For release on Thursday 19 June 2014 
   CQS Rig Finance Fund Limited 
   (the "Company") 
   Unaudited Half-Yearly Report and Condensed Financial Statements 
   The Company announces its unaudited half-yearly results for the six 
months ended 31 March 2014. A full copy of the unaudited half-yearly 
report will from today be available on the Company's website: 
www.cqsrigfinance.com and is set out below. 
   Kleinwort Benson (Channel Islands) Fund Services Ltd 
   Tel: +44 (0)1481 710 607 
   Alastair Moreton/Hannah Young/Darren Vickers 
   NOMAD and Broker 
   Westhouse Securities Limited 
   Tel: +44 (0)20 7601 6118 
   Registered Number: 45805 
Management and Administration                              1 
Chairman's Statement                                       2 
Investing Policy                                           4 
Investment Manager's Report                                5 
Financial Statements 
Unaudited Condensed Statement of Comprehensive Income      8 
Unaudited Condensed Statement of Financial Position        9 
Unaudited Condensed Statement of Changes in Equity        10 
Unaudited Condensed Statement of Cash Flows               11 
Notes to the Unaudited Condensed Financial Statements     12 
Directors                                                  Nominated Adviser and Broker 
 Michael Salter (Chairman) (UK resident)                    Westhouse Securities Limited 
 Bruce Appelbaum (US resident)                              Heron Tower 
 Trevor Ash (Guernsey resident)                             110 Bishopsgate 
 Jonathan Gamble (Guernsey resident)                        London EC2N 4AY 
 Gavin Strachan (UK resident)                               England 
Investment Manager                                         Sub-Administrator 
 CQS Cayman Limited Partnership                             State Street Fund Services (Ireland) Limited 
 PO Box 242                                                 78 Sir John Rogerson's Quay 
 45 Market Street                                           Dublin 2 
 Gardenia Court                                             Ireland 
 Camana Bay 
 Grand Cayman KY1-1104 
 Cayman Islands 
Prime Broker and Custodian                                 Registrar, Transfer Agent & Paying Agent 
 Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited                  Capita Registrars (Guernsey) Limited 
 One Cabot Square                                           Mont Crevelt House 
 London E14 4QJ                                             Bulwer Avenue 
 England                                                    St Sampson 
                                                            Guernsey GY2 4LH 
Independent Auditor 
 Ernst & Young LLP 
 2(nd) Floor 
 Royal Chambers 
 St Julian's Avenue 
 St Peter Port 
 Guernsey GY1 4AF 
Investment Adviser 
 5th Floor 
 33 Grosvenor Place 
 London SW1X 7BL 
Administrator and Secretary 
 Kleinwort Benson (Channel Islands) Fund Services Limited 
 Dorey Court 
 Admiral Park 
 St. Peter Port 
 Guernsey GY1 2HT 
Registered Office 
 Dorey Court 
 Admiral Park 
 St. Peter Port 
 Guernsey GY1 2HT 
   I present the Company's interim report for the six months from 1 October 
2013 to 31 March 2014. 
   Investment Performance 
   The Company's performance for the period under review was positive, 
despite a number of economic and geopolitical headwinds. 
   The Company's Net Asset Value ("NAV") increased from 35.65 pence per 
ordinary share on 30 September 2013 to 35.75 pence per ordinary share on 
31 March 2014. The total return to shareholders (appreciation in NAV 
plus dividend income net of tax) over the interim period was 2.73%. 
   The price per ordinary share ended the period unchanged, with a closing 
price of 34.25 pence on both 30 September 2013 and 31 March 2014. When 
including the 0.87 pence interim dividend, this represents a return of 
2.54%. During the period under review, the ordinary share's discount to 
NAV rose from 3.9% at the beginning of the period to 4.2% at the end of 
the period. 
   Cancellation of Channel Islands Securities Exchange Listing 
   On 16 January 2014, the Company announced that, as a consequence of the 
notification by CQS (UK) LLP, CQS Asset Management Limited and CQS 
Cayman Limited Partnership on 10 January 2014 that their shareholding in 
the Company had increased to 65.54%, the Company did not satisfy the 
requirements of the listing rules of the Channel Islands Securities 
Exchange ("CISE") to have at least 25% of the Company's securities in 
public hands. Accordingly, the Company's ordinary shares were suspended 
from trading on the CISE at the request of the Company with effect from 
8.00 a.m. on 17 January 2014. 
   The Company confirmed that its shares were cancelled from the Official 
List of the CISE at 7.00 a.m. on Monday, 3 March 2014. The admission of 
the Company's shares to trading on AIM was unaffected by the 
cancellation of the CISE listing. 
   The Company does not have a fixed life and, in accordance with the 
Articles of Association, shareholders were provided with the opportunity 
to vote on the continuation of the Company at the annual general meeting 
of 5 March 2014. Specifically, an ordinary resolution in respect of the 
Company's continuing for a further five year period ("continuation 
vote") was voted on by shareholders at the annual general meeting of 5 
March 2014. As a result of the outcome of the continuation vote, it was 
resolved that the Company shall continue its investment activities for a 
further five year period. 
   Since that date, the Company has been in discussion with its advisers in 
connection with the strategic outlook for the Company. It has been 
informed by the Company's largest shareholders, CQS (UK) LLP, CQS Asset 
Management Limited and CQS Cayman LP, who together hold 65.54% of the 
share capital of the Company, that they would support a shareholder 
voluntary liquidation of the Company. An announcement to this effect was 
made by the Company on 20 May 2014. 
   Accordingly the Board is making arrangements to convene an extraordinary 
general meeting of shareholders to consider proposals to cancel its 
admission to trading on the Alternative Investment Market ("AIM"), to 
vote the Company into shareholders' voluntary liquidation and thereafter 
to facilitate the return of available cash to shareholders. 
   A circular containing full details of the proposals and setting out the 
anticipated timetable for the return of capital will be posted to 
shareholders in due course. 
   Further to the Company's policy to pay regular cash distributions in the 
form of the semi-annual dividend payment and to target dividends 
equivalent to an annual yield of 5% of NAV per ordinary share at the 
start of each financial year, the Board proposed a final dividend of 
0.87 pence per ordinary share in respect of the financial year ended 30 
September 2013. The final dividend was approved at the annual general 
meeting on 5 March 2014, and paid on 9 April 2014 to those shareholders 
who were of record on 14 March 2014. 
   In light of the anticipated outcome of the extraordinary general meeting 
of the shareholders as discussed above, an interim dividend has not been 
   I would like to thank shareholders for their support over the life of 
the Company. 
   Michael Salter 
   18 June 2014 
   The Company's investing policy in the period under review was as 
   The Company's investment objective is to provide shareholders with an 
attractive total return, through a combination of capital appreciation 
and dividends. 
   The Investment Adviser seeks to achieve the investment objective of the 
Company by sourcing and trading a portfolio comprising predominantly 
debt instruments. The Investment Adviser seeks to use fundamental credit 
and industry analysis to identify instruments expected to provide 
attractive risk-adjusted returns which meet the investment objective of 
the Company. Such instruments are expected to be issued primarily to 
finance companies involved in the construction, modification and 
operation of offshore rigs and related infrastructure equipment, and 
companies involved in the development and operation of assets used in 
the offshore and/or onshore exploration, production and distribution of 
oil, natural gas and other resources. Investments in adjacent sectors 
such as shipping and transportation may be included at the discretion of 
the Investment Adviser. 
   It is expected that the Company's portfolio will continue to be 
passively managed, although the Investment Adviser may elect to become 
actively involved in workout situations should they arise. It is 
expected that some investments will be held through to maturity (or 
earlier redemption/repayment by the issuer/borrower), while others may 
be held for shorter terms to capture mispricing of risk. The Investment 
Adviser may trade investments depending on the prevailing market 
conditions at any time. 
   The Company seeks, on a global basis, to capture on its investments 
attractive risk-adjusted yields and potential capital appreciation 
arising from possible corporate activity, including but not limited to, 
refinancing, industry consolidation and workouts, and from equity 
appreciation for securities exhibiting equity characteristics. The 
Company is permitted to borrow to enhance the returns of the portfolio. 
The gearing of the portfolio is not expected to exceed 30% of Net Asset 
Value, and from time to time the portfolio may be constructed with 
little or no gearing. The Company may retain amounts in cash, or cash 
equivalents, pending reinvestment if this is considered appropriate to 
the achievement of its investment objective. 
   The Company may construct the portfolio using a range of securities, 
derivatives and other agreements including but not limited to positions 
in secured, unsecured and subordinated bonds, including convertible 
bonds, that may be fixed or floating rate securities, payment-in-kind 
bonds, senior, second lien and mezzanine loans, equities and equity 
warrants. The Company may trade both rated and unrated debt instruments 
although it expects, in most cases, that such instruments will not be 
rated by a recognised rating agency. Exposure to securities may be taken 
directly or synthetically through the use of repurchase agreements, 
total return swaps and other derivatives referencing the securities 
selected for the portfolio. Interest rate and foreign exchange 
transactions may be effected using swaps, forwards, futures and options 
and other derivatives. The Company may trade listed and unlisted 
securities, and may execute derivative transactions on exchange or over 
the counter. 
   Dividend Policy 
   Pursuant to the announcement on 14 February 2012 the Company's dividend 
policy is to make regular cash distributions in the form of semi-annual 
dividend payments and to target dividends equivalent to an annual yield 
of 5% of the Net Asset Value per share at the start of each financial 
   For the six months ended 31 March 2014 
   Oil Markets 
   The price of Brent Crude oil opened the period at close to $103 per 
barrel and ended at approximately $108 per barrel, trading focusing 
within this narrow range for the most part. 
   Barclays presents a balanced view in the notes of its Global Energy 
outlook for March 2014. "Despite pockets of weakness in global business 
confidence and mixed signals on growth from several of the world's major 
oil-consuming nations, crude oil balances have been much tighter than 
expected this year, providing robust support to prices. This may be as 
good as it gets for oil. Cold weather, a burst of surprisingly strong 
Chinese import demand and high investor interest levels have been some 
of the key supports for prices so far this year. All those factors are 
likely to fade in the second quarter of 2014 calendar year, and we see 
the potential for significant price volatility in the short term. But 
after the anticipated weakness in the second quarter, we see a robust 
recovery for oil prices in the second half of 2014. Global oil demand 
looks much healthier than it did a few months ago, with a stronger 
picture in the Former Soviet Union, Middle East and Latin America. 
Inventories are very low and geopolitical risk still high."(1) 
   It further states that overall industry spending continues to grow: "Our 
E&P spending survey forecasts a 6% rise in 2014, with 
higher-than-average growth in deep-water globally and onshore in the 
US". However, it is noted that this is a deceleration in growth from 
2013 calendar year and that capital discipline is a theme amongst the 
oil majors. Another key theme is the diversion of capital expenditure 
toward the onshore North American shale fields and away from oil sands 
and the deepwater.(2) These factors, coupled with an oversupply of new 
build rigs, have led analysts to sharply downgrade forecasts for 
dayrates and rig utilisation levels.(3) 
   Financial Markets 
   Newsflow from the US dominated for much of the first half of the period, 
as US lawmakers reached a budget deal and agreed to raise the borrowing 
ceiling. The US Federal Reserve ("Fed") confirmed it would begin to 
taper its asset purchase programme from January 2014 and upgraded its 
assessment of the economy. In contrast, central banks in Europe and Asia 
looked for ways to relax monetary policy. Interest rates in Europe were 
cut to 0.25% in November, while China suffered its second cash crunch of 
the year in December 2013, forcing an injection of liquidity from its 
central bank. Softer-than-anticipated economic data from the US and 
China at the start of 2014, coupled with the Fed's tapering of its asset 
programme, exacerbated headwinds for Emerging Markets and catalysed a 
sell-off in assets. However, these concerns began to dissipate by 
February 2014, with equity markets rebounding and credit indices 
tightening after a sluggish opening to 2014, despite the geopolitical 
issues in Ukraine and further weaker data from the US. As the period 
drew towards its close, markets began to refocus on new Fed Chair Janet 
Yellen's suggestion that interest rate hikes may commence sooner than 
market consensus. This sparked a sell-off which was short lived, as 
markets instead began to focus on improving data which lent credence to 
the theory that recent economic weaknesses were a result of poor weather 
conditions. Emerging markets were boosted following speculation of the 
introduction of stimulus measures to support the Chinese economy. The 
MSCI World Index rose 8.4% net in US Dollars, while the S&P 500 posted 
an 11.3% rise over the period and the Eurostoxx advanced 9.3%. Credit 
markets were also strengthened, with European iTraxx Crossover (S20) 
tightening to 227.8bps and iTraxx Main (S20) tightening to 67.2bps. 
   Financing Markets 
   European high yield issuance maintained its upwards trajectory over the 
six month period to 31 March 2014, with a record EUR41.6bn issued across 
all currencies. This represents an increase of 7.5% on the EUR38.7m of 
issuance over the same period of last year, a slightly slower pace of 
growth than has been seen in previous periods. However, it should be 
borne in mind that 2013 was a record year overall for issuance of 
European high yield, as loan-to-bond refinancing and corporate activity 
remained elevated. With supportive government policies in Europe keeping 
government bond yields low, the search for yield remained as strong as 
ever, and lower-rated bonds outperformed as credit spreads continued to 
squeeze tighter. 
   For the six months ended 31 March 2014 (continued) 
   The Portfolio 
   As at 31 March 2014, the portfolio was exposed to various sub-sectors of 
the oil industry. 
   Performance over the period was boosted by both a general appreciation 
in the value of a majority of the Company's investments and by carry. 
The higher-coupon bonds issued by Golden Close, Chloe Marine and 
Bluewater contributed most to the positive returns. A smaller position 
in the Maire Tecnimont convertible bonds recorded healthy profits as the 
bonds were marked up 28 points during the period. More modest losses 
were posted by Ion Geophysical and Lukoil bonds, positions which were 
exited during the period. 
   There were cash inflows over the period as bonds were redeemed at a 
premium, particularly those issued by Afren Plc and Ocean Rig UDW Inc., 
which were redeemed at prices of 116.5 and 105.375 respectively. 
Proceeds were reinvested into both new issuance and the secondary 
   Analysed by face value, ultra-deepwater drilling rigs are the largest 
category and account for 42% of assets, reduced from 51.4% from the end 
of March 2013. Dayrates and utilisation have been falling during the 
period as the effects of an oversupplied market were felt. Analysts 
broadly anticipate a continuance of the trend in the medium term. 
Research from Platou Markets stated that "following a general activity 
slowdown in the offshore drilling space, we expect dayrates and 
utilisation to continue to slide". That said, our bottom-up demand study 
indicates a stronger market by 2016. Although we expect a challenging 
2014 and 2015, companies with a modern asset base and strong contract 
backlog are best suited to weather this market"(4) . 
   Service vessels made up 13.6% of the portfolio, up from 10.0% as at 
March 2013, with the increase driven by new issuance and upsizing of the 
position in Subsea 7 SA convertible bonds. Jack-up rigs made up 10.1% of 
the portfolio following issuance by Oro Negro Drilling and Santa Maria 
Offshore Ltd. to finance jack-up rigs on contract to Pemex in Mexico. 
   The remainder of the portfolio's assets was invested in related areas 
such as exploration, accommodation vessels, transport vessels and 
   Exposure by Collateral Type (% Long Market Value) 
UDW Driller             42.01% 
Service Vessel          13.61% 
Jack-up                 10.14% 
E&P                      9.89% 
Transport                9.46% 
Accommodation Vessel     5.84% 
FPSO                     4.21% 
Seismic Vessel           3.14% 
Well Intervention        1.70% 
Total                  100.00% 
   Seniority Analysis (% Long Market Value) 
1st Lien       39.36% 
2nd Lien       15.74% 
Unsecured      27.09% 
Equity          0.10% 
Convertible    17.71% 
Total         100.00% 
   For the six months ended 31 March 2014 (continued) 
   The Company continues to operate a Prime Brokerage Agreement with Credit 
Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited that allows the Company to borrow in 
one or more currencies against assets of the Company. The Company was in 
a small negative cash position at the end of the period. 
   The Company has been in discussion with its advisers in connection with 
the strategic outlook for the Company. It has been informed by the 
Company's largest shareholders, CQS (UK) LLP, CQS Asset Management 
Limited and CQS Cayman LP, who together hold 65.54% of the share capital 
of the Company, that they would support a shareholder voluntary 
liquidation of the Company. An announcement to this effect was made by 
the Company on 20 May 2014. 
   Accordingly the Board is making arrangements to convene an extraordinary 
general meeting ("EGM") of shareholders to consider proposals to cancel 
its admission to trading on AIM, to vote the Company into shareholders' 
voluntary liquidation and thereafter to facilitate the return of 
available cash to shareholders. 
   A circular containing full details of the proposals and setting out the 
anticipated timetable for the return of capital will be posted to 
shareholders in due course. 
   In anticipation of the outcome of the EGM the Investment Manager has 
started to realise the portfolio with the objective of realising the 
positions at their full market value. As announced on 16 June 2014 the 
portfolio was 98.34% in cash and cash equivalents. 
   All market data sourced from Bloomberg and CQS Cayman Limited 
   (1) Source: Barclays, "Global Energy Outlook: Persevere, more 
outperformance likely", March 2014 (Page 11) 
   (2) Source: Bernstein Research, "Why is US onshore so good and the 
offshore so bad? Explaining the current dynamics in energy capex" 
   (3) Source: UBS Offshore Drillers: Off the Deep End; Cutting est Pt 2 
   (4) Source: Platou Markets AS (Page 3) 
   CQS Cayman Limited Partnership 
   June 2014 
                                            Six months ended  Six months ended 
                                              31 March 2014     31 March 2013 
                                                   GBP               GBP 
                                    Notes      Unaudited         Unaudited 
Operating income                         4         1,592,098         2,410,296 
Operating expenses                       5         (627,876)         (568,280) 
Finance costs                                       (23,408)           (4,955) 
Total expenses                                     (651,284)         (573,235) 
Net profit                                           940,814         1,837,061 
Total comprehensive income for the period            914,814         1,837,061 
Earnings per ordinary share 
Basic and Diluted                     6                0.97p             1.89p 
   For the period ending 31 March 2014, the Company has changed the basis 
of presenting its financial statements from going concern to break up 
basis (refer to note 2). 
   All income is attributable to the ordinary shareholders of the Company. 
   The accompanying notes form an integral part of the unaudited condensed 
financial statements. 
                                                                  31 March    30 September    31 March 
                                                                    2014          2013          2013 
                                                         Notes      GBP           GBP           GBP 
Assets                                                           Unaudited      Audited      Unaudited 
Non-current assets 
Financial instruments designated at fair value through 
 profit or loss                                            7               -    29,319,859    30,441,651 
Current assets 
Financial instruments designated at fair value through 
 profit or loss                                            7      37,641,237     4,539,521     4,358,078 
Interest receivable                                                  717,292       707,972       727,740 
Receivable for securities sold                                       199,874       376,832             - 
Derivative financial assets at fair value                            125,423       778,348       141,182 
Other assets                                                           4,470         9,231        22,556 
Cash and cash equivalents                                  9          63,327     2,186,170     2,163,882 
                                                                  38,751,623     8,598,074     7,413,438 
Total assets                                                      38,751,623    37,917,933    37,855,089 
Equity and liabilities 
Other reserve                                                     85,848,877    86,696,344    87,543,811 
Accumulated losses                                              (51,025,134)  (51,965,948)  (52,561,255) 
                                                                  34,823,743    34,730,396    34,982,556 
Current liabilities 
Financial instruments designated at fair value through 
 profit or loss                                            7       2,868,218     1,398,918     1,583,748 
Dividend payable                                                     847,467             -       672,129 
Other liabilities and payables                            10         100,636       104,217       124,844 
Liquidation expenses payable                               2          75,000             -             - 
Derivative financial liabilities at fair value                        36,559        44,620        56,229 
Payable for securities purchased                                           -     1,639,782       435,583 
Total liabilities                                                  3,927,880     3,187,537     2,872,533 
Total equity and liabilities                                      38,751,623    37,917,933    37,855,089 
Net Asset Value per Share                                             35.75p        35.65p        35.91p 
   For the period ending 31 March 2014, the Company has changed the basis 
of presenting its financial statements from going concern to break up 
basis (refer to note 2). 
   The accompanying notes form an integral part of the unaudited condensed 
financial statements. 
                                                    Other      Accumulated 
                                                    Reserve         Losses       Total 
                                                     GBP               GBP         GBP 
                                                  Unaudited      Unaudited   Unaudited 
Balance at 1 October 2013                         86,696,344  (51,965,948)  34,730,396 
Total comprehensive income for the period                  -       940,814     940,814 
Total recognised income and expense plus equity 
 brought forward                                  86,696,344  (51,025,134)  35,671,210 
Dividends to shareholders                          (847,467)             -   (847,467) 
Balance at 31 March 2014                          85,848,877  (51,025,134)  34,823,743 
   For the six months ended 31 March 2013 
                                                    Other      Accumulated 
                                                    Reserve         Losses       Total 
                                                     GBP               GBP         GBP 
                                                  Unaudited      Unaudited   Unaudited 
Balance at 1 October 2012                         88,215,940  (54,398,316)  33,817,624 
Total comprehensive income for the period                  -     1,837,061   1,837,061 
Total recognised income and expense plus equity 
 brought forward                                  88,215,940  (52,561,255)  35,654,685 
Dividends to shareholders                          (672,129)             -   (672,129) 
Balance at 31 March 2013                          87,543,811  (52,561,255)  34,982,556 
   For the period ending 31 March 2014, the Company has changed the basis 
of presenting its financial statements from going concern to break up 
basis (refer to note 2). 
   The accompanying notes form an integral part of the unaudited condensed 
financial statements. 
                                                                                  ended 31 
                                                           Six months ended 31      March 
                                                               March 2014           2013 
                                                                   GBP               GBP 
                                                                Unaudited         Unaudited 
Total comprehensive income for the period                                940,814  1,837,061 
Adjustments to reconcile total comprehensive income 
 for the period to net cash from operating activities: 
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash 
 equivalents                                                            (45,253)      4,518 
Net change in operating assets and liabilities 
Movement in other assets                                                   4,761  (727,740) 
Movement in interest receivable                                          (9,320)    652,063 
Movement in other payables                                               (3,475)   (19,687) 
Movement in other liquidation expenses payables                           75,000          - 
Movement in interest expense payable                                       (106)    (1,167) 
Movement in derivative financial assets                                  652,925  (135,237) 
Movement in derivative financial liabilities                             (8,061)  (125,932) 
Movement in financial instruments designated at fair 
 value through profit or loss                                        (3,775,381)  (764,303) 
Net cash flows from operating activities                             (2,168,096)    719,576 
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents                 (2,168,096)    719,576 
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash 
 equivalents                                                              45,253    (4,518) 
Cash and cash equivalents at start of period                           2,186,170  1,448,824 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                                63,327  2,163,882 
Interest received                                                      1,278,968  1,395,311 
Interest paid                                                           (15,398)    (6,122) 
   For the period ending 31 March 2014, the Company has changed the basis 
of presenting its financial statements from going concern to break up 
basis (refer to note 2). 
   The accompanying notes form an integral part of the unaudited condensed 
financial statements. 
   1.         General information 
   CQS Rig Finance Fund Limited (the "Company") was registered on 8 
November 2006 with registered number 45805 and is domiciled and 
incorporated in Guernsey, Channel Islands. The Company is a closed-ended 
investment company with limited liability formed under The Companies 
(Guernsey) Law, 2008, as amended and its ordinary shares were listed on 
the Channel Island Securities Exchange ("CISE") and traded on the 
Alternative Investment Market ("AIM"), a market operated by the London 
Stock Exchange plc. On 3 March 2014, the Company delisted its ordinary 
shares from the CISE. 
   The Company does not have a fixed life but, under the Articles of 
Association, at the annual general meeting held on 5 March 2014 
shareholders voted in favour of the continuation of the Company for a 
further five years. Since that date, the Company has been in discussion 
with its advisers in connection with the strategic outlook for the 
Company. It has been informed by the Company's largest shareholders, CQS 
(UK) LLP, CQS Asset Management Limited and CQS Cayman LP, who together 
hold 65.54% of the share capital of the Company, that they would support 
a shareholder voluntary liquidation of the Company. An announcement to 
this effect was made by the Company on 20 May 2014. 
   The Company's investment objective was to provide shareholders with an 
attractive total return through a combination of capital appreciation 
and dividends. 
   2.         Significant accounting policies 
   Statement of compliance 
   These condensed interim financial statements for the six months ended 31 
March 2014 have been prepared in accordance with International 
Accounting Standards (IAS) 34, "Interim Financial Reporting". The 
condensed interim financial statements do not include all the 
information and disclosure required in the annual financial statements 
and should be read in conjunction with the audited financial statements 
of the Company for the year ended 30 September 2013, which have been 
prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, 
as adopted by the European Union ("IFRS"). 
   The audited financial statements of the Company for the year ended 30 
September 2013 are available upon request from the Company's registered 
office at Dorey Court, Admiral Park, St Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 2HT and 
are also available from the Company's website, www.cqsrigfinance.com. 
   Going Concern 
   As announced on 20 May 2014, the Company has been informed that the 
largest shareholders; CQS (UK) LLP, CQS Asset Management Limited and CQS 
Cayman LP would support a shareholder voluntary liquidation of the 
Company. These shareholders collectively hold 65.54% of the share 
capital of the Company. The Board will be making arrangements to convene 
an extraordinary general meeting of the shareholders to consider 
proposals to place the Company into shareholders' voluntary liquidation. 
The Board therefore believe that the Company is unlikely to continue in 
operation for the foreseeable future and so no longer constitutes a 
going concern. The accounts have been prepared on a break up basis. 
   Basis of preparation 
   In accordance with IAS 1 "Presentation of financial statements" and IAS 
10 "Events after the reporting period", the Company changed the basis of 
preparing its financial statements from a going concern to liquidation 
basis. As a result, the financial statements as at 31 March 2014 have 
been prepared using a break up basis of accounting. Accordingly, 
adjustments have been made to as to reduce their carrying value of 
assets and liabilities to their estimated realisable amount, to provide 
for any further liabilities which will arise, and to reclassify 
non-current assets and long-term liabilities as current assets and 
liabilities. All estimated liquidation expenses have been provided for. 
This basis of presentation differs from the presentation adopted in the 
financial reports of the Company issued for the year ended 30 September 
2013 and the period ended 31 March 2013. 
   2.         Significant accounting policies (continued) 
   Basis of preparation (continued) 
   The adoption of a break up basis of accounting did not result in a 
significant change to net assets with the exception of the accrual for 
estimated liquidation expenses. The Directors believe that the fair 
value of the assets and liabilities equates to the net realisable value. 
   The functional currency of the Company is considered to be GBP because 
that is the currency of the primary economic environment in which the 
Company raised capital and in which dividends were paid to shareholders. 
   Standards and amendments to existing standards adopted during the period 
   IFRS 7 Disclosures - Offsetting Financial Assets and Financial 
Liabilities- Amendments to IFRS 7, effective for annual periods 
beginning on or after 1 January 2013, has been fully adopted. These 
amendments require an entity to disclose information about rights to 
set-off and related arrangements (e.g. collateral agreements). The 
disclosures will provide users with information that is useful in 
evaluating the effect of netting arrangements on an entity's financial 
position. The new disclosures are required for all recognised financial 
instruments that are set off in accordance with IAS 32 Financial 
Instruments: Presentation. The disclosures also apply to recognised 
financial instruments that are subject to an enforceable master netting 
arrangement or similar agreement, irrespective of whether they are set 
off in accordance with IAS 32. The application of these amendments has 
not materially impacted the financial position or performance of the 
   IFRS 13, "Fair value measurement", effective for annual periods 
beginning on or after 1 January 2013, has been fully adopted. The 
standard improves consistency and reduces complexity by providing a 
precise definition of fair value and a single source of fair value 
measurement and disclosure requirements for use across IFRSs. The 
requirements do not extend the use of fair value accounting but provide 
guidance on how it should be applied where its use is already required 
or permitted by other standards within IFRS. If an asset or a liability 
measured at fair value has a bid price and an ask price, the standard 
requires valuation to be based on a price within the bid ask spread that 
is most representative of fair value and allows the use of mid-market 
pricing or other pricing conventions that are used by market 
participants as a practical expedient for fair value measurement within 
a bid ask spread. The Company fair values its financial instruments 
traded in active markets at the reporting date based on quoted bid 
prices for assets and quoted offer prices for liabilities or third party 
broker price quotations without any deduction for transaction costs. The 
application of IFRS 13 has not materially impacted the fair value 
measurements carried out by the Company and the application is disclosed 
in note 8. 
   IAS 1, "Clarification of the requirement for comparative information 
(Amendment)", the amendment to IAS 1 clarifies the difference between 
voluntary additional comparative information and the minimum required 
comparative information, is effective for annual periods beginning on or 
after 1 January 2013. An entity must include comparative information in 
the related notes to the financial statements when it voluntarily 
provides comparative information beyond the minimum required comparative 
period. The additional voluntarily comparative information does not need 
to be presented in a complete set of financial statements. The 
application of this amendment has not materially impacted the Company. 
   Standards, interpretations and amendments issued but not yet effective 
or which have no impact on the Company 
   IAS 32 has been amended to clarify the requirements for offsetting 
financial assets and financial liabilities in the Statement of Financial 
Position. In connection therewith, amendments to IFRS 7 were also 
issued. These new disclosures are intended to facilitate comparison 
between IFRS and accounting principles generally accepted in the United 
States of America ("U.S.GAAP"). The converged offsetting disclosures in 
IFRS 7 are to be retrospectively applied, with an effective date of 
annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2013. The IAS 32 changes 
are retrospectively applied, with an effective date of annual periods 
beginning on or after 1 January 2014. Master netting agreements where 
the legal right of offset is only enforceable on the occurrence of some 
future event, such as default of the counterparty, continue not to meet 
the offsetting requirements. 
   2.         Significant accounting policies (continued) 
   Standards, interpretations and amendments issued but not yet effective 
or which have no impact on the Company (continued) 
   The disclosures focus on quantitative information about recognised 
financial instruments that are offset in the Statement of Financial 
Position, as well as those recognised financial instruments that are 
subject to master netting or similar arrangements irrespective of 
whether they are offset. The Directors are considering the implications 
of these new amendments and have not early adopted these amendments in 
these financial statements. 
   IFRS 9 "Financial Instruments" issued in November 2009 (IFRS 9(2009)) 
will change the classification of financial assets. The standard is not 
expected to have an impact on the measurement basis of the financial 
assets since the majority of the Company's financial assets are measured 
at fair value through profit or loss. The IASB has tentatively proposed 
an effective implementation date of 1 January 2018 and the standard is 
yet to be endorsed by the European Union. 
   In May 2011, the IASB issued IFRS 10, "Consolidated Financial 
Statements" which is effective for annual periods beginning on or after 
1 January 2013. The standard establishes principles for the presentation 
and preparation of consolidated financial statements when an entity 
controls one or more other entities. IFRS 10 replaces the consolidation 
requirements in SIC-12 Consolidation - Special Purpose Entities and IAS 
27 Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements. IFRS 10 (amendment) 
as issued provides an exception to consolidation requirements for 
entities that meet the definition of an investment entity. The exception 
to consolidation requires investment entities to account for 
subsidiaries at fair value through profit or loss in accordance with 
IFRS 9 Financial Instruments. These amendments will not impact the 
financial position or performance of the Company. 
   In May 2011, the IASB issued IFRS 11, "Joint Arrangements" which is 
effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2013. The 
standard establishes principles for financial reporting by parties to a 
joint arrangement. The Company assessed the impact of this standard and 
does not expect it to have any impact on the Company. 
   In May 2011, the IASB issued IFRS 12, "Disclosure of Interests in Other 
Entities" which is effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 
January 2013. The standard requires entities to disclose the nature, 
risk, and financial effects of its interests in other entities. The 
Company assessed the impact of this standard and does not expect it to 
have any impact on the Company. 
   IFRS 10 "Consolidated Financial Statements, IFRS 11, "Joint 
Arrangements" and IFRS 12, "Disclosure of interests in other entities" 
were endorsed by the European Union on 11 December 2012 and the European 
Union effective date for each is 1 January 2014. 
   There are no other standards, interpretations or amendments to existing 
standards that are effective that would be expected to have a 
significant impact on the Company. 
   Significant accounting judgments and estimates 
   The preparation of the Company's financial statements in conformity with 
IFRS as adopted by the European Union requires management to make 
judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts recognised 
in the financial statements. However, uncertainty about these 
assumptions and estimates could result in outcomes that could require a 
material adjustment to the carrying amount of the asset or liability 
affected in the future. 
   2.         Significant accounting policies (continued) 
   Fair value of financial instruments 
   Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid 
to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market 
participants at the measurement date. The fair values for financial 
instruments traded in active markets at the reporting date are based on 
their quoted bid-market price (31 March 2013: quoted bid price for 
assets and quoted offer price for liabilities) or third party broker 
price quotations without any deduction for transaction costs. Where 
possible the Company receives at least three broker quotes for each 
financial instrument held. The preferred broker quote is compared to the 
other two broker quotes for consistency. If the broker quotes are not 
consistent, the Company will adjust the valuation accordingly. In some 
cases only a single broker quote is available. When this situation 
arises, the Investment Manager reviews the prices independently received 
as single broker quotes and ensures that they are in line with 
   3.         Segmental reporting 
   IFRS 8 'Operating Segments' requires a 'management approach', under 
which segment information is presented on the same basis as that used 
for internal reporting purposes. Operating segments are reported in a 
manner consistent with the internal reporting used by the  Chief 
Operating Decision Maker ("CODM"). The CODM is responsible for 
allocating resources and assessing the performance of the operating 
   The Board of Directors is charged with the overall governance of the 
Company in accordance with the Company's Admission Document and the 
Company's Memorandum and Articles of Association. The Board has 
appointed CQS Cayman Limited Partnership as the Investment Manager. The 
Board of Directors and CQS Cayman Limited Partnership are considered the 
CODM for the purposes of IFRS 8. 
   The Investment Manager is responsible for decisions in relation to both 
asset allocation, asset selection and any investment adviser delegation. 
The Investment Manager has been given authority to act on behalf of the 
Company, including the authority to purchase and sell securities and 
other investments on behalf of the Company and to carry out other 
actions as appropriate to give effect thereto. Any changes to the 
investment strategy outside of the Company's Admission Document must be 
approved by the Board and then the Company's shareholders in accordance 
with the terms of the Admission Document, the Company's Articles and the 
AIM Rules for Companies. 
   The Company sources and trades in a portfolio of secured debt 
instruments which are expected to be primarily issued to finance the 
construction, modification and/or refurbishment of rigs and other 
infrastructure and/or equipment used for the exploration of oil and 
natural gas. The Company operates a single operating segment under IFRS 
8 with all investment cash and investment holdings being managed at a 
Company level. The Investment Manager allocates decisions based on a 
single integrated investment strategy and the Company's performance is 
evaluated on an overall basis. Investment cash is allocated to the 
Investment Manager who has discretionary authority to invest the 
Company's assets and is responsible for all investment decisions made on 
behalf of the Company, subject to the control and policies of the Board 
of Directors of the Company. The Investment Manager has appointed an 
investment adviser, CQS (UK) LLP. The Investment Adviser is responsible 
for the management of and/or providing investment advice on the 
portfolio and also assists the Investment Manager with related ancillary 
services. The internal reporting provided to the Investment Manager for 
the Company's assets and liabilities and performance is prepared on a 
consistent basis with the measurement and recognition principles of 
IFRS. There were no changes in the reportable segments during the period 
ended 31 March 2014 or 31 March 2013. 
   4.         Operating income 
                                                               Six months ended  Six months ended 
                                                                  31 March 2014     31 March 2013 
                                                                            GBP        GBP 
                                                                      Unaudited      Unaudited 
Interest income from financial instruments designated 
 at fair value through profit or loss                                 1,359,912         1,457,823 
Realised foreign exchange gain/(loss)                                 1,839,059       (2,226,635) 
Realised loss on financial instruments designated 
 at fair value through 
 profit and loss                                                      (577,919)         (641,473) 
Realised gain on derivative financial assets and liabilities              5,457            49,338 
Movement in unrealised (loss)/gain on financial instruments 
designated at fair value through profit or loss                       (352,410)         3,488,187 
Movement in unrealised (loss)/gain on forward contracts               (652,925)           261,467 
Movement in unrealised gain/(loss) on derivative financial 
 assets and liabilities                                                   8,061             (298) 
Movement in unrealised foreign exchange (loss)/gain                    (37,137)            21,887 
Total operating income                                                1,592,098         2,410,296 
   5.         Other operating expenses 
                                            Six months ended  Six months ended 
                                              31 March 2014     31 March 2013 
                                                  GBP               GBP 
                                     Notes      Unaudited         Unaudited 
Investment management and 
 administration fees 
Investment management and 
 performance fee                        12         (263,181)         (259,219) 
Administration fee                      12          (74,795)          (81,562) 
Other operating expenses 
Liquidation expenses                     2          (75,000)                 - 
Audit and other assurance fees                      (18,699)          (18,390) 
Directors' fees                                     (43,631)          (43,750) 
Broker fees                                         (24,932)          (57,510) 
Other expenses                                     (127,638)         (107,849) 
Total other operating expenses                     (627,876)         (568,280) 
   6.         Earnings per share 
                                                            31 March    31 March 
                                                              2014        2013 
                                                              GBP         GBP 
                                                            Unaudited   Unaudited 
The calculation of the basic and diluted earnings 
 per share is based on the following data: 
Earnings for the purposes of basic and diluted earnings 
per share being net profit attributable to equity 
holders                                                       940,814   1,837,061 
Weighted average number of ordinary shares for the 
 purposes of basic and diluted earnings per share          97,410,000  97,410,000 
   7.         Financial instruments designated at fair value through profit 
or loss 
                           31 March 2014  30 September 2013  31 March 2013 
                                     GBP                GBP       GBP 
                               Unaudited            Audited    Unaudited 
Cost of financial 
 instruments at start of 
 period/year                  39,925,719         48,098,374     48,098,374 
Purchase of financial 
 instruments                  19,763,433         48,476,235     21,746,093 
Sales proceeds on 
 disposal of financial 
 instruments                (16,526,004)       (49,271,876)   (23,641,248) 
Realised loss on sale of 
 financial instruments         (572,462)        (7,377,014)      (641,473) 
Cost of financial 
 instruments at end of 
 period/year                  42,590,686         39,925,719     45,561,746 
Unrealised loss on 
 financial instruments       (7,817,667)        (7,465,257)   (12,345,765) 
Financial instruments at 
 end of period/year           34,773,019         32,460,462     33,215,981 
Split as follows: 
 Non-current assets                                -   29,319,859   30,441,651 
Current assets                            37,641,237    4,539,521    4,358,078 
Current liabilities                      (2,868,218)  (1,398,918)  (1,583,748) 
Financial instruments at end of 
 period/year                              34,773,019   32,460,462   33,215,981 
   8.         Measurement of financial instruments designated at fair value 
through profit or loss 
   Fair value hierarchy 
   The amendment to IFRS 7, "Financial Instruments: Disclosures", requires 
disclosures surrounding the level in the fair value hierarchy in which 
fair value measurements are categorised for financial instruments 
measured in the Statement of Financial Position. It requires the Company 
to classify fair value measurements using a fair value hierarchy that 
reflects the significance of the inputs used in making the measurements. 
The financial instruments are analysed between those whose fair value is 
based on: 
   -- Level 1 - Quoted (unadjusted) market prices in active markets for 
      identical assets or liabilities. 
   --    Level 2 - Valuation techniques (for which the lowest level input that 
      is significant to the fair value measurement is directly or indirectly 
      observable). This category includes instruments valued using: quoted 
      market prices in active markets for similar instruments; quoted prices 
      for similar instruments in markets that are considered less than active; 
      or other valuation techniques where all significant inputs are directly 
      or indirectly observable from market data. 
   --    Level 3 - Valuation techniques (for which the lowest level input that 
      is significant to the fair value measurement is unobservable). This 
      category includes all instruments where the valuation technique includes 
      inputs not based on observable data and the unobservable inputs could 
      have a significant impact on the instrument's valuation. This category 
      includes instruments that are valued based on quoted prices for similar 
      instruments where significant unobservable adjustments or assumptions are 
      required to reflect differences between the instruments. 
   The level in the fair value hierarchy within which the instrument is 
categorised in its entirety is determined on the basis of the lowest 
level input that is significant to the fair value measurement. For this 
purpose, the significance of an input is assessed against the fair value 
measurement in its entirety. If a fair value measurement uses observable 
inputs that require significant adjustment based on unobservable inputs, 
that measurement is a Level 3 measurement. Assessing the significance of 
a particular input to the fair value measurement requires judgement, 
considering factors specific to the asset or liability. 
   8.         Measurement of financial instruments designated at fair value 
through profit or loss (continued) 
   Fair value hierarchy (continued) 
   The determination of what constitutes 'observable' requires significant 
judgement by the Company. The Company considers observable data to be 
that market data that is readily available, regularly distributed or 
updated, reliable and verifiable, not proprietary and provided by 
independent sources that are actively involved in the relevant market. 
Although the financial instruments with single broker quotes have inputs 
into the price supplied by the brokers that are observable, for example, 
rate yield, industry classification and credit rating, they are 
classified as Level 3 holdings because the actual price may differ to 
the broker estimates. 
   For each class of assets and liabilities not measured at fair value in 
the Statement of Financial Position but for which fair value is 
disclosed, IFRS 13 requires the Company to describe the  technique and 
inputs used in the valuation, as well as disclosure of the level in the 
fair value hierarchy to which each class of assets and liabilities would 
belong. As this is a new requirement of IFRS 13 no comparative 
disclosure is required in the year of initial application. 
   Assets and liabilities not carried at fair value are carried at 
amortised cost; their carrying values are a reasonable approximation of 
fair value. 
   Cash and cash equivalents include deposits held with banks and other 
short-term investments in an active market and they are categorised as 
Level 1. 
   Receivable for investments sold and other receivables include the 
contractual amounts for settlement of trades and other obligations due 
to the Company. Payable for investments sold and other payables 
represent the contractual amounts and obligations due by the Company for 
settlement of trades and expenses. All receivable and payable balances 
are categorised as Level 2. 
   The following table present the Company's fair value hierarchy for those 
assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis as of 
31 March 2014. 
                                                               Quoted prices in  Significant 
                                                                 active markets        other  Significant 
                                                                  for identical   observable  unobservable 
                                                                         assets       inputs     inputs        Total 
                                                                      (Level 1)    (Level 2)   (Level 3) 
Assets                                                                      GBP          GBP      GBP           GBP 
Financial instruments designated at fair value through 
profit or loss                                                           38,202   37,418,401       184,634   37,641,237 
Derivative financial assets                                                   -      125,423             -      125,423 
                                                                         38,202   37,543,824       184,634   37,766,660 
 Financial instruments designated at fair value through 
  profit or loss                                                    (2,868,218)            -             -  (2,868,218) 
 Derivative financial liabilities                                             -     (36,559)             -     (36,559) 
                                                                    (2,868,218)     (36,559)             -  (2,904,777) 
   Level 2 investments in securities (assets) comprise corporate and 
convertible bonds which have been valued using independently received 
third party broker quotes. Typically multiple quotes for each position 
are received and reviewed in order to assess the accuracy of the price 
selected to value the asset. Level 2 derivative financial (assets) 
comprise interest rate swaps which have been valued using observable 
market yield curves and foreign exchange rates. The Level 2 derivative 
financial (liabilities) comprise forward contracts which have been 
valued using observable foreign exchange forward rates. 
   8.         Measurement of financial instruments designated at fair value 
through profit or loss (continued) 
   Fair value hierarchy (continued) 
   Level 3 investments in securities (assets) comprise corporate bonds 
valued by means of one broker quote, and analysed using comparison to 
market activity, similar issuers, and inputs such as credit spreads and 
duration assumptions, implied and observed, to assess the accuracy of 
the single bond quote. No unobservable inputs were used in the fair 
value measurement of the Level 3 assets. 
   The following table shows the movement in Level 3 of the fair value 
hierarchy for the period ended 31 March 2014. 
                                                            Financial instruments designated at fair value through 
                                                                                profit or loss 
Opening balance                                                                                            190,069 
Total losses recognised in the Statement of Comprehensive 
 Income                                                                                                    (5,444) 
Transfer into Level 3 from Level 2                                                                               9 
Closing balance                                                                                            184,634 
   There were no significant transfers between Level 1 and Level 2 of the 
fair value hierarchy during the period ended 31 March 2014. The transfer 
into Level 3 during the period ended 31 March 2014 consisted of Petrorig 
III Pte Ltd which was due to the non-availability of multiple third 
party broker quotes for this position. 
   The table below discloses how the gains or losses for Level 3 
instruments were accounted for in the Statement of Comprehensive Income 
for the period ended 31 March 2014. 
                                                           Financial instruments designated at fair value through 
                                                                               profit or loss 
Total unrealised losses recognised in the Statement 
 of Comprehensive Income for financial instruments 
 held at the end of the reporting period:                                                                 (5,444) 
- Included within movement in unrealised losses on 
financial instruments designated at fair value through 
profit or loss                                                                                            (5,444) 
   The following table presents the Company's fair value hierarchy for 
those assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis 
as of 30 September 2013. 
                                                            Quoted prices    Significant 
                                                              in active         other     Significant 
                                                             markets for     observable   unobservable 
                                                           identical assets    inputs        inputs       Total 
                                                              (Level 1)       (Level 2)    (Level 3) 
Assets                                                           GBP             GBP          GBP          GBP 
Financial instruments designated at fair value through 
profit or loss                                                      133,720   33,535,591       190,069  33,859,380 
Derivative financial assets                                               -      778,348             -     778,348 
                                                                    133,720   34,313,939       190,069  34,637,728 
Financial instruments designated at fair value through 
 profit or loss                                          (1,398,918)         -  -(1,398,918) 
Derivative financial liabilities                                   -  (44,620)  -   (44,620) 
                                                         (1,398,918)  (44,620)  -(1,443,538) 
   8.         Measurement of financial instruments designated at fair value 
through profit or loss (continued) 
   Fair value hierarchy (continued) 
   Level 3 investments in securities (assets) comprise corporate bonds 
valued by means of one broker quote, and analysed using comparison to 
market activity, similar issuers, and inputs such as credit spreads and 
duration assumptions, implied and observed, to assess the accuracy of 
the single bond quote. No unobservable inputs were used in the fair 
value measurement of the Level 3 assets. 
   The following table shows the movement in Level 3 of the fair value 
hierarchy for the year ended 30 September 2013. 
                                                            Financial instruments designated at fair value through 
                                                                                profit or loss 
Opening balance                                                                                            173,987 
Total losses recognised in the Statement of Comprehensive 
 Income                                                                                                    (2,665) 
Transfer into Level 3 from Level 2                                                                          18,747 
Closing balance                                                                                            190,069 
   There were no significant transfers between Level 1 and Level 2 of the 
fair value hierarchy during the year ended 30 September 2013. The 
transfer into Level 3 during the year ended 30 September 2013 consisted 
of Remedial Cayman Limited, Master Marine AS and NV Profit Share 
   The table below discloses how the gains or losses for Level 3 
instruments were accounted for in the Statement of Comprehensive Income 
for the year ended 30 September 2013. 
                                                           Financial instruments designated at fair value through 
                                                                               profit or loss 
Total unrealised gains recognised in the Statement 
 of Comprehensive Income for financial instruments 
 held at the end of the reporting year:                                                                    16,082 
- Included within movement in unrealised gains on 
financial instruments designated at fair value through 
profit or loss                                                                                             16,082 
   The following table presents the Company's fair value hierarchy for 
those assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis 
as of 31 March 2013. 
                                                             Quoted prices    Significant 
                                                               in active            other   Significant 
                                                              markets for      observable  unobservable 
                                                            identical assets       inputs        inputs     Total 
                                                               (Level 1)        (Level 2)     (Level 3) 
Assets                                                            GBP                 GBP           GBP      GBP 
Financial instruments designated at fair value through 
profit or loss                                                       146,895   34,445,130       207,704   34,799,729 
Derivative financial assets                                                -      141,182             -      141,182 
                                                                     146,895   34,586,312       207,704   34,940,911 
 Financial instruments designated at fair value through 
  profit or loss                                                 (1,583,748)            -             -  (1,583,748) 
 Derivative financial liabilities                                          -     (56,229)             -     (56,229) 
                                                                 (1,583,748)     (56,229)             -  (1,639,977) 
   8.         Measurement of financial instruments designated at fair value 
through profit or loss (continued) 
   Fair value hierarchy (continued) 
   Level 3 investments in securities (assets) include corporate bonds 
valued by means of one broker quote, and analysed using comparison to 
market activity, similar issuers, and inputs such as credit spreads and 
duration assumptions, implied and observed, to assess the veracity of 
the single bond quote. No unobservable inputs were used in the fair 
value measurement of the Level 3 assets. 
   The following table shows the movement in Level 3 of the fair value 
hierarchy for the period ended 31 March 2013. 
                                                           Financial instruments designated at fair value through 
                                                                               profit or loss 
Opening balance                                                                                           173,987 
Total gains recognised in the Statement of Comprehensive 
 Income                                                                                                     8,726 
Transfer into Level 3 from Level 2                                                                         24,991 
Closing balance                                                                                           207,704 
   There were no significant transfers between Level 1 and Level 2 of the 
fair value hierarchy during the period ended 31 March 2013. 
   The table below discloses how the gains or losses for Level 3 
instruments were accounted for in the Statement of Comprehensive Income 
for the period ended 31 March 2013. 
                                                           Financial instruments designated at fair value through 
                                                                               profit or loss 
Total unrealised gains recognised in the Statement 
 of Comprehensive Income for financial instruments 
 held at the end of the reporting period:                                                                   8,726 
- Included within movement in unrealised gains on 
financial instruments designated at fair value through 
profit or loss                                                                                              8,726 
   9.         Cash and cash equivalents 
                         31 March 2014  30 September 2013  31 March 2013 
                              GBP              GBP              GBP 
                           Unaudited         Audited         Unaudited 
Sterling cash                   30,674          6,258,766      2,453,890 
Euro cash                     (41,203)          (682,500)        151,138 
Norwegian Krone cash         (116,390)          (337,558)         24,092 
Swedish Krone cash               8,008              8,322          8,768 
US Dollar cash                 182,238        (3,060,860)      (474,006) 
Cash and bank balances          63,327          2,186,170      2,163,882 
   The Company is in a net surplus cash position with its Prime Broker. 
However, as detailed in the above table, the Company does borrow in 
several currencies against assets of the Company and is entitled to 
offset under a master netting agreement with the Prime Broker. 
   10.       Other liabilities and payables 
                                            31 March  September    31 March 
                                                2014     2013        2013 
                                   Notes     GBP         GBP         GBP 
                                          Unaudited    Audited    Unaudited 
Due to related parties 
 --    Investment management fees     12      44,276      43,324      44,278 
Interest payable                               3,515       3,621         644 
Accrued expenses                              52,845      57,272      79,922 
Total payables                               100,636     104,217     124,844 
   Other liabilities principally comprise amounts outstanding in respect of 
ongoing costs. The Directors consider the carrying amount of other 
liabilities to approximate their fair value. 
   Terms and conditions of the above other liabilities: 
   --         For terms and conditions relating to related parties, refer 
to note 12. 
   --         Accrued expenses are non-interest bearing and have an average 
term of less than 3 months. 
   11.       Share capital 
Authorised share            31 March 2014  30 September 2013     31 March 2013 
                                      GBP                GBP               GBP 
                                Unaudited            Audited         Unaudited 
                                Number of          Number of         Number of 
                          Ordinary Shares    Ordinary Shares   Ordinary Shares 
Ordinary shares of no           Unlimited          Unlimited         Unlimited 
par value each 
Issued and 
fully paid             31 March 2014                  30 September 2013                31 March 2013 
                            GBP                              GBP                            GBP 
                         Unaudited                         Audited                       Unaudited 
                         Number of                        Number of                      Number of 
                      Ordinary Shares                  Ordinary Shares                Ordinary Shares 
Balance at 
 the start 
 and end of 
 period/year                       97,410,000                       97,410,000                   97,410,000 
   On incorporation, two ordinary shares were issued and fully paid to the 
subscribers to the Memorandum of Association of the Company. Those 
ordinary shares were made available under the initial placing. 
   The Company has the power to increase or reduce its share capital and to 
attach to any shares in the initial or increased or reduced capital any 
preferred deferred qualified or special rights, privileges and 
conditions or to subject the same to any restrictions or limitations and 
to consolidate or sub-divide all or any of its shares into shares of a 
larger or smaller denomination. 
   The holders of the ordinary shares have the following rights: 
   Dividends: Holders of ordinary shares are entitled to receive, and 
participate in, any dividends or other distributions out of the profits 
or otherwise of the Company available for dividend and resolved to be 
distributed in respect of any accounting period or other income or right 
to participate therein. 
   Winding Up: Holders of ordinary shares are entitled to the surplus 
assets remaining after payment of all creditors of the Company. 
   Voting: Holders of ordinary shares shall have the right to receive 
notice of, and to attend and vote at general meetings of the Company and 
each shareholder being present in person or by proxy or by a duly 
authorised representative (if a corporation) at a meeting shall upon a 
show of hands have one vote and upon a poll each such shareholder shall 
have one vote in respect of each ordinary share held. 
   12.       Material agreements and related parties 
   Investment Manager 
   The Company is a party to an Investment Management Agreement with the 
Investment Manager, dated 8 November 2006, pursuant to which the Company 
appointed the Investment Manager to manage its assets on a day-to-day 
basis in accordance with its investment objectives and policies, subject 
to the overall supervision and direction of the respective Boards of 
   The Company pays the Investment Manager a management fee and performance 
fee (see note 5). 
   Management fee 
   Under the terms of the Investment Management Agreement, the Investment 
Manager is entitled to receive from the Company a monthly management fee 
payable in arrears as at the last business day of each month that is 
equal to 0.125% (equivalent to 1.5% per annum) of the Net Asset Value of 
the Company as at the first business day of the month. Management fees 
for the period were GBP263,181 (31 March 2013: GBP259,219) of which 
GBP44,276 was outstanding at 31 March 2014 (30 September 2013: 
GBP43,324, 31 March 2013: GBP44,278). 
   Performance fee 
   The performance fee in respect of each performance year is equal to 20% 
of the amount, if any, by which the total return for such performance 
year exceeds the performance hurdle. For the avoidance of doubt, the 
performance fee arrangements are subject to a minimum of zero and will 
not result in any repayment of performance fees in respect of previous 
performance periods. There was no performance fee for the period ended 
31 March 2014 or 31 March 2013. 
   For these purposes performance year means each year corresponding to 
each accounting period of the Company. 
   Total return means in respect of each performance year the excess, if 
any, of: 
   (i) the Company's Net Asset Value on the last day of such performance 
year plus the aggregate of any capital 
   return and/or dividends payable in respect of such performance year, 
   (ii) the Company's Net Asset Value on the first day of such performance 
   Administration fee 
   Under the terms of the Administration Agreement, the Administrator is 
entitled to receive from the Company an administration fee of 0.095% of 
the Net Asset Value of the Company with a minimum of USD14,200 per 
month. In addition, the Administrator is entitled to an annual company 
secretarial fee on a time charge basis with a minimum of USD50,400 per 
annum. Administration fees for the period were GBP74,795 (31 March 2013: 
GBP81,562) of which GBP4,816 was outstanding at 31 March 2014 (30 
September 2013:GBP14,584, 31 March 2013: GBP8,600). 
   Prime broker and Custodian fee 
   The Prime Broker and Custodian are entitled to  receive such fees as may 
be agreed with the Company from time to time, reflecting normal 
commercial rates which may be based upon a combination of transaction 
charges and interest costs. 
   Investment by CQS Cayman Limited Partnership and all entities managed or 
advised by, and employees of CQS(UK)LLP and CQS Asset Management Limited 
("CQS Group Entities") 
   CQS Group Entities held 74,666,968 shares as at 31 March 2014 (30 
September 2013: 66,924,185, 31 March 2013: 64,027,585). There were 
purchases of 14,085,342 shares during the period from 1 October 2013 to 
31 March 2014 (purchases of 52,325,158 shares during the year from 1 
October 2012 to 30 September 2013, no purchases of shares during the 
period from 1 October 2012 to 31 March 2013). There were sales of 
6,342,559 shares during the period from 1 October 2013 to 31 March 2014, 
(no sales of shares during the year from 1 October 2012 to 30 September 
2013, no sales of shares during the period from 1 October 2012 to 31 
March 2013). 
   12.       Material agreements and related parties (continued) 
   Directors' interests 
   Mr. Gavin Strachan held 109,482 shares as at 31 March 2014 (30 September 
2013: 109,482, 31 March 2013: 109,482). A person closely connected to 
Mr. Michael Salter held 88,964 shares as at 31 March 2014 (30 September 
2013: 88,964, 31 March 2013: 88,964). Mr. Bruce Appelbaum held 15,000 
shares as at 31 March 2014 (30 September 2013: 15,000, 31 March 2013: 
   Directors' remuneration 
   The Chairman receives an annual fee of GBP25,000 and Mr. Appelbaum, Mr. 
Ash, Mr. Gamble and Mr. Strachan each receive an annual fee of 
GBP15,000. Mr. Gamble as chairman of the audit committee also receives 
an additional annual fee of GBP2,500. 
13. Reconciliation of NAV 
The NAV of the Company at period end as calculated 
 and published by the Administrator differs from that 
 presented in these condensed interim financial statements. 
 This is due to the provision of liquidation expenses, 
 as further explained in the significant accounting 
 policies in Note 2. 
 The note below shows the reconciliation between the 
 two NAV's. 
                                                              31 March 2014 
 NAV per Share as published by the Administrator                   35.83p 
 Liquidation expenses payable                                              (0.08p) 
 NAV per Share as per the condensed interim financial 
  statements                                                                35.75p 
 Total NAV as published by the Administrator                            34,898,743 
 Liquidation expenses payable                                             (75,000) 
 Total NAV as per the condensed interim financial 
  statements                                                            34,823,743 
   14.       Dividend policy and proposed dividends 
   The Company proposed, on 6 December 2013, a final dividend of 0.87 pence 
per ordinary share in respect of the financial year ended 30 September 
2013. The proposed dividend (approved by the shareholders at the annual 
general meeting on 5 March 2014) was paid on 9 April 2014 to 
shareholders of record at 14 March 2014. 
   The Company has not declared an interim dividend in respect of the 
financial year ending 30 September 2014 as discussed in the Chairman's 
   15.       Exchange rates 
   The following foreign exchange rates were used against GBP: 
Currency               31 March 2014  30 September 2013  31 March 2013 
Norwegian Krone               9.9813             9.7395         8.8564 
Swedish Krone                10.8091            10.3716         9.8730 
United States Dollar          1.6672             1.6194         1.5185 
Euro                          1.2096             1.1963         1.1825 
   16.       Seasonal or cyclical changes 
   The Company is not subject to seasonal or cyclical changes. 
   17.       Significant events during the period 
   On 3 March 2014, the Company's shares were delisted from the CISE. 
   The Company does not have a fixed life but, under the Articles of 
Association, at the annual general meeting held on 5 March 2014 
shareholders voted in favour of the continuation of the Company for a 
further five years. 
   There were no other significant events affecting the Company during the 
period that require disclosure within these condensed interim financial 
   18.       Significant events after the period end 
   The Company announced on 20 May 2014 that the Board will be making 
arrangements to convene an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders 
to consider proposals to cancel its admission to trading on AIM, to vote 
the Company into shareholders' voluntary liquidation and thereafter to 
facilitate the return of available cash to shareholders. As announced on 
16 June 2014 the estimated NAV per share was 36.22p and the portfolio 
was 98.34% in cash and cash equivalents. 
   19.       Approval of the condensed interim financial statements 
   The unaudited condensed interim financial statements were approved by 
the Board of Directors on 18 June 2014. 
   This announcement is distributed by NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions on 
behalf of NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions clients. 
   The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely 
responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information 
contained therein. 
   Source: CQS Rig Finance Fund Ltd via Globenewswire 

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