RNS Number : 1224W
  Pubs 'n' Bars PLC
  06 June 2008

    Pubs 'n' Bars Plc
    (AIM: PNB)
    ("Pubs 'n' Bars" or "the Company")

    Final results for the period ended 31 December 2007

    Pubs 'n' Bars, the AIM quoted community pub owner and operator, is pleased to announce its final results for the period ended 31
December 2007.

    The results are prepared under IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards), and the 2006 figures have also been restated under


    *     Revenues increased by 30 per cent. to �19.9m (2006: �15.3m)

    *     Profit before tax increased by 107 per cent. to �1.025m (2006: �495k)

    *     Underlying profit before tax of �900k (2006: �1m)

    *     EBITDA up 50 per cent. to �3.2m (2006: �2.1m)

    *     Net Assets increased to �22.2m (2006: �16.1m)

    *     NAV per share at year end 55.9p

    *     EPS (basic) of 5.30p (2006: 2.32p)

    *     Underlying EPS (basic) 4.87p (2006: 4.56p)

    *     Proposed total dividend of 1.25p per share for the year (2006: 1.75p per share)

    *     Acquisition of Moorgate London Ltd, Community Taverns Ltd and Moorgate Taverns Ltd.

    Seamus Murphy, Chairman of Pubs 'n' Bars, commented: 

    "I am pleased to report a good set of results achieved under challenging conditions including the indoor smoking ban, cheap supermarket
alcohol and rising duties on beer, wine and spirits. 

    "We are confident that our community-driven pub business model will remain robust at a time when consumers are more cautious with their
leisure spend."  



 Pubs 'n' Bars Plc                            Tel: 020 8228 4800
 Mel Belligero, Chief Executive

 Daniel Stewart & Company Plc                 Tel: 020 7776 6550

 Paul Shackleton

 Bishopsgate Communications Ltd               Tel: 020 7562 3350
 Neil Boom /Nick Farmer



    I am pleased to report your Company's final results for the year ended 31 December 2007. This is the first report prepared under
International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS'). Previous results were prepared using UK Generally Accepted Accounting Principals ('UK
GAAP').  Accordingly, the results for the comparable period in 2006 have been restated from UK GAAP to IFRS.

    Revenues for the year increased by 30 per cent to �19,996,881 (2006: �15,329,204), boosted by the acquisitions of Moorgate London
Limited, Community Taverns Limited and Moorgate Taverns Limited. The details of these acquisitions were reported to shareholders on 5 April,
9 May and 5 December 2007 respectively.

    Financial Review

    Applying IFRS, pre-tax profits for the year rose by 107% to �1,025,108 (2006: �495,092) and EBITDA rose by 50 per cent to �3,171,640
(2006: �2,107,494). Basic earnings per share were considerably improved at 5.30p (2006: 2.32p).  

 Overview of Performance             2007        2006
                                        �           �
 Total sales                   19,996,881  15,329,204
 Operating profit               2,811,011   1,815,371
 Underlying operating profit    2,679,759   2,388,392
 Net interest charges           1,785,903   1,320,279
 Underlying profit before tax     893,856   1,068,113
 Exceptional items                131,252   (573,021)
 Profit before tax              1,025,108     495,092

    Underlying operating profit refers to profit excluding exceptional items. These exceptional items, which are incorporated within
administration expenses on the income statement, include; negative goodwill on the acquisition of Moorgate Taverns Ltd, property revaluation
and movement in fair value of interest rate swaps. Underlying operating profit was 12.2% higher than last year. Net interest charges were
�465,624 higher due to increased borrowings to finance the acquisitions. After taking account of interest, underlying profit, before tax,
fell by 16.3% to �893,856.
    Exceptional items of �131,252 comprised negative goodwill on the acquisition of Moorgate Taverns Ltd of �725,254, a revaluation deficit
of (�549,002) and movement in fair value of interest rate swaps of (�45,000).

    The (�573,021) of exceptional items incurred in 2006 comprised a revaluation deficit of (�1,116,575), surplus in fair value of interest
rate swaps of �442,000 and reversal of goodwill amortisation of �101,554.

    Faced with the current uncertainty surrounding the broader economic environment and the difficulty with accurately forecasting short
term earnings, The Board recommends a final dividend of 0.5p which will be paid on 31 July 2008 to shareholders on the register on 4 July
2008. This final dividend together with the interim dividend already paid of 0.75p makes a total of 1.25p per share for the year ended 31
December 2007 (2006: 1.75p per share). The ex-dividend date will be 2 July 2008. 

    The decision to reduce the dividend was not taken lightly, however The Board of Directors took the decision based upon a balanced and
responsible approach to the requirements of the business going forward in the current climate. 

    The Pub Estate

    Following the acquisitions mentioned above, our estate has increased to 106 pubs. As at 31 December 2007, our enlarged estate

  Freehold  53   Managed  64
 Leasehold  53  Tenanted  42

    We intend to pursue our strategy of acquisitions, either of single or multiple establishments where attractive terms can be agreed. We
will also continue to look to take profits on property disposals. We believe that our experience in both the property and licensed sectors
enables us to increase shareholder value despite the apparent weakness in property values and the rising cost of borrowing. Underperforming
assets have been, and always will be, treated unsentimentally and will be disposed of as necessary.

    Sector Backdrop

    We are approaching the anniversary of the smoking ban which came into effect on 1 July 2007. As shareholders are aware, we were very
well prepared for the ban, and had invested sizeable sums in heated and covered outdoor areas prior to the ban's introduction.

    Since the beginning of the smoking ban, and despite our preparations, we have seen a fall in like for like revenues of 5%, and we
believe the majority of this is directly attributable to the ban. To put this in a wider context, other listed pub operators have estimated
falls of between 3% and 10%. 

    It is, however, difficult to work out precisely how much trade has been lost to the smoking ban, and how much is attributable to the
impact of alcohol duty, and of course, the largest threat to our business, which is competition from cut price supermarket alcohol sales.

    Current Trading and Prospects

    Current trading continues to be affected by both the smoking ban and the well-publicised credit squeeze leading to customer belt
tightening on discretionary spending, including leisure activities.

    First quarter turnover was below budget by approximately 2% mainly due to the full effect of the smoking ban taking hold in the winter
months and an early and snowy Easter leading to lower than expected sales during the holiday.

    That said, we are optimistic that we will enjoy a better summer than last year, which recorded the wettest June and July since records
began in 1956.

    Looking further forward, despite the current sector challenges, over the longer term, we remain confident that running convivial,
non-fashion dependent pubs is a resilient business with good growth prospects.

    In closing, I would like to extend my thanks to our staff and my colleagues for their continued hard work and dedication.

    S. Murphy

    Date 5 June 2008 


                                                              2007           2006
                                   Notes           �             �              �
 Continuing operations                    14,624,037                
 Acquisitions                              5,372,844                
 TOTAL REVENUE                                          19,996,881     15,329,204
 Cost of sales                                                      
 Continuing operations                     4,501,942                
 Acquisitions                              2,045,778                
 TOTAL COST OF SALES                                   (6,547,720)    (4,842,006)
 GROSS PROFIT                                           13,449,161     10,487,198
 Administrative expenses                                            
 Continuing operations                     7,981,438                
 Acquisitions                              2,712,930                
 TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES                        (10,694,368)    (8,730,092)
 Other operating income                                             
 Continuing operations                        13,543                
 Acquisitions                                 42,675                
 TOTAL OTHER OPERATING INCOME                               56,218         58,265
 OPERATING PROFIT                                        2,811,011      1,815,371
 Finance cost                                                       
 Continuing operations                 8   1,820,100                
 Acquisitions                                      -                
 TOTAL FINANCE COSTS                                   (1,820,100)    (1,427,236)
 Investment income                                                  
 Continuing operations                        28,076                
 Acquisitions                                  6,121                
 TOTAL INVESTMENT INCOME                                    34,197        106,957
 PROFIT BEFORE TAXATION                                  1,025,108        495,092
 Taxation                              9                   594,221         95,586
 PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD                                   1,619,329        590,678
 EARNINGS PER SHARE                                                 
 Basic - from continuing and          10                     5.30p          2.32p
 total operations                                                   
 Diluted - from continuing and        10                     5.06p          2.23p
 total operations                                                   

    *For reconciliation of 2006 restated figures see note 20a.  CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET
    AS AT 31ST DECEMBER 2007
                                                  2007          2006
                                   Notes             �             �
 Non-current assets                                     
 Property, plant and equipment        14    55,867,000    34,850,749
 Intangible fixed assets              15     1,638,816     1,445,624
 Investments                          16             -       729,522
 Deferred tax assets                         1,668,894     1,093,103
                                            59,174,710    38,118,998
 Current assets                                         
 Inventories                          17       751,617       582,938
 Trade and other receivables          18     2,157,544     2,034,950
 Cash and cash equivalents                     136,923        53,092
                                             3,046,084     2,670,980
 TOTAL ASSETS                               62,220,794    40,789,978
 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                 
 Capital and reserves                                   
 Ordinary share capital               19     7,934,671     5,099,442
 Share premium account                       7,192,665     5,131,869
 Revaluation reserve                         4,550,775     4,460,560
 Retained earnings                           2,507,877     1,424,803
 TOTAL EQUITY                               22,185,988    16,116,674
 Non-current liabilities                                
 Long-term borrowings                       34,244,410    19,830,056
 Finance lease liabilities                       6,040        10,412
 Derivative financial instruments              258,000       213,000
 Deferred tax liabilities                    2,112,044     2,112,039
                                            36,620,494    22,165,507
 Current liabilities                                    
 Trade and other payables                    3,019,403     1,813,420
 Short-term borrowings                         370,638       449,007
 Current tax payable                            20,511       241,206
 Finance lease liabilities                       3,760         4,164
                                             3,414,312     2,507,797
 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES               62,220,794    40,789,978

    *For reconciliation of 2006 restated figures see note 20b.

    Approved by the Board on 5 June 2008 and signed on its behalf by :

                                                                 2007           2006
                                                 Notes              �              �
 Cash flows from operating activities                                  
 Profit/(Loss) before taxation                              1,025,108        495,092
 Adjustments for:                                                      
 Investment income                                           (34,197)      (165,222)
 Interest expense                                           1,820,100      1,427,236
 Profit on disposal of fixed assets                          (56,218)              -
 Decrease in value of leasehold property                      549,002      1,116,575
 Derivative financial instrument fair value adjustment         45,000      (442,000)
 Depreciation                                                 360,629        292,124
 Discount on acquisition of Moorgate Taverns Limited        (725,254)              -
 Recognition of loan to Community Taverns Limited             729,522              -
 Decrease in inventories                                       54,039        104,960
 Decrease in trade and other receivables                      786,763        428,452
 (Decrease) in trade payables                             (1,662,026)      (268,059)
 Cash generated from operations                             2,892,468      2,989,158
 Interest paid                                            (1,610,451)    (1,102,380)
 Tax (received)/paid                                        (237,345)      (258,375)
 NET CASH FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES                         1,044,672      1,628,403
 Cash flows from investing activities                                  
 Purchase of tangible fixed                                 (865,352)    (1,043,081)
 Acquisition of subsidiary net of                   13    (3,949,246)              -
 cash acquired                                                         
 Proceeds of sale of tangible fixed assets                    114,394         83,265
 Purchase of investments                                            -        (6,963)
 Interest received                                             34,197        106,957
 NET CASH FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES                       (4,666,007)      (859,822)
 Cash flows from financing activities                                  
 Proceeds from issue of shares                              1,309,525              -
 Net drawdown/(repayment) of borrowings                     2,770,929      (374,995)
 Payment of finance lease                                     (4,776)        (3,085)
 Dividends paid                                     11      (555,568)      (446,201)
 NET CASH FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES                         3,520,110      (824,281)
 NET (DECREASE) IN CASH                                                
 AND CASH EQUIVALENTS                                       (101,225)       (55,700)
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period           (116,619)       (60,919)
 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END                           (217,844)      (116,619)
 OF PERIOD                                                             
 REPRESENTED BY:                                                       
 Cash at bank and in hand                                     136,923         53,092
 Bank overdrafts                                            (354,767)      (169,711)
                                                            (217,844)      (116,619)
                                      Ordinary      Share  Revaluation   Retained       Total
                                         Share    Premium      Reserve   Earnings      Equity

                                             �          �            �          �           �

 Balances at 1st January 2007        5,099,442  5,131,869    4,460,560  1,424,803  16,116,674
 Changes in equity:
 Gain on property revaluation                -          -      125,297          -     125,297
 Issues of share capital             2,835,229  2,151,538            -          -   4,986,767
 Costs of issue of share                     -   (90,742)            -          -    (90,742)
 Share options issued                        -          -            -     19,403      19,403
 Profit for the period                       -          -            -  1,619,329   1,619,329
 Deferred tax arising on                     -          -     (35,082)          -    (35,082)
 Dividends paid                              -          -            -  (555,658)   (555,658)

 Balances at 31st December 2007      7,934,671  7,192,665    4,550,775  2,507,877  22,185,988

                                      Ordinary      Share  Revaluation   Retained       Total
                                         Share    Premium      Reserve   Earnings      Equity

                                             �          �            �          �           �

 Balances at 1st January 2006        5,099,442  5,131,869    3,391,735  1,280,326  14,903,372
 Changes in equity:
 Gain on property revaluation                -  -            1,526,892          -   1,526,892
 Profit for the period                                                    590,678     590,678
 Deferred tax arising on                     -          -    (458,067)          -   (458,067)
 Dividends paid                              -          -            -  (446,201)   (446,201)

 Balances at 31st December 2006      5,099,442  5,131,869    4,460,560  1,424,803  16,116,674



    The principal accounting policies applied in the preparation of these financial statements are set out below. These policies have been
applied consistently to all the years presented, unless otherwise stated, and in preparing an opening IFRS balance sheet at 1 January 2006
for the purpose of transition to IFRS.

    Basis of Preparation

    The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with applicable International Financial Reporting Standards
(IFRS) as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), under the historical cost convention. The measurement basis is the
historical cost convention and the principal accounting policies are set out below.

    The policies have changed from the previous year when the financial statements were prepared under applicable UK GAAP. The comparative
information has been restated in accordance with IFRS. The changes to accounting policies are explained in note 29, together with the
reconciliation of opening balances. The date of transition to IFRS was 1 January 2006. The accounting policies that have been applied in the
opening balance sheet have also been applied throughout all periods presented in these financial statements.

    A separate profit and loss account for the parent company has not been presented as permitted by section 230(4) of the Companies Act
1985. The parent company earned a profit of �31,512 (2006: � 928,846).

    IFRS effective in 2007 but not relevant

    The following interpretations were mandatory for the groups accounting period, but are not relevant to the operations of the group.

    *     IFRIC 7 Applying the restatement approach under IAS 29 Financial reporting in hyperinflationary economies;
    *     IFRIC 9 Reassessment of embedded derivatives.

    EU adopted IFRS not yet applied

    The following standards and interpretations were issued and available for early application but have not yet been applied by the group
in these financial statements.

    The group intends to apply these standards and interpretations when they become effective:

    *     IFRS 8 Operating segments;
    *     IAS 23 (Amendment) Borrowing costs.

    IFRS 8 replaces IAS 14 'Segment Reporting' and requires the group to adopt the 'management approach' to reporting on the financial
performance of its operating segments. Generally, the information to be reported would be what management uses internally for evaluating
segment performance and deciding how to allocate resources to operating segments. The new standard will significantly change the way
segmental information is currently reported. Goodwill, which is presently allocated to cash-generating units based on reportable segments,
will also need to be reallocated based on the new reportable segments. It is managements' opinion that the reallocation will not result in
any further impairment charges against goodwill. 

    IAS 23 amendment to change the previous version of the standard by removing the option to expense borrowing costs that relate to assets
that take a substantial period of time to get ready for use or sale. Such borrowing costs will in future be required to be included in the
cost of the fixed asset or inventory item to which they relate. The amendment will not affect the group results as the group currently
adopts a policy of capitalising borrowing costs to qualifying assets.

    Exemptions taken on first time adoption of IFRS1

    Basis of Consolidation

    The financial information incorporates the results of the company and entities controlled by the company (its subsidiaries). Control is
achieved where the company has the power to govern the financial and operating policies of an investee entity so as to obtain benefits from
its activities.

    The results of subsidiaries acquired or disposed of during the period are included in the consolidated income statement from the
effective date of acquisition or up to the effective date of disposal, as appropriate. Financial statements of the subsidiaries are prepared
to the same year end, 31st December, except for Moorgate Taverns Limited.

    Where necessary, adjustments are made to the results of subsidiaries to bring the accounting policies used into line with those used by
the Group.

    All intra-group transactions, balances, income and expenses are eliminated on consolidation.

    Business Combinations and Goodwill

    Goodwill on acquisitions comprises the excess of the fair value of the consideration plus any associated costs for investments in
subsidiary undertakings over the fair value of the net identifiable assets acquired. Adjustments are made to fair values to bring the
accounting policies of acquired businesses into alignment with those of the group. The costs of integrating and reorganising acquired
businesses are charged to the post acquisition income statement.

    Goodwill is carried at cost less accumulated impairment losses. Goodwill is tested for impairment annually. Gains and losses on the
disposal of an entity include the carrying amount of goodwill relating to the entity sold.  Negative goodwill is recognised immediately in
the income statement.

    Revenue Recognition

    Revenue is the value of goods and services sold to third parties as part of the Group's trading activities, after deducting sales based
taxes, coupons and staff discounts. The majority of revenue comprises food and beverages sold in the Group's outlets. This revenue is
recognised at the point of sale to the customer. Revenue arising from the sale of property is recognised on legal completion of the sale.
Investment income is recognised upon a receivable basis.


    The tax expense represents the sum of the tax currently payable and any deferred tax. The tax currently payable is based on the
estimated taxable profit for the year. Taxable profit differs from net profit as reported in the income statement because it excludes items
of income or expenses that are taxable or deductible in other years and it further excludes items that are never taxable or deductible. The
Group's liability for current tax is calculated using tax rates that have been enacted or substantially enacted by the balance sheet date.

    Deferred tax is provided in full, using the liability method, on temporary differences arising between the tax bases of assets and
liabilities and their carrying amounts in the consolidated financial statements. The deferred tax is not accounted for if it arises from
initial recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction, other than a business combination, that at the time of the transaction
affects neither accounting nor taxable profit or loss. Deferred tax is determined using tax rates (and laws) that have been enacted or
substantially enacted by the balance sheet date and are expected to apply when the related deferred tax asset is realised or the deferred
income tax liability is settled.

    Deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profit will be available against which the
temporary differences can be utilised.

    Deferred tax is provided on temporary differences arising on investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates, except where
the timing of the reversal of the temporary difference is controlled by the Group and it is probable that the temporary difference will not
reverse in the foreseeable future.

    Share-based Payments

    The cost of share-based payment arrangements, whereby employees receive remuneration in the form of shares or share options, is
recognised as an employee benefit expense in the income statement.

    The total expense to be apportioned over the vesting period of the benefit is determined by reference to the fair value at the date of
grant. The assumptions underlying the number of awards expected to vest are subsequently adjusted for the effects of non market-based
vesting conditions prevailing at the balance sheet date. Fair value is measured by the use of Black-Scholes option pricing model and is
based on a reasonable expectation of the extent to which performance criteria will be met. 

    Property, Plant and Equipment

    Plant and equipment are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and any recognised impairment loss. Depreciation is charged so as
to write off the costs of assets, over their estimated useful lives, using the straight-line method, on the following bases:

 Fixtures and fittings  10% straight line
 Computers and EPOS     20% straight line
 Motor vehicles         25% straight line

    The property assets of the Group are stated at revalued amounts, being fair value at the date of revaluation less accumulated impairment
losses.  Increases in the value of revalued assets are recognised in the revaluation reserve except to the extent they relate to a previous
decrease in value which had been charged to the income statement. Decreases in value are taken to the revaluation reserve to the extent of
any pre-existing surplus on that individual asset; decreases in excess of any pre-existing surplus are taken to the income statement.


    Assets that have an indefinite useful life are not subject to amortisation and are tested annually for impairment and if events or
changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable. Assets that are subject to depreciation or amortisation
are reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable. A review
for indicators of impairment is performed annually. An impairment loss is recognised for the amount by which the asset's carrying amount
exceeds its recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is the higher of an asset's fair value less costs to sell and value in use. Any
impairment charge is recognised in the income statement in the year in which it occurs. When an impairment loss, other than an impairment
loss on goodwill, subsequently reverses due to a change in the original estimate, the carrying amount of the asset is increased to the
revised estimate of its recoverable amount, up to the carrying amount that would have resulted, net of depreciation, had no impairment loss been recognised for the asset in prior years.

    Trade and other receivables

    Trade receivables are stated at their original invoiced value, as the interest that would be recognised from discounting future cash
receipts over the short credit period is not considered to be material. Trade receivables are reduced by appropriate allowances for
estimated irrecoverable amounts. Interest on overdue trade receivables is recognised as it accrues.

    Cash and cash equivalents

    Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash at bank and in hand and other short-term highly liquid deposits with an original maturity at
acquisition of three months or less. Cash held on deposit with an original maturity at acquisition of more than three months is disclosed as
current asset investments. For the purposes of the cash flow statement, cash and cash equivalents consists of cash and cash equivalents as
defined above, net of bank overdrafts that are repayable on demand and that are integral to the Group's cash management.

    Trade payables

    Trade payables are stated at their original invoiced value, as the interest that would be recognised from discounting future cash
payments over the short payment period is not considered to be material.

    Derivative financial instruments

    The Group's policy is to hedge a proportion of its variable rate borrowings at fixed rates of interest. To achieve this, the Group
enters into interest rate swap contracts in which the Group agrees to exchange its variable rate obligations for fixed rate obligations.

    Although not accounted for as being hedge effective, the swaps are held for risk management purposes and not for trading purposes. These
swaps are defined as cash flow hedges and the fair values are determined by discounting the future cash flows using the mid point of the
sterling yield curve prevailing at the year end.  

    Interest-bearing borrowings

    Interest-bearing borrowings are stated at amortised cost using the effective interest method. The effective interest method is a method
of calculating the amortised cost of a financial liability and of allocating interest expense over the relevant period. The effective
interest rate is the rate that exactly discounts estimated future cash payments through the expected life of the financial liability.


    Provisions are recognised in the balance sheet when there is a present legal or constructive obligation as a result of a past event, and
it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation.


    Leases of plant and equipment, where the Group has substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership, are classified as finance
leases. Finance leases are capitalised at the lease's inception at the lower of the fair value of the leased property and the present value
of the minimum lease payments. Each lease payment is allocated between the liability and finance charges so as to achieve a constant rate on
the finance balance outstanding. The corresponding rental obligations, net of finance charges, are included in other long-term payables. The
interest element of the finance cost is charged to the income statement over the lease period so as to produce a constant periodic rate of
interest on the remaining balance of the liability for each period. The property, plant and equipment acquired under finance leases is
depreciated over the shorter of the asset's useful life and the lease term.

    Leases where the lessor retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership are classified as operating leases. Payments made
under operating leases (net of any incentives received from the lessor) are charged to the income statement on a straight-line basis over
the period of the lease.

    Rental income received under operating leases is credited to the income statement on a straight line basis over the lease term.


    Inventories are stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Cost is determined using the first-in, first-out (FIFO) method. It
excludes borrowing costs. Net realisable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business, less applicable variable
selling expenses.


    The Group operates a defined contribution pension plan. The scheme is funded through payments to insurance companies. 

    A defined contribution plan is a pension plan under which the Group pays fixed contributions into a separate entity.

    The Group has no legal or constructive obligations to pay further contributions if the fund does not hold sufficient assets to pay all
employees the benefits relating to employee service in the current and prior periods.

    For a defined contribution plan, the Group pays contributions to publicly or privately administered pension insurance plans on a
contractual basis. The Group has no further payment obligations once the contributions have been paid. The contributions are recognised as
employee benefit expense when they are due.


    The preparation of financial information in conformity with generally accepted accounting practice requires management to make estimates
and judgments that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities as well as the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at
the balance sheet date and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period.
      Estimates and judgments are continually evaluated and are based on historical experience and other factors, including expectations of
future events that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances. The significant judgments made by management in applying the
Group's accounting policies and the key sources of estimation were:

    *     Impairment of goodwill.  Determining whether goodwill is impaired requires an estimation of the value in use of the
cash-generating units to which goodwill has been allocated. The value in use calculation requires the Group to estimate the future cash
flows expected to arise from the cash-generating unit and a suitable discount rate in order to calculate the present value.

    *     Non-depreciation of assets.  The Directors believe that the following factors are relevant to the group's public house estates,
which mitigate the need to apply depreciation to these assets:
    *     The company has a policy of regular maintenance and repair such that the properties are retained at the previously assessed
standard of performance;
    *     The properties are unlikely to suffer from technical or commercial obsolescence;
    *     The company, as a commercial enterprise, has a policy and practice of disposing of similar assets well before the end of their
useful lives and historically the disposal proceeds of similar asset have not been materially less than their carrying value.

    Therefore the directors consider that it is not necessary to depreciate the property assets owned.


    The Directors' consider that there are two main classes of business; managed house income and tenanted house income.

    Managed house income comprises the sale of liquor, catering services, vending machine income, and cigarette commission. This class of
business accounts for 85% of reported turnover for 2007. Therefore the Directors do not consider it necessary to produce a segmental

    All income is derived from the within United Kingdom.

 4.  OPERATING PROFIT                                          2007         2006
                                                                  �            �
     Group operating profit for the year is stated                   
     after the following:                                            
     Depreciation of owned tangible fixed assets            357,629      279,624
     Depreciation of assets held under finance leases         3,000       12,500
     Operating lease expense - land and buildings         2,155,642    1,569,792
     And after crediting:                                            
     Rental income                                          804,368      726,591
     Profit on disposal                                      56,218       58,265

 5.  AUDITORS' REMUNERATION                                       2007      2006
                                                                     �         �
     Fees payable to the group's auditor for the audit of       49,000    22,000
     the group's annual financial statements                            
     Fees payable to the group's auditor and its associates             
     for other services:                                                
       Corporate finance                                             -     5,000
       Tax services                                              4,500     3,000
       Other services (non-audit)                                  900    20,500

 6.  STAFF COSTS                                                                                        2007         2006
                                                                                                           �            �
     Staff costs comprised:                                                                                   
     Wages and salaries                                                                              910,952    1,119,692
     Social security costs                                                                            76,018      102,863
     Other pension costs                                                                              29,895       31,552
                                                                                                   1,016,865    1,254,107
     The average monthly number of employees, employed by the group, including directors during               
     the year can be categorised                                                                              
     as follows:                                                                                      Number       Number
       Administration employees                                                                           23           27
       Pub employees                                                                                      60           56
                                                                                                          83           83

 7.  DIRECTORS EMOLUMENTS                             2007                             2006
                                                         �                                �

     Emoluments                                    347,791                          353,701
     Pension costs                                  17,689                           16,870
                                                   365,480                          370,571

     The number of directors accruing benefits under money purchase scheme were 2 (2006:

     Highest paid
     Emoluments                                    150,336                          144,526
     Pension costs                                  10,769                           10,290
                                                   161,105                          154,816

 8.  FINANCE COSTS                    2007         2006
                                         �            �
     Bank overdraft and loans    1,846,936    1,306,838
     Interest rate hedging        (26,836)      120,398
                                 1,820,100    1,427,236

 9.  TAXATION                                                  2007         2006
                                                                  �            �
     Current tax charge                                      16,648      343,868
     Adjustments relating to prior periods                        -     (87,565)
                                                             16,648      256,303
     Deferred tax                                          (14,699)     (16,917)
     Recognition of deferred tax asset (note 21)          (422,070)            -
     Deferred tax released on revaluations                (153,721)    (334,972)
     Deferred tax released on reduction in future in       (20,379)            -
     tax rate                                                        
     Total tax credit for the period                      (594,221)     (95,586)
     Profit on ordinary activities before tax             1,025,108      495,092
     Tax on profit at 30% (2006: 30%)                       307,533      148,528
     Effect of:                                                      
     Small companies rate relief                            (8,635)      (8,912)
     Expenses not deductible for tax purposes                 4,351        5,471
     Accelerated capital allowances                             687      (3,100)
     Relief for losses brought forward                    (159,719)            -
     Group tax adjustments                                (127,569)       29,975
     IFRS adjustment                                              -      171,906
     Adjustments to tax charge in respect of previous             -     (87,565)
                                                             16,648      256,303

 10.  EARNINGS PER SHARE                                          2007                                        2006
                                                                     �                                           �
      Earnings from
      continuing and total
      Earnings for the                                       1,619,329                                     590,678
      purpose of basic and
      diluted earnings per
      share being net
      profit attributable
      to equity

      Number of Shares
      Weighted average                                      30,575,127                                  25,497,207
      number of ordinary
      shares for the
      purpose of basic
      earnings per share

          Weighted average                                  31,978,267                                  26,534,867
        number of ordinary
        for the purpose of
         dilutive earnings
                 per share

      The calculation of diluted earnings per share assumes conversion of all potentially dilutive ordinary
      shares, all of which arise from share options. A calculation is performed to determine the number of shares
      that could have been acquired at fair value, based upon the monetary value of the subscription rights
      attached to outstanding share options.

 11.  DIVIDENDS                                                   2007                                        2006
                                                                     �                                           �

      Dividends paid                                           555,658                                     446,201
      during the year
      Dividends per share                                        1.75p                                       1.75p

      Final dividend                                           199,142                                     317,519
      declared after year
      Final dividend per                                         0.50p                                          1p

      The final dividend has not been included as a liability in these financial statements. It was declared after
      year end but before the financial statements were authorised for issue.


 a)   Share Options and Warrants

      The following share options issued to directors existed at the year end in respect of approved and unapproved schemes.

                                                                      Option                        At                                  
Granted                      Lapsed                    At
      Directors Name        Date Granted                               Price                  1.1.2007                                   in
2007                     in 2007            31.12.2007

      C. Belligero          13 October 1999                              45p                   200,000                                      
                            3 October 2000                               48p                    52,166                                      
                            15 October 2001                              37p                    40,000                                      
                            1 October 2002                               30p                   350,000                                      
                            29 September 2003                            42p                    15,000                                      
                            19 July 2006                               41.5p                   300,000                                      
                            19 September 2007                          41.5p                                                             
90,000                                            90,000
                            24 October 2007                              39p                                                            
253,000                                           253,000
      K.J. Chapman          29 September 2003                            42p                     5,000                                      
                        (5,000)                     -
      S. Namasivayam        27 September 1999                            48p                    42,500                                      
                            3 October 2000                               48p                    12,292                                      
                            15 October 2001                              37p                    10,000                                      
                            1 October 2002                               30p                    20,000                                      
                            29 September 2003                            42p                     9,928                                      
                            6 October 2006                               47p                    90,000                                      
                            19 September 2007                          41.5p                                                             
90,000                                            90,000
                            24 October 2007                              39p                                                            
144,800                                           144,800

 b)   The following share options existed at the year end in respect of approved and unapproved schemes for staff and have been granted to
subscribe for ordinary shares of the company as
                                                                      Option                        At                                  
Granted                      Lapsed                    At
                            Date Granted                               Price                  1.1.2007                                   in
2007                     in 2007            31.12.2007

                            27 September 1999                            48p                    17,500                                      
                            3 October 2000                               48p                    30,000                                      
                            15 October 2001                              37p                    25,000                                      
                        (5,000)                20,000
                            1 October 2002                               30p                    22,000                                      
                        (5,000)                17,000
                            29 September 2003                            42p                    16,000                                      
                            6 October 2006                               47p                    10,000                                      
                            19 September 2007                          41.5p                                                             
25,000                                            25,000
                            24 October 2007                              39p                                                             
42,500                                            42,500

                            Number of shares                                  Subscription 
                            under option                                      price per share                         Exercise period

                            60,000                                            48p                                     27/09/2002 -
                            200,000                                           45p                                     13/10/2002 -
                            94,458                                            48p                                     03/10/2003 -
                            70,000                                            37p                                     15/10/2004 -
                            387,000                                           30p                                     01/10/2005 -
                            40,928                                            42p                                     29/09/2006 -
                            300,000                                           41.5p                                   19/07/2009 -
                            100,000                                           47p                                     06/10/2009 -
                            205,000                                           41.5p                                   19/09/2010 -
                            440,300                                           39p                                     24/10/2010 -

      There are no Performance Restricted Share Plans in place.

 c)  Share based payments

     The company recognised the following total expenses and costs in respect
     of payments settled by options in the period:

     Recognised immediately and charged as an expense to                �10,613
     the profit and loss account

     The total fair value of options granted in the                     �25,812
     period was 

     The inputs into a modified Black-Scholes model used
     to calculate the fair values as well as the share
     price at date of grant are:
       Expected volatility                                                  25%
       Expected life                                                    5 years
       Discount for smaller listed company                                  20%
       Dividend yield                                                     7.44%

 d)  Weighted average exercise price

     The weighted average exercise prices for the following groups of options are as follows:


     Outstanding at 1st January 2007                                                               39.47
     Granted during the period                                                                     39.79
     Lapsed during the period                                                                      36.33
     Outstanding at the end of the period                                                          39.61
     Exercisable at the end of the period                                                              -


      On 10th April 2007 the Group acquired 100% of the issued capital of Moorgate London Limited for �2,339,500 net of costs of
acquisition. The interim accounts
      showed �6,639,500 as the cost of acquisition. This included �4,300,000 of borrowings that were assumed by Pubs 'n' Bars plc on
acquisition. The company holds an
      estate of seven freehold pubs within Hertfordshire and Oxfordshire. At the date of acquisition the company ceased trading and all
trade was transferred to Pubs
      'n' Bars Plc.  Since the date of acquisition up to 31st December 2007 the subsidiary contributed an estimated profit of �100,916. If
the acquisition had occurred
      on 1st January 2007 management estimates that consolidated revenue would have been �428,425 and the consolidated profit for the period
would have been �138,617.
      In determining these amounts, management has assumed that the fair value adjustments that arose on the date of acquisition would have
been the same if the
      acquisition on 1st January 2007.

      On 9th May 2007 the Group acquired 85% of the issued capital of Community Taverns Limited for �2,350,334 in cash satisfied by bank
borrowings net of costs of
      acquisition. This figure is �99,666 lower than stated in the interim accounts due conditions being met to qualify for a purchase price
reduction of the same
      amount. The Group acquired 15% of Community Taverns Limited in December 2003 for �150.  The company held an estate of one freehold and
24 leasehold pubs. Since
      acquisition, prior to the year end, one leasehold was pub was disposed.  Since the date of acquisition up to 31stDecember 2007 the
subsidiary contributed profit
      of �662,932. If the acquisition had occurred on 1st January 2007 management estimates that consolidated revenue would have been
�8,483,992 and the consolidated
      profit for the period would have been �825,957. In determining these amounts, management has assumed that the fair value adjustments
that arose on the date of
      acquisition would have been the same if the acquisition has taken p

          On 12th December 2007 the Group acquired 100% of the issued share capital of Moorgate Taverns Limited for �2,197,000 net of costs
of acquisition. The company
                 holds an estate of ten freehold pubs. The accounting date for the company is 11th December. It is to be brought in line
with the Group. At the date of
       acquisition the company ceased trading and all trade was transferred to Pubs *n* Bars Plc. Since the date of acquisition up to 31st
December 2007 the subsidiary
         contributed an estimated profit of �32,804. If the acquisition had occurred on 1st January 2007 management estimates that
consolidated revenue would have been
                 �741,792 and the consolidated profit for the period would have been �598,681. In determining these amounts, management has
assumed that the fair value
                                                     adjustments that arose on the date of acquisition would have been the same if the
acquisition on 1st January 2007.
                                        Upon acquisition Moorgate London Limited and Moorgate Taverns Limited ceased trading and all trade
was transferred to Pubs *n*


                                                  Moorgate London                      Community                      Moorgate              
                                                             Ltd.                   Taverns Ltd.                   Taverns Ltd.
                                                                �                              �                              �             

 Cash and cash equivalents                                      -                        328,442                          6,015             
 Inventories                                                    -                        222,718                              -             
 Accounts receivable                                            -                        863,868                         45,489             
 Property, plant and equipment                          7,050,000                      3,500,602                     10,423,494             
 Trade and other payables                                       -                    (2,401,682)                      (256,678)             
 Borrowings                                           (4,300,000)                              -                    (7,080,000)             
                                                        2,750,000                      2,513,948                      3,138,320             
 Goodwill on acquisition                                   34,211                        158,978                      (725,254)             
 Total consideration                                    2,784,211                      2,672,926                      2,413,066             

 The book values of the assets and liabilities at the dates of acquisition are deemed to be the same as the fair values above.

 The negative goodwill arising on the acquisition of Moorgate Taverns Limited of �725,254 has been recognised within Administration expenses
in the income
 statement, as required by IFRS 3 "Business Combinations". This represents the excess of the fair value above total consideration.

                                                                 Moorgate London                       Community                Moorgate    
                                                                            Ltd.                    Taverns Ltd.             Taverns Ltd.
                                                                               �                               �                        �   
 Total consideration can be broken down as follows:
 Cash                                                                    650,000                       2,350,334                  300,000   
 Share issue                                                           1,689,500                               -                1,897,000   
                                                                       2,339,500                       2,350,334                2,197,000   

 Legal and professional fees                                             191,111                         285,327                  205,241   
 Stamp duty                                                              232,100                          12,265                   10,825   
 Bank charges                                                             21,500                          25,000                        -   
 Total consideration                                                   2,784,211                       2,672,926                2,413,066   

 On 4th April 2007 the company issued 3,929,070 shares at 43p per share to the vendors for the acquisition of Moorgate London Limited.

 On 11th December 2007 the company issued 6,541,375 shares at 29p per share to the vendors for the acquisition of Moorgate Taverns Limited.

 The issued share price was the prevailing market value at the date of issue.

                                                                 Moorgate London          Community Taverns Ltd.                Moorgate    
                                                                            Ltd.                                             Taverns Ltd.
                                                                               �                               �                        �   
 Net cash outflow on acquisition were as follows:
 Total purchase consideration                                          2,784,211                       2,672,926                2,413,066   
 Less: non-cash consideration                                        (1,689,500)                               -              (1,897,000)   
 Consideration paid in cash                                            1,094,711                       2,672,926                  516,066   

 Less: Cash and cash equivalents acquired                                      -                       (328,442)                  (6,015)   
                                                                       1,094,711                       2,344,484                  510,051   


      GROUP                             Freehold                  Long                                       Short                          
                               Fixtures                                       Motor                 Total
                                          Land &             Leasehold                                   Leasehold                          
                                      &                                    Vehicles
                                                              Property                                    Property                          
                                               �                     �                                           �                          
                                      �                                           �                     �
      At 1st January 2006             23,615,381             1,050,296                                   7,671,297                          
                              2,627,826                                      18,380            34,983,180
      Additions                          441,774                     -                                     384,610                          
                                216,697                                           -             1,043,081
      Reclassification                 1,783,242                27,499                                 (1,810,741)                          
                                      -                                           -                     -
      Surplus/(Deficit) on             1,813,481               153,371                                 (1,556,535)                          
                                      -                                           -               410,317
      Disposals                                -                     -                                    (16,039)                          
                               (14,916)                                     (7,380)              (38,335)
      At 1st January 2007             27,653,878             1,231,166                                   4,672,592                          
                              2,829,607                                      11,000            36,398,243
      Additions                          266,950                 2,607                                     371,110                          
                                224,685                                           -               865,352
      Surplus/(Deficit) on             (304,043)             (110,081)                                     (9,581)                          
                                      -                                           -             (423,705)
      Acquired through                17,941,650                     -                                   2,564,859                          
                                467,587                                           -            20,974,096
      business combination
      Disposals                                -                     -                                    (20,348)                          
                               (20,300)                                           -              (40,648)
      At 31st December                45,558,435             1,123,692                                   7,578,632                          
                              3,501,579                                      11,000            57,773,338

      At 1st January 2006                      -                     -                                           -                          
                              1,250,951                                      17,754             1,268,705
      Charge for the                           -                     -                                           -                          
                                291,498                                         626               292,124
      Released on disposal                     -                     -                                           -                          
                                (5,955)                                     (7,380)              (13,335)
      At 1st January 2007                      -                     -                                           -                          
                              1,536,494                                      11,000             1,547,494
      Charge for the                           -                     -                                           -                          
                                360,629                                           -               360,629
      Released on disposal                     -                     -                                           -                          
                                (1,785)                                           -               (1,785)
      At 31st December                         -                     -                                           -                          
                              1,895,338                                      11,000             1,906,338

      At 1st January 2006             23,615,381             1,050,296                                   7,671,297                          
                              1,376,875                                         626            33,714,475
      At 1st January 2007             27,653,878             1,231,166                                   4,672,592                          
                              1,293,113                                           -            34,850,749
      At 31st December                45,558,435             1,123,692                                   7,578,632                          
                              1,606,241                                           -            55,867,000

      The public houses, which are freehold and leasehold, are included at market valuation. Annual impairment reviews are performed. Where
the residual value is considered to have fallen, the reversal of previous upward revaluations on that
      asset will maintain the value of the asset in the company's books at an amount equivalent to the residual value of the asset.

      Included above are assets held under finance leases:

                              Net Book                                                       Depreciation
                                  Value                                             Charge for the year �

      Fixtures and fittings                                                                                                                 
                                 15,000                                                             3,000

      The property assets of the group, including fixtures and fittings, were valued at 31st December 2007 by Davis Coffer Lyons Limited,
Chartered Surveyors, who are external to the group, at an open market value on an existing use basis.

      The historical cost carrying amount would be �53,562,154 (2006: �32,122,198).

 15.  INTANGIBLE FIXED                                                              Goodwill
      At 1st January 2006                                                          2,031,071
      and 1st January 2007
      Additions                                                                      193,189

      At 31st December                                                             2,224,260

      At 1st January 2006                                                            585,447
      Impairment loss                                                                      -
      At 1st January 2007                                                            585,447
      Impairment                                                                           -
      At 31st December                                                               585,447

      At 1st January 2006                                                          1,445,624
      At 1st January 2007                                                          1,445,624
      At 31st December                                                             1,638,813

      The goodwill addition relates to the acquisitions in the year (note 13) of Moorgate
      London Limited (�34,211), Community Taverns Limited (�158,978). The negative goodwill
      arising on the acquisition of Moorgate Taverns Limited of �725,254 has been recognised
      in the income statement, as required by IFRS 3 "Business Combinations".

 16.  INVESTMENTS                                                     
                                                                        2007         2006
      Fixed Asset Investments                                              �            �
      (a) Investments other than loans                                     -          150
      (b) Other loans                                                      -      729,372
                                                                           -      729,522
 a)   Investments other than loans                                    
      Cost                                                                              �
      At 1st January 2006 and 1st January 2007                                        150
      Released on acquisition                                                       (150)
      At 31st December 2007                                                             -
 b)   Other loans                                                             
      Cost                                                                              �
      At 1st January 2006                                                         722,409
      Additions                                                                     6,963
      At 1st January 2007                                                         729,372
      Recognition of loan                                                       (729,372)
      At 31st December 2007                                                             -

 17.  INVENTORIES             
                                   2007       2006
                                      �          �
      Goods for resale          751,617    582,938

                                                     2007         2006
                                                        �            �
      Trade receivables                           324,509      372,445
      Other debtors                             1,039,930    1,075,662
      Prepayments and accrued income              793,105      586,843
                                                2,157,544    2,034,950

 19.  SHARE CAPITAL                                               2007                                        2006
                                                                     �                                           �
      Number of shares                                      50,000,000                                  37,500,000
      Ordinary shares of                                    10,000,000                                   7,500,000
      20p each

      Issued, called up,
      allotted and fully
      Number of shares                                      39,673,358                                  25,497,207
      Ordinary shares of                                     7,934,671                                   5,099,442
      20p each

      On 4th April 2007 the company issued 6,254,652 ordinary shares at 43 pence per share in order to finance the
      acquisition of Moorgate London Limited.

      On 11th December 2007 the company issued 7,921,499 ordinary shares at 29 pence per share in order to finance
      the acquisition of Moorgate Taverns Limited.

      During the period the Group increased the authorised ordinary share capital by 12.5 million shares of 20p
      each to give the Group more financial flexibility to raise finance for future acquisitions.

      The costs of the shares during the year amounted to �90,742 and have been treated as a deduction from the
      share premium account.

      Each ordinary share carries equal voting rights and is entitled to an equal share of distributable profits
      and repayment of capital.


      For all periods up to and including the year ended 31 December 2006, the Group
      prepared its financial statements in accordance with UK generally accepted accounting
      practice (UK GAAP). The financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2007 were
      the first the Group was required to prepare in accordance with International Financial
      Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union.

      The accounting policies set out above and the other restatements required by IFRS 1
      "First time adoption of IFRS" have been applied in preparing the financial statements
      for the year ended 31 December 2007, the comparative information presented in these
      financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2006 and in the preparation of the
      opening IFRS balance sheet at 1 January 2006.

      In preparing its opening IFRS balance sheet, the group has adjusted amounts previously
      reported in financial statements prepared in accordance with UK GAAP. An explanation
      of how the transition from UK GAAP to IFRS has affected the group's financial
      position, financial performance and cash flows is set out in the following tables and

      IFRS 1 "First time adoption of IFRS" sets out the procedures that the Group must
      follow when it adopts IFRS for the first time as the basis for preparing its
      consolidated financial statements. The Group is required to establish its accounting
      policies for the year ending 31 December 2007 and, in general, apply these
      retrospectively to determine the IFRS opening balance sheet at its date of transition,
      1 January 2006.

     Deferred Tax

     Under UK GAAP deferred tax liabilities on revaluation reserves were not
     provided for unless the Group entered into a binding contract to sell the
     revalued assets. Under IAS12 deferred tax must be provided for. Deferred
     tax charged of �1,911,688 on revaluations prior to 31st December 2006 has
     been charged directly to the revaluation reserves in line with IAS12. The
     opening IFRS balance sheet has also been adjusted by �1,453,601 for
     revaluations prior to 1st January 2006.

     Fair Value of Derivative Financial Instruments

     In line with IAS 39 "Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement"
     the fair value of the Group's interest rate swaps has been recognised in
     the balance sheet, and any changes in value have been recognised in the
     income statement. The adjustments reflected in these reconciliations are
     to present the negative �655,000 fair value as at 1st January 2006, and
     the negative �213,000 fair value as at 31st December 2006.


     IAS 16 "Property, plant and equipment" requires that revaluation
     increases on an asset are to be credited directly to revaluation surplus
     or income statement to the extent that the increase reverses a
     revaluation decrease of the same asset previously recognized in the
     income statement. Revaluation deceases are to be recognized in the income
     statement in the event they exceed any credit balance in the revaluation
     surplus in respect of the asset concerned, whereas under UK GAAP
     revaluation decreases could be debited to the revaluation reserve to the
     extent they were not considered to represent a consumption of economic
     benefit This change in treatment has lead to a transfer from the income
     statement to the revaluation reserve as at 1st January 2006 of �2,527,102
     and a similar transfer of �1,116,575 for the year ended 31st December

 a)  Reconciliation of consolidated income for the year ended 31st December

                                UK GAAP    Goodwill    Fair value    Deferred tax    Revaluations           IFRS
                                      �           �             �               �                              �
 Revenue                     15,329,204           -             -               -               -     15,329,204
 Cost of sales              (4,842,006)           -             -               -               -    (4,842,006)
 GROSS PROFIT                10,487,198           -             -               -               -     10,487,198
 Other operating income          58,265           -             -               -               -         58,265
 Administrative expenses    (8,157,071)     101,554       442,000               -     (1,116,575)    (8,730,092)
 Finance cost               (1,427,236)           -             -               -               -    (1,427,236)
 Investment income              106,957           -             -               -               -        106,957
 PROFIT BEFORE TAXATION       1,068,113     101,554       442,000               -     (1,116,575)        495,092
 Taxation                     (239,386)           -                       334,972               -         95,586
 PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD          828,727     101,554       442,000         334,972     (1,116,575)        590,678
 EARNINGS PER SHARE                                                                                
 Basic                            3.25p                                                                    2.32p
 Diluted                          3.12p                                                                    2.23p

 b)  Reconciliation of consolidated balance sheet and equity at 31st December

                                      UK GAAP    Goodwill    Fair Value       Deferred    Re-valuations          IFRS
                                                 Amortise                          Tax                   
                                            �           �             �              �                �             �
 Non-current assets                                                                                      
 Property, plant and equipment     34,850,749           -             -              -                -    34,850,749
 Intangible assets                  1,344,070     101,554             -              -                -     1,445,624
 Investments                          729,522           -             -              -                -       729,522
 Deferred tax asset                         -           -             -      1,093,103                -     1,093,103
                                   36,924,341     101,554             -      1,093,103                -    38,118,998
 Current assets                                                                                          
 Inventories                          582,938           -             -              -                -       582,938
 Trade receivables                  2,034,950           -             -              -                -     2,034,950
 Cash and cash equivalents             53,092           -             -              -                -        53,092
                                    2,670,980           -             -              -                -     2,670,980
 TOTAL ASSETS                      39,595,321     101,554             -      1,093,103                -    40,789,978
 Equity and Liabilities                                                                                  
 Capital and reserves                                                                                    
 Ordinary share capital             5,099,442           -             -              -                -     5,099,442
 Share premium account              5,131,869           -             -              -                -     5,131,869
 Revaluation reserve                2,728,551           -             -    (1,911,668)        3,643,677     4,460,560
 Retained earnings                  4,086,823     101,554                    1,093,103      (3,643,677)     1,424,803
 TOTAL EQUITY                      17,046,685     101,554                      818,565                -    16,116,674
 Non-current liabilities                                                                                 
 Long-term borrowings              19,830,056           -             -              -                -    19,830,056
 Finance lease liabilities             10,412           -             -              -                -        10,412
 Derivative financial                       -           -                            -                -       213,000
 Deferred tax liabilities             200,371           -             -      1,911,668                -     2,112,039
                                   20,040,839           -       213,000      1,911,668                -    22,165,507
 Current liabilities                                                                                     
 Trade and other payables           1,813,420           -             -              -                -     1,813,420
 Short-term borrowings                449,007           -             -              -                -       449,007
 Current tax payable                  241,206           -             -              -                -       241,206
 Finance lease liabilities              4,164           -             -              -                -         4,164
                                    2,507,797           -             -              -                -     2,507,797
 TOTAL EQUITY and LIABILITIES      39,595,321     101,554             -      1,093,103                -    40,789,978

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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