RNS Number:8702R
Sappi Ld
10 November 2003

sappi limited

(Registration number 1936/008963/06)

Issuer Code: SAVVI


ISIN Code: ZAE 000006284

The word for fine paper

Results for the fourth quarter and year ended September 2003

* Headline EPS 11 US cents for the quarter; 71 US cents for the year

* EPS 4 US cents for the quarter; 65 US cents for the year

* After tax charge of 8 US cents for the quarter in respect of machine closure

* Dividend 29 US cents

* Difficult market conditions

                                        Quarter         Quarter         Quarter            Year            Year
                                          ended           ended           ended           ended           ended
                                           Sept            June            Sept            Sept            Sept
                                           2003            2003            2002            2003            2002
Sales (US$ million)                       1,123           1,062           1,052           4,299           3,729
Operating profit (US$ million)               46              46             122             286             389
EBITDA* (US$ million) **                120 ***             149             221             654             724
Operating profit to sales (%)               4.1             4.3            11.6             6.7            10.4
EBITDA to sales (%) *                      10.7            14.0            21.0            15.2            19.4
Operating profit to average
net assets (%) *                            4.1             4.3            13.0             7.0            11.3
Headline EPS (US cents) *                    11              12              32              71             101
EPS (US cents)                                4              13              32              65              95
Return on average equity (%) *              2.0             6.1            18.6             8.4            14.2
Net debt (US$ million) *                  1,491           1,571           1,419           1,491           1,419
Net debt to total                          30.8            33.2            36.1            30.8            36.1
capitalisation (%) *

* Refer to Supplemental Information for the definition of the term.

** The comparative information has been restated to take into account the
changed EBITDA definition. Refer to Supplemental Information for further

*** EBITDA for the quarter ended September 2003 reduced by US$31.5 million in
respect of machine closure.


Markets for coated fine paper in the USA and Europe did not show the customary
strong seasonal pick up in the quarter. In particular the catalogue season in
America was weaker than last year. Apparent consumption for the quarter was down
6% in the USA compared to a year ago whereas there was some improvement in
Europe. Advertising pages in the US were down 2.9% for the quarter compared to a
year earlier.

The price increase announced in July for web products in the USA was not
implemented and prices remain weak. In Europe prices remained under pressure;
however the rapid decline in the previous quarter appears to have been
stabilised, as order intake improved in recent weeks.

The NBSK pulp price index has picked up in recent weeks to US$546 per ton from a
recent low of US$510 per ton.

Net profit for the quarter was US$10 million after a post-tax charge of
approximately US$19 million (US$31.5 million pre-tax) in respect of the planned
closure of Westbrook's paper machine 14 and associated inventory (see 'Closure
of operations'). Headline earnings were US$26 million. The charge in respect of
Westbrook inventory reduced Headline earnings by approximately US$2 million (1
US cent per share).

Headline earnings per share were 11 US cents, after the 1 US cent per share
charge for the Westbrook inventory, 8.3% below the prior quarter and 65.6% below
a year earlier.  After the balance of the Westbrook charge earnings per share
were 4 US cents.

Operating profit for the quarter was US$46 million, 62% below last year,
reflecting the poor trading conditions.

Operating costs have generally been well controlled; however, higher employee
benefit, wood and energy costs have reduced our margins. Selling, General and
Administrative expenses for the quarter were US$45 million higher than last
year. Approximately US$35 million of the difference relates to reversals of
litigation and insurance costs last year and currency movements.

Net finance costs for the quarter were US$18 million compared to US$29 million a
year earlier reflecting lower interest rates and the benefit of swapping US$750
million of debt from fixed rate to floating.

The tax credit for the quarter was a result of the credit in respect of the
impairment charge and a reduction in the effective tax rate for the year.

We expect the effective tax rate for next year to be approximately 20%. However,
this will depend on profitability and regional performance.

For the full year sales were US$4.3 billion, 15.3% higher than last year. A
significant portion of this was related to currency translation. Operating
profit, however, was 26.5% lower at US$286 million, which reflects the
significant reduction of prices in our major markets. In Europe prices realised
in local currency declined approximately 9% compared to the prior year, the
Forest Products division's pulp and paper prices declined 4% and North America
prices declined 3% year on year.

Net profit for the full year was US$149 million (65 US cents) after the US$19
million charge in respect of the machine closure. Headline earnings were US$163
million (71 US cents).

cash flow and net debt

Cash generated by operations was US$159 million for the quarter, 28% higher than
the June quarter but 30% lower than a year earlier. Working capital declined by
US$104 million compared to the previous quarter due to reduced inventory and
increased payables.

We spent US$126 million on fixed assets in the quarter, which was significantly
higher than the previous quarter as a number of major projects were commissioned
in the period. As a result of market conditions we cut back our capital
expenditure for the full year to US$296 million, representing approximately 84%
of depreciation, from a planned level of approximately 100% of depreciation.

We repurchased 2.2 million shares in the quarter at a cost of approximately
US$29 million.

Net debt at the end of September was 5% lower than June at US$1,491 million. Net
debt to total capitalisation reduced from 33.2% to 30.8%. Over the full year net
debt increased by US$72 million as a result of currency translation. Total
interest bearing borrowings increased by US$403 million to US$2,075 million and
cash and cash equivalents increased by US$331 million to US$584 million.

operating review for the quarter

sappi fine paper
                                                        Quarter ended            Quarter ended
                                                            Sept 2003                Sept 2002               %
                                                          US$ million              US$ million          change
Sales                                                             917                      905             1.3
Operating profit                                                   31                       78          (60.3)
Operating profit                                                  3.4                      8.6               -
to sales (%)
EBITDA*                                                            81                      157          (48.4)
EBITDA to sales (%)                                               8.8                     17.3               -
RONOA pa (%)                                                      3.8                     10.4               -

* EBITDA for the quarter ended September 2003 reduced by US$31.5 million in
respect of machine closure

The performance of our fine paper businesses was unfavourably affected by weak
pricing in Europe, continued weak pricing and the lack of a significant seasonal
pick-up of demand for coated fine paper in North America this year and lower
prices in South Africa as the relatively stronger Rand made imports more
competitive and reduced margins on our exports.

                                     Quarter ended            Quarter ended
                                         Sept 2003                Sept 2002         % change         % change
                                       US$ million              US$ million            (US$)           (Euro)
Sales                                          485                      459              5.7            (8.1)
Operating profit                                20                       53           (62.3)           (67.2)
Operating profit to sales                      4.1                     11.5                -                -
EBITDA                                          66                       98           (32.7)           (41.4)
EBITDA to sales (%)                           13.6                     21.4                -                -
RONOA pa (%)                                   4.9                     14.6                -                -

Price pressure continued in the quarter particularly in Spain and Italy, and in
export markets where the weakness of the US Dollar compounded the effect on
average prices realised in Euros. Average prices realised in Euros for the
quarter were 10% lower than a year earlier.

Our sales volume increased 2% compared to a year earlier, much of which was to
offshore markets. We recovered our market share in the region in the quarter.

North America
                                                        Quarter ended            Quarter ended
                                                            Sept 2003                Sept 2002               %
                                                          US$ million              US$ million          change
Sales                                                             358                      388           (7.7)
Operating profit                                                    5                       15          (66.7)
Operating profit                                                  1.4                      3.9               -
to sales (%)
EBITDA*                                                             6                       46          (87.0)
EBITDA to sales (%)                                               1.7                     11.9               -
RONOA pa (%)                                                      1.4                      4.2               -

* EBITDA for the quarter ended September 2003 reduced by US$31.5 million in
respect of machine closure

Sales volumes improved significantly compared to the June quarter but were 7%
below the equivalent quarter last year in line with the decline in apparent
consumption. The catalogue season for coated fine paper web products was less
marked than last year.

Average prices realised declined in the quarter to marginally below a year
earlier reflecting weak markets and continued imports from Asia and Europe.

Operating costs continue to be influenced by increasing costs of employee
benefits and an increase in energy and wood costs in the quarter.

See the section 'Closure of operations'.

Fine Paper South Africa
                                     Quarter ended            Quarter ended
                                         Sept 2003                Sept 2002         % change         % change
                                       US$ million              US$ million            (US$)          (Rands)
Sales                                           74                       58             27.6           (10.1)
Operating profit                                 6                       10           (40.0)           (57.7)
Operating profit to sales                      8.1                     17.2                -                -
EBITDA                                           9                       13           (30.8)           (51.2)
EBITDA to sales (%)                           12.2                     22.4                -                -
RONOA pa (%)                                  18.4                     46.0                -                -

Our South African business produced reasonable results considering the pressure
on margins resulting from the increased competition from imports. We continue to
find ways to minimise the margin squeeze, including finding alternative markets
and innovative product and service offerings.

Forest Products
                                     Quarter ended            Quarter ended
                                         Sept 2003                Sept 2002         % change         % change
                                       US$ million              US$ million            (US$)          (Rands)
Sales                                          206                      147             40.1            (1.2)
Operating profit                                22                       38           (42.1)           (59.2)
Operating profit to sales                     10.7                     25.8                -                -
EBITDA                                          46                       58           (20.7)           (44.1)
EBITDA to sales (%)                           22.3                     39.5                -                -
RONOA pa (%)                                   8.4                     21.3                -                -

We experienced firm demand in the South African market for our packaging paper,
however, average prices realised were lower as a result of pressure from imports
following the weakening of the US Dollar relative to the Rand.

Demand for dissolving pulp remained firm in the quarter and Saiccor mill ran at
full capacity for the third consecutive quarter. Dollar prices increased in line
with paper pulp prices. Unfortunately the improved Dollar price was more than
offset by the weaker Dollar relative to the Rand. We sold approximately 100,000
tons more dissolving pulp in the year ended September than in the prior year.

closure of operations

We have decided on a number of actions to offset rising costs, which include
taking out capacity to improve the supply demand balance in the US and a range
of other initiatives to reduce fixed costs in all regions.

At Westbrook (Maine, USA) we will close Number 14 paper line, which is our
highest cost paper machine. It has an annual capacity of 85,000 tons and will be
closed in the next few months. The brands produced on this machine will be
transferred to other Sappi mills and we will not only maintain service levels
but also improve the product characteristics by producing on more modern
facilities. We will be communicating with customers immediately about the
benefits of this change for them. Westbrook mill will in future focus on our
Ultracast(R) and casting release paper business.

We have written off the asset and related inventory in the quarter and taken a
charge of US$19 million after tax (US$31.5 million pre-tax). We will take a
further charge of US$15 million pre-tax next quarter in respect of the closure

We expect expense savings before tax of approximately US$18 million in a full
year once the paper line has been closed. The net impact on operating income is
expected to be favourable from the March quarter.

We stopped operations at Clan sawmill (South Africa) in the quarter and expect
to close the mill before December 2003. The mill, with a log intake of 80,000m3,
uses old technology and does not have a competitive log supply. The closure will
not have a material impact on Sappi's results.

Unfortunately, these closures will result in the loss of approximately 170 jobs
at Westbrook and 300 jobs at Clan.


We are restructuring the Fine Paper division. Wolfgang Pfarl and Kathy Walters,
CEOs of Sappi Fine Paper Europe and North America respectively, will report
directly to Jonathan Leslie, CEO of Sappi Limited and as a consequence the Fine
Paper office in London will be closed.

As the position of CEO Sappi Fine Paper will no longer exist,
we have agreed that Bill Sheffield will leave the group on
14 November 2003.

In addition, in order to counteract the effect of rapidly increasing benefit
costs, we also expect to reduce our staffing levels by a further 100 people in
North America and 150 people in Europe during 2004.

We expect to take a pre-tax charge of US$13 million in the first quarter in
respect of this restructuring.

new accounting standard

Accounting standard Agriculture - AC137 (IAS41) becomes effective for Sappi from
the beginning of the 2004 financial year. The key requirement of the standard is
that agricultural assets (plantations) should be valued at fair value. This
requires changes to the way we account for our plantations. In future we will
not capitalise silvicultural expenses and finance costs to plantations nor will
we amortise plantations to the income statement. Movements in the fair value of
plantations will impact operating profit.

This change will lead to increased volatility in profit going forward.


The board has declared a dividend of 29 US cents for the year ended September
A dividend of 28 US cents was paid in the previous year.


As we start our new year under these difficult market conditions for coated fine
paper, we will continue to curtail production during the next quarter; in
addition to the permanent closure of the Westbrook paper machine we plan to
increase commercial downtime and schedule major maintenance shuts at all the
North American mills, including total mill shutdowns, which occur every 5 years,
at Somerset and Muskegon. We expect these shuts to reduce operating income by
approximately US$15 - 17 million in the December quarter compared to last year.

Our investment programme will be focused on maintaining the health of our
business and on improving our cost efficiency. We expect capital expenditure in
2004 to be similar to 2003.

It appears as if any pick up in markets will be delayed beyond our first
quarter.  As a result of poor market conditions and low prices we expect
earnings in the first quarter to be weaker than the prior quarter, before the
charges related to closure and staff reduction and the impact of the maintenance
shuts. We are, however, seeing early signs of improvement in Europe. The order
intake of coated fine paper has improved and announcements of price increases
for coated groundwood paper (in Europe and the US) and coated fine paper reels
(in Europe) have been made. With this background we expect earnings to improve
for the balance of the year, resulting in an overall improvement, before the
closure and staff reduction charges, compared to 2003.

On behalf of the Board
J C A Leslie                           D G Wilson
Director                               Director                       10 November 2003

dividend announcement

The directors have declared a dividend (number 80) of 29 US cents per share for
the year ended September 2003.

In compliance with the requirements of STRATE, the JSE Securities Exchange's
electronic settlement system which is applicable to Sappi, the salient dates in
respect of the dividend will be as follows:

Last day to trade to qualify for dividend      Friday, 2 January 2004

Date on which shares commence trading ex-dividend         Monday, 5 January 2004

Record date          Friday, 9 January 2004

Payment date          Monday, 12 January 2004

Dividends payable from the Johannesburg transfer office will be paid in South
African Rands except that dividends paid to nominee shareholders in respect of
shares which they hold on behalf of non-residents of the Republic of South
Africa will be paid in United States Dollars.

Dividends payable from the London transfer office will be paid in British Pounds
Sterling or in the case of shareholders with registered addresses in the USA, in
United States Dollars. Dividends payable other than in United States Dollars
will be calculated at the respective rates of exchange ruling on Tuesday, 23
December 2003.

There will not be any dematerialisation nor rematerialisation of Sappi Limited
share certificates from 5 January to 9 January 2004, both days inclusive.

Sappi Management Services (Pty) Limited


Per D J O'Connor

10 November 2003

forward-looking statements

Certain statements in this release that are neither reported financial results
nor other historical information, are forward-looking statements, including but
not limited to statements that are predictions of or indicate future earnings,
savings, synergies, events, trends, plans or objectives. Undue reliance should
not be placed on such statements because, by their nature, they are subject to
known and unknown risks and uncertainties and can be affected by other factors,
that could cause actual results and company plans and objectives to differ
materially from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements (or
from past results). Such risks, uncertainties and factors include, but are not
limited to the highly cyclical nature of the pulp and paper industry (and the
factors that contribute to such cyclicality, such as levels of demand,
production capacity, production and pricing), adverse changes in the markets for
the group's products, consequences of substantial leverage, changing regulatory
requirements, unanticipated production disruptions, economic and political
conditions in international markets, the impact of investments, acquisitions and
dispositions (including related financing), any delays, unexpected costs or
other problems experienced with integrating acquisitions and achieving expected
savings and synergies and currency fluctuations. The company undertakes no
obligation to publicly update or revise any of these forward-looking statements,
whether to reflect new information or future events or circumstances or

group income statement
                                Reviewed        Reviewed                    Reviewed       Audited
                                 Quarter         Quarter                        Year          Year
                                   ended           ended                       ended         ended
                               Sept 2003       Sept 2002                   Sept 2003     Sept 2002
                             US$ million     US$ million    % change     US$ million   US$ million    % change
Sales                              1,123           1,052         6.7           4,299         3,729        15.3
Cost of                              984             882                       3,675         3,079
sales *
Gross profit                         139             170      (18.2)             624           650       (4.0)
Selling, general &                    93              48                         338           261
administrative expenses*
Operating profit                      46             122      (62.3)             286           389      (26.5)
Non-trading loss                      31             (2)                          27            17
Net finance costs                     18              29                          90            74
Net paid                              27              30                         120            96
Capitalised                          (3)             (6)                        (23)          (29)
Net foreign exchange                 (3)               1                         (1)           (4)
(gains) losses
Change in fair value of             (3)                4                        (6)             11
financial instruments
Loss (profit) before tax             (3)              95           -             169           298      (43.3)
Taxation                             (6)              28                          30            52

- current
- deferred                           (7)             (6)                        (10)            26
Net profit                           10               73      (86.3)            149            220      (32.3)
Earnings per share                     4              32                          65            95
(US cents)

Headline earnings per                 11              32                         71            101
share (US cents) **
Weighted average number            227.7           230.2                       229.1         230.2
of shares in issue
Diluted earnings per                  4               31                         64             94
(US cents)
Diluted headline                      11              31                         70            100
earnings per share
(US cents) **
Weighted average number
of shares on fully
basis (millions)                   230.0           233.4                       231.5         233.4
Calculation of headline
earnings **
Net profit                            10              73                        149            220
Loss (profit) on                       2             (1)                         (1)             1
disposal of business and
fixed assets
Mill closure costs and                14               1                          15             6
asset impairments
Debt restructuring costs            -                -                           -               6
Headline earnings                    26               73                        163            233

* Reallocation of delivery charges. Refer to note 3 for further details.

** Headline earnings disclosure is required by the JSE Securities Exchange South

group balance sheet
                                                                            Reviewed               Audited
                                                                           Sept 2003             Sept 2002
                                                                         US$ million           US$ million
Non-current assets                                                             4,260                 3,639
Property, plant and equipment                                                  3,554                 3,189
Plantations                                                                      450                   298
Deferred taxation                                                                 41                     6
Other non-current assets                                                         215                   146
Current assets                                                                 1,575                 1,094
Cash and cash equivalents                                                        584                   253
Trade and other receivables                                                      289                   282
Prepaid income taxes                                                               1                    38
Inventories                                                                      701                   521
Total assets                                                                   5,835                 4,733
Shareholders' equity
Ordinary shareholders' interest                                                1,958                 1,601
Minority interest                                                                  -                     2
Non-current liabilities                                                        2,546                 2,110
Interest-bearing borrowings                                                    1,742                 1,455
Deferred taxation                                                                522                   399
Other non-current liabilities                                                    282                   256
Current liabilities                                                            1,331                 1,020
Interest-bearing borrowings and
bank overdraft                                                                   333                   217
Taxation payable                                                                  82                    48
Other current liabilities                                                        916                   755
Total equity and liabilities                                                   5,835                 4,733
Number of shares in issue at
balance sheet date (millions)                                                  226.9                 230.2

group cash flow statement

                                   Reviewed              Reviewed              Reviewed               Audited
                                    Quarter               Quarter                  Year                  Year
                                      ended                 ended                 ended                 ended
                                  Sept 2003             Sept 2002             Sept 2003             Sept 2002
                                US$ million           US$ million           US$ million           US$ million
Cash generated by
operations                              159                   226                   675                   744
Movement in working                     104                    50                  (79)                  (42)
Net finance costs                      (21)                  (35)                 (113)                 (103)
Taxation recovered                        2                  (26)                    33                  (89)
Dividends paid                            -                     -                  (65)                  (60)
Cash retained from                      244                   215                   451                   450
operating activities
Cash effects of                       (140)                  (60)                 (340)                 (701)
investing activities
Normal investing                      (140)                  (65)                 (340)                 (218)
Acquisition of net                        -                     5                     -                 (483)
                                        104                   155                   111                 (251)
Cash effects of                           6                 (143)                   147                    13
financing activities
Net movement in cash                    110                    12                   258                 (238)
and cash equivalents

group statement of changes in shareholders' equity
                                                                                  Reviewed              Audited
                                                                                      Year                 Year
                                                                                     ended                ended
                                                                                 Sept 2003            Sept 2002
                                                                               US$ million          US$ million
Balance - beginning of year                                                          1,601                1,503
Net profit                                                                             149                  220
Foreign currency translation reserve                                                   335                 (62)
Revaluation of derivative instruments                                                 (14)                    3
Dividends declared - US$0.28 (2002: US$0.26) per share                                (65)                 (60)
(Share buybacks) net of transfers to participants of the share                        (48)                  (3)
purchase trust
Balance - end of year                                                                1,958                1,601

notes to the group results

1. Basis of preparation

The financial statements are prepared in conformity with South African
Statements of Generally Accepted Accounting Practice
(SA GAAP). The preliminary results have been prepared in compliance with AC 127
(Interim financial reporting) and are based on accounting policies which are
consistent with those used in the annual financial statements. Sappi has changed
its accounting policy with regard to the translation of equity categories to
conform with the requirements of AC 430 (Reporting currency - Translation from
measurement currency to presentation currency), the effects of which are
negligible. All of the other accounting policies are the same as those in the
September 2002 annual financial statements. The preliminary results for the
quarter have been reviewed by the group's auditors, Deloitte & Touche. Their
unqualified review report is available for inspection at the company's
registered offices.

2. Headline earnings per share

Headline earnings per share has been restated as required by the new JSE
Securities Exchange South Africa Listing Requirements. These require that all
companies comply with circular 7/2002 issued by the South African Institute of
Chartered Accountants.

For Sappi the only change in calculating headline earnings is that there are no
longer any adjustments for movements in restructuring provisions.

The impact on previously reported headline earnings was an increase of 2 US
cents to 32 US cents for the quarter ended September 2002 and an increase of 3
US cents to 101 US cents for the year ended September 2002.

Similarly the impact on previously reported diluted headline earnings per share
was an increase of 1 US cent to 31 US cents for the quarter ended September 2002
and an increase of 3 US cents to 100 US cents for the year ended September 2002.

3. Reallocation of costs

In prior years, a portion of delivery charges was included in selling, general
and administrative expenses. It is now considered more appropriate to reflect
all delivery charges under cost of sales. The effect is to increase cost of
sales and decrease selling, general and administrative expenses by US$24 million
for the quarter (June 2003: US$22 million; Sept 2002: US$21 million) and US$87
million for the year (Sept 2002: US$71 million).

4. Comparative figures

Comparative figures have been regrouped or reclassed where necessary to give a
more appropriate comparison. There has been no impact on previously reported net

notes to the group results (continued)

                                  Reviewed              Reviewed              Reviewed               Audited
                                   Quarter               Quarter                  Year                  Year
                                     ended                 ended                 ended                 ended
                                 Sept 2003             Sept 2002             Sept 2003             Sept 2002
                               US$ million           US$ million           US$ million           US$ million
5. Operating profit
Included in
operating profit
Depreciation                            93                    85                   352                   310
Fellings                                 7                     7                    21                    26
Amortisation                             5                     5                    22                    16
                                       105                    97                   395                   352
6. Capital
Property, plant and
equipment                              126                    49                   296                   180
Plantations                             10                     6                    31                    25
                                       136                    55                   327                   205
                                                                              Reviewed               Audited
                                                                             Sept 2003             Sept 2002
                                                                           US$ million           US$ million
7. Capital
Contracted but not                                                                  86                    55
Approved but not                                                                   193                   173
                                                                                   279                   228
8. Contingent
Guarantees and                                                                      47                    66
Other contingent                                                                    24                    14

Supplemental Information


Average - averages are calculated as the sum of the opening and closing balances
for the relevant period divided by two

*EBITDA - earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation
(including fellings)

*EBITDA to sales - EBITDA divided by sales

Fellings - the amount charged against the income statement representing the
standing cost of plantations harvested

Headline earnings - as defined in circular 7/2002 issued by the South African
Institute of Chartered Accountants, separates from earnings all items of a
capital nature. It is not necessarily a measure of sustainable earnings. It is a
listing requirement of the JSE Securities Exchange South Africa to disclose
headline earnings per share

*Net assets - total assets less current liabilities

*Net asset value - shareholders' equity plus net deferred tax

*Net asset value per share - net asset value divided by the number of shares in
issue at balance sheet date

*Net debt - current and non-current interest-bearing borrowings, and bank
overdrafts (net of cash, cash equivalents and short-term deposits)

*Net debt to total capitalisation - net debt divided by shareholders' equity
plus minority interest, non-current liabilities, current interest-bearing
borrowings and overdraft

*ROE - return on average equity. Net profit divided by average shareholders'

*RONA - operating profit divided by average net assets

*RONOA - operating profit divided by average net operating assets. Net operating
assets are total assets (excluding deferred taxation and cash) less current
liabilities (excluding interest-bearing borrowings and bank overdraft)

* The above financial measures, other than headline earnings per share, are
presented to assist our shareholders and the investment community in
interpreting our financial results. These financial measures are regularly used
and compared between companies in our industry.

Supplemental Information

additional information
                                                      Reviewed         Reviewed            Reviewed             Audited
                                                       Quarter          Quarter                year                year
                                                         ended            ended               ended               ended
                                                     Sept 2003        Sept 2002           Sept 2003           Sept 2002
                                                   US$ million      US$ million         US$ million         US$ million
Net profit to
EBITDA * reconciliation
Net profit per the
Group Income Statement                                      10               73                 149                 220
Net finance costs                                           18               29                  90                  74
Taxation - current                                         (6)               28                  30                  52
         - deferred                                        (7)              (6)                (10)                  26
Depreciation                                                93               85                 352                 310
Amortisation (including fellings)                           12               12                  43                  42
EBITDA *                                                   120              221                 654                 724

                                                                                           Reviewed             Audited
                                                                                               Sept           Sept 2002
                                                                                        US$ million         US$ million
Net debt                                                                                      1,491               1,419
(US$ million) **
Net debt to total capitalisation (%) **                                                        30.8                36.1
Net asset value per share (US$) **                                                            10.75                8.66

*  In connection with the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission ("SEC") rules
relating to "Conditions for Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures", we have
reconciled EBITDA to net profit rather than operating profit and recalculated
EBITDA to exclude interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (including
fellings). As a result our definition has been amended to retain non-trading
profit/loss as part of EBITDA. The comparative information has been restated to
take this into account. The effect on EBITDA in the current quarter for the
amended definition was a decrease of EBITDA by US$31 million to US$120 million
(June 2003: increase of US$3 million to US$149 million; September 2002: increase
of US$2 million to US$221 million). The effect of the amended EBITDA definition
was a decrease of US$27 million for the year ended September 2003 to US$654
million (September 2002: decrease of US$17 million to US$724 million).

** Refer to Supplemental Information for the definition of the term.

Supplemental Information

regional information

                                                                                     Reviewed      Reviewed
                                                                                      Quarter       Quarter
                                                                                        ended         ended
                                                                                    Sept 2003     Sept 2002
                                                                                  Metric tons   Metric tons           %
                                                                                      (000's)       (000's)      change
Fine Paper -                North America                                                 371           398       (6.8)
                            Europe                                                        570           560         1.8
                            Southern Africa                                                79            76         3.9
                            Total                                                       1,020         1,034       (1.4)
Forest Products -           Pulp and paper operations                                     394           339        16.2
                            Forestry operations                                           355           266        33.5
Total                                                                                   1,769         1,639         7.9

                                                                                     Reviewed      Reviewed
                                                                                      Quarter       Quarter
                                                                                        ended         ended
                                                                                    Sept 2003     Sept 2002
                                                                                  US$ million   US$ million    % change

Fine Paper -                North America                                                 358           388       (7.7)
                            Europe                                                        485           459         5.7
                            Southern Africa                                                74            58        27.6
                            Total                                                         917           905         1.3
Forest Products -           Pulp and paper operations                                     192           136        41.2
                            Forestry operations                                            14            11        27.3
Total                                                                                   1,123         1,052         6.7
Operating profit
Fine Paper -                North America                                                   5            15        66.7
                            Europe                                                         20            53      (62.3)
                            Southern Africa                                                 6            10      (40.0)
                            Total                                                          31            78      (60.3)
Forest Products                                                                            22            38      (42.1)
Corporate                                                                                 (7)             6           -
Total                                                                                      46           122      (62.3)
Earnings before interest,
tax, depreciation and
amortisation charges
Fine Paper -                North America*                                                  6            46      (87.0)
                            Europe                                                         66            98      (32.7)
                            Southern Africa                                                 9            13      (30.8)
                            Total                                                          81           157      (48.4)
Forest Products                                                                            46            58      (20.7)
Corporate                                                                                 (7)             6           -
Total                                                                                     120           221      (45.7)
Net operating assets
Fine Paper -                North America                                               1,438         1,483       (3.0)
                            Europe                                                      1,617         1,420        13.9
                            Southern Africa                                               131            90        45.6
                            Total                                                       3,186         2,993         6.4
Forest Products                                                                         1,066           714        49.3
Corporate                                                                                (40)          (36)        11.1
Total                                                                                   4,212         3,671        14.7

                                                                     Reviewed                 Audited
                                                                         year                    year
                                                                        ended                   ended
                                                                    Sept 2003               Sept 2002
                                                                  Metric tons             Metric tons                 %
                                                                      (000's)                 (000's)            change
Fine Paper -                North America                               1,383                   1,163              18.9
                            Europe                                      2,233                   2,180               2.4
                            Southern Africa                               300                     310             (3.2)
                            Total                                       3,916                   3,653               7.2
Forest Products -           Pulp and paper operations                   1,474                   1,391               6.0
                            Forestry operations                         1,285                   1,043              23.2
Total                                                                   6,675                   6,087               9.7

                                                                     Reviewed                 Audited
                                                                         year                    year
                                                                        ended                   ended
                                                                    Sept 2003               Sept 2002
                                                                  US$ million             US$ million          % change
Fine Paper -                North America                               1,384                   1,197              15.6
                            Europe                                      1,903                   1,744               9.1
                            Southern Africa                               270                     215              25.6
                            Total                                       3,557                   3,156              12.7
Forest Products -           Pulp and paper operations                     689                     534              29.0
                            Forestry operations                            53                      39              35.9
Total                                                                   4,299                   3,729              15.3
Operating profit
Fine Paper -                North America                                  43                    (21)                 -
                            Europe                                        112                     217            (48.4)
                            Southern Africa                                35                      34               2.9
                            Total                                         190                     230            (17.4)
Forest Products                                                           101                     141            (28.4)
Corporate                                                                 (5)                      18                 -
Total                                                                     286                     389            (26.5)

Earnings before interest,
tax, depreciation and
amortisation charges
Fine Paper -                North America*                              137                   87                   57.5
                            Europe                                      289                  367                 (21.3)
                            Southern Africa                              45                   42                    7.1
                            Total                                       471                  496                  (5.0)
Forest Products                                                         187                  210                 (11.0)
Corporate                                                               (4)                   18                      -
Total                                                                   654                  724                  (9.7)
Net operating assets
Fine Paper -                North America                             1,438                1,483                  (3.0)
                            Europe                                    1,617                1,420                   13.9
                            Southern Africa                             131                   90                   45.6
                            Total                                     3,186                2,993                    6.4
Forest Products                                                       1,066                  714                   49.3
Corporate                                                              (40)                 (36)                   11.1
Total                                                                 4,212                3,671                   14.7

* EBITDA for the quarter ended September 2003 reduced by US$31.5 million in
respect of machine closure

Supplemental Information

summary rand convenience translation

                        Reviewed        Reviewed                       Reviewed        Reviewed
                         Quarter         Quarter                           Year            Year
                           ended           ended                          ended           ended
                       Sept 2003       Sept 2002       % change       Sept 2003       Sept 2002       % change
Sales (ZAR                 8,295          11,027         (24.8)          35,811          39,301          (8.9)
Operating profit             340           1,279         (73.4)           2,382           4,100         (41.9)
(ZAR million)
Net profit (ZAR               74             765         (90.3)           1,241           2,319         (46.5)
EBITDA* (ZAR                 886           2,316         (61.7)           5,448           7,630         (28.6)
million) **
Operating profit             4.1            11.6                            6.7            10.4
to sales (%)
EBITDA * to                 10.7            21.0                           15.2            19.4
sales (%)
Operating profit             4.2            13.1                            6.7            12.2
to average net
assets (%)
EPS (SA cents)                30             335         (91.0)             541           1,001         (46.0)
Headline EPS (SA              81             335         (75.8)             591           1,064         (44.5)
cents) *
Net debt (ZAR                                                            10,629          14,956         (28.9)
million) *
Net debt to                                                                30.8            36.1
(%) *
Cash generated             1,174           2,369         (50.4)           5,623           7,841         (28.3)
by operations
(ZAR million)
Cash retained              1,802           2,254                          3,757           4,743
from operating
activities (ZAR
Net movement in              813             126                          2,149         (2,508)
cash and cash
equivalents (ZAR

* Refer to Supplemental Information for the definition of the term.

** The comparative information has been restated to take into account the
changed EBITDA definition. Refer to Supplemental Information for further

exchange rates
                                  Sept             June            March              Dec                Sept
                                  2003             2003             2003             2002                2002
Exchange rates:
Period end rate: US$1           7.1288           7.4300           7.9550           8.7200             10.5400
Average rate for the
US$1 = ZAR                      7.3866           7.6305           8.3550           9.7265             10.4818
Average rate for the
US$1 = ZAR                      8.3300           8.6173           9.0866           9.7265             10.5393
Period end rate: EUR1           1.1475           1.1417           1.0729           1.0387              0.9789
= US$
Average rate for the
EUR1 = US$                      1.1328           1.1236           1.0686           0.9995              0.9850
Average rate for the            1.0804           1.0655           1.0334           0.9995              0.9188

The financial results of entities with reporting currencies other than the US
Dollar are translated into US Dollars as follows:

- Assets and liabilities at rates of exchange ruling at period end; and

- Income, expenditure and cash flow items at average exchange rates.

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                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange