RNS Number : 1488Y

Primorus Investments PLC

02 September 2022

Primorus Investments plc

("Primorus" or the "Company")

Interim Results for the six months ended 30 June 2022

Primorus Investments plc (AIM: PRIM) is pleased to announce its unaudited interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2022.


The last six months have been a difficult time for the capital markets with the war in Ukraine, rising inflation and political instability. With greater uncertainties, investors are more cautious which has had a negative effect on the asset valuations for some of Primorus' investments. Despite the level of unrealised losses in the first 6 months of this year, we remain confident in the longer-term prospects of these investments.

Notwithstanding the current market turbulence, Fresho Pty Ltd ("Fresho") successfully raised AUD$12m of new equity capital at $0.90 per share in April 2022. This represents a premium of 55% to the last investment made by Primorus in March 2021.

Primorus also invested GBP1,000,000 in AIM listed Clean Power Hydrogen ("CPH2"). CPH2 is a manufacturer of the membrane-free electrolyser (MFE) which is used to create hydrogen and medical grade oxygen. Since the original investment CPH2 has secured a 20-year licensing agreement with GHFG Ltd for the construction of 2 gigawatts of MFE electrolysers over a period of up to 20 years.

In addition, Alteration Earth PLC, a special purpose acquisition company which Primorus holds approximately 28% of the issued share capital, listed on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange shortly after the period end.

Financial Results

The operating loss for the six months to 30 June 2022 was GBP847,000 (30 June 2021: GBP115,000 loss). The net loss after tax was GBP847,000 (30 June 2021: GBP115,000 loss).

Total assets, including cash, at 30 June 2022 amounted to GBP8.23 million (30 June 2021: GBP9.17 million).


The Board remains confident that significant opportunities exist for the Company going forward. The Board is continually seeking new investment opportunities whilst also monitoring its existing investments to determine when it is appropriate to materialise them.

The Board has screened several exciting opportunities within the period and looks forward to making further investments in the near term.

We look forward to updating shareholders as and when our existing investments mature, and new investments present themselves.

The Directors would like to take this opportunity to thank our shareholders and consultants for their continued support.

Rupert Labrum Chairman

2(nd) September 2022

This announcement contains inside information for the purposes of Article 7 of EU Regulation 596/2014.

Caution regarding forward looking statements

Certain statements in this announcement, are, or may be deemed to be, forward looking statements. Forward looking statements are identi ed by their use of terms and phrases such as "believe", "could", "should" "envisage", "estimate", "intend", "may", "plan", "potentially", "expect", "will" or the negative of those, variations or comparable expressions, including references to assumptions. These forward-looking statements are not based on historical facts but rather on the Directors' current expectations and assumptions regarding the Company's future growth, results of operations, performance, future capital and other expenditures (including the amount, nature and sources of funding thereof), competitive advantages, business prospects and opportunities. Such forward looking statements re ect the Directors' current beliefs and assumptions and are based on information currently available to the Directors. While management believes that these forward-looking statements are reasonable as and when made, there can be no assurance that future developments affecting the Company will be those that it anticipates.

For further information please contact:

   Primorus Investments plc 
    Matthew Beardmore, Chief Executive 
    Officer                                 +44 (0)20 8154 7907 
   Nominated Adviser 
    Cairn Financial Advisers LLP 
    James Caithie / Sandy Jamieson         +44 (0) 20 7213 0880 

Unaudited Condensed Company Statement of Comprehensive Income

for the six months ended 30 June 2022

                                                                 6 months to   6 months      Year to 
                                                                     30 June    30 June  31 December 
                                                                        2022       2021         2021 
                                                                Unaudited     Unaudited      Audited 
                                                  Not                GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000 
   Continuing operations 
   Investment income                                                      52         48          141 
   Realised gain/(loss) on disposal 
    of financial investments                                           (300)        107          323 
   Unrealised gain/(loss) on market 
    value movement of financial investments                            (500)       (21)           19 
   Total (losses)/gains on financial 
    investments                                                        (748)        134          483 
                                                              --------------  ---------  ----------- 
   Share based payments                                                 (63)       (13)         (13) 
                                                              --------------  ---------  ----------- 
   Operating costs                                                      (36)      (236)        (405) 
                                                              --------------  ---------  ----------- 
     Impairment of financial investments                                   -          -        (106) 
                                                              --------------  ---------  ----------- 
   (Loss)/Profit before tax                                             (99)      (115)         (41) 
   Taxation                                                                -          -          150 
                                                              --------------  ---------  ----------- 
   (Loss)/Profit for the period attributable 
    to equity shareholders of the company                              (847)      (115)          109 
                                                              --------------  ---------  ----------- 
                                                                           -          -            - 
     Other comprehensive income 
   Total Comprehensive Income for 
    the year attributable to equity 
    shareholders of the company                                        (847)      (115)          109 
                                                              --------------  ---------  ----------- 
     Profit/(Loss) per share: 
   Basic profit/(loss) per share (pence)                   2           (0.6)     (0.08)        0.078 
   Diluted profit/(loss) per share 
    (pence)                                                2           (0.6)     (0.08)        0.072 

Unaudited Condensed Company Statement of Financial Position

as at 30 June 2022

                                             30 June    30 June  31 December 
                                                2022       2021         2021 
                                           Unaudited  Unaudited      Audited 
                                   Note s    GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000 
   Non-current assets 
   Financial investments                       7,742      6,998        7,533 
                                           ---------  ---------  ----------- 
                                               7,742      6,998        7,533 
                                           ---------  ---------  ----------- 
     Current assets 
   Investments                                    20        812          511 
   Trade and other receivables                    39         14            5 
   Cash and cash equivalents                     427      1,346          941 
                                           ---------  ---------  ----------- 
                                                 486      2,172        1,457 
                                           ---------  ---------  ----------- 
   Total assets                                8,228      9,170        8,990 
                                           ---------  ---------  ----------- 
   Equity attributable to equity holders 
    of the parent 
   Share capital                                 280     15,391          280 
   Share premium account                           -     35,296            - 
   Share based payment reserve                    76         13           13 
   Retained earnings                           7,769   (42,016)        8,616 
                                           ---------  ---------  ----------- 
   Total equity                                8,125      8,684        8,909 
   Current liabilities 
   Trade and other payables                       70         39           44 
   Corporation tax                                33        447           37 
   Total liabilities                             103        486           81 
                                           ---------  ---------  ----------- 
   Total equity and liabilities                8,228      9,170        8,990 
                                           ---------  ---------  ----------- 

Unaudited Condensed Company Statement of Changes in Equity

for the six months ended 30 June 2022

                                                                  Share based                       Total attributable 
                                Share            Share premium        payment      Retained                  to owners 
                                capital                               reserve      earnings                  of parent 
                                GBP'000                GBP'000        GBP'000          GBP'000                 GBP'000 
   Balance at 31                                                                       (41, 901 
    December 2020                15,391                 35,296              -                 )                  8,786 
                        ===============  =====================  =============  ================  ===================== 
     Profit for the 
     period                           -                      -              -               109                    109 
                        ---------------  ---------------------  -------------  ----------------  --------------------- 
   Total comprehensive 
    income for 
    period                            -                      -              -               109                    109 
   Issuance of share 
                                      -                      -             13                 -                     13 
    Shares cancelled 
    during the year            (15,111)               (35,296)              -          (50,408)                      - 
                        ---------------  ---------------------  -------------  ----------------  --------------------- 
     Balance at 31 
     December 2021                  280                      -             13            8, 616                  8,909 
                        ===============  =====================  =============  ================  ===================== 
     Loss for the 
     period                           -                      -              -             (847)                  (847) 
                        ---------------  ---------------------  -------------  ----------------  --------------------- 
   Total comprehensive 
    income for 
    the period                        -                      -              -             (847)                  (847) 
     Share based 
     payment                                                               63                 -                     63 
   Balance at 30 June 
    2022                            280                      -             76             7,769                  8,125 
                        ===============  =====================  =============  ================  ===================== 

Unaudited Condensed Company Statement of Cash Flows

for the six months ended 30 June 2022

                                                 6 months    6 months        Year 
                                                       to          to          to 
                                                30-Jun-22   30-Jun-21   31-Dec-21 
                                                Unaudited   Unaudited     Audited 
                                                  GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000 
   Cash flows from operating activities 
   Operating profit/(loss)                          (847)       (115)         109 
   Adjustments for: 
   (Profit)/Loss on disposal of financial 
    investments                                       300       (107)       (323) 
   Fair value movement on listed investments          500          21        (19) 
   Impairment provision on unlisted 
    investments                                         -           -         106 
   Decrease/(increase) in trade and 
    other receivables                                (34)        (11)         (3) 
   Increase/(decrease) in trade and 
    other payables                                     26        (16)        (11) 
   Foreign exchange loss/(gain)                     (132)          81          55 
   Interest income on investments                    (52)        (48)       (142) 
   Share based payment                                 63          13          13 
   Income tax (credit)                                  -           -       (150) 
                                               ----------  ----------  ---------- 
                                                    (176)       (182)       (365) 
     Income taxes paid                                (4)           -       (260) 
                                               ----------  ----------  ---------- 
   Net cash used in operating activities            (180)       (182)       (625) 
   Cash flows from investing activities 
   Disposal proceed from sale of financial 
    investments                                     3,026       2,533       3,474 
   Payment for financial investments              (3,360)     (5,565)     (6,468) 
                                               ----------  ----------  ---------- 
   Net cash (used in) investing activities          (334)     (3,032)     (2,994) 
                                               ----------  ----------  ---------- 
   Net change in cash and cash equivalents          (514)     (3,214)     (3,619) 
                                               ==========  ==========  ========== 
     Cash and cash equivalents at beginning 
     of period                                        941       4,560       4,560 
                                               ----------  ----------  ---------- 
   Cash and cash equivalents at end 
    of period                                         427       1,346         941 
                                               ==========  ==========  ========== 

Notes to the condensed unaudited interim financial statements

   1.       General Information 

The condensed interim financial information for the 6 months to 30 June 2022 does not constitute statutory accounts for the purposes of Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006 and has not been audited or reviewed. No statutory accounts for the period have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.

The condensed interim financial information in respect of the year ended 31 December 2021 has been produced using extracts from the statutory accounts for that period. Consequently, this does not constitute the statutory information (as defined in section 434 of the Companies Act 2006) for the year ended 31 December 2021, which was audited. The statutory accounts for this period have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The auditors' report was unqualified and did not contain a statement under Sections 498 (2) or 498 (3) of the Companies Act 2006.

The auditor's report was approved by the Directors on 10(th) June 2022 and is available on the Company's website at www.primorusinvestments.com .

   2.       Basis of preparation and accounting 

The financial information has been prepared on the historical cost basis. The Company's business activities, together with the factors likely to affect its future development, performance and position are set out in the Chairman's Statement. This statement also includes a summary of the Company's financial position and its cash flows.

The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 2006 and UK-adopted international accounting standards (UK-adopted IAS) and related interpretations. As permitted, this does not include IAS 34 "Interim Financial Reporting". This condensed set of financial statements has been prepared applying the accounting policies that were applied in the preparation of the Company's published financial statements for the year ended 31(st) December 2021. As these interim financial statements do not include all of the information or disclosures required in the annual financial statements they should be read in conjunction with the Company's 2021 annual financial statements.

   3.       Earnings per share 

Earnings per ordinary share has been calculated using the weighted average number of shares in issue during the period. The weighted average number of equity shares in issue was 139,830,968. IAS 33 requires presentation of diluted EPS when a company could be called upon to issue shares that would decrease earnings per share or increase the loss per share.

                                              Six months   Six months   Year ended 
                                                      to           to 
                                                 30 June      30 June  31 December 
                                                    2022         2021         2021 
                                             (Unaudited)  (Unaudited)    (Audited) 
                                               (GBP'000)    (GBP'000)    (GBP'000) 
  Net profit/(loss) attributable to equity 
   holders of 
   the company                                     (847)        (115)          109 
  Weighted average number of shares          139,830,968  139,830,968  139,830,968 
  Weighted average number of diluted 
   shares                                    139,830,968  151,830,968  151,830,968 
  Basic (loss)/profit per share (pence)            (0.6)       (0.08)        0.078 
  Diluted (loss)/profit per share (pence)          (0.6)       (0.08)        0.072 
   4.       Events after the reporting date 

Primorus was informed on the 31 August 2022 that the board of Nomad Energy has concluded that the company is no longer solvent. An insolvency specialist is in the process of being appointed and the company will be liquidated.

Primorus sold 228 ordinary shares of GBP1.00 each of Supernatural Food Limited (company number 10441682) for an aggregate sale price of GBP39,918.24. The funds were received by Primorus on the 05 July 2022. Primorus is working with the company to try and secure a buyer for the remaining shares.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

September 02, 2022 09:00 ET (13:00 GMT)

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