limited, today announces 
the Half-Yearly results for the six months ended 31 August 2013. 
   These results were approved by the Board of Directors on 16 October 
   You may shortly view the half-yearly report in full at 
   Financial Headlines 
   0.4%                Total return for the 6 month period to 31 August 
   94.6p                Net Asset Value at 31 August 2013 
   4.0p                Cumulative dividends paid to 31 August 2013 
   98.6p                Total return at 31 August 2013 
   1.0p                    Interim dividend declared for the six months to 
31 August 2013 
   Shareholder Information and Contact Details 
   Financial Calendar 
   The Company's financial calendar is as follows: 
   May/June 2014        -        Annual results for the year to 28 February 
2014 announced; Annual Report and financial statements published 
   October 2014                -        Half-yearly results to 31 August 
2013 published 
   Dividends will be paid by the Registrar on behalf of the Company. 
Shareholders who wish to have dividends paid directly into their bank 
account rather than by cheque to their registered address can complete a 
mandate form for this purpose. Queries relating to dividends, 
shareholdings and requests for mandate forms should be directed to the 
Company's Registrar, Capita Registrars, by calling 0871 664 0300 (calls 
cost 10p per minute plus network extras. Lines are open Monday-Friday 
9.00am-5.30pm), or by writing to them at: 
   Capita Registrars Limited 
   The Registry 
   34 Beckenham Road 
   BR3 4TU 
   The table below shows the movement in NAV per share and lists the 
dividends that have been paid since the launch of Octopus VCT plc: 
Period ended      NAV    Dividend paid in period  NAV + cumulative dividends 
28 February 2010  93.0p                        -                       93.0p 
31 August 2010    94.9p                        -                       94.9p 
28 February 2011  95.3p                        -                       95.3p 
31 August 2011    93.8p                     1.0p                       94.8p 
29 February 2012  95.7p                        -                       96.7p 
31 August 2012    95.8p                     1.0p                       97.8p 
28 February 2013  95.2p                     1.0p                       98.2p 
31 August 2013    94.6p                     1.0p                       98.6p 
   Share Price 
   The Company's share price can be found on various financial websites 
with the following TIDM/EPIC code: 
                                      Ordinary shares 
TIDM/EPIC code                        OVCT 
Latest share price - 16 October 2013  85.5p per share 
   Buying and selling shares 
   The Company's ordinary shares can be bought and sold in the same way as 
any other company quoted on the London Stock Exchange via a stockbroker. 
There may be tax implications in respect of selling all or part of your 
holdings, so shareholders should contact their independent financial 
adviser if they have any queries. 
   The Company operates a policy of buying its own shares for cancellation 
as they become available. The Company is, however, unable to buy back 
shares directly from shareholders. If you are considering selling your 
shares or trading in the secondary market, please contact the Company's 
corporate broker, Panmure Gordon (UK) Limited ('Panmure'). 
   Panmure is able to provide details of close periods (when the Company is 
prohibited from buying in shares) and details of the price at which the 
Company has brought in shares. Panmure can be contacted as follows: 
   Chris Lloyd      020 7886 2716               chris.lloyd@panmure.com 
   Paul Nolan       020 7886 2717               paul.nolan@panmure.com 
   Notification of change of address 
   Communications with shareholders are mailed to the registered address 
held on the share register. In the event of a change of address or other 
amendment this should be notified to the Company's Registrar, Capita 
Registrars, under the signature of the registered holder. 
   Other Information for Shareholders 
   Published Annual Reports and Half-yearly Reports are available for 
viewing on the Investment Manager's website at 
www.octopusinvestments.com by navigating to Services, Investor Services, 
Venture Capital Trusts, Octopus VCT. All other statutory information 
will also be found there. 
   Warning to Shareholders 
   Many companies are aware that their shareholders have received 
unsolicited phone calls or correspondence concerning investment matters. 
These are typically from overseas based "brokers" who target UK 
shareholders offering to sell them what often turn out to be worthless 
or high risk shares in US or UK investments. They can be very persistent 
and extremely persuasive. Shareholders are therefore advised to be very 
wary of any unsolicited advice, offer to buy shares at a discount or 
offer for free company reports. 
   Please note that it is very unlikely that either Octopus Investments or 
the Company's Registrar would make unsolicited telephone calls to 
shareholders and that any such calls would relate only to official 
documentation already circulated to shareholders and never in respect of 
investment "advice". 
   If you are in any doubt about the veracity of an unsolicited phone call, 
please call either Octopus Investments, or the Registrar, at the numbers 
provided at the back of this report. 
   About Octopus VCT plc 
   Octopus VCT plc ("Octopus VCT" or "Company") is a venture capital trust 
("VCT") and is managed by Octopus Investments Limited ("Octopus"). 
   Octopus VCT was incorporated on 30 June 2009 as Octopus Secure VCT plc 
and opened for subscription on 17 September 2009, raising GBP50 million 
through an offer for subscription by the time it closed on 5 April 2010. 
A further GBP1.8 million was raised through a top up issue of shares on 
30 April 2010.  The investment policy of the Company is to focus on 
making Qualifying Investments into companies which have contractual 
revenues from financially sound counterparties or which have a strong 
asset base. 
   Venture Capital Trusts (VCTs) 
   VCTs were introduced in the Finance Act 1995 to provide a means for 
private individuals to invest in smaller companies in the UK. 
Subsequent Finance Acts have introduced changes to VCT legislation. The 
tax benefits currently available to eligible new investors in VCTs 
   -- up-front income tax relief of 30%; 
   -- exemption from income tax on dividends paid; and 
   -- exemption from capital gains tax on disposals of shares in VCTs 
   The Company has been provisionally approved as a VCT by Her Majesty's 
Revenue & Customs (HMRC).  In order to 
   achieve approval the Company must comply with certain requirements on a 
continuing basis, including: 
   -- at least 70% of the Company's investments must comprise 'qualifying 
      holdings'* (as defined in the legislation); 
   -- for funds raised pre 6 April 2011, at least 30% of the 70% of qualifying 
      holdings must be invested into Ordinary shares with no preferential 
   -- for funds raised post 5 April 2011, at least 70% of the 70% of qualifying 
      holdings must be invested into Ordinary shares with no preferential 
   -- no single investment made can exceed 15% of the total company value; and 
   -- a minimum of 10% of each Qualifying Investment must be in Ordinary shares 
      with no preferential rights. 
   *  A "qualifying holding" consists of up to GBP5 million invested in any 
one year in new shares or securities in an unquoted UK company (or 
companies listed on AIM) which is carrying on a qualifying trade and 
whose gross assets do not exceed a prescribed limit at the time of 
investment. The definition of a "qualifying trade" excludes certain 
activities such as property investment and development, financial 
services and asset leasing. 
   Financial Summary 
                            Six months to    Six months to        Year to 
                            31 August 2013   31 August 2012   28 February 2013 
Net assets (GBP'000s)               49,354           49,967             49,635 
Net profit/(loss) after 
 tax (GBP'000s)                        240              570                758 
Net asset value per share            94.6p            95.8p              95.2p 
Cumulative dividends paid             4.0p             2.0p               3.0p 
 to date 
Total return                         98.6p            97.8p              98.2p 
   Chairman's Statement 
   I am delighted to present to you the half-yearly report for Octopus VCT 
plc for the period ended 31 August 2013. 
   The Company's performance has been stable in the period, with the total 
return of the Company (NAV plus cumulative dividends) increasing by 0.4%, 
from 98.2p as at 28 February 2013 to 98.6p as at 31 August 2013. This 
uplift is particularly pleasing as the Company sustained a loss of 
GBP168,000 on the disposal of its investment in Game Development and 
Management Limited ("Game Development"). Game Development is a company 
involved in the production of video games for video game publishers. The 
company had struggled to identify and develop suitable games in the 
competitive market environment in which it operates. As there was little 
indication that this situation would be resolved in the near future the 
Managers took the decision to exit the investment. Fortunately, the 
interest income on loan investments not only exceeded the Company's 
standard running costs but also mitigated the effect of the loss arising 
from the disposal of Game Development. 
   Investment Portfolio 
   As at 31 August 2013, the Company held investments in 49 companies with 
a combined fair value of GBP46,699,000, representing 94.6% of net 
   During the period under review GBP4,616,000 was invested into Clifford 
Thames Group Limited, a market-leading provider of software, data and 
outsourcing services to the automotive industry. 
   Two loans to solar companies were repaid during the period, being loans 
to Helaku Power (GBP2,750,000) and Shakti Power (GBP1,665,330). 
   The investments in Salus Services 2 and Game Development and Management 
were fully realised in the period, resulting in an overall loss of 
   The majority of the Company's portfolio is invested in the renewable 
energy sector which continues to perform in line with expectations. The 
Company"s new GBP4.6 million investment into Clifford Thames is 
alongside existing investor, Apollo VCT, which invested GBP5.3 million 
in January 2010 and a further GBP1.0 million in March 2011. Both VCTs 
have invested in a combination of debt and equity, and the same fund 
management team within Octopus manages both VCT funds. 
   Investment Strategy 
   The Company continues to be managed in line with the mandate that was 
set out in the prospectus whereby investments are made with more of an 
emphasis on capital preservation than a typical VCT.  Generally the 
Company receives its return from interest paid on secured loan notes as 
well as an exposure to the value of the shares of investee companies. 
The investment strategy is to derive sufficient return from the secured 
loan notes to achieve the Company's investment aims and to use the small 
equity exposure to boost returns. 
   The Investment Manager continues to identify appropriate investment 
opportunities to meet these objectives. 
   Dividend and Dividend Policy 
   As mentioned in my statement at the year end, due to the high level of 
income the Company generated from its cash deposits, your Board proposed 
a dividend of 1.0 pence per share that was paid to shareholders on 24 
July 2013. Your Board has declared an interim dividend of 1.0 pence per 
share to be paid on 22 November 2013 to those shareholders on the 
register on 25 October 2013. 
   VCT Qualifying Status 
   A key requirement is to invest at least the 70% of the funds raised into 
qualifying investments. As at 31 August 2013, 82.0% of the portfolio, as 
measured by HMRC rules, was invested in VCT qualifying investments. The 
Manager does not foresee any issues with maintaining the required 
investment hurdle of 70%. 
   Principal Risks and Uncertainties 
   The principal risks and uncertainties are set out in note 5 of the Notes 
to the Half-Yearly Report. 
   The economic environment remains uncertain for many businesses in the UK 
due to ongoing concerns about the sustainability of the economic 
recovery, inflationary pressures and the condition of public finances. 
It is pleasing to report that, despite these tough trading conditions, 
the investments in your Company's portfolio continue to trade strongly 
and the total return continues to make progress. 
   The Investment Manager remains committed to managing the existing 
portfolio and seeking new investments which complement the mandate 
pursued by the Company. With this in mind, your Board remains confident 
that the Company will achieve its investment objectives and that the 
total return will continue to appreciate. 
   If you have any questions on any aspect of your investment, please call 
one of the team on 0800 316 2347. 
   James Otter 
   16 October 2013 
   Investment Portfolio 
                                Cost of    Movement     Fair     Movement 
                               investment   in fair   value as   in period 
                                as at 31   value to     at 31      to 31    % equity 
                                 August    31 August   August     August     held by  % equity 
                                  2013       2013       2012       2013      Octopus  held by 
Investee Company               (GBP'000)   (GBP'000)  (GBP'000)  (GBP'000)       VCT  Octopus 
Clifford Thames    Software & 
 Group Limited     data             4,616          -      4,616          -      7.7%     18.1% 
CSL Dualcom       Security 
 Holdings Ltd      devices          3,840          -      3,840          -      1.4%      3.4% 
Borro Loan 2      Consumer 
 Ltd*              finance          2,000          -      2,000          -      0.0%      0.0% 
GreenCo Services 
 2 Ltd            Solar             1,600          -      1,600          -     40.9%    100.0% 
3AM Music Ltd     Media             1,500          -      1,500          -     49.9%    100.0% 
 Services and 
 Limited          Healthcare        1,500          -      1,500          -     49.9%    100.0% 
Donoma Power Ltd  Solar             1,220          -      1,220          -     44.9%    100.0% 
5AM Music Ltd     Media             1,000          -      1,000          -     49.9%    100.0% 
Atlantic Screen 
 Ltd              Media             1,000          -      1,000          -     49.9%    100.0% 
Caspian Heat Ltd   heat             1,000          -      1,000          -     49.9%    100.0% 
Erie Heat Ltd      heat             1,000          -      1,000          -     49.9%    100.0% 
 Services Ltd     Solar             1,000          -      1,000          -     30.2%     90.6% 
Horrebow Energy 
 Ltd              Solar             1,000          -      1,000          -     49.9%    100.0% 
 Ltd              Solar             1,000          -      1,000          -     49.9%    100.0% 
Jokim Ltd         Solar             1,000          -      1,000          -     49.9%    100.0% 
Mallina Power 
 Ltd              Solar             1,000          -      1,000          -     49.9%    100.0% 
MediaCo Business 
 Services Ltd     Solar             1,000          -      1,000          -     30.2%     90.6% 
Misae Power Ltd   Solar             1,000          -      1,000          -     49.9%    100.0% 
Paivatar Power 
 Ltd              Solar             1,000          -      1,000          -     49.9%    100.0% 
 Services Ltd     Solar             1,000          -      1,000          -     30.2%     90.6% 
 Services Ltd     Solar             1,000          -      1,000          -     18.2%     88.5% 
Saas Business 
 Services Ltd     Solar             1,000          -      1,000          -     30.2%     90.6% 
Sula Power Ltd    Solar             1,000          -      1,000          -     32.3%    100.0% 
Superior Heat      source 
 Ltd               heat             1,000          -      1,000          -     49.9%    100.0% 
Tanganyika Heat    source 
 Ltd               heat             1,000          -      1,000          -     49.9%    100.0% 
 Ltd              Other             1,000          -      1,000          -      3.3%     10.0% 
Acquire Your 
 Business Ltd     Other               882          -        882          -     48.9%    100.0% 
EKF Diagnostics 
 Plc              Healthcare          665          -        665          -      0.9%      5.8% 
Howbery Solar 
 Ltd              Solar               600          -        600          -     49.9%    100.0% 
Helaku Power Ltd  Solar               527          -        527          -     25.0%    100.0% 
Michabo Power 
 Ltd*             Solar               526          -        526          -      0.0%    100.0% 
Aashman Power 
 Ltd              Solar               500          -        500          -     17.0%    100.0% 
Cyrah Power Ltd   Solar               500          -        500          -     16.7%    100.0% 
Evaki Power Ltd   Solar               500          -        500          -     16.7%    100.0% 
Gnowee Power Ltd  Solar               500          -        500          -     17.9%    100.0% 
Grian Power Ltd   Solar               500          -        500          -     12.5%    100.0% 
Intina Power Ltd  Solar               500          -        500          -     12.5%    100.0% 
Kala Power Ltd    Solar               500          -        500          -     18.5%    100.0% 
Meri Power Ltd    Solar               500          -        500          -     16.7%    100.0% 
Nima Power Ltd    Solar               500          -        500          -     12.5%    100.0% 
Palk Power Ltd    Solar               500          -        500          -     19.3%    100.0% 
Teruko Power Ltd  Solar               500          -        500          -     17.9%    100.0% 
Tonatiuh Trading 
 1 Ltd            Solar               500          -        500          -     20.7%    100.0% 
Tonatiuh Trading 
 2 Ltd            Solar               500          -        500          -     17.8%    100.0% 
Tuwale Power Ltd  Solar               500          -        500          -     12.5%    100.0% 
Yata Power Ltd    Solar               500          -        500          -     16.7%    100.0% 
PTB Films Ltd     Media               249          -        249          -     12.5%    100.0% 
Quickfire Films 
 Ltd              Media               246        (3)        243          -      6.5%     99.7% 
Quickfire 2 
 Films Ltd        Media               247       (16)        231          -      6.5%     99.9% 
Total fixed asset investments      46,718       (19)     46,699          - 
Current asset investments               5          -          5 
Total investments                  46,723       (19)     46,704 
Cash at bank                                              2,459 
Debtors less creditors                                      191 
Net assets                                               49,354 
   * 100% debt investments 
   Responsibility Statement of the Directors in respect of the Half-Yearly 
   We confirm that to the best of our knowledge: 
   -- the half-yearly financial statements have been prepared in accordance 
      with the statement "Half-Yearly Financial Reports" issued by the UK 
      Accounting Standards Board; 
   -- the half-yearly report includes a fair review of the information required 
      by the Financial Services Authority Disclosure and Transparency Rules, 
   -- an indication of the important events that have occurred during the first 
      six months of the financial year and their impact on the condensed set of 
      financial statements. 
   -- a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining 
      six months of the year; and 
   -- a description of related party transactions that have taken place in the 
      first six months of the current financial year, that may have materially 
      affected the financial position or performance of the Company during that 
      period and any changes in the related party transactions described in the 
      last annual report that could do so. 
   On behalf of the Board 
   James Otter 
   16 October 2013 
   Income Statement 
                      Six months to              Six months to                 Year to 
                      31 August 2013             31 August 2012            28 February 2013 
                Revenue  Capital   Total   Revenue  Capital   Total   Revenue  Capital   Total 
                GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000 
Income              679        -      679      715        -      715    1,448        -    1,448 
Fixed asset 
 losses on 
 disposal             -    (176)    (176)        -        -        -        -        -        - 
Fixed asset 
 gains                -        -        -        -      110      110        -       63       63 
fees                  -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -        - 
Other expenses    (263)        -    (263)    (255)        -    (255)    (543)        -    (543) 
 on ordinary 
 before tax         416    (176)      240      460      110      570      905       63      968 
Taxation on 
 on ordinary 
 activities           -        -        -        -        -        -    (210)        -    (210) 
 on ordinary 
 after tax          416    (176)      240      460      110      570      695       63      758 
Profit/(loss)      0.8p   (0.3)p     0.5p     0.9p     0.2p     1.1p     1.3p     0.1p     1.4p 
 per share - 
 basic and 
   -- The 'Total' column of this statement is the profit and loss account of 
      the Company; the supplementary revenue return and capital return columns 
      have been prepared under guidance published by the Association of 
      Investment Companies. 
   -- All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from 
      continuing operations. 
   -- The accompanying notes are an integral part of the half-yearly report. 
   -- The Company has no recognised gains or losses other than those disclosed 
      in the income statement. 
Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds 
                         Six months ended  Six months ended       Year to 
                          31 August 2013    31 August 2012    28 February 2013 
                             GBP'000           GBP'000            GBP'000 
Shareholders' funds at 
 start of period                   49,635            49,919             49,919 
Profit on ordinary 
 activities after tax                 240               570                758 
Dividends paid                      (521)             (522)            (1,042) 
Shares bought back for 
cancellation                            -                 -                  - 
Shareholders' funds at 
 end of period                     49,354            49,967             49,635 
   Balance Sheet 
                                                             As at 28 February 
                As at 31 August 2013  As at 31 August 2012                2013 
                 GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
Fixed asset 
 investments                  46,699                47,002              48,538 
Investments - 
 money market 
 funds*                 5                 1,601                    5 
Debtors               579                   731                  726 
Cash at bank        2,459                   740                  712 
                    3,043                 3,072                1,443 
 falling due 
 within one 
 year               (388)                 (107)                (346) 
Net current 
 assets                        2,655                 2,965               1,097 
Net assets                    49,354                49,967              49,635 
Called up 
 equity share 
 capital              521                   521                  521 
 reserve           47,871                48,589               48,568 
 reserve                1                     1                    1 
 holding gains 
 and losses           268                   315                  268 
 reserve gains 
 on disposal            -                   243                    - 
 reserve              693                   298                  277 
Total equity 
 funds                        49,354                49,967              49,635 
Net asset                      94.6p                 95.8p               95.2p 
 value per 
   *Held at fair value through profit and loss 
   The statements were approved by the Directors and authorised for issue 
on 16 October 2013 and are signed on their behalf by: 
   James Otter 
   Company Number: 06948448 
   Cash Flow Statement 
                         Six months ended  Six months ended       Year to 
                          31 August 2013    31 August 2012    28 February 2013 
                             GBP'000           GBP'000            GBP'000 
Net cash inflow from 
 operating activities                 605               234                923 
Taxation                                -                 -              (210) 
Financial investment: 
Purchase of fixed asset 
 investments                      (4,616)          (16,140)           (17,807) 
Sale of fixed asset 
 investments                        6,279             1,942              2,037 
Management of liquid 
Purchase of current 
 asset investments                      -           (1,000)            (1,017) 
Sale of current asset 
 investments                            -             9,990             11,592 
Dividends paid                      (521)             (522)            (1,042) 
Issue of own shares                     -                 -                  - 
Share issue expense                     -                 -                  - 
Purchase of own shares                  -                 -                  - 
Increase/(decrease) in 
 cash at bank                       1,747           (5,496)            (5,524) 
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net 
                         Six months ended  Six months ended       Year to 
                          31 August 2013    31 August 2012    28 February 2013 
                             GBP'000           GBP'000            GBP'000 
Increase/(decrease) in 
 cash at bank                       1,747           (5,496)            (5,524) 
Decrease in cash 
 equivalents                            -           (8,979)           (10,575) 
Opening net cash 
 resources                            717            16,816             16,816 
Net cash resources at 
 end of period                      2,464             2,341                717 
Reconciliation of profit before taxation to cash flow 
 from operating activities 
                         Six months ended  Six months ended       Year to 
                          31 August 2013    31 August 2012    29 February 2013 
                             GBP'000           GBP'000            GBP'000 
Profit on ordinary 
 activities before tax                240               570                968 
Decrease/(increase) in 
 debtors                              147             (223)              (218) 
Increase/(decrease) in 
 creditors                             42               (3)                236 
Gain on disposal of 
 fixed asset 
 investments                          176                 -                  - 
Holding gain on fixed 
 asset investments                      -             (110)               (63) 
Net cash inflow from 
 operating activities                 605               234                923 
   Notes to the Half-Yearly Report 
   1.        Basis of preparation 
   The unaudited half-yearly results which cover the six months to 31 
August 2013 have been prepared in accordance with the Accounting 
Standards Board's (ASB) statement on half-yearly financial reports (July 
2007) and adopting the accounting policies set out in the statutory 
accounts of the Company for the year ended 28 February 2013, which were 
prepared under UK GAAP and in accordance with the Statement of 
Recommended Practice for Investment Companies issued by the Association 
of Investment Companies in January 2009. 
   2.        Publication of non-statutory accounts 
   The unaudited half-yearly results for the six months ended 31 August 
2013 do not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of s.415 of 
the Companies Act 2006. The comparative figures for the year ended 28 
February 2013 have been extracted from the audited financial statements 
for that period, which have been delivered to the Registrar of 
Companies. The independent auditor's report on those financial 
statements, in accordance with chapter 3, part 16 of the Companies Act 
2006, was unqualified. This half-yearly report has not been reviewed by 
the Company's auditor. 
   3.        Earnings per share 
   The earnings per share at 31 August 2013 is calculated on the basis of 
52,145,218 (31 August 2012: 52,145,218 and 28 February 2013: 52,145,218) 
shares, being the weighted average number of shares in issue during the 
   There are no potentially dilutive capital instruments in issue and, 
therefore, no diluted return per share figures are relevant. The basic 
and diluted earnings per share are therefore identical. 
   4.        Net asset value per share 
   The net asset value per share is calculated on the basis of 52,145,218 
(31 August 2012: 52,145,218 and 28 February 2013: 52,145,218) shares in 
issue at that date. 
   5.         Principal Risks and Uncertainties 
   The Company's assets consist of equity and fixed-rate interest 
investments, cash and liquid resources. Its principal risks are 
therefore market risk, credit risk and liquidity risk. Other risks faced 
by the Company include economic, loss of approval as a VCT, investment 
and strategic, regulatory, reputational, operational and financial 
risks. These risks, and the way in which they are managed, are described 
in more detail in the Company's Annual Report and Accounts for the year 
ended 28 February 2013. The Company's principal risks and uncertainties 
have not changed materially since the date of that report. 
   6.         Contingencies, guarantees and financial commitments 
   Under the terms of the Investment Management agreement, Octopus is 
entitled to an annual management fee of 2.0% of net assets.  However, 
the annual management fee will be rolled up (without interest) and will 
only be paid to Octopus once shareholders have received dividends and 
distributions during the life of the Company totalling or exceeding 105p 
per share.  Octopus will only be entitled to receive an annual 
management fee for the period from the date on which shares were first 
allotted under the Offer until the date on which the general meeting is 
held (expected to be in August 2015) at which shareholders will be asked 
to approve a motion regarding the future of the Company. 
   In view of the early stage of the investment process, the Directors do 
not currently believe there is sufficient certainty that any management 
fee will be paid, and have therefore made no accrual in respect of any 
fee potentially payable. In relation to management fees, there was a 
contingent liability of GBP3,450,000 as at 31 August 2013 (28 February 
2013: GBP2,950,000). 
   Provided that an intermediary continues to act for a shareholder and the 
shareholder continues to be the beneficial owner of the shares, 
intermediaries will be paid an annual trail commission up to 0.5% of the 
initial net asset value. Trail commission of GBP115,000 was paid during 
the six month period to 31 August 2013 (31 August 2012: GBP120,000 and 
28 February 2013: GBP252,000) and there was GBPnil outstanding at the 
period end. 
   There were no further contingencies, guarantees or financial commitments 
as at 31 August 2013 (31 August 2012: none and 28 February 2013: none). 
   7.         Related Party Transactions 
   Martijn Kleibergen, a non-executive director of Octopus VCT plc, is an 
employee of Octopus Investments Limited. Octopus VCT plc has employed 
Octopus throughout the period as Investment Manager. Octopus VCT plc has 
paid Octopus GBPnil in the period as a management fee and there is 
GBPnil outstanding at the balance sheet date. 
   The fee in respect of the accounting and administrative services, 
charged at 0.3% of the net asset value, is 
   payable quarterly in arrears and is calculated at annual intervals as at 
28 February. 
   Octopus also provides company secretarial services for an additional fee 
of GBP15,000 per annum. 
   8.        Copies of this statement will be made available to all 
shareholders. Copies are also available from the registered office of 
the Company at 20 Old Bailey, London, EC4M 7AN, and will also be 
available to view on the Investment Manager's website at 
   This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of Thomson 
Reuters clients. 
   The owner of this announcement warrants that: 
   (i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and other 
applicable laws; and 
   (ii) they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and 
originality of the 
   information contained therein. 
   Source: Octopus VCT PLC via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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Octopus Vct (LSE:OVCT)
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