27 June 2013 
   In October 2011, the Board sent a survey to Shareholders seeking their 
views in relation to the future of the Company. Following the feedback 
provided by Shareholders, the Company changed its investment policy to 
give it the flexibility to invest in a number of sectors (rather than 
restrict investments to the health sector) and has undertaken a number 
of initiatives in an attempt to increase the size of the Company. In 
March 2012, the Company completed a merger with Longbow Growth and 
Income VCT plc under which it acquired LGIV's net assets in 
consideration for the issue of Shares. The Company also carried out an 
offer for subscription from February 2012 to April 2012 (spanning the 
2011/12 tax year and the 2012/13 tax year) raising gross proceeds of 
GBP31,000 and an enhanced share buyback with gross proceeds of GBP1.2 
million being reinvested in the Company. 
   Notwithstanding these initiatives, as at 30 April 2013 the Company had 
net assets of GBP7.6 million. In the light of the difficulties 
encountered by the Board increasing the size of the Company and 
challenging financial markets, the Board decided to consider alternative 
strategies. The Board has concluded that Shareholders' interests will be 
best served by a merger with another larger listed VCT. After 
considering available options including mergers with a number of other 
VCTs, the Board has reached agreement with ProVen Growth & Income VCT in 
respect of a merger of the Company and ProVen Growth & Income VCT 
pursuant to a scheme of reconstruction and winding up of the Company 
under section 110 of the Insolvency Act 1986.  ProVen Growth & Income 
VCT is a venture capital trust which was launched in 2001 and is also 
managed by the Company's investment manager, Beringea LLP. 
   The Proposals 
   Under the Proposals, the Company will be placed into members' voluntary 
liquidation and its assets will (after setting aside a Liquidation Fund 
to cover the estimated liabilities and contingent liabilities of the 
Company) be transferred to ProVen Growth & Income VCT in consideration 
for the issue of New ProVen Growth & Income VCT Shares to Shareholders. 
The Scheme will be completed on a relative adjusted net asset value 
basis. The number of New ProVen Growth & Income VCT Shares to be issued 
to Shareholders will be calculated based on the unaudited net asset 
value of both VCTs as at the Calculation Date (expected to be 2 August 
2013), adjusted to take into account each VCT's allocation of the 
estimated costs and expenses of the Proposals. 
   The New ProVen Growth & Income VCT Shares will rank pari passu with the 
existing ProVen Growth & Income VCT Shares, save that they shall not 
qualify for the interim dividend payable by ProVen Growth & Income VCT 
in respect of the period ended 28 February 2013. 
   The Company has today published a Circular to its Shareholders in 
connection with Proposals, convening General Meetings to be held at 
10.00 a.m. on 26 July 2013 and at 10.00 a.m. on 6 August 2013. 
Shareholders will also be sent a copy of the Prospectus published by 
ProVen Growth & Income VCT in relation to the Proposals. Implementation 
of the Proposals is conditional upon the passing of the Resolutions at 
the General Meetings and the approval of ProVen Growth & Income VCT 
Shareholders at the ProVen Growth & Income VCT General Meeting to be 
held on 30 July 2013.  In the event that the relevant resolutions are 
not passed or any other condition of the Proposals is not met, the 
Proposals will not be implemented and the Company will continue as a 
separate VCT. In these circumstances, the Board will reassess the 
options available to the Company. 
   As part of the Proposals, Frank Harding (a director of the Company) will 
join the board of directors of ProVen Growth & Income VCT upon the 
Scheme becoming effective.  Charles Pinney (the Chairman of the Company) 
will be appointed as a consultant to the ProVen Growth & Income VCT 
Board to assist with the transition of the Company's investment 
portfolio to ProVen Growth & Income VCT.  This Consultancy appointment 
will last for one year from the Effective Date, with any fees payable in 
respect of this consultancy appointment met by Beringea. 
   Interim Dividend 
   The Company has declared an interim dividend of one pence per Ordinary 
Share. The Interim Dividend will be paid on 25 July 2013 to Shareholders 
on the Register on 5 July 2013. The ex-dividend date for the Interim 
Dividend is 3 July 2013. 
   In the light of the Proposals, the Company has announced today the 
suspension of its dividend re-investment scheme. If the Scheme does not 
become effective and the Company continues as a standalone VCT, the 
Board will consider lifting this suspension and reopening the dividend 
re-investment scheme. 
   Information on ProVen Growth and Income VCT plc 
   ProVen Growth & Income VCT is a venture capital trust which was launched 
in 2001. ProVen Growth & Income VCT aims to provide investors with 
long-term returns greater than those available from direct investment in 
quoted businesses by investing in a portfolio of carefully selected 
smaller companies with excellent growth prospects. 
   ProVen Growth & Income VCT's investment portfolio consists of 25 
unquoted investments and 3 quoted investments. As at 26 June 2013 (being 
the latest practicable date prior to the release of this announcement) 
the aggregate value of ProVen Growth & Income VCT's investment portfolio 
was GBP20.1 million.  In addition, ProVen Growth & Income VCT had cash 
of approximately GBP25.7 million. As at 28 February 2013 (being the date 
of the latest published net asset value of a ProVen Growth & Income VCT 
Share), the net asset value per ProVen Growth & Income VCT Share was 
87.7 pence. 
   Benefits of the Proposals 
   The Directors consider that the Proposals have the following benefits 
for Shareholders: 
   -- they allow Shareholders to roll over their investment in a tax efficient 
      manner (without incurring an immediate liability to UK capital gains 
   -- Shareholders will retain the upfront VCT income tax relief they obtained 
      on subscription for their Shares (provided they retain their New ProVen 
      Growth & Income VCT Shares until at least five years after their Shares 
      were issued); 
   -- Shareholders will be invested in a VCT which already has 28 portfolio 
      investments and will therefore be able to gain exposure to a diversified 
      portfolio of VCT qualifying companies without incurring significant 
      reinvestment costs or portfolio reorganisation costs; 
   -- Shareholders will be invested in a VCT with greater dividend potential 
      than the Company. The ProVen Growth & Income VCT Board has set an 
      objective of paying dividends each year which equate to a yield of 
      approximately 5 per cent. of net asset value (This is not a profit 
      forecast. There is no certainty that any dividends will be paid by ProVen 
      Growth & Income VCT following the Scheme becoming effective and dividend 
      payments will depend on the amount and timing of profits realised from 
   -- the enlarged ProVen Growth & Income VCT will have a more diversified 
      portfolio thereby dispersing the portfolio risk across a broader range of 
      investments and businesses; 
   -- the merger of ProVen Growth & Income VCT and the Company will create a 
      single VCT with a greater capital base over which to spread 
      administration and management costs. Shareholders will continue to 
      benefit from the management expertise of Beringea and reduced basic 
      management fees (with the basic investment management fee payable by 
      ProVen Growth & Income VCT being 2.0 per cent. per annum of its net 
      assets compared to the basic investment management fee of 2.5 per cent. 
      of the Company's net assets currently payable) and reduced total expenses 
      as percentage of net assets; 
   -- as Beringea will continue to manage the enlarged ProVen Growth & Income 
      VCT's funds after the Scheme is implemented (as Beringea is the 
      investment manager of ProVen Growth & Income VCT), Beringea has agreed to 
      the termination of its existing investment management agreement with the 
      Company on the Effective Date without notice or penalty; and 
   -- ProVen Growth & Income VCT operates a share buy-back policy under which 
      it buys back ProVen Growth & Income VCT Shares at a discount of 10 per 
      cent. to net asset value (allowing shareholders wishing to realise their 
      investment on opportunity to do so).  Any such share buy-backs are 
      subject to applicable legislation and VCT regulations and ProVen Growth & 
      Income VCT having sufficient reserves and cash to purchase shares. 
   Costs and expenses 
   The aggregate costs and expenses to be incurred by ProVen Growth & 
Income VCT and the Company in connection with the Scheme are expected to 
be approximately GBP240,000 (including VAT and stamp duty). It is 
estimated that aggregate costs of approximately GBP100,000 (including 
VAT) will be borne by the Company in connection with the Scheme as 
ProVen Growth & Income VCT has agreed to meet the first GBP140,000 of 
the total costs and expenses of the Scheme with GBP40,000 of this amount 
to be reimbursed to ProVen Growth & Income VCT by Beringea by means of a 
partial management fee waiver over one year commencing on the Effective 
Date (with GBP10,000 of the management fees otherwise payable to 
Beringea waived each quarter until GBP40,000 of the costs and expenses 
paid by ProVen Growth & Income VCT have been recovered in full). If the 
total costs and expenses incurred by ProVen Growth & Income VCT and the 
Company are more than GBP240,000 (including VAT) ProVen Growth & Income 
VCT and the Company will each meet 50 per cent. of any such costs in 
excess of this amount. 
   The Board has also agreed to a Liquidator's retention of up to GBP20,000 
which will be retained by the Liquidator to meet any unforeseen costs 
and liabilities. If the Scheme does not become effective, the Company 
will bear abort costs and expenses estimated at approximately GBP95,000 
(including VAT). In these circumstances, the Board will consider 
formulating new proposals for the future management of the Company which 
may result in additional costs being incurred by the Company. 
   Dealings in Shares on the London Stock Exchange 
   The Register will remain open until the Effective Date, but the Shares 
will be disabled in CREST on 31 July 2013. The last day for trading in 
the Shares on the London Stock Exchange for normal settlement (in order 
to enable settlement prior to the Record Date) will be 29 July 2013. As 
from 30 July 2013, dealings should be for cash settlement only and, in 
the case of certificated Shares, will only be registered if documents of 
title are delivered immediately. The Record Date, being the date for 
determining which Shareholders are entitled to participate in the Scheme, 
is 6.00 p.m. on 2 August 2013. Dealings in the Shares on the London 
Stock Exchange will be suspended at 7.30 a.m. on 6 August 2013 and it is 
expected that the listing of the Shares will be cancelled on or around 7 
August 2013. 
   Shareholder meetings 
   The implementation of the Proposals will require, inter alia, 
Shareholders to vote in favour of resolutions to be proposed at General 
Meetings of the Company which have been convened for 10.00 a.m. on 26 
July 2013 and 10.00 a.m. on 6 August 2013.  The notices convening the 
General Meetings, which set out in full the terms of the resolutions 
which are to be proposed, are set out in the Circular.  The General 
Meetings will be held at the offices of Beringea LLP, 39 Earlham Street, 
London WC2H 9LT. 
All references are to UK time.                                            2013 
Record date for the Interim Dividend                                    5 July 
Latest time and date for receipt of BLUE forms of                10.00 a.m. on 
 proxy for the First General Meeting                                   24 July 
Payment date for Interim Dividend                                      25 July 
First General Meeting of Proven Health                           10.00 a.m. on 
                                                                       26 July 
Time and date from which it is advised that dealings              8.00 a.m. on 
 in Shares should only be for cash settlement and immediate            30 July 
 delivery of documents of title 
ProVen Growth & Income VCT General Meeting                        3.00 p.m. on 
                                                                       30 July 
Shares disabled in CREST(1)                                       7.30 a.m. on 
                                                                       31 July 
Latest time and date for receipt of GREEN forms of               10.00 a.m. on 
 proxy for the Second General Meeting                                 2 August 
Calculation Date                                                      close of 
                                                                 business on 2 
Record Date for Shareholders' entitlements under the            6.00 p.m. on 2 
 Scheme                                                                 August 
Dealings in Shares suspended                                    7.30 a.m. on 6 
Second General Meeting of ProVen Health                          10.00 a.m. on 
                                                                      6 August 
Effective Date for implementation of the Scheme and                   6 August 
 commencement of the liquidation of the Company 
Admission to listing and dealings commence in the               8.00 a.m. on 7 
 New ProVen Growth & Income VCT Shares issued pursuant                  August 
 to the Scheme 
New ProVen Growth & Income VCT Shares issued in uncertificated  8.00 a.m. on 7 
 form credited to CREST accounts of Shareholders under                  August 
 the Scheme 
Cancellation of listing of Shares                               8.00 a.m. on 7 
Share and tax certificates in respect of New ProVen                       week 
 Growth & Income VCT Shares issued in certificated               commencing 19 
 form pursuant to the Scheme despatched to Shareholders                 August 
 entitled thereto 
   (1)   For the avoidance of doubt, the Register will remain open until 
the Effective Date. 
   (2)   Each of the times and dates in the above expected timetable (other 
than in relation to the General Meetings) may be extended or brought 
forward without further notice. If any of the above times and/or dates 
changes, the revised time(s) and/or date(s) will be notified to 
Shareholders by an announcement through a Regulatory Information Service 
   The definitions set out below apply in this announcement unless the 
context requires otherwise: 
Admission        the admission of the New ProVen Growth & Income VCT 
                  Shares to be issued under the Proposals to the Official 
                  List with a Premium Listing and to trading on the 
                  Main Market 
Beringea or      Beringea LLP, a limited liability partnership registered 
Investment        in England and Wales with registered number OC342919 
Board or         the directors of the Company or any duly constituted 
Directors         committee thereof 
Calculation      the time and date, to be determined by the Directors 
Date              but expected to be close of business on 2 August 2013 
                  (unless the First General Meeting is adjourned), at 
                  which the FAV per PHV Share and the FAV per PGIV Share 
                  will be calculated for the purposes of the Scheme 
certificated or  a share which is not in uncertificated form 
in certificated 
Circular         the circular published by the Company on 27 June 2013 
Company or       ProVen Health VCT plc, a company incorporated in England 
ProVen Health     and Wales with registered number 04131354 
Effective Date   the date of the passing of the resolution to be proposed 
                  at the Second General Meeting or, if later, on all 
                  conditions of such resolution being satisfied (which 
                  is expected to be 6 August 2013) 
FAV per PGIV     the formula asset value of a ProVen Growth & Income 
Share             VCT Share calculated as at the Calculation Date in 
                  accordance with the Scheme 
FAV per PHV      the formula asset value of an Ordinary Share calculated 
Share             as at the Calculation Date in accordance with the 
First General    the general meeting of the Company convened for 10.00 
Meeting           a.m. on 26 July 2013, or any adjournment thereof 
FSMA             the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (as amended) 
General          the First General Meeting and Second General Meeting 
Interim          the interim dividend by the Company to be paid on 
Dividend          25 July 2013 
LGIV             Longbow Growth and Income VCT plc 
Liquidation      the liquidation fund to be retained by the Liquidator 
Fund              to meet the liabilities of the Company 
Liquidator       the liquidator of the Company to be appointed at the 
                  Second General Meeting 
London Stock     London Stock Exchange plc 
Main Market      the London Stock Exchange's main market for listed 
NAV or Net       net asset value 
Asset Value 
New ProVen       the ProVen Growth & Income VCT Shares to be issued 
Growth & Income   pursuant to the Scheme 
VCT Shares 
Official List    the Official List of the UK Listing Authority 
Premium Listing  a listing on the premium segment of the Official List 
Proposals        the proposals for the voluntary winding up and reconstruction 
                  of the Company (including the Scheme) described in 
                  the Circular 
Prospectus       the prospectus published by ProVen Growth & Income 
                  VCT on 27 June 2013 
ProVen Growth &  ProVen Growth and Income VCT plc, a company incorporated 
Income VCT        in England and Wales with registered number 04125326 
Proven Growth &  the directors of ProVen Growth & Income VCT 
Income VCT 
ProVen Growth &  the general meeting of ProVen Growth & Income VCT 
Income VCT        convened for 3.00 p.m. on 30 July 2013, or any adjournment 
General           thereof 
ProVen Growth &  ordinary shares of 1.6187p each in ProVen Growth & 
Income VCT        Income VCT 
Record Date      6.00 p.m. on 2 August 2013, being the record date 
                  for determining which Shareholders are entitled to 
                  participate in the Scheme 
Register         the register of members of the Company 
Regulatory       any of the services authorised from time to time by 
Information       the Financial Services Authority for the purposes 
Service           of disseminating regulatory announcements 
Resolutions      the resolutions set out in the notices of the General 
Scheme           the scheme under section 110 of the Insolvency Act 
                  1986 set out in Part 3 of the Circular 
Second General   the general meeting of the Company convened for 10.00 
Meeting           a.m. on 6 August 2013, or any adjournment thereof 
Shareholders     holders of Shares 
Shares or        ordinary shares of 1p each in the capital of the Company 
UK Listing       the Financial Conduct Authority acting pursuant to 
Authority         Part VI of FSMA 
uncertificated   recorded in the register of members of the Company 
or in             or ProVen Growth & Income VCT (as appropriate) as 
uncertificated    being held in uncertificated form in CREST and title 
form              to which may be transferred by means of CREST 
VAT              value added tax 
VCT or Venture   a venture capital trust as defined in section 259 
Capital Trust     of the Income Tax Act 2007 (as amended) 
   For further information please contact. 
Steven Tuckley   Beringea LLP   020 7845 7820 
   A copy of the Circular will be submitted to the National Storage 
Mechanism and will shortly be available for inspection at 
   This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of Thomson 
Reuters clients. 
   The owner of this announcement warrants that: 
   (i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and other 
applicable laws; and 
   (ii) they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and 
originality of the 
   information contained therein. 
   Source: Proven Health VCT Plc via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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