RNS Number : 7281D
  Singer & Friedlander AIM 3 VCT PLC
  18 September 2008

    Singer & Friedlander AIM 3 VCT plc

    Half-yearly Report for the six months ended 31 July 2008

    Board Review

    The first half of our financial year has been difficult continuing the trend established during the last year's second half. Sentiment
has worsened significantly and liquidity on the Alternative Investment Market (AIM) has deteriorated leading to further sharp falls in share
prices and in your Net Asset Value (NAV). Uncertainty due to the credit crunch and volatile commodity prices, in particular oil, has caused
investors to be nervous and increasingly risk averse during the period.

    In spite of these concerns your Directors remain confident that the portfolio is well positioned to benefit once sentiment improves.

    On a positive note, following recent changes in legislation, HMRC has confirmed that from 1 October 2008 fund management services
provided to VCTs will be exempt from VAT. This has allowed the Investment Managers, on behalf of the VCT, to make a reclaim for the past VAT
incurred by the VCT. As a result the current report recognises �744,000 relating to VAT payments back to 1 October 2001.

    The Company's NAV at 31 July 2008 was 62.51 pence, a decrease of 18.1% during the six month period (after adjusting for the 2.0 pence
per share dividend paid on 24 June 2008). Over the same period, the AIM Index fell by 14.5% and the All Share Index fell by 6.2%. The
discrepancy in performance between your NAV and the AIM Index was again caused by the relatively good performance of the dominant Natural
Resource sectors in which VCTs generally cannot invest.

    Since launch in 2001 the NAV (adjusted for dividend payments totalling 9.25 pence) has declined by 24.5% whilst the AIM Index has fallen
by 35.2%.

    Shareholders who originally invested in the 'C' Share issue of Singer & Friedlander AIM 3 VCT in April 2005, adjusted for the conversion
ratio from December 2005 and subsequent dividend payments of 6.0 pence, have seen a return of -20.5% whilst the AIM Index has returned

    Shareholders who originally invested in Singer & Friedlander AIM 2 VCT (after allowing for dividend payments from that fund of 5.25
pence, the relevant conversion ratio and subsequent dividends of 6.0 pence) have seen an effective decline in NAV of 39.6% since launch in
April 2000. Over the same period, the AIM Index has fallen by 56.5%.

    Shareholders who originally invested in Singer & Friedlander AIM VCT, launched in late 1998/early 1999 (after allowing for dividend
payments from that fund of 32.4 pence, the relevant conversion ratio and subsequent dividends of 6.0 pence) have seen a decline of 32.0%.

    The above returns do not take into account any tax relief that shareholders may have received.

    Results and Dividends
    The total deficit for the period was �6.37m or a loss of 14.27 pence per share (31 July 2007: profit �2.81m or earnings of 5.99p per
share). The loss is entirely due to the fall in capital value of the investment portfolio as already covered in the performance section of
this Report. Revenue returns remained positive with an increase to �266,734 (31 July 2007: �37,203) albeit enhanced by the undermentioned
VAT rebate. Shareholders funds fell to �27.23m (31 July 2007: �44.77m) as a result of the underlying fall in value of the investment
portfolio as well as by the payment of dividends and the impact of our share buy back programme. Cash flow was negative with net outflow of
�1.52m after the funding of the final dividend costing �0.9m and the repurchase of our own shares requiring �0.9m. There were fewer
disposals from the investment portfolio due to market weakness and illiquidity when compared to last year's buoyant period. Our cash at the
period end amounted to �0.49m.  After the period end the Trust has secured a VAT rebate from HMRC amounting to �744,000 boosting our cash balances at the time of writing, further details can be found in
note 10 to the accounts.

    Bearing in mind the market background, the Board had decided to pay a dividend of 0.5 pence per share (2007: 2.0 pence). The dividend is
payable on 24 October 2008 to shareholders on the register on 26 September 2008.

    Investment Strategy
    The objective of the Company is to provide shareholders with an attractive and competitive investment return from a portfolio of
companies whose shares are primarily traded on the Alternative Investment Market (AIM). Returns will be enhanced as a consequence of
dividends and capital gains being free of tax for private investors.

    Portfolio commentary and developments
    The portfolio continues to comply with HM Revenue & Customs' criteria for VCT qualification and at the period end consisted of 60
companies; of these companies 53 were quoted on the AIM, one was traded on the PLUS Markets platform, two were fully listed and the
remaining four were unquoted. Unquoted investments represented 14.1% of net assets whilst fixed interest and cash accounted for 21.9%.

    As alluded to in the introduction the market became increasingly difficult and illiquid during the period. We have, however, seen
further takeovers including those of Imprint and Tissue Science Laboratories; apart from this activity it has not generally been possible or
even desirable at current levels to make further disposals. We would anticipate that bidders will continue to try to exploit low valuations
on AIM and an important aspect of your Fund Manager's role is to ensure that maximum value is realised from the portfolio investments
wherever possible.

    Investing activity has also been limited in the first half as very few opportunities have arisen and has largely consisted of modest
follow on investments as well as funding the share buy back programme discussed below. 

    Share Repurchases
    During the period, we repurchased 1,411,657 shares representing 3.1% of our issued share capital. These shares were bought at between
10-15% below the NAV prevailing at the time of purchase, thereby enhancing the NAV for remaining shareholders. The Company will continue to
repurchase its own shares from time to time as appropriate and within the powers granted at the AGM, although going forward the discount
will be set at 20%. These transactions are handled by our stockbroker, Landsbanki Securities.

    The UK economy continues to weaken and current share prices in the portfolio reflect this. As yet it is unclear how long the downturn
will last. However, we believe the portfolio is well positioned for when the economy recovers in due course.

    Christopher Moorsom (Chairman)
    James Hambro
    Mike Killingley
    David Page
    Dominic Wheatley

    Singer & Friedlander AIM 3 VCT plc

    17 September 2008

    Directors' Responsibility Statement

    We confirm to that to the best of our knowledge:

    *     the condensed set of financial statements, which has been prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards in the
United Kingdom, gives a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit of the Company as required by the
Disclosure and Transparency Rules ('DTR') 4.2.4R; and
    *     the Report includes a fair review of the information required by DTR 4.2.7R and the Report includes a fair review of the
information required by DTR 4.2.8R.

    Christopher Moorsom
    for and on behalf of the Board, the members of which are set out previously in the Board Review.

    Independent review report to Singer & Friedlander AIM 3 VCT plc

    We have been engaged by the Company to review the condensed set of financial statements in the Half-yearly Financial Report for the six
months ended 31 July 2008, which comprises the income statement, balance sheet, reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds,
summarised cash flow statement and related notes. We have read the other information contained in the Half-yearly Financial Report and
considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the information in the condensed set of financial

    Directors' responsibilities
    The Half-yearly Financial Report is the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the Directors.  The Directors are responsible for
preparing the Half-yearly Financial Report in accordance with the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the United Kingdom's Financial
Services Authority.

    As disclosed in note 1, the annual financial statements are prepared in accordance with United Kingdom Accounting Standards (United
Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice). The condensed set of financial statements included in this Half-yearly Financial Report has
been prepared in accordance with pronouncements on Half-yearly Financial Reports issued by the Accounting Standards Board (ASB).

    Our responsibility
    Our responsibility is to express to the Company a conclusion on the condensed set of financial statements in the Half-yearly Financial
Report based on our review. This report, including the conclusion, has been prepared for and only for the Company for the purpose of the
Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the Financial Services Authority and for no other purpose. We do not, in producing this report, accept
or assume responsibility for any other purpose or to any other person to whom this report is shown or into whose hands it may come save
where expressly agreed by our prior consent in writing.

    Scope of review
    We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410, 'Review of Interim
Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity' issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the United
Kingdom. A review of interim financial information consists of making enquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and
accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in
accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would
become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.

    Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the condensed set of financial statements in the
Half-yearly Financial Report for the six months ended 31 July 2008 is not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with
pronouncements on Half-yearly Financial Reports issued by the ASB and the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the United Kingdom's
Financial Services Authority.

    PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
    Chartered Accountants, London

    17 September 2008

    Summary Financial Information
    Unaudited Income Statement

                                 Unaudited6 months ended31 July 2008  Unaudited6 months ended31 July 2007     AuditedYear ended31 January
                                   Revenue      Capital        Total     Revenue      Capital       Total    Revenue      Capital       
                                         �            �            �           �            �           �          �            �           
 Net (losses)/gains on                  -   (7,010,604)  (7,010,604)          -    3,177,731   3,177,731          -   (4,449,935) 
 investments at fair value
 Income                           331,553            -      331,553     335,127            -     335,127    634,851            -     
 Administrative expenses                                                                                                                    
 Investment management fees       119,329      357,987      477,316    (101,476)    (304,427)   (405,903)  (187,689)    (563,066)   
 (note 9/10)
 Decrease/(increase) in share       6,803       20,410       27,213     (32,361)     (97,084)   (129,445)    31,325       93,977     
 option provision (note 3)
 Other expenses                  (190,951)           -     (190,951)   (164,087)           -    (164,087)  (339,084)           -    
 Total administrative             (64,819)     378,397      313,578    (297,924)    (401,511)   (699,435)  (495,448)    (469,089)   
 Return/(deficit) on ordinary     266,734   (6,632,207)  (6,365,473)     37,203    2,776,220   2,813,423    139,403   (4,919,024) 
 activities before taxation
 Taxation on ordinary                   -            -            -           -            -           -          -            -           
 activities (note 4)
 Return/(deficit) on ordinary     266,734   (6,632,207)  (6,365,473)     37,203    2,776,220   2,813,423    139,403   (4,919,024) 
 activities after taxation
 Return/(deficit) per ordinary       0.60p     (14.87)p     (14.27)p       0.08p        5.91p       5.99p      0.30p     (10.64)p    
 share (note 5)

    The total column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the Company.

    All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. No operations were discontinued during the

    There are no gains or losses other than shown in the income statement.

    These accounts are unaudited and are not the Company's statutory accounts. The accounts have been prepared using accounting standards
and policies adopted at the previous year end.

    Unaudited Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds

                                      Called-up share         Share premium  Merger reserve  Special reserve    Capital redemption        
Share options  Capital reserve  Revenue reserve        Total
                                              capital               account                                                reserve          
                                                    �                     �               �                �                     �          
          �                �                �            �
 6 months ended 31 July 2008                                                                                                                
 31 January 2008                           2,248,449             2,954,794      16,492,539       19,112,927               487,979           
    33,875       (5,931,126)          16,867   35,416,304 
 Re-purchase and cancellation                (70,583)                    -               -         (895,549)               70,583           
         -                -                -     (895,549)
 of ordinary shares
 Decrease in share option                          -                     -               -                -                     -           
   (27,213)               -                -      (27,213)
 provision (note 3)
 Net (deficit)/return after                        -                     -               -                -                     -           
         -       (6,632,207)         266,734   (6,365,473)
 taxation for the period
 Dividends paid (note 6)                           -                     -               -                -                     -           
         -         (882,516)         (16,863)    (899,379)
 31 July 2008                              2,177,866             2,954,794      16,492,539       18,217,378               558,562           
     6,662      (13,445,849)         266,738   27,228,690 
 Year ended 31 January 2008                                                                                                                 
 31 January 2007                            2,373,099             2,954,794     16,492,539       21,296,977               363,329           
   159,177          831,639         (122,536)  44,349,018 
 Re-purchase and cancellation               (124,650)                    -               -       (2,184,050)              124,650           
         -                -                -   (2,184,050)
 of ordinary shares
 Decrease in share option                          -                     -               -                -                     -           
  (125,302)               -                -     (125,302)
 provision (note 3)
 Net (deficit)/return after                        -                     -               -                -                     -           
         -       (4,919,024)         139,403   (4,779,621)
 taxation for the year
 Dividends paid (note 6)                           -                     -               -                -                     -           
         -       (1,843,741)               -   (1,843,741)
 31 January 2008                           2,248,449             2,954,794      16,492,539        19,112,927              487,979           
    33,875       (5,931,126)          16,867    35,416,304
 6 months ended 31 July 2007                                                                                                                
 31 January 2007                            2,373,099             2,954,794     16,492,539       21,296,977               363,329           
   159,177          831,639         (122,536)  44,349,018 
 Re-purchase and cancellation                (86,847)                    -               -       (1,572,553)               86,847           
         -                -                -   (1,572,553)
 of ordinary shares
 Increase in share option                          -                     -               -                -                     -           
   129,445                -                -      129,445 
 provision (note 3)
 Net return after taxation for                     -                     -               -                -                     -           
         -        2,776,220           37,203    2,813,423 
 the period
 Dividends paid (note 6)                           -                     -               -                -                     -           
         -         (949,240)               -     (949,240)
 31 July 2007                              2,286,252             2,954,794      16,492,539       19,724,424               450,176           
    288,622       2,658,619          (85,333)  44,770,093 

    These accounts are unaudited and are not the Company's statutory accounts.

    Unaudited Balance Sheet

                                 Unaudited 31 July    Unaudited       Audited 
                                               2008     31 July     31 January
                                                            2007          2008
                                                  �            �             �
 Fixed assets
 Investments at fair value
   Qualifying investments               20,046,593   33,791,012    26,972,039 
   Fixed interest securities             6,134,495    7,322,082     6,764,733 
 and other non-qualifying

                                        26,181,088   41,113,094    33,736,772 

 Current assets
 Debtors (note 10)                         833,845       57,994        15,983 
 Accrued interest on fixed                  71,544       71,544        71,803 
 interest securities
 Cash at bank                              493,994    4,254,057     2,017,103 

                                         1,399,383    4,383,595     2,104,889 
 Creditors: amounts falling due
 within one year
 Other creditors and accruals             (351,781)    (726,596)     (425,357)

 Net current assets                      1,047,602    3,656,999     1,679,532 

 Total net assets                       27,228,690   44,770,093    35,416,304 

 Capital and reserves
 Called-up share capital                 2,177,866    2,286,252     2,248,449 
 Share premium account                   2,954,794    2,954,794     2,954,794 
 Merger reserve                         16,492,539   16,492,539    16,492,539 
 Special reserve                        18,217,378   19,724,424    19,112,927 
 Capital redemption reserve                558,562      450,176       487,979 
   Share options reserve (note               6,662      288,622        33,875 
   Capital reserve - realised            3,996,249    5,254,539     5,463,797 
 Capital reserve - unrealised          (17,442,098)  (2,595,920)  (11,394,923)
 Revenue reserve                           266,738      (85,333)       16,867 

 Equity shareholders' funds             27,228,690   44,770,093    35,416,304 

 Net asset value per ordinary                62.51p       97.91p        78.76p
 share (note 7)

    During the period, the Company has purchased 1,411,657 ordinary shares for cancellation in accordance with the Company's share buy back

    These accounts are unaudited and are not the Company's statutory accounts.

    Unaudited Summarised Cash Flow Statement

                                          Unaudited    Unaudited      Audited 
                                            6 months    6 months          Year
                                              ended        ended        ended 
                                            31 July      31 July   31 January 
                                                2008         2007         2008
                                                   �            �            �
 Net cash outflow from operating           (321,115)     (63,239)    (381,377)
 activities (note 8)
 Net cash inflow from capital               632,770    6,124,495    5,804,328 
 expenditure and financial investment
 Equity dividends paid                     (899,379)    (949,240)  (1,843,741)

 Net cash (outflow)/inflow before          (587,724)   5,112,016    3,579,210 
 Net cash outflow from financing           (935,385)  (1,574,877)  (2,279,025)
 Net funds at the beginning of the        2,017,103      716,918      716,918 

 Net funds at the end of the period         493,994    4,254,057    2,017,103 

    These accounts are unaudited and are not the Company's statutory accounts.

    Notes to the Unaudited Financial Statements

    1. Basis of Preparation

    The Half-yearly Report sets out the financial statements of the Company for the six months ended 31 July 2008, together with comparative
financial information for the Company for the six months ended 31 July 2007 and the year ended 31 January 2008 and has been prepared under
UK Generally Accepted Accounting Practice.

    The financial statements for the year ended 31 January 2008 have been audited whilst the results for the six months ended 31 July 2007
and 31 July 2008 are unaudited. Therefore the Half-yearly Report does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of S240 of the
Companies Act 1985. The financial information for the year ended 31 January 2008 is an abridged statement of the financial statements for
that year which were prepared under UK Generally Accepted Accounting Practice and were delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The
auditors' opinion on these accounts was unqualified and did not contain a statement made under S237(2) or S237(3) of the Companies Act

    2. Principal Accounting Policies

    The financial statements have been prepared using the accounting policies adopted in the Company's audited financial statements for the
year ended 31 January 2008.

    a) Basis of Accounting
    The financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis and under the historic cost convention, modified to include the
revaluation of fixed asset investments.

    b) Investments
    All investments held by the Company are classified "at fair value through profit or loss". Investments are initially recognised at cost,
being the fair value of consideration given.  Interest accrued on fixed rate securities at the date of purchase or sale is accounted for
separately as accrued income, so that the value or purchase price or sale proceeds is shown net of such items.

    After initial recognition, investments are measured at fair value, with unrealised gains and losses on investments and impairment of
investments recognised in the income statement and allocated to capital. Realised gains and losses on investments sold are calculated as the
difference between sales proceeds and cost.

    For investments actively traded in organised financial markets, fair value is generally determined by reference to Stock Exchange quoted
market bid prices at the close of business on the balance sheet date, without adjustment for transaction costs necessary to realise the

    Where trading in the securities of an investee company is suspended, the investment is valued at the Board's estimate of its net
realisable value.

    Unquoted investments are stated at the fair value with reference to the International Private Equity and Venture Capital Valuation
("IPEVCV") guidelines where appropriate

    Capital gains and losses on investments, whether realised or unrealised, are dealt with in the capital reserve.

    3. Manager's option

    In accordance with the arrangements agreed on the merger of the Company with AIM and AIM 2, the Managers have been granted an option
which provides that if by the date of payment of the final dividend in respect of the ordinary shares for the Company's accounting year
ending 31 January 2013 cumulative dividends declared and paid on each ordinary share (by reference to a record date after the merger) exceed
a return of 8 per cent (compounded annually) of the net asset value per ordinary share the Manager will be entitled to subscribe at par for
such number of additional ordinary shares as shall in aggregate be equal to 15 per cent of ordinary shares in the Company as enlarged by
such subscriptions.

    The right is a share based payment under FRS20. This right or option has been valued on the date that it was granted to the Managers and
this cost is being charged to the income statement as part of the management fee evenly over the period over which it vests. A decrease in
the provision of �27,213 is disclosed in the income statement in the period ended 31 July 2008 to reflect the decline in the probability of
the exercise of the options during the period. This is shown as a separate reserve in the balance sheet.

    4. Taxation on ordinary activities

    The tax charge for the half-year in �nil (31 July 2007: �nil, 31 January 2008: �nil). This is based on an estimated effective tax rate
of 0% for the year ending 31 January 2009. The estimated effective tax rate is 0% as investment gains are exempt from tax owing to the
Company's status as a Venture Capital Trust and there is expected to be an excess of management expenses over taxable income.

    5. Return/(deficit) per ordinary share

    Basic revenue return per ordinary share is based on the net return on ordinary activities after taxation of �266,734 (31 July 2007:
�37,203, 31 January 2008: �139,403) and on 44,602,992 (31 July 2007: 46,988,423, 31 January 2008: 46,194,765) ordinary shares, being the
weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period.

    Basic capital return per ordinary share is based on the net capital deficit for the period of �6,632,207 (31 July 2007: return
�2,776,220, 31 January 2008: deficit �4,919,024) and on 44,602,992 (31 July 2007: 46,988,423, 31 January 2008: 46,194,765) ordinary shares,
being the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period.

    6. Dividends in respect of equity shares

                            Unaudited   Unaudited      Audited 
                              6 months   6 months          Year
                                ended       ended        ended 
                              31 July     31 July   31 January 
                                  2008        2007         2008
                                     �           �            �
 Dividends paid
 Relating to prior period:
 Final dividend               899,379     949,240      929,240 
 Interim dividend                   -           -      914,501 

                              899,379     949,240    1,843,741 

    The Directors are declaring the payment of an interim dividend of 0.5 pence per ordinary share (�217,787 based on 43,557,324 shares in
issue at the date of this report) in respect of the period ended 31 July 2008. This dividend is payable on 24 October 2008 to shareholders
on the register on 26 September 2008.

    7. Net asset value per ordinary share

    The net asset value per ordinary share at 31 July 2008 has been calculated by reference to net assets of �27,228,690 (31 July 2007:
�44,770,093, 31 January 2008: �35,416,304) and 43,557,324 (31 July 2007: 45,725,054, 31 January 2008: 44,968,981) ordinary shares, being the
number of ordinary shares in issue at the period end.

    8. Reconciliation of net (deficit)/return before taxation to net cash outflow from operating activities

                                          Unaudited 6           Unaudited 6   AuditedYear ended31
                                        monthsended31         monthsended31        January 2008 �
                                            July2008�            July2007 �
 Net (deficit)/return before              (6,365,473)            2,813,423            (4,779,621)
 Net losses/(gains) on                     7,010,604            (3,177,731)            4,449,935 
 investments at fair value
 (Decrease)/increase in share                (27,213)              129,445              (125,302)
 option provision
 (Increase)/decrease in debtors             (795,159)              (17,610)               24,142 
 (Decrease)/increase in                     (133,740)              189,234                80,646 
 creditors and accruals
 Less interest reinvested                          -                     -                (1,674)
 Amortisation of discount on                 (10,134)                    -               (29,503)
 fixed interest securities
 Net cash outflow from                      (321,115)              (63,239)             (381,377)
 operating activities

    9. Related party transactions

    Under the terms of agreements dated 22 January 2001, the Company appointed Singer & Friedlander Investment Management Limited to be the
Investment Manager and Singer & Friedlander Secretaries Limited as Company Secretary. The fee arrangements for these services and the fees
payable are set out below:

                                    Unaudited6 months    Unaudited 6 months       AuditedYearended31 January
                                   ended 31 July 2008    ended31 July 2007�                            2008�
 Investment management fee                   226,965               345,449                          638,940 
 Irrecoverable VAT thereon                     6,911                60,454                          111,815 
 Recoverable VAT thereon                      32,808                     -                                - 
 Recovered VAT from previous                (744,000)                    -                                - 
                                            (477,316)              405,903                          750,755 
 Company secretarial fees                      7,500                 7,500                           15,000 
 Irrecoverable VAT thereon                     1,312                 1,312                            2,625 
                                               8,812                 8,812                           17,625 
 Total                                      (468,504)              414,715                          768,380 

    Singer & Friedlander Investment Management Limited advise the Company on investments under an agreement dated 22 January 2001. The
agreement can be terminated by not less than one year's notice as the initial three year period has now expired.

    Singer & Friedlander Investment Management Limited receives an annual management fee of 1.5% (from 22 February 2006, previously 1.65%)
of the net asset value of the Company. The annual management fee is calculated based on the quarter end net asset value and payable calendar
quarterly in arrears together with any applicable VAT.  The fee is allocated 75% to capital and 25% to revenue. At 31 July 2008, �40,385 (31
July 2007: �274,407, 31 January 2008: �220,585) including VAT of �6,015 (31 July 2007: �40,869, 31 January 2008: �32,853) was owed to the

    Singer & Friedlander Secretaries Limited performs Company secretarial duties for an annual fee of �17,625 (31 July 2007: �17,625, 31
January 2008 �17,625) including irrecoverable VAT of �2,625 (31 July 2007: �2,625, 31 January 2008: �2,625). At 31 July 2008, �17,625 (31
July 2007: �17,625, 31 January 2008: �8,813) including VAT of �2,625 (31 July 2007: �2,625, 31 January 2008: �1,313) was owed to Singer &
Friedlander Secretaries Limited.

    10. Recoverable VAT on Investment management fee

    Going forward management fees are now exempt from VAT, as a result these financial statements include the amount of �744,000 of VAT that
can be recovered. This has been allocated 75% to capital reserve and 25% to revenue reserve, in line with the original amounts charged to
those reserves.

    Although there is a possibility that interest will also be received, the actual amount has not been quantified so the Board have taken
the decision not to include any provision for this in these financial statements. Any interest received will be allocated 100% to revenue.

    Summary of Investments at 31 July 2008

 AIM Quoted                      Sector                       Purchase cost            Valuation     Percentage of net 
 companies                                                                        at 31 July 2008                assets
                                                                          �                     �                     %
 1st Dental Laboratories         Healthcare equipment               450,000                88,816                  0.33
                                 & services
 Aero Inventory                  Aerospace & defence              1,289,924             1,974,775                  7.25
 AssetCo                         Support services                   370,835               390,139                  1.43
 Autoclenz Holdings              Support services                   131,440                39,370                  0.15
 Avingtrans                      Industrial                         443,333               177,500                  0.65
 Bright Things                   Leisure goods                      452,500                22,750                  0.08
 Cello Group                     Media                              257,625               156,938                  0.58
 Chromogenex                     Healthcare equipment                13,875                 2,999                  0.01
                                 & services
 Clerkenwell Ventures            General financial                  690,490               574,068                  2.11
 Conder Environmental            Industrial                         385,241                 7,037                  0.03
 Coolabi                         Media                              210,865                59,738                  0.22
 eXpansys                        General retailers                  449,500                61,992                  0.23
 First Artist Corporation        Media                              704,265               240,329                  0.88
 Fountains                       Support services                   155,852               103,358                  0.38
 Fulcrum Pharma                  Pharmaceuticals &                  379,532               131,503                  0.48
 Glisten                         Food producers                     220,000               767,938                  2.82
 Huveaux                         Media                              595,868               225,000                  0.83
 ID Data                         Electronic &                     1,089,736               323,699                  1.19
                                 electrical equipment
 IDOX                            Software & computer                270,500               450,833                  1.66
 ILX Group                       Support services                   374,960               211,497                  0.78
 Individual Restaurant Company   Travel & leisure                   143,145               108,789                  0.40
 Infonic                         Software & computer              1,395,327               616,604                  2.27
 Intelligent Environments Group  Software & computer                116,123               307,939                  1.13
 Just Car Clinics Group          General retailers                   95,865               136,043                  0.50
 Knowledge Technology Solutions  Media                              345,377               136,539                  0.50
 Lo-Q                            Travel & leisure                   760,000               180,500                  0.66
 Mediwatch                       Healthcare equipment             1,059,611               598,375                  2.20
                                 & services
 Mount Engineering               Industrial                         409,277               384,428                  1.41
 Music Copyright Solutions       Media                              268,750               148,192                  0.55
 Neutrahealth                    Food producers                     279,470               149,026                  0.55
 Optimisa                        Media                              403,000               123,225                  0.45
 Ovidia Investments              Media                              518,312                   771                     -
 Petards Group                   Support services                    82,860                36,348                  0.13
 Playgolf Holdings               Travel & leisure                   255,000                29,985                  0.11
 Prezzo                          Travel & leisure                   171,221               587,125                  2.16
 Pubs 'n' Bars                   Travel & leisure                   281,813               109,035                  0.40
 Quadnetics Group                Support services                   341,381               180,638                  0.66
 RTC Group (formerly ATA Group)  Support services                   220,375               162,594                  0.60
 Relax Group (formerly           Financial services                 750,000               229,563                  0.84
 Smallbone                       General retailers                  293,220               239,830                  0.88
 Symphony Environmental          General industrials                460,339               115,202                  0.42
 Tanfield Group                  Support services                   286,214                92,950                  0.34
 Tasty                           Travel & leisure                   465,377               205,254                  0.75
 The Clapham House Group         Travel & leisure                   395,992               324,121                  1.19
 The Food & Drink Group          Travel & leisure                    18,662                 1,244                     -
 The Real Good Food Company      Food producers                     596,112                50,098                  0.18
 Thomson Intermedia              Media                              729,005               128,699                  0.47
 Tikit Group                     Software & computer                400,000               654,782                  2.41
 UBC Media Group                 Media                              663,754               192,282                  0.71
 Vianet Group                    Support services                 1,069,990               398,077                  1.46
 Xpertise Group                  Support services                   873,508               710,205                  2.61
 Xploite                         Software & computer                217,758               145,528                  0.53
 Zytronic                        Electronic &                       610,958               363,025                  1.33
                                 electrical equipment

                                                                 23,914,137            13,857,295                 50.89

 Fully listed                    Sector                       Purchase cost            Valuation     Percentage of net 
 companies                                                                        at 31 July 2008                assets
                                                                          �                     �                     %
 Connaught                       Support services                   411,846               772,000                  2.84
 Synergy Healthcare              Healthcare equipment               297,267             1,590,540                  5.84
                                 & services

                                                                    709,113             2,362,540                  8.68

 PLUS Markets traded             Sector                       Purchase cost            Valuation     Percentage of net 
 companies                                                                        at 31 July 2008                assets
                                                                          �                     �                     %
 Award International Holdings    Media                              209,990                 1,680                  0.01

                                                                    209,990                 1,680                  0.01

 Private                         Sector                       Purchase cost            Valuation     Percentage of net 
 companies                                                                        at 31 July 2008                assets
                                                                          �                     �                     %
 Flexbenefits                    Software & computer                681,828               757,125                  2.78
 Lilestone Holdings              General retailers                  648,175               354,706                  1.30
 Lilestone Holdings Loan Stock   General retailers                  429,000               429,000                  1.58
 Sportsweb.com                   Support services                   352,128               316,915                  1.16
 U4EA                            Technology hardware                399,126                60,337                  0.22
                                 & equipment
 U4EA Preference Shares          Technology hardware              1,403,995             1,406,995                  5.17
                                 & equipment
 U4EA Loan Stock                 Technology hardware                500,000               500,000                  1.84
                                 & equipment

                                                                  4,414,252             3,825,078                 14.05

 Other fixed interest                                         Purchase cost            Valuation     Percentage of net 
 securities                                                                       at 31 July 2008                assets
 UK Government loans
                                                                          �                     �                     %
 Treasury 4.75% Stock 7/6/2010                                    1,980,672             1,998,380                  7.34
 Treasury 4.25% Stock 7/3/2011                                    1,940,103             1,973,580                  7.25
 Treasury 4% Stock 7/3/2009                                       1,485,649             1,491,285                  5.47

                                                                  5,406,424             5,463,245                 20.06

 Other non-qualifying            Sector                       Purchase cost            Valuation     Percentage of net 
 investments                                                                      at 31 July 2008                assets
                                                                          �                     �                     %
 The Food & Drink Group          Travel & leisure                    59,851                 3,988                  0.01
 Formation Group                 Real Estate                        504,172               525,906                  1.93
                                 Investments &
 Payzone                         Support services                   645,994               141,356                  0.52

                                                                  1,210,017               671,250                  2.46

 Investments held at             Sector                       Purchase cost            Valuation      Percentage of net
 nil valuation*                                                                   at 31 July 2008                assets
                                                                          �                     �                     %
 Adval Group                     Support services                   287,265                     -                     -
 Aquabella Group                 Food producers                     440,500                     -                     -
 Aquabella Group Loan Stock      Food producers                      75,000                     -                     -
 Aquilo                          Support services                 1,851,897                     -                     -
 Camaxys                         Software & computer                254,825                     -                     -
 CMS Webview                     Media                              401,674                     -                     -
 Disperse Group                  Personal goods                     315,104                     -                     -
 Flying Scotsman                 Travel & leisure                   400,800                     -                     -
 Global Money Transfer Loan      Speciality & other                 300,000                     -                     -
 Notes                           finance
 Imagesound                      Media                               92,188                     -                     -
 Laminate Flooring               General retailers                  450,000                     -                     -
 Medal Entertainment & Media     Media                              653,679                     -                     -
 Monotub Industries              Household goods                    260,000                     -                     -
 Recycled Waste                  Support services                   374,994                     -                     -
 Ringprop                        Industrial                         366,999                     -                     -
 Stanhope Telecom                Telecommunications                 500,000                     -                     -
 Torex Retail                    Software & computer                694,691                     -                     -

                                                                  7,719,616                     -                     -

                                                                 43,583,549            26,181,088                 96.15

 * These companies are in liquidation or their shares suspended from trading and the Directors consider it appropriate
 to value them at zero. With the exception of Global Money Transfer and Medal Entertainment & Media (purchase cost
 �51,170), they count towards the VCT investment test, which states that 70% of the Company's assets will be invested
 in VCT qualifying investments by January 2004.

 Summary                                                      Purchase cost            Valuation      Percentage of net
                                                                                  at 31 July 2008                assets
                                                                          �                     �                     %
 Total qualifying portfolio                                      29,247,492            20,046,593                 73.63
 Fixed interest/non-qualifying                                    6,616,441             6,134,495                 22.52
 Investments held at nil                                          7,719,616                     -                     -
 Subtotal                                                        43,583,549            26,181,088                 96.15
 Net current assets                                                       -             1,047,602                  3.85
 Total                                                           43,583,549            27,228,690                100.00

    C J L Moorsom
    J D Hambro
    M S Killingley
    D M Page
    D M D A Wheatley

    Singer & Friedlander AIM 3 VCT plc
    Registered in England & Wales No. 4138683
    Registered office
One Hanover Street
    London W1S 1AX

    Singer & Friedlander Secretaries Limited
One Hanover Street
    London W1S 1AX
    Tel: 0203 205 5900

    Singer & Friedlander Investment Management Limited
    (Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority)
One Hanover Street
    London W1S 1AX

    Email: info@sfim.co.uk
    Website: www.sfim.co.uk

    Capita IRG plc
    Northern House
Woodsome Park
Fenay Bridge
    West Yorkshire HD8 0LA

    Website: www.capitaregistrars.com

    PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
    Hay's Galleria
    1 Hay's Lane
    London SE1 2RD

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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