
                                                                          2004                2003
                                                                          �000                �000
 Turnover                                                                2,430               2,458
 Profit before tax and amortisation of goodwill                            230                 141
 Profit before tax                                                         201                 141
 Profit  after tax                                                         156                 120
 Earnings - pence per share                                              0.16p               0.13p
    *       Turnover 1.1% down on last year's record.

    *       Profit before tax and amortisation of goodwill up 64% to �230,000.

    *       Profit before tax up 43% to �201,000.

    *       Good client retention by all elements of business.

    *       Strong balance sheet with net assets of 4.3p (3.7p of cash) per share, of which 3.7p is

    *       Dividend (proposed) of 0.05 pence per share.

Julian Burney, Chief Executive Officer, said:

"This  is another pleasing result as we begin to generate returns on our continuing investment  in
product innovation, staff and technology.

"We  are  relieved that a cloud has been lifted from our institutional advisory  services  by  the
FSA's  recognition  that the cost of research is a permitted cost that may be  charged  direct  to
investment  funds  alongside  transaction  costs.  The  uncertainty  felt  by  a  number  of   our
institutional customers and potential customers over the last eighteen months has undoubtedly  had
a restraining effect on our institutional business.

"The  recent expansion of our wider market subscription services from the US to the world's  other
major  stock markets has given us truly global coverage, but at local levels. These services under
our  Investors  Intelligence brand are highly-scalable and the recent extension of our  micro-site
based  offerings to providers of on-line retail investment services will help us with  the  public
exposure we need."

For further information:

Stockcube                        Julian Burney                     020-7352-4001
Corporate Synergy                Luke Ahern                        020 7626 2244

Chairman's Statement


We continued to make very good progress during 2004 in establishing Stockcube as a leading
provider of financial research and analysis on a truly global scale.

Financial review

Turnover for the year ended 31 December 2004 was �2,430,000 - a slight decrease of 1.1% from  last
year's record (2003: �2,458,000). We are pleased to report that profit before tax was �201,000, an
increase  of  43%  over 2003 (�141,000) and profit after tax increased by 30%  to  �156,000  (2003
�120,000). Basic earnings were 0.16p per 1p ordinary share compared to 0.13p in 2003.

Our  balance  sheet continues to be strong with net assets of 4.3p  (3.7p of cash) per  share,  of
which 3.7p is cash,
at 31 December, 2004.


Turnover  from  Stockcube  Research,  our  stock  market  and  sector  analysis  consultancy   for
institutional investors, recorded a 3% drop after surging on a like-for-like basis by 20% in 2003.
We  have continued our policy to increase the spread and depth of our expertise by recruiting  and
training junior analysts and successfully building and nurturing research teams with regional  and
sector specialisms. We expect these moves to bear fruit in the future.

Despite the continuing weakness of the US$ our US subsidiary, Chartcraft, contributed �83,000 to
consolidated group profits, up 33% on 2003.

During the year we launched our Investors Intelligence wider market subscription services for the
UK, European, Japanese and South East Asian equities, moving us further in our aim of covering
local markets on a worldwide basis. Customers can now subscribe for stock research on a modular
basis with common navigability across all modules. In pursuit of our strategy to seek distribution
partners for our analysis work, we have built and power online research 'microsites' that host
elements of our analysis for a number of leading stockbrokers providing shop windows for our
complete subscription services.

We changed the Fullermoney format during the year from a monthly hardcopy to a full on-line
service, thereby increasing considerably its immediacy and relevance to customers. While we
anticipated fallout from the switch away from hardcopy, we are pleased to note that subscriptions
have held up at last year's levels. We look forward to an enhanced contribution from Fullermoney
to group profits following increases in subscription rates and removal of printing and
distribution costs.

Our London based Chart Seminars continue to sell-out and our bespoke consultancy for in-house
training is developing satisfactorily.


I should like to thank our staff for their continued contribution during the year.


We  are  pleased  to  propose to shareholders that we pay a dividend of 0.05 pence  per  share  in
respect of the results for 2004.

The current year has started well and we are confident of developing further our institutional and
subscriber  customer  base.  We  will continue to expand our business  interests  organically,  in
conjunction with distribution partners, as well as considering selected investments.

Edward Forbes,
27 April 2005

Group profit and loss account
For the year ended 31 December 2004

                                                                          2004          2003
                                                                          �000          �000
Turnover                                                                 2,430         2,458
Administrative expenses                                                 (2,360)       (2,452)
                                                                       -------       -------
Group operating profit                                                      70             6
Share of operating loss in associate                                        (8)            -
Amortisation of goodwill arising on acquisition of associate               (29)            -
                                                                       -------       -------
Total operating profit: group and share of associate                        33             6
Interest receivable and similar income                                     168           135
                                                                       -------       -------
Profit on ordinary activities before taxation                              201           141
Tax on profit on ordinary activities                                       (45)          (21)
                                                                       -------       -------
Profit for the financial year                                              156           120
Dividends                                                                  (48)          (48)
                                                                       --------      --------
Retained Profit for the year                                               108            72
                                                                       -------       -------
Basic earnings per share                                                 0.16p         0.13p

Group Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses
                                                                          2004          2003
                                                                          �000          �000
Profit for the financial year excluding share of losses of associate       164           120

Share of associate loss for the year                                        (8)            -
                                                                        -------      -------
Profit for the financial year attributable to members of the                          
parent company                                                             156           120
Exchange differences on retranslation of net assets of                                      
subsidiary undertaking                                                      55            34
                                                                        -------      -------
Total recognised gains and losses during the year                          211           154
                                                                        -------      -------

Stockcube Plc
Group Balance Sheet
At 31 December 2004

                                                                          2004           2003
                                                                          �000           �000
Fixed assets                                                                                 
Intangible assets                                                           19              -
Tangible assets                                                            345            345
Investments in associate                                                   400              -
                                                                       -------         ------
                                                                           764            345
Current assets                                                                               
Debtors                                                                    550            300
Short-term deposits                                                      3,450          3,880
Cash at bank and in hand                                                   111            265
                                                                       -------         ------
                                                                         4,111          4,445
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year                            (665)          (743)
                                                                       -------         ------
Net current assets                                                       3,446          3,702
                                                                       -------         ------
Total assets less current liabilities                                    4,210          4,047
                                                                       -------         ------
Capital and reserves                                                                         
Called up share capital                                                    961            961
Share premium account                                                    3,774          3,774
Merger reserve                                                             568            568
Profit and loss account                                                 (1,093)        (1,256)
                                                                       -------         ------
Equity shareholders' funds                                               4,210          4,047
                                                                       -------         ------

Approved by the Board on 27 April 2005

Julian Burney

Stockcube Plc
Group Statement of Cash Flows
For the year ended 31 December 2004

                                                                          2004          2003
                                                                          �000          �000
Net cash( outflow)/ inflow from operating activities                     (193)           273
                                                                      --------       --------
Returns of investments and servicing of finance                                              
Interest received                                                         168            135
                                                                      --------       --------
Coporation tax paid                                                       (18)            (2)
                                                                      --------       --------
Capital expenditure                                                                          
Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets                                 (36)           (29)
Payments to acquire intangible fixed assets                               (20)             -
                                                                      --------       --------
Total capital expenditure                                                 (56)           (29)
                                                                      --------       --------
Acquisitions and disposals                                                                   
Payments to acquire investments in associates                            (437)             -
                                                                      --------       --------
Equity dividends paid                                                     (48)             -
                                                                      --------       --------
Net cash (outflow)/ inflow before financing                              (584)           377
                                                                      --------       --------
Management of liquid resources                                                               
Decrease/(increase) in short-term deposits                                430         (1,020)
                                                                      --------       --------
(Decrease) in cash                                                       (154)          (643)
                                                                      --------       --------
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds                                     
                                                                          2004          2003
                                                                          �000          �000
(Decrease) in cash                                                       (154)          (643)
(Decrease)/ increase in short-term deposits                              (430)         1,020
                                                                       -------        -------
Movement in net funds                                                    (584)           377
                                                                       -------        -------
Net funds at 1 January                                                  4,145          3,768
                                                                      --------        -------
Net funds at 31 December                                                3,561          4,145
                                                                      --------       --------

Reconciliation of operating loss to net cash outflow from operating activities

                                                                        2004            2003
                                                                        �000            �000
Operating profit                                                          70               6
Depreciation                                                              36              30
Amortisation of goodwill                                                   1               -
(Increase)/decrease in debtors                                          (250)             94
(Decrease)/increase in creditors                                         (50)            143
                                                                     -------          ------
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities                     (193)            273
                                                                     -------          ------

Analysis of changes in net funds
                                            At 1 January         Cashflow      At 31 December
                                                    2004                                 2004
                                                    �000             �000                �000
Cash at bank and in hand                             265            (154)                 111
Short-term deposits                                3,880            (430)               3,450
                                                 -------          -------             -------
                                                   4,145            (584)               3,561
                                                 -------          -------             -------


    1.      Nature of financial information

        These accounts do not constitute accounts under section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The
        results for the year ended 31 December 2003 are extracts from the Group accounts which
        have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. They carry an unqualified auditor's
        report and did not contain a statement under Section 237 (2) or (3) of the Company's Act
        1985. The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2004 will be finalised on the
        basis of the financial information in this preliminary announcement and will be filed with
        the Registrar of Companies after the Annual General Meeting.

    2.      Basis of preparation

        The accounts are prepared under the historical cost convention and in accordance with
        applicable accounting standards. The accounting policies set out in the group accounts for
        the year ended 31 December 2003 have been applied for the purposes of this statement.
    3.      Basis of consolidation

        The group financial statements consolidate the financial statements of Stockcube PLC and
        all of its subsidiary undertakings for the year to 31 December 2004
        Entities other than subsidiary undertakings, in which the group has a participating
        interest and over whose operating and financial policies the group exercises a significant
        influence are treated as associates.  In the group financial statements, associates are
        accounted for using the equity method
        No profit and loss account is presented for Stockcube PLC as permitted by Section 230 of
        the Companies Act 1985
    4.      Earnings per share

    The calculation of basic earnings per ordinary share is based on earnings as follows:
                                                                               2004           2003
                                                                                000            000
     Profit for the year                                                       �156           �120
     Weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding                  96,106         96,106
     Basic earnings per share                                                 0.16p          0.13p

    There were no dilutive potential ordinary shares in 2004 (2003:nil)

    5.  Dividend record and payment date

        The Directors have decided to pay a dividend. The dividend will be paid on 6 June 2005  at
        a  price of 0.05p per share.  Dividends will be paid to those shareholders on the Register
        at the close of business on 4 May 2005.

Stockcube PLC


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