RNS Number : 8395I
  Supporta PLC
  25 November 2008

    Supporta Plc
    ("Supporta" or the "Company")

    Half yearly report for the six months ended 30 September 2008

    Supporta Plc, the domiciliary care and white collar outsourced services provider to the public sector, announces its half yearly results
for the six months ended 30 September 2008.

    Financial Highlights for the six months ended 30 September 2008

    Revenue increased by 16% to �28.35m (2007: �24.35m)

    Operating profit* increased by 24% to �1.94m (2007: �1.56m)

    Operating profit margin* increased by 8% to 6.8% (2007: 6.3%)

    Loss before tax from continuing operations �0.55m (2007: profit of �0.39m)        

    Earnings per share* reduced by 28% to 0.87p (2007:1.20p) 

    Cash generated from operations improved by 453% to �1.79m (2007:�0.39m)

    Order book increased by 10% to �96.3m (2007:�87.9m) 

    * before share based payment charge, amortisation and exceptional items.

    John Jasper, Chief Executive, said:

    "I am pleased with the performance in the first six months of the year. Our Care business is operating in a strong market and has again
delivered an exceptional profit performance again during the first six months of this year. Our Professional Services businesses are facing
tougher market conditions. TerraQuest continues to perform well whilst the economic conditions within the property sector have led to a slow
start to the year for Architecture and Engineering. Trading in the year to date is in line with management expectations."

    For further enquiries please contact:

    Supporta Plc
    John Jasper, Group Chief Executive                 Tel: (01926) 516 600
    Darren Xiberras, Group Finance Director         Tel: (01926) 516 600
    Bell Pottinger Corporate & Financial
    David Rydell / Nick Lambert                           Tel: 020 7861 3232
    Brewin Dolphin Investment Banking                Tel: 0845 213 4852
    Matt Davis / Andrew Emmott

    Group Chief Executive's Report

    Supporta's underlying business has overall continued to deliver a robust performance during the first six months of the financial year
notwithstanding the turbulent market conditions being faced by some parts of our Group. A number of initiatives are helping us achieve these

    *     4,000 hours of new Care contracts implemented
    *     11,000 hour increase in Care delivered compared to equivalent period last year
    *     13,300 hours of Care contracts renewed.
    *     Strengthened Care management team
    *     Hallam acquisition integrated and now performing in line with expectations
    *     PLC costs significantly reduced
    *     Warwick offices closed
    *     Excellent first six months for Supporta TerraQuest offset by slow starts for Architecture and Engineering and bad debt provisions

    Supporta Care

    Supporta Care has delivered an exceptional set of results showing an 18% organic increase in operating profits* on organic turnover
growth of 23%. Operating margins* deteriorated slightly to 10.7% compared to 11.2% in the same period last year and 11.5% in the year ended
31 March 2008. This deterioration in margin was driven by investment in the management team and new services to allow us to deliver strong
future growth.

    The business has had a relatively slow six months of contract wins as we have focused on implementing the new contracts we have recently
won and ensuring renewals of existing contracts. Contracts won include:

    Surrey                                        1,000 hrs
    Norfolk additional hours        1,000 hrs
    Brighton & Hove extracare       450 hrs
                                                               2,450 hrs

    These contracts are expected to begin service delivery in the second half of the year.

    The Order book for Supporta Care stands at �76.3m at the beginning of November an increase of 12.2% over the position at 30 September

    Supporta Professional Services

    Supporta TerraQuest has had an excellent start to the year with operating profits* increasing by 10% on the same period last year
despite the more difficult economic climate.

    Supporta Architecture and Engineering have had slow starts to the year and profits have been impacted by a �0.19m bad debt charge
resulting from two customers, Chase Norton and City Lofts, entering administration.

    Supporta Document Solutions' capability has been enhanced with the opening of a new storage facility at its Upper Heyford Site. The new
facility will depress margins initially until its utilisation increases.

    Supporta Healthcare agreed a mutual termination of contract with the Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust in May 2008 for a fee of �0.2m
equivalent to one year's profits.

    Action has been taken in November to reduce overhead costs significantly and some operational capacity has been reduced within
Architecture and Engineering reflecting the current economic situation within the Property sector.

    The order book for Supporta Professional Services (including amounts expected from framework agreements) stands at �20.0m which is a 1%
increase over the position at 30 September 2007.

    * before share based payment charge, amortisation and exceptional items.

      Corporate Development

    We decided to close the PLC headquarters office at the end of August 2008. We are currently in negotiation to surrender the lease to the
landlord. We have therefore made a provision for an onerous lease at the half year of �0.86m as an exceptional charge. We expect cashflow in
the second half of the year to be impacted by approximately �0.63m being the lease surrender premium and settling finance and operating
leases outstanding. The balance of the charge will be accounted for by a write off of fixed assets. This compared favourably to the option
of retaining the premises to the first break in the lease which was in 2015. The annualised cost of the running the building is �0.38m.  The
remainder of the amount charged as exceptional relates principally to costs incurred resulting from the offers received by the Group in the
first half of the year, redundancies and charges relating to discontinued businesses.

    At the 31 December 2008 Michael Curran, Chief Executive Officer of the Supporta Professional Services Division will retire from his role
on the Board. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Michael formally for his excellent contribution to the management of the
company over the past five years and especially in managing the costs within the SPS division over the last twelve months as it faced the
most testing market conditions. The Managing Directors of the business units will now report through directly to me.

    Possible Offer

    On 4 September 2008, the Board announced that it had received an approach that may or may not lead to an offer being made for the
Company. As at 24 November 2008, being the latest practicable date prior to the publication of this document, discussions with interested
parties remain on-going. Shareholders however should note that there can be no guarantee that any offer for the Company will be

    I would once again like to take the opportunity to thank all of our staff who have contributed to the solid performance of the business
during the first six months of the year.

    John Jasper
    Group Chief Executive
    25 November 2008


    The Group's overall results for the period ended 30 September 2008 and percentage change from the period ended 30 September 2007 are:

    Revenue                                                                      �28.35m           +16%
    Operating Profit                                                          �0.31m            -59%
    Operating Profit Margin                                               1.5%            -66%
    Loss Before Tax From Continuing operations      �0.34m            
    Cash Generated From Operations                          �1.81m        +464%        
    Loss Per Share from continuing operations            0.67p            

    Segmental Analysis
                              Unaudited 6 months to 30 September     Unaudited 6 months to 30 September
                                                            2008                                   2007           Year to 31 March 2008
                                  Turnover     Operating Profit*         Turnover     Operating Profit*     Turnover  Operating Profit*
                                     �'000                 �'000            �'000                 �'000        �'000              �'000
 Care                               20,828                 2,224           16,054                1,791        34,326              3,955
 Professional Services               7,847                   730           8,296                 1,030       17,013              2,121 
 PLC/Other                           (326)               (1,018)              -                 (1,265)     (576)               (2,053)
                                    28,348                 1,936          24,350                 1,556       50,763               4,023

    * before share based payment charge, amortisation and exceptional items.

    Group profit before tax in the six months to 30 September 2008 reduced principally as a result of the provision for the lease
termination of the headquarters building and increased interest charges.  The increase in finance charges relates principally to the impact
of deferred consideration having now been paid increasing the level of bank debt compared to the six month period ending 30 September 2007.

    The Group entered into a hedging arrangement in May 2008 to fix the remainder of the Group's current term debt at a rate of 5.445% until
31 December 2011 plus the applicable margin which is currently 3%.

    Net debt decreased slightly at 30 September 2008 to �17.29m from �17.40m at 31 March 2008.

    All deferred consideration in relation to the TerraQuest acquisition has now been settled with �1.11m of cash and �1.11m of Supporta
shares paid (being 4,908,902 shares issued based on a market price of 22.625p) to the vendors of the business in June 2008. Deferred
consideration of �0.14m for Bay Associates was still outstanding at the balance sheet date but paid to the vendor in early October 2008.  
�1.01m in cash was received from an escrow account established upon the acquisition of Hallam Healthcare in September 2008 as a result of
the business not achieving certain targets agreed within the Share Purchase Agreement. No deferred consideration is being recognised for the
Hallam Healthcare acquisition. A small acquisition of the private patient business of Helpful Hands an operation trading in Harrow was
completed for consideration of �0.08m in April 2008.  

    The Directors are of the opinion that there are no material indicators of a permanent diminution in the carrying value of Goodwill at
the balance sheet date. Our property related businesses are more exposed to the current downturn in the economic cycle and an impairment
review will be carried out at the end of the year.

    The actuarial gain of �0.36m on the defined benefit pension scheme recognised in the statement of recognised income and expense arises
principally as a result of a change in the discount rate for liabilities from 6.4% to 6.9% agreed with the scheme trustees and an
improvement in corporate bond yields over the period, offset by a deterioration in asset values resulting from recent global equity

    Darren Xiberras
    Group Finance Director
    25 November 2008

                                 Notes     Unaudited6 months     Unaudited6 months       Yearto 31 March
                                             to30 September                   to30             2008�*000
                                                   2008�*000    September2007�*000
 CONTINUING OPERATIONS                                                                                  
 Revenue                                              28,348                24,350                50,763
 Cost of sales                                      (20,365)              (18,366)              (36,793)
 GROSS PROFIT                                          7,983                 5,984                13,970
 Administrative expenses before                      (6,047)               (4,428)               (9,943)
 share based payment charge,
 amortisation and exceptional
 OPERATING PROFIT BEFORE SHARE                         1,936                 1,556                 4,027
 Share based payment charge,         2               (1,627)                 (510)               (3,004)
 amortisation and exceptional
 OPERATING PROFIT/(LOSS)                                 309                 1,046                 1,023
 Finance income                                          279                   282                   484
 Finance costs                                       (1,140)                 (936)               (1,880)
 PROFIT/(LOSS) BEFORE TAXATION                         (552)                   392                 (373)
 Taxation                                               (16)                  (33)                 (277)
 PROFIT / (LOSS) FOR THE PERIOD                        (568)                   359                 (650)
 DiscontinuED operations                                                                                
 (Loss)/profit for the period                              -                 (795)                 (942)
 from discontinued operations
 (LOSS)/PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD                          (568)                 (436)               (1,592)
 EARNINGS/(LOSS) PER SHARE                                                                              
 Continuing and discontinuing                                                                           
 - basic                                             (0.67)p               (0.65)p               (2.24)p
 - diluted                                           (0.67)p               (0.64)p               (2.24)p
 Continuing operations                                                                                  
 - basic                                             (0.67)p                 0.53p               (0.91)p
 - diluted                                           (0.67)p                 0.53p               (0.91)p

    As at 30 September 2008

                                 Notes           Unaudited30  Unaudited30 September    31 March2008�*000
                                                  September                2007�*000
 NON-CURRENT ASSETS                                                                                     
 Goodwill                                             43,015                  41,199              43,852
 Other intangible assets             4                 2,801                   3,076               3,071
 Property, plant and equipment                           925                     648                 975
 Deferred tax asset                                      806                     877                 891
 Derivative financial                                      -                      98                  22
                                                      47,547                  45,898              48,811
 CURRENT ASSETS                                                                                         
 Trade and other receivables                          12,312                  13,128              12,956
 Cash and cash equivalents                               245                     433                  52
                                                      12,557                  13,561              13,008
 Non-current assets classified                             -                       -                 185
 as held for sale
 TOTAL ASSETS                                         60,104                  59,459              62,004
 CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                                                    
 Financial liabilities                               (3,364)                 (5,973)             (7,795)
 Trade and other payables                            (7,065)                 (7,198)             (8,012)
 Current tax liabilities                               (928)                 (1,479)               (696)
 Provisions                                          (1,082)                    (98)               (150)
                                                    (12,439)                (14,748)            (16,653)
 Non-current liabilities                                                                                
 Financial liabilities                              (14,311)                (15,957)            (12,280)
 Provisions                                             (77)                   (216)               (172)
 Deferred tax liabilities                              (632)                   (784)               (817)
 Derivative financial                                   (84)                       -                   -
 Retirement benefit obligations                      (2,875)                 (2,565)             (3,181)
                                                    (17,979)                (19,522)            (16,450)
 TOTAL LIABILITIES                                  (30,418)                (34,270)            (33,103)
 NET ASSETS                                           29,686                  25,189              28,901
 Share capital                       1                 4,322                   3,370               4,077
 Share premium                       1                35,738                  30,320              34,873
 Share based payment reserve         1                   730                     526                 637
 Retained earnings                   1              (11,020)                 (9,125)            (10,708)
 Hedging reserve                     1                  (84)                      98                  22
 EQUITY ATTRIBUTABLE TO EQUITY                        29,686                  25,189              28,901


                                  Notes    Unaudited 6 months    Unaudited 6 months            Year 
                                             to30 September        to30 September      to 31 March 
                                                   2008�*000             2007�*000        2008�*000
 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING                                                                         
 Cash generated from operations      5                 1,785                   394            1,898
 Finance income                                          103                    11               75
 Finance costs                                         (871)                 (609)          (1,383)
 Income taxes                                             16                 (336)            (952)
 NET CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING                         1,033                 (540)            (362)
 CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING                                                                         
 Acquisition of subsidiary net                          (84)                     -          (3,683)
 of cash acquired
 Purchase of property, plant                           (507)                 (521)            (887)
 and equipment and intangibles
 Proceeds from sale of                                     -                     1               97
 Proceeds from sale of                                   172                 3,330            3,515
 Payments in respect of                              (1,615)                 (942)          (4,462)
 previous acquisitions
 NET CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING                       (2,034)                 1,868          (5,420)
 CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING                                                                         
 Proceeds from issue of share                          1,110                     -            5,260
 (Payments)/Proceeds of                                  480                  (14)            (335)
 long-term borrowings
 (Decrease)/increase in                                (592)               (1,801)                4
 Proceeds/(Payment) of finance                           196                  (20)             (35)
 lease liabilities
 Reduction in loan note                                    -                 (888)            (888)
 NET CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING                         1,194               (2,723)            4,006
 NET INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN                              193               (1,395)          (1,776)
 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT                             52                 1,828            1,828
 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT                            245                   433               52


    For the period ended 30 September 2008

 1                       CHANGES IN   Sharecapital�*000  Sharepremiumaccount�                 Share                        
Hedgingreserve�*000    Total�*000
               SHAREHOLDERS* EQUITY                                      *000  basedpaymentreserves    Retainedearnings�*
                                                                                              �*000                   000
                     At1 April 2007               3,370                30,320                   375               (9,460)                  
109        24,714
                   Total recognised                   -                     -                     -                   335                 
(11)           324
                 income and expense
                Share based payment                   -                     -                   151                     -                   
 -           151
                  reserves movement
                 Issue of shares in                   -                     -                     -                     -                   
 -             -
                         the period
               Premium on allotment                   -                     -                     -                     -                   
 -             -
                  during the period
               At 30 September 2007               3,370                30,320                   526               (9,125)                   
98        25,189
                   Total recognised                   -                     -                     -               (1,583)                 
(76)       (1,659)
                 income and expense
                Share based payment                   -                     -                   111                     -                   
 -           111
                  reserves movement
                 Issue of shares in                 707                     -                     -                     -                   
 -           707
                         the period
               Premium on allotment                   -                 4,553                     -                     -                   
 -         4,553
                  during the period
                    At31 March 2008               4,077                34,873                   637              (10,708)                   
22        28,901
                   Total recognised                   -                     -                     -                 (312)                
(106)         (418)
                 income and expense
                Share based payment                   -                     -                    93                     -                   
 -            93
                  reserves movement
                 Issue of shares in                 245                     -                     -                     -                   
 -           245
                         the period
               Premium on allotment                   -                   865                     -                     -                   
 -           865
                  during the period
               At 30 September 2008               4,322                35,738                   730              (11,020)                 
(84)        29,686


    All of the amounts above are attributable to the shareholders of the parent.

    Share capital

    The share capital account includes the par value for all shares issued and outstanding.

    Share premium account

    The share premium account comprises the premium over nominal value on issued shares less related issue costs. The use of this reserve is
restricted by the Companies Act 1985.

    Retained earnings

    The retained earnings reserve includes the accumulated profit and losses arising from the consolidated income statements and certain
items from the statements of recognised income and expense attributable to equity shareholders less distributions to shareholders.

    For the period ended 30 September 2008

Share based payment reserve
The share based payment represents the cumulative amount which has been recognised directly in equity in connection with share based
payments, less any amount transferred to retained earnings in the exercise of share warrants.
Hedging reserve
The hedging reserve represents the cumulative amount which has been recognised in connection with interest rate swaps.

 2   SHARE BASED PAYMENT               Unaudited   6         Unaudited                      Year
    CHARGE, AMORTISATION                 months to30      6 months to   30  to         31 March 
         AND EXCEPTIONAL        September              September                            2008
                   ITEMS             2008                 2007                                  
                                               �*000                 �*000                 �*000
     Share based payment                          93                   151                   262
         Amortisation of                         449                   262                   983
        other intangible
    Impairment provision                           -                     -                   218
       Exceptional items                       1,085                    97                 1,541
                                               1,627                   510                 3,004

    Exceptional items are defined as material items that the directors feel are relevant to the understanding of the Group's performance.  

 3    EARNINGS PER SHARE                                                         Unaudited6 months     Unaudited6 months             Year
                                                                                   to30 September                   to30      
                                                                                        2008�000*s   September2007�000*s
            For adjusted                                                                                                                    
     earnings per share:
       Profit/(loss) for                                                                     (568)                 (436)              
    the financial period
     Remove loss for the                                                                                               -                  
             period from                                                                         -
    Add back share based                                                                        93                   151                  
          payment charge
                             Add back amortisationof other intangible assets                   449                   186                  
     Add back impairment                                                                         -                     -                  
         Add back tax on                                                                         -                   690                    
    Add back exceptional                                                                       760                   143                
     items (adjusted for
     Adjusted profit for                                                                       734                   810                
    the financial period
          Basic adjusted                                                                0.87 pence                                  2.66
     earnings/(loss) per                                                                                      1.20 pence
                          Diluted adjusted earnings/(loss) per share                    0.86 pence            1.20 pence            2.66
                                            Discontinued operations:                                                                        
                            Basic adjusted (loss)/earnings per share                             -          (1.18) pence          (1.33)
                          Diluted adjusted (loss)/earnings per share                             -          (1.18) pence          (1.33)
      Weighted average number of shares for basic earnings per share                        84,659                67,402               
                                                   (000*s of shares)
                       Effect of dilutive potential ordinary shares:                                                                        
           Share options                                                                       469                   250                    
       (000*s of shares)
    Weighted average number of shares for diluted earnings per share                        85,128                67,652               
                                                   (000*s of shares)

 4      OTHER INTANGIBLE            Software�*000  Customerrelated�*000   Total�*000
         At 1 April 2007                      982                 2,518        3,500
               Additions                      416                     -          416
    At 30 September 2007                    1,398                 2,518        3,916
          Acquisition of                        -                   793          793
               Additions                        -                     -            -
               Disposals                     (77)                     -         (77)
        At 31 March 2008                    1,321                 3,311        4,632
               Additions                      402                 (223)          179
    At 30 September 2008                    1,723                 3,088        4,811
               At 1 April 2007                342                   236          578
          Amortisation for the                 61                   201          262
          At 30 September 2007                403                   437          840
          Amortisation for the                408                   313          721
              At 31 March 2008                811                   750        1,561
          Amortisation for the                144                   305          449
          At 30 September 2008                955                 1,055        2,010
               Net book value:                                                      
               At 1 April 2007                640                 2,282        2,922
          At 30 September 2007                995                 2,081        3,076
              At 31 March 2008                510                 2,561        3,071
          At 30 September 2008                768                 2,033        2,801

 5   CASH GENERATED FROM           Unaudited 6months     Unaudited 6months                      
              OPERATIONS                        to30                  to30             Yearto 31
                                  September2008�*000    September2007�*000        March2008�*000
    Profit/(loss) before                       (552)                   392                 (373)
       tax on continuing
    Profit/(loss) before                           -                 (105)                 (529)
    tax on discontinuing
    Profit/(loss) before                       (552)                   287                 (902)
        Adjustments for:                                                                        
         Depreciation of                         155                   244                   383
     property, plant and
           Impairment of                           -                     -                   218
              goodwill -
         Amortisation of                         449                   262                   983
       intangible assets
     Share based payment                          93                   151                   262
          (Gain)/loss on                           -                   (2)                  (19)
             disposal of
     property, plant and
          (Gain)/loss on                           -                     -                 (167)
             disposal of
           Finance costs                         861                   654                 1,396
    Operating cash flows                       1,006                 1,596                 2,154
     before movements in
         working capital
     Decrease/(increase)                         656                 (241)                 (331)
          in receivables
     Increase/(decrease)                         123                 (961)                    75
             in payables
       Cash generated by                       1,785                   394                 1,898
 6     RECONCILIATION OF           Unaudited 6months     Unaudited 6months             Yearto 31
        NET CASH FLOW TO                        to30                  to30        March2008�*000
    MOVEMENT IN NET DEBT          September2008�*000    September2007�*000
     Decrease in cash in                         193               (1,395)               (1,776)
              the period
       Cash outflow from                       (480)                    21                   335
       Cash outflow from                       (196)                    20                    35
           finance lease
     Decrease/(Increase)                         592                 1,801                   (4)
            in overdraft
      Change in net debt                         109                   447               (1,410)
          resulting from
       Repayment of loan                           -                   888                   888
    Movement in net debt                         109                 1,335                 (522)
           in the period
    Net debt at start of                    (17,399)              (16,877)              (16,877)
              the period
     Net debt at the end                    (17,290)              (15,542)              (17,399)
           of the period

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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