Interim Results

For                                                         immediate
27 September 2007

                           Puma VCT II plc

Unaudited preliminary interim results for the six months ended 30
June 2007


*         Undiluted net asset value per share of 116.38p, a 3.1%
  increase from year-end (3.9% including the 0.9p dividend). Fully
  diluted net asset value of 112.92p, an increase of 2.4% (3.2%
  including the 0.9p dividend).
*         Continued growth from alternative asset investments with
  qualifying investments now contributing
*         Four qualifying investments made in the period
*         Large qualifying investments in pipeline expected to
  complete in coming months

Sir Aubrey Brocklebank Bt of Puma VCT plc said:

"In the six months to 30 June 2007, the Company continued to grow the
net asset value  in line with  its targets.   The Investment  Manager
currently has a pipeline  of interesting qualifying opportunities  in
private equity deals.   We also expect the  VCT's offering of  growth
mezzanine and equity capital for asset-backed growing companies to be
increasingly  attractive  in  a  climate  of  tightening  terms   for
conventional credit."


020 7408 4090
Chris Ring

Citigate Dewe
020 7638 9571
Sarah Gestetner

Notes to Editors

Puma VCT  II  plc  is  managed by  Shore  Capital's  successful  fund
management team.  The Company's  investment objective  is to  achieve
high distributions to shareholders. It  will invest in a  diversified
portfolio of smaller companies, including  both AIM and Plus  Markets
traded  and  unquoted  companies,  selecting  companies  which  Shore
Capital believes will have  a relatively lower  risk profile than  is
typical for  their  size  whilst having  the  opportunity  for  value
appreciation. Initially, whilst suitable VCT Qualifying Companies are
being identified, the Investment Manager invests the Company's  funds
in a range  of investments  intended to generate  a positive  return,
including funds  of  hedge funds  and  other products  which  aim  to
achieve  an  absolute  return.  The  VCT  will  continue  to  hold  a
proportion of such products after building up the desired holdings of
VCT Qualifying Companies.
Chairman's Statement


During the six months to 30 June 2007, the Company continued to  grow
the net asset value  in line with its  targets. The growth came  from
the qualifying company investments, which have been selected as lower
risk, and the non-qualifying investments with their lower volatility,
absolute return approach.

The Company made four qualifying investments during the first half of
the  year.  There  is  a  pipeline,  including  signed  term  sheets,
representing significant potential  investments, which the  Company's
Investment Manager, Shore  Capital, hopes to  complete in the  coming
months.  The  current turmoil  in the credit  markets and  consequent
more  cautious  bank   lending  should   also  give   rise  to   more
opportunities to provide growth  capital on attractive  terms.  As  a
result, demand should grow for the VCT's offering of mezzanine  loans
and equity to asset backed companies.

Net asset value

The Company made a good start to 2007 with net asset value up 3.1% to
116.38p (3.9% including the  0.9p dividend).   The diluted net  asset
value is up 2.4% to 112.92p (3.2% including the 0.9p dividend)  after
accruing for potential performance fees.  The increase derives from a
combination of continuing performance  from the hedge fund  portfolio
and  other  non-qualifying  listed  investments  and  the  qualifying
investments starting to deliver.

The total return for the six month period to 30 June 2007 was  3.50p,
comprising a revenue return of 0.19p and a capital return of 3.31p.


As set-out in  the 2006 full  year accounts, a  dividend of 0.9p  per
ordinary share  was  paid  during  the  period.  Your  Board  is  not
proposing  a  dividend  in  relation  to  this  interim  period   but
reiterates the  intention  to  distribute  a  large  element  of  the
available income and, if appropriate,  realised capital gains in  the
medium term.

Qualifying investments

During the  six  months a  total  of  �425,000 was  invested  in  the
following companies:

*         Universe Group Plc (�120,000): an AIM quoted provider of
  EPOS hardware and software to the petrol forecourt market.

*         Invu Inc (�81,000): a leading provider of document
  management software to the SME market, quoted on AIM.

*         Mediasurface Plc (�71,000): a web-content management
  software provider to the private and public sector; which raised
  new equity to finance the acquisition of a smaller competitor.

*         Mount Engineering Plc (�153,000): a provider of engineering
  equipment, principally to the oil and gas sector. The Company
  invested as part of the AIM IPO.

  The Company's  largest investment,  Cadbury House  Hotel &  Country
  Club, has had a  strong first half  to the year.  The 72 bed  hotel
  wing  was  opened  in  June  and  has  subsequently  exceeded   all
  expectations in  terms of  occupancy and  room rates  achieved.  In
  addition, the leisure club continues to operate at full capacity. A
  planned extension will enable the membership to grow further.

  Vertu Motors Plc is the second largest holding for Puma VCT II Plc.
  The company is executing on its buy-and-build strategy in the motor
  dealership sector,  having  completed  a �40m  acquisition  of  the
  Bristol Street Group  in February and  three further smaller  deals
  later on in the year. Although  its share price has come down  from
  the highs seen  at in the  first months  of the year,  it is  still
  comfortably above our entry price.

  The Company's third largest holding is in Stocklight Limited, which
  is the parent  of Bloomsbury  Auctions, a  fast growing  specialist
  auctioneer. Bloomsbury  Auctions  is  finalising  its  new  auction
  rooms, to be opened  later in the year  and we expect further  good
  news flow which should underpin its growth strategy.

  The investment climate on  AIM in the period  under review for  VCT
  qualifying companies remained buoyant.  As a result the  Investment
  Manager  has  had  to  pass   on  numerous  opportunities  due   to
  unrealistically high  valuations  and  more  generally  a  lack  of
  sufficient downside  protection. The  Investment Manager  therefore
  continued to focus on identifying unquoted companies with a defined
  exit strategy. Such deals take  longer to complete but the  amounts
  invested are substantially higher.

  The qualifying  portfolio now  consists of  eleven investments  and
  represents approximately 35% of  assets as at 30  June 2007.   With
  some larger qualifying  investments to  be made  in the  near-term,
  your Board is  confident the  requirement for  at least  70% to  be
  invested in  qualifying companies  after three  years will  be  met
  within the timescale.

  Non-qualifying investments

  The  Investment   Manager's  non-qualifying   portfolio   performed
  strongly in the  six months  to 30 June  2007 adding  approximately
  3.2p to the net asset value per  share.  However, since the end  of
  the period, the non-qualifying portfolio has dropped reflecting the
  difficult markets and has reduced the net asset value per share  to
  31 August 2007 by 2p.

  Year End Change

  During the period the  Company took the  opportunity to change  its
  financial year end from 31 December to 28 February. The Puma VCT II
  is now required to be 70% invested in qualifying investments by the
  new financial year  end. The next  Annual Report shall  be for  the
  period ended 28 February 2008.


  The Investment  Manager currently  has  a pipeline  of  interesting
  qualifying opportunities  in private  equity deals.   In  addition,
  subsequent to the date of these accounts, the Company has  invested
  a further �221,000 in AIM  listed companies, including a  follow-on
  investment in Interactive World Plc of �140,000.

  Despite the  recent volatility  in the  equity markets  the  quoted
  investments in the  Company's portfolio have  generally held  their
  value. We  are hopeful,  that once  calm is  restored, further  AIM
  opportunities should come forward at more realistic valuations.  We
  also expect  the  VCT's offering  of  growth mezzanine  and  equity
  capital for  asset-backed  growing  companies  to  be  increasingly
  attractive in  a  climate  of  tightening  terms  for  conventional

  I look forward to  reporting the progress of  the Company with  the
  next Annual Report for  the period ended 28  February 2008. In  the
  meantime, shareholders should note  that the Company publishes  its
  net asset  value  per  share  each  month  over  the  London  Stock
  Exchange's electronic  system  as  well  Shore  Capital's  website,

  Sir Aubrey Brocklebank Bt
  27 September 2007
  Income Statement (unaudited)
  For the six months ended 30 June 2007

                  1 January 2007 to     1 January 2006 to     1 January 2006 to
                  30 June 2007          30 June 2006          31 December 2006

                  Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total
             Note �'000   �'000   �'000 �'000   �'000   �'000 �'000   �'000   �'000

Gains on
investments           -       432   432       -     479   479       -     752   752
Income                 92     -      92      89       -    89     206       -   206

                       92     432   524      89     479   568     206     752   958

fees         4         28      85   113      24      73    97      54     162   216
fees                    3      69    72       4      82    86      12     119   131
expenses               47     -      47      38       -    38      87       -    87

                       78     154   232      66     155   221     153     281   434

Return on
taxation               14     278   292      23     324   347      53     471   524
Tax on
return on
capital                 3     (3)   -       (6)       6     -     (8)       8     -

Return on
after tax
shareholders           17     275   292      17     330   347      45     479   524

Return per
(pence)      2      0.19p   3.31p 3.50p   0.20p   3.98p 4.18p   0.54p   5.77p 6.31p

  The revenue column of this statement is the profit and loss of  the
  Company.   All revenue  and capital  items in  the above  statement
  derive from continuing operations.  No operations were acquired  or
  discontinued in the period.
  Balance Sheet (unaudited)
  As at 30 June 2007

                                        As at     As at         As at
                                      30 June   30 June   31 December
                               Note      2007      2006          2006
                                        �'000     �'000         �'000
  Fixed Assets
  Investments                  6        9,602     7,918         8,962

  Current Assets
  Debtors                                  97        65            53
  Cash                                     38     1,256           505

                                          135     1,321           558
  Creditors - amounts falling
  due within one year                    (77)      (89)         (149)

  Net Current Assets                       58     1,232           409

  Total Assets less Current
  Liabilities                           9,660     9,150         9,371

  Creditors - amounts falling
  due after more than one year
  (including convertible debt)            (1)       (1)           (1)

  Net Assets                            9,659     9,149         9,370

  Capital and Reserves
  Called up share capital                  83        83            83
  Capital reserve - realised              331        65           115
  Capital reserve - unrealised            891       733           832
  Other reserve                           286       170           214
  Revenue reserve                       8,068     8,098         8,126

  Equity Shareholders' Funds            9,659     9,149         9,370

  Net Asset Value per Ordinary
  Share                           3   116.38    110.24p   112.90p

  Diluted Net Asset Value per
  Ordinary Share                  3   112.92    108.19p   110.32p

  Cash Flow Statement (unaudited)
  For the six months ended 30 June 2007

                                                            1 January
                            1 January 2007 1 January 2006     2006 to
                                        to             to 31 December
                              30 June 2007   30 June 2006        2006
                                     �'000          �'000       �'000

  Operating activities
  Investment income                     71             38         167
  Investment management              (164)           (95)       (157)
  fees paid
  Cash paid to directors               (7)            (7)        (14)
  Foreign exchange                      18           (18)        (36)
  gain/(loss) on cash
  Other cash payments                 (54)           (42)        (67)

  Net cash outflow from
  operating activities               (136)          (124)       (107)

  Equity dividend paid                (75)              -           -

  Capital expenditure and
  financial investment
  Purchase of investments          (2,832)        (2,733)     (4,564)
  Proceeds from sale of              2,563          1,580       2,492
  Decrease in trades in                  -            339         339
  Acquisition costs                    -                -         (3)
  Net realised gain on
  forward foreign exchange
  contracts                             13            229         383

  Net cash outflow from
  capital expenditure and
  financial investment               (256)          (585)     (1,353)

  Decrease in cash                   (467)          (709)     (1,460)

  Reconciliation of net
  cash flow to movement in
  net funds
  Decrease increase in cash                         (709)     (1,460)
  for the period                     (467)
  Net cash at start of the             505          1,965       1,965

  Net funds at the period               38          1,256         505

  Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds (unaudited)
  For the six months ended 30 June 2007

                    Called  Capital    Capital
                        up reserve-   reserve-   Other Revenue
                     share realised unrealised reserve reserve
                   capital    �'000      �'000   �'000   �'000  Total
                     �'000                                      �'000

                         For the six months ended 30 June 2007

  Balance at 1
  January 2007          83      115        832     214   8,126  9,370
  Total recognised
  gains for the
  period                -       216         59      72      17    364
  Equity dividend
  paid                  -        -          -       -     (75)   (75)
  Balance at 30
  June 2007             83      331        891     286   8,068  9,659

                         For the six months ended 30 June 2006

  Balance at 1
  January 2006          83    (213)        681      83   8,081  8,715
  Total recognised
  gains for the
  period                 -      278         52      87      17    434
  Balance at 30
  June 2006             83       65        733     170   8,098  9,149

                          For the year ended 31 December 2006

  Balance at 1
  January 2006          83    (213)        681      83   8,081  8,715
  Total recognised
  gains for the
  year                   -      328        151     131      45    655
  Balance at 31
  December 2006         83      115        832     214   8,126  9,370

  Notes to the Interim Report
  For the six months ended 30 June 2007

  1.             The financial statements have been prepared under
  the historical cost convention, modified to include the revaluation
  of fixed asset investments, and in accordance with applicable
  Accounting Standards and with the Statement of Recommended
  Practice, "Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies"
  ("SORP") December 2005. Although this SORP principally applies to
  Investment Trusts, many of the characteristics of Investment Trusts
  are shared by VCTs therefore the Company will continue to follow
  the SORP until investment company status is revoked.

  The Company is required to comply with a number of new UK Financial
  Reporting Standards (FRS), which now represent UK Generally
  Accepted Accounting Practice (UK GAAP), in presenting its financial
  statements for the year ending 31 December 2006. These Standards
  have been introduced as part of the process of aligning UK
  accounting principles with International Accounting Standards. The
  unaudited interim financial statements for the six months ended 30
  June 2007 have been prepared in compliance with the new Standards.
  There is no change with respect to the accounting policies from
  those used in preparing the annual financial statements for the
  year ended 31 December 2006.

  2.             Return per Ordinary Share

  The total return per share of 3.50p (30 June 2006 - 4.18p) is based
  on the profit for the period of �292,000 (30 June 2006 - �347,000)
  and the weighted average number of shares in issue as at 30 June
  2007 of 8,299,300 (30 June 2006 - 8,299,300).

  3.             Net asset value per share

  |                  |            |           | Net Asset Value per |
  |                  |            |           |        share        |
  |                  |------------+-----------+---------------------|
  |                  | Net assets | Shares in |  Basic   | Diluted  |
  | Period           |            |   issue   |          |          |
  | 30 June 2007     | �9,659,000 | 8,299,300 | 116.38p  | 112.92p  |
  | 31 December 2006 | �9,370,000 | 8,299,300 | 112.90p  | 110.32p  |
  | 30 June 2006     | �9,149,000 | 8,299,300 | 110.24p  | 108.19p  |

  4.             Management fees

  The Company pays the Investment Manager an annual management fee of
  2% (plus VAT) of the Company's net assets.  The fee is payable
  quarterly in arrears.  The annual management fee is allocated 75%
  to capital and 25% to revenue.

  5.             The financial information for the six months ended
  30 June 2007 and the six months ended 30 June 2006 has not been
  audited and does not comprise full financial statements within the
  meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The financial
  information for the year ended 31 December 2006 has been extracted
  from the company's full financial statements for the year then
  ended that have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies, and
  on which the report of the Auditors was unqualified. The interim
  financial statements have been prepared on the same basis as the
  annual financial statements.

  6.             Investment portfolio summary

                                   Cost Valuation Valuation as a % of
  As at 30 June 2007              �'000     �'000          Net Assets

  Qualifying investment -
  Cadbury House Hotel & Country
  Club plc                        1,278     1,545         16%
  Stocklight Limited                279       279         3%

  Qualifying investment - quoted
  @UK plc                           285        76         1%
  Clarity Commerce Solutions plc     98        87         1%
  Interactive World plc              70        78         1%
  INVU inc                           81        81         1%
  Mediasurface plc                   71        77         1%
  Mount Engineering plc             153       153         1%
  Patsystems plc                    214       385         4%
  Universe Group plc                120       120         1%
  Vertu Motors plc                  407       475         5%
  Total qualifying investments    3,056     3,356         35%

  Non-qualifying investments
  Hedge fund portfolio -
  unquoted                        2,405     2,830         29%
  Loan stock - interest bearing   2,000     2,027         21%
  Other quoted investments        1,024     1,389         14%
  Total non-qualifying
  investments                     5,429     6,246         64%

  Total  investments              8,485     9,602         99%
  Balance of portfolio               57        57         1%

  Net Assets                      8,542     9,659        100%



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