RNS Number : 3552K

Petropavlovsk PLC

01 September 2021

01 September 2021

Petropavlovsk PLC

Interim Results for the Period Ended 30 June 2021

Petropavlovsk PLC ("Petropavlovsk", or the "Company" and, together with its subsidiaries, the "Group") today issues its Interim Results for the period from 1 January 2021 to 30 June 2021 ("H1 2021" or the "Period").

Denis Alexandrov, Chief Executive Officer, said:

"Petropavlovsk's financial performance in the first-half reflects the transitional period we are navigating as we shift to processing more refractory ore to supply our state-of-the-art POX plant with more of our own-mined reserves. In the first half of the year, own-mine production continued the downward trend that started in 2020, however we are now observing that trend reversing and expect higher production in the second half, supported by the recent launch of the Pioneer flotation plant. We therefore maintain our production guidance for the full year.

First-half revenue and EBITDA tracked the reduction in output and while costs did rise due, in part, to lower volumes, I am pleased to report that total cash costs for own-mined ore for the period were in the lower half of our guidance range. Furthermore, we generated cash flow from operations before changes in working capital of US$113.7 million in H1 2021, along with a net profit of US$ 48.9 million compared to a loss in the same period last year.

Looking ahead, with the Pioneer flotation plant set to unlock the potential of the mine's refractory reserves in the second half of the year, we will see the POX hub operating at closer to full capacity as the year progresses. We also continue to progress the Malomir expansion, which will further increase our capacity to produce refractory ore concentrate for the POX plant when completed in Q3 2022.

At Albyn, we continue to see the harder, more challenging ore from Elginskoye that now feeds the plant limits the throughput and recoveries we can achieve. Furthermore, based on our experience mining the deposit, we expect exploration drilling being conducted at Elginskoye this year to confirm the deposit contains more refractory ore than previously estimated. In light of this, we are currently studying options for adding flotation capacity to the Albyn hub, which would provide an additional source of concentrate for the POX hub.

We are currently in the final stage of the operational review my team and I began earlier in the year - the drafting of a new strategy and development plan for the Company that will help us realise the value of assets like Albyn and Elginskoye, support future production, and deliver improved returns to shareholders. I look forward to presenting this plan to stakeholders at our upcoming Capital Markets Day this autumn.

Financial Highlights

                                                H1 2021   H1 2020   % Change 
-----------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------- 
 Total gold produced                    koz      195.0     320.6     (39%) 
  Own gold production                   koz      158.3     213.7     (26%) 
  3rd-party concentrate production      koz      36.7      106.9     (66%) 
 Total gold sold                        koz      187.1     312.4     (40%) 
 Average realised gold price          US$/oz     1,795     1,640       9% 
 Total cash costs (own gold) 
  ([1])                               US$/oz      906       800       13% 
 All-in sustaining costs              US$/oz     1,404     1,220      15% 
-----------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------- 
 Group revenue                         US$m      351.9     522.7     (33%) 
 Underlying EBITDA                     US$m      114.3     192.6     (41%) 
 Operating profit (a)                  US$m      48.3      144.3     (67%) 
 Profit/(loss) for the period          US$m      48.9     (22.0)       - 
 Capital expenditure                   US$m      47.3      59.6      (21%) 
 Cash generated from operations 
  before working capital changes       US$m      113.7     183.3     (38%) 
 Cash generated from operations        US$m      57.1      172.8     (67%) 
 Net debt                              US$m     (535.6)   (538.0)      - 

(a) Since the 2020 annual report operating profit is presented from the perspective of group operations excluding the results of the associate, IRC. This is more representative of how the business is viewed following the classification of IRC as held for sale and this change in classification also been applied to the comparative period.

-- Gold sales were 187.1 koz in H1 2021, down 40% from 312.4 koz sold in H1 2020, which is consistent with the decrease in total gold production during the Period

-- Average realised gold price [2] increased 9% to US$1,795/oz, with zero impact from the Company's hedging programme

-- Group revenue was US$351.9m, or 33% lower year-on-year, as the impact of lower sales was partially offset by higher gold prices and increased revenue from service divisions

-- Underlying EBITDA* was US$114.3m, or 41% lower, in line with the reduction in sale volumes, as higher gold prices were offset by an increase in total cash costs during the period

-- Profit for the period was US$48.9m or US$0.01 per share, compared to a loss of US$22m in the prior year, including some non-cash items

-- Total cash costs (TCC) for gold produced from own ore in H1 2021 were US$906/oz (13% higher year-on-year), well within the Company's 2021 cost guidance range, with the increase influenced mainly by lower grades and recoveries at the mines as well as some Rouble-denominated cost inflation and higher mining taxes where certain tax incentives expired

-- All-in sustaining costs (AISC) were 15% higher year-on-year at US$1,404/oz, reflecting the increase in TCC, higher administrative costs, and the decrease in physical ounces sold in H1 2021, partially offset by a decrease in capitalized stripping at Malomir and Pioneer

-- Capital expenditure* for the period was US$47.3m (21% lower vs US$59.6 in H1 2020) reflecting the deferral of some expenses to the second half of the year

Balance Sheet and Liquidity

-- Cash (unaudited) as of 30 June 2021 was US$36.5m (31 March 2021: US$7.5m, 31 December 2020: US$35.4m) including US$2.1m in transit (see note 15 to the Financial Statements)

-- Debt principal outstanding as of 30 June 2021 was US$573m (31 March 2021: US$538m, 31 December 2020: US$538m) with the increase due to use of the Gazprombank ("GPB") revolving credit facility for day-to-day working capital requirements

-- Interest-bearing gold prepays stood at US$37.1m as at 30 June 2021 (US$53.3m as at 31 March 2021, US$63.8m as at 31 December 2020), a net decrease of US$16.2m over the course of Q2 2021 and US$26.7m since the beginning of the year. The Company plans to fully settle the gold prepays by year-end

-- To replace the gold prepays and support day-to-day liquidity needs, the Group secured a c.US$54m (RUB 4 billion) increase in the limit of its revolving credit facilities ("RCF") with GPB, from c.US$68m (RUB 5 billion) to a total of c.US$122m (RUB 9 billion), along with a maturity extension from May 2022 to June 2026. At interest rates of 2.8 - 4.5%, the RCF is significantly lower cost than existing borrowings. The Company intends to further increase the credit limit under the RCF going forward to support liquidity

-- On 10 August 2021, the Company's wholly-owned subsidiary Petropavlovsk 2016 (the "Issuer") announced the final tender results of an offer to purchase for cash up to US$200m of the aggregate principal amount of its 8.125% guaranteed notes maturing 2022 (the "US$500m Notes"). The Issuer accepted for purchase an aggregate principal amount of validly tendered US$500m Notes totalling US$135,731,000.

-- On 28 July 2021, the Group secured a US$200m term loan (30 June 2023 maturity), which was used for the buy-back of US$135,731,000 of the US$500m Notes in accordance with the tender offer. The term loan interest rate is significantly lower than the 8.125% coupon on the US$500 Notes

Operational Highlights

-- H1 2021 gold production totalled 195.0koz, a decrease of 39% versus 320.6koz in H1 2020

-- Own mined gold production amounted to 158.3koz in H1 2021 (H1 2020: 213.7koz), with the 26% year-on-year decrease being primarily due to the switch to processing ore from the Elginskoye deposit at Albyn and preparations for the launch of the Pioneer flotation plant, which entailed a shift to mining refractory ore for stockpiling and a planned temporary shutdown of the processing plant in April

-- 3rd-party concentrate gold production decreased by 66% to 36.7koz in H1 2021 (H1 2020: 106.9koz) due to expected lower volumes of concentrate available for purchase and lower grades in the concentrates supplied

 Gold production (koz) 
-----------------------------------  --------  -------- 
 Asset                                H1 2021   H1 2020 
-----------------------------------  --------  -------- 
   Pioneer                             46.0      60.3 
   Malomir                             70.1      81.6 
   Albyn                               42.3      71.8 
   3rd-party concentrate (POX Hub)     36.7      106.9 
 Total Group                           195.0     320.6 
-----------------------------------  --------  -------- 

Note: Numbers may not add up due to rounding effect

Pokrovskiy Pressure Oxidation (POX) Hub

-- A total of 123kt of refractory gold concentrate was processed through the POX Hub in H1 2021, including 76kt from Malomir with an average grade of 28.5g/t and 38kt of 3rd-party concentrate with an average grade of 30.7g/t

-- The new flotation plant at Pioneer supplied 8kt of concentrate at an average grade of 21.9g/t to the POX Hub in May and June, with 5.5koz of gold recovered for the Period (95% recovery rate)

2021 Guidance

-- The Company affirms its 2021 full-year production guidance of 430 - 470koz of gold, comprising own gold production of 370 - 390koz and gold production from 3rd-party concentrate of 60 - 80koz

-- Total cash costs for own gold production for the year are also expected to be within the Company's guidance range of US$870 - 970 per ounce

-- Capital expenditure for the year is expected to be up to US$140m, consisting of sustaining and development capex of US$120m and exploration spend of c.US$20m

Responsible Business

-- Zero fatal accidents have occurred at Petropavlovsk's operations this year to date, neither among the Group's employees nor its contractors

-- An increase in the number of reported incidents and, consequently, LTIFR during the period is partially attributable to an improved reporting methodology implemented this year. The severity of reported injuries has decreased during the period, and we have seen a positive trend in the monthly reduction of injuries since the beginning of the year. The availability and in-depth analysis of robust data are the first steps towards improving health and safety reporting, in alignment with international best practices

-- A strengthened health and safety leadership team, led since April by Head of Health & Safety Roman Dertinov, has resulted in the drafting of a new and improved set of Fundamental Safety Rules, which have been approved by the Board of Directors and are now being rolled out across the Group to promote safer working practices

-- The Group is also implementing several new long-term injury prevention projects, including initiatives specifically aimed at addressing falls from height and electrical safety

-- Zero environmental incidents were reported in H1 2021

 Metric                     Units                H1 2021   H1 2020 
-------------------------  -------------------  --------  -------- 
 LTIFR                      Per 1m hrs worked     1.75      1.23 
 Environmental incidents    Number                  0         0 
-------------------------  -------------------  --------  -------- 

Note: Environmental incidents defined as moderate or serious

-- Due to recent severe flooding in the Amur region, the Company is carrying out daily environmental monitoring of local rivers and streams. No material environmental pollution has been identified

-- Attention is drawn to the update on principal risks and uncertainties presented later in this release

COVID-19 Update

-- No material COVID-19 outbreaks have occurred at our sites this year to date, and the Company continues to implement strict quarantine and safety measures across its operations

-- In Q2 2021, the Company launched an on-site vaccination programme at each of its mines, accompanied by a supporting informational campaign via corporate and social media and other communications channels

-- As of 23 August 2021, 47.3% of employees at the Group's operating subsidiaries have been fully vaccinated (2 doses) and an additional 32.4% have exhibited Covid antibodies

-- At the time of reporting, the Group's supply chains remain fully functional

Development and Exploration Update

Progress on Development Projects

-- On 31 May 2021, the Company launched the Pioneer flotation plant, with the capacity to process 3.6Mtpa of ore, thereby doubling the Group's total processing capacity for refractory gold ore from its own mines to 7.2Mtpa (including the existing Malomir plant)

-- The Pioneer flotation plant is expected to produce up to 60kt of flotation concentrate this year, and up to 100kt in 2022, reducing the Company's reliance on 3rd-party concentrate to feed the Pokrovskiy POX plant

-- The construction of a third line at the Malomir flotation plant progressed throughout H1 2021 and will add an additional 1.8Mtpa of flotation capacity upon completion in Q3 2022, bringing the total combined Group capacity to 9.0Mtpa


-- Pioneer - A review of reserves is underway using updated parameters that better reflect prevailing gold prices. As a result, notable increases are expected in reserves of gold contained in refractory and non-refractory ore for both open pit and underground mining (excluding mining activities)

-- Malomir - Work in H1 2021 focused on the evaluation of high-grade ores in underground workings along the eastern flank of the Quartzitovoye deposit. Scattered older wells drilled in the area have exhibited grades of up to 20.2-28.4 g/t per 2.1-3.8 m

-- Osipkan - Exploration work on the northern, un-delineated section of the deposit, suitable for heap leaching, is being accelerated. Alongside poorer ores with grades of 0.7-1.3 g/t, drilling on the targeted area has revealed ore sections with visible gold and grades of up to 67.05 g/t per 1.7 m

-- Tokur - Exploration work at the site has been temporarily suspended

-- Albyn - Geologists are currently reviewing the potential for underground mining of an estimated 30 tonnes of un-delineated ore resources at depth below the depleted Albyn open pit

-- Elginskoye - Exploration drilling on the deposit planned for this year is nearing completion. The programme was designed to better delineate the deposit and new technological mapping of the drilled-out area has been completed. Metallurgical studies have found the ore responds well to processing by gravity-flotation

-- Unglichikanskoye - Technological studies of samples for processing via gravity-flotation are nearing completion

Corporate Events

-- On 12 July 2021, the Board of Directors appointed Mr. Evgeny Potapov as a non-executive director. Mr. Potapov was nominated by Uzhuralzoloto Group of Companies ("UGC"), the Company's largest shareholder, pursuant to the relationship agreement in place between the Company and UGC. Mr Potapov replaced Mr. Maxim Kharin, who resigned from the Board

IRC Update

-- Petropavlovsk is a major shareholder in IRC (31.1%), a Hong-Kong-listed producer and developer of industrial commodities. On 27 August 2021, IRC released its interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2021. The results are available to view on the IRC website at http://www.ircgroup.com.hk

-- Petropavlovsk continues to act as guarantor in relation to the obligations of IRC Limited's subsidiary K&S under two loan facility agreements with Gazprombank. IRC continues to pay down the debt in line with the repayment schedule. In addition, K&S made an early repayment of US$20m to GPB in July and US$30m in August. Therefore, the outstanding loan principal amount as of the end of August 2021 amounted to c.US$143.5m.

Webcast and Conference Call

The Company's CEO Denis Alexandrov and CFO Danila Kotlyarov will host a webcast followed by a Q&A session to present the Company's financial results today at 09:00 BST / 11.00 MSK. The webcast can be accessed via the following link:


Alternatively, phone users can listen to the webcast and participate in the Q&A session via the following dial-in numbers:

                   +44 (0)330 336 
 United Kingdom     9105 
 Russia            +7 495 213 1767 

When prompted, please use the following confirmation code: 8000181

About Petropavlovsk

Petropavlovsk PLC (LSE: POG. MOEX: POGR) is a major integrated Russian gold producer with JORC Resources of 19.50Moz Au which include Reserves of 7.16Moz Au. Following its IPO on the Alternative Investment Market (AIM) in 2002, Petropavlovsk was promoted to the London Stock Exchange in 2009, where today it is a Premium Listed company and a constituent of the FTSE 250, FTSE 350 and FTSE All Share indices. The Company's shares also trade on the Moscow Exchange and are a constituent of the RTS Index and MOEX Index.

The Company's key operating mines (Pioneer, Malomir and Albyn) and its Pokrovskiy Pressure Oxidation (POX) Hub are located in the Amur Region in the Russian Far East. Petropavlovsk has produced a total of c.8.5Moz of gold since operations began in 1994 and has a strong track record of mine development, expansion, and asset optimisation.

Petropavlovsk is one of the region's largest employers and one of the largest contributors to the sustainable development of the local economy.

For more information

Please visit www.petropavlovskplc.com or contact:

 Petropavlovsk PLC                              +44 (0) 20 7201 8900 
  John Mann / Max Zaltsman                       TeamIR@petropavlovskplc.com 
 Hudson Sandler                                 +44 (0) 20 7796 4133 
  Charlie Jack / Katerina Parker / Elfie Kent    Petropavlovsk@hudsonsandler.com 

Cautionary note on forward-looking statements

This release may include statements that are, or may be deemed to be, "forward-looking statements". These forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology, including the terms "believes", "estimates", "plans", "projects", "anticipates", "expects", "intends", "may", "will" or "should" or, in each case, their negative or other variations or comparable terminology, or by discussions of strategy, plans, objectives, goals, future events or intentions. These forward looking statements include all matters that are not historical facts. They appear in a number of places throughout this release and include, but are not limited to, statements regarding the Group's intentions, beliefs or current expectations concerning, among other things, the future price of gold, the Group's results of operations, financial position, liquidity, prospects, growth, estimation of mineral reserves and resources and strategies, and exchange rates and the expectations of the industry. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to future events and circumstances [outside the control of the Group. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and the development of the markets and the industry in which the Group operates may differ materially from those described in, or suggested by, any forward- looking statements contained in this release. In addition, even if the development of the markets and the industry in which the Group operates are consistent with the forward looking statements contained in this release, those developments may not be

indicative of developments in subsequent periods. A number of factors could cause results and/or developments to differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements including, without limitation, general economic and business conditions, demand, supply and prices for gold and other long-term commodity price assumptions (and their effect on the timing and feasibility of future projects and developments), trends in the gold mining industry and conditions of the international gold markets, competition, actions and activities of governmental authorities (including changes in laws, regulations or taxation), currency fluctuations (including as between the US Dollar and Rouble), the Group's ability to recover its reserves or develop new reserves, changes in its business strategy, any litigation, and political and economic uncertainty. Except as required by applicable law, rule or regulation (including the Listing and Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules), the Group does not undertake any obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Past performance cannot be relied on as a guide to future performance. The content of websites referred to in this announcement does not form part of this announcement.

Financial Review

Note: Figures may not add up due to rounding

Financial Highlights

                                                        H1 2021      H1 2020 
--------------------------------------  -------------  --------  ----------- 
 Gold sold                               '000oz           187.1        312.4 
 Group revenue                           US$ million      351.9        522.7 
 Average realised gold price ..          US$/oz           1,795        1,640 
 Average LBMA gold price afternoon 
  fixing                                 US$/oz           1,806        1,645 
 Total Cash Costs .. (a)                 US$/oz           1,020        9 8 3 
 Total Cash Costs from own materials 
  (a)                                    US$/oz             906          800 
 Total Cash Costs from third parties 
  concentrate (a)                        US$/oz           1,639        1,380 
 All-in Sustaining Costs .. (b)          US$/oz           1,404       1,2 20 
 All-in Costs .. (b)                     US$/oz           1,514       1,3 25 
 Underlying EBITDA ..                    US$ million      114.3     19 2 . 6 
 Operating profit ( ()                   US$ million       48.3        144.3 
 Profit before tax                       US$ million       69.1         16.5 
 Profit/(loss) for the period            US$ million     48 . 9   (2 2 . 0 ) 
 Profit/(loss) for the period 
  attributable to equity shareholders 
  of Petropavlovsk PLC                   US$ million       44.5     (23 . 9) 
 Basic profit/(loss) per share           US$               0.01       (0.01) 
 Cash generated from operations 
  before working capital changes         US$ million      113.7        183.3 
 Net cash from operating activities      US$ million       25.2       112. 1 
--------------------------------------  -------------  --------  ----------- 
   (a)   Calculation of Total Cash Costs u ("TCC") is set out in the section Hard rock mines below. 

(b) All-in Sustaining Costs u ("AISC") and All-in Costs u ("AIC") are calculated in accordance with guidelines for reporting All-in Sustaining Costs u and All-in Costs u published by the World Gold Council. Calculation is set out in the section All-in Sustaining Costs u and All-in Costs u below.

(c) Since the 2020 annual report operating profit is presented from the perspective of group operations excluding the results of the associate, IRC. This is more representative of how the business is viewed following the classification of IRC as held for sale and this change in classification also been applied to the comparative period.

                              30 June 2021        31 December 
                               US$ million   2020 US$ million 
---------------------------   ------------  ----------------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents            36.5               35.4 
 Notes ( (d) ()                    (502.6)            (502.0) 
 Convertible bonds (e)              (34.5)             (34.0) 
 Bank loans (f)                     (35.0)                  - 
----------------------------  ------------  ----------------- 
 Net Debt ..                       (535.6)            (500.6) 
----------------------------  ------------  ----------------- 
   (d)   US$500 million Guaranteed Notes due on 14 November 2022 at amortised cost. 
   (e)   US$125 million convertible bonds due on 03 July 2024 at amortised cost. 
   (f)    Outstanding principal amount of revolving credit facility with Gazprombank. 


                                     H1 2021      H1 2020 
                                 US$ million  US$ million 
------------------------------   -----------  ----------- 
Revenue from hard rock mines           335.8        512.3 
Revenue from other operations           16.2         10.4 
-------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
                                     351 . 9        522.7 
 ------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 

Group revenue during the period was US$351.9 million, 33% lower than the US$522.7 million achieved in H1 2020.

Revenue from hard rock mines during the period was US$335.8 million, 34% lower than the US$512.3 million achieved in H1 2020. Gold remains the key commodity produced and sold by the group, comprising 95% of total revenue generated in H1 2021. The physical volume of gold sold from hard rock mines decreased by 40% from 312,354 oz in H1 2020 to 187,064 oz in H1 2021, incl. 26% decrease of own gold production primarily due to the switch to processing ore from the Elginskoye deposit at Albyn and preparations for the launch of the Pioneer flotation plant, which entailed a shift to mining refractory ore for stockpiling and a planned temporary shutdown of the processing plant in April and 66% decrease in 3rd-party gold production to 36.7koz in H1 2021 (H1 2020: 106.9koz) due to expected lower volumes of concentrate available for purchase and lower grades in the concentrates supplied. The average realised gold price .. .. increased by 9% from US$1,640/oz in H1 2020 to US$1,795/oz in H1 2021. The average realised gold price .. was not affected by hedge arrangements in H1 2021 and H1 2020. There were no sales of silver in H1 2021 and H1 2020.

Revenue generated as a result of third-party work by the group's in-house service companies was US$16.2 million in H1 2021, a US$5.8 million increase compared to US$10.4 million in H1 2020. This revenue is substantially attributable to sales generated by the group's engineering and research institute, Irgiredmet, primarily through engineering services and the procurement of materials, consumables and equipment for third parties, which comprised US$14.9 million in H1 2021 compared to US$9.0 million in H1 2020.

Cash flow hedge arrangements

In March 2020 the group has entered into a number of gold option and currency option contracts, in both cases structured as zero cost collars where the company purchased a put option and sold a call option, in order to increase certainty in respect of a proportion of its operating cash flows.

Zero cost collars for the underlying aggregate of US$42 million (US$7 million per month) with a RUB:USD exercise price of RUB75.00 for put options and a RUB:USD exercise price in the range of between RUB90.65 and RUB100.00 for call options matured during H1 2021 and resulted in US$0.6 million net cash settlement received by the group. Zero cost collars for the underlying aggregate of US$42 million (US$7 million per month until December 2021) with a RUB:USD exercise price of RUB75.00 for put options and a RUB:USD exercise price in the range between RUB90.65 and RUB100.00 for call options were outstanding as at 30 June 2021.

Zero cost collars for the underlying aggregate of 21,000 oz of gold (3,500 oz of gold per month) with an exercise price of US$1,600/oz for put options and US$1,832/oz for call options matured during H1 2021 and resulted in US$(0.3) million net cash settlement paid by the group. Zero cost collars for the underlying aggregate of 21,000 oz of gold (3,500 oz of gold per month until December 2021) with an exercise price of US$1,600/oz for put options and US$1,832/oz for call options were outstanding as at 30 June 2021.

The aforementioned contracts did not qualify for hedge accounting under IFRS 9. Accordingly, there was no adjustment to the average realized gold price in H1 2021 and H1 2020 for the effect of net settlement under these arrangements.

Corresponding fair values for gold and currency option contracts are disclosed in note 16 to the group's consolidated interim financial statements for the six months ended 30 June 2021.

                                Underlying aggregate       Put option  Call option 
                                              amount   exercise price     exercise 
Option contract matured in H1 
                                    21,000 oz (3,500 
                                      oz of gold per 
Gold option contracts                         month)      US$1,600/oz  US$1,832/oz 
                                       US$42 million                      RUB90.65 
                                       (US$7 million                             - 
Currency option contacts                  per month)         RUB75.00    RUB100.00 
-----------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------  ----------- 
Option contracts outstanding 
 as at 30 June 2021: 
                                    21,000 oz (3,500 
                                      oz of gold per 
                                month until December 
Gold option contracts                          2021)      US$1,600/oz  US$1,832/oz 
                                       US$42 million 
                                       (US$7 million                      RUB90.65 
                                     per month until                             - 
Currency option contracts             December 2021)         RUB75.00    RUB100.00 
-----------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------  ----------- 

Underlying EBITDA

                                                      H1 2021               H1 2020 
                                                  US$ million           US$ million 
-----------------------------------------------  ------------  -------------------- 
 Profit/(loss) for the period                          48 . 9               (22.0 ) 
 Net (impairment reversals)/impairment losses 
  on financial instruments                              (1.1)                   1.3 
 Investment and other finance income                    (3.3)                 (4.0) 
 Interest expense                                        24.3                  33.4 
 Net other finance (gains)/losses (a)                   (4.7)                 98. 9 
 Foreign exchange losses / (gains)                        0.7              (2 6 .7) 
 Taxation                                                20.3               3 8 . 5 
 Depreciation                                            63.0                 64. 7 
 Write-down of inventory to net realisable 
  value                                                   0.1                     - 
 Impairment of gold in circuit                            0.7                     - 
 Reversal of write-down to adjust the carrying 
  value of net assets of disposal group to 
  fair value less costs to sell                        (34.9)                     - 
 Share of results of associates (b)                       0.3                   8.6 
 Underlying EBITDA .. ..                                114.3              19 2 . 6 
-----------------------------------------------  ------------  -------------------- 

(a) Including US$32.0 million fair value gain from re-measurement of the conversion option of the convertible bonds

(H1 2020:US$(122.2) million fair value loss from re-measurement of the conversion option of the convertible bond) and US$ (31.6) million fair value loss on the agreement for the sale of stake in IRC.

(b) Group's share of interest expense, investment income, other finance gains and losses, foreign exchange gains/losses, taxation, depreciation and impairment/reversal of impairment recognised by an associate and impairment/reversal of impairment recognised against investment in the associate.

Underlying EBITDA .. as contributed by business segments is set out below.

                                     H1 20 2      H1 20 20 
                                 US$ million   US$ million 
------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Pioneer                              34 . 4         59. 3 
 Malomir                              67 . 9       7 0 . 9 
 Albyn                                42 . 7         75. 0 
------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Total Hard rock mines               145 . 0      20 5 . 1 
                                    ( 32 . 2 
 Corporate and other                       )        (23.0) 
 Underlying EBITDA by segment       1 12 . 8         182.2 
------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 IRC                                     1.5          10.5 
------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Underlying EBITDA ..                  114.3      19 2 . 6 
------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 

Hard rock mines

During this period, hard rock mines generated Underlying EBITDA .. of US$145.0 million compared to US$205.1 million Underlying EBITDA .. in H1 2020.

Total Cash Costs .. for hard rock mines increased from US$ 983 /oz in H1 20 20 to US$ 1,020 /oz in H1 202 1 .

The increase in Total Cash Costs from own material from US$ 800 /oz in H1 20 20 to US$ 906 /oz in H1 202 1 primarily reflects the effect of lower grades and recoveries of non-refractory ore processed at Albyn plant as the result of switching to processing of ore from the Elginskoye deposit as the main source of non-refractory ore starting from 2021 which replaced the depleted Albyn pit, as well as the impact of the Pioneer flotation plant launching to produce refractory concentrate for further processing at the POX Hub, lower grades of refractory ore processed at Malomir, lower recoveries of non-refractory ore processed at Pioneer , the impact of inflation of certain Rouble denominated costs, and the effect of mining tax rates as set out below. This effect was partially mitigated by the effect of higher grades of non-refractory ore processed at Pioneer and Malomir, and the effect of higher recoveries of refractory ore processed at Malomir, as well as by the effect of Rouble depreciation.

Total Cash Costs from 3rd parties concentrate increased from US$1,380/oz in H1 2020 to US$1,639/oz in H1 2021. Total Cash Costs from 3rd parties concentrate are directly dependent on gold price which has increased in H1 2021 .

The decrease in physical ounces sold from 312 , 354 oz in H1 20 20 to 187,064 oz in H1 2021 resulted in US$(82.3) million decrease in the Underlying EBITDA .. . The increase in TCC .. contributed to a further US$(6.8) million decrease in the Underlying EBITDA .. . This effect was partly offset by the increase in the average realised gold price .. from US$1, 640 /oz in H1 20 20 to US$ 1,795 /oz in H1 202 1 with US$ 29 .0 million effect on Underlying EBITDA .. .

The key components of the operating cash expenses are wages, electricity, diesel, chemical reagents and consumables, as set out in the table below. The key cost drivers affecting the operating cash expenses are production volumes of ore mined and processed, grades of ore processed, recovery rates, cost inflation and fluctuations in the Rouble to US Dollar exchange rate.

The Rouble depreciated against the US Dollar by 7 % in H1 2021 compared to H1 2020, with the average exchange rate for the period of 74.31 Roubles per US Dollar in H1 2021 compared to 69.42 Roubles per US Dollar in H1 2020, somewhat mitigating the effect of Rouble denominated costs inflation.

Refinery and transportation costs are variable costs dependent on production volume. Mining tax is also a variable cost dependent on production volume and the gold price realised. The Russian statutory mining tax rate is 6%. Under the Russian Federal Law 144-FZ dated 23 May 2016 that introduced certain amendments to the Russian Tax Code, taxpayers who are participants in Regional Investment Projects ("RIP") have the right to apply the reduced mining tax rate provided certain conditions are met. JSC Pokrovskiy Rudnik and LLC Malomirskiy Rudnik applied full mining tax rate in H1 2021 and H1 2020, LLC Albynskiy Rudnik applied 1.2% mining tax rate in H1 2020 and full mining tax rate in H1 2021, resulting in US$18.4 million mining tax expense in H1 2021 compared to US$ 15 . 2 million mining tax expense in H1 20 20 .

                                               H1 2021              H1 2020 
                                          US$ million     %   US$ million     % 
--------------------------------------   ------------  ----  ------------  ---- 
 Staff costs (a)                                 46.7    22          40.8    15 
 Materials                                       44.4    21          40.8    15 
 Flotation concentrate purchased                 49.2    23         130.2    47 
 Fuel                                            16.2     8          17.5     6 
 Electricity                                     15.9     7          17.7     6 
 Other external services                         25.7    12          18.1     6 
 Other operating expenses                        14.2     7        1 2 .9     5 
                                                212.4   100         278.1   100 
 --------------------------------------  ------------  ----  ------------  ---- 
 Movement in ore stockpiles, gold 
  in circuit, bullion in process, 
  limestone and flotation concentrate 
  attributable to gold production              (44.2)                 9.3 
---------------------------------------  ------------  ----  ------------  ---- 
 Total operating cash expenses                  168.2               287.4 
---------------------------------------  ------------  ----  ------------  ---- 

( a ) Including staff redundancies costs US$0.3 million in H1 2021 due to enhancing operational governance and improving management structure.

                                                                                                 H1 202 
                                                     Hard rock mines                                  1        H1 2020 
                                            Pioneer           Malomir             Albyn           Total        Total 
                                                US$               US$               US$             US$          US$ 
                                            million           million           million         million      million 
Gold                                          134.7             125.4              75.7           335.8        512.3 
                                                                                                               353 . 
Gold from own material                         82.5             125.4              75.7           283.5            6 
Gold from 3rd parties concentrate              52.3                 -                 -            52.3        158.8 
Silver                                            -                 -                 -               -            - 
                                              134.7             125.4              75.7           335.8        512.3 
                                                                                                              28 7 . 
Operating cash expenses                        93.7              47.1              27.4           168.2            4 
Refinery and transportation                     0.1               0.1               0.0             0.3          0.5 
Other taxes                                     1.0               1.9               0.9             3.9          4.1 
Mining tax                                      5.4               8.3               4.6            18.4         15.2 
Depreciation                                   22.7              27.3              11.5            61.5         63.5 
Write-down of inventory 
 to net realisable value                          -                 -               0.0             0.0            - 
Impairment/(r eversal of 
 impairment) of ore stockpiles 
 and gold in circuit                              -               0.7                 -             0.7        (0.1) 
                                                                                                                3 70 
Operating expenses                            123.0              85.4              44.5           253.0          . 7 
Result of precious metals                                                                                       14 1 
 operations                                    11.7              39.9              31.2            82.8          . 7 
Depreciation                                   22.7              27.3              11.5            61.5         63.5 
Write-down of inventory 
 to net realisable value                          -                 -               0.0             0.0            - 
Impairment/(r eversal of 
 impairment) of ore stockpiles 
 and gold in circuit                              -               0.7                 -             0.7        (0.1) 
                                                                                                                20 5 
Segment EBITDA                                 34.4              67.9              42.7           145.0          . 1 
Physical volume of gold 
 sold, oz                                    74,932            69,895            42,238         187,064      312,354 
G old sold from own material, 
 oz                                          45,859            69,895            42,238         157,992      213,436 
G old sold from 3rd parties 
 concentrate, oz                             29,073                 -                 -          29,073       98,919 
Cash costs 
                                                                                                                28 7 
Operating cash expenses                        93.7              47.1              27.4           168.2          . 4 
Refinery and transportation                     0.1               0.1               0.0             0.3          0.5 
Other taxes                                     1.0               1.9               0.9             3.9          4.1 
Mining tax                                      5.4               8.3               4.6            18.4         15.2 
                                                                                                                30 7 
Operating cash costs                          100.3              57.5              33.0           190.8          . 2 
Deduct: co-product revenue                        -                 -                 -               -            - 
                                                                                                                30 7 
Total ash osts ..                             100.3              57.5              33.0           190.8          . 2 
Total Cash Costs from own 
 material                                      52.6              57.5              33.0           143.1        170.7 
Total Cash Costs from 3rd                                                                                     1 36 . 
 parties concentrate                         47 . 7                 -                 -           47. 7            5 
TCC .. , US$/oz                               1,339             8 2 2               781           1,020         98 3 
TCC from own material, US$/oz                 1,148               822               781             906          800 
TCC from 3rd parties concentrate, 
 US$/oz                                       1,639                 -                 -           1,639        1,380 

All-in Sustaining Costs and All-in Costs

AISC .. increased from US$1,220/oz in H1 2020 to US$1,404/oz in H1 2021. The increase in AISC .. reflects increase in TCC .. explained above as well as higher central administration expenses and the decrease in physical ounces sold in H1 2021 with an aggregate of sustaining capital and exploration expenditures and sustaining lease remaining at approximately the same level as in H1 2020. This effect was partly offset by the decrease in capitalized stripping expenditure during the period at Malomir and Pioneer.

AIC .. increased from US$1,325/oz in H1 2020 to US$1,514/oz in H1 2021, primarily reflecting the increase in AISC .. explained above. The start of operations at the Elginskoye deposit resulted in the decrease of capital expenditure with Elginskoye project being considered as sustaining in 2021. This effect was mainly offset by the decrease in physical ounces sold in H1 2021 with an aggregate of non-sustaining capital expenditures related to Pioneer flotation plant, 3rd flotation line at Malomir, capitalized stripping expenditure in respect of refractory ore at Pioneer and non-sustaining exploration expenditures remaining at approximately the same level as in H1 2020.


                                            Hard rock mines                                  H1 2021       H1 2020 
                                  Pioneer            Malomir             Albyn                 Total           Total 
                                      US$                US$               US$                   US$             US$ 
                                  million            million           million               million         million 
-----------------------  ----------------  -----------------  ----------------  --------------------  -------------- 
Physical volume of gold 
 sold, oz                          74,932             69,895            42,238               187,064         312,354 
                         ----------------  -----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
                                                                                                              30 7 . 
Total Cash Costs ..                 100.3               57.5              33.0                 190.8               2 
TCC .. , US$/oz                     1,339                822               781                 1,020            98 3 
-----------------------  ----------------  -----------------  ----------------  --------------------  -------------- 
Impairment/(r eversal 
 impairment) of ore 
 and gold in circuit                    -                0.7                 -                   0.7           (0.1) 
Write-down of inventory 
 to net realisable 
 value                                  -                  -               0.0                   0.0               - 
Adjusted operating                                                                                            30 7 . 
 costs                              100.3               58.2              33.0                 191.5               1 
Central administration 
 expenses (a)                        11.8               11.1               6.7                  29.6          20 . 7 
Capitalised stripping                 5.4                5.1                 -                  10.5            23.7 
Close-down and site 
 restoration                          0.8                0.6               0.3                   1.6             0.7 
Sustaining exploration 
 expenditure                          0.1                  -               2.9                   3.0             0.5 
Sustaining capital 
 expenditure                          6.9               7. 2              11.7               2 5 . 8          26 . 2 
Sustaining lease                      0.3                0.2               0.2                   0.7             2.1 
-----------------------  ----------------  -----------------  ----------------  --------------------  -------------- 
All-in Sustaining Costs                                                                       26 2 .          3 81 . 
 ..                                 125.7              82. 4              54.7                     7               0 
-----------------------  ----------------  -----------------  ----------------  --------------------  -------------- 
All-in Sustaining Costs 
 .. , US$/oz                        1,677             1,1 79            1,29 4                1,40 4          1,2 20 
-----------------------  ----------------  -----------------  ----------------  --------------------  -------------- 
Exploration expenditure                 -                1.5                 -                   1.5             4.6 
Capital expenditure                  11.4               5. 7                 -               1 7 . 1          28 . 2 
Capitalised stripping                 2.1                  -                 -                   2.1               - 
                                                                                                              4 13 . 
All-in Costs ..                     139.1               89.5              54.7                 283.3               8 
-----------------------  ----------------  -----------------  ----------------  --------------------  -------------- 
All-in Costs .. , 
 US$/oz                             1,856              1,281            1,29 4                 1,514          1,3 25 
-----------------------  ----------------  -----------------  ----------------  --------------------  -------------- 

(a) Including staff redundancies costs US$0.8 million in H1 2021 due to enhancing operational governance and improving management structure.

Corporate and other

Corporate and other operations contributed US$(32.2) million to Underlying EBITDA .. in H1 2021 compared to US$(23.0) million in H1 2020. Corporate and other operations primarily include central administration function, result of in-house service companies and the group's share of results of its associate IRC.

The group has corporate offices in London, Moscow and Blagoveschensk, which together represent the central administration function. Central administration expenses increased by US$8.9 million from US$20.7 million in H1 2020 to US$29.6 million in H1 2021, including staff redundancies costs US$0.8 million in H1 2021 due to enhancing operational governance and improving management structure.

Results of associate

The group's share of profit generated by IRC is US$1.2 million in H1 2021 (H1 2020: US$1.8 million). Following re-classification of 29.9% interest in IRC as assets held for sale, the group recognised a US$34.9 million reversal of write-down to adjust the carrying value of net assets of disposal group to fair value less costs to sell in H1 2021. IRC contributed US$1.5 million to the group's Underlying EBITDA (u) in H1 2021 (H1 2020: US$10.5 million).

Impairment review

Impairment of mining assets

As at 30 June 2021 and 30 June 2020, the group undertook a review of impairment indicators of the tangible assets attributable to its gold mining projects and supporting in-house service companies. Detailed calculations of recoverable amounts, which are value-in-use calculations based on discounted cash flows, were prepared which concluded no impairment was required as at 30 June 2021 and 30 June 2020.

Impairment of exploration and evaluation assets

As at 30 June 2021 and 30 June 2020, the group performed a review of its exploration and evaluation assets and concluded no impairment was required.

Exploration and evaluation assets in the statement of financial position primarily relate to the areas adjacent to the existing mines.

Financial income and expenses

Investment and other finance income

                                H1 2021      H1 2020 
                            US$ million  US$ million 
-------------------------   -----------  ----------- 
Interest income (a)                 0.2          0.6 
Guarantee fee income (b)            3.1          3.4 
--------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
                                    3.3          4.0 
 -------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
   (a)   Interest income on bank deposits. 

(b) Guarantee fee income under Gazprombank Guarantee arrangements, as set out in section "Corporate activities" below .

Interest expense

                           H1 202 1      H1 2020 
                        US$ million  US$ million 
---------------------   -----------  ----------- 
Interest expense               25.4         34.0 
Interest capitalised          (1.6)        (1.0) 
Other                           0.4          0.4 
----------------------  -----------  ----------- 
                               24.3         33.4 
 ---------------------  -----------  ----------- 

Interest expense for the period comprised of US$20.9 million of effective interest on the Notes, US$2.0 million of effective interest on the Convertible Bonds, US$2.1 million of interest on prepayments on gold sale agreements, US$0.3 million of interest on finance lease and US$0.1 million of interest on bank loans (H1 2020: US$21.0 million of effective interest on the Notes, US$6.5 million of effective interest on the Convertible Bonds, US$6.3 million of interest on prepayments on gold sale agreements and US$0.3 million interest on finance lease).

As the group continued with construction of Pioneer flotation plant, 3rd flotation line at Malomir, these projects met eligibility criteria for borrowing costs capitalization under IAS 23 "Borrowing Costs" with US$1.6 million of interest expense capitalized within property, plant and equipment (H1 2020: US$1.0 million of interest expense was capitalized within property, plant and equipment in relation to flotation line at Pioneer).

Net other finance gains/(losses)

Net other finance gains for the period totaled US$4.7 million compared to US$(98.9) million of net other finance losses in H1 2020. Key elements of other finance gains and losses this period include:

- US$ 32.0 million fair value non-cash gain from re-measurement of the conversion option of the convertible bonds, reflecting the increase in the underlying share price of the Company;

   -      US$3.9 million net fair value gain on gold and currency option contracts; 
   -      US$0.4 million gains on other items; 
   -      US$(31.6) million fair value non-cash loss   on the agreement for the sale of stake in IRC. 

Net impairment reversals/ (impairment losses) on financial instruments

In H1 2021, the group recognised a US$0.6 million decrease in the provision for expected credit losses under Gazprombank guarantee arrangements (H1 2020: US$1.3 million of provision for expected credit losses).


                  H1 2021      H1 2020 
              US$ million  US$ million 
-----------   -----------  ----------- 
Tax charge         20 . 3         38.5 
------------  -----------  ----------- 

The group is subject to corporation tax under the UK, Russia and Cyprus tax legislation. The statutory tax rate for H1 2021 was 19% in the UK and 20% in Russia.

The tax charge for the period primarily related to the group's gold mining operations and is represented by a current tax charge of US$17.3 million (H1 2020: US$25.1 million) and a deferred tax charge, which is a non-cash item, of US$3.0 million (H1 2020: US$13.4 million). Included in the deferred tax charge in H1 2021 is a US$3.2 million credit (H1 2020: US$23.7 million charge) from the effect of foreign exchange which primarily arises because the tax base for a significant portion of the future taxable deductions in relation to the group's property, plant and equipment are denominated in Russian Roubles, whilst the future depreciation charges associated with these assets will be based on their US Dollar carrying value.

The effective tax rate was also affected by expenses that are not taxable/deductible for tax purposes which primarily relate to fair value gains/losses on re-measurement of the conversion option of the Convertible Bonds and reversal of write-down/write-down of investment in IRC to fair value less costs to sell, effect of tax losses for which no deferred income tax asset was recognized which primarily related to interest expense incurred in the UK and Russian withholding tax on intercompany dividends.

During the period, the group made corporation tax payments in aggregate of US$21.2 million in Russia (H1 2020: corporation tax payments in aggregate of US$28.5 million in Russia).

Earnings per share

                                                       H1 2021        H1 2020 
-------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------- 
Profit/(loss) for the period attributable 
 to equity holders of Petropavlovsk PLC        US$44.5 million    US$(23. 9 ) 
Weighted average number of Ordinary Shares       3,957,270,254  3,310,369,237 
Basic profit/(loss) per ordinary share                 US$0.01      US$(0.01) 
-------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------- 

Basic profit per share for H1 2021 was US$0.01 compared to US$(0.01) basic loss per share for H1 2020.

The total number of Ordinary Shares in issue as at 30 June 2021 was 3,957,270,254 (30 June 2020: 3,312,825,822).

Financial position and cash flows

                             30 June 2021  31 December 
                              US$ million  US$ million 
---------------------------  ------------  ----------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents           36.5         35.4 
 Notes (a)                        (502.6)      (502.0) 
 Convertible bonds (b)             (34.5)       (34.0) 
 Bank loans (c)                    (35.0)            - 
 Net Debt ..                      (535.6)      (500.6) 
---------------------------  ------------  ----------- 
        ( a) US$500 million Guaranteed Notes due on 14 November 2022 at 
        amortised cost. 
        (b) US$125 million convertible bonds due on 03 July 2024 at amortised 
        (c) Outstanding principal amount of revolving credit facility with 
                                                    H1 2021      H1 2020 
                                                US$ million  US$ million 
----------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
 Net cash from operating activities                    25.2        112.1 
 Net cash used in investing activities 
  ( (d) ()                                           (59.3)       (82.7) 
 Net cash from/(used in) financing activities          34.9        (2.0) 
----------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
   (d) Including US$47.3 million Capital Expenditure (u)   (H1 2020: US$59.6 million). 

Key movements in cash and Net Debt (u)

                                                                          Net Debt 
                                                    Cash         Debt          (u) 
                                             US$ million  US$ million  US$ million 
-------------------------------------------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
As at 1 January 2021                                35.4      (536.0)      (500.6) 
Net cash generated by operating activities 
 before working capital changes                    113.7 
Changes in working capital                        (56.6) 
Corporation tax paid                              (21.2) 
Capital Expenditure (u)                           (47.3) 
Capitalized stripping                             (12.6) 
Proceeds from borrowings                            35.0       (35.0) 
Interest accrued                                               (23.1) 
Interest paid                                 (24.5) (e)         22.0 
Guarantee fee received                              13.8 
Interest received                                    0.2 
Other                                                0.6 
-------------------------------------------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
As at 30 June 2021                                  36.5      (572.1)      (535.6) 
-------------------------------------------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 

(e) Including US$2.1 million interest paid in relation to advance payments from Gazprombank.

Capital Expenditure ..

The group invested an aggregate of US$47.3 million in H1 2021 compared to US$59.6 million in H1 2020. The key areas of focus in this period were on Pioneer and Malomir flotation and development to support the mining at Elginskoye. The group capitalised US$1.6 million of interest expense incurred in relation to the group's debt into the cost of the Pioneer flotation and Malomir 3rd line flotation (H1 2020: US$1.0 million of interest expense incurred in relation to the group's debt into the cost of the Pioneer flotation).

                                   Exploration           Development                       Total 
                                   expenditure             and other         Capital Expenditure 
                                                 capital expenditure                          .. 
                                   US$ million           US$ million                 US$ million 
--------------------------------  ------------  --------------------  -------------------------- 
POX                                          -                 1 . 5                       1 . 5 
Pioneer (a), (b)                          0. 1                16 . 7                      16 . 8 
Malomir (c), (d), (e)                      0.8                11 . 3                       12 .0 
Albyn (f)                                2 . 9               1 0 . 8                     1 3 . 7 
Other                                      0.7                     -                         0.7 
Corporate and in-house services              -                 2 . 6                       2 . 6 
                                         4 . 4                42 . 9                      47 . 3 
--------------------------------  ------------  --------------------  -------------------------- 

(a) Including US$2.0 million of development expenditure in relation to Pioneer Underground project to be sustaining capital expenditure for the purposes of calculating AISC and AIC .

(b) Including US$11.4 million development expenditure in relation to the Pioneer Flotation project (US$10.7 million of expenditure in relation to flotation and US$0.7 million of expenditure in relation to hydrotechnical storage facilities) to be non-sustaining capital expenditure for the purposes of calculating the AISC and AIC .

(c) Including US$0.6 million of development expenditure in relation to Malomir Underground project to be sustaining capital expenditure for the purposes of calculating AISC and AIC .

(d) Including US$2.3 million of development expenditure in relation to Malomir 1st and 2nd lines Flotation (US$2.3 million of expenditure in relation to hydrotechnical storage facilities) to be sustaining capital expenditure for the purposes of calculating AISC and AIC .

(e) Including US$5.7 million of development expenditure in relation to Malomir 3rd line Flotation to be non-sustaining capital expenditure for the purposes of calculating AISC and AIC .

(f) Including US$2.6 million of exploration expenditure in relation to Elginskoye project, US$0.6 million of development expenditure in relation to road between Elginskoye and Albyn processing facilities and US$6.0 million of development expenditure in relation to hydrotechnical storage facilities for Elginskoye project to be sustaining capital expenditure for the purposes of calculating AISC and AIC .

Foreign currency exchange differences

The group's principal subsidiaries have a US Dollar functional currency. Foreign exchange differences arise on the translation of monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies, which for the principal subsidiaries of the group are the Russian Rouble and GB Pounds Sterling.

The following exchange rates to the US Dollar have been applied to translate monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies.

                            30 June 2021  31 December 2020 
-------------------------   ------------  ---------------- 
GB Pounds Sterling (GBP: 
 US$)                               0.72              0.73 
Russian Rouble (RUB: 
 US$)                              72.37             73.88 
--------------------------  ------------  ---------------- 

The Rouble recovered by 2% against the US Dollar during H1 2021, from RUB73.88: US$1 as at 31 December 2020 to RUB72.37: US$1 as at 30 June 2021. The average period-on-period depreciation of Rouble against the US Dollar was approximately 7%, with the average exchange rate for H1 2021 being RUB74.31: US$1 compared to RUB69.42 : US$1 for H1 2020.The Group recognised foreign exchange losses of US$0.7 million in H1 2021 (H1 2020: US$26.7 million gains) arising primarily on Rouble denominated net monetary liabilities (including advance payments received from Gazprombank and Sberbank under gold sales agreements).

Corporate activit ies

Guarantee over IRC's external borrowings

The group historically entered into an arrangement to provide a guarantee over its associate's, IRC, external borrowings, the ICBC Facility ('ICBC Guarantee'). Under the terms of the arrangement the group was entitled to receive an annual fee equal to 1.75% of the outstanding amount.

In March 2019, IRC refinanced the ICBC Facility through entering into a US$240 million new facility with Gazprombank ('Gazprombank Facility'). The facility was fully drawn down during the year ended 31 December 2019. The outstanding loan principal was US$194 million as at 30 June 2021. A new guarantee was issued by the group over part of the Gazprombank Facility ('Gazprombank Guarantee'), the guarantee mechanism is implemented through a series of five guarantees that fluctuate in value through the eight-year life of the loan, with the possibility of the initial US$160 million principal amounts guaranteed reducing to US$40 million within two to three years, subject to certain conditions being met. For the final two years of the Gazprombank Facility, the guaranteed amounts will increase to US$120 million to cover the final principal and interest repayments. If certain springing recourse events transpire, including default on a scheduled payment, then full outstanding loan balance is accelerated and subject to the guarantee. Under the Gazprombank Guarantee arrangements, the guarantee fee receivable is determined at each reporting date on an independently determined fair value basis, which for the six months ended 30 June 2021, 30 June 2020 and year ended 31 December 2020 was calculated at the annual rate of 3.07% by reference to the average outstanding principal balance under Gazprombank Facility. The guarantee fee charged for the six months ended 30 June 2021 was US$3.1 million, with corresponding value of US$3.4 million after reversal of provision for expected credit losses (30 June 2020: US$3.4 million, with corresponding value of US$3.2 million after provision for expected credit losses; 31 December 2020: US$6.7 million, with corresponding value of US$6.3 million after provision for expected credit losses).

The following assets and liabilities have been recognised in relation to the ICBC Guarantee and Gazprombank Guarantee as at 30 June 2021 and 31 December 2020:

                                                              31 December 
                                               30 June 2021          2020 
                                                US$ million   US$ million 
--------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Other receivables - ICBC Guarantee                       -           0.0 
 Other receivables - Gazprombank Guarantee              1.5          11.9 
 Financial guarantee contract - Gazprombank 
  Guarantee (a)                                       (7.7)         (8.2) 
--------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------ 

(a) Classified as <<held for sale>> and presented separately in the statement of financial position as at 30 June 2021 and 31 December 2020.

P otential disposal of interest in IRC

During the period , the group has continued to explore disposal options for the interest in IRC and further engaged with several parties to dispose of the equity holding and release the group's obligation to guarantee IRC's external debt under the Gazprombank Facility (note 2 1 ). Following negotiations with several interested parties the directors resolved to approve th e potential disposal of 29.9% investment in IRC. In the opinion of the directors it is highly probable this disposal to be completed within 12 months after the reporting date and accordingly, 29.9% investment in IRC together with the financial guarantee contract were considered to be a disposal group held-for sale under IFRS 5 "Non-current Assets Held for

Sale and Discontinued Operations" as at   3 0 June 202 1 . 

T ender offer to purchase up to US$200 million maximum tender amount of outstanding US$500 million 8.125 per cent Guaranteed Notes

On 13th July 2021 the Company announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Petropavlovsk 2016 Limited announced the launch of its offer to purchase for cash up to US$200 million aggregate principal amount of its 8.125 per cent Guaranteed Notes due 2022.

Tender offer is financed via Gazprombank loan facility with a total limit of US$200 million, that was consequently entered in July 2021 with an interest rate significantly lower than the Notes. Gazprombank loan repayment schedule is US$66 million in December 2022, US$66 million in March 2023 and remaining balance in June 2023.

On 10 August 2021, Petropavlovsk 2016 Limited announced the final tender results-- US$135,731,000 aggregate principal amount of the Notes were validly tendered.

Going concern

Please refer to the note 2 to the group's consolidated financial statements for the six months ended 30 June 2021.

2021 Outlook

Production outlook is on track to meet the full year target of 430 - 470koz of gold in 2021. The group expects own metal TCC in 2021 to be in the range of US$870 - US$970/oz, excluding third-party concentrate as the pricing of concentrate depends on highly volatile gold price.

Principal Risks and Uncertainties

The Group is exposed to a variety of risks and uncertainties which could significantly affect its business and financial results. A detailed review of the key risks facing the Group is set out in the Principal Risks section on pages 68 to 75 of the 2020 Annual Report, which is available on the Group's website, http://www.petropavlovskplc.com. This also includes a description of the potential impact of such risks on the Group together with measures in place to manage or mitigate against each specific risk where this is within the Group's control.

The nature of the principal risks and uncertainties facing the Group for the remainder of the current financial year remains substantially unchanged. An update on these risks and events in H1 2021 relevant to them, including any new or emerging factors within the context of existing risks, is set out below.

There may be additional risks unknown to the Group and other risks, currently believed to be immaterial, which could turn out to be material. These risks, whether they materialize, individually or simultaneously, could significantly affect the Group's business and financial results. The Group will continue to monitor internal and external areas of uncertainty and threat closely as well as remain vigilant on internal controls and incorporate any further developments as part of the full-year assessment of principal risks and uncertainties. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, an extensive independent environmental review to be conducted in H2 2021 could potentially uncover additional risks that the Group will need to address.

Below is indication of events relevant to our principal risks that have occurred during the first six months of 2021:

Operational risks

-- 3rd-party concentrate gold production decreased in H1 2021 due to lower volumes and grades of concentrate available for purchase;

-- The Pioneer flotation plant was commissioned in May 2021, with an expected capacity of 60kt of concentrate in 2021 and 100kt in 2022.

-- Anomalous torrential rains led to flooding in some parts of Amur region causing some logistical issues and interruption to production, all of which were minor in effect.

-- Inflation in Russia in June 2021 reached 6.5% per annum, affecting some of the Company's supplies, none of which was critical.

The Company has also identified the risk of lowering production performance due to processing new types of ore as an emerging operational risk for the business. In H1 2021, the Company began processing ore from Elginskoye. The ore mined at Elginskoye is of a lower grade than that previously mined from the Albyn deposit, and, as a result recovery rates and mill grinding capacity may be reduced, resulting in operational under-performance and higher cost. As announced in April 2021, exploration and metallurgical surveys are underway at Elginskoye to complete full-scale mapping of the deposit and may result in updates to the Company's production plans. The Company continues to expect to meet its production forecasts for 2021.

Financial risks

-- The Company completed the partial buy-back of its U.S.$500m 8.125% guaranteed notes due in 2022, purchasing c.US$136m of the outstanding U.S.$500m Notes using the proceeds of a term loan facility with Gazprombank which matures some six months later than and bears interest at a lower rate than that payable in respect of the U.S.$500m Notes.

-- The property insurance previously maintained by the Company in respect of its facilities expired in the first half of 2021 and was not automatically renewed due to concerns that the insurance had not been procured at market rates. The Company is in the course of tendering for the provision of property and other insurances and expects this process to be completed and the real assets insured in September 2021. In the interim, there remains a risk that, in the event that an event occurs at one of the facilities the costs of which might have been expected to be recoverable from its insurers, such costs will be borne by the Company without recourse to insurance. All insurances mandated by law in Russia are in place.

Country and regional risks

-- In June 2021, KPMG LLP published its interim report pursuant to 'Resolution 19' identifying several potential issues with transactions involving the Company with an estimated value of US$157 million. These issues include transactions with potentially undisclosed related parties and likely conflicts of interest.

Sustainability risks

-- The Company published its 2020 sustainability report in July 2021, highlighting key sustainability initiatives across the business.

-- No fatal accidents and zero environmental incidents were reported in H1 2021. The Group has strengthened its health and safety and environmental teams through the employment of new field specialists aiming to bring best practice and expertise.

-- No material COVID-19 outbreaks took place at the Company's operations in H1 2021. As of 30 June 2021, 28% of employees at the Group's operating subsidiaries have been fully vaccinated (47.3% at 23 August 2021). Nonetheless, the risk posed by the Covid-19 pandemic remains high.

The Company continues to monitor its principal risks.

Director's Responsibilities Statement

We confirm that to the best of our knowledge:

-- The condensed set of consolidated interim financial statements has been prepared in accordance with UK-adopted IAS34 "Interim Financial Reporting" as required by DTR4.2.4R

-- The interim management report includes a fair review of the information required by DTR4.2.7R (indication of important events during the first six months and their impact on the condensed set of financial statements and a description of principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the financial year); and

-- The interim management report includes a fair review of the information required on related party transactions as required by DTR4.2.8R

By order of the Board,

 Denis Alexandrov           Danila Kotlyarov 
  Chief Executive Officer    Chief Financial Officer 

31 August 2021

Independent Review Report to Petropavlovsk PLC

Report on the condensed consolidated interim financial statements

Our conclusion

We have reviewed Petropavlovsk plc's condensed consolidated interim financial statements (the "interim financial statements") in the Interim financial report of Petropavlovsk plc for the 6 month period ended 30 June 2021 (the "period").

Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the interim financial statements are not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with UK adopted International Accounting Standard 34, 'Interim Financial Reporting' and the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules sourcebook of the United Kingdom's Financial Conduct Authority.

What we have reviewed

The interim financial statements comprise:

   --      the condensed consolidated balance sheet as at 30 June 2021; 
   --      the condensed consolidated statement of profit and loss and condensed consolidated 
   --      statement of comprehensive income for the period then ended; 
   --      the condensed consolidated statement of cash flows for the period then ended; 
   --      the condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity for the period then ended; and 
   --      the explanatory notes to the interim financial statements. 

The interim financial statements included in the Interim financial report of Petropavlovsk plc have been prepared in accordance with UK adopted International Accounting Standard 34, 'Interim Financial Reporting' and the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules sourcebook of the United Kingdom's Financial Conduct Authority.

Responsibilities for the interim financial statements and the review

Our responsibilities and those of the directors

The Interim financial report, including the interim financial statements, is the responsibility of, and has been approved by the directors. The directors are responsible for preparing the Interim financial report in accordance with the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules sourcebook of the United Kingdom's Financial Conduct Authority.

Our responsibility is to express a conclusion on the interim financial statements in the Interim financial report based on our review. This report, including the conclusion, has been prepared for and only for the company for the purpose of complying with the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules sourcebook of the United Kingdom's Financial Conduct Authority and for no other purpose. We do not, in giving this conclusion, accept or assume responsibility for any other purpose or to any other person to whom this report is shown or into whose hands it may come save where expressly agreed by our prior consent in writing.

What a review of interim financial statements involves

We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410, 'Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity' issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom. A review of interim financial information consists of making enquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures.

A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK) and, consequently, does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.

We have read the other information contained in the Interim financial report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the information in the interim financial statements.

MHA MacIntyre Hudson

Chartered Accountants


31 August 2021

Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements and

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements


Condensed Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss

Six months ended 30 June 2021

                                                       Six months     Six months    Year ended 
                                                            ended          ended 
                                                                                   31 December 
                                                     30 June 2021   30 June 2020          2020 
                                                      (unaudited)    (unaudited) 
                                              note        US$'000        US$'000       US$'000 
--------------------------------------------  ----  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
Group revenue                                  5         351 ,945        522,731       988,534 
                                                      (30 3 , 652 
Operating expenses                             6                )      (378,440)     (840,494) 
      - Operating profit                                4 8 , 293        144,291       148,040 
      - Share of results of associate          12           1,216          1,845        52,681 
      - Reversal of write-down/(write-down) 
       to adjust the carrying value 
       of net assets of disposal group 
       to fair value less costs to sell        12          34,874              -      (55,798) 
Net impairment reversals / (impairment 
 losses) on financial instruments              7            1,056        (1,274)         1,000 
Investment and other finance 
 income                                        7            3,266          3,962         7,754 
Interest expense                               7         (24,252)       (33,383)      (58,533) 
Net other finance gains/(losses)               7            4,683       (98,893)      (67,957) 
--------------------------------------------  ----  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
Profit before taxation                                     69,136      1 6 , 548        27,187 
Taxation                                       8         (20,257)       (38,542)      (76,069) 
--------------------------------------------  ----  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
Profit/(loss) for the period                               48,879       (21,994)      (48,882) 
--------------------------------------------  ----  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
Attributable to: 
Equity shareholders of Petropavlovsk 
 PLC                                                       44,543     (23 , 934)      (45,633) 
Non-controlling interests                                  4 ,336          1,940       (3,249) 
--------------------------------------------  ----  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
Earnings per share 
                                                          US$0.01     US$ ( 0.01     US$(0.01) 
Basic profit/(loss) per share                  9                               ) 
                                                          US$0.01     US$ ( 0.01     US$(0.01) 
Diluted profit/(loss) per share                9                               ) 
--------------------------------------------  ----  -------------  -------------  ------------ 


Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

Six months ended 30 June 2021

                                                           Six months      Six months     Year ended 
                                                                ended           ended    31 December 
                                                         30 June 2021    30 June 2020           2020 
                                                          (unaudited)     (unaudited) 
                                                              US$'000         US$'000        US$'000 
----------------------------------------------------   --------------  --------------  ------------- 
Profit/(loss) for the period                                   48,879        (21,994)       (48,882) 
-----------------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
      - Items that may be reclassified subsequently 
       to profit or loss: 
----------------------------------------------------   --------------  --------------  ------------- 
Exchange differences: 
     Exchange differences on translating foreign 
      operations                                                  400         (2,261)        (3,029) 
     Share of other comprehensive (loss)/ 
      profit of associate                                        (75)            42 5            902 
                                                                  325         (1,836)        (2,127) 
 ----------------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
Total comprehensive profit / (loss) for 
 the period                                                    49,204        (23,830)       (51,009) 
-----------------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
Attributable to: 
Equity shareholders of Petropavlovsk PLC                       44,868        (25,770)       (47,760) 
Non-controlling interest s                                      4,336           1,940        (3,249) 
-----------------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
                                                               49,204        (23,830)       (51,009) 
 ----------------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 


Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

At 30 June 2021

                                                           30 June 2021   30 June 2020   31 December 
                                                            (unaudited)    (unaudited) 
                                                    note        US$'000        US$'000       US$'000 
-------------------------------------  -----------------  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
      - Assets 
 Non-current assets 
 Exploration and evaluation assets             10                14,320         57,751        45,182 
 Property, plant and equipment                 11             1,231,671      1,219,716     1,204,550 
 Investments in associate                      12                 5,077      5 0 , 950         3,936 
 Inventories                                   13                89,663         64,556        86,186 
 Trade and other receivables                  1 4                   354            578           481 
 Derivative financial instruments              16                     -          2,730             - 
 Other non-current assets                                           892            763           893 
                                                              1,341,977    1,397, 0 44     1,341,228 
-------------------------------------  -----------------  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Current assets 
 Inventories                                  1 3               230,895        221,554       196,668 
 Trade and other receivables                  1 4                69,485         86,827        98,551 
 Current tax assets                                              18,150         10,535        13,312 
 Derivative financial instruments              16                 1,397         37,647         3,320 
 Cash and cash equivalents                    1 5                36,536         73,458        35,404 
-------------------------------------  -----------------  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
                                                                356,463        430,021       347,255 
-------------------------------------  -----------------  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Assets of disposal group classified 
  as held for sale                             12                77,403              -        42,529 
-------------------------------------  -----------------  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
                                                               433 ,866        430,021       389,784 
-------------------------------------  -----------------  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Total assets                                                 1,775,843      1,827,065     1,731,012 
-------------------------------------  -----------------  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Current liabilities 
                                                                (15 6 , 
 Trade and other payables                     1 7                 127 )      (229,648)     (191,139) 
 Current tax liabilities                                          (433)        (2,138)         (144) 
 Borrowings                                   1 8              (35,000)              -             - 
 Derivative financial instruments             1 6              (32,200)        (3,168)       (6,072) 
 Provision for close down and 
  restoration costs                                                (34)              -          (34) 
 Lease liabilities                                              (1,428)        (2,473)       (1,895) 
                                                              (225,222)      (237,427)     (199,284) 
-------------------------------------  -----------------  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Liabilities of disposal group 
  associated with assets classified 
  as held for sale                             12               (7,663)              -       (8,232) 
-------------------------------------  -----------------  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
                                                              (232,885)      (237,427)     (207,516) 
-------------------------------------  -----------------  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Net current assets                                             200,981        192,594       182,268 
-------------------------------------  -----------------  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Borrowings                                   1 8             (537,094)    (611 , 436)     (536,020) 
 Derivative financial instruments             1 6              (57,095)      (171,939)      (89,088) 
 Deferred tax liabilities                                     (143,034)      (126,045)     (140,034) 
 Provision for close down and 
  restoration costs                                            (70,948)       (36,616)      (70,515) 
 Financial guarantee contract                 2 1                     -       (10,199)             - 
 Trade and other payables                      17              (10,583)       (19,473)      (13,950) 
 Lease liabilities                                              (3,044)        (2,144)       (2,248) 
-------------------------------------  -----------------  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
                                                              (821,798)      (977,852)     (851,855) 
-------------------------------------  -----------------  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Total liabilities                                         ( 1,054,683)    (1,215,279)   (1,059,371) 
-------------------------------------  -----------------  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Net assets                                                     721,160        611,786       671,641 
-------------------------------------  -----------------  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Share capital                                1 9                57,464         49,035        57,464 
 Share premium                                                  596,713        518,142       596,713 
 Share based payments reserve                                       349              -            34 
 Translation reserves                                          (18,507)       (18,139)      (18,907) 
 Retained earnings                                               73,598         50,352        29,130 
-------------------------------------  -----------------  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Equity attributable to the 
  shareholders of Petropavlovsk 
  PLC                                                           709,617        599,390       664,434 
-------------------------------------  -----------------  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Non-controlling interests                                       11,543         12,396         7,207 
-------------------------------------  -----------------  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Total equity                                                   721,160        611,786       671,641 
-------------------------------------  -----------------  -------------  -------------  ------------ 

These condensed consolidated financial statements for Petropavlovsk PLC, registered number 4343841, were approved by the Directors on 30 August 2021 and signed on their behalf by

Denis Alexandrov Danila Kotlyarov

Chief Executive Officer Chief Financial Officer


Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

Six months ended 30 June 2021

                              Total attributable to equity holders of Petropavlovsk 
                                          based                            Retained 
                     Share     Share   payments   Hedging   Translation   earnings/              Non-controlling      Total 
                   capital   premium    reserve   reserve       reserve    (losses)      Total         interests     equity 
                   US$'000   US$'000    US$'000   US$'000       US$'000     US$'000    US$'000           US$'000    US$'000 
---------------   --------  --------  ---------  --------  ------------  ----------  ---------  ----------------  --------- 
  at 1 January                                                 ( 15,878 
  2020              49,003   518,142        199         -             )      73,605    625,071           10, 456    635,527 
----------------  --------  --------  ---------  --------  ------------  ----------  ---------  ----------------  --------- 
  (loss)/profit          -         -          -         -       (2,261)    (23,509)   (25,770)             1,940   (23,830) 
----------------  --------  --------  ---------  --------  ------------  ----------  ---------  ----------------  --------- 
  the period             -         -          -         -             -    (23,934)   (23,934)             1,940   (21,994) 
  (loss)/profit          -         -          -         -       (2,261)         425    (1,836)                 -    (1,836) 
----------------  --------  --------  ---------  --------  ------------  ----------  ---------  ----------------  --------- 
 Deferred share 
  awards                32         -      (199)         -             -         256         89                 -         89 
  at 30 June 
  (unaudited)       49,035   518,142          -         -      (18,139)      50,352    599,390            12,396    611,786 
----------------  --------  --------  ---------  --------  ------------  ----------  ---------  ----------------  --------- 
  loss                   -         -          -         -         (768)    (21,222)   (21,990)           (5,189)   (27,179) 
----------------  --------  --------  ---------  --------  ------------  ----------  ---------  ----------------  --------- 
 Loss for the 
  period                 -         -          -         -             -    (21,699)   (21,699)           (5,189)   (26,888) 
  (loss)/profit          -         -          -         -         (768)         477      (291)                 -      (291) 
----------------  --------  --------  ---------  --------  ------------  ----------  ---------  ----------------  --------- 
 Conversion of 
  bonds              8,429    78,571          -         -             -           -     87,000                 -     87,000 
 Deferred share 
  awards                 -         -         34         -             -           -         34                 -         34 
  at 31 December 
  2020              57,464   596,713         34         -      (18,907)      29,130    664,434             7,207    671,641 
----------------  --------  --------  ---------  --------  ------------  ----------  ---------  ----------------  --------- 
  profit                 -         -          -         -           400      44,468     44,868             4,336     49,204 
----------------  --------  --------  ---------  --------  ------------  ----------  ---------  ----------------  --------- 
 Profit for the 
  period                 -         -          -         -             -      44,543     44,543             4,336     48,879 
  profit/(loss)          -         -          -         -           400        (75)        325                 -        325 
----------------  --------  --------  ---------  --------  ------------  ----------  ---------  ----------------  --------- 
 Deferred share 
  awards                 -         -        315         -             -           -        315                 -        315 
----------------  --------  --------  ---------  --------  ------------  ----------  ---------  ----------------  --------- 
  at 30 June 20 
  1 (unaudited)     57,464   596,713        349         -      (18,507)      73,598    709,617            11,543    721,160 
----------------  --------  --------  ---------  --------  ------------  ----------  ---------  ----------------  --------- 


Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

Six months ended 30 June 20 2 1

                                                                      Six months     Six months      Year ended 
                                                                           ended          ended     31 December 
                                                                         30 June        30 June            2020 
                                                                           20 21           2020 
                                                                     (unaudited)    (unaudited) 
                                                             note        US$'000        US$'000         US$'000 
---------------------------------------------  ------------------  -------------  -------------  -------------- 
      - Cash flows from operating activities 
                                                                                        17 2 ,7 
 Cash generated from operations                              20           57,134             58         265,860 
                                                                                       (32, 149 
 Interest paid                                                          (24,453)              )        (58,086) 
 Guarantee fee received                                      21           13,810              -           5,000 
                                                                                       (28,5 13 
 Income tax paid                                                        (21,247)              )        (56,472) 
---------------------------------------------  ------------------  -------------  -------------  -------------- 
 Net cash from operating activities                                       25,244      112 , 096         156,302 
---------------------------------------------  ------------------  -------------  -------------  -------------- 
 Cash flows from investing activities 
 Purchase of property, plant and 
  equipment                                                  20         (58,413)       (78,618)       (151,503) 
 Expenditure on exploration and 
  evaluation assets                                          10          (1,490)        (4,648)         (8,829) 
 Proceeds from disposal of property, 
  plant and equipment                                                        373             57             194 
 Interest received                                                           215            558           1,065 
 Net cash used in investing activities                                  (59,315)       (82,651)       (159,073) 
---------------------------------------------  ------------------  -------------  -------------  -------------- 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
 Exercise of gold options                                    16            (284)              -         (1,525) 
 Exercise of currency options                                16              648            677           1,389 
 Exercise of other options                                   16                -          (999)           (999) 
 Proceeds from borrowings                                    18           35,000              -               - 
 Principal elements of lease payments                                      (447)        (1,655)         (3,493) 
 Bond solicitation expenses                                                    -              -         (1,705) 
 Net cash from/(used in) financing                                                    ( 1 , 977 
  activities                                                              34,917              )         (6,333) 
---------------------------------------------  ------------------  -------------  -------------  -------------- 
 Net increase/(decrease) in cash 
  and cash equivalents in the period                                         846      27 , 4 68         (9,104) 
 Effect of exchange rates on cash 
  and cash equivalents                                                       286        (2,163)         (3,645) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at 
  beginning of period                                       1 5           35,404         48,153          48,153 
 Cash and cash equivalents at 
  end of period                                             1 5           36,536         73,458          35,404 
---------------------------------------------  ------------------  -------------  -------------  -------------- 


Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements

Six months ended 30 June 2021

   -           1. General information 

Petropavlovsk PLC (the 'Company') is a company incorporated and registered in England and Wales. The address of the registered office is 11 Grosvenor Place, London SW1X 7HH.

These condensed consolidated interim financial statements are for the six months ended 30 June 202 1 . The interim financial statements are unaudited.

These condensed interim financial statements do not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. Statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2020 were approved by the board of directors on 16 May 2021 and delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The report of the auditors on those accounts was unqualified, did not contain an emphasis of matter paragraph and did not contain any statement under section 498 of the Companies Act 2006.

   -           2. Basis of preparation and presentation 

The interim condensed consolidated financial statements of the Company and its subsidiaries (the "group") for the six-month reporting period ended 30 June 2021 have been prepared in accordance with the UK-adopted International Accounting Standard 34 'Interim Financial Reporting' and the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules sourcebook of the United Kingdom's Financial Conduct Authority. The interim condensed consolidated financial statements do not include all of the information and disclosures required in the annual financial statements and should be read in conjunction with the Group's annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2020.

The condensed consolidated set of financial statements has been prepared using accounting policies consistent with those set out in the annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2020, which had been prepared in accordance with both "International Accounting Standards in conformity with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006" and "International Financial Reporting Standards adopted pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1606/2002 as it applies in the European Union".

Going concern

The group monitors and manages its liquidity risk on an ongoing basis to ensure that it has access to sufficient funds to meet its obligations. Cash forecasts are prepared regularly based on a number of inputs including, but not limited to, forecast commodity prices and the impact of hedging arrangements, the group's mining plan, forecast expenditure and debt repayment schedules. Sensitivities are run for different scenarios including, but not limited to, changes in commodity prices, cost inflation, different production rates from the group's producing assets and the timing of expenditure on development projects. This is done to identify risks to liquidity and enable management to develop appropriate and timely mitigation strategies. The group meets its capital requirements through a combination of sources including cash generated from operations, advances received from customers under prepayment arrangements and external debt.

The group performed an assessment of the forecast cash flows for the period of at least 12 months from the date of approval of the 2021 Half-Year Report and Accounts. As at 30 June 2021, the group had sufficient liquidity. The group is also satisfied that it has sufficient headroom under a base case scenario for the period till end of 2022. The group has also performed projections under a layered stressed case that is based on:

_ A gold price, which is approximately 10% lower than the upper quartile of the average of the market consensus forecasts;

_ Processing of 3rd-party concentrate through POX facilities is approximately 10% lower than projected and oxide gold production from underground operations at Pioneer and Malomir approximately 10% lower than projected;

   _    Delayed commissioning of the Malomir third flotation line beyond 2022; and 

_ Russian Rouble : US Dollar exchange rate that is approximately 10% stronger than the average of the market consensus forecasts.

In selecting these scenarios, the directors have also considered the potential impacts of COVID-19 . On the basis of the limited impact of Covid-19 on the Company's and IRC's operations in 2020 and comprehensive measures for 2021, management currently doesn't anticipate Covid-19 to be a material risk and hence doesn't stress the Going Concern model for its impact.

This layered stressed case indicates that mitigating actions will be required to be taken in order to ensure sufficient liquidity for the relevant period till end of 2022.

The mitigated downside case includes the following mitigating actions:

-- Reduction of group central administrative expenses by US$6 million in 2022. This estimated reduction has been applied in 2021 budget in the second half of 2021. We assume that a similar saving can be achieved in 2022;

-- Postponing capital expenditures from September 2021 beyond the going concern period. This includes exploration, maintenance and third flotation lines at both Malomyr and Pioneer. Since the launch of the third Malomir flotation line in the RWC scenario is moved beyond the going concern period, reduction of the relevant capital expenditures does not affect production capacity within the going concern period;

-- Postponing mining works planned as deferred stripping in 2022. These do not affect gold production in the going concern period;

-- Borrowings of up to US$25 million using a revolving credit line with a limit of c.US$116 million.

Having taken into account the aforementioned factors, and after making enquiries and considering the uncertainties described above, the directors have a reasonable expectation that the group will have adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future, being at least the next 12 months from the date of approval of the 2021 Half-year Report and Accounts. Accordingly, they continue to adopt the going concern basis of accounting in preparing these consolidated financial statements.

A doption of new and revised standards and interpretations

During the period the group adopted all standards, amendments and interpretations that were effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2021 (such standards, amendments and interpretations were disclosed in note 2 to the group's consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2020). These standards, amendments, and interpretations have not had a significant impact on the presentation or disclosure in group's condensed consolidated financial statements for the interim period ended 30 June 2021. No other changes have been made to the group's accounting policies in the period ended 30 June 2021. Additional disclosures with respect to the annual period requirements will be included in the Group's consolidated financial statements for the year ending 31 December 2021.

Areas of judgement in applying accounting policies and key sources of estimation uncertainty

When preparing the consolidated financial statements, management necessarily makes judgements and estimates that can have a significant impact on the financial statements. Areas of judgement in applying accounting policies and key sources of estimation uncertainty are consistent with those set out in the annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2020 .

   -           3. Foreign currency translation 

The following exchange rates to the US dollar have been applied to translate balances and transactions in foreign currencies:

                                            Average                  Average 
                                As at    six months               six months                       Average 
                              30 June         ended      As at         ended          As at     year ended 
                                 20 2       30 June    30 June       30 June    31 December    31 December 
                                    1         20 21       2020          2020           2020           2020 
 GB Pounds Sterling (GBP: 
  US$)                           0.72          0.72       0.81          0.79           0.73           0.78 
 Russian Rouble (RUB: 
  US$)                          72.37         74.31      69.95         69.42          73.88          72.18 
   -           4. Segment information 

The group's reportable segments under IFRS 8, which are aligned with its operating locations, were determined to be Pioneer, Malomir and Albyn hard rock gold mines which are engaged in gold and silver production as well as field exploration and mine development. POX Hub facilities are allocated between Pioneer, Malomir and Albyn reportable segments based on the expected use by each segment.

Corporate and Other segment amalgamates corporate administration, in-house geological exploration and construction and engineering expertise, engineering and scientific operations and other supporting in-house functions as well as various gold projects and other activities that do not meet the reportable segment criteria.

Reportable segments are based on the internal reports provided to the Chief Operating Decision Maker ('CODM') to evaluate segment performance, decide how to allocate resources and make other operating decisions and reflect the way the group's businesses are managed and reported.

The financial performance of the segments is principally evaluated with reference to operating profit less foreign exchange impacts.

 Six months ended 30 June 20 2 1                                                  Corporate 
                                                Pioneer     Malomir      Albyn    and other     Consolidated 
                                                US$'000     US$'000    US$'000      US$'000          US$'000 
-------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------  -----------  --------------- 
 Gold                                           134,742     125,360     75,681            -          335,783 
 Silver                                               -           -          -            -                - 
 Other external revenue                               -           -          -       16,162           16,162 
 Inter segment revenue                           18,185         199         20       60,464           78,868 
 Intra group eliminations                      (18,185)       (199)       (20)     (60,464)         (78,868) 
-------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------  -----------  --------------- 
 Total group revenue from external 
  customers                                     134,742     125,360     75,681       16,162          351,945 
-------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------  -----------  --------------- 
 Operating expenses and income 
 Operating cash costs                         (100,303)    (57,458)   (33,002)     (18,778)        (209,541) 
 Depreciation                                  (22,694)    (27,279)   (11,495)      (1,513)         (62,981) 
                                                                                       (2 9             (2 9 
                                                                                      , 579            , 579 
 Central administration expenses                      -           -          -            )                ) 
 Write-down of inventory to net realisable 
  value                                               -           -       (31)        (114)            (145) 
 I mpairment of gold in circuit                       -       (700)          -            -            (700) 
                                                            (85,437     (44,52 
 Total operating expenses ( (a) ()            (122,997)           )        8 )     (49,984)        (302,946) 
-------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------  -----------  --------------- 
 Segment result                                       5      39,923     31,153     (33,822)           48,999 
-------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------  -----------  --------------- 
                                                                                                       (70 6 
 Foreign exchange losses                                                                                   ) 
-------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------  -----------  --------------- 
                                                                                                       4 8 , 
 Operating profit                                                                                        293 
 Share of results of associate                                                                         1,216 
 Reversal of write-down to adjust the 
  carrying value of net assets of disposal 
  group to fair value less costs to 
  sell                                                                                                34,874 
 Net impairment reversals on financial 
  instruments                                                                                          1,056 
 Investment and other finance income                                                                   3,266 
 Interest expense                                                                                   (24,252) 
 Net other finance gains                                                                               4,683 
 Taxation                                                                                           (20,257) 
-------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------  -----------  --------------- 
 Profit for the period                                                                               48, 879 
-------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------  -----------  --------------- 
                                                   6 14         602        7 ,        151,8 
 Segment assets                                   , 805       , 269        199           20        1,696,093 
 Unallocated cash                                                                                      2,347 
 Consolidated total assets                                                                         1,698,440 
-------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------  -----------  --------------- 
   (a)    Operating expenses excluding foreign exchange losses (note 6). 
 Six months ended 30                                                                   Corporate 
 June 2020                          Pioneer            Malomir             Albyn       and other          Consolidated 
                                    US$'000            US$'000           US$'000         US$'000               US$'000 
----------------------  -------------------  -----------------  ----------------  --------------  -------------------- 
 Gold                               258,378            136,404           117,553               -               512,335 
 Silver                                   -                  -                 -               -                     - 
 Other external 
  revenue                                 -                  -                 -          10,396                10,396 
 Inter segment revenue               17,169                179             6,633          71,166                95,147 
 Intra group 
  eliminations                     (17,169)              (179)           (6,633)        (71,166)              (95,147) 
----------------------  -------------------  -----------------  ----------------  --------------  -------------------- 
 Total group revenue 
  from external 
  customers                         258,378            136,404           117,553          10,396               522,731 
----------------------  -------------------  -----------------  ----------------  --------------  -------------------- 
 Operating expenses 
 and income 
                                      (19 9                                 (42,            (1 2                 (3 19 
                                      , 104               (65,               560           , 679                 , 872 
 Operating cash costs                     )              529 )                 )               )                     ) 
                                      (22,9                                                (1,12                 (64,6 
 Depreciation                          87 )           (23,941)          (16,607)             5 )                  60 ) 
  administration                                                                            ( 20                ( 20 , 
  expenses                                -                  -                 -         , 6 71)                 6 71) 
 Reversal of 
  impairment of ore 
  stockpiles                              -                 15                 -               -                    15 
 Reversal of 
  impairment of gold 
  circuit                                 -                 38                 -               -                    38 
                                      (22 2                                 (5 9            (3 4                 (40 5 
 Total operating                      , 091               (89,              , 16           , 475                 , 150 
  expenses ( (b) ()                       )              417 )                7)               )                     ) 
----------------------  -------------------  -----------------  ----------------  --------------  -------------------- 
                                                         4 6 ,               58, 
 Segment result                     36, 287                987              38 6        (24,079)               117,581 
----------------------  -------------------  -----------------  ----------------  --------------  -------------------- 
 Foreign exchange                                                                                                2 6 , 
  gains                                                                                                            710 
----------------------  -------------------  -----------------  ----------------  --------------  -------------------- 
 Operating profit                                                                                              144,291 
 Share of results of 
  associate                                                                                                    1 , 845 
 Net impairment losses 
  on financial 
  instruments                                                                                                  (1,274) 
 Investment and other 
  finance income                                                                                                 3,962 
 Interest expense                                                                                                 83 ) 
                                                                                                                  ( 98 
 Net other finance                                                                                               , 893 
  losses                                                                                                             ) 
                                                                                                                  (3 8 
                                                                                                                 , 542 
 Taxation                                                                                                            ) 
----------------------  -------------------  -----------------  ----------------  --------------  -------------------- 
                                                                                                                (2 1 , 
 Loss for the period                                                                                             994 ) 
----------------------  -------------------  -----------------  ----------------  --------------  -------------------- 
                                       622,               665,                              2 19 
 Segment assets                         174                757           313,567           , 735             1,821,233 
 Unallocated cash                                                                                                5,832 
 Consolidated total                                                                                             1,82 7 
  assets                                                                                                         , 065 
----------------------  -------------------  -----------------  ----------------  --------------  -------------------- 
   (b)    Operating expenses excluding foreign exchange gains (note 6). 
 2020                                         Pioneer     Malomir       Albyn    Corporate   Consolidated 
                                                                                 and other 
                                              US$'000     US$'000     US$'000      US$'000        US$'000 
-----------------------------------  ----  ----------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ------------- 
 Gold                                         486,207     247,921     221,244            -        955,372 
 Silver                                           338         100         196            -            634 
 Other external revenue                             -           -           -       32,528         32,528 
 Inter segment revenue                         32,694         380      23,104      143,425        199,603 
                                                                     ( 23,104 
 Intra group eliminations                    (32,694)     ( 380 )           )    (143,425)      (199,603) 
------------------------------------  ---  ----------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ------------- 
 Total group revenue from external 
  customers                                   486,545     248,021     221,440       32,528        988,534 
------------------------------------  ---  ----------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ------------- 
 Operating expenses and income 
 Operating cash costs                       (366,677)   (106,959)    (92,307)     (35,497)      (601,440) 
 Depreciation                                (49,824)    (53,771)    (27,969)      (2,515)      (134,079) 
 Central administration expenses                    -           -           -     (61,371)       (61,371) 
 I impairment of mining assets                      -           -    (58,806)            -       (58,806) 
 Impairment of exploration 
  and evaluation assets                             -           -    (16,112)            -       (16,112) 
 Impairment of gold in circuit                   (77)           -           -            -           (77) 
 Impairment of bullion in process                (41)           -           -            -           (41) 
 Write-down of inventory to 
  net realisable value                              -           -           -      (1,215)        (1,215) 
 Total operating expenses (c)               (416,619)   (160,730)   (195,194)    (100,598)      (873,141) 
------------------------------------  ---  ----------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ------------- 
 Segment result                                69,926      87,291      26,246     (68,070)        115,393 
------------------------------------  ---  ----------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ------------- 
 Foreign exchange gains                                                                            32,647 
------------------------------------  ---  ----------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ------------- 
 Operating profit                                                                                 148,040 
 Share of results of associate                                                                     52,681 
 Write-down to adjust the carrying 
  value of net assets of disposal 
  group to fair value less costs 
  to sell                                                                                        (55,798) 
 Net impairment reversals on 
  financial instruments                                                                             1,000 
 Investment and other finance 
  income                                                                                            7,754 
 Interest expense                                                                                (58,533) 
 Net other finance losses                                                                        (67,957) 
 Taxation                                                                                        (76,069) 
------------------------------------  ---  ----------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ------------- 
 Loss for the year                                                                               (48,882) 
 Segment assets                               619,004     603,684     312,678      149,698      1,685,064 
 Unallocated cash                                                                                   3,419 
 Consolidated total assets                                                                      1,688,483 
------------------------------------  ---  ----------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ------------- 
   (c)    Operating expenses excluding foreign exchange gains (note 6). 
   5.   Group revenue 
                                               Six months      Six months      Year ended 
                                                    ended           ended     31 December 
                                             30 June 2021    30 June 2020            2020 
                                                  US$'000         US$'000         US$'000 
-----------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Sales of goods: 
  Gold                                            335,783         512,335         955,372 
  Silver                                                -               -             634 
  Other goods                                       9,837           3,976          19,664 
 Rendering of services: 
  Engineering and construction contracts            5,087           5,036          10,390 
  Other services                                      880           1,042           1,897 
  Rental income                                       358             342             577 
                                                  351,945         522,731         988,534 
-----------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Timing of revenue recognition: 
  At a point in time                              345,620         516,311         975,670 
  Over time                                         6,325           6,420          12,864 
-----------------------------------------                  -------------- 
                                                  351,945         522,731         988,534 

6. Operating expenses and income

                                              Six months      Six months      Year ended 
                                                   ended           ended     31 December 
                                                 30 June    30 June 2020            2020 
                                                   202 1         US$'000         US$'000 
-------------------------------------------  -----------  --------------  -------------- 
 Net operating expenses (a)                      272,522      38 4 , 532         735,519 
 I mpairment of mining assets and 
  in-house service (a)                                 -               -          58,806 
 Impairment of exploration and evaluation 
  assets(a)                                            -               -          16,112 
 Write-down of inventory to net realisable 
  value                                              145               -           1,215 
 R eversal of impairment of ore stockpiles 
  (a)                                                  -            (15)               - 
 Impairment/(reversal of impairment) 
  of gold in circuit                                 700            (38)              77 
 Impairment of bullion in process                      -               -              41 
 Central administration expenses 
  (a)                                             29,579       20 , 6 71          61,371 
                                                                (26, 710 
 Foreign exchange losses / (gains)                   706               )        (32,647) 
                                              30 3 , 652      37 8 , 440         840,494 
-------------------------------------------  -----------  --------------  -------------- 
   (a)       As set out below. 

Net operating expenses

                                          Six months     Six months     Year ended 
                                               ended          ended    31 December 
                                             30 June   30 June 2020           2020 
                                               202 1        US$'000        US$'000 
Depreciation                                  62,981         64,660        134,079 
Staff costs                                   51,179         45,178         88,492 
Materials                                     45,428         42,277         88,623 
Flotation concentrate purchased               49,175        130,175        201,647 
Fuel                                          16,360         17,652         29,565 
External services                             26,698         18,941         43,095 
Mining tax charge                             18,351         15,238         33,796 
Electricity                                   15,927         17,779         33,880 
Smelting and transportation costs                276            466            777 
Movement in ore stockpiles, work 
 in progress , bullion in process 
 , limestone and flotation concentrate 
 attributable to gold production            (44,211)          9,297         29,962 
Taxes other than income                        3,975          4,238          7,962 
Insurance                                        684          2,225          3,641 
Rental fee                                     1,187         1,6 09          2,861 
( R eversal of provision)/provision 
 for impairment of trade and other 
 receivables                                   (230)           (27)            650 
Bank charges                                     853            553          1,088 
Repair and maintenance                         1,801          2,860          5,061 
Security services                              1,979          2,265          4,424 
Travel expenses                                  731            606          1,284 
Goods for resale                               7,856          2,673         11,068 
Other operating expenses                     11, 522          5,867         13,564 
                                            272,52 2     38 4 , 532        735,519 

Central administration expenses

                                Six months     Six months     Year ended 
                                     ended          ended    31 December 
                              30 June 2021   30 June 2020           2020 
                                   US$'000        US$'000        US$'000 
Staff costs                        15,2 17         13,217         29,926 
Professional fees                   10,211       3 , 6 62         20,615 
 Insurance                             649            415            739 
 Rental fee                            240            193            416 
 Business travel expenses              415            369            541 
 Office costs                          402            383            830 
 Other                             2 , 445          2,432          8,304 
                                 2 9 , 579      20 , 6 71         61,371 

Impairment charges

Impairment of mining assets

The group undertook a review of impairment indicators of the tangible assets attributable to its gold mining projects and supporting in-house service companies. Detailed calculations of recoverable amounts, which are value-in-use calculations based on discounted cash flows, were prepared which concluded no impairment was required as at 30 June 2021 and 30 June 2020.

As at 31 December 2020, the group recognised a pre-tax impairment of an aggregate of US$74.9 million (being a post-tax impairment of an aggregate of US$59.9 million) to the extent that recoverable amounts no longer supported the relevant carrying values of assets that were part of Albyn CGU on the statement of financial position as at 31 December 2020. A pre-tax impairment of US$58.8 million (US$47.0 million post-tax) has been recorded against the associated assets within property, plant and equipment and a pre-tax impairment of US$16.1 million (US$12.9 million post-tax) has been recorded against the associated exploration and evaluation assets.

Impairment of exploration and evaluation assets

The group performed a review of its exploration and evaluation assets and concluded no impairment was required as at 30 June 2021 and 30 June 2020. As at 31 December 2020, no impairment except for in relation to exploration and evaluation assets that were part of Albyn CGU was required.

As at 30 June 2021, 30 June 2020 and 31 December 2020, exploration and evaluation assets in the statement of financial position primarily related to the areas adjacent to the existing mines (note 10).

The key assumptions which formed the basis of forecasting future cash flows and the value in use calculation are set out below:

                                  Year ended    Year ended 
                                    3 0 June   31 December 
                                       202 1          2020 
Long-term real gold price (a)    US$1,464/oz   US$1,575/oz 
Discount rate (b)                       7.1%          6.4% 
RUB : US$ exchange rate (c)        RUB74.6 :     RUB73.6 : 
                                        US$1          US$1 

(a) Being upper 75% range of the analyst forecasts based on Consensus Economics, published in June 2021 and January 2021. Based on experience of analyst forecasts being on a conservative side, it is management's view that the upper 75% range is a more accurate basis on which to base the forecasting of forecasting future cash flows for value-in-use calculations.

(b) Being the post-tax real weighted average cost of capital, an equivalent to a nominal pre-tax discount rate of 9.4% (2020: 8.7%), applied to cash flows prepared on a consistent post-tax real basis.

   (c)   Based on Consensus Economics, published in June 2021 (2020: in January 2021). 

Impairment of ore stockpiles

The group assessed the recoverability of the carrying value of ore stockpiles and recorded reversals of impairment/ impairment charges as set out below:

                 Six months ended 30                 Six months ended 30                 Year ended 31 December 
                       June 2021                           June 2020                              2020 
              Pre-tax               Post-tax      Pre-tax               Post-tax       Pre-tax                Post-tax 
           Impairment             impairment   Impairment             impairment    Impairment              impairment 
               charge                charge/       charge                charge/        charge                 charge/ 
          / (reversal              (reversal  / (reversal              (reversal   / (reversal               (reversal 
                   of                     of           of                     of            of                      of 
          impairment)  Taxation  impairment)  impairment)  Taxation  impairment)   impairment)  Taxation   impairment) 
              US$'000   US$'000      US$'000      US$'000   US$'000      US$'000       US$'000   US$'000       US$'000 
Pioneer             -         -            -            -         -            -             -         -             - 
Malomir             -         -            -         (15)         3         (12)             -         -             - 
Albyn               -         -            -            -         -            -             -         -             - 
                    -         -            -         (15)         3         (12)             -         -             - 
   -           7. Financial income and expenses and impairment of financial instruments 
                                                    Six months  Six months      Year ended 
                                                         ended       ended     31 December 
                                                       30 June     30 June            2020 
                                                          2021        2020         US$'000 
                                                       US$'000     US$'000 
Net impairment reversals/(impairment losses) 
 on financial instruments 
Reversal of impairment of financial assets                 487           2             309 
Financial guarantee contract                               569     (1,276)             691 
                                                         1,056     (1,274)           1,000 
Investment and other finance income 
Interest income                                            211         574           1,100 
Guarantee fee income ( (a) ()                           3 ,055       3,388           6,654 
                                                         3,266       3,962           7,754 
Interest expense 
Notes                                                 (20,935)    (20,986)        (42,238) 
Convertible bonds                                      (2,019)     (6,455)         (9,231) 
Bank loans                                               (124)           -               - 
Prepayment on gold sale agreements                     (2,063)     (6,295)         (9,938) 
Lease liabilities                                        (283)     (2 81 )           (485) 
                                                                    (3 4 , 
                                                      (25,424)       017 )        (61,892) 
Interest capitalised                                     1,605       1,019           4,134 
Unwinding of discount on environmental obligation        (433)       (385)           (775) 
                                                                  (33,3 83 
                                                      (24,252)           )        (58,533) 
Net other finance gains/(losses) 
Fair value gain/(loss) on the conversion                31,9 9 
 option (b)                                                  3   (122,248)        (45,775) 
Loss on Bonds conversion (c)                                 -           -         (9,536) 
Fair value gain on the guarantee receivable 
 (d)                                                         -         226             571 
Fair value gain /(loss) on the call option 
 over non-controlling interests (e)                          -     20, 558        (11,022) 
Fair value loss on other derivative financial 
 instruments                                                 -       (733)           (733) 
Fair value gain /(loss) on listed equity 
 investments                                               127        (59)            (92) 
Gain on lease modification                                 249         224             224 
Fair value gain /(loss) on gold option contracts 
 (f)                                                     4,799     (4,544)         (7,021) 
Fair value (loss) /gain on currency option 
 contracts (f)                                           (902)       7,683           4,132 
F air value loss on the agreement for the 
 sale of stake in IRC (g)                             (31,583)           -               - 
Bond solicitation expenses                                   -           -         (1,705) 
                                                                   ( 98 ,8 
                                                         4,683        93 )        (67,957) 
   (a)   Guarantee fee income under Gazprombank Guarantee arrangements (note 21). 
   (b)   Result of re-measurement of the conversion option to fair value (notes 16 and 18). 

(c) Result of Bonds being converted and settled in shares at their nominal value and the carrying value of Convertible Bonds.

(d) Result of re-measurement of receivable from IRC under ICBC Guarantee arrangements to fair value (note 21).

   (e)   Result of re-measurement of the TEMI option to fair value (notes 16 and 21). 
   (f)    Result of measurement of gold and currency option contracts (note 16). 

(g) Results of measurement of value the derivative associated with a transaction undertaken by the Company on 16 March 2020 with Stocken Board AG in connection with the sale of a stake in IRC.

   -           8. Taxation 
                                           Six months     Six months     Year ended 
                                                ended          ended    31 December 
                                         30 June 2021   30 June 2020           2020 
                                              US$'000        US$'000        US$'000 
Current tax 
Russian current tax                            17,261         25,100         48,652 
                                               17,261         25,100         48,652 
Deferred tax 
Origination of temporary differences 
 (a)                                            2,996         13,442         27,417 
Total tax charge (b)                           20,257         38,542         76,069 

(a) Including effect of foreign exchange movements in respect of deductible temporary differences of US$(3.2) million (six months ended 30 June 2020: US$23.7 million, year ended 31 December 2020: US$33.1 million) which primarily arises as the tax base for a significant portion of the future taxable deductions in relation to the group's property, plant and equipment are denominated in Russian Rouble whilst the future depreciation charges associated with these assets will be based on their US Dollar carrying value and reflects the movements in the Russian Rouble to the US Dollar exchange rate.

(b) Including effect of expenses that are not taxable/deductible for tax purposes which primarily relate to fair value gain/loss on re-measurement of the conversion option of the Convertible Bonds (note 7), effect of tax losses for which no deferred income tax asset was recognised which primarily relate to interest expense incurred in the UK (note 7) and Russian withholding tax on intercompany dividends.

Tax laws, regulations and court practice applicable to the group are complex and subject to frequent change, varying interpretations and inconsistent and selective enforcement. There are a number of practical uncertainties associated with the application of relevant tax legislation and there is a risk of tax authorities making arbitrary judgements of business activities. If a particular treatment, based on management's judgement of the group's business activities, was to be challenged by the tax authorities, the group may be subject to tax claims and exposures. Management has calculated a total exposure (including taxes and respective interest and penalties) estimated to be US$7.5 million (six months ended 30 June 2020: US$6.7 million and 2020: US$7.5 million) of contingent liabilities, including US$0.2 million (30 June 2020: US$ 1.1 million and 31 December 2020: US$0.2 million) in respect of income tax and US$7.4 million (30 June 2020: US$5.6 million and 31 December 2020: US$7.3 million) in respect of other taxes.

   -           9. Earnings per share 
                                                 Six months     Six months      Year ended 
                                                      ended          ended     31 December 
                                                    30 June   30 June 2020            2020 
                                                      202 1 
                                                    US$'000        US$'000         US$'000 
Profit/ (loss) for the period attributable                      (2 3 , 934 
 to equity holders of Petropavlovsk PLC              44,543              )        (45,633) 
Interest expense on convertible bonds                 2,019          - (a)           - (a) 
Profit/ (loss) used to determine diluted                        (2 3 , 934 
 earnings per share                                  46,562              )        (45,633) 
                                              No of shares   No of shares     No of shares 
Weighted average number of Ordinary Shares    3,957,270,254  3,310,369,237   3,564,250,949 
Adjustments for dilutive potential Ordinary 
 Shares                                         281,481,494          - (a)           - (a) 
Weighted average number of Ordinary Shares 
 for diluted earnings per share               4,238,751,748  3,310,369,237   3,564,250,949 
                                                        US$            US$             US$ 
Basic profit/ (loss) per share                       0 . 01         (0.01)          (0.01) 
Diluted profit/ (loss) per share                     0 . 01         (0.01)          (0.01) 

(a) Convertible bonds which could potentially dilute basic profit/(loss) per ordinary share in the future are not included in the calculation of diluted profit/(loss) per share because they were anti-dilutive for the six months ended 30 June 2020 and the year ended 31 December 2020.

   -     10.           Exploration and evaluation assets 
                                  Flanks    Flanks 
                              of Pioneer        of    Other     Total 
                                 US$'000   US$'000  US$'000   US$'000 
At 1 January 2021                  7,544    32,347    5,291    45,182 
Additions                                            1,48 5         5 
Transfer to mining assets 
 ( (a) ()                              -  (32,347)        -  (32,347) 
At 30 June 2021                    7,544         -   6,77 6    14,320 
   (a)   Amount capitalised in respect of Elginskoye. 
   -           11.        Property, plant and equipment 
                                              Mining  Non-mining         Capital 
                                              assets      assets    construction 
                                                 (d)         (d)     in progress      Total 
                                             US$'000     US$'000         US$'000    US$'000 
At 1 January 2021                          2,613,218     183,475          98,577  2,895,270 
Additions ( (a) ()                            27,585       9,246          28,963     65,794 
Interest capitalised                               -           -           1,605      1,605 
Transfers from exploration and                  48,4                                   48,4 
 evaluation assets ( (note 10) ()                 59           -               -         59 
Transfers from capital construction 
 in progress ( (b) ()                         91,446         320        (91,766)          - 
Disposals ( (c) ()                          (31,906)    (16,622)               -   (48,528) 
Reallocation and other transfers                 114       (114)               -          - 
Foreign exchange differences                       -        48 7               7       49 4 
                                            2,748,91       176,7 
At 30 June 2021 ( (f) ()                           6          92          37,386  2,963,094 
Accumulated depreciation and impairment 
At 1 January 2021                          1,560,511     130,209               -  1,690,720 
Charge for the year ( (e) ()                  61,521       2,268               -     63,789 
Disposals                                   (30,633)     (8,962)               -   (39,595) 
Transfers from exploration and 
 evaluation assets ( (note 10) ()             16,112           -               -     16,112 
Reallocation and other transfers             (1,302)       1,302               -          - 
Foreign exchange differences                       -         397               -        397 
At 30 June 2021 ( (f) ()                   1,606,209     125,214               -  1,731,423 
Net book value 
At 1 January 2021 ( (g) ()                 1,052,707      53,266          98,577  1,204,550 
                                             1,142,7       51,57 
At 30 June 2021 ( (g) ()                          07           8          37,386  1,231,671 
   (a)   Including US$13.4 million additions of stripping cost. 
   (b)   Being costs primarily associated with the Flotation Pioneer and Elginskoye projects. 

(c) Including US$29.0 million of fully depreciated fleet that is not suitable for future use due to wear and tear, US$7.0 million disposals of lease modification, US$6.0 million disposals of mining fleet due to derecognition of the replaced part.

   (d)   Mining and Non-mining assets include right-of-use assets. 
   (e)   Including US$17.7 million depreciation charge of capitalized stripping cost. 

(f) Including US$479.5 million of fully depreciated property, plant and equipment (31 December 2020: US$498.0 million).

(g) Including US$52.1 million net book value of capitalized stripping cost (31 December 2020: US$56.4 million).

   -           12. Investment in associate and disposal group held for sale 
                                                        31 December 
                            30 June 2021  30 June 2020         2020 
                                 US$'000       US$'000      US$'000 
IRC Limited ('IRC') (a)            5,077        50,950        3,936 
                                   5,077        50,950        3,936 

(a) 1.2% interest in IRC, with 29.9% interest in IRC re-classified as assets held for sale as set out below (30 June 2020: 31.1%, 31 December 2020: 1.2% with 29.9% interest in IRC re-classified as assets held for sale).

Summarised financial information for IRC and its subsidiaries is set out below.

                                             IRC           IRC          IRC 
                                    30 June 2021  30 June 2020  31 December 
                                         US$'000       US$'000      US$'000 
Non-current assets 
Exploration and evaluation assets         20,303        20,035       20,165 
Property, plant and equipment         56 6 , 866       512,652      573,041 
Other non-current assets                  13,836        14,840       14,481 
                                         60 1 ,0 
                                              05       547,527      607,687 
Current assets 
Cash and cash equivalents                67,01 9         4,980       20,371 
Other current assets                   9 3 , 810        52,065       53,063 
                                      16 0 , 829        57,045       73,434 
Current liabilities 
Borrowings (a)                          (19,476)      (19,869)     (20,082) 
                                        (77,8 84      (82,78 1 
Other current liabilities                      )             )     (77,898) 
                                        (97,3 60     (102,6 50 
                                               )             )     (97,980) 
Non-current liabilities 
                                       (172,8 43 
Borrowings (a)                                 )     (191,981)    (181,998) 
                                        (17, 416 
Other non-current liabilities                  )      (24,181)     (18,857) 
                                             9 )     (216,162)    (200,855) 
Net assets                            47 4 , 215      285,76 0      382,286 

(a) On 18 December 2018, IRC entered into two facility agreements for a loan in aggregate of US$240 million (the "Gazprombank Facility"). The Gazprombank Facility will mature in 2026 and consists of two tranches. The principal under the first tranche amounts to US$160 million with interest being charged at the London Inter-bank Offer Rate ("LIBOR") + 5.7% per annum and is repayable in equal quarterly payments during the term of the Gazprombank Facility, the final payment in December 2026. The principal under the second tranche amounts to US$80 million with interest being charged at LIBOR + 7.7% per annum and is repayable in full at the end of the term, in December 2026. Interest charged on the drawn down amounts under the two tranches is payable in equal quarterly payments during the term of the Gazprombank Facility. As at 30 June 2021, 30 June 2020 and 31 December 2020, the entire facility amount of US$240 million has been fully drawn down.

(b) The Gazprombank Facility is secured by (i) IRC's property, plant and equipment with net book value of US$52 million, (ii) 100% equity share of Kapucius Services Limited in LLC KS GOK and (iii) a guarantee from the Company. Please refer to the note 21 for the details on the guarantee arrangements. The Gazprombank Facility is also subject to certain financial covenants and requirements.

                                                  IRC            IRC           IRC 
                                           Six months 
                                                ended     Six months    Year ended 
                                           30 June 20          ended   31 December 
                                                   21   30 June 2020          2020 
                                              US$'000        US$'000       US$'000 
Revenue                                       217,170        106,173       224,591 
Net operating expenses                      (108,374)       (86,489)      (97,366) 
Depreciation                                 (11,904)       (13,465)      (28,818) 
Impairment losses under expected credit 
 loss model                                   (2,054)        (5,176)       (7,115) 
Reversal of impairment of mining assets             -              -        75,832 
Foreign exchange (losses)/gains                 (585)         4,69 0         6,934 
Investment income                                  15             26            44 
Interest expense                             (10,847)       (13,338)      (25,157) 
Taxation                                          266          (440)       (1,602) 
Profit for the period                          98,230          5,932       100,510 
Other comprehensive (loss)/profit             (6,352)          1,368         2,902 
Total comprehensive profit                     91,878          7,300       103,412 
Group's share %                           1.2%  31.1%   31.1% 
Group's share in profit for the period   1,216  1,845  31,257 
Reversal of impairment of investment 
 in associate                                -      -  21,424 
Share of results of associate            1,216  1,845  52,681 

Impairment of investment in associate

As at 30 June 20 21 , the group identified no impairment indicators or indicators of impairment reversal in relation to its investment in IRC (30 June 2020: no impairment indicators and 31 December 2020: detailed calculations of recoverable amounts, which are value-in-use calculations based on discounted cash flows, were prepared which concluded a US$21.4 million reversal impairment was required and recorded accordingly).

Following negotiations with several interested parties the directors resolved to approve the potential disposal of 29.9% investment in IRC (note 3.1). This disposal is expected to be completed within 12 months after the reporting date and accordingly investment in IRC has been classified as "held for sale" and presented separately in the statement of financial position as at 31 December 2020.

The following assets and liabilities re-classified as held for sale are set out below .

                                                   30 June       31 December 2020 
                                                   Fair value  Carrying   Fair value 
                                                   less costs    amount   less costs 
                                                   to sell(a)             to sell(a) 
                                                      US$'000   US$'000      US$'000 
Investment in associate (b)                            77,403    98,327       42,529 
Total assets of disposal group classified 
 as held for sale                                      77,403    98,327       42,529 
Financial guarantee contract                          (7,663)   (8,232)      (8,232) 
Total liabilities of disposal group associated 
 with assets classified as held for sale              (7,663)   (8,232)      (8,232) 
Net assets of disposal group classified 
 as held for sale                                      69,740    90,095       34,297 
Reversal of write-down/(write-down) to 
 adjust the carrying value of net assets 
 of disposal group to fair value less costs 
 to sell                                               34,874               (55,798) 

(a) Based on market share price of HK$0.27 per IRC share as at 30 June 2021 (31 December 2020: HK$0.14), less estimated transaction costs, and fair value of Gazprombank Guarantee of US$nill (31 December 2020: US$nil).

A decrease/ increase of 10% in IRC's share price would result in US$7.3 million additional write-down/ reversal of write-down adjustment (31 December 2020: US$3.8 million).

(b) 29.9% interest in IRC Limited (31 December 2020: 29.9%)

   -           13.        Inventories 
                          30 June   30 June   31 December 
                           20 2 1      2020          2020 
                          US$'000   US$'000       US$'000 
Construction materials      8,300     9,652         9,060 
Stores and spares          89,012    81,956        84,309 
Ore in stockpiles          56,288    59,945        29,901 
Gold in circuit (a)        28,160    10,055        26,567 
Bullion in process (a)     21,179    17,936         9,284 
Flotation concentrate      13,782    33,068        32,801 
Other                      14,174     8,942         4,746 
                                   --------  ------------ 
                          230,895   221,554       196,668 
                                   --------  ------------ 
Ore in stockpiles (b)      77,621    64,556        75,605 
Other (c)                  12,042         -        10,581 
                           89,663    64,556        86,186 

(a) As at 30 June 2021, there were no bullion in process (30 June 2020: US$nil, 31 December 2020: US$0.2 million) carried at net realisable value and there were US$0.6 million of gold in circuit (30 June 2020: US$nil, 31 December 2020: US$3.4 million) carried at net realisable value (note 6).

(b) Ore in stockpiles that is not planned to be processed within twelve months after the reporting period.

(c) As at 30 June 2021 there were US$12 million goods for resale at Irgiredmet planned to be realised more than one year after the reporting period (30 June 2020: US$nil, 31 December 2020: US$10.6 million).

   -           14.        Trade and other receivables 
                                        30 June     30 June   31 December 
                                         20 2 1        2020          2020 
                                        US$'000     US$'000       US$'000 
VAT recoverable                          31,051   3 3 , 756        37,959 
Advances to suppliers                 1 3 , 617     13, 329        17,800 
Prepayments for property, plant and 
 equipment                              3 , 168     5 , 411         5,753 
Trade receivables                         7,085       5,467         8,547 
Contract assets                           1,472       1,211           827 
Guarantee fee receivable (a)              1,482      13,041        11,926 
Other debtors                            11,610     14,61 2        15,739 
                                                   8 6 , 82 
                                         69,485           7        98,551 
Other                                       354         578           481 
                                            354         578           481 
   (a)   Please refer to 12 and 21 for the details of ICBC and Gazprombank guarantee arrangements. 

The Directors consider that the carrying amount of trade and other receivables approximates their fair value.

   -           15.        Cash and cash equivalents 
                            30 June   30 June   31 December 
                             20 2 1      2020          2020 
                            US$'000   US$'000       US$'000 
Cash at bank and in hand     15,947    20,540         7,862 
Short-term bank deposits     18,489    52,918        27,542 
Cash in transit             2 , 100         -             - 
                             36,536    73,458        35,404 
   -           16. Derivative financial instruments 
                                                    30 June 20 2 1          30 June 2020        31 December 2020 
                                               Assets  Liabilities   Assets  Liabilities     Assets  Liabilities 
                                              US$'000      US$'000  US$'000      US$'000    US$'000      US$'000 
Gold option contracts (a), (c)                    192       ( 604)  1, 11 9  ( 2 , 936 )        172      (5,668) 
Currency option contract s ( (b) ), (c)         1,205        ( 13)    4,948        (232)      3,148        (404) 
Call option over non-controlling interests          -            -   31,580            -          -            - 
Financial liability on agreement for the 
 sale of stake in IRC (d)                           -     (31,583)        -            -          -            - 
                                                1,397     (32,200)   37,647      (3,168)      3,320      (6,072) 
Gold option contracts (a), (c)                      -            -       72      (2,799)          -            - 
Currency option contract s ( (b) ), (c)             -            -    2,658        (579)          -            - 
Conversion option (e), (f)                          -    ( 57,095)             (168,561)          -     (89,088) 
                                                    -    ( 57,095)    2,730    (171,939)          -     (89,088) 

(a) Gold option contracts with an exercise price of US$1,600/oz for purchased put options and US$1,832/oz for issued call options for an aggregate of 21,000 ounces of gold maturing over a period until December 2021.

(b) Currency option contracts with an exercise price of RUB75.00 for purchased put options and in the range between RUB90.65 and RUB100.00 for issued call options for an aggregate of US$42 million maturing over a period until December 2021.

(c) Measured at fair value and considered as Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy which valuation incorporates the following inputs:

- Historic gold price / RUB: USD exchange rates volatility;

- Exercise price;

- Time to maturity; and

- Risk free rate.

(d) The derivative associated with a transaction undertaken by the Company on 16 March 2020 with Stocken Board AG in connection with the sale of a stake in IRC measured at fair value and considered as level 3 of the fair value hierarchy and includes the following inputs :

- IRC share price;

- Historic volatility of IRC share price;

- Time to maturity;

- Implied sale price;

- Occurrence of certain events specified in the contract; and

- Discount for lack of marketability of the contract.

   (e)   Note 18. 

(f) Measured at fair value and considered as Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy which valuation incorporates the following inputs:

- The group's credit risk and implied credit spreads (Level 3);

- Historic share price volatility;

- The conversion price;

- Time to maturity; and

- Risk free rate.

   -           17.        Trade and other payables 
                                              30 June  30 June  31 December 
                                                 2021     2020         2020 
                                              US$'000  US$'000      US$'000 
Trade payables (a)                             33,904   64,217       48,604 
Payables for property, plant and equipment      5,441    3,865        9,244 
Contract liabilities - advances from 
 customers under gold sales agreements 
 (b)                                           37,134  101,547       63,787 
Other contract liabilities (c)                 17,213   14,743        7,371 
Accruals and other payables                    62,435   45,276       62,133 
                                              156,127  229,648      191,139 
Contract liabilities - advances from 
 customers under gold sales agreements 
 (b)                                                -   19,473            - 
Other contract liabilities (c)                 10,363        -       13,288 
Accruals and other payables                       220        -          662 
                                               10,583   19,473       13,950 

(a) The trade payables as at 30 June 2021 include US$9.2 million payable for flotation concentrate purchased

(30 June 2020 : US$28.5   million, 31 December 2020: US$23.1 million). 

(b) Include US$37.1 million (30 June 2020 : US$121.0 million, 31 December 2020: US$63.8 million) Russian Rouble denominated advance payments received from Gazprombank under gold sales agreements. Advance payments are to be settled against physical delivery of gold produced by the group in regular intervals over the period of up to twelve months from the reporting date based on the sales price prevailing at delivery that is determined with reference to LBMA fixing. Contractual interest charged on the advances received as at 30 June 2021 is in the range 8.0 - 8.32% and is payable monthly (30 June 2020 : in the range of 8.0 - 8.9% for Russian Rouble denominated advances payable monthly, 31 December 2020: in the range of 8.0 - 8.32% for Russian Rouble denominated advances payable monthly). The table below sets out reconciliation of opening and closing balances, including revenue recognised in the period (note 5) that was included in the contract liability balance at the beginning of the period.

                                            Six months  Six months    Year ended 
                                                 ended    ended 30   31 December 
                                               30 June   June 2020          2020 
                                               US$'000     US$'000       US$'000 
At the beginning of the period                  63,787     187,433       187,433 
New contract liabilities                             -      45,414        71,222 
Revenue recognised in the period that 
 was included in the contract liability 
 balance at the beginning of the period       (27,334)    (93,161)     (163,043) 
Revenue recognised in the period against 
 new contract liabilities                            -           -       (7,107) 
Interest accrued (note 7)                        2,063       6,295         9,938 
Interest paid (note 7)                         (2,063)     (6,295)       (9,938) 
Foreign exchange difference                        681    (18,666)      (24,718) 
At the end of the period                        37,134     121,020        63,787 

(c) Being primarily advances received under re-sale contracts in connection with services performed by the group's subsidiary, Irgiredmet, in its activity to procure materials such as reagents, consumables and equipment for third parties.

The Directors consider that the carrying amount of trade and other payables approximates their fair value.




   -           18.        Borrowings 
                                             30 June  30 June  31 December 
                                                2021     2020         2020 
                                             US$'000  US$'000      US$'000 
Borrowings at amortised cost 
Notes (a)                                    502,613  501,051      501,990 
Convertible Bonds (b)                         34,481  110,385       34,030 
Bank loans (c)                                35,000        -            - 
                                             572,094  611,436      536,020 
Amount due for settlement within 12 months    35,000        -            - 
Amount due for settlement after 12 months    537,094  611,436      536,020 
                                             572,094  611,436      536,020 

(a) US$500 million Guaranteed Notes due for repayment on 14 November 2022 (the "Notes"), measured at amortised cost. The Notes were issued by the group's wholly owned subsidiary Petropavlovsk 2016 Limited and are guaranteed by the Company and its subsidiaries JSC Pokrovskiy Rudnik, LLC Albynskiy Rudnik and LLC Malomirskiy Rudnik. The Notes have been admitted to the official list of the Irish Stock Exchange and to trading on the Global Exchange Market of the Irish Stock Exchange on 14 November 2017. The Notes carry a coupon of 8.125% payable semi-annually in arrears. The interest charged was calculated by applying an effective interest rate of 8.35%.

(b) Debt component of the US$125 million Convertible Bonds due on 03 July 2024 measured at amortised cost and not revalued. As at 30 June 2021, the outstanding principal amount of the Convertible Bonds was US$38 million (30 June 2020: US$125 million, 31 December 2020: US$38 million). The bonds were issued by the Group's wholly owned subsidiary Petropavlovsk 2010 Limited (the "Issuer") on 03 July 2019 and are guaranteed by the Company. The bonds carry a coupon of 8.25% per annum, payable quarterly in arrears. The bonds are, subject to certain conditions, convertible into fully paid ordinary shares of the Company with an initial exchange price of US$0.1350 subject to customary adjustment provisions. The interest charged was calculated by applying an effective interest rate of 12.08%.

During the year ended 31 December 2020, the Company has received Conversion Notices in respect of the exercise of conversion rights under the US$125 million Convertible Bonds. The principal amount of the Convertible Bonds in respect of which the Conversion Notices have been served amounted to an aggregate of US$87 million, which, at a fixed exchange price of US$0.1350 per ordinary share, resulted in the issue and allotment of an aggregate of 644,444,432 new ordinary shares.

The conversion option of the convertible bonds represents the fair value of the embedded option for the bondholders to convert into the equity of the Company (the "Conversion Right"). As the Company can elect to pay the cash value in lieu of delivering the Ordinary Shares following the exercise of the Conversion Right the conversion option is a derivative liability. Accordingly, the conversion option is measured at fair value and is presented separately within derivative financial liabilities (note 16) which the fair value loss is included in the net other finance (losses)/ gains (note 7).

As at 30 June 2021, the fair value of debt component of the convertible bonds, considered as Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy, amounted to US$ 39.0 million (30 June 2020: US$124.7 million, 31 December 2020: US$36.8 million), with the carrying value of US$34.5 million (30 June 2020: US$110.4 million, 31 December 2020: US$34.0 million). Valuation incorporates the following inputs: the group's credit risk and implied credit spreads, time to maturity and risk free rate.

As at 30 June 2021, the fair value of the convertible bonds, considered as Level 1 of the fair value hierarchy and calculated by applying the market traded price to the convertible bonds outstanding, amounted to US$96.1 million (30 June 2020: US$293.3 million, 31 December 2020: US$125.9 million).

(c) In April 2021, the group signed RUB5 billion (an equivalent of approximately US$67 million) revolving credit facility with Gazprombank valid until May 2022. As at 30 June 2021, the outstanding principal amount were US$35 million, US$10 million, bearing 3.7% interest and repayable until April 2022, US$7 million, bearing 2.9% interest and repayable until October 2021 and US$18 million, bearing 2.8% interest and repayable until December 2021.

   -           19.  Share capital 
                                           30 June 2021            30 June 2020          31 December 2020 
                                       No of shares  US$'000   No of shares  US$'000   No of shares  US$'000 
           Allotted, called up 
            and fully paid 
           At the beginning of 
            the period                3,957,270,254   57,464  3,310,210,281   49,003  3,310,210,281   49,003 
           Issued during the period               -        -      2,615,541       32    647,059,973    8,461 
           At the end of the period   3,957,270,254   57,464  3,312,825,822   49,035  3,957,270,254   57,464 
   -           20. Notes to the cash flow statement 

Reconciliation of profit before tax to operating cash flow

                                                   Six months  Six months    Year ended 
                                                     ended 30    ended 30   31 December 
                                                    June 2021   June 2020          2020 
                                                      US$'000     US$'000       US$'000 
Profit before tax                                      69,136      16,548        27,187 
Adjustments for: 
     Share of results of associate                    (1,216)     (1,845)      (52,681) 
     Net (impairment reversals)/ impairment 
      losses on financial instruments                 (1,056)       1,274       (1,000) 
     Investment and other finance income              (3,266)     (3,962)       (7,754) 
     Interest expense                                  24,252      33,383        58,533 
     Net other finance (gains)/losses                 (4,683)      98,893        67,957 
     Share based payments                                 315          89           123 
     Depreciation                                      62,981      64,660       134,079 
     Impairment/(reversal of impairment) of 
      mining assets and in-house service                    -           -        58,806 
     Impairment of exploration and evaluation 
      assets                                                -           -        16,112 
     Write-down of inventory to net realisable 
      value                                               145           -         1,215 
     Reversal of impairment of ore stockpiles               -        (15)             - 
     Effect of processing previously impaired 
      stockpiles                                            -       (502)         (517) 
     Impairment/(reversal of impairment) of 
      gold in circuit                                     700        (38)            77 
     Effect of processing previously impaired 
      gold in circuit                                    (77)       (206)         (244) 
     Impairment of bullion in process                       -           -            41 
     (Reversal of provision)/provision for 
      impairment of trade and other receivables         (896)        (21)         1,339 
     Loss on disposals of property, plant and 
      equipment                                         1,272         663         1,451 
     ( Reversal of write-down ) /write-down 
      to adjust the carrying value of net assets 
      of disposal group to fair value less costs 
      to sell                                        (34,874)           -        55,798 
     Foreign exchange losses/(gains)                     70 6    (26,710)      (32,647) 
     Other non-cash items                                 263         999           645 
Changes in working capital: 
     Decrease /(i ncrease ) in trade and other 
      receivables                                      17,515      13,045       (5,149) 
     (Increase)/decrease in inventories              (37,554)      82,129        85,512 
     Decrease in trade and other payables            (36,529)   (105,626)     (143,023) 
Net cash generated from operations                     57,134     172,758       265,860 

Reconciliation of cash flows used to purchase property, plant and equipment

                                                     Six months  Six months    Year ended 
                                                       ended 30    ended 30   31 December 
                                                      June 2021   June 2020          2020 
                                                        US$'000     US$'000       US$'000 
Additions to property, plant and equipment               65,794      83,121       163,368 
Non-cash additions to property, plant 
 and equipment: 
     Transfer from materials                                370          50         2,120 
     Capitalised depreciation                             (808)       (430)       (3,818) 
     Right-of-use assets additions                      (7,953)     (1,735)       (3,410) 
                                                         57,403      81,006       158,260 
Associated cash flows: 
     Purchase of property, plant and equipment          58, 413      78,618       151,503 
     De crease in prepayments for property, 
      plant and equipment                               2 , 585       3,804         3,480 
     (Decrease)/increase in payables for property,    ( 3 , 803 
      plant and equipment                                     )     (1,945)         3,434 
Cash movements presented in other cash 
 flow lines: 
     Changes in working capital                             208         529         (157) 
                                                         57,403      81,006       158,260 

Non-cash transactions

There were no significant non-cash transactions during the six months ended 30 June 2021 and 30 June 2020. An equivalent of US$0.1 million of VAT recoverable was offset against profit tax during the year ended 31 December 2020 and US$1 million of provision of profit tax relating to Albyn, was accrued as at 31 December 2020.

   -           21. Related parties 

Related parties the g roup entered into transactions with during the reporting period

The Petropavlovsk Foundation for Social Investment (the 'Petropavlovsk Foundation') is considered to be a related party due to the participation of the key management of the group in the board of directors of the Petropavlovsk Foundation.

IRC Limited and its subsidiaries are associates to the group and hence are related parties since 7 August 2015.

The Uzhuralzoloto Group of Companies that holds over 20% of the Company's shares is substantial shareholder and hence is related party.

Transactions with related parties the group entered into during the six months ended 30 June 2021, 30 June 2020 and the year ended 31 December 2020 are set out below.

Trading Transactions

Related party transactions the group entered into that relate to the day-to-day operation of the business are set out below.

                                        Sales to related parties                Purchases from related 
                                                    Six                             Six months 
                                                 months                                  ended 
                                   Six months     ended          Year   Six months     30 June 
                                        ended        30         ended        ended        2020    Year ended 
                                      30 June      June   31 December      30 June     US$'000   31 December 
                                         2021      2020          2020         2021                      2020 
                                      US$'000   US$'000       US$'000      US$'000                   US$'000 
Close family members of key 
 management personnel                       -         -             -            -         195           256 
IRC Limited and its subsidiaries            -        58            85           56          58           111 
                                            -        58            85           56         253           367 

During the six months ended 30 June 2021, the group made US$nil million charitable donations to the Petropavlovsk Foundation (six months ended 30 June 2020: US$0.2 million ; year ended 31 December 2020: US$0.3 million).

The outstanding balances with related parties at 30 June 2021, 30 June 2020 and 31 December 2020 are set out below.

                                      Amounts owed by related        Amounts owed to related 
                                              parties                        parties 
                                   30 June  30 June  31 December  30 June  30 June  31 December 
                                      2021     2020         2020     2021     2020         2020 
                                   US$'000  US$'000      US$'000  US$'000  US$'000      US$'000 
Substantial shareholders                 -        -            -       27        -            - 
IRC Limited and its subsidiaries     2,034    3,622        3,604    1,122    1,166        1,100 
                                     2,034    3,622        3,604    1,149    1,166        1,100 

Financing transactions

Guarantee over IRC's external borrowings

The group historically entered into an arrangement to provide a guarantee over its associate's, IRC, external borrowings, the ICBC Facility ('ICBC Guarantee'). As at 30 June 2021, there was no outstanding contractual guarantee fee (30 June 2020 : outstanding contractual guarantee fee of US$ 5.0 million with corresponding fair value after provision for credit losses of US$4.7 million ; 31 December 20 20 : outstanding contractual guarantee fee of US$0.01 million with corresponding fair value after provision for credit losses of US$0.01 million).

In March 2019, IRC has refinanced the ICBC Facility through entering into a US$240 million new facility with Gazprombank ('Gazprombank Facility'). The facility was fully drawn down during the year ended 31 December 2019.

A new guarantee was issued by the group over part of the Gazprombank Facility ('Gazprombank Guarantee'), the guarantee mechanism is implemented through a series of five guarantees that fluctuate in value through the eight-year life of the loan, with the possibility of the initial US$160 million principal amounts guaranteed reducing to US$40 million within two to three years, subject to certain conditions being met. For the final two years of the Gazprombank Facility, the guaranteed amounts will increase to US$120 million to cover the final principal and interest repayments. If certain springing recourse events transpire, including default on a scheduled payment, then full outstanding loan balance is accelerated and subject to the guarantee. The outstanding loan principal was US$ 194 million as at 30 June 2021 (30 June 2020 : US$214 million ; 31 December 2020: US$204 million). Under the Gazprombank Guarantee arrangements, the guarantee fee receivable is determined at each reporting date on an independently determined fair value basis, which for the six months ended 30 June 2021 was at the annual rate of 3.07% by reference to the average outstanding principal balance under Gazprombank Facility (six months ended 30 June 2020: 3.07%; year ended 31 December 2020: 3.07%). The guarantee fee charged for the six months ended 30 June 202 1 was US$ 3.1 million, with corresponding value of US$3.4 million after reversal of provision for expected credit losses (30 June 2020: US$3.4 million, with corresponding value of US$3.2 million after provision for expected credit losses ; 31 December 2020: US$6.7 million, with corresponding value of US$6.3 million after provision for expected credit losses). As at 3 0 June 2021 the remaining outstanding contractual guarantee fee was US$1.5 million, with corresponding value of US$1.5 million after provision for expected credit losses (3 0 June 2020: US$9.0 million, with corresponding value of US$8.4 million after provision for expected credit losses ; 31 December 2020: US$12.3 million, with corresponding value of US$11.9 million after provision for expected credit losses).

The following assets and liabilities have been recognised in relation to the ICBC Guarantee and Gazprombank Guarantee as at 30 June 2021, 30 June 2020 and 31 December 2020:

                                              30 June   30 June   31 December 
                                                 2021      2020          2020 
                                              US$'000   US$'000       US$'000 
Other receivables - ICBC Guarantee 
 (a)                                                -     4,662             7 
Other receivables - Gazprombank Guarantee 
 (b)                                            1,482     8,380        11,919 
Financial guarantee contract - Gazprombank 
 Guarantee (c), (d)                             7,663    10,199         8,232 

a) The fair value of the receivable, comprising billed fee receivable, less provision for credit losses. Considered Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy which valuation incorporates the following inputs:

- Assessment of the credit standing of IRC and implied credit spread;

- Share price and share price volatility of IRC as at 30 June 2021, 30 June 2020 and 31 December 2020.

b) Amounts of guarantee fee that are expected to be received from IRC and calculated by applying annual rate of 3.07% for six month ended 30 June 2021 and 2020 and year ended 31 December 2020 by reference to the average outstanding principal balance under Gazprombank Facility for the relevant period, less provision for ECL.

c) Measured in accordance with ECL model: the amount of the loss allowance equals to 12-month ECL as it has been concluded that the credit risk on the financial guarantee contract has not increased significantly since initial recognition.

d) Classified as "held for sale" and presented separately in the statement of financial position as at 30 June 2021 and 31 December 2020.

The results from relevant re-measurements of the aforementioned assets and liabilities were recognised within Other finance gains and losses and impairments of financial instruments (note 7).

Other financing transactions

In March 2018, the group entered into a loan agreement with Dr. Pavel Maslovskiy. The loan principal outstanding amounted to an equivalent of US$0.2 million, with corresponding value of US$0.2 million after provision for expected credit losses, as at 30 June 2020 and US$0.1 million, with corresponding value of US$nil after provision for expected credit losses, as at 31 December 2020. The loan together with accrued interest was fully repaid as at 30 June 2021. Interest charged during the six months ended 30 June 2021 comprised an equivalent of US$0.01 million (six month ended 30 June 2020: US$0.01 million, year ended 31 December 2020 : US$0.01 million). At 10 August 2020, Dr. Pavel Maslovskiy ceased to be a related party.

In April 2019, the g roup entered into a loan agreement with Dr. Alya Samokhvalova. The loan principal outstanding amounted to an equivalent of US$0.4 million, with corresponding value of US$0.4 million after provision for expected credit losses, as at 30 June 2020 and US$0.3 million, with corresponding value of US$nil after provision for expected credit losses, as at 31 December 2020. The loan together with accrued interest was fully repaid as at 30 June 2021. Interest charged during the six month ended 30 June 2021 comprised an equivalent of US$0.01 million (six month ended 30 June 2020: US$0.01 million, year ended 31 December 2020 : US$0.03 million). At 12 October 2020, Dr. Alya Samokhvalova ceased to be a related party.

Key management compensation

Key management personnel, comprising a group of 10 individuals during the period (six months ended 30 June 2020: 1 7 and year ended 31 December 2020: 11 ), including Executive and Non-Executive Directors of the Company and members of senior management, are those having authority and responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the activities of the group.

                              Six months     Six months    Year ended 
                                   ended          ended   31 December 
                            30 June 2021   30 June 2020          2020 
                                 US$'000        US$'000       US$'000 
Wages and salaries                4 ,049          2,255         4,228 
Pension costs                         30             38            47 
Share-based compensation             315             91            33 
                                   4,394          2,384         4,308 
   -           22. Analysis of Net Debt .. 
                              At 1 January   Net cash   Exchange   Non-cash    At 30 June 
                                      2021   movement   movement    changes          2021 
                                   US$'000    US$'000    US$'000    US$'000       US$'000 
Cash and cash equivalents           35,404        846        286          -        36,536 
                                             (12,996)              (23,078) 
Borrowings                       (536,020)   ( (a) ()          -   ( (b) ()     (572,094) 
Net Debt (u)                     (500,616)   (12,150)        286   (23,078)     (535,558) 
Lease liabilities                  (4,143)        713      (370)      (672)       (4,472) 
Conversion option (c)             (89,088)          -          -     31,993      (57,095) 
                                 (593,847)   (11,437)       (84)      8,243     (597,125) 

a) Being US$22.0 million interest paid on borrowings, which is presented as operating cash flows in the Statement of cash flows and US$35.0 million proceeds from borrowings.

b) Being principally accrued interest expense which is presented as operating cash flows in the Statement of cash flows when paid (note 7).

   c)      Notes 16, 18. 
                              At 1 January   Net cash   Exchange   Non-cash    At 30 June 
                                      2020   movement   movement    changes          2020 
                                   US$'000    US$'000    US$'000    US$'000       US$'000 
                                                         (2,1 63 
Cash and cash equivalents           48,153    27,4 68          )          -        73,458 
                                               25,468              (27,441) 
Borrowings                       (609,463)        (d)          -   ( (e) ()     (611,436) 
                                                         (2,1 63 
Net Debt (u)                     (561,310)    52,9 36          )   (27,441)     (537,978) 
                                                                                ( 4 , 617 
Lease liabilities                 (13,178)    2 , 053        769    5 , 739             ) 
Conversion option (f)             (46,313)          -          -  (122,248)     (168,561) 
                                                         (1, 394    (14 3 ,       (7 11 , 
                                 (620,801)    54, 989          )    9 5 0 )         156 ) 

(a) Being US$25.5 million interest paid on borrowings, which is presented as operating cash flows in the Statement of cash flows.

(b) Being principally accrued interest expense which is presented as operating cash flows in the Statement of cash flows when paid (note 7).

   (c)   Notes 16, 18. 
                              At 1 January   Net cash   Exchange   Non-cash  At 31 December 
                                      2020   movement   movement    changes            2020 
                                   US$'000    US$'000    US$'000    US$'000         US$'000 
Cash and cash equivalents           48,153    (9,104)    (3,645)          -          35,404 
Borrowings                       (609,463)  47,447(g)          -  25,996(h)       (536,020) 
Net Debt (u)                     (561,310)     38,343    (3,645)     25,996       (500,616) 
Lease liabilities                 (13,178)      4,153      1,022      3,860         (4,143) 
Conversion option (i)             (46,313)          -          -   (42,775)        (89,088) 
                                 (620,801)     42,496    (2,623)   (12,919)       (593,847) 

(d) Being US$47.4 million interest paid on borrowings, which is presented as operating cash flows in the Statement of cash flows.

(e) Being principally accrued interest expense which is presented as operating cash flows in the Statement of cash flows when paid (note 7) and US$77.5 million of Bonds conversion into share.

   (f)     Notes 16, 18. 
   -           23.        Commitments and contingencies 


   -           Capital commitments 

At 30 June 2021, the group had entered into contractual commitments in relation to the acquisition of property, plant and equipment amounting to US$ 21.4 million (30 June 2020: US$9.7million, 31 December 2020: US$3.5 million) including US$ 15.6 million in relation to Malomir Flotation project (30 June 2020: US$1.2 million, 31 December 2020: US$ 0 . 9 million) and US$ 4.5 million in relation to Pioneer Flotation project (30 June 2020: US$5.8 million, 31 December 2020: US$2.0 million).

   -           Contingencies 

On 24 June 2021, the Company announced that KPMG LLP had published an Interim Reporting regarding its forensic investigation into certain transactions undertaken by the Company and its subsidiaries, and IRC Ltd and its subsidiaries, in the three years to August 2020.

The Interim Report has identified a number of potential issues with transactions involving the Company with an estimated value of US$157 million. These issues include potentially undisclosed related parties and likely conflicts of interest. KPMG intends to focus on these transactions, amongst a number of other potential issues, during its ongoing investigation. As KPMG's work is ongoing, KPMG and the Company are not able to draw or disclose firm conclusions at this stage.

The group may be exposed to the risk of civil, criminal or regulatory actions and liabilities (including fines and penalties) may accrue to the group if it becomes apparent that transactions have been entered into with related parties of the Group without proper processes having been followed, including proper approvals obtained and/or disclosures made.

At the current time the existence, timing and quantum of potential future liability (if any) including fines, penalties, damages or other consequences arising from any such transactions or failures to obtain all proper approvals or make proper disclosures cannot be determined or measured. As a consequence, no associated liabilities have been recognised in relation to these matters in the consolidated statement of financial position as at 30 June 2021 and 31 December 2020.

   -           24. Subsequent events 

On 13th July 2021 the Company announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Petropavlovsk 2016 Limited announced the launch of its offer to purchase for cash up to US$200 million aggregate principal amount of its 8.125 per cent Guaranteed Notes due 2022. Tender offer is financed via Gazprombank loan facility with a total limit of US$200 million, that was consequently entered in July 2021 with an interest rate significantly lower than the Notes. Gazprombank loan repayment schedule is US$66 million in December 202 2 , US$66 million in March 2023 and remaining balance in June 2023.

On 10 August 2021 Petropavlovsk 2016 Limited announced the final tender results, US$135,731,000 aggregate principal amount of the Notes were validly tendered.

The Use and Application of Alternative Performance Measures (APMs)

Throughout this Half Year Report, when discussing the group's financial performance, reference is made to APMs.

Each of the APMs is defined and calculated by the group and as such they are non-IFRS measures because they may include or exclude certain items that an IFRS measure ordinarily would or would not take into account. APMs should not be regarded as an alternative or substitute for the equivalent measures calculated and presented in accordance with IFRS but instead should be seen as additional information provided to investors to enable the comparison of information between different reporting periods of the group.

Although the APMs used by the group may be calculated in a different manner and defined differently by other peers in the precious metals mining sector (despite being similar in title), they are nonetheless relevant and commonly used measures for the industry in which Petropavlovsk operates. These and similar measures are used widely by certain investors, analysts and other interested parties as supplemental measures of financial performance.

Some of the APMs form part of the group's Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), which are used to monitor progress and performance against strategic objectives and to benchmark the performance of the business each year.

A discussion of the relevance of each APM as well as a description of how they are calculated is set out below, with reconciliation to IFRS equivalents from the consolidated IFRS financial statements (Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss (SPL), Consolidated Statement of Financial Position (SFP), Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows (SCF) and the notes to the consolidated IFRS financial statements).

Total Cash Costs (TCC)


The total cash cost per ounce is the cost of producing and selling an ounce of gold from the group's three hard-rock operations and processing and selling an ounce of gold by treatment of third party sourced refractory concentrate at the POX Hub.


TCC are calculated by the group as operating cash costs less co-product revenue. TCC per oz are calculated as total cash costs divided by the ounces of gold sold. TCC per oz are presented on a segment basis .

Operating cash costs are defined by the group as operating cash expenses plus refinery and transportation costs, other taxes and mining tax. This also equates to the group's segment result as reported under IFRS plus each segment's loss/gain on disposal of subsidiaries, impairment of ore stockpiles, gold in circuit, bullion in process and flotation concentrate, impairment of exploration and evaluation assets, impairment of mining assets, write-down of inventory to net realizable value, central administration expenses, depreciation minus each segment's revenue from external customers , bullion in process and flotation concentrate, reversal of impairment of mining assets and in-house service. Operating cash costs are presented on a segment basis.

Operating cash expenses are defined by the group as the total of staff costs, materials, fuel, electricity, other external services, other operating expenses, and the movement in ore stockpiles, work in progress, bullion in process and flotation concentrate attributable to gold production. The main cost drivers affecting operating cash expenses are stripping ratios, production volumes of ore mined / processed, recovery rates, cost inflation and fluctuations in the ruble to US dollar exchange rate.

Other companies may calculate this measure differently.


The group closely monitors its current and projected costs to track and benchmark the ongoing efficiency and effectiveness of its operations. This monitoring includes analysing fluctuations in the components that operating cash costs and cost per tonne mined and processed to identify where and how efficiencies may be made.


The tables below provide a reconciliation between operating expenses and total cash costs to calculate the cash cost per ounce sold for relevant periods.

H1 20 2 1                                                                      Corporate 
                             Ref           Pioneer     Malomir      Albyn      and other                       Total 
                                           US$'000     US$'000    US$'000        US$'000                     US$'000 
                                                    ----------  ---------  -------------  -------------------------- 
Operating expenses          SPL                                                                              303,652 
Foreign exchange           note                                                                                (70 6 
 losses                      6                                                                                     ) 
Depreciation                 6                                                                              (62,981) 
Write-down of inventory 
 to net realisable         note 
 value                       6                                                                                 (145) 
Impairment of gold         note 
 in circuit                  6                                                                                 (700) 
Central administration     note 
 expenses                    6                                                                            ( 2 9,579) 
                           note                                                    18,77                      209,54 
Operating cash costs         4             100,303      57,458     33,002              8                           1 
Corporate and other        note                                                   (18,77                      (18,77 
 segment                     4                                                       8 )                         8 ) 
Deduct: silver revenue     note                  -           -          -                                          - 
                             4                                                         - 
Total Cash Costs                           100,303      57,458     33,002              -                           3 
Total ounces sold           oz              74,932      69,895     42,238                                          4 
Total Cash Cost per 
 ounce sold               US$/oz             1,339       8 2 2        781                                      1,020 
H1 20 20                                                                           Corporate 
                            Ref             Pioneer      Malomir       Albyn       and other                     Total 
                                            US$'000      US$'000     US$'000         US$'000                   US$'000 
                                                     -----------  ----------  --------------  ------------------------ 
                                                                                                                37 8 , 
Operating expenses         SPL                                                                                     440 
Foreign exchange          note                                                                                   2 6 , 
 gains                      6                                                                                      710 
                          note                                                                                   (64,6 
Depreciation                6                                                                                     60 ) 
Reversal of impairment    note 
 of ore stockpiles          6                                                                                       15 
Reversal of impairment    note 
 of gold in circuit         6                                                                                       38 
Central administration    note                                                                                  ( 20 , 
 expenses                   6                                                                                    6 71) 
                                                     -----------  ----------  --------------  ------------------------ 
                          note                                        42, 56           1 2 ,                    3 19 , 
Operating cash costs        4            19 9 , 104      65, 529           0             679                       872 
Corporate and other       note                                                        (1 2 ,                    (1 2 , 
 segment                    4                                                          679 )                     679 ) 
Deduct: silver revenue    note                    -            -           -                                         - 
                            4                                                              - 
                                                     -----------  ----------  --------------  ------------------------ 
                                                                      42, 56 
Total Cash Costs                         19 9 , 104      65, 529           0               -                 307 , 193 
                                                     -----------  ----------  --------------  ------------------------ 
                                           1 5 8 ,8 
Total ounces sold          oz                    44     81 , 726   7 1 , 785                                 312 , 354 
Total Cash Cost per 
 ounce sold              US$/oz              1, 253          802         593                                       983 
FY20 20                                                                  Corporate 
                               Ref      Pioneer     Malomir     Albyn    and other        Total 
                                        US$'000     US$'000   US$'000      US$'000      US$'000 
                                                 ----------  --------  -----------  ----------- 
Operating expenses            SPL                                                       840,494 
Foreign exchange             note 
 gains                         6                                                         32,647 
Depreciation                   6                                                      (134,079) 
Impairment of mining         note 
 assets                        6                                                       (58,806) 
Impairment of exploration    note 
 and evaluation assets         6                                                       (16,112) 
Write-down of inventory 
 to net realisable           note 
 value                         6                                                        (1,215) 
Impairment of gold           note 
 in circuit                    6                                                           (77) 
Impairment of bullion        note 
 in process                    6                                                           (41) 
Central administration       note 
 expenses                      6                                                       (61,371) 
                                                 ----------  --------  -----------  ----------- 
Operating cash costs           4        366,677     106,959    92,307       35,497      601,440 
Corporate and other          note 
 segment                       4                                          (35,497)     (35,497) 
Deduct: silver revenue         4          (338)       (100)     (196)            -        (634) 
                                                 ----------  --------  -----------  ----------- 
Total Cash Costs                        366,339     106,859    92,111            -      565,309 
                                                 ----------  --------  -----------  ----------- 
Total ounces sold             oz        279,364     140,436   126,658            -      546,458 
Total Cash Cost per 
 ounce sold                 US$/oz        1,311         761       727            -        1,034 

All-in Sustaining Costs (AISC)


AISC includes both operating and capital costs required to sustain gold production on an ongoing basis, over and above the direct mining and selling costs shown by TCC.


AISC are calculated by the group as TCC plus/(minus) impairment/(reversal of impairment) of ore stockpiles, gold in circuit, bullion in process and flotation concentrate, central administration expenses, plus sustaining capitalized stripping, close-down and site restoration, sustaining capital and exploration expenditure and payments under sustaining leases. This is then divided by the ounces of gold sold. AISC are presented on a segment basis.

AISC are calculated in accordance with guidelines for reporting AISC as published by the World Gold Council in June 2013. Other companies may calculate this measure differently.


AISC allows for a better understanding of the true cost of producing gold once key components such as central admin costs and the cost of sustaining capital and exploration expenditure are taken into account. Management uses this measure to monitor the performance of our assets and their ability to generate positive cash flows.


The tables below provide a reconciliation between total cash costs and all-in sustaining costs to calculate all-in sustaining cost per ounce sold for relevant periods.

H1 20 2 1                                                                        Corporate 
                       Ref           Pioneer        Malomir         Albyn        and other                       Total 
                                     US$'000        US$'000       US$'000          US$'000                     US$'000 
                             ---------------  -------------                --------------- 
Total Cash Costs                     100,303         57,458        33,002                -                           3 
Impairment of gold     note 
 in circuit               6                -            700             -                -                         700 
Write-down of 
 to net realisable     note 
 value                    6                -              -            31                -                          31 
 administration        note             1 1, 
 expenses                 6              849      1 1 , 051       6 , 679                -                    29 , 579 
Capitalised stripping                  5,375          5,138             -                -                    10 , 513 
Close-down and site 
 restoration                             792            601           250                -                     1, 6 43 
Sustaining exploration 
 expenditure                              71              -         2,891                -                       2,962 
Sustaining capital                      6,94 
 expenditure                               8        7 , 225      11 , 663                -                    25 , 836 
Sustaining lease                         318            204           155                -                         677 
All-in Sustaining                       125, 
 Costs                                   656       82 , 377      54 , 671                -                   262 , 704 
Total ounces sold     oz              74,932         69,895        42,238                                            4 
All-in Sustaining 
 Costs per ounce                        1,67 
 sold               US$/oz                 7         1,1 79         1,294                -                      1, 404 
H1 20 20                                                                           Corporate 
                        Ref            Pioneer        Malomir        Albyn         and other                     Total 
                                       US$'000        US$'000      US$'000           US$'000                   US$'000 
                              ----------------  -------------               ---------------- 
                                          19 9                                                                  30 7 , 
Total Cash Costs                         , 104        65, 529      42, 560                 -                       193 
 Reversal of 
 impairment             note 
 of ore stockpiles         6                 -           (15)            -                 -                      (15) 
Reversal of 
 impairment             note 
 of gold in circuit        6                 -           (38)            -                 -                      (38) 
 administration         note              10 ,                                                                  20 , 6 
 expense                   6               512        5 , 409       4, 750                 -                        71 
Capitalised stripping                   12,995         10,713            -                 -                    23,708 
Close-down and site 
 restoration                               629              -           57                 -                       686 
Sustaining exploration 
 expenditure                               362              -          158                 -                       520 
Sustaining capital                                     10,6 4 
 expenditure                           12, 393              5      3 , 174                 -                  26 , 212 
Sustaining lease                           149          1,047          857                 -                     2,053 
All-in Sustaining                         236,                                                                  3 80 , 
 Costs                                     144      9 3 , 290     51 , 556                 -                       990 
                              ----------------                              ---------------- 
Total ounces sold      oz              158,844         81,726       71,785                 -                   312,354 
All-in Sustaining 
 Costs per ounce 
 sold                US$/oz             1,4 87         1,1 41          718                 -                    1,2 20 
FY2020                                                               Corporate 
                            Ref      Pioneer     Malomir    Albyn    and other    Total 
                                     US$'000     US$'000  US$'000      US$'000  US$'000 
                                  ----------  ----------           ----------- 
Total Cash Costs                     366,339     106,859   92,111            -  565,309 
Impairment of gold       note 
 in circuit               6               77           -        -            -       77 
Impairment of bullion    note 
 in process               6               41           -        -            -       41 
Central administration   note 
 expenses                 6           31,374      15,772   14,225            -   61,371 
Capitalised stripping                 11,227      22,593        -            -   33,820 
Close-down and site 
 restoration                           1,264         465      114            -    1,843 
Sustaining exploration 
 expenditure                             539           -      391                   930 
Sustaining capital 
 expenditure                          25,143      18,094    6,004            -   49,241 
Sustaining lease                         384       2,116    1,653            -    4,153 
All-in Sustaining 
 Costs                               436,388     165,899  114,498            -  716,785 
                                  ----------                       ----------- 
Total ounces sold          oz        279,364     140,436  126,658            -  546,458 
All-in Sustaining 
 Costs per ounce sold    US$/oz        1,562       1,181      904            -    1,312 

All-in Costs (AIC)


AIC comprises of AISC as well as capital expenditure for major growth projects or enhancement capital for significant improvements at existing operations.


AIC are calculated by the group as AISC plus non-sustaining capitalized stripping (when the resulting ore production phase is more than five years), non-sustaining exploration and capital expenditures, (reversal of impairment)/impairment of refractory ore stockpiles and payments under non-sustaining leases. This is then divided by the ounces of gold sold. AIC are presented on a segment basis .

AIC is calculated in accordance with guidelines for reporting AIC as published by the World Gold Council in June 2013. Other companies may calculate this measure differently.


AIC reflect the costs of producing gold over the life-cycle of a mine .


The tables below provide a reconciliation between all-in sustaining costs and all-in costs to calculate all-in cost per ounce sold for relevant periods.

H1 2021                                                                             Corporate 
                       Ref           Pioneer          Malomir          Albyn        and other                    Total 
                                     US$'000          US$'000        US$'000          US$'000                  US$'000 
                             ---------------                   -------------  ---------------  ----------------------- 
All-in Sustaining                       125,                                                                     262 , 
 Costs                                   656         82 , 377       54 , 671                -                      704 
Capitalised stripping                  2,050                -              -                -                    2,050 
Exploration expenditure                    -           1, 480              -                -                   1, 480 
                                       1 1 , 
Capital expenditure                      374            5,688              -                -                 17 , 062 
All-in Costs                         139,080           89,545       54 , 671                -                  283,296 
Total ounces sold     oz              74,932           69,895         42,238                                         4 
All-in Costs per                        1,85 
 ounce sold         US$/oz                 6           1,2 81         1,29 4                -                   1,5 14 
H1 2020                                                                            Corporate 
                    Ref            Pioneer       Malomir             Albyn         and other                     Total 
                                   US$'000       US$'000           US$'000           US$'000                   US$'000 
                          ----------------                ----------------  ----------------  ------------------------ 
All-in Sustaining                     236,                                                                      3 80 , 
 Costs                                 144     9 3 , 290          51 , 556                 -                       990 
Exploration expenditure                  -         1,289             3,359                 -                     4,648 
Capital expenditure                 16,075             -            12,103                 -                  28 , 178 
                                      25 2                           6 7 ,                                      4 13 , 
All-in Costs                         , 219     9 4 , 579               018                 -                       816 
                          ----------------                ----------------                    ------------------------ 
Total ounces 
 sold              oz              158,844        81,726            71,785                 -                   312,354 
All-in Costs 
 ounce sold      US$/oz             1,5 88        1,1 57              9 34                 -                    1,3 25 
2020                                                                   Corporate 
                             Ref      Pioneer     Malomir     Albyn    and other     Total 
                                      US$'000     US$'000   US$'000      US$'000   US$'000 
                                   ----------              --------  -----------  -------- 
All-in Sustaining 
 Costs                                436,388     165,899   114,498            -   716,785 
Capitalised stripping                   8,717           -         -            -     8,717 
Exploration expenditure                     -       3,109     5,707            -     8,816 
Capital expenditure                    23,133       3,507    32,168            -    58,808 
All-in Costs                          468,238     172,515   152,373            -   793,126 
                                   ----------              --------               -------- 
Total ounces sold           oz        279,364     140,436   126,658            -   546,458 
All-in Costs per 
 ounce sold               US$/oz        1,676       1,228     1,203            -     1,451 

Average Realised Gold Sales Price


The average realized gold sales price is the mean price at which the group sold its gold production output throughout the reporting period, including the realized effect of cash flow hedge contracts during the period.


The average realized gold sales price is calculated by dividing total revenue received from gold sales (including the realized effect of any hedging contracts) by the total quantity of gold sold during the period. Other companies may calculate this measure differently.


As gold is the key commodity produced and sold by the group, the average realized gold sales price is a key driver behind the group's revenues and profitability.


The average realized gold price has been calculated as set out in the table below.

                         Ref              H1 2021     H1 2020    FY2020 
                                         --------  ----------  -------- 
Gold revenue              4    US$'000    335,783   512 ,3 35   955,372 
Gold sold                       ounces    187,064   312 , 354  5 46,458 
Average realized gold 
 price                          US$/oz      1,795       1,640     1,748 

Capital Expenditure (CAPEX)


CAPEX is the investment required by the group to explore and develop its gold assets and keep current plants and other equipment at its gold mines in good working order.


CAPEX represents cash flows used in investing activities, namely Purchases of property, plant and equipment and Expenditure of exploration and evaluation assets.


Capital expenditure is necessary in order not only to maintain but also to develop and grow the business. Capex requirements need to be balanced in line with the group's strategy and provide an optimal allocation of the group's funds.


The table below provides a reconciliation between capital expenditure and cash flows used in investing activities.

                             Ref      H1 2021    H1 2020      FY2020 
                                      US$'000    US$'000     US$'000 
                                    ---------  ---------  ---------- 
Purchase of property, 
 plant and equipment          SCF      58,413   7 8, 618    1 51,503 
Expenditure on exploration 
 and evaluation assets        SCF       1,490     4, 648       8,829 
                                                              ( 42 , 
Capitalised stripping                (12,563)   (23,708)       537 ) 
                                                              1 17 , 
Total Capital Expenditure              47,340  59 , 55 8         795 

Net Debt


Net Debt shows how indebted a company is after total debt and any cash (or its equivalent) are netted off against each other.


Net Debt is calculated as the sum of current borrowings and non-current borrowings less cash and cash e quivalents. Other companies may calculate this measure differently.


Management considers Net Debt a key measure of the Company's leverage and its ability to repay debt as well showing what progress is being made in strengthening the statement of financial position. The measure is also widely used by various stakeholders.


The table below provides calculation of net debt at relevant reporting dates.

                             Ref    30 June 2021   31 December 
                                         US$'000          2020 
                            -----  -------------  ------------ 
Cash and cash equivalents    SFP          36,536        35,404 
                                       ( 572,094 
Borrowings                   SFP               )     (536,020) 
                                         (53 5 , 
Net debt                                   558 )     (500,616) 

Underlying EBITDA


EBITDA is a common measure used to assess profitability without the impact of different financing methods, tax, asset depreciation and amortisation of intangibles and items of an exceptional / non-recurring nature, or those that could make comparison of results from prior periods less meaningful.


Underlying EBITDA is calculated as profit/(loss) for the period before financial income, financial expenses, foreign exchange gains and losses, fair value changes, taxation, depreciation, impairment charges/reversal of impairment. Other companies may calculate this measure differently.


Underlying EBITDA is an indicator of the group's ability to generate operating cash flows, which are the source of funding for the group's working capital requirements, capital expenditure and debt service obligations. The measure is also widely used by various stakeholders.


The tables below provide reconciliations between net profit and Underlying EBITDA as well as reconciliation between operating profit and Underlying EBITDA for relevant periods.

                                              Ref      H1 2021      H1 2020       FY2020 
                                                       US$'000      US$'000      US$'000 
                                                                -----------  ----------- 
                                                                   (21, 994 
Profit/(loss) for the period                   SPL      48,879            )     (48,882) 
Net (impairment reversals)/impairment 
 losses on financial instruments              SPL      (1,056)        1,274      (1,000) 
Investment and other finance income           SPL      (3,266)      (3,962)      (7,754) 
Interest expense                              SPL       24,252      33,3 83       58,533 
Net other finance (gains)/losses              SPL            )     98 ,8 93       67,957 
                                                                    (2 6 ,7 
Foreign exchange losses/(gains)             note 6         706         10 )     (32,647) 
Taxation                                      SPL       20,257    3 8 , 542       76,069 
                                                                    6 4 ,66 
Depreciation                                note 6      62,981            0      134,079 
Impairment of mining assets and 
 in-house service                           note 6           -            -       58,806 
Impairment of exploration and evaluation 
 assets                                     note 6           -            -       16,112 
Write-down of inventory to net 
 realizable value                           note 6         145            -        1,215 
Reversal of impairment of ore stockpiles    note 6           -         (15)            - 
Impairment/(reversal of impairment) 
 of gold in circuit                         note 6         700         (38)           77 
Impairment of bullion in process            note 6           -            -           41 
(Reversal of write-down)/write-down 
 to adjust the carrying value of 
 net assets of disposal group to 
 fair value less costs to sell              note 12   (34,874)            -       55,798 
Share of results of associate (a)          note 1 2        281      8 , 615     (27,680) 
                                                                     19 2 , 
Underlying EBITDA                                      114,322          648      350,724 
                                                                -----------  ----------- 
                                                                                    Corporate             Consolidated 
                                           Pioneer      Malomir        Albyn        and other 
  H1 2021 
                          Ref              US$'000      US$'000      US$'000          US$'000                  US$'000 
                                                                 -----------  --------------- 
Operating profit          SPL                                                                                4 8 , 293 
Foreign exchange 
 losses                  note 6                                                                                    706 
                                                                                       ( 33 ,                 4 8 , 99 
Segment result           note 4             11,745       39,923     31 , 153            82 2)                        9 
Add/ (less): 
                                                                       1 1 , 
Depreciation           notes 4,6            22,694       27,279          495           1, 513                   62,981 
Write-down of 
 to net realizable 
 value                 notes 4,6                 -            -           31              114                      145 
Impairment of gold 
 in circuit            notes 4,6                 -          700            -                -                      700 
Underlying EBITDA                                                                      (3 2 ,                   11 2 , 
 by segment                                 34,439     67 , 902       42,679            19 5)                     82 5 
Share of results 
 of associate           note 12                                                                                  1,216 
Share of results 
 of associate (a)       note 12                                                                                    281 
                                                                                                                11 4 , 
Underlying EBITDA                                                                                                 32 2 
                                                                                    Corporate                Consolidated 
                                          Pioneer       Malomir       Albyn         and other 
  H1 2020 
                       Ref                US$'000       US$'000     US$'000           US$'000                     US$'000 
Operating                                                                                                          14 4 , 
 profit                SPL                                                                                            291 
 exchange                                                                                                          (2 6 , 
 gains               note 6                                                                                         710 ) 
                                              36,                                      (2 4 ,                      1 17 , 
Segment result       note 4                   287     4 6 , 987     58, 386             079 )                         581 
Add/ (less): 
Depreciation        notes 4,6                  87        23,941      16,607            1,12 5                     64,6 60 
Reversal of 
 of ore 
 stockpiles         notes 4,6                   -          (15)           -                 -                        (15) 
Reversal of 
 of gold in 
 circuit             notes 4,6                  -          (38)           -                 -                        (38) 
Underlying EBITDA                             59,                     7 4 ,            (22,95                    18 2 ,18 
 by segment                                   274     7 0 , 875         993               4 )                           8 
Share of 
 of associate        note 12                                                                                        1,845 
Share of 
 of associate 
 (a)                 note 12                                                                                        8,615 
                                                                                                                   19 2 , 
Underlying EBITDA                                                                                                     648 
                                                  (a) Group's share of interest expense, investment income, other finance 
                                              gains and losses, foreign exchange gains and losses, taxation, depreciation 
                                                     and impairment/reversal of impairment recognized by an associate and 
                                                       impairment/reversal of impairment recognized against investment in 
                                                                                                           the associate. 
                                                                                    Corporate              Consolidated 
  FY2020                                  Pioneer       Malomir       Albyn         and other 
                       Ref                US$'000       US$'000     US$'000           US$'000                   US$'000 
 profit                SPL                                                                                      148,040 
 gains               note 6                                                                                    (32,647) 
Segment result       note 4                69,926        87,291      26,246        (68, 0 70)                   115,393 
Add/ (less): 
Depreciation        notes 4,6              49,824        53,771      27,969             2,515                   134,079 
Impairment of 
 assets             notes 4,6                   -             -      58,806                 -                    58,806 
Impairment of 
 and evaluation 
 assets              notes 4,6                  -             -      16,112                 -                    16,112 
Impairment of 
 in process         notes 4,6                  41             -           -                 -                        41 
Impairment of 
 in circuit         notes 4,6                  77             -           -                 -                        77 
Write-down of 
 to net 
 value               notes 4,6                  -             -           -             1,215                     1,215 
Underlying EBITDA 
 by segment                               119,868       141,062     129,133          (64,340)                   325,723 
Share in 
 of associates       note 12                                                                                     52,681 
Share in 
 of associates 
 (a)                 note 12                                                                                   (27,680) 
Underlying EBITDA                                                                                               350,724 

(a) Group's share of interest expense, investment income, other finance gains and losses, foreign exchange gains and losses, taxation, depreciation and impairment/reversal of impairment recognized by an associate and impairment/reversal of impairment recognized against investment in the associate.

See "The Use and Application of Alternative Performance Measures (APMs)" section for further information on our APMs

.. Throughout this document, when discussing the group's financial performance, reference is made to a number of financial measures, known as Alternative Performance Measures (APMs), which are not defined or calculated in accordance with IFRS. Go to "The Use and Application of Alternative Performance Measures (APMs)" section for further information on our APMs.

.. Throughout this document, when discussing the group's financial performance, reference is made to a number of financial measures, known as Alternative Performance Measures (APMs), which are not defined or calculated in accordance with IFRS. Go to "The Use and Application of Alternative Performance Measures (APMs)" section for further information on our APMs.

.. Throughout this document, when discussing the group's financial performance, reference is made to a number of financial measures, known as Alternative Performance Measures (APMs), which are not defined or calculated in accordance with IFRS. Go to "The Use and Application of Alternative Performance Measures (APMs)" section for further information on our APMs.

.. Throughout this document, when discussing the group's financial performance, reference is made to a number of financial measures, known as Alternative Performance Measures (APMs), which are not defined or calculated in accordance with IFRS. Go to "The Use and Application of Alternative Performance Measures (APMs)" section for further information on our APMs.

.. Throughout this document, when discussing the group's financial performance, reference is made to a number of financial measures, known as Alternative Performance Measures (APMs), which are not defined or calculated in accordance with IFRS. Go to "The Use and Application of Alternative Performance Measures (APMs)" section for further information on our APMs.

.. Throughout this document, when discussing the group's financial performance, reference is made to a number of financial measures, known as Alternative Performance Measures (APMs), which are not defined or calculated in accordance with IFRS. Go to "The Use and Application of Alternative Performance Measures (APMs)" section for further information on our APMs.

.. Throughout this document, when discussing the group's financial performance, reference is made to a number of financial measures, known as Alternative Performance Measures (APM), which are not defined or calculated in accordance with IFRS. Go to "The Use and Application of Alternative Performance Measures (APMs)" section for further information on our APMs.

.. Throughout this document, when discussing the group's financial performance, reference is made to a number of financial measures, known as Alternative Performance Measures (APM), which are not defined or calculated in accordance with IFRS. Go to "The Use and Application of Alternative Performance Measures (APMs)" section for further information on our APMs.

.. Net debt is an Alternative Performance Measure (APM), which is not defined or calculated in accordance with IFRS. Go to "The Use and Application of Alternative performance Measures (APMs)" section for further information about our APMs.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

September 01, 2021 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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