RNS Number : 2102D

Petrel Resources PLC

20 June 2023

                      162 Clontarf Road 
              Dublin 3, D03 F6T0 Ireland 
                    Tel: +353 1 833 2833 
                    Fax: +353 1 833 3505 

20 June 2023

Petrel Resources plc

("Petrel" or "the Company")

Audited Results for the Year Ended 31(st) December 2022

Petrel announces its results for the year ended 31(st) December 2022.

A copy of the Company's Annual Report and Accounts for 2022 will be mailed shortly only to those shareholders who have elected to receive it and extracts are set out in the announcement below. Otherwise shareholders will be notified that the Annual Report will be available on the website at www.petrelresources.com . Copies of the Annual Report will also be available for collection from the Company's registered office, 162 Clontarf Road, Dublin 3, Ireland.

The Company's Annual General Meeting will be held on 27(th) July 2023 in the Hotel Riu Plaza The Gresham, 23 O'Connell Street Upper, Dublin 1, D01 C3W7 at 12.00 pm.


     For further information please visit http://www.petrelresources.com/   or contact: 


            Petrel Resources 
                                         +353 (0) 1 833 2833 
 David Horgan, Chairman 
  John Teeling, Director 
 Nominated Adviser and Broker 
 Beaumont Cornish - Nominated Adviser 
  Roland Cornish 
  Felicity Geidt                          +44 (0) 020 7628 3396 
 Novum Securities Limited - Broker 
  Colin Rowbury                            +44 (0) 20 399 9400 
 BlytheRay - PR                          +44 (0) 207 138 3206 
  Megan Ray                               +44 (0) 207 138 3553 
  Said Izagaren                           +44 (0) 207 138 3208 
  Luke Hogg                                +353 (0) 1 661 4055 
  Alan Tyrrell                             +353 (0) 1 661 4055 

The information contained within this announcement is deemed by the Company to constitute inside information as stipulated under the Market Abuse Regulations (EU) No. 596/2014 ("MAR"). The person who arranged for the release of this announcement on behalf of the Company was Jim Finn, Director.


Europe is de-industrialising, due to policies hostile to reliable fuels. But global oil & gas demand continues to recover, as Asia and especially China recovers from C-19 policies, including lock-downs.

The withdrawal of most major oil and gas players from non-core basins killed the farm-out market from 2014. Majors who had entered projects in OPEC specific countries, often on uneconomic terms, now seek to exit marginally profitable or non-core projects as they buy shares back and issue record dividends instead of investing in exploration activities.

At the same time, there has been a shortage of institutional investor finance in London for several years now. Funds are available, but mainly from private clients and traders who demand discounts. In such circumstances, we have avoided issuing stock and incurring expensive work commitments which would only have diluted shareholders by issuing shares at too low a price. It is wiser to keep our powder dry and prepare a portfolio of early-stage projects to fund or farm out when markets turn.

However, it is worth remembering that Europe is now less than 15% of global energy consumption. BRICS+ now have a larger GDP than the G-7. Europe is in decline, but Asia is not. The future is in the emerging economies. Australian brokers and investors have profited through the liquidity of Petrel's sister company, Clontarf Energy plc. They are pressing Petrel Resources plc to open its books for greater Australian and Asian participation. So far, the board has been keen to avoid dilution, but as we roll out high-potential new projects, it may be worthwhile to accept funding - hopefully at much higher share prices.

Petrel has assessed a number of expansion projects in recent months. So far, none have completed necessary due diligence or in some cases demonstrated available funds on satisfactory terms.


The directors and their supporters have funded working capital needs during C-19, etc. and are prepared to participate in any necessary, future financing.

David Horgan


19 June 2023




                                                                                      2022        2021 
                                                                                       EUR         EUR 
 Administrative expenses                                                         (310,813)   (322,077) 
                                                                                ----------  ---------- 
 Operating loss                                                                  (310,813)   (322,077) 
                                                                                ----------  ---------- 
 Loss before taxation                                                            (310,813)   (322,077) 
 Income tax expense                                                                      -           - 
                                                                                ----------  ---------- 
 Loss for the financial year                                                     (310,813)   (322,077) 
 Other comprehensive income                                                              -           - 
                                                                                ----------  ---------- 
 Total comprehensive income for the financial year                               (310,813)   (322,077) 
                                                                                ==========  ========== 
 Earnings per share attributable to the ordinary equity holders of the parent         2022        2021 
                                                                                     Cents       Cents 
 Loss per share - basic and diluted                                                 (0.19)      (0.21) 
                                                                                ==========  ========== 



                                            2022           2021 
                                             EUR            EUR 
 Non-current assets 
 Intangible assets                       933,167        933,167 
                                         933,167        933,167 
                                   -------------  ------------- 
 Current assets 
 Trade and other receivables              33,807         25,663 
 Cash and cash equivalents               166,309        101,843 
                                   -------------  ------------- 
                                         200,116        127,506 
                                   -------------  ------------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables              (889,927)      (792,430) 
                                   -------------  ------------- 
 Total liabilities                     (889,927)      (792,430) 
                                   -------------  ------------- 
 Net assets                              243,356        268,243 
                                   =============  ============= 
 Share capital                         2,223,398      1,962,981 
 Capital conversion reserve fund           7,694          7,694 
 Capital redemption reserve              209,342        209,342 
 Share premium                        21,811,520     21,786,011 
 Share based payment reserve              26,871         26,871 
 Retained deficit                   (24,035,469)   (23,724,656) 
                                   -------------  ------------- 
 Total equity                            243,356        268,243 
                                   =============  ============= 




                                                                     Capital    Share Based 
                                                      Capital     Conversion        Payment 
                         Share           Share     Redemption   Reserve Fund        Reserve       Retained 
                       Capital         Premium        Reserve            EUR            EUR        Deficit       Total 
                           EUR             EUR            EUR                                          EUR         EUR 
 At 1 January 
  2021               1,962,981      21,786,011        209,342          7,694         26,871   (23,402,579)     590,320 
  income for 
  the financial 
  year                       -               -              -              -              -      (322,077)   (322,077) 
                 -------------  --------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  ---------- 
 At 31 December 
  2021               1,962,981      21,786,011        209,342          7,694         26,871   (23,724,656)     268,243 
 Issue of 
  shares               260,417          25,509              -              -              -              -     285,926 
  income for 
  the financial 
  year                       -               -              -              -              -      (310,813)   (322,077) 
                 -------------  --------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  ---------- 
 At 31 December 
  2022               2,223,398      21,811,520        209,342          7,694         26,871   (24,035,469)     243,356 
                 =============  ==============  =============  =============  =============  =============  ========== 




                                                                   2022        2021 
                                                                    EUR         EUR 
 Cash flows from operating activities 
 Loss for the year                                            (310,813)   (322,077) 
 Foreign exchange                                                 2,527     (9,622) 
                                                             ----------  ---------- 
 Operating cashflow before movements in working capital       (308,286)   (331,699) 
 Increase in trade and other payables                            97,497      81,889 
 (Increase)/decrease in trade and other receivables             (8,144)       9,331 
                                                             ----------  ---------- 
 Cash used in operations                                         89,353      91,220 
                                                             ----------  ---------- 
 Net cash used in operating activities                        (218,933)   (240,479) 
                                                             ----------  ---------- 
 Investing activities 
 Payments for exploration and evaluation assets                       -     (1,200) 
                                                             ----------  ---------- 
 Net cash used in investing activities                                -     (1,200) 
                                                             ----------  ---------- 
 Financing activities 
 Shares issued                                                  285,926           - 
                                                             ----------  ---------- 
 Net cash generated from financing activities                   285,926           - 
                                                             ----------  ---------- 
 Net cash increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents       66,993   (241,679) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of year             101,843     333,900 
 Exchange gains / (loss) on cash and cash equivalents           (2,527)       9,622 
                                                             ----------  ---------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year               166,309     101,843 
                                                             ==========  ========== 



There were no changes in accounting policies from those used to prepare the Group's Annual Report for financial year ended 31 December 2021. The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) as adopted by the European Union and in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act 2014.

   2.    LOSS PER SHARE 

Basic loss per share is computed by dividing the loss after taxation for the year attributable to ordinary shareholders by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue and ranking for dividend during the year. Diluted loss per share is computed by dividing the loss after taxation for the year by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue, adjusted for the effect of all dilutive potential ordinary shares that were outstanding during the year.

The following tables set out the computation for basic and diluted earnings per share (EPS):

                                                                             2022             2021 
                                                                              EUR              EUR 
 For basic and diluted EPS Loss after taxation                          (310,813)        (322,077) 
                                                                 ================  =============== 
 Denominator                                                                  No.              No. 
 For basic and diluted EPS                                            160,919,745      157,038,467 
                                                                 ================  =============== 
 Basic EPS                                                                (0.19c)          (0.21c) 
 Diluted EPS                                                              (0.19c)          (0.21c) 
                                                                 ================  =============== 
 Basic and diluted loss per share are the same as the effect of the outstanding share options 
  and warrants is anti-dilutive. 

The Group incurred a loss for the financial year of EUR310,813 (2021: loss of EUR322,077) and had net current liabilities of EUR689,811 (2021: EUR664,924) at the balance sheet date. These conditions as well as those noted below, represent a material uncertainty that may cast significant doubt on the Group and Company's ability to continue as a going concern.

Included in current liabilities is an amount of EUR857,531 (2021: EUR767,531) owed to key management personnel in respect of remuneration due at the balance sheet date. Key management have confirmed that they will not seek settlement of these amounts in cash for a period of at least one year after the date of approval of the financial statements or until the Group has generated sufficient funds from its operations after paying its third-party creditors.

The Group had a cash balance of EUR166,309 (2021: EUR101,843) at the balance sheet date. The directors have prepared cashflow projections for a period of at least twelve months from the date of approval of these financial statements which indicate that additional finance may be required to fund working capital requirements and develop existing projects. As the Group is not revenue or cash generating it relies on raising capital from the public market.

These conditions as well as those noted below, represent a material uncertainty that may cast significant doubt on the Group's ability to continue as a going concern.

As in previous years the Directors have given careful consideration to the appropriateness of the going concern basis in the preparation of the financial statements and believe the going concern basis is appropriate for these financial statements. The financial statements do not include the adjustments that would result if the Group was unable to continue as a going concern.

                                 Group     Group 
                                  2022      2021 
                                   EUR       EUR 
 Exploration and evaluation assets: 
 At 1 January                  933,167   931,967 
 Additions                           -     1,200 
 Impairment                          -         - 
                           -----------  -------- 
 At 31 December                933,167   933,167 
                           -----------  -------- 
 Carrying amount: 
 At 31 December                933,167   933,167 
                           ===========  ======== 

Segmental analysis

            Group     Group 
             2022      2021 
              EUR       EUR 
 Ghana    933,167   933,167 
 Iraq           -         - 
         --------  -------- 
          933,167   933,167 
         ========  ======== 

Exploration and evaluation assets relate to expenditure incurred in exploration in Ghana. The directors are aware that by its nature there is an inherent uncertainty in exploration and evaluation assets and therefore inherent uncertainty in relation to the carrying value of capitalized exploration and evaluation assets.

During 2018 the Group resolved the outstanding issues with the Ghana National Petroleum Company (GNPC) regarding a contract for the development of the Tano 2A Block. The Group has signed a Petroleum Agreement in relation to the block and this agreement awaits ratification by the Ghanian government.

Relating to the remaining exploration and evaluation assets at the financial year end, the directors believe there were no facts or circumstances indicating that the carrying value of the intangible assets may exceed their recoverable amount and thus no impairment review was deemed necessary by the directors. The realisation of these intangible assets is dependent on the successful discovery and development of economic reserves and is subject to a number of significant potential risks, as set out below:

   --    licence obligations; 
   --    exchange rate risks; 
   --    uncertainty over development and operational costs; 

-- political and legal risks, including arrangements with Governments for licences, profit sharing and taxation;

-- foreign investment risks including increases in taxes, royalties and renegotiation of contracts;

   --    financial risk management; and 
   --    ability to raise finance. 

Directors' remuneration of EURNil (2021: EURNil) and salaries of EURNil (2021: EURNil) were capitalised as exploration and evaluation expenditure during the financial year.

                                   Group     Group 
                                    2022      2021 
                                     EUR       EUR 
 Amounts due to key personnel    857,531   767,531 
 Accruals                         12,000    16,500 
 Other payables                   20,396     8,399 
                                --------  -------- 
                                 889,927   792,430 
                                ========  ======== 

It is the Group's normal practice to agree terms of transactions, including payment terms, with suppliers. It is the Group's policy that payments are made between 30 - 45 days and suppliers are required to perform in accordance with the agreed terms. The Group has financial risk management policies in place to ensure that all payables are paid within the credit timeframe.

Key management personnel have confirmed that they will not seek settlement in cash of the amounts due to them in relation to remuneration for a period of at least one year after the date of approval of the financial statements or until the Group has generated sufficient funds from its operations after paying its third party creditors.

                                                     2022           2022            2021           2021 
                                                   Number            EUR          Number            EUR 
 Ordinary shares of EUR0.0125 each            800,000,000     10,000,000     800,000,000     10,000,000 
                                           ==============  =============  ==============  ============= 
 Ordinary Shares - nominal value of EUR0.0125 
 Allotted, called-up and fully paid: 
                                          Number   Share Capital   Share Premium 
                                                             EUR             EUR 
 At 1 January 2021                   157,038,467       1,962,981      21,786,011 
 Issued during the year                        -               -               - 
                                 ---------------  --------------  -------------- 
 At 31 December 2021                 157,038,467       1,962,981      21,786,011 
 Issued during the year               20,833,333         260,417          25,509 
                                 ---------------  --------------  -------------- 
 At 31 December 2022                 177,871,800       2,223,398      21,811,520 
                                 ===============  ==============  ============== 

On 24 October 2022 a total of 20,833,333 shares were placed at a price of 1.2 pence per share. Proceeds were used to provide additional working capital and fund development costs. For each share subscribed for, the investors also received one warrant to subscribe for an additional ordinary share at a price of 1.8p per share for a period of 2 years.


The Group issues equity-settled share-based payments to certain directors and individuals who have performed services for the Group. Equity-settled share-based payments are measured at fair value at the date of grant. Fair value is measured by the use of a Black-Scholes valuation model.


The Group plan provides for a grant price equal to the average quoted market price of the ordinary shares on the date of grant. The options vest immediately.

The options outstanding at 31 December 2022 have a weighted average remaining contractual life of 4 years.

                                               31 December 2022                           31 December 2021 
                                   Options        Weighted average exercise   Options        Weighted average exercise 
                                                             price in pence                             price in pence 
 Outstanding at beginning of 
  year                             500,000                            10.50   500,000                            10.50 
 Granted during the year                 -                                -         -                                - 
 Outstanding at end of year        500,000                            10.50   500,000                            10.50 
                                  ========  ===============================  ========  =============================== 


                                              31 December 2022                            31 December 2021 
                                    Warrants      Weighted average exercise   Warrants       Weighted average exercise 
                                                             price in pence                             price in pence 
 Outstanding at beginning of               -                              -          -                               - 
 Issued                           20,833,333                            1.8          -                               - 
 Expired                                   -                              -          -                               - 
                                 -----------  -----------------------------  ---------  ------------------------------ 
 Outstanding at end of year       20,833,333                            1.8          -                               - 
                                 ===========  =============================  =========  ============================== 

On 24 October 2022 a total of 20,833,333 warrants were issued at an exercise price of 1.8p per warrant as part of a placing. Further information is note 6 above.

                                                              Capital Conversion Reserve 
                                 Capital Redemption Reserve                         Fund   Share Based Payment Reserve 
                                                        EUR                          EUR                           EUR 
 Balance at 1 January 2021                          209,342                        7,694                       127,199 
 Movement during the year                                 -                            -                        29,295 
                               ----------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------- 
 Balance at 31 December 2021                        209,342                        7,694                       156,494 
 Movement during the year                                 -                            -                             - 
                               ----------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------- 
 Balance at 31 December 2022                        209,342                        7,694                       156,494 
                               ============================  ===========================  ============================ 

Capital redemption reserve

The Capital redemption reserve reflects nominal value of shares cancelled by the Company.

Capital conversion reserve fund

The ordinary shares of the company were renominalised from EUR0.0126774 each to EUR0.0125 each in 2001 and the amount by which the issued share capital of the company was reduced was transferred to the capital conversion reserve fund.

Share Based Payment Reserve

The share-based payment reserve arises on the grant of share options under the share option plan. Share options expired are reallocated from the share-based payment reserve to retained deficit at their grant date fair value.

                                       2022           2021 
                                        EUR            EUR 
 Opening Balance               (23,724,656)   (23,402,579) 
 Profit/(Loss) for the year       (310,813)      (322,077) 
                              -------------  ------------- 
 Closing Balance               (24,035,469)   (23,724,656) 
                              =============  ============= 

Retained deficit

Retained deficit comprises of losses incurred in the current and prior years.


There were no material post balance sheet events affecting the Group.


The Company's Annual General Meeting will be held on 27 July 2023 in the Hotel Riu Plaza The Gresham, 23 O'Connell Street Upper, Dublin 1, D01 C3W7 at 12.00 pm.


The financial information prepared using accounting policies consistent with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") as adopted by the European Union included in this preliminary statement does not constitute the statutory financial statements for the purposes of Chapter 4 of part 6 of the Companies Act 2014. Full statutory statements for the year ended 31 December 2022 prepared in accordance with IFRS, upon which the auditors have given an unqualified report, have not yet been filed with the Registrar of Companies. Full financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2021 prepared in accordance with IFRS and containing an unqualified report, have been filed with the Registrar of Companies.

A copy of the Company's Annual Report and Accounts for 2022 will be mailed shortly only to those shareholders who have elected to receive it. Otherwise shareholders will be notified that the Annual Report will be available on the website at www.petrelresources.com . Copies of the Annual Report will also be available for collection from the Company's registered office, 162 Clontarf Road, Dublin 3, Ireland.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

June 20, 2023 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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