RNS Number : 6251D
  Petmin Limited
  17 September 2008

 For Immediate Release  17 September 2008

    JSE: PET

    Petmin Limited

    Preliminary Results for the year ended 30 June 2008

    Petmin Limited, ("Petmin" or "the Company"), the JSE and AIM*listed minerals, mining and processing company which services the
metallurgical and industrial sectors, announces its reviewed financial results for the year ended 30 June 2008.


    *     Revenue increased by 74% from R382 million to R667 million.
    *     Profit for the year increased by 411% from R74 million to R380 million.
    *     Headline earnings per share increased by 190% from 5.28 cents to 15.31 cents.
    *     Fully diluted earnings per share increased by 370% from 15.77 cents to 74.15 cents.
    *     The acquisition of a 25% share of Veremo Holdings (Pty) Ltd positions Petmin in a large scale iron project.
    *     R216 million capital spent to expand operations (2007: R113 million)
    Commenting on these results, Bradley Doig, Petmin's Chief Operating Officer, said:
    "These results reflect  an improved performance from the Springlake Colliery in the second half, coupled with a consistently strong
performance from the SamQuarz silica mine and a first full-year contribution from the Somkhele Colliery. The outlook for Petmin's financial
performance in 2008/9 is encouraging." 

    For further information, please contact:

 Petmin Limited                          +27 82 459 7818
 Bradley Doig, Chief Operating Officer                  

 Nominated Adviser                                      
 Numis Securities Limited               +44 20 7260 1000
 John Harrison/Stuart Skinner

 UK Broker                                              
 Numis Securities Limited               +44 20 7260 1000
 James Black

 RSA Public Relations Advisers                          
 Russell and Associates                  +27 11 880 3924
 Charmane Russell/Shelagh Blackman

 UK Public Relations Advisers                           
 Parkgreen Communications               +44 20 7933 8780
 Sue Scott/Leah Kramer

    Management Commentary


    Revenue for the year ended 30 June 2008 increased by R285 million or 74% to R667 million compared to the R382 million in 2007. Gross
profit was R164 million, an increase of R108 million or 193% compared to the R56 million in 2007. This was as a result of an improved
performance from Springlake Colliery in the second half of the year under review, coupled with the first full year of results from the
Somkhele Colliery. There was also a consistently strong performance of the silica mine, SamQuarz (Pty) Ltd ("SamQuarz") which increased its
revenue by 20% from R128 million in 2007 to R153 million and its gross profit by R14 million or 30% to R60 million.

    The anthracite segment's profit before tax for the year ended 30 June 2008 was reduced by an accrual of R3.4 million from the fair value
adjustments on unrealised US Dollar currency derivatives. Management continually reviews the group's hedging strategy and will restructure
hedges where appropriate.

    Administration expenses included a full year of operation at Somkhele (2007 only includes 1 month) and also included an impairment
charge of R4.7 million (2007: R nil) on certain loans made to a company with a project in Zambia and share option expenses of R12.7 million
(2007: R7.7 million).

    Cash of R252 million (2007: R75 million) was generated by operations before outflows from changes in working capital of R84 million
(2007: R42 million), tax R7.2 million (2007: R4.5 million) and net finance expense of R3.8 million (2007: R1.1 million).

    Capital expenditure of R229 million (2007: R129 million) was incurred in the year to 30 June 2008. R133 million was spent on exploration
drilling and mine development programmes to expand operations, R80 million was spent on plant and mining equipment and R12 million on
capital projects that are work-in-progress.

    The ratio of interest bearing debt to equity at 30 June 2008 was 7.01% (2007: 11.22%). An amount of R31 million was drawn on the plant
finance facility at Somkhele in the year ended 30 June 2008 to fund the expansion of the project. The Group has negotiated additional debt
facilities of approximately R75 million with its bankers that are currently not utilised. Gearing of the Group remains low and management
will consider the use of these debt facilities for funding future expansion plans.

    Anthracite division

    Somkhele anthracite mine, Springlake Colliery and Petmin Logistics
    Management is pleased to report that the anthracite division increased its production by 69%,  producing 
1,219,601 tonnes (2007: 720,135) and selling 1,199,592 tonnes (2007: 733,999) of anthracite in the year to 30 June 2008.

    75% (2007: 67%) of the sales tonnages in the year to 30 June were exported. Demand from inland metallurgical customers for the Somkhele
product has increased substantially. Management plans to expand production at Somkhele to meet the combined demands of the inland
metallurgical market and the export markets. 

    Mining at Somkhele is progressing well and anthracite is currently being mined from two pits in the project's Area 2. Development of the
mining Area 1 is progressing well and management expects first production from the Area in the latter half of calendar 2008.

    In its first full year of operations the Somkhele Colliery has delivered on its potential to become a profitable mine and a competitive
alternative source of carbon units to replace coke as a reductant in certain metallurgical processes. 

    In order to de-risk the export channels for the anthracite division, the Group acquired a 70% interest in Petmin Logistics (Pty) Ltd
("Petmin Logistics") (formerly ZMS Logistics (Pty) Ltd). Petmin Logistics has contracted with Transnet Port Terminals to provide export
facilities of a minimum of 600,000 tonnes per annum for four years at the Richards Bay Dry Bulk Terminal. 

    Springlake's financial performance improved in the second half of the year ended 30 June 2008, with 76% of its profits being generated
in the last six months of the financial year. This was despite a write-down of R3.4 million for the fair value of certain foreign currency

    Silica division

    SamQuarz silica mine

    SamQuarz produced 1,385,906 tonnes of silica (2007: 1,240,000), an increase of 11.8% and sold 1,434,853 tonnes of silica (2007:
1,394,810) and chert in the year ended 30 June 2008.

    Revenue increased by 20% to R153 million (2007: R128 million) due to improved prices negotiated on key sales contracts and due to
improved sales volumes, largely in the construction sector. 

    Capital expenditure has been focused on increasing production capacity both in the openpit and the plant to ensure that customers'
increased demand levels can be reliably attained. 

    Impact of power shortages in South Africa
    The power cuts that occurred in South Africa during the year under review did not have a material effect on Petmin's production and
sales. Notwithstanding this, in order to mitigate against the risk of power cuts in its operations, Petmin has ordered standby generators
which will be in operation in the first quarter of 2009.

    Mineral rights applications
    To the extent required, applications for renewals of prospecting rights and conversions of old order mining rights have been submitted
timeously for approval by the Department of Minerals and Energy.

    Investment in the Veremo iron ore project
    As announced on 6 November 2007, Petmin concluded an agreement with Framework Investments Limited ("Framework"), a 100% held subsidiary
of Kermas Limited (collectively the "Kermas Group") for the joint acquisition of Veremo. 

    Following the fulfilment of the conditions precedent to the transaction, with effect from 23 May 2008, Petmin now holds a 25% interest
in Veremo. The Kermas Group holds the remaining 75%.

    Petmin's cost of acquisition of the 25% interest was R73 million. An amount of R303 million was recognised as a profit on acquisition on
the fair value adjustment of the project as required in compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards. The fair value of
Petmin's 25% interest was calculated using pig iron prices of $400/t (current market prices are approximately $900/t) in an indicative cash
flow model for the project, and taking into account the fact that Petmin is not required to fund capital expenditure to produce at least
700,000 tonnes of pig iron per annum. Petmin is guaranteed an annual cash dividend of R65 million per year for the first three years from
the planned date of commencement of mining and sales. In terms of IFRS, the valuation of a business combination may be reviewed within 12
months. Management will review the valuation of the project as more certainty is provided by the metallurgical testing of a bulk sample of
the ore and as the feasibility study is progressed.

    In February 2008, Veremo procured an updated resource statement for the project (endorsed by Snowden Mining Industry Consultants).The
results were as follows:

 Classification      Weathering  Tonnes  Fe     SiO2   TiO2   V2O5  SG
                                 (Mt)    (%)    (%)    (%)     (%)  (%)

 Indicated Resource  Fresh       797.5   42.05  15.13  14.09  0.15  4.22
 Indicated Resource  Weathered   123.8   43.00  13.67  14.64  0.16  4.16
 Measured Resource   Weathered   11.6    48.98  5.03   18.38  0.23  3.85
 Total Resource                  933.0   42.26  14.22  14.22  0.15  4.21


    Silica division
    Management expects SamQuarz to increase current production and sales volumes as the demand for the crusher run material (a product that
is being used in the building and maintenance of roads) has increased and as SamQuarz develops niche markets in the foundry and
metallurgical sectors.

    The programme to delineate the ore body is nearing completion and management expects to present an updated SAMREC compliant report of
the reserves and resources in the next quarter. Management expects that the proven reserves should increase from the current 10 million
tonnes of quartzite to approximately 45 million tonnes by providing more certainty on the 35 million tonnes currently classified as a
probable reserve.

    Capital expenditure is forecast to reduce in the year to 30 June 2009 as the bulk of the work on the expansion and exploration
programmes has been completed in the 2008 financial year.

    Anthracite division
    The anthracite division is expected to take advantage of the improved export prices for anthracite by placing spot cargoes at strong US
Dollar prices. The weaker Rand against the US Dollar is expected to assist, although the anthracite division has sold forward 4.5 million US
Dollar receipts from July 2008 to March 2009 at an average exchange rate of R7.36 to the US Dollar. The anthracite division has also entered
into zero cost collar and cap currency options totalling 5.6 million US Dollars which terminate in October 2008. These options have a collar
of R7.10 per US Dollar and a cap of R8.62 per US Dollar.

    Somkhele has commenced the construction of a destoning plant that is scheduled to be in production in the last quarter of the 2009
financial year. It is anticipated that the destining plant will increase throughput by approximately 25%. A debt finance facility to fund
the plant construction has been approved by the Group's bankers. Management has budgeted a total capital expenditure for the year ending 30
June 2009 of R138 million. The majority of the capital is planned in order to accelerate the development of new mining areas to meet the
expansion programme, to expedite the exploration programme and to advance the social expenditure programme in the directly affected
communities around Somkhele.

    Petmin has approved an exploration programme to delineate additional resources and this programme is expected to result in additional
resources in close proximity to the existing coal processing plant. Management expects to make an announcement on an updated
SAMREC-compliant reserve and resource statement in the fourth quarter of calendar 2008.

    The anthracite division expects that sales volumes to inland customers will total 34% of sales for 2009 from the 25% in the year ended
30 June 2008, with significantly improved prices. Approximately 85% of all Somkhele's production to December 2008 had been contracted during
the construction phase at Somkhele (between January 2006 and June 2007) to mitigate the risk associated with starting up a new project.
Subsequently the export prices have almost doubled and Somkhele will benefit from these prices for the remaining portion of its production.
Approximately 150,000 tonnes of the current contract are due to be delivered in the six months to 31 December 2008.The anthracite division
has entered into a new contract, at significantly improved prices, for the sale of 1 million tonnes over a three year period ending December
2011. This equates to approximately 35% of the planned production tonnages over the contract period.

    Due to the unprecedented demand for metallurgical coals, Somkhele is investigating capital projects to double its coal processing
capacity and consideration will be given to the construction of a second coal processing plant at Somkhele should the exploration programme
deliver the desired results. Management is investigating various opportunities to secure the use of additional export facilities. 

    Somkhele has mineral rights over a total of 28,742 hectares of land, of which, 1,430 hectares is currently being mined and 21,939
hectares is being explored and will significantly increase the mine's reserve base once the exploration programme is complete.

    Subsequent to the completion of the acquisition of Veremo in May 2008, Framework has assumed the responsibility to manage the process of
procuring an updated bankable feasibility study on the Veremo project. Due to the importance of the project, Petmin has agreed to the
appointment of Bradley Doig and Lebo Mogotsi as directors of Veremo and as members of the Veremo executive management team.

    The investment in the Veremo project is an exciting prospect which gives Petmin the opportunity to become involved in a large scale
mining and beneficiation operation that may provide significant returns to its shareholders and furthermore, provides Petmin with a partner
that has a significant track record. Petmin's management team is continuing to evaluate value enhancing propositions to increase shareholder

    Condensed Consolidated Reviewed Income Statement
    For the year ended 30 June 2008 

 GROUP                                                 Reviewed       Reviewed
                                                     Year ended    Year ended 
                                                       30 June         30 June
                                                           2008           2007
                                            Notes         R'000          R'000
 Revenue                                                666,879        382,341
 Cost of sales                                        (502,753)      (326,500)
 Gross profit                                           164,126         55,841
 Other income                                                 -         54,943
  - Profit on sale of subsidiary                              -         28,891
  - Profit on acquisition of subsidiary                       -         26,052
 Administration expenses                               (46,335)       (19,653)
 Operating profit before financing costs                117,791         91,131
 Net finance (expense)/income                           (3,773)        (1,104)
  - Finance income                                        7,676          3,352
  - Finance expenses                                   (11,449)        (4,456)
 Share of profit of equity accounted                    303,133              -
 Profit before tax                                      417,150         90,027
 Income tax expense                                    (36,736)       (15,613)
 Profit for the year                                    380,414         74,414
 Attributable to:                                                
  - Equity holders of Petmin Limited                    380,353         74,414
  - Minority interest                                        61              -
 Profit for the year                                    380,414         74,414
 Basic earnings per ordinary share (cents)    7           75.43          16.14
 Diluted earnings per ordinary share          7           74.15          15.77

    Condensed Consolidated Reviewed Balance Sheet
    at 30 June 2008 

 GROUP                                                 Reviewed       Reviewed
                                                    Year ended     Year ended 
                                                        30 June       30 June 
                                                           2008           2007
                                             Notes        R'000          R'000
 Non-current assets                                   1,003,860        469,518
 Property, plant and equipment                          580,200        453,122
 Intangible assets                                       15,034          6,222
 Investment in equity accounted investee                375,888              -
 Investments                                                  2              2
 Restricted investments                                  11,236         10,172
 Long-term receivables                                   21,500              -
 Current assets                                         338,175        207,901
 Inventories                                             69,261         63,045
 Trade and other receivables                            179,410         83,713
 Taxation prepaid                                           793            793
 Cash and cash equivalents                               88,711         60,350
 Total assets                                         1,342,035        677,419
 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                          
 Ordinary share capital and reserves                  1,005,424        451,051
 Minority interest                                        2,434              -
 Total equity                                         1,007,858        451,051
 Non-current liabilities                                178,021        118,627
 Interest-bearing loans and borrowings                   55,067         36,436
 Deferred taxation                                       89,146         61,612
 Environmental rehabilitation provision                  33,808         20,579
 Current liabilities                                    156,156        107,741
 Trade and other payables                               132,292         87,115
 Current portion of non-current liabilities              15,386         14,181
 Taxation payable                                         8,478          6,445
 Total equity and liabilities                         1,342,035        677,419
 Net asset value ("NAV") per share (cents)     8         187.74          93.99
 Fully diluted NAV per share cents             8         170.46          85.25

    Condensed Consolidated Reviewed Statement of Changes in Equity 
    For the year ended 30 June 2008

 GROUP                           Share capital  Share premium  Share option reserve            Contingent  Retained earnings      Total 
Minority interest  Total equity
                                         R'000          R'000                 R'000                 R'000              R'000      R'000     
        R'000         R'000

 Balance at 1 July 2006                109,972        134,821                 5,141                27,552             82,980    360,466     
            -       360,466

 Shares issued during the year
 * General issue for cash - AIM         10,000         21,174                     -                     -                  -     31,174     
            -        31,174
 * Contingent share issue on                 -              -                     -              (26,052)                  -   (26,052)     
            -      (26,052)
 acquisition of Springlake
 * Share options granted                     -              -                10,595                     -                  -     10,595     
            -        10,595
 Dividends forfeited                         -              -                     -                     -                454        454     
            -           454
 Profit for the year                         -              -                     -                     -             74,414     74,414     
            -        74,414

 Balance at 30 June 2007               119,972        155,995                15,736                 1,500            157,848    451,051     
            -       451,051

 Shares issued during the year
 * To acquire Petmin Logistics             438          7,437                     -                     -                  -      7,875     
            -         7,875
 (Pty) Ltd
 * To acquire 25% of Veremo              5,538         68,978                     -                     -                  -     74,516     
            -        74,516
 Holdings Ltd
 * General issue for cash                7,000         72,968                     -                     -                  -     79,968     
            -        79,968
 * Share options exercised                 938          1,566                 (820)                     -                  -      1,684     
            -         1,684
 * Share options forfeited                   -              -                  (55)                     -                  -       (55)     
            -          (55)

 Costs capitalised to share                  -          (982)                     -                     -                  -      (982)     
            -         (982)
 Treasury shares acquired                (182)        (1,418)                     -                     -                  -    (1,600)     
            -       (1,600)
 during the year
 Contingent consideration                    -              -                     -                  (20)                  -       (20)     
            -          (20)
 settled in cash in the year
 Share options granted                       -              -                12,633                     -                  -     12,633     
            -        12,633
 Minority interest recognised                -              -                     -                     -                  -          -     
        2,373         2,373
 on acquisition of Petmin
 Logistics (Pty) Ltd
 Profit for the year                         -              -                     -                     -            380,353    380,353     
           61       380,414

 Balance at 30 June 2008               133,703        304,545                27,494                 1,480            538,201  1,005,424     
        2,434     1,007,858

    Condensed Consolidated Reviewed Cash Flow Statement
    For the year ended 30 June 2008

 GROUP                                                  Reviewed      Reviewed
                                                      Year ended    Year ended
                                                         30 June       30 June
                                                            2008          2007
                                                           R'000         R'000
 Net cash outflow from operating activities              157,153        27,889
 Cash flows from investing activities                        502             -
 Acquisition of subsidiary net of cash acquired          (1,064)         (912)
 Increase in investment in rehabilitation funds         (11,064)             -
 Investment in equity accounted investee               (228,767)     (127,522)
 Acquisition of property, plant and equipment                     
  - to expand operations                               (216,155)     (112,977)
  - to maintain operations                              (12,612)      (14,545)
 Proceeds from sale of subsidiary                              -        30,593
 Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment           -           399
 Net cash flow from investing activities               (240,393)      (97,442)
 Cash flows from financing activities                             
 Proceeds from specific and general share issues for      91,896        34,053
 cash during the year                                             
 Repayment of contingent consideration                     (132)             -
 Repayment of borrowings                                (11,509)      (10,813)
 Increase in borrowings                                   31,345        36,529
 Net cash flows from financing activities                111,600        59,769
 Net increase/(decrease) in cash and equivalents          28,361       (9,784)
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year           60,350        70,134
 Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                 88,711        60,350

    Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Reviewed Financial Statements

    1. Reporting entity
    Petmin is a company domiciled in South Africa. The condensed consolidated reviewed financial statements of the Group for the year ended
30 June 2008 comprise the Company and its subsidiaries (together referred to as the "Group"). The condensed consolidated reviewed financial
statements were authorised for issue by the directors on 16 September 2008.

    2. Statement of compliance
    The condensed consolidated reviewed financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement
requirements of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) and the presentation and disclosure requirements of IAS 34 - Interim
Financial Reporting and the South African Companies Act. The condensed consolidated reviewed financial statements do not include all of the
information required for full annual financial statements and should be read in conjunction with the consolidated annual financial
statements for the year ended 30 June 2007.

    3. Significant accounting policies
    The condensed consolidated reviewed financial statements are prepared on the historical cost basis, except for financial instruments
which are stated at fair value, where applicable, in terms of IAS 32 - Financial Instruments: Disclosure and Presentation and IAS 39 -
Financial instruments: Recognition and Measurement.

    The accounting policies have been applied consistently by Group entities and have been applied consistently to all periods presented in
these condensed consolidated reviewed financial statements.

    4. Estimates and judgements
    The preparation of reviewed financial statements in conformity with IAS 34 - Interim Financial Reporting requires management to make
judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of policies and reported amounts of assets and liabilities, income and
expenses. The estimates and associated assumptions are based on historical experience and various other factors that are believed to be
reasonable under the circumstances, the results of which form the basis for making the judgements about carrying values of assets and
liabilities that are not readily apparent from other sources. Actual results may differ from these estimates.

    The estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions to accounting estimates are recognised in the
period in which the estimate is revised if the revision affects only that period or in the period of the revision and future periods if the
revision affects both current and future periods.

    The significant judgements made by management in applying the Group's accounting policies and the key sources of estimation uncertainty
were the same as those applied to the consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended 30 June 2007, with the exception of the
estimation of the fair value of the acquisition of the 25% investment in Veremo Holdings Limited ("Veremo") (See management commentary).

    5. Review of results
    The results of the Group as set out above have been reviewed by the Group's auditors, KPMG Inc. The review report is available for
inspection at the Group's registered offices.
    6. Segment reporting
    Segment information is presented in the condensed consolidated reviewed financial statements in respect of the Group's business
segments, which are the primary basis of segment reporting. The business segment reporting format reflects the Group's management reporting

    Inter-segment pricing is determined on an arm's length basis.

    Segment results include items directly attributable to a segment as well as those that can be allocated on a reasonable basis. 

    The group comprises the following main business segments:
    - Silica mining and marketing ("Silica")
    - Anthracite mining and marketing ("Anthracite")
    - Iron ore mining and beneficiation ("Iron Ore")

    Business Segments

                                        Silica              Anthracite             Iron Ore        Other (Corporate Office)     
Eliminations           Consolidated
                                  Reviewed   Reviewed   Reviewed   Reviewed   Reviewed   Reviewed     Reviewed     Reviewed   Reviewed   
Reviewed   Reviewed   Reviewed
                                      Year       Year       Year       Year       Year       Year         Year         Year       Year      
 Year       Year       Year
                                     ended      ended      ended      ended      ended      ended        ended        ended      ended      
ended      ended      ended
                                   30 June    30 June    30 June    30 June    30 June    30 June      30 June      30 June    30 June    
30 June    30 June    30 June
                                      2008       2008       2008       2008       2008       2008         2008         2008       2008      
 2008       2008       2008
                                    R'000       R'000      R'000      R'000      R'000      R'000        R'000        R'000      R'000      
R'000      R'000      R'000
 Segment Revenue                   153,034    127,712    513,845    254,629          -          -            -            -          -      
    -    666,879    382,341
 Segment profit/(loss) before
 - segment result                   46,742     35,379     90,973      6,667          -          -     (23,698)      (6,962)          -      
    -    114,017     35,084
 - profit on sale of subsidiary          -          -          -     28,891          -          -            -            -          -      
    -          -     28,891
 - profit on acquisition of              -          -          -          -          -          -            -       26,052          -      
    -          -     26,052
 - share of profit of equity             -          -          -          -    303,133          -            -            -          -      
    -    303,133
 accounted investee
 Segment profit/(loss) before       46,742     35,379     90,973     35,558    303,133          -     (23,698)       19,090          -      
    -    417,150     90,027
 Segment capital expenditure        27,362     15,424    189,110    113,861          -          -        3,295          192          -      
    -    228,767    129,477
 Segment depreciation                7,688      7,235     93,680     16,631          -          -          108           39          -      
    -    101,476     23,905
 Share option costs included in                                                                 -
 profit/(loss) before tax              190        190          -          -          -          -       12,443        7,526          -      
    -     12,633      7,716
 Segment assets                    228,076    187,080    663,356    472,737    375,888          -      401,566      311,268  (326,851)  
(293,666)  1,342,035    677,419
 Segment liabilities               100,288     93,829    449,750    336,831          -          -       21,947        6,690  (237,808) 
(210, 982)    334,177    226,368

                         The losses in the corporate office include a once-off impairment charge of R4.7 million and share option costs of
R12.4 million (2007: R7.5 million).

    7. Earnings per ordinary share
    Earnings per ordinary share ("EPS") are based on the Group's profit for the period, divided by the weighted average number of shares in
issue during the period.

                                                            Reviewed                                                        Reviewed
                                                        Year ended 2008                                                 Year ended 2007
                                  Profit for the year   Number of shares in  Per share in cents   Profit for the year   Number of shares in 
Per share in cents
                                                R'000             thousands                                     R'000             thousands

 Basic earnings per share                     380,353               504,280               75.43                74,414               461,041 
 Share options and contingent                       -                 8,701              (1.28)                     -                10,817 

 Diluted EPS                                  380,353               512,980               74.15                74,414               471,858 

    Headline earnings per share
    Headline earnings per share are based on the Group's headline earnings divided by the weighted average number of shares in issue during
the period.

    Reconciliation between earnings and headline earnings per share:

 Basic EPS                         380,353  504,280   75.43    74,414  461,041   16.14
 * AIM listing expense                   -        -       -       693        -    0.15
 * profit on sale of subsidiary          -        -       -  (24,725)        -  (5.36)
 * profit on acquisition of              -        -       -  (26,052)        -  (5.65)
 * share of profit of equity     (303,133)        -       -         -        -       -
 accounted investee

 Headline EPS                       77,220  504,280   15.31    24,330  461,041    5.28
 Share options and contingent            -    8,701  (0.26)         -   10,817  (0.12)

 Diluted headline EPS               77,220  512,980   15.05    24,330  471,858    5.16

    8. Net asset value ("NAV") per share

                                                      Reviewed     Reviewed
                                                    Year ended  Year ended 
                                                          2008         2008

 Ordinary share capital and reserves (R'000)         1,005,424      451,051
 Total number of shares in issue                       535,541      479,890
 NAV per share (cents)                                  187.74        93.99

 Ordinary share capital and reserves (R'000)         1,005,424      451,051
 Total number of shares in issue ('000)                535,541      479,890
 Share options and contingent consideration ('000)      54,299       49,183

 Fully diluted number of shares ('000)                 589,840      529,063
 Fully diluted NAV per share (cents)                    170.46        85.25

    NAV per share increased 93.75 cents or 100% compared to 30 June 2007.

    Fully diluted NAV per share increased 85.21 cents or 100% compared to 30 June 2007.

    9. Related parties

    9.1 NAMF and Dark Capital
    NAMF Nominees (Proprietary) Limited ("NAMF") who disposed of their shareholding in Petmin (see 4 December 2007 press release) were,
until that date, material shareholders in Petmin. Dark Capital (Pty) Limited ("Dark Capital"), Petmin's anchor Black Economic Empowerment
shareholder, increased its shareholding in Petmin by acquiring 99 million Petmin shares from NAMF. Dark Capital is a material shareholder in
Petmin and is therefore a related party as defined by Section 10 of the Listings Requirements.

    9.2 Petmin executive committee remuneration scheme and share option trust
    As disclosed in the annual financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2007, the Petmin executive committee remuneration scheme and
share option scheme affects the executive directors of the Company and constitutes a related party transaction. The Petmin executive
committee remuneration scheme was a three-year agreement that terminated on 30 June 2008. Management has reached agreement with the
Remuneration Committee on a new scheme with similar terms and conditions. The new remuneration scheme provides for a share option incentive
scheme for which shareholder approval will be requested.

    9.3 Other transactions with related parties. 
    Other than as disclosed in note 8.1 above, there were no significant transactions with related parties.

    10. Subsequent events

    10.1 Renewal of Cautionary
    Shareholders are advised that the Company has entered into negotiations which, if successfully concluded, may have a material effect on
the price of the Company's securities. Accordingly, shareholders are advised to exercise caution when dealing in their Petmin securities
until a further announcement is made.

    10.2     Issue of shares
    Petmin has issued 750 000 shares at R4.50 per share for the acquisition of the remaining 30% of Petmin Logistics (Pty) Ltd, resulting in
Petmin now holding 100% of Petmin Logistics.

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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