RNS Number : 7646D

Petropavlovsk PLC

28 April 2017

28 April 2017

Petropavlovsk PLC (the "Company" or, together with its subsidiaries, the "Group")

Notice of Publication of Annual Report

The Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2016 (the "Annual Report 2016") is available to view and download from the Company's website at www.petropavlovsk.net . A copy of the Annual Report 2016 has also been submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for inspection at www.morningstar.co.uk/uk/nsm

The information contained in the Appendix to this announcement, which is extracted from the Annual Report 2016, is included solely for the purposes of complying with the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules (the "DTR") 6.3.5 and the requirements it imposes on how to make public annual financial reports. The Appendix should be read in conjunction with the Company's Annual Results for the year ended 31 December 2016 issued on 26 April 2017 (the "Annual Results Announcement"). Together, these constitute the material required by DTR 6.3.5 to be communicated to the media in unedited full text through a Regulatory Information Service. This material should be read in conjunction with, and is not a substitute for reading, the Annual Report 2016.

References to page numbers and notes to the financial statement made in the Appendix refer to page numbers and notes to the financial statements in the Annual Report 2016. The information contained in this announcement does not constitute the Company's statutory accounts as defined in section 434 of the Companies Act 2006 (the "Act") for 2016 or 2015 but is derived from those accounts. The auditors have reported on those accounts and their report was unqualified, and did not contain statements under section 498(2) of the Act (regarding adequacy of accounting records and returns) or under section 498(3) of the Act (regarding provision of necessary information and explanations). The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2016 have been approved by the Board and will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies. A copy of the statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2015 was delivered to the Registrar of Companies.

Neither the content of the Company's website, nor the content of any other website accessible from hyperlinks on the Company's website is incorporated into, or forms part of, this announcement.


   1.       Directors' responsibility statement 

We confirm that to the best of our knowledge:

-- the financial statements, prepared in accordance with the relevant financial reporting framework, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the company and the undertakings included in the consolidation taken as a whole;

-- the strategic report includes a fair review of the development and performance of the business and the position of the company and the undertakings included in the consolidation taken as a whole, together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that they face

-- the annual report and financial statements, taken as a whole, are fair, balanced and understandable and provide the information necessary for shareholders to assess the company's position and performance, business model and strategy.

   2.    Principal risks relating to the Group 

The most significant risks that may have an adverse impact on the Group's ability to meet its strategic objectives and to deliver shareholder value are set out below. The Group seeks to mitigate these risk wherever possible, although some, such as political risks, are largely beyond the Group's control. Summarised alongside each risk is a description of its potential impact on the Group. Measures in place to manage or mitigate against each specific risk, where it is within the Group's control, are also described.

   26.      Related parties 

Related parties the Group entered into transactions with during the reporting period

PJSC Asian-Pacific Bank ('Asian-Pacific Bank') and LLC Insurance Company Helios Reserve ('Helios') are considered to be related parties as members of key management have an interest in and collectively exercise significant influence over these entities.

The Petropavlovsk Foundation for Social Investment (the 'Petropavlovsk Foundation') is considered to be a related party due to the participation of the key management of the Group in the governing board of the Petropavlovsk Foundation and their presence in its board of guardians.

JSC Verkhnetisskaya Ore Mining Company ('Verkhnetisskaya') is an associate to the Group and hence was a related party until 27 May 2016 when the Group disposed its interest in Verkhnetisskaya.

CJSC ZRK Omchak and its wholly owned subsidiary LLC Kaurchak ('Omchak') are associates to the Group and hence were related parties until 29 April 2015 when the Group disposed its interest in Omchak.

IRC Limited and its subsidiaries (Note 35) are associates to the Group and hence are related parties since 7 August 2015.

Transactions with related parties which the Group entered into during the years ended 31 December 2016 and 2015 are set out below.

 PRODUCTION RELATED RISK - Failure to achieve the 
  Group's production plan 
 Risk                  Description and              Mitigation/comments      2016 Progress 
                        potential impact 
--------------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------  ------------------------- 
 Risk to               The Group's assets           Preventative             Flooding and 
  production            are located in               maintenance              unusually cold 
  from:                 the Russian Far              procedures               weather prevented 
  - Severe              East, a remote               are undertaken           the Group delivering 
  weather               area that can                on a regular             on the original 
  conditions.           be subject to                and periodic             2016 mine schedule 
  - The availability    severe climatic              basis to ensure          resulting in 
  of suitable           conditions. Severe           that machines            a lower average 
  machinery,            weather conditions,          will function            processed grade 
  equipment             such as cold                 properly under           for 2016 and 
  and consumables.      temperatures                 extreme cold             lower production. 
  - Logistics           in winter and                weather conditions;      However with 
  for the               torrential rain,             heating plants           strong capital 
  delivery              potentially causing          at operational           discipline and 
  of equipment          flooding in the              bases are                dedicated cost 
  and services          region could                 regularly                control the 
                        have an adverse              maintained               Group achieved 
                        impact on operations,        and operational          TCC of US$660oz, 
                        including the                equipment                improving the 
                        delivery of supplies,        is fitted                Group margin 
                        equipment and                with cold                per ounce. 
                        fuel; and exploration        weather options 
                        and extraction               which could              The Executive 
                        levels may fall              assist in                team and operational 
                        as a result of               ensuring that            management responded 
                        such climatic                equipment                well to the 
                        factors.                     does not fail            bad weather 
                                                     as a result              at Pioneer's 
                        The Group relies             of adverse               Andreevskaya 
                        on the supply                weather conditions.      deposit. A full 
                        and availability                                      impact assessment 
                        of various services          Pumping systems          including detailed 
                        and equipment                are in place             mapping, recording 
                        in order to successfully     and tested               and monitoring 
                        run its operations.          periodically             of rock fractures 
                        For example,                 to ensure                was carried 
                        timely delivery              that they                out. Whilst 
                        of mining equipment          are functioning.         any available 
                        and jaw crushers                                      mining fleet 
                        and their availability       Management               was temporarily 
                        is essential                 monitor natural          utilised at 
                        to the Group's               conditions               Pioneer's other 
                        ability to extract           in order to              operating pits. 
                        ore from the                 pre-empt any 
                        Group's assets               disaster and             However the 
                        and to crush                 in order that            Company's overriding 
                        the mined ore                appropriate              commitment to 
                        prior to production.         mitigating               the safety of 
                        Delay in the                 action can               its employees 
                        delivery or the              be taken expediently.    meant that delays 
                        failure of mining            The Group                in production 
                        equipment could              aims to maintain         at Pioneer were 
                        significantly                several months           inevitable. 
                        delay production             of essential 
                        and impact the               supplies at              Potential impact 
                        Group's profitability.       each site.               - High 
                        The Group is                 is ordered               Change since 
                        dependent on                 with adequate            2015 - No change 
                        production from              lead time 
                        its operating                in order to 
                        mines in order               prevent delays 
                        to generate revenue          in their delivery. 
                        and cash flow 
                        and comply with              The Group 
                        the production               has a number 
                        and sales covenants          of contingency 
                        in certain of                plans in place 
                        its borrowing                to address 
                        facilities.                  any disruption 
                                                     to services. 
--------------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------  ------------------------- 
--------------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------  ------------------------- 
 Risk                  Description and              Mitigation/comments      2016 Progress 
                        potential impact 
--------------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------  ------------------------- 
 The Group's           Exploration activities       The Group                Defined within 
  activities            are high risk,               uses modern              Petropavlovsk's 
  are reliant           time-consuming               geophysical              substantial 
  on the                and can be unproductive.     and geochemical          20.16Moz JORC 
  quantity              In addition,                 exploration              Resource (7.95Moz 
  and quality           these activities             and surveying            JORC Reserve) 
  of the                often require                techniques.              is a 9.26Moz 
  Mineral               substantial expenditure      The Group                refractory gold 
  Resources             to establish                 employs a                Resource (4.07Moz 
  and Ore               Reserves through             world class              refractory Ore 
  Reserves              drilling and                 team of geologists       Reserve), with 
  available             metallurgical                with considerable        under explored 
  to it.                and other testing,           regional expertise       resource upside 
                        determine appropriate        and experience.          within the highly 
                        recovery processes           They are supported       prospective 
                        to extract gold              by a network             3,600km2 licence 
                        from the ore                 of fully accredited      areas. 
                        and construct                laboratories 
                        or expand mining             capable of               The completion 
                        and processing               performing               of the POX Hub 
                        facilities. Once             a range of               will unlock 
                        deposits are                 assay work               the 9.26Moz 
                        discovered it                to high standards.       refractory Resource 
                        can take several                                      which supports 
                        years to determine           The Group's              Petropavlovsk's 
                        whether Reserves             exploration              long term growth 
                        exist. During                budget is                objectives in 
                        this time, the               fixed for                doubling the 
                        economic viability           each asset               average life 
                        of production                at the start             of mine and 
                        may change. As               of each financial        sustaining its 
                        a result of these            year depending           production profile. 
                        uncertainties,               upon previous 
                        the exploration              results.                 During 2016 
                        programmes in                                         the Group continued 
                        which the Group                                       to explore the 
                        is engaged in                                         potential for 
                        may not result                                        further mine 
                        in the expansion                                      life extension 
                        or replacement                                        and production 
                        of current production                                 expansion. 
                        with new Reserves 
                        or mining operations.                                 - At Malomir, 
                                                                              work has identified 
                                                                              several highly 
                                                                              satellite refractory 
                                                                              targets for 
                                                                              further exploration 
                                                                              work, including 
                                                                              - At Pioneer, 
                                                                              refractory targets 
                                                                              have been identified 
                                                                              south of the 
                                                                              main Pioneer 
                                                                              orebody zone. 
                                                                              The Alexandra 
                                                                              zone and Sosnovaya 
                                                                              licence are 
                                                                              also expected 
                                                                              to provide further 
                                                                              refractory resource 
                                                                              Potential impact 
                                                                              - High 
                                                                              Change since 
                                                                              2015 - Decreased 
--------------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------  ------------------------- 
 PROJECT RELATED RISKS - Failure to deliver various 
  construction and development projects The Group's 
  long-term strategy relies on the successful commissioning 
  of the POX Hub and the delivery of the underground 
  mining project. 
 Risk                  Description and              Mitigation/comments      2016 Progress 
                        potential impact 
--------------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------  ------------------------- 
 1. Pressure           If the Group                 The Group                - During 2016 
  Oxidation             is unable to                 has entered              the Company 
  (POX) Hub.            commission POX               into a management        renewed key 
                        within the projected         contract with            contracts with 
                        budget and timeframes        Outotec a                Outotec. 
                        this may have                world leader 
                        an adverse impact            in the design            - As part of 
                        on the Group's               and construction         the recommencing 
                        growth plans                 of pressure              of the POX Hub 
                        and its future               oxidation                development 
                        profitability.               and flotation            Outotec (alongside 
                                                     plants. Outotec          the Company) 
                                                     will oversee             ran checks on 
                                                     the manufacture,         the major equipment 
                                                     installation             in situ and 
                                                     and commissioning        commenced work 
                                                     of the equipment         on the automation 
                                                     and has guaranteed       and control 
                                                     certain operating        systems. 
                                                                              - Tests at the 
                                                     The Group's              pilot plant 
                                                     pilot plant              continued. 
                                                     in Blagoveshchensk 
                                                     during 2013-2015         Under the refinancing 
                                                     confirmed                agreements with 
                                                     the feasibility          VTB and Sberbank 
                                                     of POX processing        (see page [--]), 
                                                     for Malomir              the Group is 
                                                     and Pioneer              required to 
                                                     concentrates.            complete the 
                                                     POX has a                of POX out of 
                                                     special procurement      its free cash 
                                                     process with             flow. 
                                                     a separate 
                                                     budget and               Potential impact 
                                                     expenditure              - High 
                                                     monitored                Change since 
                                                     and signed-off           2015 - No change 
                                                     by the CEO, 
                                                     COO and CFO 
                                                     based on the 
                                                     approved budget. 
--------------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------  ------------------------- 
 Risk                  Description and              Mitigation/comments      2016 Progress 
                        potential impact 
--------------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------  ------------------------- 
 2. The                If the Group                 The Group                - An experienced 
  underground           is unable to                 employed a               firm of contractors 
  mining                deliver underground          Russian engineering      commenced the 
  project.              mining production            firm to undertake        underground 
                        within the agreed            a pre-feasibility        mining works 
                        budget and timeframes        study and                at Pioneer working 
                        this may have                mine design              closely with 
                        an adverse impact            on underground           the Group's 
                        on the Group's               mining. The              in-house underground 
                        growth plans                 study concluded          operations team. 
                        and its future               that underground 
                        profitability.               mining should            The Executive 
                                                     be technically           Committee and 
                                                     feasible and             the Board closely 
                                                     economically             monitor both 
                                                     viable.                  the POX 
                                                                              and underground 
                                                                              mining projects. 
                                                                              Potential impact 
                                                                              - high 
                                                                              Change since 
                                                                              2015 - No change 
--------------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------  ------------------------- 
 Risk                  Description and              Mitigation/comments      2016 Progress 
                        potential impact 
--------------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------  ------------------------- 
 Lack of               The Group needs              Detailed annual          On 20 December 
  funding               ongoing access               budgets are              2016 the Group 
  and liquidity         to liquidity                 approved by              completed the 
  to allow              and funding in               the Board                refinancing 
  the Group             order to (i)                 and monthly              of US$430 million 
  to:                   refinance its                forecasts                of its debt 
                        existing debt                provided.                with its lending 
  i. Support            as required,                 A successful             banks Sberbank 
  its existing          (ii) support                 cost reduction           and VTB. 
  operations;           its existing                 programme 
  ii. Invest            operations and               was undertaken           The approved 
  in and                (iii) invest                 to offset                terms include 
  develop               in new projects              the effect               a revised maturity 
  its exploration       and exploration.             of a reduction           profile from 
  and underground       There is a risk              in the gold              May 2018 to 
  mining                that the Group               price.                   September 2022 
  projects;             may be unable                                         (inclusive of 
  iii. Complete         to obtain the                The Group                an option to 
  the construction      necessary funds              continues                extend the 2019 
  of the                when required                to progress              maturity payment 
  POX Hub;              or that such                 its internal             to 2022 subject 
  iv. Extend            funds will only              KPI to reduce            to certain conditions 
  the life              be available                 total cash               being satisfied) 
  and capacity          on unfavourable              costs by 50%             and an effective 
  of its                terms. The Group             during the               average interest 
  existing              may therefore                period 2013-2018.        rate of c.8%. 
  mining                be unable to 
  operations;           develop and/or                                        The Group is 
  v. Refinance/repay    meet its operational                                  currently completing 
  the Group's           or financial                                          the final documentation 
  debt as               commitments.                                          for the Sberbank 
  it falls                                                                    US$100m commodity 
  due; and              The Group's borrowing                                 linked loan 
  vi. Complete          facilities include                                    facility. Once 
  the construction      a requirement                                         this has been 
  of the                to comply with                                        completed the 
  POX Hub               certain specified                                     Group's entire 
  out of                covenants in                                          bank debt of 
  its free              relation to the                                       c. US$530m will 
  cash flow.            level of net                                          have been refinanced. 
                        debt and interest 
  If the                cover. A breach                                       The financial 
  operational           of these covenants                                    and operational 
  performance           could result                                          covenants were 
  of the                in a significant                                      renegotiated 
  business              proportion of                                         during 2016 
  declines              the Group's borrowings                                as part of the 
  significantly         becoming repayable                                    refinancing 
  the Company           immediately.                                          of the Group's 
  may breach                                                                  total debt. 
  one or 
  more of                                                                     Potential impact 
  the financial                                                               - High 
  and production 
  covenants                                                                   Changes since 
  as set                                                                      2015 - Decreased 
  out in                                                                      risk 
--------------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------  ------------------------- 
 Risk                  Description and              Mitigation/comments      2016 Progress 
                        potential impact 
--------------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------  ------------------------- 
 The Group's           The Group's financial        The Executive            In order to 
  operational           performance is               Committee                increase certainty 
  results               highly dependent             constantly               in respect of 
  may be                on the price                 monitors the             a significant 
  affected              of gold. A sustained         gold price               proportion of 
  by changes            downward movement            and influencing          its cash flows, 
  in the                in the market                factors on               the Group entered 
  gold price.           price for gold               a daily basis            into a number 
                        may negatively               and consults             of gold forward 
                        affect the Group's           with the Board           contracts during 
                        profitability                as appropriate.          2016. Forward 
                        and cash flow                                         contracts to 
                        and consequently             The Group                sell an aggregate 
                        its ability to               has a hedging            of 134,545oz 
                        fund the construction        policy and               of gold matured 
                        of the POX Hub.              hedges a portion         during the year 
                        The market price             of production            and resulted 
                        of gold is volatile          as the Executive         in US$(8.5) 
                        and is affected              Committee                million net 
                        by numerous factors          and Board                settlement paid 
                        which are beyond             deem appropriate.        by the Group. 
                        the Company's 
                        control.                                              Forward contracts 
                                                                              to sell an aggregate 
                                                                              of 50,006oz 
                                                                              of gold at an 
                                                                              average price 
                                                                              of US$1,303 
                                                                              per oz were 
                                                                              as at 31 December 
                                                                              During 2017 
                                                                              the Company 
                                                                              has continued 
                                                                              to hedge a portion 
                                                                              of its gold 
                                                                              production in 
                                                                              order to protect 
                                                                              itself from 
                                                                              volatility in 
                                                                              the price. 
                                                                              Potential impact 
                                                                              - High 
                                                                              Changes since 
                                                                              2015 - Decreased 
--------------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------  ------------------------- 
 Risk                  Description and              Mitigation/comments      2016 Progress 
                        potential impact 
--------------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------  ------------------------- 
 Currency              The Company reports          The Group                The Group does 
  fluctuations          its results in               has adopted              not undertake 
  may affect            US Dollars, which            a policy of              any foreign 
  the Group.            is the currency              holding a                currency transaction 
                        in which gold                minimum amount           hedging although 
                        is principally               of cash and              this is kept 
                        traded and therefore         monetary assets          under review. 
                        in which most                or liabilities 
                        of the Group's               in non US                The Russian 
                        revenue is generated.        Dollar currencies        Rouble depreciated 
                        Significant costs            and operates             against the 
                        are incurred                 an internal              US dollar during 
                        in and/or influenced         funding structure        2016, with an 
                        by the local                 which seeks              average exchange 
                        currencies in                to minimise              rate for 2016 
                        which the Group              foreign exchange         of 67.18 Rouble 
                        operates, principally        risk exposure.           per US dollar 
                        Russian Roubles.                                      compared with 
                        The appreciation                                      61.30 Roubles 
                        of the Russian                                        per US dollar 
                        Rouble against                                        during 2015. 
                        the US Dollar 
                        tends to result                                       Potential impact 
                        in an increase                                        - High 
                        in the Group's 
                        costs relative                                        Change since 
                        to its revenues,                                      2015 - No change 
                        whereas the depreciation 
                        of the Russian 
                        Rouble against 
                        the US Dollar 
                        tends to result 
                        in lower Group 
                        costs relative 
                        to its revenues. 
                        In addition, 
                        a portion of 
                        the Group corporate 
                        overhead is denominated 
                        in Sterling. 
                        Therefore, adverse 
                        currency movements 
                        may materially 
                        affect the Group's 
                        financial condition 
                        and results of 
                        In addition, 
                        if inflation 
                        in Russia were 
                        to increase without 
                        a corresponding 
                        devaluation of 
                        the Russian Rouble 
                        relative to the 
                        US Dollar, the 
                        Group's business, 
                        results of operations 
                        and financial 
                        condition may 
                        be adversely 
--------------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------  ------------------------- 
 IRC Related RISKS - The Company has a 31.10% interest 
  in IRC, a Hong Kong Listed iron ore producer 
 Risk                  Description and              Mitigation/comments      2016 Progress 
                        potential impact 
--------------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------  ------------------------- 
 Currency              Description and              The Group                The Group does 
  fluctuations          potential impact             has adopted              not undertake 
  may affect            The Company reports          a policy of              any foreign 
  the Group.            its results in               holding a                currency transaction 
                        US Dollars, which            minimum amount           hedging although 
                        is the currency              of cash and              this is kept 
                        in which gold                monetary assets          under review. 
                        is principally               or liabilities 
                        traded and therefore         in non US                The Russian 
                        in which most                Dollar currencies        Rouble depreciated 
                        of the Group's               and operates             against the 
                        revenue is generated.        an internal              US dollar during 
                        Significant costs            funding structure        2016, with an 
                        are incurred                 which seeks              average exchange 
                        in and/or influenced         to minimise              rate for 2016 
                        by the local                 foreign exchange         of 67.18 Rouble 
                        currencies in                risk exposure.           per US dollar 
                        which the Group                                       compared with 
                        operates, principally                                 61.30 Roubles 
                        Russian Roubles.                                      per US dollar 
                        The appreciation                                      during 2015. 
                        of the Russian 
                        Rouble against                                        Potential impact 
                        the US Dollar                                         - High 
                        tends to result 
                        in an increase                                        Change since 
                        in the Group's                                        2015 - No change 
                        costs relative 
                        to its revenues, 
                        whereas the depreciation 
                        of the Russian 
                        Rouble against 
                        the US Dollar 
                        tends to result 
                        in lower Group 
                        costs relative 
                        to its revenues. 
                        In addition, 
                        a portion of 
                        the Group corporate 
                        overhead is denominated 
                        in Sterling. 
                        Therefore, adverse 
                        currency movements 
                        may materially 
                        affect the Group's 
                        financial condition 
                        and results of 
                        In addition, 
                        if inflation 
                        in Russia were 
                        to increase without 
                        a corresponding 
                        devaluation of 
                        the Russian Rouble 
                        relative to the 
                        US Dollar, the 
                        Group's business, 
                        results of operations 
                        and financial 
                        condition may 
                        be adversely 
--------------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------  ------------------------- 
 RC Related RISKS - The Company has a 31.10% interest 
  in IRC, a Hong Kong Listed iron ore producer 
 Risk                  Description and              Mitigation/comments      2016 Progress 
                        potential impact 
--------------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------  ------------------------- 
 Risk that             Petropavlovsk                Mitigation/comments      On 31 March 
  funding               has provided                 The Board                2017, IRC announced 
  may be                a guarantee against          and the Executive        that ICBC has 
  demanded              a US$340 million             Committee                waived the obligation 
  from Petropavlovsk    project loan                 maintain close           of K&S to repay 
  under a               facility provided            communication            all loan principal 
  guarantee             to K&S by ICBC               with                     instalments 
  in favour             to fund the construction     IRC's Executive.         due in 2017 
  of ICBC               of IRC's iron                                         totalling 
  arising               ore mining operation         IRC and the              US$42.5million. 
  from:                 at K&S, of which             Company continue         This amount 
                        c.US$234million              to consider              will be spread 
  Inability             is outstanding               various options          equally between 
  of K&S                (2015: c.US$276million).     available                the five subsequent 
  to service            This loan is                 to them, both            repayment instalments 
  the interest          supported by                 separately               due under the 
  and meet              Sinosure, the                and jointly,             project finance 
  the repayments        Chinese export               regarding                facility. 
  due on                credit agency.               the restructuring 
  the ICBC              In the event                 of IRC's debt            In addition 
  loan due              that K&S was                 and the potential        K&S is successfully 
  to insufficient       to default on                removal of               operating at 
  funds arising         its loan, Petropavlovsk      the guarantee.           75% production 
  from:                 may be liable                                         capacity and 
                        to repayment                                          the iron ore 
  - Late                of the outstanding                                    price has increased 
  commissioning         loan under the                                        considerably 
  of K&S                terms of the                                          during 2017, 
                        guarantee and                                         rising to US$100 
  - Decrease            other Group indebtedness                              per tonne in 
  in iron               may become repayable                                  March 2017. 
  ore price             under cross-default                                   Based on IRC's 
                        provisions                                            cost optimisation 
  A further                                                                   analysis the 
  delay in              Under the terms                                       estimated unit 
  the commissioning     of the Company's                                      cash cost of 
  of K&S                banking facilities                                    K&S is c.US$34 
  and/or                with Sberbank                                         per tonne for 
  a decrease            and VTB, the                                          product delivered 
  in the                Company is unable                                     to the Chinese 
  iron ore              to provide any                                        border. 
  price could           funds to IRC 
  result                without the prior                                     The above factors 
  in a decrease         consent of these                                      represent a 
  in the                lenders.                                              significant 
  value of                                                                    reduction in 
  the Company's                                                               the risk that 
  shareholding                                                                there will be 
  in IRC.                                                                     a claim on the 
                                                                              Company's guarantee 
                                                                              in the immediate 
                                                                              future and hence 
                                                                              represents a 
                                                                              reduction in 
                                                                              the Company's 
                                                                              risk profile. 
                                                                              The Company's 
                                                                              interest in 
                                                                              IRC was valued 
                                                                              at US$36.140 
                                                                              million as at 
                                                                              31 December 
                                                                              (2015: US$39.163 
                                                                              Potential impact 
                                                                              - High 
                                                                              Change since 
                                                                              2015 - Decreased 
--------------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------  ------------------------- 
 Risk that our employees or those visiting our operations 
  may be injured 
 Risk                  Description and              Mitigation/comments      2016 Progress 
                        potential impact 
--------------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------  ------------------------- 
 Mining:               The Group's employees        Board level              The Group operates 
                        are one of its               oversight                a prompt incident 
  - is subject          most valuable                of health                reporting system 
  to a number           assets. The Group            and safety               to the Executive 
  of hazards            recognises that              issues occurs            Committee and 
  and risks             it has an obligation         through the              the Board. There 
  in the                to protect the               work of the              were 34 lost 
  workplace             health of its                Health, Safety           time accidents 
                        employees and                and Environmental        during 2016 
  - requires            that they have               Committee                with a Lost 
  the use               the right to                 ('HSE') which            Time Injury 
  of hazardous          operate in a                 is chaired               Frequency Rate 
  substances            safe working                 by Mr Alexander          ('LTIFR') for 
  including             environment.                 Green, Independent       2016 of 2.64 
  cyanide               Certain of the               Non-Executive            accidents per 
  and other             Group's operations           Director.                1 million manhours 
  reagents.             are carried out              Health and               worked compared 
                        under potentially            Safety management        with 36 accidents 
                        hazardous conditions.        systems are              in 2015 and 
                        Group employees              in place across          a LTIFR of 2.63. 
                        may become exposed           the Group 
                        to health and                to ensure                There was one 
                        safety risks                 that the operations      fatality during 
                        which may lead               are managed              2016 (2015: 
                        to the occurrence            in accordance            1). This fatality 
                        of work-related              with the relevant        was reported 
                        accidents and                health and               immediately 
                        harm to the Group's          safety regulations       to the Chairman 
                        employees. These             and requirements.        of the HSE Committee. 
                        could also result                                     A full investigation 
                        in production                The Group                of this incident 
                        delays and financial         continually              was conducted 
                        loss.                        reviews and              by the Russian 
                                                     updates its              authorities 
                        Accidental spillages         health and               which concluded 
                        of cyanide and               safety procedures        that the Company 
                        other chemicals              in order                 was not at fault 
                        may result in                to minimise              for the accident. 
                        damage to the                the risk of              Records confirmed 
                        environment,                 accidents                that the individual 
                        personnel and                and improve              concerned had 
                        individuals within           accident response,       received all 
                        the local community.         including                relevant training 
                                                     additional               from the Company. 
                                                     and enhanced             The HSE Committee 
                                                     technical                discussed this 
                                                     measures at              matter in detail 
                                                     all sites,               to identify 
                                                     improved first           whether any 
                                                     aid response             actions should 
                                                     and the provision        be taken or 
                                                     of further               further training 
                                                     occupational,            provided to 
                                                     health and               mitigate against 
                                                     safety training.         any reoccurrence 
                                                                              of a similar 
                                                     Cyanide and              accident. Action 
                                                     other dangerous          was taken by 
                                                     substances               the Group's 
                                                     are kept in              management and 
                                                     secure storages          H&S officers 
                                                     with limited             to reinforce 
                                                     access only              correct behaviour 
                                                     to qualified             to employees. 
                                                     with access              At the request 
                                                     closely monitored        of the HSE Committee 
                                                     by security              the Group commenced 
                                                     staff.                   a new 'health 
                                                                              and safety' 
                                                     H&S targets              campaign specifically 
                                                     are included             aimed at preventing 
                                                     in the annual            accidents involving 
                                                     bonus scheme             vehicles. 
                                                     for Executive 
                                                     Directors                There were no 
                                                     and the Executive        accidents involving 
                                                     Committee.               cyanide or other 
                                                                              dangerous substances 
                                                                              during 2016. 
                                                                              Potential impact 
                                                                              - Medium/High 
                                                                              Change since 
                                                                              2015 - No change 
--------------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------  ------------------------- 
 Risks that legal or regulatory issues may impact 
  the ability of the Group to operate 
 Risk                  Description and              Mitigation/comments      2016 Progress 
                        potential impact 
--------------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------  ------------------------- 
 The Group             The Group's principal        There are                Potential impact 
  requires              activity is the              established              - Medium/High 
  various               mining of precious           processes 
  licences              and non-precious             in place to              Change since 
  and permits           metals which                 monitor the              2015 - No change 
  in order              require it to                required and 
  to operate.           hold licences                existing licences 
                        which permit                 and permits 
                        it to explore                on an on-going 
                        and mine in particular       basis and 
                        areas in Russia.             processes 
                        These licences               are also in 
                        are regulated                place to ensure 
                        by Russian governmental      compliance 
                        agencies and                 with the requirements 
                        if a material                of the licences 
                        licence was challenged       and permits. 
                        or terminated,               Schedules 
                        this would have              are presented 
                        a material adverse           to the Executive 
                        impact on the                Committee 
                        Group. In addition,          detailing 
                        various government           compliance 
                        regulations require          with the Group's 
                        the Group to                 licences and 
                        obtain permits               permits. 
                        to implement 
                        new projects 
                        or to renew existing 
                        Failure to comply 
                        with the requirements 
                        and terms of 
                        these licences 
                        may result in 
                        the subsequent 
                        termination of 
                        licences crucial 
                        to operations 
                        and cause reputational 
                        damage. Alternatively, 
                        financial or 
                        legal sanctions 
                        could be imposed 
                        on the Group. 
                        Failure to secure 
                        new licences 
                        or renew existing 
                        ones could lead 
                        to the cessation 
                        of mining at 
                        the Group's operations 
                        or an inability 
                        to expand operations. 
--------------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------  ------------------------- 
 Risks that legal or regulatory issues may impact 
  the ability of the Group to operate 
 Risk                  Description and              Mitigation/comments      2016 Progress 
                        potential impact 
--------------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------  ------------------------- 
 The Group             Actions by governments       To mitigate              This risk cannot 
  is subject            or changes in                the Russian              be influenced 
  to risks              economic, political,         economic and             by the management 
  associated            judicial, administrative,    banking risk             of the Company. 
  with operating        taxation or other            the Group                However, the 
  in Russia.            regulatory factors           strives to               Group continues 
                        or foreign policy            use the banking          to monitor changes 
                        in the countries             services of              in the political 
                        in which the                 several financial        environment 
                        Group operates               institutions             and reviews 
                        or holds its                 and not keep             changes to the 
                        major assets                 disproportionately       relevant legislation, 
                        could have an                large sums               policies and 
                        adverse impact               on deposit               practices. 
                        on the Group's               with a single 
                        business or its              bank.                    Potential impact 
                        future performance.                                   - High 
                        Most of the Group's          The Group 
                        assets and operations        seeks to mitigate        Change since 
                        are based in                 the political            2015 - No change 
                        Russia.                      and legal 
                                                     risk by constant 
                        Russian foreign              monitoring 
                        investment legislation       of the proposed 
                        imposes restrictions         and newly 
                        on the acquisition           adopted legislation 
                        by foreign investors         to adapt to 
                        of direct or                 the changing 
                        indirect interests           regulatory 
                        in strategic                 environment 
                        sectors of the               in the countries 
                        Russian economy,             in which it 
                        including in                 operates and 
                        respect of gold              specifically 
                        reserves in excess           in Russia. 
                        of a specified               It also relies 
                        amount or any                on the advice 
                        occurrences of               of external 
                        platinum group               counsel in 
                        metals.                      relation to 
                                                     the interpretation 
                        The Group's Pioneer          and implementation 
                        and Malomir licences         within the 
                        have been included           Group of new 
                        on the list of               legislation. 
                        subsoil assets 
                        of federal significance,     The Group 
                        maintained by                closely monitors 
                        the Russian Government       its assets 
                        ("Strategic Assets").        and the probability 
                        The impact of                of their inclusion 
                        this classification          into the Strategic 
                        is that changes              Assets lists 
                        to the direct                published 
                        or indirect ownership        by the Russian 
                        of these licences            Government. 
                        may require obtaining 
                        clearance in                 The Company's 
                        accordance with              Articles of 
                        the Foreign Strategic        Association 
                        Investment law               include a 
                        of the Russian               provision 
                        Federation.                  which allows 
                                                     the Board 
                                                     to impose 
                                                     such restrictions 
                                                     as the Directors 
                                                     may think 
                                                     for the purpose 
                                                     of ensuring 
                                                     that no ordinary 
                                                     shares in 
                                                     the Company 
                                                     are acquired 
                                                     or held or 
                                                     to any person 
                                                     in breach 
                                                     of Russian 
                                                     any person 
                                                     having acquired 
                                                     (or who would 
                                                     as a result 
                                                     of any transfer 
                                                     acquire) ordinary 
                                                     shares or 
                                                     an interest 
                                                     in ordinary 
                                                     shares which, 
                                                     together with 
                                                     any other 
                                                     shares in 
                                                     which that 
                                                     person or 
                                                     members of 
                                                     their group 
                                                     is deemed 
                                                     to have an 
                                                     interest for 
                                                     the purposes 
                                                     of the Strategic 
                                                     Asset Laws, 
                                                     carry voting 
                                                     rights, exceeding 
                                                     50 per cent. 
                                                     (or such lower 
                                                     number as 
                                                     the Board 
                                                     may determine 
                                                     in the context 
                                                     of the Strategic 
                                                     Asset Laws) 
                                                     of the total 
                                                     voting rights 
                                                     to the issued 
                                                     ordinary shares 
                                                     without such 
                                                     having been 
                                                     where such 
                                                     approval is 
                                                     pursuant to 
                                                     the Strategic 
                                                     Asset Laws. 
--------------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------  ------------------------- 

Trading Transactions

Related party transactions the Group entered into that relate to the day-to-day operation of the business are set out below.

                                              Sales to          Purchases from 
                                           related parties      related parties 
--------------------------------------  --------------------  -----------------  --------- 
                                             2016       2015               2016       2015 
                                          US$'000    US$'000            US$'000    US$'000 
--------------------------------------  ---------  ---------  -----------------  --------- 
 Asian-Pacific Bank 
 Other                                         22        575                102        113 
--------------------------------------  ---------  ---------  -----------------  --------- 
                                               22        575                102        113 
--------------------------------------  ---------  ---------  -----------------  --------- 
 Trading transactions with other 
  related parties 
 Insurance arrangements with 
  Helios, rent and other transactions 
  with other entities in which 
  key management have interest 
  and exercises a significant 
  influence or control                         66      1,182              3,514      5,716 
 IRC Limited and its subsidiaries              69         49              1,996      1,152 
 CJSC ZRK Omchak and its wholly                            2                             - 
  owned subsidiary LLC Kaurchak                 -                             - 
                                              135      1,233              5,510      6,868 
--------------------------------------  ---------  ---------  -----------------  --------- 

During the year ended 31 December 2016, the Group made US$0.2 million charitable donations to the Petropavlovsk Foundation (2015: US$0.4 million).

The outstanding balances with related parties at 31 December 2016 and 2015 are set out below.

                                            Amounts owed        Amounts owed 
                                             by related           to related 
                                               parties             parties 
                                           at 31 December       at 31 December 
-------------------------------------  ---------------------  ----------------  --------- 
                                             2016       2015              2016       2015 
                                          US$'000    US$'000           US$'000    US$'000 
 Helios and other entities in 
  which key management have interest 
  and exercises a significant 
  influence or control                      1,383      1,328                 1        450 
 Asian-Pacific Bank                             1                            - 
 IRC Limited and its subsidiaries       14,502(a)      2,023             1,704      1,233 
                                           15,886      3,351             1,705      1,683 
-------------------------------------  ----------  ---------  ----------------  --------- 

(a) Including US$12.5 million advanced to IRC in December 2016. This balance was fully repaid in January 2017.

Banking arrangements

The Group has current and deposit bank accounts with Asian-Pacific Bank.

The bank balances at 31 December 2016 and 2015 are set out below.

                       2016       2015 
                    US$'000    US$'000 
---------------   ---------  --------- 
  Bank                  629      3,208 
----------------  ---------  --------- 


Financing transactions

The Group has charged a fee for the provision of the guarantee to IRC (note 14), equal to 1.75% on the outstanding loan amount under the ICBC Facility Agreement and which amounted to US$4.5 million during the year ended 31 December 2016 (31 December 2015: US$2.2 million). The Guarantee fee principal outstanding amounted to an equivalent of US$3.4 million (31 December 2015:US$nil).

The Group had an interest-free unsecured loan issued to Verkhnetisskaya. Loan principal outstanding amounted to an equivalent of US$2.8 million as at 31 December 2015.

During the year ended 31 December 2015, the Group received a number of loans from Asian-Pacific Bank. Loan principal outstanding as at 31 December 2016 was US$nil (31 December 2015: an equivalent of US$2.7 million). During the year ended 31 December 2016, interest charged on loans received from Asian-Pacific Bank comprised US$0.03 million (31 December 2015: US$0.5 million).

Key management compensation

Key management personnel, comprising a group of 15 (2015: 18) individuals, including Executive and Non-Executive Directors of the Company and members of senior management, are those having authority and responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the activities of the Group.

                                2016      2015 
                             US$'000   US$'000 
--------------------------  --------  -------- 
 Wages and salaries            6,103     7,231 
 Pension costs                   182       357 
 Share-based compensation        610       280 
                               6,895     7,868 
--------------------------  --------  -------- 
   33.      Subsequent events 

In February - March 2017, the Group has entered into forward contracts to sell an aggregate of 549,994oz of gold during the years 2017 - 2019 at an average price of US$1,252/oz.

About Petropavlovsk

Petropavlovsk is one of Russia's leading gold mining companies. As at 31 December 2016, the Company had produced approximately 6.3Moz of gold.

Petropavlovsk is in the construction phase of a state of the art pressure oxidation facility to process the Company's substantial refractory resource base. The Company's combined 3,605km(2) license holding has untapped resource potential. The Company is a leading employer and contributor to the development of the local economy in the Amur region, Russian Far East, where it has operated since 1994.

Petropavlovsk is a shareholder (31.1%) of IRC Limited and is the guarantor of the US$340 million project finance facility (US$234 million principal outstanding, as at 31 December 2016). IRC is a vertically integrated iron ore producer and developer in the Russian Far East and North Eastern China. IRC is listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (Ticker: 1029.HK).

Petropavlovsk is listed on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange (Ticker POG:LN)


For more information, please visit www.petropavlovsk.net and www.ircgroup.com.hk or contact

Petropavlovsk PLC

Alexandra Carse

Grace Hanratty

+44 (0) 20 7201 8900



Neil Bennett

James Isola

+44 (0) 20 7379 5151


The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

April 28, 2017 11:27 ET (15:27 GMT)

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