RNS Number : 1318L

Red Leopard Holdings PLC

29 September 2016


Interim Accounts for Red Leopard Holdings Plc ("Red Leopard", the "Company" or the "Group")

   for the six months ended 30(th)   June 2016 

Red Leopard is pleased to announce its unaudited interim results for the six months ended 30(th) June 2016.

As summarised in the Chairman's statement of our financial statements for the year ended 31(st) December 2015, which were announced on 29(th) June 2016, the market for junior mining companies, though showing some signs of recovery, remains challenging. Despite silver prices being on an upward trend and currently showing a spot price of US$19 an ounce, management believe the market is not yet robust enough to allow us to raise sufficient funds to accelerate the works needed at the Idora Tunnel.

Consequently, the Company is looking to acquire other complimentary assets which can give more critical mass to its operations, which should enable it to attract the necessary funding required.

The Company continues to consider all opportunities and financing options to enhance shareholder value and management look forward to providing shareholders with further updates in due course.

J J May


A copy of the interim results will be available on the Company's website www.redleopardholdings.com

This announcement contains inside information for the purposes of Article 7 of Regulation (EU) 596/2014.

For further information, please contact:

John May, Red Leopard Holdings Plc, Tel: 0207 917 6826

Gerry Beaney/David Hignell, Northland Capital Partners Limited, Tel: 0203 861 6625

Jon Belliss, Beaufort Securities Limited, Tel: 0207 382 8300

Consolidated statement of comprehensive income

                                             (Unaudited)  (Unaudited)      Audited 
                                                6 months     6 months   Year to 31 
                                                      to           to 
                                                 30 June      30 June     December 
                                       Note         2016         2015         2015 
                                                     GBP          GBP          GBP 
Other operating income                                 -            -            - 
Cost of sales                                          -            -     (17,412) 
                                             -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Gross loss                                             -            -     (17,412) 
Administrative expenses                         (96,348)    (113,739)    (213,017) 
                                             -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Operating loss                                  (96,348)    (113,739)    (230,429) 
Finance income                                         7            -            5 
Finance cost                                       (182)        (242)        (497) 
                                             -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Loss from continuing activities 
 before taxation                                (96,523)    (113,981)    (230,921) 
Tax expense                                            -            -            - 
Loss for the period attributable 
 to the equity holders of the parent            (96,523)    (113,981)    (230,921) 
                                             ===========  ===========  =========== 
Loss per share - basic                    3       (0.02)       (0.04)       (0.06) 
Loss per share - diluted                          (0.02)       (0.04)       (0.06) 

Consolidated statement of financial position

                                      (Unaudited)  (Unaudited)       Audited 
                                          30 June      30 June   31 December 
                               Notes         2016         2015          2015 
                                              GBP          GBP           GBP 
Non-current assets 
Intangible assets                  4      466,434      466,434       466,434 
                                      -----------  -----------  ------------ 
                                          466,434      466,434       466,434 
Current assets 
Trade and other receivables        5       29,601       26,303        23,958 
Cash and cash equivalents                  10,608          477        35,990 
                                      -----------  -----------  ------------ 
Total current assets                       40,209       26,780        59,948 
Total assets                              506,643      493,214       526,382 
                                      ===========  ===========  ============ 
Share capital                      8    1,862,125    1,535,667     1,862,125 
Share premium account                   3,999,694    4,017,194     3,999,694 
Share based payment reserve                60,002       60,002        60,002 
Retained earnings                     (5,611,412)  (5,396,231)   (5,514,889) 
                                      -----------  -----------  ------------ 
Total equity                              310,409      216,632       406,932 
                                      ===========  ===========  ============ 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables         6,7      196,234      276,582       119,450 
                                      -----------  -----------  ------------ 
Total current liabilities                 196,234      276,582       119,450 
                                      -----------  -----------  ------------ 
Total liabilities                         196,234      276,582       119,450 
                                      -----------  -----------  ------------ 
Total equity and liabilities              506,643      493,214       526,382 
                                      ===========  ===========  ============ 

Consolidated statement of changes in equity

                                   Share      Share     Share     Retained     Total 
                                 capital    premium     based     earnings    equity 
                                            account   payment 
Unaudited                            GBP        GBP       GBP          GBP       GBP 
At 1 January 2016              1,862,125  3,999,694    60,002  (5,514,889)   406,932 
Loss for the period                    -          -         -     (96,523)  (96,523) 
                               ---------  ---------  --------  -----------  -------- 
Total comprehensive income     1,862,125  3,999,694    60,002  (5,611,412)   310,409 
                               ---------  ---------  --------  -----------  -------- 
Transactions with owners: 
Equity component of compound 
 instrument                            -          -         -            -         - 
                               ---------  ---------  --------  -----------  -------- 
Issue of share capital                 -          -         -            -         - 
                               ---------  ---------  --------  -----------  -------- 
Total transactions with 
 owners                                -          -         -            -         - 
                               ---------  ---------  --------  -----------  -------- 
Balance at 30 June 2016        1,862,125  3,999,694    60,002  (5,611,412)   310,409 
                               ---------  ---------  --------  -----------  -------- 
                                   Share      Share     Share     Retained      Total 
                                 capital    premium     based     earnings     equity 
                                            account   payment 
Unaudited                            GBP        GBP       GBP          GBP        GBP 
At 1 January 2015              1,535,667  4,017,194    60,002  (5,282,250)    330,613 
Loss for the period                    -          -         -    (113,981)  (113,981) 
                               ---------  ---------  --------  -----------  --------- 
Total comprehensive income     1,535,667  4,017,194    60,002  (5,396,231)    216,632 
Transactions with owners: 
                               ---------  ---------  --------  -----------  --------- 
Equity component of compound 
 instrument                            -          -         -            -          - 
                               ---------  ---------  --------  -----------  --------- 
Issue of share capital                 -          -         -            -          - 
                               ---------  ---------  --------  -----------  --------- 
Total transactions with 
 owners                                -          -         -            -          - 
                               ---------  ---------  --------  -----------  --------- 
Balance at 30 June 2015        1,535,667  4,017,194    60,002  (5,396,231)    216,632 
                                   Share      Share     Share     Retained      Total 
                                 capital    premium     based     earnings     equity 
                                            account   payment 
Audited                              GBP        GBP       GBP          GBP        GBP 
At 1 January 2015              1,535,667  4,017,194    60,002  (5,282,250)    330,613 
Loss for the period                    -          -         -    (230,921)  (230,921) 
                               ---------  ---------  --------  -----------  --------- 
Total comprehensive income     1,535,667  4,017,194    60,002  (5,513,171)     99,692 
                               ---------  ---------  --------  -----------  --------- 
Transactions with owners: 
Equity component of compound 
 instrument                            -          -         -      (1,718)    (1,718) 
                               ---------  ---------  --------  -----------  --------- 
Issue of share capital           326,458   (17,500)         -            -    308,958 
                               ---------  ---------  --------  -----------  --------- 
Total transactions with 
 owners                          326,458   (17,500)         -      (1,718)    307,240 
                               ---------  ---------  --------  -----------  --------- 
Balance at 31 December 
 2015                          1,862,125  3,999,694    60,002  (5,514,889)    406,932 
                               ---------  ---------  --------  -----------  --------- 

Consolidated statement of cash flows

                                               (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)        Audited 
                                                  6 months      6 months        Year to 
                                                to 30 June    to 30 June    31 December 
                                                      2016          2015           2015 
                                                       GBP           GBP            GBP 
Cash flows used in operating activities 
Operating loss                                    (96,348)     (113,739)      (230,429) 
Adjustments for: 
      Liabilities extinguished via issue 
       of loan notes and equity shares                   -             -        151,458 
      (Increase)/Decrease in trade and 
       other receivables                           (5,643)       (3,797)        (1,451) 
      Increase/(Decrease) in trade payables         76,784       102,784       (50,067) 
                                              ------------  ------------  ------------- 
Net cash flows from operating activities          (25,207)      (14,752)      (130,489) 
                                              ------------  ------------  ------------- 
Investing activities 
Interest received                                        7             -              5 
Interest paid                                        (182)         (242)          (497) 
Cash flows used in investing activities              (175)         (242)          (492) 
Financing activities 
Issue of share capital                                   -             -        157,500 
Repayment of loan notes                                  -             -              - 
Loan received                                            -         6,000              - 
Cash flows used in financing activities                  -         6,000        157,500 
Net (decrease) in cash and cash 
 equivalents                                      (25,382)       (8,994)         26,519 
Cash and cash equivalents brought 
 forward                                            35,990         9,471          9,471 
Cash and cash equivalents carried 
 forward                                            10,608           477         35,990 
                                              ============  ============  ============= 

Notes to the consolidated financial statements

   1        Nature of operations and general information 


Red Leopard Holdings plc is focussed on the natural resources sector (both exploration and production), with a particular emphasis on precious mining assets and interests.


Financial overview and performance

Loss for the group before tax for the period was GBP96,523 (2015: GBP113,981).


The Company's strategy is to adhere to its investing policy focussed on natural resources. Its primary objective is that of securing for its shareholders the best possible value consistent with achieving, over time, both capital growth and income.

Investing Policy

The investing policy is to pursue investments in the natural recourses sector, and in particular, precious metals.

The Directors are focussed on North and South America, where they believe that a number of opportunities exist to acquire interests in suitable projects, although other regions may also be conisdered. Investments may be made in exploration, development and/or producing assets.

The Directors may consider it appropriate to purchase companies or interests in assets which may result in an equity interest in any proposed investment ranging from a minority position to 100 per cent ownership. Proposed investments may be made in either quoted or unquoted companies and structured as a direct acquisition, joint venture or a direct interest in a project.

Where necessary, the Company may seek participation in the management or with the board of directors of an entity in which the Company invests; or in the event that it is acquired then in the on-going enlarged entity.

New investments will be held for the medium to longer term; although shorter term disposal of any investments cannot be ruled out should such an opportunity present itself.

There is no limit on the number of projects into which the Company may invest, and the Company's financial resources may be invested in a number of propositions or just one, which may be deemed to be a reverse takeover pursuant to Rule 14 of the AIM Rules. Where the Company builds a portfolio of related assets it is possible that there may be cross-holdings between such assets. The Company does not currently intend to fund any investments with debt or other borrowings but may do so if appropriate.

The Directors undertake initial project assessments themselves with additional independent technical advice as required. The Company does not have a separate investment manager.

The Directors may offer new Ordinary Shares by way of consideration as well as cash subject to its availability to the Company. The Company may, in appropriate circumstances, issue debt securities or otherwise borrow money to complete an investment. The Directors do not intend to acquire any cross-holdings in other corporate entities that have an interest in the Ordinary Shares.

Going Concern

To ensure the full development of its assets and to actively pursue its investing policy, the Company will require further funds to finance its work programme. The Directors are negotiating with their advisors and a number of potential investors for the injection of sufficient new capital, via further equity raisings or debt finance, which would provide sufficient funds to allow it to pursue its objectives, however no funding commitments have yet been obtained.

The Directors are confident of being able to raise the necessary funding. In the short term, prior to the completion of a successful fundraise, the Group has limited but immediate working capital requirements which a Shareholder and Director has committed to supporting the company in meeting. The success of a future fundraise has been identified as a material uncertainty which may cast significant doubt over the going concern assessment. Whilst acknowledging this uncertainty, based upon the expectation of completing a successful fundraising in the near future, the Directors consider it appropriate to continue to prepare the financial statements of the Company on a going concern basis. The financial statements do not include the adjustments that would result if the Group and Company were unable to continue as a going concern.

Corporate Information

Red Leopard Holdings plc is the Group's ultimate parent company. It is incorporated and domiciled in Great Britain. The address of Red Leopard Holdings plc's registered office is 50 Jermyn Street, London, SW1Y 6LX. Red Leopard Holdings plc's shares are listed on the Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock Exchange.

   2      Basis of preparation 

The financial information presented in this half-yearly report constitutes the condensed consolidated financial statements (the interim financial statements) of Red Leopard Holdings plc for the six months ended 30 June 2016.

The interim financial statements should be read in conjunction with the Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2015 which have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted for use in the EU. The financial information in this half yearly report, which has been approved by the Board and authorised for issue is unaudited. The financial information set out in this interim report does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in Section 434 (3) of the Companies Act 2006. The comparative financial information presented herein for the year ended 31 December 2015 has been extracted from the Group's Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2015 which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.

These financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention.

These consolidated interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the accounting policies adopted in the last annual financial statements for the year to 31 December 2015.

The accounting policies have been applied consistently throughout the Group for the purposes of preparation of these consolidated interim financial statements. The consolidated financial information includes the accounts of the Company and its subsidiaries, after the elimination of inter-company transactions and balances.

   3      Earnings per share 

The calculation of the basic loss per share is based on the loss attributable to ordinary shareholders divided by the weighted average number of shares in issue during the year.

The calculation of diluted loss per share is based on the basic loss per share, adjusted to allow for the issue of shares and the post tax effect of dividends and/or interest, on the assumed conversion of all dilutive options and other dilutive potential ordinary shares.

Reconciliations of the loss and weighted average number of shares used in the calculations are set out below.

                                                      average number  Per share 
                                               Loss        of shares     amount 
6 months to 30 June 2016                        GBP                       Pence 
Loss attributable to ordinary shareholders   96,523 
Weighted average number of shares 
 (used for basic earnings per share)                     586,279,061 
Basic loss per share                                                       0.02 

6 months to 30 June 2015

Loss attributable to ordinary shareholders   113,981 
Weighted average number of shares 
 (used for basic earnings per share)                  259,820,728 
Basic loss per share                                               0.04 

Year to 31 December 2015

Loss attributable to ordinary shareholders   230,921 
Weighted average number of shares 
 (used for basic earnings per share)                  392,192,874 
Basic loss per share                                               0.06 

For diluted loss per share, the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue is adjusted to assume conversion of all potential dilutive ordinary shares. Items to be included in the calculation are:

               -                       Options for ordinary shares 
               -                       Convertible loan notes for ordinary shares 

The effect of conversion of all potential dilutive ordinary shares would have an anti-dilutive effect on loss per share and therefore they have not been incorporated in the diluted loss per share calculation.

   4      Intangible assets 
                                     Mining    Mining 
                            Exploration and     Total 
                         development claims 
                                        GBP       GBP 
---------------------  --------------------  -------- 
 At 1 January 2015                  466,434   466,434 
 Additions                                -         - 
---------------------  --------------------  -------- 
 At 30 June 2015                    466,434   466,434 
 Additions                                -         - 
 At 31 December 2015                466,434   466,434 
 Additions                                -         - 
 At 30 June 2016                    466,434   466,434 
 Net book value: 
 At 30 June 2016                    466,434   466,434 
---------------------  --------------------  -------- 
 At 31 December 2015                466,434   466,434 
---------------------  --------------------  -------- 
 At 30 June 2015                    466,434   466,434 
---------------------  --------------------  -------- 

On 24 September 2013, the Company acquired the entire issued share capital of Red Leopard Mining Inc ("RLM"). There are no assets or liabilities in RLM other than mining claims located in Shoshone County, Idaho, USA, which are recognised as separately identifiable intangible assets in respect of exploration and development rights. The Company pays annual rental fees per claim before 31 August to keep the claims in good standing for the following year.

The Directors assess the asset at each reporting date for indications of impairment. The mining claims have not yet been fully developed; therefore, there are only inferred resources to form a basis for an impairment review. The Directors have determined therefore that no impairment is required.

   5      Trade and other receivables 
                     (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)        Audited 
                        6 months      6 months        Year to 
                      to 30 June    to 30 June    31 December 
                            2016          2015           2015 
                             GBP           GBP            GBP 
Other receivables         29,601        26,303         23,958 
                          29,601        26,303         23,958 
                    ------------  ------------  ------------- 
   6      Trade and other payables 
                                (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)        Audited 
                                   6 months      6 months        Year to 
                                 to 30 June    to 30 June    31 December 
                                       2016          2015           2015 
                                        GBP           GBP            GBP 
Trade payables                       26,380        32,083          1,684 
Loans (Note 7)                       80,000       112,796         80,000 
Accruals and deferred income         89,854       131,703         37,766 
                               ------------  ------------  ------------- 
                                    196,234       276,582        119,450 
                               ------------  ------------  ------------- 

With the exception of directors' salaries, which are being accrued until the group is in a position to pay them, all amounts are short term. The carrying values are considered to be a reasonable approximation to fair value.

   7      Borrowings 
                         (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)        Audited 
                            6 months      6 months        Year to 
                          to 30 June    to 30 June    31 December 
                                2016          2015           2015 
                                 GBP           GBP            GBP 
Short term loans              80,000        94,514         80,000 
Convertible loan note              -        18,282              - 
Loans                         80,000       112,796         80,000 
                        ------------  ------------  ------------- 

At the end of the period, the Company had short term loans outstanding amounting to GBP80,000, repayable on demand. The holders have agreed not to call upon any loan notes until sufficient new funds are received that will allow the Company to finance itself going forward and have waived the right to the receipt of the 6% interest above base rate, provided for under the loan agreement. These loans do not carry any conversion options.

   8      Share Capital 

Shares issued for the period to 30 June 2016 are summarised as follows:

6 months to 30 June 2016

                                   Number        GBP 
Ordinary shares 0.1 pence     586,279,061    586,278 
Deferred shares 0.1 pence   1,275,846,391  1,275,847 
At 30 June 2016                            1,862,125 

6 months to 30 June 2015

                                   Number        GBP 
Ordinary shares 0.1 pence     259,820,728    259,821 
Ordinary shares 0.1 pence   1,275,846,391  1,275,847 
At 30 June 2015                            1,535,668 

Year to 31 December 2015

                                    Number        GBP 
Ordinary shares 0. 1 pence     586,279,061    586,278 
Deferred shares 0. 1 pence   1,275,846,391  1,275,847 
At 31 December 2015                         1,862,125 

In August 2015, the Company raised GBP175,000 before expenses through the placing of 175,000,000 ordinary shares; a loan note conversion of GBP20,000 into 20,000,000 ordinary shares; and a Directors' subscription for a total of 131,458,333 ordinary shares.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

September 29, 2016 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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