RNS Number : 5702R

Scottish Mortgage Inv Tst PLC

08 November 2021

 RNS Announcement 
 Scottish Mortgage Investment Trust PLC 
 Legal Entity Identifier: 213800G37DCS3Q9IJM38 
 Results for the six months to 30 September 2021 
 The following is the unaudited Interim Financial Report for the six months 
  to 30 September 2021 which was approved by the Board on 5 November 2021. 
 Interim management report 


We aim to identify, own and support the world's most exceptional growth companies whether public or private; companies that offer the potential of genuinely transformative returns. Over the long-run, it is such companies that drive stock-market returns. They make equity investing truly worthwhile.

We see our role as partners to these companies. Supporting them through the provision of both capital and patience and backing them to do incredible things. Their path will rarely be a straight-line. All great companies face periods of difficulty and market doubt, if not outright hostility. These periods can be difficult to endure but great returns cannot be achieved without such testing journeys.

This requires us to be resolutely long-term through both good times and bad. The road ahead will have its fair share of bumps, some companies will not work out as hoped but it is through supporting and holding onto just a small number of extraordinary companies that exceptional returns can be achieved.


This approach has driven our returns. Over ten years Scottish Mortgage's net asset value per share with debt at fair value (NAV) has increased by 1,072% versus a 275% increase in the FTSE All-World index (both in total return terms). Over five years it has increased by 341% against 83%. Six months of data is always too short a period to infer much that is useful from stock prices. However, since the end of March our NAV rose by 16% compared to a 9% increase in the index.

Although our focus remains on long-term capital appreciation we are aware that a small but consistent dividend is of value to many shareholders. Acknowledging the Company's recent performance, the Board is recommending an interim dividend of 1.52p, an increase of 5% over last year's payment of 1.45p.


Over short periods, such as the last six months, the market has naturally found various things to worry about. A long-term approach is helpful here. It enables us to focus not on the cacophony of the stock-markets but the more predictable drumbeat of deep underlying progress. It has been the long-term and exponential improvements in computing technologies, genomic sequencing and energy storage that continue to strike us as the most important determinates of long-term returns.

These long-term trends may be too slow to shape financial news headlines in a single period but they compound over time as they grow in impact. Moreover, the powerful trends in computing technologies appear to not just be continuing but broadening in utility and application beyond the narrow remits of consumer internet to industries larger and far more diverse.

This broadening is slowly being reflected in the changing shape of the portfolio. The Trust's investment in healthcare and biology companies for example has grown from 11.6% a year ago to 21.4% today. We are finding and supporting a growing number of businesses that we believe are benefiting from the intersection of biology and information technology.

Our largest holding, Moderna has been the greatest contributor to this change, writing what is effectively code in the form of RNA to program human cells. Moderna has helped the world to start escaping the tragedies and confinement of the last 18 months. However, it is the breadth and scalability of its mRNA technology platform rather than its Covid vaccine that holds the greatest promise. Its pipeline of programs is both large and growing, targeting diseases such as flu, Zika, HIV, cancer and many more.

Recursion Pharmaceuticals and Tempus are successfully leveraging growing quantities of big data combined with machine learning to powerful effect in drug discovery and cancer treatment. We took a new holding in 10x Genomics whose products enable the analysis of single cells complementing Illumina's next generation sequencing and enabling a more granular understanding of biology.

We continue to see opportunities for technology platforms to improve resource allocation in the economy across a growing range of areas such as freight, food and finance. At the same time the question of how to regulate big tech platforms continues to challenge law-makers across the globe. China has taken to this task with particular vigour. It has demonstrated far greater speed and forcefulness in approach than elsewhere. This sharp adjustment has naturally presented challenges both in market sentiment and for technology businesses that are having to adapt to a rapidly altering regulatory environment. At the same time there has been a push for the rewards of China's growing prosperity to be more evenly distributed. Together these shifts have negatively impacted the share prices of many of our Chinese holdings.

The underlying progress of the companies however remains surprisingly strong. Alibaba and Tencent both continue to grow revenue in excess of 20% whilst Meituan and Pinduoduo are both growing considerably faster. The companies themselves are keenly aware of their need to contribute not just to shareholder returns but to society to ensure true sustainability. We will continue to assess the long-term implications of the new regulatory approach as they apply to each of our holdings.


Our attention remains focused on maximising returns over the next ten years for Scottish Mortgage shareholders. We have no right to claim insight over the possible gyrations of stock markets over shorter time periods.

As we anticipate the next decade we are both optimistic and enthused. It strikes us that there are multiple drivers of change and thus opportunity. These include the continuing digitisation of our economy, the intersection of information technology and biology and the much-needed energy transition. Together they provide an opportunity set that is profound and diverse. We look forward to continuing to back the companies and visionaries that drive and take advantage of these powerful long-term trends.

The principal risks and uncertainties facing the Company are set out at the end of this document.

5 November 2021

For a definition of terms see Glossary of Terms and Alternative Performance Measures at the end of this document.

Total return information sourced from Refinitiv/StatPro/Baillie Gifford.

See disclaimer at end of this document.

Past performance is not a guide to future performance.

Responsibility statement 

We confirm that to the best of our knowledge:

a) the condensed set of Financial Statements has been prepared in accordance with FRS 104 'Interim Financial Reporting';

b) the Interim Management Report includes a fair review of the information required by Disclosure and Transparency Rule 4.2.7R (indication of important events during the first six months, their impact on the condensed set of Financial Statements and a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year); and

c) the Interim Financial Report includes a fair review of the information required by Disclosure and Transparency Rule 4.2.8R (disclosure of related party transactions and changes therein).

By order of the Board

Fiona McBain


5 November 2021

Income statement (unaudited) 
                                                       For the six months ended        For the six months ended 
                                                           30 September 2021               30 September 2020 
                                                     Revenue    Capital      Total   Revenue    Capital      Total 
                                                     GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000 
==================================================  ========  =========  =========  ========  =========  ========= 
 Gains on investments                                      -  2,721,589  2,721,589         -  6,376,063  6,376,063 
Currency (losses)/gains                                    -   (15,778)   (15,778)         -      6,895      6,895 
Income from investments and interest receivable       13,640          -     13,640    10,659          -     10,659 
Investment management fee (note 3)                         -   (27,179)   (27,179)         -   (18,727)   (18,727) 
Other administrative expenses                        (3,644)          -    (3,644)   (3,279)          -    (3,279) 
==================================================  ========  =========  =========  ========  =========  ========= 
Net return before finance costs and taxation           9,996  2,678,632  2,688,628     7,380  6,364,231  6,371,611 
==================================================  ========  =========  =========  ========  =========  ========= 
Finance costs of borrowings                                -   (19,526)   (19,526)         -   (15,764)   (15,764) 
==================================================  ========  =========  =========  ========  =========  ========= 
Net return on ordinary activities before taxation      9,996  2,659,106  2,669,102     7,380  6,348,467  6,355,847 
==================================================  ========  =========  =========  ========  =========  ========= 
Tax on ordinary activities                           (1,281)    (4,905)    (6,186)     (387)          -      (387) 
==================================================  ========  =========  =========  ========  =========  ========= 
Net return on ordinary activities after taxation       8,715  2,654,201  2,662,916     6,993  6,348,467  6,355,460 
==================================================  ========  =========  =========  ========  =========  ========= 
Net return per ordinary share (note 4)                 0.62p    187.38p    188.00p     0.48p    433.36p    433.84p 
==================================================  ========  =========  =========  ========  =========  ========= 
Dividends proposed per ordinary share (note 5)         1.52p                           1.45p 
==================================================  ========  =========  =========  ========  =========  ========= 

The accompanying notes on the following pages are an integral part of the Financial Statements.

The total column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the Company. The supplementary revenue and capital return columns are prepared under guidance published by the Association of Investment Companies.

All revenue and capital items in this statement derive from continuing operations.

A Statement of Comprehensive Income is not required as all gains and losses of the Company have been reflected in the above statement.

Balance sheet (unaudited) 
                                                                 At 30 September 2021  At 31 March 2021 
                                                                              GBP'000           GBP'000 
Fixed assets 
Investments held at fair value through profit or loss (note 6)             20,955,958        18,042,688 
===============================================================  ====================  ================ 
Current assets 
Debtors                                                                         1,892            20,883 
Shares sold from treasury awaiting settlement                                  12,213                 - 
Cash and cash equivalents                                                     198,835           212,128 
===============================================================  ====================  ================ 
                                                                              212,940           233,011 
===============================================================  ====================  ================ 
Amounts falling due within one year: 
Bank loans (note 7)                                                         (327,066)         (264,550) 
Buybacks outstanding and related stamp duty                                         -          (25,418) 
Other creditors and accruals                                                 (24,162)          (21,020) 
===============================================================  ====================  ================ 
                                                                            (351,228)         (310,988) 
===============================================================  ====================  ================ 
Net current liabilities                                                     (138,288)          (77,977) 
===============================================================  ====================  ================ 
Total assets less current liabilities                                      20,817,670        17,964,711 
===============================================================  ====================  ================ 
Amounts falling due after more than one year: 
Bank loans (note 7)                                                         (504,220)         (362,289) 
Loan notes (note 7)                                                         (682,827)         (482,629) 
Debenture stocks (note 7)                                                   (127,711)         (127,864) 
Provision for deferred tax liability                                          (4,029)           (2,459) 
===============================================================  ====================  ================ 
                                                                          (1,318,787)         (975,241) 
===============================================================  ====================  ================ 
                                                                           19,498,883        16,989,470 
===============================================================  ====================  ================ 
Capital and reserves 
Share capital                                                                  74,239            74,239 
Share premium account                                                         784,946           781,771 
Capital redemption reserve                                                     19,094            19,094 
Capital reserve                                                            18,611,889        16,105,297 
Revenue reserve                                                                 8,715             9,069 
===============================================================  ====================  ================ 
Shareholders' funds                                                        19,498,883        16,989,470 
===============================================================  ====================  ================ 
Net asset value per ordinary share 
 (after deducting borrowings at book)*                                       1,381.1p          1,195.1p 
===============================================================  ====================  ================ 
Ordinary shares in issue (note 9)                                       1,411,799,194     1,421,618,969 
===============================================================  ====================  ================ 

* See Glossary of Terms and Alternative Performance Measures at the end of this announcement.

The accompanying notes on the following pages are an integral part of the Financial Statements.


Statement of Changes in Equity (unaudited) 

For the six months ended 30 September 2021

                                          Share premium            Capital 
                    Called up share             account         redemption     Capital                   Shareholders' 
                            capital             GBP'000            reserve    reserve*  Revenue reserve          funds 
                            GBP'000                                GBP'000     GBP'000          GBP'000        GBP'000 
==================  ===============  ==================  =================  ==========  ===============  ============= 
 funds at 1 April 
 2021                        74,239             781,771             19,094  16,105,297            9,069     16,989,470 
Net return on 
 activities after 
 taxation                         -                   -                  -   2,654,201            8,715      2,662,916 
Shares bought back                -                   -                  -   (137,732)                -      (137,732) 
Shares sold from 
 treasury (note 9)                -               3,175                  -       9,038                -         12,213 
Dividends paid 
 during the period 
 (note 5)                         -                   -                  -    (18,915)          (9,069)       (27,984) 
==================  ===============  ==================  =================  ==========  ===============  ============= 
 funds at 30 
 September 2021              74,239             784,946             19,094  18,611,889            8,715     19,498,883 
==================  ===============  ==================  =================  ==========  ===============  ============= 

For the six months ended 30 September 2020

                                          Share premium            Capital 
                    Called up share             account         redemption     Capital                   Shareholders' 
                            capital             GBP'000            reserve    reserve*  Revenue reserve          funds 
                            GBP'000                                GBP'000     GBP'000          GBP'000        GBP'000 
==================  ===============  ==================  =================  ==========  ===============  ============= 
 funds at 1 April 
 2020                        74,239             764,521             19,094   7,363,915           22,865      8,244,634 
Net return on 
 activities after 
 taxation                         -                   -                  -   6,348,467            6,993      6,355,460 
Shares bought back                -                   -                  -   (164,564)                -      (164,564) 
Shares sold from 
 treasury (note 9)                -              58,413                  -     128,434                -        186,847 
Dividends paid 
 during the period 
 (note 5)                         -                   -                  -     (4,441)         (22,865)       (27,306) 
==================  ===============  ==================  =================  ==========  ===============  ============= 
 funds at 30 
 September 2020              74,239             822,934             19,094  13,671,811            6,993     14,595,071 
==================  ===============  ==================  =================  ==========  ===============  ============= 

* The Capital Reserve balance at 30 September 2021 includes investment holding gains on fixed asset investments of GBP12,122,474,000 (30 September 2020 - gains of GBP9,878,399,000).

The accompanying notes on the following pages are an integral part of the Financial Statements.

Cash flow statement (unaudited) 
                                                               Six months to       Six months to 
                                                           30 September 2021   30 September 2020 
                                                                     GBP'000             GBP'000 
========================================================  ==================  ================== 
Cash flows from operating activities 
Net return on ordinary activities before taxation                  2,669,102           6,355,847 
Gains on investments                                             (2,721,589)         (6,376,063) 
Currency losses/(gains)                                               15,778             (6,895) 
Finance costs of borrowings                                           19,526              15,764 
Overseas capital gains tax incurred                                  (3,335)                   - 
Overseas withholding tax incurred                                    (1,281)               (387) 
Changes in debtors and creditors                                       1,657              10,634 
========================================================  ==================  ================== 
Cash from operations                                                (20,142)             (1,100) 
Interest paid                                                       (18,518)            (16,477) 
========================================================  ==================  ================== 
Net cash outflow from operating activities                          (38,660)            (17,577) 
========================================================  ==================  ================== 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from investing activities                (172,338)              66,171 
========================================================  ==================  ================== 
Equity dividends paid (note 5)                                      (27,984)            (27,306) 
Shares bought back into treasury and stamp duty thereon            (163,149)           (164,534) 
Shares sold from treasury                                                  -             186,847 
Debenture repaid                                                           -            (20,000) 
Bank loans drawn down and loan notes issued (note 7)                 386,090              19,972 
========================================================  ==================  ================== 
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financing activities                  194,957             (5,021) 
========================================================  ==================  ================== 
(Decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents                    (16,041)              43,573 
Exchange movements                                                     2,748             (4,143) 
Cash and cash equivalents at start of period                         212,128              38,526 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                           198,835              77,956 
========================================================  ==================  ================== 

Cash and cash equivalents represent cash at bank and short term money market deposits repayable on demand.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the Financial Statements.

Holding period of investments as at 30 September 2021 
 More than 5 years                          2-5 years                             Less than 2 years 
====================================  ===  ===============================  ===  ===================================== 
 Name                           % of        Name                      % of        Name                            % of 
                               total                                 total                                       total 
                              assets                                assets                                      assets 
==========================  ========  ===  =====================  ========  ===  ===========================  ======== 
 Illumina (10)                   5.8        NIO Inc (p)                2.8        Moderna                          9.2 
 ASML                            5.5        Delivery Hero              2.6        MercadoLibre                     1.9 
                                            ByteDance Ltd 
 Tesla Inc                       4.7         (U)                       1.8        Northvolt (U)                    1.8 
 Tencent Holdings                           Affirm Holdings 
  (10)                           4.1         Inc (p)                   1.7        Adyen                            1.4 
 Ginkgo BioWorks 
  Inc (p)                        3.2        Shopify                    1.2        Stripe Inc (U)                   1.3 
 Meituan Dianping                           Space Exploration 
  (p)                            2.9         Technologies (U)          1.2        Carvana                          1.0 
 Amazon.com (10)                 2.6                                              Wayfair                          0.9 
 Alibaba Group                               Pharmaceuticals 
  (p)                            2.5         Inc (p)                   1.1        Snowflake Inc (p)                0.8 
 NVIDIA                          2.2                                              Ocado                            0.7 
                                            Tempus Labs Inc 
 Kering (10)                     2.1         (U)                       1.1        DoorDash                         0.7 
 Netflix                         2.0        Zoom                       0.9        Epic Games (U)                   0.7 
                                            Ant International 
 Wise Plc (p)                    1.9         Ltd (U)                   0.9        Lilium NV (p)                    0.7 
                                                                                  Blockstream Corporations 
 Zalando                         1.6        Pinduoduo Inc              0.8         Inc (U)                         0.4 
 HelloFresh (p)                  1.5        Inc (U)                    0.7        GoPuff Inc (U)                   0.4 
 Spotify Technology                         Vir Biotechnology                     Honor Technology 
  SA (p)                         1.3         Inc (p)                   0.6         Inc (U)                         0.4 
 You & Mr Jones                             The Production 
  (U)                            1.2         Board (U)                 0.5        Blockchain.com (U)               0.4 
 Denali Therapeutics 
  (p)                            1.1        Tanium Inc (U)             0.5        Solugen Inc (U)                  0.4 
                                            Sana Biotechnology                    Redwood Materials 
 Ferrari                         1.0         Inc (p)                   0.4         Inc (U)                         0.4 
 Housing Development 
  Finance Corporation                       Indigo Agriculture 
  (10)                                       Inc (U)                   0.4        Rappi Inc (U)                    0.4 
                                                                                  Relativity Space 
                                 0.6        Carbon Inc (U)             0.4         Inc (U)                         0.3 
 Warby Parker Inc                           Full Truck Alliance                   ChargePoint Holdings 
  (p)                            0.5         Ltd (p)                   0.3         Inc                             0.3 
                                            Bolt Threads Inc 
 Kinnevik                        0.5         (U)                       0.3        Databricks Inc (U)               0.3 
                                            HeartFlow Inc                         Joby Aviation Inc 
 Atlas Copco (10)                0.5         (U)                       0.2         (p)                             0.3 
 Thumbtack Inc                              Rubius Therapeutics                   Jiangxiaobai Holdings 
  (U)                            0.4         Inc (p)                   0.2         Ltd (U)                         0.3 
                                            Aurora Innovation                     Workrise Technologies 
 Airbnb Inc (p)                  0.3         Inc (U)                   0.2         Inc (U)                         0.3 
 Innovation Works                0.2        JRSK Inc (Away)            0.2        Capsule (U)                      0.2 
   Development Fund                          Uptake Technologies       0.2         10x Genomics                    0.2 
   (U 10)                                     Inc (U) 
 Essence Healthcare              0.2        KSQ Therapeutics          <0.1        Convoy Inc (U)                   0.2 
  (U)                                        Inc (U) 
  ARCH Ventures                  0.1         ARCH Ventures            <0.1         Horizon Robotics                0.2 
   Fund IX (U)                                Fund X                                (U) 
  Zocdoc Inc (U)                 0.1         Overage (U)                           Nuro Inc (U)                    0.2 
  Sinovation Fund               <0.1 
   III (U) 
  WI Harper Fund                <0.1 
   VIII (U) 
  Udacity Inc (U)               <0.1 
  WI Harper Fund                <0.1 
   VII (U 10) 
  Global AI Opportunities       <0.1 
   Fund                            - 
  Intarcia Therapeutics 
   Inc (U) 
                                            ARCH Ventures             <0.1        Clear Secure Inc                 0.1 
                                             Fund X (U) 
                                                                                   Clover Health Investments       0.1 
                                                                                   KE Holdings                     0.1 
                                                                                   Zymergen (p)                    0.1 
                                                                                   PsiQuantum (U)                  0.1 
                                                                                   Salt Pay Co Ltd (U)             0.1 
                                                                                   ARCH Ventures Fund             <0.1 
                                                                                    XI (U) 
                                                                                   Beam Therapeutics              <0.1 
 Total                          50.6        Total                     21.2        Total                           27.3 
==========================  ========       =====================  ========       ===========================  ======== 

(U) Denotes unlisted (private company) security.

(p) Denotes listed security previously held in the portfolio as an unlisted (private company) security (.)

(10) (Denotes security held for more than 10 years.)

(Net liquid assets represent 0.9% of total assets. See Glossary of Terms and Alternative Performance Measures at the end of this announcement.)

List of investments at 30 September 2021 (unaudited) 
Name             Business              Fair value      % of total   Contribution                   Fair value 
                                     30 September          assets    to absolute                     31 March 
                                             2021                   performance*                         2021 
                                          GBP'000                              %        Notes         GBP'000 
===============  ================  ==============  ==============  =============  ===============  ========== 
                 Clinical stage 
Moderna           company               1,943,247             9.2            7.2                      646,271 
Illumina          equipment             1,221,406             5.8            0.6                    1,059,297 
ASML             Lithography            1,163,871             5.5            1.4                      923,130 
                 Electric cars, 
                  and solar 
Tesla Inc         energy                  983,770             4.7            0.7                      828,668 
Tencent          Internet 
 Holdings         services                858,577             4.1          (1.4)                   1,110,755 
Ginkgo BioWorks  Bio-engineering                                                    addition to 
 Inc (p)          company                 674,515             3.2            2.1    investment        259,544 
Meituan          Local services 
 Dianping (p)     aggregator              606,440             2.9          (0.7)                      717,711 
                 Designs and 
                  and autonomous 
NIO Inc (p)       vehicles                593,453             2.8          (0.1)                      634,335 
                 Online food 
Delivery Hero     service                 549,846             2.6              -                      544,212 
                 Online retailer                                                    Significant 
                  and cloud                                                        reduction to 
Amazon.com        computing               546,650             2.6            0.4    investment        910,847 
                 Online retailing 
Alibaba Group     and financial 
 (p)              services                525,851             2.5          (1.5)                      792,539 
NVIDIA           Visual computing         471,257             2.2            1.2                      334,991 
                 Luxury goods 
                  producer and 
Kering            retailer                446,133             2.1            0.3                      422,631 
                  service for TV 
Netflix           and movies              420,171             2.0            0.3                      351,135 
                 Latin American 
MercadoLibre      platform                404,568             1.9            0.2                      303,802 
                 Online platform 
                  to send and 
Wise Plc (p)      money                   403,024             1.9            1.1                      189,200 
ByteDance Ltd 
 E Pref. (U)     Social media             199,017             0.9            0.1                      173,187 
ByteDance Ltd 
 E-1 Pref. (U)   Social media             179,042             0.9            0.1                      155,805 
                                   ==============  ==============  =============  ===============  ========== 
                                          378,059             1.8            0.2                      328,992 
                                   ==============  ==============  =============  ===============  ========== 
                  developer and 
                  specialised in 
Northvolt AB      technology for 
 Series E1        electric 
 Pref. (U)        vehicles                233,679             1.1            0.1                      218,459 
                  developer and 
                  specialised in 
Northvolt AB      technology for 
 Series E2        electric 
 Pref. (U)        vehicles                115,663             0.5              -    New purchase            - 
                  developer and 
                  specialised in 
Northvolt AB      technology for                                                    Significant 
 Series A         electric                                                          addition to 
 Ord. (U)         vehicles                 17,499             0.1              -     investment           362 
Name             Business              Fair value      % of total   Contribution                   Fair value 
                                     30 September          assets    to absolute                     31 March 
                                             2021                   performance*                         2021 
                                          GBP'000                              %        Notes         GBP'000 
===============  ================  ==============  ==============  =============  ===============  ========== 
                  developer and 
                  specialised in 
Northvolt AB      technology for 
 MIP 1            electric 
 Warrants (U)     vehicles                  4,381             0.1              -                        4,094 
                  developer and 
                  specialised in 
Northvolt AB      technology for                                                    Significant 
 MIP 4            electric                                                          addition to 
 Warrants (U)     vehicles                  1,495            <0.1              -    investment            364 
                  developer and 
                  specialised in 
Northvolt AB      technology for 
 MIP 3            electric 
 Warrants (U)     vehicles                  1,301            <0.1              -                        1,214 
                  developer and 
                  specialised in 
Northvolt AB      technology for 
 MIP 2            electric 
 Warrants (U)     vehicles                    780            <0.1              -                          729 
                  developer and 
                  specialised in 
Northvolt AB      technology for 
 Series D1        electric                                                                 New 
 Pref. (U)        vehicles                    551            <0.1              -         purchase           - 
                  developer and 
                  specialised in 
Northvolt AB      technology for 
 MIP 5            electric 
 Warrants (U)     vehicles                    473            <0.1              -   New purchase             - 
                  developer and 
                  specialised in 
Northvolt AB      technology for 
 Series D         electric 
 Pref. (U)        vehicles                    300            <0.1              -                          280 
                                          376,122             1.8            0.1                      225,502 
                                   ==============  ==============  =============  ===============  ========== 
                 Online platform 
                  which provides 
Affirm Holdings   lending and 
 Inc              consumer credit 
 Class A (p)      services                198,608             0.9            0.4                      114,837 
                 Online platform 
                  which provides 
Affirm Holdings   lending and 
 Inc              consumer credit 
 Class B (p)      services                163,749             0.8            0.3                       94,681 
                                          362,357             1.7            0.7                      209,518 
                                   ==============  ==============  =============  ===============  ========== 
                  online clothing 
Zalando           retailer                334,539             1.6              -                      290,851 
HelloFresh (p)   Grocery retailer         318,390             1.5            0.5                      253,246 
                 Global payment 
Adyen             company                 304,010             1.4            0.4                      237,488 
Spotify          Online music 
 Technology SA    streaming 
 (p)              service                 276,378             1.3          (0.3)                      321,399 
Stripe Inc 
 Series G Pref.  Online payment 
 (U)              platform                179,483             0.9            0.2                      149,651 
Stripe Inc 
 Series Class B  Online payment 
 Common (U)       platform                 63,191             0.3            0.1    New purchase            - 
Stripe Inc 
 Series H Pref.  Online payment 
 (U)              platform                 26,330             0.1              -                       21,954 
                                   ==============  ==============  =============  ===============  ========== 
                                          269,004             1.3            0.3                      171,605 
                                   ==============  ==============  =============  ===============  ========== 
Name              Business                   Fair value       % of total  Contribution to                   Fair value 
                                           30 September           assets         absolute                     31 March 
                                                   2021                      performance*                         2021 
                                                GBP'000                                 %        Notes         GBP'000 
================  ====================  ===============  ===============  ===============  ===============  ========== 
                  Cloud-based commerce 
Shopify            provider                     262,154              1.2              0.3                      209,270 
 Technologies     Designs, 
 Corp              manufactures and 
 Series J Pref.    launches rockets 
 (U)               and spacecraft               109,142              0.5              0.1                       98,196 
 Technologies     Designs, 
 Corp              manufactures and 
 Series N Pref.    launches rockets 
 (U)               and spacecraft                87,718              0.4                -                       78,921 
 Technologies     Designs, 
 Corp              manufactures and                                                          Significant 
 Class A Common    launches rockets                                                          addition to 
 (U)               and spacecraft                42,790              0.2                -     investment        17,404 
 Technologies     Designs, 
 Corp              manufactures and 
 Class C Common    launches rockets 
 (U)               and spacecraft                13,198              0.1                -                       11,875 
                                                252,848              1.2              0.1                      206,396 
                                        ===============  ===============  ===============  ===============  ========== 
You & Mr Jones 
 Class A Units 
 (U)              Digital advertising           185,412              0.9              0.3                      135,899 
You & Mr Jones 
 Class C Units 
 (U)              Digital advertising            60,743              0.3              0.1                       42,971 
                                        ===============  ===============  ===============  ===============  ========== 
                                                246,155              1.2              0.4                      178,870 
                                        ===============  ===============  ===============  ===============  ========== 
                  Uses image 
                   learning and 
Recursion          automation to                                                             Significant 
 Pharmaceuticals   improve drug                                                              addition to 
 Inc (p)           discovery                    238,359              1.1              1.1     investment        55,509 
 (p)              Biotechnology                 230,020              1.1                -                      253,963 
                  Offers molecular 
                   diagnostics tests 
                   for cancer and 
Tempus Labs Inc    aggregates 
 Series E Pref.    clinical oncology 
 (U)               records                      131,682              0.6                -                      128,690 
                  Offers molecular 
                   diagnostics tests 
                   for cancer and 
Tempus Labs Inc    aggregates 
 Series F Pref.    clinical oncology 
 (U)               records                       48,066              0.2                -                       46,974 
                  Offers molecular 
                   diagnostics tests 
                   for cancer and 
Tempus Labs Inc    aggregates 
 Series G-2        clinical oncology 
 Pref. (U)         records                       37,082              0.2                -                       36,240 
                  Offers molecular 
                   diagnostics tests 
                   for cancer and 
Tempus Labs Inc    aggregates 
 Series G Pref.    clinical oncology 
 (U)               records                        7,758              0.1                -                        7,581 
                                        ===============  ===============  ===============  ===============  ========== 
                                                224,588              1.1                -                      219,485 
                                        ===============  ===============  ===============  ===============  ========== 
                                                                                             reduction to 
Ferrari           Luxury automobiles            211,390              1.0                -     investment       304,315 
                  Online platform for 
                   buying used 
Carvana            cars                         205,342              1.0              0.2                      174,501 
Name             Business              Fair value       % of total    Contribution                  Fair value 
                                     30 September           assets     to absolute                    31 March 
                                             2021                     performance*                        2021 
                                          GBP'000                                %       Notes         GBP'000 
===============  ===============  ===============  ===============  ==============  ==============  ========== 
Zoom              provider                199,386              0.9           (0.1)                     239,408 
Wayfair           goods retailer          198,493              0.9           (0.2)                     239,353 
 International   Online 
 Ltd              financial 
 Class C Ord.     services 
 (U)              platform                194,666              0.9           (0.2)                     240,306 
Pinduoduo Inc     e-commerce              178,774              0.8           (0.4)                     258,258 
                 Developer of a 
                  cloud data                                                         Significant 
Snowflake Inc     warehousing                                                        addition to 
 (p)              platform                174,885              0.8             0.3    investment        74,865 
                  company that 
                  and operates 
Zipline           drones to 
 International    deliver 
 Inc Series D     medical 
 Pref. (U)        supplies                 58,975              0.3               -                      61,116 
                  company that 
Zipline           and operates 
 International    drones to 
 Inc              deliver 
 Series C Pref.   medical 
 (U)              supplies                 50,362              0.2               -                      52,190 
                  company that 
Zipline           and operates 
 International    drones to 
 Inc              deliver 
 Series E Pref.   medical 
 (U)              supplies                 44,499              0.2               -                      46,114 
                                  ===============  ===============  ==============  ==============  ========== 
                                          153,836              0.7               -                     159,420 
                                  ===============  ===============  ==============  ==============  ========== 
                 Online grocery 
                  retailer and                                                       Significant 
                  technology                                                         addition to 
Ocado             provider                145,372              0.7           (0.2)    investment       124,357 
DoorDash          services                140,757              0.7             0.3                      87,606 
Epic Games Inc 
 (U)             Gaming platform          139,741              0.7           (0.1)                     155,065 
                 On demand air                                                       addition to 
Lilium NV (p)     transportation          137,831              0.7               -    investment        54,226 
Vir               developing 
 Biotechnology    anti-infective 
 Inc (p)          therapies               120,578              0.6           (0.1)                     136,754 
 Finance         Indian mortgage 
 Corporation      provider                116,832              0.6             0.1                     105,134 
The Production   Holding company 
 Board            for food 
 Series A-2       technology 
 Pref. (U)        companies                88,998              0.4             0.3                      35,080 
The Production   Holding company 
 Board            for food 
 Series A-3       technology 
 Pref. (U)        companies                25,958              0.1               -   New purchase            - 
                                  ===============  ===============  ==============  ==============  ========== 
                                          114,956              0.5             0.3                      35,080 
                                  ===============  ===============  ==============  ==============  ========== 
                 Online and 
Warby Parker      glasses 
 Inc (p)          retailer                111,482              0.5             0.3                      59,165 
Kinnevik          company                 111,214              0.5             0.2                     150,313 
Name             Business              Fair value       % of total    Contribution                  Fair value 
                                     30 September           assets     to absolute                    31 March 
                                             2021                     performance*                        2021 
                                          GBP'000                                %       Notes         GBP'000 
===============  ===============  ===============  ===============  ==============  ==============  ========== 
                  security and 
Tanium Inc        systems 
 Class B          management 
 Common (U)       solutions               107,333              0.5               -                     106,961 
                                                                                     reduction to 
Atlas Copco      Engineering               97,185              0.5               -    investment       154,175 
                  and delivering 
Sana              engineered 
 Biotechnology    cells 
 Inc (p)          as medicine              93,260              0.4           (0.3)                     134,828 
 Agriculture     Analyses plant 
 Inc              microbiomes to 
 Series D Pref.   increase crop 
 (U)              yields                   33,570              0.2               -                      32,807 
 Agriculture     Analyses plant 
 Inc              microbiomes to 
 Series F Pref.   increase crop 
 (U)              yields                   17,120              0.1               -                      16,731 
 Agriculture     Analyses plant 
 Inc              microbiomes to 
 Series E Pref.   increase crop 
 (U)              yields                   17,064              0.1               -                      17,187 
 Agriculture     Analyses plant 
 Inc              microbiomes to 
 Series G Pref.   increase crop 
 (U)              yields                   11,125             <0.1               -    New purchase           - 
Indigo           Analyses plant 
 Agriculture      microbiomes to 
 Inc              increase crop 
 Common (U)       yields                    3,770             <0.1               -                       3,685 
                                  ===============  ===============  ==============  ==============  ========== 
                                           82,649              0.4               -                      70,410 
                                  ===============  ===============  ==============  ==============  ========== 
Thumbtack Inc     service for 
 Series           local 
 G Pref. (U)      businesses               47,802              0.2             0.1                      40,115 
Thumbtack Inc     service for 
 Series           local 
 I Pref. (U)      businesses               14,121              0.1               -    New purchase           - 
Thumbtack Inc     service for 
 Series           local 
 H Pref. (U)      businesses                9,560              0.1               -                       8,023 
Thumbtack Inc     service for 
 Class            local 
 A Common (U)     businesses                5,274             <0.1               -   New purchase            - 
Thumbtack Inc     service for 
 Series           local 
 A Pref. (U)      businesses                3,110             <0.1               -   New purchase            - 
Thumbtack Inc     service for 
 Series           local 
 C Pref. (U)      businesses                  910             <0.1               -   New purchase            - 
Thumbtack Inc     service for 
 Series           local 
 B Pref. (U)      businesses                  211             <0.1               -   New purchase            - 
                                  ===============  ===============  ==============  ==============  ========== 
                                           80,988              0.4             0.1                      48,138 
                                  ===============  ===============  ==============  ==============  ========== 
Carbon Inc        and develops 
 Series D         3D 
 Pref. (U)        printers                 49,001              0.2               -                      45,876 
Carbon Inc        and develops 
 Series E         3D 
 Pref. (U)        printers                 30,655              0.2               -                      28,700 
                                  ===============  ===============  ==============  ==============  ========== 
                                           79,656              0.4               -                      74,576 
                                  ===============  ===============  ==============  ==============  ========== 
 Inc             Financial 
 Series B-1       software 
 Pref. (U)        developer                78,207              0.4               -   New purchase            - 
GoPuff Inc       On demand 
 (GoBrands)       retail 
 Series G Pref.   delivery 
 (U)              service                  77,881              0.4             0.1                      54,360 
Name               Business                Fair value        % of total  Contribution to                    Fair value 
                                         30 September            assets         absolute                      31 March 
                                                 2021                       performance*                          2021 
                                              GBP'000                                  %        Notes          GBP'000 
=================  ================  ================  ================  ===============  ================  ========== 
Honor Technology 
 Inc               Provider of 
 Series D Pref.     home-care 
 (U)                services                   48,683               0.3              0.1                        36,240 
Honor Technology 
 Inc               Provider of 
 Series E Pref.     home-care 
 (U)                services                   27,802               0.1                -    New purchase             - 
                                     ================  ================  ===============  ================  ========== 
                                               76,485               0.4              0.1                        36,240 
                                     ================  ================  ===============  ================  ========== 
Blockchain.com     Software 
 Series             platform for 
 C-1 Pref. (U)      digital assets             74,694               0.4                -    New purchase             - 
                   Provider of an 
                    designed to 
Rappi Inc. Series   connect 
 F                  consumers with 
 Pref. (U)          local stores               74,165               0.4                -    New purchase             - 
Redwood Materials  Environmental 
 Inc. Series C      battery 
 Pref. (U)          recycling                  74,165               0.4                -    New purchase             - 
Solugen Inc.       Specialty 
 Series             chemicals 
 C-1 Pref. (U)      manufacturer               74,165               0.4                -    New purchase             - 
Full Truck         Freight-truck 
 Alliance           matching 
 Ltd (p)            platform                   71,162               0.3              0.1                        51,854 
Relativity Space   Designs and 
 Inc                builds rockets 
 Series D Pref.     using 
 (U)                3D printers                48,786               0.2                -                        34,930 
Relativity Space   Designs and 
 Inc                builds rockets 
 Series E Pref.     using 
 (U)                3D printers                22,249               0.1              0.1    New purchase             - 
                                     ================  ================  ===============  ================  ========== 
                                               71,035               0.3              0.1                        34,930 
                                     ================  ================  ===============  ================  ========== 
ChargePoint        Electric vehicle 
 Holdings           charging 
 Inc                solutions                  67,792               0.3            (0.1)                        77,408 
                   Online market 
Airbnb Inc Class    place for 
 B                  travel 
 Common (p)         accommodation              66,852               0.3            (0.1)                        73,048 
Databricks Inc 
 Series            Data software 
 H Pref. (U)        solutions                  66,526               0.3                -    New purchase             - 
Joby Aviation Inc                                                                             Significant 
 Series C Pref.    Electric                                                                   addition to 
 (p)                aircraft                   56,421               0.3                -      investment        18,438 
 Holdings          Producer of 
 Ltd Series C       alcoholic 
 Pref. (U)          beverages                  56,267               0.3              0.1                        45,632 
Workrise           Online platform 
 Technologies       connecting 
 Inc Series E       contractors 
 Pref. (U)          with work                  56,250               0.3                -                        47,112 
Bolt Threads Inc   Natural fibres 
 Series D Pref.     and fabrics 
 (U)                manufacturer               30,668               0.2                -                        32,360 
Bolt Threads Inc   Natural fibres 
 Series E Pref.     and fabrics 
 (U)                manufacturer               24,006               0.1                -     New purchase            - 
                                     ================  ================  ===============  ================  ========== 
                                               54,674               0.3                -                        32,360 
                                     ================  ================  ===============  ================  ========== 
                    software for 
HeartFlow Inc       disease 
 Series             diagnosis 
 E Pref. (U)        and treatment              53,552               0.2              0.1                        37,644 
                   Digital platform 
                    providing home 
Capsule Corp        delivery of 
 Series             prescription 
 D Pref. (U)        medication                 52,201               0.2                -    New purchase             - 
Name               Business                Fair value        % of total  Contribution to                    Fair value 
                                         30 September            assets         absolute                      31 March 
                                                 2021                       performance*                          2021 
                                              GBP'000                                  %        Notes          GBP'000 
=================  ================  ================  ================  ===============  ================  ========== 
                   Life science and 
10x Genomics        company                    45,776               0.2                -    New purchase             - 
 Inc (p)           Biotechnology               45,506               0.2            (0.1)                        65,822 
Aurora Innovation  Developer of 
 Inc                driverless 
 Series B Pref.     vehicle 
 (U)                technology                 43,141               0.2                -                        38,552 
JRSK Inc (Away) 
 Series D Pref.    Manufactures 
 (U)                luggage                    16,752               0.1                -                        15,197 
JRSK Inc (Away) 
 Series Seed       Manufactures 
 Pref. (U)          luggage                     9,137               0.1                -                         7,113 
JRSK Inc (Away) 
 Promissory Note   Manufactures 
 (U)                luggage                     8,716              <0.1                -                         8,531 
JRSK Inc (Away) 
 Promissory Note   Manufactures 
 2021 (U)           luggage                     8,158              <0.1                -    New purchase             - 
                                     ================  ================  ===============  ================  ========== 
                                               42,763               0.2                -                        30,841 
                                     ================  ================  ===============  ================  ========== 
Convoy Inc Series  Marketplace for 
 D                  truckers and 
 Pref. (U)          shippers                   27,110               0.1                -                        25,871 
Convoy Inc Series  Marketplace for 
 E                  truckers and 
 Pref. (U)          shippers                   14,833               0.1                -    New purchase             - 
                                     ================  ================  ===============  ================  ========== 
                                               41,943               0.2                -                        25,871 
                                     ================  ================  ===============  ================  ========== 
Uptake             Designs and 
 Technologies       develops 
 Inc Series D       enterprise 
 Pref. (U)          software                   39,792               0.2                -                        35,598 
Innovation Works 
 Development Fund  Venture capital 
 (U)                fund                       39,697               0.2              0.1                        20,622 
 Series 3 Pref.    Cloud-based 
 (U)                health provider            39,631               0.2                -                        45,950 
                   Designer and 
                    developer of AI 
                    and algorithms 
                    principally for 
Horizon Robotics    systems and 
 Series C Pref.     autonomous 
 (U)                vehicles                   37,082               0.2                -                        36,240 
                    business, using 
Nuro Inc Series C   electric 
 Pref. (U)          vehicles                   37,082               0.2                -                        36,240 
Clear Secure Inc    security firm              30,445               0.1                -    New purchase             - 
Clover Health      Healthcare 
 Investments Corp   insurance 
 (p)                provider                   28,107               0.1                -                        28,214 
                   Chinese real 
KE Holdings         estate platform            25,392               0.1            (0.3)                        77,434 
                   Online platform 
                    for searching 
                    doctors and 
ZocDoc Inc Series   booking 
 D-2 Pref. (U)      appointments               22,029               0.1                -                        16,421 
Name              Business                Fair value        % of total  Contribution to                   Fair value 
                                        30 September            assets         absolute                     31 March 
                                                2021                       performance*                         2021 
                                             GBP'000                                  %        Notes         GBP'000 
================  ================  ================  ================  ===============  ===============  ========== 
                  Venture capital 
                   fund to invest 
ARCH Ventures      in 
 Fund              biotech                                                                  Return of 
 IX (U)            start-ups                  21,759               0.1              0.1      capital          18,556 
                  Developer of                                                              Significant 
                   molecular                                                                addition to 
Zymergen Inc (p)   technology                 21,613               0.1            (0.1)      investment       25,368 
                  Developer of 
PsiQuantum         commercial 
 Series D          quantum 
 Pref. (U)         computing                  18,541               0.1                -   New purchase             - 
Salt Pay Co Ltd 
 Non-             Payment and 
 Voting Ordinary   management 
 Shares (U)        solutions                  18,540               0.1                -   New purchase             - 
Salt Pay Co Ltd 
 Voting           Payment and 
 Ordinary Shares   management 
 (U)               solutions                       1              <0.1                -   New purchase             - 
                                    ================  ================  ===============  ===============  ========== 
                                              18,541               0.1                -                            - 
KSQ Therapeutics 
 Series C Pref. 
 (U)              Biotechnology               13,947              <0.1                -                       13,630 
Sinovation Fund   Venture capital 
 III (U)           fund                       11,000              <0.1                -                        8,613 
WI Harper Fund    Venture capital 
 VIII (U)          fund                        9,549              <0.1                -                        9,174 
Udacity Inc 
 Series D 
 Pref. (U)        Online education             8,988              <0.1                -                        8,928 
WI Harper Fund    Venture capital 
 VII (U)           fund                        7,319              <0.1                -                        6,404 
                  Venture capital 
                   fund to invest 
ARCH Ventures      in 
 Fund              biotech 
 X Overage (U)     start-ups                   6,564              <0.1                -                        4,144 
                  Venture capital 
                   fund to invest 
ARCH Ventures      in 
 Fund              biotech 
 X (U)             start-ups                   6,126              <0.1                -                        3,750 
Global AI          based 
 Opportunities     algorithmic 
 Fund              trading                     5,275              <0.1                -                        5,107 
                  Venture capital 
                   fund to invest 
ARCH Ventures      in 
 Fund              biotech                                                                  Additional 
 XI (U)            start-ups                   2,825              <0.1                -      investment          652 
 Therapeutics     Biotechnology                  663              <0.1                -     New purchase           - 
Intarcia          Implantable drug                                                                                 - 
Therapeutics      delivery system 
Inc Common (++) 
(U)                                                -                 -                - 
Intarcia          Implantable drug                 -                 -                -                            - 
Therapeutics      delivery system 
Inc Convertible 
Bond (++) (U) 
Intarcia          Implantable drug                 -                 -                -                            - 
Therapeutics      delivery system 
Inc Series EE 
Pref. (++) (U) 
                                                   -                 -                -                            - 
================  ================  ================  ================  ===============  ===============  ========== 
Total Investments                         20,955,958              99.1 
Net Liquid Assets#                           188,778               0.9 
Total Assets#                             21,144,736             100.0 
==================================  ================  ================  ===============  ===============  ========== 

(*) (Contribution to absolute performance has been calculated on a total return basis over the period 1 April 2021 to 30 September 2021. For a definition of total return please see the Glossary of Terms and Alternative Performance Measures at the end of this announcement.)

(Significant additions and reductions to investments have been noted where the change is at least a 20% movement from the value of the holding at 31 March 2021. The change in value over the period also reflects the share price performance and the movement in exchange rates) .

# (See Glossary of Terms and Alternative Performance Measures at the end of this announcement.)

(++) (The Intarcia Therapeutics holdings are valued at nil at 30 September 2021.)

   (U)   Denotes unlisted (private company) security. 

(p) Denotes listed security previously held in the portfolio as an unlisted (private company) security.

(The following investments were completely sold during the period: Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Auto1 Group, CureVac, Eventbrite, Lyft, Unity Biotechnology and Workday. Grail was acquired by Illumina in exchange for cash proceeds and Illumina shares.)

(Source: Baillie Gifford/StatPro. See disclaimer at the end of this announcement.)

(Past performance is not a guide to future performance.)

Distribution of assets (unaudited) 

Geographical Analysis

                                                  At              At 
                                   30 September 2021   31 March 2021 
                                                   %               % 
================  ==============  ==================  ============== 
North America                                   57.1            50.0 
 United States                                  55.4            48.9 
 Canada                                          1.6             1.1 
 Caymen Islands                                  0.1               - 
Europe                                          23.5            24.0 
 United Kingdom                                  2.6             1.6 
 Eurozone                                       16.4            17.7 
 Developed Europe (non Euro)                     4.5             4.7 
South America                                    1.9             1.7 
 Brazil                                          1.9             1.7 
Asia                                            17.5            24.3 
 China                                          16.9            23.7 
 India                                           0.6             0.6 
Total assets *                                 100.0           100.0 
================================  ==================  ============== 
Sectoral Analysis 
                                            At              At 
                             30 September 2021   31 March 2021 
                                             %               % 
============  ============  ==================  ============== 
Consumer Staples                           3.4             3.0 
Consumer Discretionary                    32.1            39.0 
Technology                                23.3            25.5 
Healthcare                                21.4            17.2 
Financials                                 4.8             4.1 
Industrials                                9.0             7.4 
Basic Materials                            4.4             1.7 
Real Estate                                0.1             0.4 
Energy                                     0.6             0.7 
Net Liquid Assets                          0.9             1.0 
Total assets *                           100.0           100.0 
==========================  ==================  ============== 

(*) See Glossary of Terms and Alternative Performance Measures at end of this announcement .

                                       Unlisted    Unlisted 
                                       (private    (private 
                                       company)    company)   Net liquid 
                  Listed equities    securities       bonds       assets   Total 
                                %             %           %            %       % 
===============  ================  ============  ==========  ===========  ====== 
 30 September 
  2021                       79.7          19.3         0.1          0.9   100.0 
 31 March 2021               78.7          20.2         0.1          1.0   100.0 

Includes holdings in preference shares and ordinary shares.


Absolute Performance to 30 September 2021 
                               Total return     Total return   Total return (%)(#) 
                                     (%)(#)           (%)(#)       since inception 
                             for five years    For ten years    (2 June 2010) (++) 
========================   ================  ===============  ==================== 
 Overall investment 
  portfolio                           339.9          1,057.8               1,084.7 
 Private and previously 
  private companies                   205.6          1,386.3               1,033.3 
 FTSE All-World Index 
  (in sterling terms)                  83.1            274.8                 274.2 

# For a definition of total return please see Glossary of Terms and Alternative Performance Measures at the end of this announcement.

++ Date of investment in first private company security. Source: StatPro/Baillie Gifford and underlying index providers.

Notes to the condensed financial statements (unaudited) 
1.   The condensed Financial Statements for the six months to 30 September 2021 comprise the statements 
      set out in the previous pages together with the related notes below. They have been prepared 
      in accordance with FRS 104 'Interim Financial Reporting' and the AIC's Statement of Recommended 
      Practice issued in November 2014 and updated in October 2019 and April 2021 with consequential 
      amendments. They have not been audited or reviewed by the Auditor pursuant to the Auditing 
      Practices Board Guidance on 'Review of Interim Financial Information'. The Financial Statements 
      for the six months to 30 September 2021 have been prepared on the basis of the same accounting 
      policies as set out in the Company's Annual Report and Financial Statements at 31 March 2021. 
     Going Concern 
      The Directors have considered the nature of the Company's assets, its liabilities, projected 
      income and expenditure together with its investment objective and policy, dividend policy 
      and principal risks and uncertainties, as set out at the end of this document. The Board has, 
      in particular, considered the impact of heightened market volatility during the Covid-19 pandemic 
      but does not believe the Company's going concern status is affected. The Company's assets, 
      the majority of which are in quoted securities which are readily realisable, exceed its liabilities 
      significantly. All borrowings require the prior approval of the Board. Gearing levels and 
      compliance with borrowing covenants are reviewed by the Board on a regular basis. The Company 
      has continued to comply with the investment trust status requirements of Section 1158 of the 
      Corporation Tax Act 2010 and the Investment Trust (Approved Company) Regulations 2011. Accordingly, 
      the Directors considered it appropriate to adopt the going concern basis of accounting in 
      preparing these Financial Statements and confirm that they are not aware of any material uncertainties 
      which may affect the Company's ability to continue in operational existence for a period of 
      at least twelve months from the date of approval of these Financial Statements. 
2.   The financial information contained within this Interim Financial Report does not constitute 
      statutory accounts as defined in sections 424 to 436 of the Companies Act 2006. The financial 
      information for the year ended 31 March 2021 has been extracted from the statutory accounts 
      which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The Auditor's Report on those accounts 
      was not qualified, did not include a reference to any matter to which the Auditors drew attention 
      by way of emphasis without qualifying its report and did not contain statements under sections 
      498 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006. 
3.   Baillie Gifford & Co Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Baillie Gifford & Co, has been 
      appointed by the Company as its Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM) and Company Secretary. 
      The investment management function has been delegated to Baillie Gifford & Co. The management 
      agreement can be terminated on six months' notice. The annual management fee is 0.30% on the 
      first GBP4 billion of total assets less current liabilities (excluding short term borrowings 
      for investment purposes) and 0.25% thereafter, calculated and payable quarterly. 
4.   Net return per ordinary share                                           Six months to          Six months to 
                                                                         30 September 2021      30 September 2020 
                                                                                   GBP'000                GBP'000 
     ==============================================================  =====================  ===================== 
 Revenue return on ordinary activities after taxation                                8,715                  6,993 
 Capital return on ordinary activities after taxation                            2,654,201              6,348,467 
 ==================================================================  =====================  ===================== 
 Total net return                                                                2,662,916              6,355,460 
 ==================================================================  =====================  ===================== 
 Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue                         1,416,515,214          1,464,928,674 
 ==================================================================  =====================  ===================== 
 Net return per ordinary share figures are based on the above totals of revenue and capital 
  and the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during each period. 
  There are no dilutive or potentially dilutive shares in issue. 
Notes to the condensed financial statements (unaudited) (ctd) 
5.   Dividends                                                              Six months to            Six months to 
                                                                        30 September 2021        30 September 2020 
                                                                                  GBP'000                  GBP'000 
     ================================================================  ==================  ======================= 
     Amounts recognised as distributions in the period: 
 Previous year's final dividend of 1.97p (2020 - 1.86p), paid 1 July 
  2021                                                                             27,984                   27,306 
 ====================================================================  ==================  ======================= 
                                                                                   27,984                   27,306 
 --------------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------  ----------------------- 
     Dividends proposed in the period: 
 Interim dividend for the year ending 31 March 2022 of 1.52p (2021 - 
  1.45p)                                                                           21,459                   21,167 
 --------------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------  ----------------------- 
                                                                                   21,459                   21,167 
 --------------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------  ----------------------- 
     The interim dividend was declared after the period end date and has therefore not been included 
      as a liability in the Balance Sheet. It is payable on 3 December 2021 to shareholders on the 
      register at the close of business on 19 November 2021. The ex-dividend date is 18 November 
      2021. The Company's Registrars offer a Dividend Reinvestment Plan and the final date for elections 
      for this dividend is 22 November 2021. 
6.   Fair Value 
      The fair value hierarchy used to analyse the basis on which the fair values of financial instruments 
      held at fair value through the profit and loss account are measured is described below. The 
      levels are determined by the lowest (that is the least reliable or least independently observable) 
      level of input that is significant to the fair value measurement for the individual investment 
      in its entirety as follows: 
      Level 1 - using unadjusted quoted prices for identical instruments in an active market; 
      Level 2 - using inputs, other than quoted prices included within Level 1, that are directly 
      or indirectly observable (based on 
      market data); and 
      Level 3 - using inputs that are unobservable (for which market data is unavailable). 
      The Company's investments are financial assets designated at fair value through profit or 
      loss. An analysis of the Company's financial asset investments based on the fair value hierarchy 
      described above is shown below. 
     Investments held at fair value through profit or loss 
                                                              Level 1             Level 2    Level 3         Total 
     As at 30 September 2021                                  GBP'000             GBP'000    GBP'000       GBP'000 
     ==========================================  ====================  ==================  =========  ============ 
 Equities/funds                                            16,846,771                   -          -    16,846,771 
 Private company ordinary shares                                    -                   -    587,463       587,463 
 Private company preference shares                                  -                   -  3,391,581     3,391,581 
 Private company convertible note                                   -                   -     16,874        16,874 
 Warrants                                                           -                   -      8,430         8,430 
 Limited partnership investments                                    -                   -    104,839       104,839 
 ==============================================  ====================  ==================  =========  ============ 
 Total financial asset investments                         16,846,771                   -  4,109,187    20,955,958 
 ==============================================  ====================  ==================  =========  ============ 
Notes to the condensed financial statements (unaudited) (ctd) 
                                                    Level 1               Level 2    Level 3               Total 
       As at 31 March 2021 (audited)                GBP'000               GBP'000    GBP'000             GBP'000 
       ===============================  ===================  ====================  =========  ================== 
       Equities/funds                            14,345,430                     -          -          14,345,430 
       Private company ordinary shares                    -                     -    597,839             597,839 
       Private company preference 
        shares                                            -                     -  3,004,792           3,004,792 
       Private company convertible 
        note                                              -                     -     15,949              15,949 
       Warrants                                           -                     -      6,764               6,764 
       Limited partnership investments                    -                     -     71,914              71,914 
       ===============================  ===================  ====================  =========  ================== 
       Total financial asset 
        investments                              14,345,430                     -  3,697,258          18,042,688 
       ===============================  ===================  ====================  =========  ================== 
       During the period, investments with a book cost of GBP281,364,000 were transferred from Level 
        3 to Level 1 on becoming listed. The fair value of listed investments is bid value or, in 
        the case of holdings on certain recognised overseas exchanges, last traded price. Listed Investments 
        are categorised as Level 1 if they are valued using unadjusted quoted prices for identical 
        instruments in an active market and as Level 2 if they do not meet all these criteria but 
        are, nonetheless, valued using market data. 
       Private company investments 
        The Company's holdings in unlisted (private company) investments are categorised as Level 
        3. Private company investments are valued at fair value by the Directors following a detailed 
        review and appropriate challenge of the valuations proposed by the Managers. The Managers' 
        private company investment policy applies techniques consistent with the International Private 
        Equity and Venture Capital Valuation Guidelines 2018 ('IPEV'). The techniques applied are 
        predominantly market-based approaches. The market-based approaches available under IPEV are 
        set out below and are followed by an explanation of how they are applied in the Company's 
        private company portfolio: 
         *    Multiples; 
         *    Industry Valuation Benchmarks; and 
         *    Available Market Prices. 
        The nature of the private company portfolio will influence the valuation technique applied. 
        The valuation approach recognises that, as stated in the IPEV Guidelines, the price of a recent 
        investment, if resulting from an orderly transaction, generally represents fair value as at 
        the transaction date and may be an appropriate starting point for estimating fair value at 
        subsequent measurement dates. However, consideration is given to the facts and circumstances 
        as at the subsequent measurement date, including changes in the market or performance of the 
        investee company. Milestone analysis is used where appropriate to incorporate the operational 
        progress of the investee company into the valuation. Additionally, the background to the transaction 
        must be considered. As a result, various multiples-based techniques are employed to assess 
        the valuations particularly in those companies with established revenues. Discounted cashflows 
        are used where appropriate. An absence of relevant industry peers may preclude the application 
        of the Industry Valuation Benchmarks technique and an absence of observable prices may preclude 
        the Available Market Prices approach. All valuations are cross-checked for reasonableness 
        by employing relevant alternative techniques. 
        The private company investments are valued according to a three monthly cycle of measurement 
        dates. The fair value of the private company investments will be reviewed before the next 
        scheduled three monthly measurement date on the following occasions: 
         *    At the year end and half year end of the Company; and 
         *    Where there is an indication of a change in fair 
              value as defined in the IPEV guidelines (commonly 
              referred to as 'trigger' events). 
7.     The total value of the borrowings (at book) is GBP1,641,824,000 (31 March 2021 - GBP1,237,332,000). 
        The bank loans falling due within one year are a US$391 million revolving 3 year loan with 
        National Australia Bank Limited ('NAB') and a US$50 million revolving 5 year loan with The 
        Royal Bank of Scotland International Limited ('RBS') (31 March 2021 - US$200 million revolving 
        3 year loan with NAB, a US$80 million revolving 3 year loan with RBS and a US$85 million revolving 
        2 year loan with RBS). 
        The bank loans falling due after more than one year are a US$200 million fixed rate loan and 
        a US$180 million fixed rate loan with RBS and a US$300 million fixed rate loan with The Bank 
        of Nova Scotia. 
        During the period, the US$200 million revolving 3 year loan with NAB was refinanced with a 
        US$391 million revolving 3 year loan with NAB, the US$80 million revolving 3 year loan with 
        RBS was refinanced on expiry with a US$180 million 5 year fixed rate credit facility with 
        RBS and the US$85 million revolving 2 year loan with RBS was part refinanced with a US$50 
        million revolving 5 year loan with RBS. 
        During the period the Company issued the following private placement unsecured loan notes: 
        - GBP100 million at a coupon of 2.03% maturing on 10 August 2036 
        - GBP100 million at a coupon of 2.30% maturing on 10 August 2046 
        Following the period end, on 12 October 2021, a US$120 million revolving 3 year loan was drawn 
        down from Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited ('ICBC'). 
8.     The fair value of the borrowings at 30 September 2021 was GBP1,674,997,000 
        (31 March 2021 - GBP1,309,443,000). 
9.                                                                                                            At 
                                                                               At                  31 March 2021 
                                                                30 September 2021                      (audited) 
                                                                 Number of shares               Number of shares 
      =====================================================  ====================  ============================= 
      Share capital: Ordinary shares of 5p each 
 Allotted, called up and fully paid                                 1,411,799,194                  1,421,618,969 
 ==========================================================  ====================  ============================= 
 In the six months to 30 September 2021, the Company sold 850,000 ordinary shares from treasury 
  with a nominal value of GBP42,500 at a premium to net asset value raising net proceeds of 
  GBP12,213,000 (year to 31 March 2021 - issued 24,725,000 ordinary shares, with a nominal value 
  of GBP1,236,250, at a premium to net asset value, raising net proceeds of GBP193,559,000). 
  In the six months to 30 September 2021, 10,669,775 ordinary shares with a nominal value of 
  GBP533,000 were bought back at a total cost of GBP137,731,000 and held in treasury (year to 
  31 March 2021 - 56,365,839 shares with a nominal value of GBP2,818,000 were bought back at 
  a total cost of GBP613,920,000 and held in treasury). At 30 September 2021 the Company had 
  authority remaining to buy back 208,586,466 ordinary shares. 
10.   Transaction costs on acquisitions within the portfolio amounted to GBP382,000 (30 September 
       2020 - GBP1,364,000) and transaction costs on sales amounted to GBP190,000 (30 September 2020 
       - GBP88,000). These costs are included in the book cost of acquisitions and in the net proceeds 
       of disposals. 
11.   Related Party Transactions 
       There have been no transactions with related parties during the first six months of the current 
       financial year that have materially affected the financial position or the performance of 
       the Company during that period and there have been no changes in the related party transactions 
       described in the last Annual Report and Financial Statements that could have had such an effect 
       on the Company during that period. 
Glossary of Terms and Alternative Performance Measures (APM) 
 Total Assets 
 Total assets less current liabilities, before deduction of all borrowings. 
 Net Asset Value 
 Also described as shareholders' funds. Net Asset Value (NAV) is the value of total assets 
 less liabilities (including borrowings). Net Asset Value is calculated on the basis of borrowings 
 stated at book value or fair value. An explanation of each basis is provided below. The NAV 
 per share is calculated by dividing this amount by the number of ordinary shares in issue 
 (excluding treasury shares). 
 Net Asset Value (Borrowings at Book)/Shareholders' Funds 
 Borrowings are valued at adjusted net issue proceeds. The value of the borrowings at book 
 is set out in note 7 above. 
 Net Asset Value (Borrowings at Fair Value) (APM) 
 Borrowings are valued at an estimate of their market worth. The value of the borrowings at 
 fair is set out in note 8 above and a reconciliation to Net Asset Value with borrowings at 
 book value is provided below. 
                                                                      30 September 2021    31 March 2021 
==================================================================  ===================  =============== 
Net Asset Value per ordinary share (borrowings at book value)                  1,381.1p         1,195.1p 
Shareholders' funds (borrowings at book value)                           GBP19,498,883k   GBP16,989,470k 
Add: book value of borrowings                                             GBP1,641,824k    GBP1,237,332k 
Less: fair value of borrowings                                          (GBP1,674,997k)  (GBP1,309,443k) 
==================================================================  ===================  =============== 
Net Asset Value (borrowings at fair value)                               GBP19,465,710k   GBP16,917,359k 
Shares in issue at year end (excluding treasury shares)                   1,411,799,194    1,421,618,969 
Net Asset Value per ordinary share (borrowings at fair value)                  1,378.8p         1,190.0p 
==================================================================  ===================  =============== 
Liquid Assets 
 Net liquid assets comprise current assets less current liabilities (excluding borrowings). 
 Discount/Premium (APM) 
 As stockmarkets and share prices vary, an investment trust's share price is rarely the same 
 as its NAV. When the share price is lower than the NAV per share it is said to be trading 
 at a discount. The size of the discount is calculated by subtracting the share price from 
 the NAV per share and is usually expressed as a percentage of the NAV per share. If the share 
 price is higher than the NAV per share, it is said to be trading at a premium. 
 Gearing (APM) 
 At its simplest, gearing is borrowing. Just like any other public company, an investment trust 
 can borrow money to invest in additional investments for its portfolio. The effect of the 
 borrowing on the shareholders' assets is called 'gearing'. If the Company's assets grow, the 
 shareholders' assets grow proportionately more because the debt remains the same, but if the 
 value of the Company's assets falls, the situation is reversed. Gearing can therefore enhance 
 performance in rising markets but can adversely impact performance in falling markets. 
 Gearing represents borrowings at book value less cash and cash equivalents (including any 
 outstanding trade settlements) expressed as a percentage of shareholders' funds. 
 Turnover (APM) 
 Annual turnover is calculated on a rolling 12 month basis. The lower of purchases and sales 
 for the 12 months is divided by the average assets, with average assets being calculated on 
 assets as at each month's end. 
 Active Share (APM) 
 Active share, a measure of how actively a portfolio is managed, is the percentage of the portfolio 
 that differs from its comparative index. It is calculated by deducting from 100 the percentage 
 of the portfolio that overlaps with the comparative index. An active share of 100 indicates 
 no overlap with the index and an active share of zero indicates a portfolio that tracks the 
 Total Return (APM) 
 The total return is the return to shareholders after reinvesting the net dividend on the date 
 that the share price goes ex-dividend. 
                                                                    30 September 2021            30 September 2020 
                                                                    NAV       NAV     Share       NAV      NAV   Share 
                                                                 (book)    (fair)     price    (book)   (fair)   price 
==========================================  =================  ========  ========  ========  ========  =======  ====== 
Closing NAV per share/share price           (a)                1,381.1p  1,378.8p  1,428.0p    999.8p   992.0p  991.0p 
Dividend adjustment factor *                (b)                  1.0020    1.0012    1.0016    1.0026   1.0025  1.0023 
Adjusted closing NAV per share/share price  (c = a x b)        1,383.9p  1,380.4p  1,430.3p  1,002.4p   994.5p  993.3p 
Opening NAV per share/share price           (d)                1,195.1p  1,190.0p  1,137.0p    567.3p   565.7p  573.5p 
==========================================  =================  ========  ========  ========  ========  =======  ====== 
Total return                                (c ÷ d) - 1      15.8%     16.0%     25.8%     76.7%    75.8%   73.2% 
==========================================  =================  ========  ========  ========  ========  =======  ====== 

* The dividend adjustment factor is calculated on the assumption that the final dividend of 1.97p (2020 - 1.86p) paid by the Company during the period was reinvested into shares of the Company at the cum income NAV per share/share price, as appropriate, at the ex-dividend date.

Principal Risks and Uncertainties 
 The principal risks facing the Company are financial risk, private company investments risk, 
 investment strategy risk, discount risk, regulatory risk, custody and depositary risk, operational 
 risk, leverage risk and political risk. An explanation of these risks and how they are managed 
 is set out on pages 9 and 10 of the Company's Annual Report and Financial Statements for the 
 year to 31 March 2021 which is available on the Company's website: scottishmortgageit.com 
 The principal risks and uncertainties have not changed since the date of that report with 
 the exception of the ongoing situation regarding Covid-19. 

Shareholders will be notified on or around 17 November 2021 that the Interim Financial Report has been published and will be available on the Scottish Mortgage page of the Managers' website scottishmortgageit.com . (++)

None of the views expressed in this document should be construed as advice to buy or sell a particular investment.

Scottish Mortgage Investment Trust PLC is an actively managed, low cost investment trust, investing in a concentrated global portfolio of companies with the aim of maximising its total return over the long term. It looks for strong businesses with above-average returns and aims to achieve a greater return than the FTSE All-World Index (in sterling terms) over a five year rolling period.

You can find up to date performance information about Scottish Mortgage on the Scottish Mortgage page of the Managers' website at scottishmortgageit.com ++

++ Neither the contents of the Managers' website nor the contents of any website accessible from hyperlinks on the Managers' website (or any other website) is incorporated into, or forms part of, this announcement.

Scottish Mortgage is managed by Baillie Gifford & Co, the Edinburgh based fund management group with over GBP363 billion under management and advice in active equity and bond portfolios for clients in the UK and throughout the world (as at 5 November 2021).

Investment Trusts are UK public limited companies and are not authorised or regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Past performance is not a guide to future performance. The value of an investment and any income from it is not guaranteed and may go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount invested. This is because the share price is determined by the changing conditions in the relevant stock markets in which the Company invests and by the supply and demand for the Company's shares.

5 November 2021

For further information please contact:

Catharine Flood, Baillie Gifford & Co

Tel: 0131 275 2718

Mark Knight, Director, Four Communications

Tel: 0203 761 4438 or 07803 758810

Automatic Exchange of Information

In order to fulfil its obligations under UK tax legislation relating to the automatic exchange of information, Scottish Mortgage Investment Trust PLC is required to collect and report certain information about certain shareholders.

The legislation requires investment trust companies to provide personal information to HMRC on certain investors who purchase shares in investment trusts. Accordingly, Scottish Mortgage Investment Trust PLC will have to provide information annually to the local tax authority on the tax residencies of a number of non-UK based certificated shareholders and corporate entities. Shareholders, excluding those whose shares are held in CREST, who come on to the share register will be sent a certification form for the purposes of collecting this information.

For further information, please see HMRC's Quick Guide: Automatic Exchange of Information - information for account holders gov.uk/government/publications/exchange-of-information-account-holders.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

November 08, 2021 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

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