-- Further investments made during the period and post period end, including 
      two non-qualifying secured loans made, offering a higher yield than most 
      quoted secured bonds or deposits. 
   -- Qualifying investments now at 71% on an HMRC basis. 
   -- 21p per share of dividends paid since inception, 7p during the period, 
      equivalent to a 10% per annum tax-free running yield on net investment. 
   -- Gain in NAV (adding back dividends) of 0.42p per share during the period. 
   During the eight and a half months to 15 March 2013, the Company 
maintained a cautious approach in its investments whilst remaining well 
positioned to exploit the opportunities which are arising as a result of 
tight credit markets. 
   During the period, the Company's accounting reference date was changed 
to 31 March. The UK Listing Authority rules require the Company to 
release this second interim report for the period as the accounting 
period of the Company to 31 March 2013 is 15 months. 
   Qualifying Investments 
   In December 2012, the Company completed a GBP600,000 investment (as part 
of a GBP1.5 million financing with other Puma VCTs) into Brewhouse and 
Kitchen Limited, which is managed by two highly experienced pub sector 
professionals, to facilitate the acquisition of freehold pubs and 
install a micro brewery within the main area of each pub.  The 
investment is largely in the form of senior debt, secured with a first 
charge over the business and each freehold site acquired.  Funds can be 
utilised to a maximum 65% loan-to-value ratio, and are expected to 
produce a return to the Company of at least 7 per cent. per annum. 
   Subsequent to the period end, the Company invested a further GBP320,000 
(as part of GBP1.6 million across the Puma VCTs) into Brewhouse and 
Kitchen, taking total exposure to GBP920,000.  This further investment, 
again largely in the form of senior debt, is to be used to purchase 
further pubs, subject to our approval of each purchase.  The terms are 
similar to the first loan to this company. 
   We are pleased to report that, in November 2012, Huntly Trading Limited 
and Isaacs Trading Limited joined a limited liability partnership with 
other contracting companies and have entered into their first 
contracting contract with FreshStart Living.  This will provide 
GBP668,000 (as part of a GBP3.5 million project involving other 
companies backed by Puma VCTs) of project management and contracting 
services.  These services will be provided in connection with the 
development and construction by FreshStart Living of 116 apartments (all 
of which were pre-sold when the contract was entered into) at a property 
called Trafford Press, 2 miles south east of Manchester city centre. 
   The Company's investments in each of Frederica Trading Limited 
("Frederica") and Glenmoor Trading Limited ("Glenmoor") are progressing 
well.  As members of a limited liability partnership with other 
contracting companies, Frederica and Glenmoor are providing contracting 
services in connection with five pre-let supported living developments 
for psychiatric and learning disabled people who are housed and given 
support by local authorities and other social care organisations.  The 
developments themselves are progressing well with three in various 
stages of construction. 
   Our investment in Mirfield Contracting Limited ("MCL") is progressing 
well as indicated in the Company's previous interim report.  MCL is a 
contracting services company providing project management services to a 
GBP3.8 million development of town houses in Mirfield (near Wakefield) 
West Yorkshire, as a member of a limited liability partnership with 
other contracting companies.  The development itself is progressing well 
with the first of three phases complete and sold. 
   As reported in the Company's previous interim report, the Company 
invested GBP700,000 (as part of a GBP1.4 million Puma VCT financing) 
into SIP Communications Plc.  SIPCOM provides hosted IP telephony and 
unified communications products and services and is a leading hosting 
provider for users of Microsoft Lync - a new business version of Skype 
with many enhanced features allowing IP telephony, video calls, instant 
messaging, and online meetings and integrating with Microsoft Outlook 
and Office. 
   Most recently, after the period end, the Company concluded another 
qualifying transaction, by investing GBP1.4 million into Saville 
Services Limited, a contracting company, alongside other Puma VCTs. 
Saville Services is deploying the funds to provide contracting services 
in relation to the construction of a private detached housing 
development in the countryside outside Aberdeen, under contract to 
Churchill Homes Limited, a longstanding Aberdeenshire developer. 
   In accordance with the HMRC VCT rules the Company has three years to 
invest 70 per cent of the portfolio (on an HMRC basis) into qualifying 
investments.  Having now achieved its 70% qualifying status, the Company 
is considering some further deals which are in due diligence, on the 
monitoring of our existing investments, and considering the options for 
   Non-Qualifying Investments 
   When the fund began investing in 2010, we chose a portfolio of bonds, 
hedge funds and hedge funds of funds.  We reviewed the portfolio and 
liquidated several of these during 2012 for an overall small gain. 
   We retained a number of the best performing investments of this 
portfolio throughout the period, most of which were bond funds and one 
residual hedge fund.  At the start of 2013, we became concerned that 
bonds had become overvalued relative to equities.  Anticipating a change 
in market sentiment regarding bonds and a switch into equities, we 
decided to take profits on all of these holdings at the start of 2013, a 
decision which seems to have been vindicated by subsequent market 
   We have adopted a strategy for the non-qualifying portfolio of moving 
away from quoted investments where possible and instead investing in 
secured non-qualifying loans offering a good yield with hopefully 
limited downside risk.  These loans take longer to identify and execute, 
but should work well for the Company into the medium term. 
   The first of these was made in August 2012, when the Company completed a 
GBP1,250,000 non-qualifying loan.  This was as part of a GBP4 million 
financing with other Puma VCTs to Puma Brandenburg Finance Limited, a 
subsidiary of Puma Brandenburg Holdings Limited.  It is secured on a 
portfolio of flats in the middle class area of central Berlin, Germany. 
The facility attracts a fixed interest rate of 5% per annum.  Since the 
loan was made, the property market in this area of Berlin has been very 
strong, further enhancing the excellent security we have for this loan. 
   In December 2012, the Company completed a second non-qualifying loan of 
GBP860,000.  This was to provide, together with other Puma VCTs, an 
innovative GBP2.5 million revolving credit facility to Organic Waste 
Management Trading Limited (effected via a loan to Buckhorn Lending 
Limited, which on-lent the money).  The facility provides working 
capital for the purchase of used cooking oil for conversion into 
bio-diesel.  The ultimate borrower owns a large oil refining plant in 
Birkenhead and is processing cooking oil to sell to obligated off-take 
parties (petrol and diesel retailers).  The facility is structured to 
mitigate risks by being capable of being drawn only once approved 
back-to-back purchase and sale contracts have been entered into with 
approved counterparties.  The facility bears interest at 1.5% per month 
with a 5% per annum non-utilisation rate. 
   On 31 January 2013, the Company declared an interim dividend of 7p per 
ordinary share for that period which was paid on 25 February 2013, 
taking the total of dividends paid to date to 21p per Ordinary Share, 
equivalent to a 10% per annum tax-free running yield on the net 
investment by shareholders.  Reflecting this recent payout, your Board 
is not proposing a further dividend at this interim stage but still 
intends to pay out a dividend of 7p per ordinary share each year as 
envisaged in the Company's prospectus. 
   Net Asset Value ("NAV") 
   The NAV per share was 72.59p at 15 March 2013.  This was an increase of 
0.42 per cent during the period (after adding back the 7p dividend paid 
on 25 February 2013). 
   VCT Qualifying Status 
   PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP ("PwC") provides the board and the investment 
manager with advice on the ongoing compliance with Her Majesty's Revenue 
& Customs ("HMRC") rules and regulations concerning VCTs.  PwC assists 
the Investment Manager in establishing the status of investments as 
qualifying holdings and has reported that the Company has met all HMRC's 
criteria to date. 
   Principal risks and uncertainties 
   Continuing uncertainty whilst the economic environment in the UK is of 
slow or negligible growth has meant that financial markets remain 
turbulent.  The consequences of this for the Company's investment 
portfolio constitute the principal risk and uncertainty for the Company 
in the second half of 2013. 
   We are pleased now to have invested a substantial proportion of the 
funds raised by the Company in secured loans, both qualifying and 
non-qualifying.  We remain focused on generating strong returns for the 
Company in the both the qualifying and non-qualifying portfolios whilst 
balancing these returns with maintaining an appropriate risk exposure 
and ensuring there is significant liquidity in the portfolio to free up 
cash for qualifying investments as they arise. 
   During the period, the Investment Management team have met and continue 
to meet a substantial number of companies which are potentially suitable 
for investment.  In accordance with our mandate we have maintained a 
cautious approach and are performing thorough due diligence work on 
several potential investments.  We have a strong deal-flow and are 
meeting many potential investee companies with several interesting 
opportunities firmly in the pipeline. We therefore believe the Company 
is strongly positioned to deliver attractive returns to shareholders. 
   Ray Pierce 
   14 May 2013 
   Income Statement (unaudited) 
   For the period from 1 July 2012 to 15 March 2013 
                                                                      Period from 1 July 2012 to        Six months ended              Year ended 
                                                                             15 March 2013                 30 June 2012             31 December 2011 
                                                              Note  Revenue   Capital     Total     Revenue  Capital   Total   Revenue  Capital   Total 
                                                                    GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000 
(Loss)/gain on investments                                                 -       135         135        -      124      124        -    (376)    (376) 
Income                                                                   200         -         200      122        -      122      222        -      222 
                                                                         200       135         335      122      124      246      222    (376)    (154) 
Investment management fees                                       4      (31)      (94)       (125)     (31)     (92)    (123)     (54)    (163)    (217) 
Performance fees                                                           -         -           -        -        -        -        -        -        - 
Other expenses                                                         (153)         -       (153)     (88)        -     (88)    (173)        -    (173) 
                                                                       (184)      (94)       (278)    (119)     (92)    (211)    (227)    (163)    (390) 
Return/(loss) on ordinary activities before taxation                      16        41          57        3       32       35      (5)    (539)    (544) 
Tax on return on ordinary activities                                       -         -           -                 -        -        -        -        - 
Return/(loss) on ordinary activities after tax attributable 
 to equity shareholders                                                   16        41          57        3       32       35      (5)    (539)    (544) 
Basic and diluted 
Return/(loss) per Ordinary Share (pence)                         2     0.12p     0.30p       0.42p    0.02p    0.24p    0.26p  (0.04p)  (3.94p)  (3.98p) 
   The revenue column of this statement is the profit and loss of the 
Company.  All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive 
from continuing operations.  No operations were acquired or discontinued 
in the period. 
   Balance Sheet (unaudited) 
   As at 15 March 2013 
                                                                As at           As at            As at 
                                                      Note   15 March 2013   30 June 2012   31 December 2011 
                                                               GBP'000         GBP'000          GBP'000 
Fixed Assets 
Investments                                              7           7,430          7,646              7,608 
Current Assets 
Debtors                                                                142             47                 17 
Cash                                                                 2,547          3,250              4,243 
                                                                     2,689          3,297              4,260 
Creditors - amounts falling due within one year                      (193)          (117)              (120) 
Net Current Assets                                                   2,496          3,180              4,140 
Total Assets less Current Liabilities                                9,926         10,826             11,748 
Creditors - amounts falling due after more than one 
 year (including convertible debt)                                     (1)            (1)                (1) 
Net Assets                                                           9,925         10,825             11,747 
Capital and Reserves 
Called up share capital                                                137            137                137 
Share premium account                                                    -              -                  - 
Capital reserve - realised                                           (560)          (741)              (584) 
Capital reserve - unrealised                                             -            139               (50) 
Other reserve                                                            -              -                  - 
Revenue reserve                                                     10,348         11,290             12,244 
Equity Shareholders' Funds                                           9,925         10,825             11,747 
Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share                     3            72.59p         79.18p             85.92p 
Diluted Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share             3            72.59p         79.18p             85.92p 
   Cash Flow Statement (unaudited) 
   For the period 1 July 2012 to 15 March 2013 
                                                           Period ended   Six months ended     Year ended 
                                                           15 March 2013    30 June 2012     31 December 2011 
                                                             GBP'000          GBP'000            GBP'000 
Operating activities 
Income received                                                      191                66                246 
Investment management fees paid                                    (164)             (103)              (226) 
Directors' fees paid                                                (47)              (29)               (59) 
Other cash payments                                                 (73)              (54)               (91) 
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities                 (93)             (120)              (130) 
Corporation tax paid                                                   -                 -                  - 
Capital expenditure and financial investment 
Purchase of investments                                          (2,960)           (4,720)            (4,577) 
Proceeds from sale of investments                                  3,311             4,807              7,546 
Net realised loss on forward foreign exchange contracts                -                 -                (2) 
Transaction costs                                                    (4)               (3)               (11) 
Net cash outflow from capital expenditure and financial 
 investment                                                          347                84              2,956 
Equity dividend paid                                               (957)             (957)              (957) 
Redemption of redeemable preference shares                             -                 -                  - 
Net cash outflow from financing                                        -                 -                  - 
Decrease in cash                                                   (703)             (993)              1,869 
Net cash at start of the period                                    3,250             4,243              2,374 
Net funds at the period end                                        2,547             3,250              4,243 
   Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds (unaudited) 
   For the period 1 July 2012 to 15 March 2013 
                 Called             Capital 
                   up      Share    reserve    Capital 
                  share   premium      -      reserve -    Other   Revenue 
                 capital  account   realised  unrealised  reserve  reserve   Total 
                 GBP'000  GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000 
Balance as at 1 
 January 2011        137    13,264     (110)          17        -     (58)   13,250 
 reconstruction        -  (13,264)         -           -        -   13,264        - 
 for the 
 period                -         -     (474)        (67)        -      (5)    (546) 
Dividends paid         -         -         -           -        -    (957)    (957) 
Balance as at 
 31 December 
 2011                137         -     (584)        (50)        -   12,244   11,747 
 for the 
 period                                (157)         189                 3       35 
Dividends paid                                                       (957)    (957) 
Balance as at 
 30 June 2012        137         -     (741)         139        -   11,290   10,825 
 for the 
 period                -         -       181       (139)                15       57 
Dividends paid         -         -                                   (957)    (957) 
Balance as at 
 15 March 2013       137         -     (560)           -        -   10,348    9,925 
   Notes to the Interim Report 
   For the period 1 July 2012 to 15 March 2013 
   1.             Accounting Policies 
   The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost 
convention, modified to include the revaluation of fixed asset 
investments, and in accordance with applicable Accounting Standards and 
with the Statement of Recommended Practice, "Financial Statements of 
Investment Trust Companies and Venture Capital Trusts" ("SORP"). 
   2.             Return per Ordinary Share 
   The total gain per share of 0.42p is based on the gain for the period of 
GBP57,000 and the weighted average number of shares in issue as at 15 
March 2013 of 13,671,870. 
   3.             Net asset value per share 
                                  As at           As at            As at 
                               15 March 2013   30 June 2012   31 December 2011 
Net assets                         9,925,000     10,825,000         11,747,000 
Shares in issue                   13,671,870     13,671,870         13,671,870 
Net asset value per share 
Basic                                 72.59p         79.18p             85.92p 
Diluted                               72.59p         79.18p             85.92p 
Accrued performance fee                                   -                  - 
Net assets after performance       9,925,000     10,825,000         11,747,000 
   4.             Management fees 
   The Company pays the Investment Manager an annual management fee of 2% 
of the Company's net assets.  The fee is payable quarterly in arrears. 
The annual management fee is allocated 75% to capital and 25% to 
   5.             Related Party Transactions 
   Related party transactions are described in the 2011 Annual Report and 
Accounts on page 34. There were no other related party transactions 
during the period ended 15 March 2013. 
   6.             The financial information for the periods ended 15 March 
2013 and 30 June 2012 have not been audited and do not comprise full 
financial statements within the meaning of Section 423 of the Companies 
Act 2006. The financial information for the Year ended 31 December 2011 
has been extracted from the company's full financial statements for the 
period then ended that have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies, 
and on which the report of the Auditors was unqualified. The interim 
financial statements have been prepared on the same basis as the annual 
financial statements. 
   Notes to the Interim Report (continued) 
   For the period 1 July 2012 to 15 March 2013 
   7.             Investment portfolio summary 
                                                          Valuation as a % of 
                        Valuation   Cost    Gain/(loss)       Net Assets 
                         GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000 
As at 15 March 2013 
Qualifying Investment 
- Unquoted 
Frederica Trading 
 Limited                      880      880            -                     9% 
Glenmoor Trading 
 Limited                      880      880            -                     9% 
Huntly Trading Limited        700      700            -                     7% 
Isaacs Trading Limited        700      700            -                     7% 
Mirfield Contracting 
 Limited                      860      860            -                     9% 
SIP Communications 
 Limited                      700      700            -                     7% 
Brewhouse & Kitchen           600      600            -                     6% 
Total Qualifying 
 Investments                5,320    5,320            -                    54% 
Buckhorn Lending 
 Limited                      860      860            -                     9% 
Puma Brandenburg 
 Finance Limited            1,250    1,250            -                    13% 
Total Non-Qualifying 
 investments                2,110    2,110            -                    22% 
Total Investments           7,430    7,430            -                    76% 
Balance of Portfolio        2,495    2,495                                 24% 
Net Assets                  9,925    9,925            -                   100% 
   Copies of this Interim Statement will be posted to shareholders in due 
course and made available on the website: 
   This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of Thomson 
Reuters clients. 
   The owner of this announcement warrants that: 
   (i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and other 
applicable laws; and 
   (ii) they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and 
originality of the 
   information contained therein. 
   Source: Puma High Income VCT PLC via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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