Stockcube Plc
Interim Report
for the six months ended 30 June 2006

The Stockcube group produces research and technical analysis of the relative strengths and weaknesses
of price trends of stocks, stock and other financial instruments that assist institutional and
private investors in the timing of investment transactions.

Highlights for the six months ended 30 June 2006
    *     Turnover up 13.8% to �1,371,000 (2005: �1,205,000)
    *     Operating profit up 296% to �194,000 (2005: �49,000)

    *     Profit before tax of �286,000 (2005: loss �20,000)

    *     Earnings per share of 2.20p (2005: loss per share of 0.6p)

"Revenues generated in our consultancy and global strategy businesses in particular have shown good
growth and we continue to look for value for money from our cost base.
"Regulatory changes that clarify the way we bill our services are now being implemented by the
investment management industry which results in a greater opportunity for us as independent research
"Naturally, we are sensitive to the wide fluctuations in investor sentiment that prevail in all the
world's major financial markets in periods of uncertainty. However, we are confident that the
services and information we provide to customers and the perspective we bring to their investment
decisions will remain of value and we will see continuation of the growth in our business and
financial performance."

Julian Burney
Chief Executive of Stockcube
30 August 2006

Julian Burney                     Chief Executive Officer            +44 (0)207-352-4001
Shirley Yeoh                      Finance Director                   +44 (0)207-352-4001
Our website is:                   www.stockcube.com     

Stockcube Plc
Chairman's Statement
for the six months ended 30 June 2006


We are pleased to report that our increasing reputation for providing clear and timely research and
analysis of the world's major financial markets has begun to generate some tangible reward.

Financial review

Turnover for the six months ended 30 June, 2006 was up 13.8% to �1,371,000 (2005:  �1,205,000) and
group operating profit increased very significantly by 296% to �194,000 from �49,000 in 2005.

Profit before tax amounted to �286,000 compared to a published loss of �20,000 in 2005 and, like-for-
like, increased by 120% over �130,000 (before exceptional impairment charges) reported for 2005.

Earnings per share of 2.2p compare to losses of 0.6p, re-stated for the effect of the consolidation
of our issued and authorised ordinary capital into 1 (new) for 10 (old) ordinary shares in May 2006
and, like for like, increased by 120% over earnings per share of 1.0p (before exceptional impairment
charges) reported for 2005.

We had cash balances of �4,242,000 at 30 June 2006 compared with �3,900,000 at the beginning of the
year. Assets per share amounted to 46.8p (2005: 43.1p) of which cash represented 44.1p per share
(2005: 40.3p).

Review of operations

We have continued to devote greater attention to individual client requirements in our institutional
investor consultancy and analysis services where turnover showed an encouraging 18% increase over
2005. We are now poised for greater penetration of the institutional sector with a dedicated sales
and marketing effort and with the clarity of regulatory changes in respect of payment for our

The growing demand for Fullermoney, our global investment strategy service, reported during 2005 has
continued apace with a 24% increase in subscription over the same period last year. Revenues
increased by 26% during the period, reflecting gradual increases in unit prices.

Turnover in our wider market services under the Investors Intelligence brand moved up slightly by 3%
over the period absorbing the re-positioning of our services mix from individual subscriptions which
fell in number by 4% to 'bloc' arrangements with institutional customers on a business to business

Ecube has continued to provide valuable technology services to both its in-house and third party

Sportcal continues to trade profitably and contributed �8,000 to group profits in the first six

Trading outlook

We are confident that the encouraging start recorded for the first six months will continue for the
remainder of 2006.

Edward Forbes
30 August 2006

Stockcube Plc
Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
                                                                 Unaudited         Unaudited     Audited
                                                             Six Months to     Six Months to     Year to
                                                                   30 June           30 June      31 Dec
                                                                      2006              2005        2005
                                                                     �'000             �'000       �'000
Turnover                                                             1,371             1,205       2,420
Administrative expenses                                             (1,177)           (1,156)     (2,186)
                                                                   --------          --------    --------
Group operating profit                                                 194                49         234
Impairment in investment in associate                                    -              (150)       (150)
Share of  operating profit of associate                                  8                 3           6
Amortisation of goodwill arising on acquisition of associate           (15)              (15)        (32)
                                                                   --------          --------    --------
                                                                        (7)             (162)       (176)
                                                                   --------          --------    --------
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities                                   187              (113)         58
Interest receivable and similar income                                  99                93         193
                                                                    -------           -------     -------
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before taxation                   286               (20)        251
Tax on profit/(loss) on ordinary activities                            (78)              (35)        (87)
                                                                    --------          --------     -------                               
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities after taxation                    208               (55)        164
                                                                    --------          --------     -------
Basic/diluted earnings/(loss) per share                                2.2p             (0.6)p       1.7p
Basic/diluted earnings per share before impairment                     2.2p              1.0 p       3.3p

Group Statement of Total Recognised Gains & Losses
                                                                 Unaudited         Unaudited     Audited
                                                             Six Months to     Six Months to     Year to
                                                                   30 June           30 June      31 Dec
                                                                      2006              2005        2005
                                                                     �'000             �'000       �'000
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities after taxation                    208               (55)        164
Exchange  differences on retranslation of net assets of subsidiary      20               (17)        (28)
                                                                     -------           -------     -------
Total recognised gains and losses during the period                    228               (72)        136
                                                                     -------           -------     -------

Stockcube Plc
Consolidated Balance Sheet

                                                                 Unaudited        Unaudited          Audited
                                                                     As at            As at            As at
                                                                   30 June          30 June           31 Dec
                                                                      2006             2005             2005
                                                                     �'000            �'000            �'000
Fixed assets                                                                                    
Intangible assets                                                       17               18               17
Tangible assets                                                        324              340              327
Investments                                                            219              239              226
                                                                  --------         --------         --------
                                                                       560              597              570
                                                                  --------         --------         --------
Current assets                                                                                              
Debtors                                                                506              441              426
Cash at bank and in hand                                             4,242            3,872            3,900
                                                                  --------         --------         --------
                                                                     4,748            4,313            4,326
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year                        (806)            (772)            (550)
                                                                  --------         --------         --------
Net current assets                                                   3,942            3,541            3,776
                                                                  --------         --------         --------
Total assets less current liabilities                                4,502            4,138            4,346
                                                                  --------         --------         --------
Capital and reserves                                                                                        
Called up share capital                                                961              961              961
Share premium account                                                3,774            3,774            3,774
Merger reserve                                                         568              568              568
Profit and loss account                                               (801)          (1,165)            (957)
                                                                  --------         --------         --------
Equity shareholders' funds                                           4,502            4,138            4,346
                                                                  --------         --------         --------

Approved by Order of the Board on 30 August 2006

Julian Burney

Stockcube Plc
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                                                                 Unaudited         Unaudited         Audited
                                                             Six Months to     Six Months to         Year to
                                                                   30 June           30 June          31 Dec
                                                                      2006              2005            2005
                                                                     �'000             �'000            �000
Net cash inflow from operating activities                              284               276             276
Returns on investments and servicing of finance                                                             
Interest received                                                       99                93             193
Taxation                                                                36                 -             (68)
Capital expenditure                                                                                         
Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets                               (5)              (10)            (14)
Equity dividends paid                                                  (72)              (48)            (48)
                                                                  --------          --------        --------
Net cash inflow before financing                                       342               311             339
                                                                  --------          --------        --------

Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds
                                                                 Unaudited         Unaudited         Audited
                                                             Six Months to     Six Months to         Year to
                                                                   30 June           30 June          31 Dec
                                                                      2006              2005            2005
                                                                     �'000             �'000            �000
Increase in cash                                                       342               311             339
Net funds at 1 January                                               3,900             3,561           3,561
                                                                  --------          --------        --------
NET FUNDS                                                            4,242             3,872           3,900
                                                                  --------          --------        --------
Analysis of net funds
                                                                 Unaudited         Unaudited         Audited
                                                             Six Months to     Six Months to         Year to
                                                                   30 June           30 June          31 Dec
                                                                      2006              2005            2005
                                                                     �'000             �'000            �000
Cash at bank and in hand                                               132               172             112
Short term deposits                                                  4,110             3,700           3,788
                                                                  --------          --------        --------
NET FUNDS                                                            4,242             3,872           3,900
                                                                  --------          --------        --------

Stockcube Plc
Notes to the Interim Report
for the six months ended 30 June 2006
1.    Basis of preparation of interim financial information
The interim financial information has been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the group
statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2005. The taxation charge is calculated by applying
the directors' best estimate of the annual tax rate to the profit for the period.  All other
accounting polices set out in the accounts for Stockcube Plc for the year ended 31 December 2005 were
applied for the purposes of this statement.

2.    Turnover
Turnover, which is stated net of value added tax, represents the sales value of work done in the period.
Turnover is attributable mainly to the continuing activity of the provision of research and analysis of price
trends in stocks, commodities, currencies and interest rates.
An analysis of turnover by geographical market is given below:

          Origin                                                Unaudited         Unaudited        Audited
                                                            Six Months to     Six Months to        Year to
                                                                  30 June           30 June         31 Dec
                                                                     2006              2005           2005
          United Kingdom                                            1,247             1,069          2,145
          United States of America                                    124               136            275
                                                                 --------          --------       --------
                                                                    1,371             1,205          2,420
                                                                 --------          --------       --------

3.    Earnings per share
Following a 1 for 10 consolidation of the Company's existing ordinary shares , the company's issued shares were
reduced to 9,610,630 from 96,106,300 ordinary shares. This was effected at an Extraordinary General
Meeting held on 24 May 2006.
The calculation of the basic earnings per ordinary share is based on profits after tax of �208,000 (December
2005:profit of �164,000, June 2005:losses of �55,000) and on 9,610,630  (December 2005 and June 2005:
96,106,300 before capital consolidation of 1 for 10 shares) ordinary shares.  The comparative
earnings per share figures have been re-stated based on the new capital structure.
There are no dilutive potential ordinary shares at 30 June 2006 (31 December 2005 and 30 June 2005: nil).
4.    Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating activities
                                                              Unaudited         Unaudited         Audited
                                                          Six Months to     Six Months to         Year to
                                                                30 June           30 June          31 Dec
                                                                   2006              2005            2005
                                                                  �'000             �'000            �000
Operating profit                                                    194                49             234
Depreciation                                                          7                15              32
Exchange differences on inter-company loans                          20               (16)            (29)
Goodwill amortisation                                                 1                 1               2
(Increase)/decrease in debtors                                      (80)              109             124
Increase/(decrease) in creditors                                    142               118             (87)
                                                               --------          --------        --------
Net cash inflow from operating activities                           284               276             276
                                                               --------          --------        --------
Stockcube Plc
Notes to the Interim Report
for the six months ended 30 June 2006 -continued

5.    Dividends and other appropriations
                                                              Unaudited         Unaudited        Audited
                                                          Six Months to     Six Months to        Year to
                                                                30 June           30 June         31 Dec
                                                                   2006              2005           2005
                                                                  �'000             �'000           �000
Equity dividends on ordinary shares -Paid                            72                48             48
                                                               --------          --------       --------
6.    Publication of non-statutory accounts
The results for the year ended 31 December 2005 have been audited, whilst the results for the six months ended
30 June 2005 and 30 June 2006 are unaudited.
The financial information contained in this interim report does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in
section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.
The financial information for the preceding full year is based on the statutory accounts of Stockcube Plc for
the year ended 31 December 2005. Those accounts, upon which the auditors issued an unqualified
opinion, have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.

7.    Reconciliation of shareholders' funds and movement in reserves
Group                                      Share       Share        Merger    Profit and           Total
                                         capital       premium      reserve   loss          shareholders'        
                                                       account                account              funds
                                           �'000          �'000        �'000        �'000          �'000
At 31 December 2004                          961          3,774          568       (1,045)         4,258
Retained profit for the year                   -              -            -          116            116
Exchange differences on                                                                                     
retranslation of net asset of                  -              -            -           20             20
subsidiary undertaking 
Dividends paid                                 -              -            -          (48)           (48)
                                         -------        -------       -------      -------        --------
At 31 December 2005                          961          3,774          568         (957)          4,346
Retained profit for the period                 -              -            -          208            208
Exchange differences on                                                                                       
retranslation of net asset of                  -              -            -           20             20
subsidiary undertaking
Dividends paid                                 -              -            -          (72)           (72)
                                         -------        -------      -------       -------        --------
At 30 June 2006                              961          3,774          568         (801)          4,502
                                         -------        -------      -------       -------        --------
The financial information for the six months ended 30 June 2006 has not been reviewed in accordance with the
guidance contained in Bulletin 1999/4 "Review of interim financial information" issued by the
Auditing Standards Board.

Stockcube PLC


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