Puma High Income VCT plc 
   Final results for the period ended 31 March 2013 
   -- Eleven investments made during the period, totalling GBP9.4 million, 
      including two non-qualifying secured loans made, offering a higher yield 
      than most quoted secured bonds or deposits. 
   -- Qualifying investments now exceed 70% on an HMRC basis. 
   -- 21p per share of dividends paid since inception, 14p during the period, 
      equivalent to a 10% per annum tax-free running yield on net investment. 
   -- Gain in NAV (adding back dividends) of 0.34p per share during the 
   I am pleased to present the Company's third Annual Report which, 
reflecting the change of accounting year end to 31 March, represents a 
15 month period ended 31 March 2013. 
   As envisaged in the Company's prospectus, the Company has for the third 
calendar year in succession paid a dividend of 7p per ordinary share, 
equivalent to a 10% tax-free running yield on shareholder's net 
investment.  The fully diluted net asset value per share ("NAV") at 31 
March 2013 was 72.26p (equivalent to 93.26p after adding back the 21p of 
dividends paid to date) resulting in a gain in NAV (after adding back 
dividends) of 0.34p per share during the period. 
   VCT qualifying investments 
   During the period of fifteen months the Company pursued an active 
investment policy. It completed eight VCT-qualifying investments, 
deploying a total of just over GBP7 million.  Details of these 
investments can be found in the Investment Manager's report below. 
   During the period, the Company met its minimum qualifying investment 
percentage of 70 per cent. 
   Non-qualifying investments 
   As indicated in the interim report for the first six months of the 
period, the Investment Manager made several changes to the 
non-qualifying portfolio to re-position it in light of current 
conditions in securities markets.  During the period ended 31 March 
2013, the Investment Manager disposed of all the Company's holdings in 
absolute return funds and bond funds, resulting in an overall total 
return to the Company (including income and capital) of 5% from the 
   During the period, the Company also completed two non-qualifying secured 
loans for a total of GBP2.1 million. Details of these can be found in 
the Investment Manager's report below. 
   VCT qualifying status 
   PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP ("PwC") provides the Board and the Investment 
Manager with advice on the ongoing compliance with HMRC rules and 
regulations concerning VCTs.  PwC also assists the Investment Manager in 
establishing the status of investments as qualifying holdings. 
   Results and dividends 
   The Company reported a profit of GBP46,000 for the period.  Two interim 
dividends, each of 7p per Ordinary Share, were paid during the period 
(which represents a 15 month period to 31 March 2013), taking the total 
of dividends paid to date to 21p per Ordinary Share, equivalent to a 10% 
per annum tax-free running yield on the net investment by shareholders 
   The lack of availability of bank credit has enabled the Company to 
assemble a portfolio of investments on attractive terms. In addition to 
deploying funds in non-qualifying loans, the Company achieved its 70% 
qualifying status in the current financial period. As a result the Board 
expect to concentrate in the future on the monitoring of our existing 
investments and considering the options for exits. 
   Ray Pierce 
   29 July 2013 
   As set out in the Chairman's Statement, the ongoing effects of the 
credit crisis mean that small and medium sized businesses (SMEs) are 
continuing to find it difficult to access the funding they need from the 
traditional banks. As a consequence, we have been able to make a number 
of attractive investments, both qualifying and non-qualifying, to 
established companies on a secured basis. 
   VCT qualifying investments 
   Our investment of GBP860,000 in Mirfield Contracting Limited ("MCL") is 
progressing well as indicated in the Company's previous interim report. 
MCL is a contracting services company providing project management 
services to a GBP3.8 million development of town houses in Mirfield 
(near Wakefield) West Yorkshire.  The development itself is progressing 
well with the first of three phases complete and sold, and the second 
phase almost complete.  The developer has recently been approved for the 
Government-backed Help to Buy Scheme. 
   In March 2012, the Company invested GBP700,000 (as part of a GBP1.4 
million Puma VCT financing) into SIP Communications Plc ("SIPCOM"). 
SIPCOM provides hosted IP telephony and unified communications products 
and services and is a leading hosting provider for users of Microsoft 
Lync - a new business version of Skype with many enhanced features 
allowing IP telephony, video calls, instant messaging, and online 
meetings and integrating with Microsoft Outlook and Office. SIPCOM had a 
major customer default on its contract last year and to be prudent we 
have made a fair value provision against an element of our investment. 
   As indicated in the Company's previous interim report, the Company 
invested GBP880,000 into each of two contracting companies, Frederica 
Trading Limited ("Frederica") and Glenmoor Trading Limited ("Glenmoor"), 
committing GBP1.76 million in total.  As members of a limited liability 
partnership with other contracting companies, Frederica and Glenmoor are 
providing contracting services in connection with five pre-let supported 
living developments for psychiatric and learning disabled people who are 
housed and given support by local authorities and other social care 
organisations.  The developments themselves are progressing well with 
four in various stages of construction and we expect the projects to 
deliver attractive returns. 
   In the Company's previous interim report, we reported that the Company 
had invested a total of GBP1.4 million into Huntly Trading Limited 
("Huntly") and Isaacs Trading Limited ("Isaacs"), two qualifying 
services companies which were actively pursuing opportunities to develop 
their businesses.  We are pleased to report that, in November 2012, 
Huntly and Isaacs joined a limited liability partnership with other 
contracting companies and have entered into their first contracting 
contract with FreshStart Living.  These companies will provide 
GBP668,000 (as part of a GBP3.5 million project involving other 
companies backed by Puma VCTs) of project management and contracting 
services.  These services will be provided in connection with the 
development and construction by FreshStart Living of 116 apartments (all 
of which were pre-sold when the contract was entered into) at a property 
called Trafford Press, 2 miles south east of Manchester city centre. 
   In December 2012, the Company completed a GBP600,000 investment (as part 
of a GBP1.5 million financing with other Puma VCTs) into Brewhouse and 
Kitchen Limited, which is managed by two highly experienced pub sector 
professionals, to facilitate the acquisition of freehold pubs and 
install a micro brewery within the main area of each pub.  The 
investment is largely in the form of senior debt, secured with a first 
charge over the business and each freehold site acquired.  Funds can be 
utilised to a maximum 65% loan-to-value ratio, and are expected to 
produce a return to the Company of at least 7 per cent. per annum.  In 
March 2013, the Company invested a further GBP320,000 (as part of GBP1.6 
million across the Puma VCTs) into Brewhouse and Kitchen, taking total 
exposure to GBP920,000.  This further investment, again largely in the 
form of senior debt, is to be used to purchase further pubs, subject to 
our approval of each purchase.  The terms are similar to the first loan 
to this company. 
   Most recently, the Company concluded another qualifying transaction, by 
investing GBP1.4 million into Saville Services Limited, a contracting 
company, alongside other Puma VCTs.  Saville Services is deploying the 
funds to provide contracting services in relation to the construction of 
a private detached housing development in the countryside outside 
Aberdeen, under contract to Churchill Homes Limited, a longstanding 
Aberdeenshire developer. 
   Non-Qualifying Investments 
   When the fund began investing in 2010, we chose a portfolio of bonds, 
hedge funds and hedge funds of funds.  We reviewed the portfolio and 
liquidated several of these during 2012 for an overall small gain. 
   We retained a number of the best performing investments of this 
portfolio throughout the period, most of which were bond funds and one 
residual hedge fund.  At the start of 2013, we became concerned that 
bonds had become overvalued relative to equities.  Anticipating a change 
in market sentiment regarding bonds and a switch into equities, we 
decided to take profits on all of these holdings at the start of 2013, a 
decision which seems to have been vindicated by subsequent market 
   We have adopted a strategy for the non-qualifying portfolio of moving 
away from quoted investments where possible and instead investing in 
secured non-qualifying loans offering a good yield with hopefully 
limited downside risk.  These loans take longer to identify and execute, 
but should work well for the Company into the medium term. 
   The first of these was made in August 2012, when the Company completed a 
GBP1,250,000 non-qualifying loan.  This was as part of a GBP4 million 
financing with other Puma VCTs to Puma Brandenburg Finance Limited, a 
subsidiary of Puma Brandenburg Holdings Limited.  It is secured on a 
portfolio of flats in the middle class area of central Berlin, Germany. 
The facility attracts a fixed interest rate of 5% per annum.  Since the 
loan was made, the property market in this area of Berlin has been very 
strong, further enhancing the excellent security we have for this loan. 
   In December 2012, the Company completed a second non-qualifying loan of 
GBP860,000.  This was to provide, together with other Puma VCTs, an 
innovative GBP2.5 million revolving credit facility to Organic Waste 
Management Trading Limited (effected via a loan to Buckhorn Lending 
Limited, which on-lent the money).  The facility provides working 
capital for the purchase of used cooking oil for conversion into 
bio-diesel.  The ultimate borrower owns a large oil refining plant in 
Birkenhead and is processing cooking oil to sell to obligated off-take 
parties (petrol and diesel retailers).  The facility is structured to 
mitigate risks by being capable of being drawn only once approved 
back-to-back purchase and sale contracts have been entered into with 
approved counterparties.  The facility bears interest at 1.5% per month 
with a 5% per annum non-utilisation rate. 
   We are pleased now to have invested a substantial proportion of the 
funds raised by the Company in secured loans, both qualifying and 
non-qualifying.  We remain focused on generating strong returns for the 
Company in both the qualifying and non-qualifying portfolios whilst 
balancing these returns with maintaining an appropriate risk exposure. 
In accordance with the HMRC VCT rules the Company had three years to 
invest 70 per cent of the portfolio (on an HMRC basis) into qualifying 
investments.  Having now achieved this 70% qualifying status, we are now 
primarily focusing on the monitoring of our existing investments and 
considering the options for exits. 
   Shore Capital Limited 
   29 July 2013 
   Investment Portfolio Summary 
   As at 31 March 2013 
                                                          Valuation as a % of 
                        Valuation   Cost    Gain/(loss)       Net Assets 
                         GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000 
As at 31 March 2013 
Qualifying Investment 
 - Unquoted 
Brewhouse & Kitchen 
 Limited                      920      920            -                     9% 
Saville Services 
 Limited                    1,400    1,400            -                    14% 
SIP Communications plc        490      700        (210)                     5% 
Mirfield Contracting 
 Limited                      860      860            -                     9% 
Huntly Trading Limited        700      700            -                     7% 
Isaacs Trading Limited        700      700            -                     7% 
Frederica Trading 
 Limited                      880      880            -                     9% 
Glenmoor Trading 
 Limited                      880      880            -                     9% 
Total Qualifying 
 Investments                6,830    7,040        (210)                    69% 
Buckhorn Lending 
 Limited                      860      860            -                     9% 
Puma Brandenburg 
 Finance Limited            1,250    1,250            -                    13% 
Total Non-Qualifying 
 investments                2,110    2,110            -                    22% 
Total Investments           8,940    9,150            -                    91% 
Balance of Portfolio          939      939            -                     9% 
Net Assets                  9,879   10,089            -                   100% 
   Of the investments held at 31 March 2013, 86 per cent are incorporated 
in England and Wales and 14 per cent incorporated in Guernsey. 
Percentages have been calculated on the valuation of the assets at the 
reporting date. 
   Income Statement 
   For the period ended 31 March 2013 
                                                                       Period from 1 January      Year ended 31 December 
                                                                       2012 to 31 March 2013               2011 
                                                              Note   Revenue  Capital   Total   Revenue  Capital   Total 
                                                                     GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000 
Gain/(loss) on investments                                    8 (c)        -       49       49        -    (376)     (376) 
Income                                                            2      481        -      481      222        -       222 
                                                                         481       49      530      222    (376)     (154) 
Investment management fees                                        3     (58)    (174)    (232)     (54)    (163)     (217) 
Other expenses                                                    4    (252)        -    (252)    (173)        -     (173) 
                                                                       (310)    (174)    (484)    (227)    (163)     (390) 
Return/(loss) on ordinary activities before taxation                     171    (125)       46      (5)    (539)     (544) 
Tax on return on ordinary activities                              5        -        -        -        -        -         - 
Return/(loss) on ordinary activities after tax attributable 
 to equity shareholders                                                  171    (125)       46      (5)    (539)     (544) 
Basic and diluted 
Return/(loss) per Ordinary Share (pence)                          6    1.25p  (0.91p)    0.34p  (0.04p)  (3.94p)   (3.98p) 
   The total column represents the profit and loss account and the revenue 
and capital columns are supplementary information. 
   All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from 
continuing operations.  No operations were acquired or discontinued in 
the period. 
   No separate Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses is presented 
as all gains and losses are included in the Income Statement. 
   Balance Sheet 
   As at 31 March 2013 
   Registered No: 07036487 
                                                                As at             As at 
                                                      Note   31 March 2013   31 December 2011 
                                                               GBP'000           GBP'000 
Fixed Assets 
Investments                                              8           8,940              7,608 
Current Assets 
Debtors                                                  9             236                 17 
Cash at bank and in hand                                               813              4,243 
                                                                     1,049              4,260 
Creditors - amounts falling due within one year         10           (109)              (120) 
Net Current Assets                                                     940              4,140 
Total Assets less Current Liabilities                                9,880             11,748 
Creditors - amounts falling due after more than one 
 year (including convertible debt)                      11             (1)                (1) 
Net Assets                                                           9,879             11,747 
Capital and Reserves 
Called up share capital                                 12             137                137 
Capital reserve - realised                                           (549)              (584) 
Capital reserve - unrealised                                         (210)               (50) 
Revenue reserve                                                     10,501             12,244 
Shareholders' Funds                                                  9,879             11,747 
Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share                     13           72.26p             85.92p 
Diluted Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share             13           72.26p             85.92p 
   The financial statements were approved and authorised for issue by the 
Board of Directors on 29 July 2013 and were signed on their behalf by: 
   Raymond Pierce 
   29 July 2013 
   Cash Flow Statement 
   For the period ended 31 March 2013 
                                                     Period from 
                                                      1 January    Year ended 
                                                     2012 to 31   31 December 
                                                     March 2013       2011 
                                                       GBP'000      GBP'000 
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before 
 taxation                                                     46         (544) 
(Loss)/gain on investments                                  (49)           376 
(Increase)/decrease in debtors                             (219)            51 
Decrease in creditors                                      (11 )          (14) 
Foreign exchange gain on cash                                  -             1 
Net cash outflow from operating activities                 (233)         (130) 
Capital expenditure and financial investment 
Purchase of investments                                  (9,400)       (4,577) 
Proceeds from sale of investments                          8,117         7,546 
Acquisition costs                                              -          (13) 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from capital expenditure 
 and financial investment                                (1,283)         2,956 
Equity dividend paid                                     (1,914)         (957) 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow before financing               (3,430)         1,869 
(Decrease)/increase in cash in the period                (3,430)         1,869 
Reconciliation of net cashflow to movement in net 
(Decrease)/increase in cash in the period                (3,430)         1,869 
Net funds at start of period                               4,243         2,374 
Net funds at end of period                                   813         4,243 
   Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds 
   For the period ended 31 March 2013 
                  Called     Share    reserve    Capital 
                 up share   Premium      -      reserve -    Revenue 
                 capital    account   realised  unrealised   reserve    Total 
                 GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000   GBP'000 
Balance as at 1 
 January 2011         137     13,264     (110)          17       (58)   13,250 
 reconstruction         -   (13,264)         -           -     13,264        - 
Loss after 
 to equity 
 shareholders           -          -     (474)        (67)        (5)    (546) 
Dividends paid          -          -         -           -      (957)    (957) 
Balance as at 
 31 December 
 2011                 137          -     (584)        (50)     12,244   11,747 
Return after 
 to equity 
 shareholders           -          -      (85)       (210)        171       46 
Transfer                -          -      (50)          50          -        - 
Dividends paid          -          -                          (1,914)  (1,914) 
Balance as at 
 31 March 2013        137          -     (549)       (210)     10,501    9,879 
   Distributable reserves comprise: Capital reserve-realised, Capital 
reserve-unrealised and the Revenue reserve. At the period end 
distributable reserves totalled GBP9,742,000 (2011: GBP11,610,000). 
   The Capital reserve-realised shows gains/losses that have been realised 
in the period due to the sale of investments, and related costs. The 
Capital reserve-unrealised shows the gains/losses on investments still 
held by the company not yet realised by an asset sale. 
   Notes to the Accounts 
   For the period ended 31 March 2013 
   1.   Accounting Policies 
   Basis of Accounting 
   Puma High Income VCT plc ("the Company") was incorporated and is 
domiciled in England & Wales. The financial statements have been 
prepared under the historical cost convention, modified to include the 
revaluation of investments held at fair value, and in accordance with UK 
Generally Accepted Accounting Practice ("UK GAAP") and the Statement of 
Recommended Practice, 'Financial Statements of Investment Trust 
Companies and Venture Capital Trusts' ("SORP") revised in 2009. 
   Income Statement 
   In order to better reflect the activities of a Venture Capital Trust and 
in accordance with guidance issued by the Association of Investment 
Companies ("AIC"), supplementary information which analyses the Income 
Statement between items of a revenue and capital nature has been 
presented alongside the Income Statement. The net return of GBP46,000 as 
per the Income Statement on page 26 is the measure that the Directors 
believe is appropriate in assessing the Company's compliance with 
certain requirements set out in s274 of the Income Tax Act 2007. 
   All investments have been designated as fair value through profit or 
loss, and are initially measured at cost which is the best estimate of 
fair value. A financial asset is designated in this category if acquired 
to be both managed and its performance is evaluated on a fair value 
basis with a view to selling after a period of time in accordance with a 
documented risk management or investment strategy. All investments held 
by the Company have been managed in accordance with the investment 
policy set out on page 12. Thereafter the investments are measured at 
subsequent reporting dates at fair value. Listed investments and 
investments traded on AIM are stated at bid price at the reporting date. 
Hedge funds are valued at their respective quoted Net Asset Values per 
share at the reporting date.  Unlisted investments are stated at 
Directors' valuation with reference to the International Private Equity 
and Venture Capital Valuation Guidelines ("IPEVC") and in accordance 
with FRS26 "Financial Instruments: Measurement": 
   -- Investments which have been made within the last twelve months or where 
      the investee company is in the early stage of development will usually be 
      valued at the price of recent investment except where the company's 
      performance against plan is significantly different from expectations on 
      which the investment was made in which case a different valuation 
      methodology will be adopted. 
   -- Investments may be valued by applying a suitable price-earnings ratio to 
      that company's historical post tax earnings. The ratio used is based on a 
      comparable listed company or sector but discounted to reflect lack of 
      marketability. Alternative methods of valuation include net asset value 
      where such factors apply that make this or alternative methods more 
   Realised surpluses or deficits on the disposal of investments are taken 
to realised capital reserves, and unrealised surpluses and deficits on 
the revaluation of investments are taken to unrealised capital reserves. 
   It is not the Company's policy to exercise control over investee 
companies. Therefore the results of the companies are not incorporated 
into the revenue account except to the extent of any income accrued. 
   Cash at bank and in hand 
   Cash at bank and in hand comprises of cash on hand and demand deposits. 
   Equity instruments 
   Equity instruments are classified according to the substance of the 
contractual arrangements entered into. An equity instrument is any 
contract that evidences a residual interest in the assets of the company 
after deducting all of its liabilities. Equity instruments issued by the 
company are recorded at proceeds received net of issue costs. 
   Notes to the Accounts 
   For the period ended 31 March 2013 
   1. Accounting Policies (continued) 
   Dividends receivable on listed equity shares are brought into account on 
the ex-dividend date. Dividends receivable on unlisted equity shares are 
brought into account when the Company's right to receive payment is 
established and there is no reasonable doubt that payment will be 
received.  Interest receivable is recognised wholly as a revenue item on 
an accruals basis. 
   Performance fees 
   Upon its inception, the Company negotiated performance fees payable to 
the Investment Manager, Shore Capital Limited at 20 per cent of the 
aggregate excess over GBP1 per Ordinary Share returned to Ordinary 
shareholders.  This incentive will only be exercisable once the holders 
of Ordinary Shares have received distributions of GBP1 per share. The 
performance fee is accounted for as an equity-settled share-based 
   FRS 20 Share-Based Payment requires the recognition of an expense in 
respect of share-based payments in exchange for goods or services. 
Entities are required to measure the goods or services received at their 
fair value, unless that fair value cannot be estimated reliably in which 
case that fair value should be estimated by reference to the fair value 
of the equity instruments granted. 
   At each balance sheet date, the Company estimates that fair value by 
reference to any excess of the net asset value, adjusted for dividends 
paid, over GBP1 per share. Any change in fair value in the period is 
recognised in the Income Statement with a corresponding adjustment to 
   All expenses (inclusive of VAT) are accounted for on an accruals basis. 
Expenses are charged wholly to revenue, with the exception of: 
   -- expenses incidental to the acquisition or disposal of an investment which 
      are charged to capital; and 
   -- the investment management fee, 75 per cent of which has been charged to 
      capital to reflect an element which is, in the directors' opinion, 
      attributable to the maintenance or enhancement of the value of the 
      Company's investments in accordance with the Board's expected long-term 
      split of return; and 
   -- the performance fee which is allocated proportionally to revenue and 
      capital based on the respective contributions to the Net Asset Value. 
   Corporation tax is applied to profits chargeable to corporation tax, if 
any, at the applicable rate for the period. The tax effect of different 
items of income/gain and expenditure/loss is allocated between capital 
and revenue return on the marginal basis as recommended by the SORP. 
   Deferred tax is recognised in respect of all timing differences that 
have originated but not reversed at the balance sheet date, where 
transactions or events that result in an obligation to pay more, or 
right to pay less, tax in future have occurred at the balance sheet 
date. This is subject to deferred tax assets only being recognised if it 
is considered more likely than not that there will be suitable taxable 
profits from which the future reversal of the underlying timing 
differences can be deducted. Timing differences are differences arising 
between the Company's taxable profits and its results as stated in the 
financial statements which are capable of reversal in one or more 
subsequent years. Deferred tax is measured on a non-discounted basis at 
the tax rates that are expected to apply in the years in which timing 
differences are expected to reverse, based on tax rates and laws enacted 
or substantively enacted at the balance sheet date. 
   Notes to the Accounts 
   For the period ended 31 March 2013 
   1. Accounting Policies (continued) 
   Realised losses and gains on investments and foreign exchange 
transactions, transaction costs, the capital element of the management 
fee and taxation are taken through the Income Statement and recognised 
in the Capital Reserve - Realised on the Balance sheet.  Unrealised 
losses and gains on investments and foreign exchange transactions and 
the capital element of the performance fee are also taken through the 
Income Statement and recognised in the Capital Reserve - Unrealised. The 
performance fee to be effected through share-based payment is taken to 
the Other Reserve and the total revenue gain or loss on the Income 
Statement is taken to the Revenue Reserve. 
   Foreign exchange 
   The functional and presentational currency of the Company is Sterling. 
Transactions denominated in foreign currencies are translated into 
Sterling at the rates ruling at the dates that they occurred.  Assets 
and liabilities denominated in a foreign currency are translated at the 
appropriate foreign exchange rate ruling at the balance sheet date. 
Translation differences are recorded as unrealised foreign exchange 
losses or gains and taken to the Income Statement. 
   Debtors include accrued income which is recognised at amortised cost, 
equivalent to the fair value of the expected balance receivable. 
   Final dividends payable are recognised as distributions in the financial 
statements when the Company's liability to make payment has been 
established. The liability is established when the dividends proposed by 
the Board are approved by the Shareholders. Interim dividends are 
recognised when paid. 
   Change in reporting date 
   The Company has changed its reporting date to 31 March 2013 during the 
year and so the accounts are for the 15 month period ended 31 March 
   2.        Income 
                            Period from 1 January     Year ended 31 December 
                            2012 to 31 March 2013              2011 
                                   GBP'000                    GBP'000 
Income from investments 
Income from investments                         439                        148 
Arrangement fees                                 16                          - 
                                                455                        148 
Other income 
Bank deposit income                              26                         74 
                                                481                        222 
   Notes to the Accounts 
   For the period ended 31 March 2013 
   3.   Investment Management Fees 
                        Period from 1 January 2012    Year ended 31 December 
                             to 31 March 2013                  2011 
                                 GBP'000                     GBP'000 
Shore Capital Limited                          232                         242 
Fee rebate                                       -                        (25) 
                                               232                         217 
   Shore Capital Limited (Shore Capital) was appointed as the Investment 
Manager of the Company for an initial period of five years, which can be 
terminated by not less than twelve months' notice, given at any time by 
either party, on or after the fifth anniversary. The board is satisfied 
with the performance of the Investment Manager. Under the terms of this 
agreement Shore Capital will be paid an annual fee of 2 per cent of the 
Net Asset Value payable quarterly in arrears calculated on the relevant 
quarter end NAV of the Company. These fees are capped, the Investment 
Manager having agreed to reduce its fee (if necessary to nothing) to 
contain total annual costs (excluding performance fee and trail 
commission) to within 3.5 per cent of Net Asset Value. The breach of the 
fee cap is adjusted for in the current period resulting in a credit of 
GBP28,000 to reduce total annual running costs for this year to 3.5% of 
Net Asset Value. Total annual costs this year were 3.5% of the year end 
Net Asset Value (2011: 3.3%). 
   4.        Other expenses 
                                                     Period from 
                                                      1 January    Year ended 
                                                     2012 to 31   31 December 
                                                     March 2013       2011 
                                                       GBP'000      GBP'000 
Administration - Shore Capital Fund Administration 
 Services Limited                                             46            42 
Directors' Remuneration                                       80            56 
Social security costs                                          7             4 
Auditor's remuneration for statutory audit                    17            17 
Insurance                                                      2             4 
Legal and professional fees                                 (13)            14 
FSA, LSE and registrar fees                                   28            17 
Trail commission                                              52             - 
Other expenses                                                33            19 
                                                             252           173 
   Shore Capital Fund Administration Services Limited provides 
administrative services to the Company for an aggregate annual fee of 
0.35 per cent of the Net Asset Value of the Fund, payable quarterly in 
   The total fees paid or payable (excluding VAT and employers NIC) in 
respect of individual Directors for the period are detailed in the 
Directors' Remuneration Report commencing on page 17.  The Company had 
no employees (other than Directors) during the period.  The average 
number of non-executive Directors during the year was four (2011: four). 
   The Auditor's remuneration of GBP14,000 (2011: GBP14,000) has been 
grossed up in the table above to be inclusive of VAT. 
   Notes to the Accounts 
   For the period ended 31 March 2013 
   5.        Tax on Ordinary Activities 
                                                     Period from 
                                                      1 January    Year ended 
                                                     2012 to 31   31 December 
                                                     March 2013       2011 
                                                       GBP'000      GBP'000 
UK corporation tax charged to revenue                     -            - 
UK corporation tax charged to capital                     -            - 
UK corporation tax charge for the period                  -            - 
Factors affecting tax charge for the period 
Return/(loss) on ordinary activities before 
 taxation                                                     46         (544) 
Tax charge calculated on return/(loss) on ordinary 
 activities before taxation at the applicable rate 
 of 20%                                                        9         (109) 
Non taxable capital income                                    25           108 
Tax losses carried forward                                     -             1 
Utilisation of tax losses brought forward                   (44)             - 
Non deductible expenses                                       10             - 
                                                               -             - 
   The income statement shows the tax charge allocated to revenue and 
capital. Capital returns are not taxable as VCTs are exempt from tax on 
realised capital gains subject to continuing compliance with the VCT 
   No provision for deferred tax has been made in the accounts. No deferred 
tax assets have been recognised as the timing of their recovery cannot 
be foreseen with any certainty. Due to the Company's status as a Venture 
Capital Trust and the intention to continue meeting the conditions 
required to obtain approval in the foreseeable future, the Company has 
not provided deferred tax on any capital gains and losses arising on the 
revaluation or disposal of investments. 
   Notes to the Accounts 
   For the period ended 31 March 2013 
   6.        Basic and diluted return per Ordinary Share 
                                 Period from 1 January 2012 to 31 March 2013 
                                   Revenue         Capital          Total 
                                   GBP'000         GBP'000         GBP'000 
Return for the period                      171           (125)              46 
Weighted average number of 
 shares                             13,671,870      13,671,870      13,671,870 
Return per share                         1.25p         (0.91p)           0.34p 
                                         Year ended 31 December 2011 
                                       Revenue         Capital           Total 
                                       GBP'000         GBP'000         GBP'000 
Loss for the period                        (5)           (539)           (544) 
Weighted average number of 
 shares                             13,671,870      13,671,870      13,671,870 
Loss per share                         (0.04)p         (3.94)p         (3.98)p 
   The total return/(loss) per ordinary share is the sum of the revenue 
return and capital return. 
   7.        Dividends 
   The directors do not propose a final dividend in relation to the period 
ended 31 March 2013 (year ended 31 December 2011: nil). Interim 
dividends of 7p per Ordinary Share each were paid on 27 February 2012 
and 19 February 2013. Each dividend payment totalled GBP957,000. 
   Notes to the Accounts 
   For the period ended 31 March 2013 
   8.        Investments 
                Historic cost    Market value   Historic cost    Market value 
                as at 31 March  as at 31 March     as at 31        as at 31 
(a) Summary          2013            2013       December 2011   December 2011 
                   GBP'000         GBP'000         GBP'000         GBP'000 
 investments             7,040           6,830               -               - 
Non qualifying 
 investments             2,110           2,110           7,659           7,608 
                         9,150           8,940           7,659           7,608 
(b) Movements in         Qualifying venture        Non qualifying 
investments              capital investments        investments         Total 
                               GBP'000                GBP'000          GBP'000 
Opening value at 1 
 January 2012                               -                   7,608    7,608 
Purchases at cost                       7,040                   2,360    9,400 
Proceeds                                    -                 (8,117)  (8,117) 
Realised net 
 gains/(losses) on 
 disposals                                  -                     259      259 
Net unrealised loss                     (210)                       -    (210) 
Valuation at 31 March 
 2013                                   6,830                   2,110    8,940 
Book cost at 31 March 
 2013                                   7,040                   2,110    9,150 
Net unrealised 
 gains/(losses) at 31 
 March 2013                             (210)                       -    (210) 
Valuation at 31 March 
 2013                                   6,830                   2,110    8,940 
   (c)     Gains/(losses) on investments 
   The gains/(losses) on investments for the period shown in the Income 
Statement on page 26 is analysed as follows: 
                                                     Period from 
                                                      1 January    Year ended 
                                                     2012 to 31   31 December 
                                                     March 2013       2011 
                                                       GBP'000      GBP'000 
Realised gains/(losses) on disposal                          259         (297) 
Net unrealised losses on revaluation in respect of 
 investments held at the period end                            -          (67) 
Transaction costs                                              -          (12) 
Net unrealised losses on revaluation in respect of 
 investments held at the period end                        (210)             - 
                                                              49         (376) 
   Notes to the Accounts 
   For the period ended 31 March 2013 
   8.        Investments - continued 
(d) Quoted and unquoted     Historic cost as at 31     Market value as at 31 
investments                       March 2013                March 2013 
                                   GBP'000                    GBP'000 
Quoted investments                    -                          - 
Unquoted investments                          9,150                      8,940 
                                              9,150                      8,940 
   (e) Significant interests 
   As at 31 March 2013, the Company held more than 20% of the equity of the 
following undertakings.  These holdings are included within the unquoted 
investments disclosed above and are held as part of the Company's 
investment portfolio. 
                of equity 
                 held in     Fair value of Company's investment as at 31 March 
Investee         Investee                           2013 
Company          Company                          GBP'000 
 Limited                23%                                              1,400 
 Limited                50%                                                860 
 Limited                47%                                                700 
 Limitedd               48%                                                700 
 Limited                47%                                                880 
 Limited                47%                                                880 
 Limited                33%                                                860 
   Graham Shore, a director of the Company, is also a director of Mirfield 
Contracting Limited, Huntly Trading Limited, Isaacs Trading Limited, 
Frederica Trading Limited, Glenmoor Trading Limited, Buckhorn Trading 
Limited and Saville Services Limited.  The Company is able to exercise 
significant influence over all of the above-named investee companies. 
   These investments have not been accounted for as associates or joint 
ventures since FRS 9: Associates and Joint Ventures and the SORP require 
that Investment Companies treat all investments held as part of their 
investment portfolio in the same way, even those over which the Company 
has significant influence. 
   Further details of these investments are disclosed in the Investment 
Portfolio Summary on pages 8 to 12 of the Annual Report. 
   Notes to the Accounts 
   For the period ended 31 March 2013 
   9.        Debtors 
                 As at 31 March 2013  As at 31 December 2011 
                       GBP'000               GBP'000 
Accrued income                   236                      17 
   10.        Creditors - amounts falling due within one year 
                               As at 31 March 2013  As at 31 December 2011 
                                     GBP'000               GBP'000 
Accruals and deferred income                   109                     120 
   11.        Creditors - amounts falling due after more than 
   one year (including convertible debt) 
             As at 31 March 2013  As at 31 December 2011 
                   GBP'000               GBP'000 
Loan notes                     1                       1 
   On 11 November, 2009, the Company issued Loan Notes in the amount of 
GBP1,000 to a nominee on behalf of the Investment Manager.  The Loan 
Notes accrue interest of 5 per cent per annum. 
   As holders of the Loan Notes Shore Capital will be entitled to a 
performance related incentive of 20 per cent of the aggregate excess on 
any amounts realised by the Company in excess of GBP1 per Ordinary Share, 
and Shareholders will be entitled to the balance.  This incentive to be 
effected through the issue of shares in the Company will only be payable 
once the holders of Ordinary Shares have received distributions of GBP1 
per share (whether capital or income).  The performance incentive 
structure provides a strong incentive for the Investment Manager to 
ensure that the Company performs well, enabling the Board to approve 
distributions as high and as soon as possible. 
   In the event that distributions to the holders of Ordinary Shares 
totalling GBP1 per share have been made the Loan Notes will convert into 
sufficient Ordinary Shares to represent 20 per cent of the enlarged 
number of Ordinary Shares. 
   No performance fee is currently payable as the Ordinary Shares have not 
received enough distributions to date.  However, when the total return 
is greater than GBP1, a performance fee will be expensed in accordance 
with FRS 20 Share-based Payment. 
   The amount of the performance fee will be calculated as 20 per cent of 
the excess of the net asset value over GBP1 per issued share.  This 
amount will be debited to the Income Statement and credited to other 
reserve within Equity Shareholder's Funds. 
   Notes to the Accounts 
   For the period ended 31 March 2013 
   12.        Called Up Share Capital 
                                   As at 31 March 2013  As at 31 December 2011 
                                         GBP'000               GBP'000 
13,671,870 ordinary shares of 1p 
 each                                              137                     137 
   13.        Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share 
                                         As at             As at 
                                      31 March 2013   31 December 2011 
Net assets                                9,879,000         11,747,000 
Shares in issue                          13,671,870         13,671,870 
Dilutive effect of performance fee                -                  - 
                                         13,671,870         13,671,870 
Net asset value per ordinary share 
Basic                                        72.26p             85.92p 
Diluted                                      72.26p             85.92p 
   14.        Financial Instruments 
   The Company's financial instruments comprise its investments, cash 
balances, debtors and certain creditors.  The fair value of all of the 
Company's financial assets and liabilities is represented by the 
carrying value in the Balance Sheet. The Company held the following 
categories of financial instruments. 
                                   As at 31 March 2013  As at 31 December 2011 
                                         GBP'000               GBP'000 
Assets at fair value through 
 profit or loss 
Investments managed through Shore 
 Capital Limited                                 8,940                   7,608 
Loans and receivables 
Cash at bank and in hand                           813                   4,243 
Interest, dividends and other 
 receivables                                       236                      17 
Other financial liabilities 
Financial liabilities measured at 
 amortised cost                                  (110)                   (121) 
                                                 9,879                  11,747 
   Notes to the Accounts 
   For the period ended 31 March 2013 
   14.   Financial Instruments (continued) 
   Management of risk 
   The main risk the Company faces from its financial instruments is market 
price risk, being the risk that the value of investment holdings will 
fluctuate as a result of changes in market prices caused by factors 
other than interest rate or currency movements, liquidity risk, credit 
risk, and interest rate risk. The Board regularly reviews and agrees 
policies for managing each of these risks. The Board's policies for 
managing these risks are summarised below and have been applied 
throughout the year. 
   Credit risk 
   Credit risk is the risk that the counterparty to a financial instrument 
will fail to discharge an obligation or commitment that it has entered 
into with the Company. The Investment Manager monitors counterparty risk 
on an ongoing basis. The carrying amounts of financial assets best 
represents the maximum credit risk exposure at the balance sheet date. 
The Company's financial assets maximum exposure to credit risk is as 
                                   As at 31 March 2013  As at 31 December 2011 
                                         GBP'000               GBP'000 
Investments in loans and loan 
 notes                                           5,830                       - 
Cash at bank and in hand                           813                   4,243 
Interest, dividends and other 
 receivables                                       236                      17 
                                                 6,879                   4,260 
   The majority of the cash held by the Company at the period end is split 
between an A rated U.K. bank and a BBB rated South African bank. 
Bankruptcy or insolvency of either bank may cause the Company's rights 
with respect to the receipt of cash held to be delayed or limited. The 
Board monitors the Company's risk by reviewing regularly the financial 
position of the banks and should it deteriorate significantly the 
Investment Manager will, on instruction of the Board, move the cash 
holdings to another bank. 
   Credit risk associated with interest, dividends and other receivables 
are predominantly covered by the investment management procedures. 
   Investments in loan and  loan notes and bonds comprise a fundamental 
part of the Company's venture capital investments, therefore credit risk 
in respect of these assets is managed within the Company's main 
investment management procedures. 
   Market price risk 
   Market price risk arises mainly from uncertainty about future prices of 
financial instruments held by the Company. It represents the potential 
loss the Company might suffer through holding investments in the face of 
price movements.  The Investment Manager actively monitors market prices 
throughout the period and reports to the Board, which meets regularly in 
order to consider investment strategy. 
   The Company's strategy on the management of market price risk is driven 
by the Company's investment policy as outlined in the Report of the 
Directors on page 14. The management of market price risk is part of the 
investment management process. The portfolio is managed with an 
awareness of the effects of adverse price movements through detailed and 
continuing analysis, with an objective of maximising overall returns to 
   Notes to the Accounts 
   For the period ended 31 March 2013 
   14.        Financial Instruments (continued) 
   Holdings in unquoted investments may pose higher price risk than quoted 
investments.  Some of that risk can be mitigated by close involvement 
with the management of the investee companies along with review of their 
trading results. 
   100 per cent of the Company's investments at 31 March 2013 are unquoted 
   Liquidity risk 
   Details of the Company's unquoted investments are provided in the 
Investment Portfolio summary on page 7. By their nature, unquoted 
investments may not be readily realisable, the Board regularly considers 
exit strategies for these investments. As at the period end, the Company 
had  no borrowings other than loan notes amounting to GBP1,000 (2011: 
GBP1,000) (see note 11). 
   The Company's liquidity risk associated with investments is managed on 
an ongoing basis by the Investment Manager in conjunction with the 
Directors and in accordance with policies and procedures in place as 
described in the Report of the Directors. The Company's overall 
liquidity risks are monitored on a quarterly basis by the Board. 
   The Company maintains sufficient investments in cash and readily 
realisable securities to pay accounts payable and accrued expenses. 
   Notes to the Accounts 
   For the period ended 31 March 2013 
   14.        Financial Instruments (continued) 
   Cash flow interest rate risk 
   The Company has exposure to interest rate movements primarily through 
its cash deposits and loan notes which track either the Bank of England 
base rate or LIBOR. 
   At the period end and throughout the period, the Company's only 
liability subject to interest rate risk were the Loan Notes of GBP1,000 
at 5.0 per cent (see note 11). 
   Interest rate risk profile of financial assets 
   The following analysis sets out the interest rate risk of the Company's 
financial assets. 
                                Average      Period                     31 
                                interest     until      31 March     December 
                  Rate status     rate      maturity      2013         2011 
                                                         GBP'000     GBP'000 
Brewhouse & 
 Limited             Floating       11.3%  Five years          276           - 
 Limited             Floating        5.5%   Six years          420           - 
 plc                    Fixed       11.1%  Four years          490           - 
 Limited             Floating        2.5%  Nine years          602           - 
Huntly Trading 
 Limited             Floating        2.5%  Nine years          490           - 
Isaacs Trading 
 Limited             Floating        5.5%  Nine years          210           - 
 Limited             Floating        2.5%  Nine years          616           - 
 Limited             Floating        2.5%  Nine years          616           - 
 Limited             Floating        8.6%  Five years          860           - 
 Limited                Fixed        5.0%   Two years        1,250 
Cash at bank         Floating        0.9%                      670       3,133 
                                              32 days 
Cash at bank         Floating        0.9%      notice          128       1,087 
Cash at bank         Floating        0.9%                       15          15 
Balance of 
 assets            Non-interest bearing                      3,346       7,512 
                                                             9,989      11,747 
   The non-interest bearing assets include investments in equity 
instruments that have no fixed dividend rate. 
   An increase in 1% in Bank of England base rate would have increased the 
net assets attributable to the Company's shareholders and the total 
profit for the year by GBP49,000 (2011: GBP42,000). A decrease of 1% 
would have had an equal but opposite effect. 
   None of the loan stocks held by the Company are convertible. 
   Notes to the Accounts 
   For the period ended 31 March 2013 
   14.        Financial Instruments (continued) 
   Fair value hierarchy 
   Fair values have been measured at the end of the reporting period as 
As at 31 
March         Level 1             Level 2                Level 3 
2013       'Quoted prices'   'Observable inputs'   'Unobservable inputs'  Total 
At fair 
 loss                    -                     -                   8,940  8,940 
As at 31 
December       Level 1             Level 2                Level 3 
2011        'Quoted prices'   'Observable inputs'   'Unobservable inputs'  Total 
At fair 
 loss                 6,355                 1,253                       -  7,608 
   Financial assets measured at fair value are disclosed using a fair value 
hierarchy that reflects the significance of the inputs used in making 
the fair value measurements, as follows:- 
   -- Level 1 - Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets 
      ('quoted prices'); 
   -- Level 2 - Inputs (other than quoted prices in active markets for 
      identical assets) that are directly or indirectly observable for the 
      asset ('observable inputs'); or 
   -- Level 3 - Inputs that are not based on observable market data 
      ('unobservable inputs'). 
   The Level 3 investments have been valued at the price of recent 
investment in line with the Company's accounting policies and IPEVC 
guidelines. Further details are provided in the significant investments 
section on pages 7 to 9 of the annual report. 
   Reconciliation of fair value for level 3 financial instruments held at 
the year end: 
                                          Unquoted shares  Loan notes   Total 
                                              GBP'000       GBP'000    GBP'000 
Movements in the income statement: 
Balance as at 1 January 2012                     -             -          - 
Unrealised losses in the income 
 statement                                          (210)           -    (210) 
Realised gains in the income statement                  -           -        - 
                                                    (210)           -    (210) 
Purchases at cost                                   3,320       5,830    9,150 
Sales proceeds                                          -           -        - 
Balance as at 31 March 2013                         3,110       5,830    8,940 
   Notes to the Accounts 
   For the period ended 31 March 2013 
   15.        Capital management 
   The Company's objectives when managing capital are to safeguard the 
Company's ability to continue as a going concern and to provide an 
adequate return to shareholders by allocating its capital to assets 
commensurate with the level of risk. 
   By its nature, the Company has an amount of capital, at least 70% (as 
measured under the tax legislation) of which is and must be, and remain, 
invested in the relatively high risk asset class of small UK companies 
within three years of that capital being subscribed. 
   The Company accordingly has limited scope to manage its capital 
structure in the light of changes in economic conditions and the risk 
characteristics of the underlying assets. Subject to this overall 
constraint upon changing the capital structure, the Company may adjust 
the amount of dividends paid to shareholders, return capital to 
shareholders, issue new shares, or sell assets if so required to 
maintain a level of liquidity to remain a going concern. 
   The Board has the opportunity to consider levels of gearing, however 
there are no current plans to do so. It regards the net assets of the 
Company as the Company's capital, as the level of liabilities is small 
and the management of the liabilities is not directly related to 
managing the return to shareholders. There has been no change in this 
approach from the previous period. 
   16.        Contingencies, Guarantees and Financial Commitments 
   There were no commitments, contingencies or guarantees of the Company at 
the period-end. 
   17.        Controlling Party and Related Party Transactions 
   In the opinion of the Directors there is no immediate or ultimate 
controlling party. 
   The Company has appointed Shore Capital Limited, a company of which 
Graham Shore is a director, to provide investment management services. 
During the period GBP232,000 (2011: GBP217,000) was due in respect of 
investment management fees.  The balance owing to Shore Capital Limited 
at the period-end was GBP21,000 (2011: GBP60,000). 
   The Company has appointed Shore Capital Fund Administration Services 
Limited, a related company to Shore Capital Limited, to provide 
accounting, secretarial and administrative services. During the period 
GBP46,000 (2011: GBP42,000) was due in respect of these services. The 
balance owing to Shore Capital Fund Administration Services Limited at 
the period-end was GBP9,000 (2011: GBP10,000). 
   This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of Thomson 
Reuters clients. 
   The owner of this announcement warrants that: 
   (i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and other 
applicable laws; and 
   (ii) they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and 
originality of the 
   information contained therein. 
   Source: Puma High Income VCT PLC via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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