RNS Number:7875M
Theo Fennell PLC
26 June 2003

26 June 2003

                                Theo Fennell plc

              Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 March 2003

                              FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS

* Turnover up 17% from #11.8m to #13.8m

* Profits before tax up from #31,400 to #95,800

* EPS up from 0.19p per share to 0.70p per share

* New concessions and licensing opportunities

* Positive start to new financial year

The Chairman, Richard Northcott, commented:

"The company made good progress during the year and the management
reorganisation is now completed so that maximum advantage can be taken of an
up-turn in the market. We are encouraged by the start to this year and I am
hopeful that the changes the new management team have initiated will enable us
to achieve positive results."

For further information:

Richard Northcott           Chairman                      020 7591 5000
Gavin Saunders              Financial Director            020 7591 5000

Richard Fallowfield         CardewChancery                020 7930 0777
Rupert Pittman              CardewChancery                020 7930 0777

Chairman's Statement

The results for the year ended 31 March 2003 show sales of #13.8m (2002:
#11.8m), an increase of 17%. Profit before tax increased from #31,400 to

The Company made good progress during the year and the management reorganisation
is now completed so that maximum advantage can be taken of an up-turn in the
market. However, the well-publicised international tensions and Middle-East war
resulted in disappointing sales over Christmas and in the last quarter of our
financial year. However all our trading outlets, both company shops and
concessions, are making a contribution to profit which gives us the confidence
to continue planning for expansion.

During the course of this year we have opened a much larger concession in
Selfridges (London) relocated to their new jewellery room and are opening a new
concession in Harvey Nichols (Manchester), in August. We have recently taken on
a new Merchandising Director and are confident that her expertise, coupled with
significant improvements to our IT systems will provide better management
information, and help us to improve turnover and margins.

We have decided to strengthen our balance sheet further and intend to raise an
additional #1 million of 7% subordinated Convertible Loan Stock the majority of
which will be taken up by the Directors.

It is our intention to ensure that the Company becomes a profitable,
international business in the next few years. In line with our plans for
expansion, we are planning an acceleration of our wholesaling activities which
require less capital than opening stand-alone stores. This will enable us to
link our unique product offering with local knowledge and expertise in
significant overseas markets.

We are examining the practicalities of licensing which has great marketing and
sales potential for a design-led company like Theo Fennell. It will enable us to
widen our product offering without the considerable start-up costs of producing
the product in-house. Theo Fennell will at all times control the quality and
design. We expect to make a positive announcement within the next few weeks.

We are encouraged by the start to this year and are hopeful that the changes the
new management team have initiated will enable us to achieve positive results.

Richard Northcott

26 June 2003

Theo Fennell plc
Profit and Loss Account
For the year ended 31 March 2003

                                 Note                2003               2002
                                                        #                  #
Turnover                                       13,817,951         11,769,652
                                                ---------          ---------
Cost of sales                                 (12,512,358)       (10,620,384)
                                                ---------          ---------
Gross profit                                    1,305,593          1,149,268
                                                ---------          ---------
Administrative expenses             1          (1,141,316)          (938,913)
Exceptional item                                        -           (103,668)
                                                ---------          ---------
Total administrative expenses                  (1,141,316)        (1,042,581)
                                                ---------          ---------
Operating profit                                  164,277            106,687

Net interest payable                2             (68,489)           (75,280)
                                                ---------          ---------
Profit on ordinary activities
before taxation                     3              95,788             31,407

Tax on profit on ordinary a
acivities                           4              17,881                  -
                                                ---------          ---------
Profit for the year            15, 16             113,669             31,407

Dividends                                               -                  -
                                                ---------          ---------
Retained profit for the year                      113,669             31,407
                                                ---------          ---------
Basic and diluted earnings per
share                               6                0.70p              0.19p
                                                ---------          ---------

There were no recognised gains or losses other than the profit for the financial

All turnover arises from continuing operations.

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

Theo Fennell plc
Balance Sheet
as at 31 March 2003

                  Note                        2003                        2002
                                  #              #            #              #
Fixed assets    
Tangible assets      8                     465,868                     416,390
Current assets 
Stocks               9    7,941,654                   6,927,288
Debtors             10    1,894,656                   1,616,733
Cash at bank and 
in hand                       8,454                       6,397
                           --------                    --------
                          9,844,764                   8,550,418
amounts falling 
due within one year 12   (4,594,444)                 (3,364,289)
Net current assets                       5,250,320                   5,186,129
                                         ---------                   ---------
Total assets
less current
liabilities                              5,716,188                   5,602,519
                                         ---------                   ---------
Net assets                               5,716,188                   5,602,519
                                         ---------                   ---------

Capital and reserves
Called up share
capital             14                     808,892                     808,892
Share premium
account             15                   3,879,752                   3,879,752
Profit and loss
account             15                   1,027,544                     913,875
                                         ---------                   ---------
Equity shareholders'                
funds               16                   5,716,188                   5,602,519
                                         ---------                   ---------

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

Theo Fennell plc
Cash Flow Statement
For the year ended 31 March 2003
                                               2003                       2002
                    Note           #              #             #            #
Net cash                                                               
(outflow) /inflow
from operating
activities            20                   (403,420)                   225,029
Returns on investments
and servicing of finance
Interest paid on bank
loans, overdrafts
and other loans             (104,769)                    (112,072)
Interest paid on hire
purchase agreements             (408)                      (1,633)
Other interest paid                -                       (3,808)
Interest received             36,688                       42,233
                              ------                       ------
                                            (68,489)                   (75,280)

Corporation tax received                          -                    170,000
Capital expenditure                         
Purchase of tangible
fixed assets                (235,974)                    (283,638)
Receipts from sales
of tangible fixed assets      12,399                        9,000
                             -------                      -------
                                           (223,575)                 (274,638)
                                           --------                   --------
Net cash (outflow)/
inflow before financing                    (695,484)                   45,111
Capital element of
hire purchase agreements                     (2,292)                   (9,167)
                                             ------                    -------
(Decrease)/Increase in              
cash                  21                   (697,776)                    35,944
                                           ---------                   -------

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 March 2003

1. Exceptional Item

The exceptional item of #103,668 in 2002 related to the costs of the Company's
former premises at 175/177 Fulham Road. The Company assigned these premises on 3
November 1997 to the Organic Trading Company (trading as Voyage), which is in
receivership. The costs related to professional fees, rent and dilapidation
costs. The lease was assigned to a new lessee on 31 May 2002.

2. Net interest payable
                                                       2003           2002
                                                          #              #
On bank loans, overdrafts and other loans           104,769        112,072
On hire purchase agreements                             408          1,633
Other interest                                            -          3,808
                                                   --------       --------
                                                    105,177        117,513
Interest receivable                                 (36,688)       (42,233)
                                                   --------       --------
                                                     68,489         75,280
                                                   --------       --------

3. Profit on ordinary activities before taxation

This is stated after charging / (crediting) the following items:

                                                       2003           2002
                                                          #              #
Exceptional item - see note 1                             -        103,668
Depreciation                                        176,809        206,951
(Surplus) / Deficit on disposal of fixed assets      (2,712)         2,979
Auditors' remuneration  - audit services             16,500         16,062
                        - other services              3,700          3,700
Loss on foreign currency transactions                 8,281          6,941
Operating lease rentals on land and buildings       410,000        320,164

4. Tax on profit on ordinary activities

The taxation credit is based on the profit for the year and represents:

                                                        2003          2002
                                                           #             #
Current tax:
UK Corporation tax at 20% / 20 %                      20,902        20,281
Adjustment in respect of prior years                   3,466       (20,281)
                                                    --------      --------
                                                      24,368             -

Deferred Tax:
Origination and reversal of timing differences 
(see note 11)                                        (42,249)            -
                                                    --------      --------
                                                     (17,881)            -
                                                    --------      --------

5. Factors affecting the tax charge for the period

The tax assessed for the period is lower than the standard rate of corporation
tax in the UK 30% (2002: 30%). The differences are explained as follows:

                                                       2003           2002
                                                          #              #
Profit on ordinary activities before tax             95,788         31,407
                                                   --------       --------
Tax at standard rate of 30% (2002: 30%)
Effect of:                                           28,736          9,422
Capital allowances for the period in excess of
depreciation                                        (14,247)             -
Other short term timing differences                  15,521              -
Small companies difference in tax rate              (12,100)        (3,141)
Expenses not deductible for tax purposes             12,661         14,000
Tax losses (utilised)                                (9,669)       (20,281)
Adjustment to tax charge in respect of previous  
periods                                               3,466              -
periods                                            --------       --------
                                                     24,368              -
                                                   --------       --------

6. Earnings per share

The calculation of earnings per share is based upon the profit on ordinary
activities after taxation of #113,669 (2002: #31,407) and the weighted average
number of shares of 16,177,831 (2002: 16,177,831). There is no difference
between the basic and diluted earnings per share as, during the year, share
options were anti-dilutive.

7. Directors and employees

The aggregate payroll costs of directors and employees for the year were:

                                                    2003                 2002
                                                       #                    #
Wages and salaries                             2,490,319            2,036,172
Social security costs                            261,471              209,626
Pension costs                                     75,554               81,141
                                                --------             --------
                                               2,827,344            2,326,939
                                                --------             --------

The average number of persons employed by the Company (including executive
directors), during the year, was as follows:

                                                             2003        2002
Average number of employees                                Number      Number
Sales                                                          39          28
Manufacturing                                                   9          10
Design, marketing and administration                           30          23
                                                         --------    --------
                                                               78          61
                                                           --------    --------

Remuneration in respect of directors was as follows:
                                                             2003        2002
                                                                #           #
Emoluments                                                370,165     310,561
Pension contributions to money purchase schemes            33,250      28,282
                                                         --------    --------
                                                          403,415     338,843
Ex gratia payment                                               -      35,650
                                                         --------    --------
                                                          403,415     374,493
                                                         --------    --------

During the year, three directors (2002: four directors) participated in money
purchase pension schemes.

The amounts set out above include remuneration in respect of the highest paid
director as follows:
                                                             2003         2002
                                                                #            #
Emoluments                                                166,493      126,052
Pension contributions to money purchase schemes            17,450       15,450
                                                         --------     --------
                                                          183,943      141,502
                                                           --------     --------

During the year ended 31 March 2003 the directors purchased goods, in the
ordinary course of business, to the value of #50,638 (2002: #16,607), of which
#7,568 (2002: #12,282) was outstanding at the year end.

8. Tangible fixed assets

                              Motor       Fixtures,    Moulds and      Total
                           vehicles       tings and       tooling
                                  #               #             #          #
At 1 April 2002              42,500       1,262,620       566,850  1,871,970
Additions                         -         214,069        21,905    235,974
Disposals                   (15,000)              -             -    (15,000)
                            --------      ---------      --------   ---------
At 31 March 2003             27,500       1,476,689       588,755  2,092,944
                            --------      ---------      --------   ---------

At 1 April 2002              20,260         979,983       455,337  1,455,580
Charge for the 
year                          9,688         116,714        50,407    176,809
Disposals                    (5,313)              -             -     (5,313)
                             -------        -------       -------    --------
At 31 March 2003             24,635       1,096,697       505,744  1,627,076
                            --------       --------      --------  ---------

Net book value
At 31 March 2003              2,865         379,992        83,011    465,868
                             ------        --------      --------   --------
At 31 March 2002             22,240         282,637       111,513    416,390
                             ------        --------      --------   --------

Included within the above figures are motor vehicles under hire purchase
agreements with a net book value of #Nil (2002: #9,740). The depreciation
charged on these assets during the year was #Nil (2002: #6,875).

9. Stocks
                                                   2003                   2002
                                                      #                      #
Raw materials                                   500,134                603,711
Work in progress                                 93,406                156,436
Finished goods                                7,348,114              6,167,141
                                               --------               --------
                                              7,941,654              6,927,288
                                               --------               --------

The Company held #1,339,606 of stock on consignment as at 31 March 2003 (2002:
#1,270,169) which is not recorded on the balance sheet. The principal terms of
the consignment agreements, which can generally be terminated by either side,
are such that the Company can return any or all of the stock to the relevant
suppliers without financial and commercial penalties and the supplier can vary
stock prices.

10. Debtors
                                                       2003              2002
                                                          #                 #
Trade debtors                                     1,302,583         1,104,583
Other debtors                                       330,548           339,523
Deferred tax                                         78,397            36,148
Prepayments and accrued income                      183,128           136,479
                                                   --------          --------
                                                  1,894,656         1,616,733
                                                   --------          --------

Included in other debtors is a rent deposit of #300,000 (2002: #300,000) which
is receivable after more than one year.

11. Deferred Tax
                                                        2003          2002
                                                           #             #
Accelerated capital allowances                       (62,876)      (36,148)

Other timing differences                             (15,521)            -
                                                    --------      --------
Provision for deferred tax                           (78,397)      (36,148)

Provision at 1 March 2002                            (36,148)      (36,148)

Deferred tax credit in the profit and loss account 
for the period (note 4)                              (42,249)            -
                                                     --------      --------
Deferred tax asset at 1 April 2003                   (78,397)      (36,148)
                                                     --------      --------

12. Creditors: amounts falling due within one year
                                                             2003         2002
                                                                #            #
Bank overdrafts                                         2,137,252    1,437,419
Trade creditors                                         1,622,249    1,402,740
Corporation tax                                            24,368            -
Social security and other taxes                           218,518      215,608
Other creditors                                           151,920       38,121
Accruals and deferred income                              440,137      268,109
Amounts due under hire purchase agreements                      -        2,292
                                                         --------     --------
                                                        4,594,444    3,364,289
                                                         --------     --------

The bank overdrafts are secured by a debenture over the assets and undertakings
of the Company.

13. Borrowings

Borrowings are repayable as follows:
                                                          2003           2002
                                                             #              #
Within one year
Bank overdrafts                                      2,137,252      1,437,419
Amounts due under hire purchase agreements                   -          2,292
                                                      --------       --------
                                                     2,137,252      1,439,711

14. Share Capital

                                                          2003           2002
                                                             #              #
30,000,000 Ordinary Shares of 5p                     1,500,000      1,500,000
                                                      --------       --------
Allotted, called up and fully paid
16,177,831 Ordinary Shares of 5p                       808,892        808,892
                                                      --------       --------

Options have been granted, and remain outstanding, over the Company's Ordinary
shares of 5p under the Approved Employee Share Option Scheme, Unapproved
Employee Share Option Schemes and Enterprise Management Incentive Scheme as

Date of Grant               Number of shares                            Option
                       Approved          Unapproved            EMI       Price

7 September 2000         16,000                   -              -       #0.50
10 November 2000              -                   -         90,000       #0.50
25 March 2002                 -                   -        165,000       #0.25
25 March 2002                 -             113,000        832,000       #0.50
25 March 2002                 -                   -        100,000       #1.00
10 September 2002             -             120,635        129,365       #0.35

These options can normally only be exercised at any time between three and ten
years from the date of grant except for 745,000 of the options granted on 25
March 2002 which can be exercised at any time. There are no performance criteria
on which the exercise of options is conditional.

The movement on share options in the year was as follows:
Outstanding at 1 April 2002                                 1,505,000
Lapsed                                                       (189,000)
Granted                                                       250,000
Outstanding at 31 March 2003                                1,566,000

15. Reserves
                                        Profit and loss     Share premium
                                                account           account
                                                      #                 #
At 1 April 2002                                 913,875         3,879,752
Profit for the year                             113,669                 -
                                               --------          --------
At 31 March 2003                              1,027,544         3,879,752
                                               --------          --------

16. Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds
                                                              2003        2002
                                                                 #           #
Profit for the financial year                              113,669      31,407
Shareholders' funds at 1 April                           5,602,519   5,571,112
                                                          --------    --------
Shareholders' funds at 31 March                          5,716,188   5,602,519
                                                          --------    --------

17. Capital commitments and contingent liabilities

The Company had committed to capital expenditure of #330,000 at 31 March 2003
(2002: Nil).

18. Leasing commitments

The Company had commitments as at 31 March 2003 to make annual payments under
non-cancellable operating leases of #372,500 (2002: #372,500) in respect of land
and buildings. The leases to which these payments relate expire after more than
five years.

19. Analysis of changes in net debt
                                At 1 April           Cash      At 31 March
                                      2002          flows             2003
                                         #              #                #
Cash at bank and in hand             6,397          2,057            8,454
Bank overdraft                  (1,437,419)      (699,833)      (2,137,252)
                                -----------      ---------      -----------
                                (1,431,022)      (697,776)      (2,128,798)
Finance Leases                      (2,292)         2,292                -
                                -----------      ---------        ---------
                                (1,433,314)      (695,484)      (2,128,798)
                                -----------      ---------       ----------

20. Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash (outflow)/inflow from
operating activities
                                                       2003           2002
                                                          #              #
Operating profit                                    164,277        106,687
Depreciation charges                                176,809        206,951
(Surplus)/ deficit on disposal of fixed assets       (2,712)         2,979
(Increase) / decrease in stocks                  (1,014,366)       350,641
(Increase) / decrease in debtors                   (235,674)        70,670
Increase /(Decrease) in creditors                   508,246       (512,899)
                                                  ----------      ---------
Net cash (outflow) / inflow from operating
activities                                         (403,420)       225,029
                                                  ----------      ---------

21. Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt

                                                     2003             2002
                                                        #                #
(Decrease)/ Increase in cash during the year     (697,776)          35,944
Decrease in amounts owed under hire purchase     
agreements                                          2,292            9,167
                                                 ---------         -------
(Increase) / decrease in net debt due to cash  
movements                                        (695,484)          45,111
Net debt at 1 April                            (1,433,314)      (1,478,425)
                                               -----------      -----------
Net debt at 31 March                           (2,128,798)      (1,433,314)
                                               -----------      -----------

22. Pensions

The Company operates defined contribution pension schemes for the benefit of
employees and directors. The assets of the executive scheme are administered by
trustees in a fund independent from the assets of the Company. In addition the
Company operates a separate group personal pension scheme for employees.

23. Financial Instruments

The Company's financial instruments comprise borrowings, cash, and various
items, such as trade debtors, trade creditors etc, that arise directly from its
operations. The Company has applied the exemption allowed under FRS 13
'Derivatives and other financial instruments: disclosures' in making no
disclosures on short term debtors and creditors. The main purpose of these
financial instruments is to raise finance for the Company's operations.

It is, and has been throughout the year under review, the Company's policy that
no trading in financial instruments shall be undertaken.

The main risks arising from the Company's financial instruments are interest
rate risk and liquidity risk. The Board reviews and agrees policies for managing
each of these risks and they are summarised below.

Interest rate risk

The Company finances its operations through a mixture of retained profits and
bank overdrafts. The Company borrows at a floating interest rate of 1.5% above
its Bank's base rate. The effects of interest rate fluctuations are not
considered a significant risk at the current borrowing levels.

Liquidity risk

The Company ensures short-term flexibility through the use of the overdraft
facilities. The Board does not at present consider that it is necessary to adopt
a detailed borrowings policy as there are sufficient funds available within the
current facilities.

Borrowing facilities

The Company has undrawn overdraft facilities available of #862,748 (2002:
#562,581) at 31 March 2003 which expire within one year. These facilities are
subject to review by the providers of the facilities on 1 July 2003. The Company
policy is not to fix interest rates in respect of its borrowings

Currency risk

The Company's exposure to exchange rate fluctuations is small and it is
therefore the Company's policy not to hedge against foreign currency

Financial assets and liabilities

The Company has no financial assets, other than debtors and cash at bank.

The bank overdrafts are repayable on demand and are included in the balance
sheet as a creditor due in less than one year.

The balance sheet values for financial assets and liabilities are not considered
materially different to the fair values.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange