RNS Number : 0675P

Tongaat Hulett Limited

14 November 2016

Tongaat Hulett Limited

Registration No: 1892/000610/06

JSE share code: TON

ISIN: ZAE000096541

Interim Results for the six months ended 30 September 2016

   -- Revenue of R8,503 billion (2015: R7,609 billion)   +11,7% 
   -- Operating profit of R1,350 billion (2015: R1,276 billion)   +5,8% 
   -- Headline earnings of R631 million (2015: R607 million)   +4,0% 

-- Operating cash flow (after working capital) of R1,061 billion (2015: R266 million)

-- Interim dividend of 100 cents per share (2015: 170 cents per share)


The results for the half-year ended 30 September 2016 show an improvement in sugar revenue and operating profit under difficult conditions. The starch operations delivered a strong performance. Sales concluded in land conversion and developments in these six months were lower than in recent periods. Operating cash flow, after working capital movements, has advanced substantially.

The starch and glucose operation again increased operating profit, to R306 million (2015: R281 million). The business benefitted from a better sales mix, including replacing imports into the coffee/creamer sector following the commissioning of the R135 million project at the Germiston starch facilities. Overall volumes remained flat as a result of muted domestic consumer demand. Higher maize costs during the period were partially offset by higher co-product revenues and ongoing cost control.

Land conversion and development activities recorded operating profit of R269 million (2015: R576 million). The major contributors were Sibaya (high-end residential and retirement - 7 developable hectares sold), the industrial area of Cornubia (6 hectares), high intensity mixed use areas of Umhlanga Ridgeside (1 hectare) and Umhlanga Ridge Town Centre (1 hectare), integrated affordable residential at Bridge City (2 hectares) and further high end residential at Izinga (1 hectare) and Kindlewood (1 hectare), totaling 19 developable hectares sold, compared to 65 hectares sold in the same period last year. Revenue, costs and profit recorded per developable hectare vary and are reflective of the degree of enhancement through urban planning, land use integration and density, location and the intensity of infrastructure investment and are in line with the value ranges communicated previously.

The various sugar operations generated operating profit of R825 million (2015: R477 million). This is reflective of improved local market prices, more effective import protection dynamics in the countries where Tongaat Hulett produces sugar and higher international prices, including for exports into regional African markets and the EU. Overall volumes are still being impacted by lower cane yields due to the severe drought in KwaZulu-Natal and poor growing conditions with low rainfall and restricted irrigation levels in Mozambique and Zimbabwe as a result of low dam levels. The nature of sugar milling and cane growing is such that there is a high proportion of fixed costs. The drive to reduce costs continues across all operations. Sugar production started later in the current season than last year and is expected to reflect higher production levels in the second half of the year compared to the second half of last year.

The South African sugar operations, including agriculture, milling, refining and various downstream activities produced operating profit of R306 million (2015: R123 million). Sugar production is starting to recover and Tongaat Hulett has increased its share of the total industry production (some 23% this year compared to 19,5% last year) and local market sales. The local market has seen more effective import protection and better pricing dynamics. Voermol animal feeds has contributed well with higher sales volumes (the previous period had a shortage of raw materials) and increased margins.

The Mozambique sugar operating profit improved to R219 million (2015: R94 million). Domestic market sales for the whole industry increased by 27% as a result of better protection against imports and improved sugar availability in more remote areas. Local market price increases and higher export prices have positively impacted revenue and cane valuations. The Metical weakened substantially against the Rand and the US dollar, benefitting the operations with sizeable Metical based costs and revenue that is linked to the US dollar. A later start to the season and thus lower sugar production in the first half of the year, given the high proportion of fixed costs, had a negative impact, which was partially offset by the higher value of standing cane still to be harvested.

The Zimbabwe sugar operating profit was R251 million (2015: R232 million). Production and sales volumes in the first half of the year were relatively consistent with the prior year, notwithstanding a later start to the current season and a higher proportion of production expected in the second half of the current year. The first half of the current year has also seen a higher level of outgrower cane payments compared to the first half of last year. In addition, the division of proceeds in favour of the growers is out of line with the region, not taking cognizance of the full capital employed in the milling operations and is not sustainable.

Tongaat Hulett's net debt at 30 September was R5,5 billion, compared to R5,3 billion last year. Finance costs of R408 million (2015: R314 million) were commensurate with the borrowing levels in the period and the higher interest rates.

Operating cash flow (after working capital movements) was R1,061 billion which is a R795 million improvement on the first half of last year. The half year reflects an absorption of cash in working capital, as is the norm, due to higher sugar stock and debtor levels in the middle of the sugar season. The Developments operation generated a stronger operating cash flow, including significant proceeds being received and development expenditure related payments being made, with substantial receipts expected in the second half of the year, following the previous periods when a number of large transactions were concluded having lead times before transfer. Capital expenditure is below last year and the sugar cane root planting costs have been curtailed substantially in the drought conditions. Overall, the current half year has seen a total net cash outflow of R277 million, compared to a total net cash outflow of R1,349 billion in the same period last year.

Taking all of the aforementioned into account, headline earnings for the half year amounted to R631 million (2015: R607 million). The intention going forward is to place more emphasis on the final dividend as distinct from the interim dividend given the agricultural nature of Tongaat Hulett's activities. Against this background, an interim dividend of 100 cents per share has been declared (2015: 170 cents per share).


Tongaat Hulett will continue to enhance its strategic positioning, focusing on multiple strategic thrusts, all with a positive impact on earnings and cash flow, through the various cycles that the business experiences, to extract higher returns from the existing asset base.

Multiple Strong Sugar Market Positions with a Domestic Market Focus

Prices for sugar in the international market have increased by some 50% over the past six months with the upcoming second year of a global supply deficit and continuing steady increases in global demand levels. Prices have now begun to stabilise and forecasts for the next 18 months are for prices to remain at current levels. In the medium term, there are emerging concerns of the ability of global supply to match global demand at prevailing price levels. Global sugar consumption is predicted to continue to grow at a rate of some 1,5% per annum, with most of this growth coming from low per capita consumption developing countries.

The domestic markets in countries where Tongaat Hulett produces sugar remain its primary focus. They have significant protection from imports, with Government support, given the high rural job impact of these industries. In Zimbabwe and Mozambique, sugar refining matters are being addressed, which should lead to the replacement of imported industrial white sugar. Growth is expected in consumption per capita, off a low base, particularly in Mozambique and partly in Zimbabwe, supported by distribution, industrialisation and marketing initiatives. In South Africa, with its current low sugar production level, Tongaat Hulett is having to source other producers' raw sugar for refining, to supply its local market white sugar position and plans to replace this with its own production in future. Tongaat Hulett has the leading sugar brands in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia. The proposed sugar sweetened beverage tax in South Africa and its socio impact is being assessed and debated. Depending on the eventual outcome, it could reduce local demand and the impact would inter alia depend on the level of the prevailing world sugar price.

Tongaat Hulett has key market positions and experience in both the region (southern and eastern Africa) and the EU for the sale of its additional sugar. It is developing and expanding its positions in regional deficit markets as well as broadening its footprint in key value-add markets in the EU where it enjoys preferential access.

Growing Sugar Production from the Current Low Point

Recent weather and growing conditions are masking the substantial progress that is being made with intensive agricultural improvement programs, increased hectares under cane, irrigation efficiency and power reliability. The estimated impact is some 500 000 tons of annual sugar production. The imminent completion in Zimbabwe of the Tokwe-Mukorsi dam and, in Mozambique (Xinavane), the raising of the Corumana dam wall and the construction of the new Moamba dam on the Incomati river will diversify the water catchment area and provide increased stability in future water supply.

Reducing the Cost of Sugar Production

The sustained decrease in costs achieved over the previous three years (equivalent to some R1,4 billion in real terms) provides a good base for the next steps in the concerted cost reduction process in the sugar operations, particularly focused on bought-in goods, services, transport, marketing, salaries and wages. There is scope for considerable further reduction, with man-hour reductions focusing on flexible components and natural attrition. The paradigms around costs that have traditionally been viewed as fixed are being challenged, to mitigate against future potential volume volatility. Unit costs of sugar production will reduce further as these cost reduction processes continue, benefitting from future volume increases.

Growing Starch and Glucose

The starch and glucose operation is well positioned strategically and is focused on growing its sales volume, with an enhanced product mix, by reducing imports and on the back of customer growth. This includes the replacement of imports in the coffee/creamer sector and a number of similar actions underway in other sectors. Working together with customers, further opportunities are being targeted for growth through customer exports. Market development work to increase the production of value added modified starches, inter alia for the prepared foods sector, is underway following the capital expenditure completed last year at the Meyerton plant. This is all underpinned by improving the use of the available capacity and the efficiency of operations.

Value Creation from Land Conversion and Development

Tongaat Hulett is focused on its portfolio of prime land, comprising some 7 951 developable hectares, to create stakeholder value through its conversion over time to the highest value and best land use beyond its current use. At the same time Tongaat Hulett is driving ongoing rural agricultural development in the cane catchment area of its sugar mills in KwaZulu-Natal. Over the past four years more than 20 000 hectares of new cane land, mainly in communal areas, have been developed.

The value being created through the land conversion and development activities continues to increase, with good progress in the important value drivers. This includes sound relationships with key stakeholders; growing demand in selected usage areas; increasing the supply of land through planning processes and unlocking infrastructure; selected bigger transactions that are de-linked from short term market dynamics and growing the range of transacting mechanisms to increase value created, with particular emphasis on transformation opportunities. The recent achievements that led to over 3 000 developable hectares being released from agriculture through Act 70 of 1970 approvals are being consolidated through ongoing planning. Currently some 3 399 developable hectares are in various stages of EIA processes, with new impetus gained through a joint process having been finalised with the eThekwini Municipality defining how to enhance the resilience of the city through the appropriate use of this land.

A detailed and enhanced update on the land conversion portfolio is available on the www.tongaat.com website. It gives details of all these activities, provides insights relating to each portion of land making up the portfolio and includes an update of the possible 5-year sales outcomes, indicating a range of hectares for each demand driver and the expected range of profit per hectare across the various demand drivers.

Near Term Outlook

Tongaat Hulett should continue to benefit substantially from improved local sugar market revenues (volumes and prices) with the improved import protection measures and better export revenues. Actions to reduce costs continue.

Total sugar production in 2016/17 is continuing to be impacted by the effects of the drought in KwaZulu-Natal and irrigation having been reduced as a mitigation measure against poor rainfall and low dam levels in Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Swaziland. The estimate for sugar production in total for 2016/17 is between 1 000 000 and 1 100 000 tons, compared to 1 023 000 tons last year.

The weather forecast for the coming summer in the key growing and catchment areas is for average to above average rainfall. The recent encouraging rainfall in the coastal areas of KwaZulu-Natal is positive for the 2017/18 crop. The 2017/18 crop in Zimbabwe and Mozambique will be impacted to some extent by the current reduced irrigation. Given ongoing average to above average rainfall and a recovery of key dam levels, total sugar production is expected to recover over 2 years, to between some 1 200 000 and 1 300 000 tons in 2017/18 and to between some 1 500 000 and 1 600 000 tons in 2018/19. Tongaat Hulett's marginal cost of additional sugar production is typically US$110 per ton from own cane (45%) and US$340 per ton from third party cane (55%). Realisations, ex-mill, based on current regional and EU market dynamics are above US$420 per ton. Should the drought continue over the next summer in the catchment areas of the key dams in Zimbabwe and Mozambique then it could lead to a reduction in sugar production in 2017/18, compared to 2016/17, of some 150 000 tons and 50 000 tons respectively.

Starch and glucose volume growth for the remainder of the year is expected to remain subdued with lower consumer spending. Further replacement of imported volumes is expected, particularly in the last quarter of the year. The drought conditions have resulted in South Africa having to import maize for the current maize season with maize prices trading at import parity levels and expected to remain at these levels for the remainder of the year. Lower co-product prices in the second half of the year are expected to result in margins that are below those achieved in the first half. Looking to the next maize season, improved planting intentions and the outlook for better rainfall should see maize prices moving towards export parity levels.

Negotiations have commenced on some 227 developable hectares, reflecting an increase in the number of substantial transaction opportunities, in various demand categories, following encouraging advancements in the land conversion and development activities, boding well for near term future sales. There is strong interest in the remaining 38 prime hectares at Ridgeside. The opening up of the Sibaya node has created new interest and opportunities. Construction works related to the early sales have now commenced and the relevance of this as a completely new development node is becoming increasingly obvious to new purchasers. Substantial interest is being experienced at Ntshongweni, west of Durban and, as infrastructure solutions are developed for further land in this area, this is likely to convert into a growing momentum in this new node. The new infrastructure currently going into the uMhlanga Ridge Town Centre western expansion into Cornubia New Town is likely to open up further short term sales potential in this area. Various interfaces with the public sector continue to be constructive and productive.

Overall, Tongaat Hulett's profit for the full 2016/17 year will continue to be influenced by a number of substantial and varying dynamics, both positive and negative, and the full impact is difficult to predict at this stage. The proportion of earnings in the second half of the current year is likely to be significantly higher than that of last year. Cash flow is expected to advance substantially, including a release of the working capital absorbed in the 2015/16 year.

Tongaat Hulett strives to be a proactive and resilient organisation working in collaboration with all its stakeholders through different business and agricultural cycles in a constructive, mutual value-adding and developmental manner. It has operations in six countries in SADC, significant sugar cane and maize processing facilities, a unique land conversion platform, a sizeable animal feeds thrust and possibilities to grow ethanol and electricity generation.

For and on behalf of the Board

   Bahle Sibisi                                                    Peter Staude 
   Chairman                                                       Chief Executive Officer 


Tongaat, KwaZulu-Natal

10 November 2016


Notice is hereby given that the Board has declared an interim gross cash dividend (number 178) of 100 cents per share for the half-year ended 30 September 2016 to shareholders recorded in the register at the close of business on Friday 27 January 2017.

The salient dates of the declaration and payment of this interim dividend are as follows:

Last date to trade ordinary shares

               "CUM" dividend                                  Tuesday           24 January 2017 
   Ordinary shares trade "EX" dividend                 Wednesday      25 January 2017 
   Record date                                                     Friday              27 January 2017 
   Payment date                                                    Thursday          2 February 2017 

Share certificates may not be dematerialised or re-materialised, nor may transfers between registers take place between Wednesday 25 January 2017 and Friday 27 January 2017, both days inclusive.

The dividend is declared in the currency of the Republic of South Africa. Dividends paid by the United Kingdom transfer secretaries will be paid in British currency at the rate of exchange ruling at the close of business on Friday 20 January 2017.

The dividend has been declared from income reserves. A net dividend of 85 cents per share will apply to shareholders liable for the local 15% dividend withholding tax and 100 cents per share to shareholders exempt from paying the dividend tax. The issued ordinary share capital as at 10 November 2016 is 135 112 506 shares. The company's income tax reference number is 9306/101/20/6.

For and on behalf of the Board

M A C Mahlari

Company Secretary


Tongaat, KwaZulu-Natal

10 November 2016

                                                    Income Statement 
 Condensed consolidated                                         Unaudited                Unaudited              Audited 
                                                                 6 months                 6 months            12 months 
                                                                       to                       to                   to 
                                                             30 September             30 September             31 March 
                                                                     2016                     2015                 2016 
                                                                                         (restated            (restated 
                                                                                            - note               - note 
 Rmillion                                                                                      10)                  10) 
-----------------------------------------------   -----------------------  -----------------------  ------------------- 
 Revenue                                                            8 503                    7 609               16 676 
                                                  -----------------------  -----------------------  ------------------- 
 Operating profit                                                   1 350                    1 276                1 669 
 Net financing costs 
  (note 1)                                                          (408)                    (314)                (680) 
 Profit before tax                                                    942                      962                  989 
 Tax (note 2)                                                       (255)                    (288)                (326) 
 Net profit for the 
  period                                                              687                      674                  663 
                                                  -----------------------  -----------------------  ------------------- 
 Profit attributable 
  Shareholders of 
   Tongaat Hulett                                                     639                      635                  716 
  Minority (non-controlling) 
   interest                                                            48                       39                 (53) 
                                                                      687                      674                  663 
                                                  -----------------------  -----------------------  ------------------- 
 Earnings per share 
  Basic                                                             553.7                    551.8                620.1 
  Diluted                                                           553.7                    551.8                620.1 
 Headline earnings 
  attributable to 
  Tongaat Hulett shareholders 
   (note 3)                                                           631                      607                  679 
                                                  -----------------------  -----------------------  ------------------- 
 Headline earnings 
  per share (cents) 
  Basic                                                             546.7                    527.4                588.0 
  Diluted                                                           546.7                    527.4                588.0 
 Dividend per share 
  (cents)                                                           100.0                    170.0                230.0 
 Currency conversion 
    Rand/US dollar closing                                          13.96                    13.85                14.84 
    Rand/US dollar average                                          14.60                    12.57                13.81 
    Rand/Metical average                                             0.25                     0.35                 0.35 
    Rand/Euro average                                               16.29                    13.95                15.20 
    US dollar/Euro average                                           1.12                     1.11                 1.10 
                          Segmental Analysis 
 Condensed consolidated          Unaudited      Unaudited     Audited 
                                  6 months       6 months   12 months 
                                        to             to          to 
                              30 September   30 September    31 March 
                                      2016           2015        2016 
                                                (restated   (restated 
                                                   - note      - note 
 Rmillion                                             10)         10) 
--------------------------   -------------  -------------  ---------- 
    Zimbabwe                         2 371          1 863       3 549 
    Swaziland                          124            148         205 
    Mozambique                       1 325          1 394       1 664 
    South Africa                     2 197          1 603       5 964 
                             -------------  -------------  ---------- 
 Sugar operations - 
  total                              6 017          5 008      11 382 
 Starch operations                   2 114          1 750       3 640 
 Land Conversion and 
  Developments                         372            851       1 654 
 Consolidated total                  8 503          7 609      16 676 
                             -------------  -------------  ---------- 
    Zimbabwe                           251            232           9 
    Swaziland                           49             28          36 
    Mozambique                         219             94          25 
    South Africa                       306            123        (85) 
                             -------------  -------------  ---------- 
 Sugar operations - 
  total                                825            477        (15) 
 Starch operations                     306            281         658 
 Land Conversion and 
  Developments                         269            576       1 115 
 Centrally accounted 
  and consolidation 
  items                               (42)           (49)        (70) 
 BEE IFRS 2 charge 
  and transaction costs                (8)            (9)        (19) 
 Consolidated total                  1 350          1 276       1 669 
                             -------------  -------------  ---------- 
 Sugar operations - 
  before cane valuations             1 184          1 052       (156) 
    Zimbabwe                           557            603         138 
    Swaziland                           47             58          26 
    Mozambique                         288            322        (94) 
    South Africa                       292             69       (226) 
                             -------------  -------------  ---------- 
 Cane valuations - 
  income statement effect            (359)          (575)         141 
    Zimbabwe                         (306)          (371)       (129) 
    Swaziland                            2           (30)          10 
    Mozambique                        (69)          (228)         119 
    South Africa                        14             54         141 
                             -------------  -------------  ---------- 
 Sugar operations - 
  after cane valuations                825            477        (15) 
    Zimbabwe                           251            232           9 
    Swaziland                           49             28          36 
    Mozambique                         219             94          25 
    South Africa                       306            123        (85) 
                             -------------  -------------  ---------- 
                                                 Statement of Financial Position 
 Condensed consolidated                                   Unaudited                              Unaudited               Audited 
                                                       30 September                           30 September                 March 
                                                               2016                                   2015                  2016 
                                                                                                 (restated             (restated 
                                                                                                    - note                  note 
 Rmillion                                                                                              10)                   10) 
------------------------------------------------  -----------------  -------------------------------------  --------  ---------- 
 Non-current assets 
 Property, plant and                                                                                                          16 
  equipment                                                  13 478                                 15 845                   415 
 Long-term receivable                                           592                                    541                   564 
 Goodwill                                                       393                                    416                   438 
 Intangible assets                                              290                                     59                   212 
 Investments                                                     25                                     28                    26 
                                                  -----------------  -------------------------------------            ---------- 
                                                             14 778                                 16 889                   655 
 Current assets                                              14 590                                 13 890                   037 
  Inventories                                                 4 889                                  4 721                 2 866 
  Growing crops (note 
   4)                                                         2 083                                  2 108                 2 914 
  Trade and other receivables                                 5 059                                  5 094                 5 380 
  Cash and cash equivalents                                   2 559                                  1 967                 1 877 
                                                  -----------------  -------------------------------------  --------  ---------- 
 TOTAL ASSETS                                                29 368                                 30 779                   692 
                                                  -----------------  -------------------------------------            ---------- 
 Capital and reserves 
 Share capital                                                  135                                    135                   135 
 Share premium                                                1 544                                  1 544                 1 544 
 BEE held consolidation 
  shares                                                      (640)                                  (642)                 (625) 
 Retained income                                              8 779                                  8 331                 8 191 
 Other reserves                                                 587                                  3 731                 4 028 
                                                  -----------------  -------------------------------------            ---------- 
 Shareholders' interest                                      10 405                                 13 099                   273 
 Minority (non-controlling) 
  interest                                                    1 968                                  2 141                 2 152 
                                                  -----------------  -------------------------------------            ---------- 
 Equity                                                      12 373                                 15 240                   425 
 Non-current liabilities                                      7 973                                  7 865                 8 086 
  Deferred tax                                                2 606                                  2 668                 2 864 
  Long-term borrowings                                        4 547                                  3 795                 3 791 
  Non-recourse equity-settled 
   BEE borrowings                                                                                      622                   605 
  Provisions                                                    820                                    780                   826 
                                                  -----------------  -------------------------------------  --------  ---------- 
 Current liabilities                                          9 022                                  7 674                 7 181 
  Trade and other payables 
   (note 5)                                                   4 605                                  3 969                 3 897 
  Short-term borrowings                                       3 542                                  3 446                 3 187 
  Non-recourse equity-settled 
   BEE borrowings                                               620 
  Tax                                                           255                                    259                    97 
                                                  -----------------  -------------------------------------  --------  ---------- 
 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                29 368                                 30 779                   692 
                                                  -----------------  -------------------------------------            ---------- 
 Number of shares (000) 
 - in issue                                                 135 113                                135 113                   113 
 - weighted average                                                                                                          115 
  (basic)                                                   115 414                                115 083                   471 
 - weighted average                                                                                                          115 
  (diluted)                                                 115 414                                115 083                   471 
                                                  Statement of Changes in Equity 
 Condensed consolidated                                   Unaudited                              Unaudited                 Audited 
                                                           6 months                               6 months               12 months 
                                                                 to                                     to                      to 
                                                       30 September                           30 September                31 March 
                                                               2016                                   2015                    2016 
                                                                                                 (restated               (restated 
                                                                                                    - note                  - note 
 Rmillion                                                                                              10)                     10) 
-----------------------------------------------   -----------------  -------------------------------------  ---------------------- 
 Balance at beginning 
  of period                                                  13 273                                 11 889                  11 889 
 Total comprehensive 
  income for the period                                     (2 787)                                  1 426                   1 763 
  Retained income                                               639                                    635                     698 
  Movement in hedge 
   reserve                                                      (6)                                    (2)                       7 
  Foreign currency 
   translation                                              (3 420)                                    793                   1 058 
                                                  -----------------  -------------------------------------  ---------------------- 
 Dividends paid                                                (66)                                  (231)                   (417) 
 BEE share-based payment 
  charge                                                          7                                      8                      17 
 Share-based payment 
  charge                                                         25                                     40                      60 
 Settlement of share-based 
  payment awards                                               (47)                                   (33)                    (39) 
 Shareholders' interest                                      10 405                                 13 099                  13 273 
 Minority (non-controlling) 
  interest                                                    1 968                                  2 141                   2 152 
  Balance at beginning 
   of period                                                  2 152                                  1 887                   1 887 
  Total comprehensive 
   income for the period                                      (180)                                    258                     284 
    Retained income                                              48                                     39                    (53) 
    Foreign currency 
     translation                                              (228)                                    219                     337 
                                                  =================  =====================================  ====================== 
  Dividends paid to 
   minorities                                                   (4)                                    (4)                    (19) 
                                                  -----------------  -------------------------------------  ---------------------- 
 Equity                                                      12 373                                 15 240                  15 425 
                                                  -----------------  -------------------------------------  ---------------------- 
                   Statement of Other Comprehensive Income 
 Condensed consolidated                  Unaudited      Unaudited     Audited 
                                          6 months       6 months   12 months 
                                                to             to          to 
                                      30 September   30 September    31 March 
                                              2016           2015        2016 
                                                        (restated   (restated 
                                                           - note      - note 
 Rmillion                                                     10)         10) 
----------------------------------   -------------  -------------  ---------- 
 Net profit for the period                     687            674         663 
 Other comprehensive 
  income                                   (3 654)          1 010       1 384 
   Items that will not 
    be reclassified to profit 
    or loss: 
    Foreign currency translation           (3 648)          1 012       1 395 
    Actuarial loss                                                       (24) 
    Tax on actuarial loss                                                   6 
   Items that may be reclassified 
    subsequently to profit 
    or loss: 
    Hedge reserve                              (8)            (3)          10 
    Tax on movement in 
     hedge reserve                               2              1         (3) 
 Total comprehensive 
  income for the period                    (2 967)          1 684       2 047 
                                     -------------  -------------  ---------- 
 Total comprehensive 
  income attributable 
  Shareholders of Tongaat 
   Hulett                                  (2 787)          1 426       1 763 
  Minority (non-controlling) 
   interest                                  (180)            258         284 
                                           (2 967)          1 684       2 047 
                                     -------------  -------------  ---------- 
                          Statement of Cash Flows 
 Condensed consolidated               Unaudited      Unaudited     Audited 
                                       6 months       6 months   12 months 
                                             to             to          to 
                                   30 September   30 September    31 March 
                                           2016           2015        2016 
                                                     (restated   (restated 
                                                        - note      - note 
 Rmillion                                                  10)         10) 
-------------------------------   -------------  -------------  ---------- 
 Operating profit                         1 350          1 276       1 669 
 Surplus on disposal 
  of property, plant and 
  equipment                                (11)           (34)        (84) 
 Depreciation                               589            757       1 231 
 Growing crops and other 
  non-cash items                            389            656          36 
 Operating cash flow                      2 317          2 655       2 852 
 Change in working capital              (1 256)        (2 389)       (989) 
 Cash flow from operations                1 061            266       1 863 
 Tax payments                             (190)          (109)       (221) 
 Net financing costs                      (408)          (314)       (680) 
 Cash flow from operating 
  activities                                463          (157)         962 
 Expenditure on property, 
  plant and equipment: 
   New                                     (95)          (240)       (488) 
   Replacement                            (228)          (296)       (668) 
   Major plant overhaul 
    cost changes                          (139)           (57)          34 
   Root planting costs                    (133)          (381)       (668) 
 Intangible assets                         (82)           (28)       (123) 
 Other capital items                          7             45         109 
 Net cash flow before 
  dividends and financing 
  activities                              (207)        (1 114)       (842) 
 Dividends paid                            (70)          (235)       (436) 
 Net cash flow before 
  financing activities                    (277)        (1 349)     (1 278) 
 Borrowings raised                        1 267          1 550       1 273 
 Non-recourse equity-settled 
  BEE borrowings                             15           (32)        (49) 
 Settlement of share-based 
  payment awards                           (47)           (33)        (39) 
 Net increase/(decrease) 
  in cash and cash equivalents              958            136        (93) 
 Balance at beginning 
  of period                               1 877          1 668       1 668 
 Foreign currency translation             (276)            163         302 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at end of period                        2 559          1 967       1 877 
                                  -------------  -------------  ---------- 
 Condensed consolidated                 Unaudited      Unaudited     Audited 
                                         6 months       6 months   12 months 
                                               to             to          to 
                                     30 September   30 September    31 March 
                                             2016           2015        2016 
                                                       (restated   (restated 
                                                          - note      - note 
 Rmillion                                                    10)         10) 
---------------------------------   -------------  -------------  ---------- 
 1. Net financing 
    Interest paid                           (472)          (350)       (778) 
    Interest capitalised                       16              3          28 
    Interest received                          48             33          70 
                                            (408)          (314)       (680) 
                                    -------------  -------------  ---------- 
 2. Tax 
     Normal                                 (355)          (316)       (277) 
     Deferred                                 100             28        (49) 
                                            (255)          (288)       (326) 
                                    -------------  -------------  ---------- 
 3. Headline earnings 
    Profit attributable 
     to shareholders                          639            635         716 
    Adjusted for: 
      Capital profit 
       on disposal of land 
       and buildings                          (8)           (26)        (42) 
      Loss on other capital 
       items                                                               4 
      Surplus on disposal 
       of property, plant 
       and equipment                          (3)            (4) 
      Minority (non-controlling) 
       interest                                 1                        (1) 
      Tax on the above 
       items                                    2              2           2 
                                              631            607         679 
                                    -------------  -------------  ---------- 
 4. Growing crops 
 Growing crops, comprising standing cane, 
  is measured at fair value which is determined 
  using an estimate of cane yields and prices 
  which are unobservable inputs and, in accordance 
  with IFRS, categorised as level 3 under 
  the fair value hierarchy. Changes in fair 
  value are recognised in profit or loss. 
  A change in yield of one ton per hectare 
  on the estimated yield of 73 tons cane 
  per hectare (30 September 2015: 83 tons 
  per hectare and 31 March 2016: 73 tons 
  per hectare) would result in a R31 million 
  (30 September 2015: R25 million and 31 
  March 2016: R37 million) change in fair 
  value while a change of one percent in 
  the cane price would result in a R23 million 
  (30 September 2015: R26 million and 31 
  March 2016: R33 million) change in fair 
 5. Trade and other 
 Included in trade and other payables is 
  the maize obligation (interest bearing) 
  of R712 million (30 September 2015: R573 
  million and 31 March 2016: R376 million). 
 6. Capital expenditure 
     Contracted                                94            261         196 
     Approved                                 152            338         213 
                                              246            599         409 
                                    -------------  -------------  ---------- 
 7. Operating lease 
  commitments                                  70             94          75 
                                    -------------  -------------  ---------- 
 8. Guarantees and 
  contingent liabilities                      129             68         101 
                                    -------------  -------------  ---------- 
 9. Basis of preparation 
  and accounting policies 
 The condensed consolidated unaudited results 
  for the half-year ended 30 September 2016 
  have been prepared in accordance with and 
  containing the information required by 
  IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting, the 
  SAICA Financial Reporting Guides as issued 
  by the Accounting Practices Committee, 
  Financial Reporting Pronouncements as issued 
  by the Financial Reporting Standards Council 
  and the requirements of the Companies Act 
  of South Africa. The additional disclosure 
  required in terms of paragraph 16A(j) of 
  IAS 34 is available on the website, at 
  the registered office or on request. Except 
  as described below, the report has been 
  prepared using accounting policies that 
  comply with IFRS which are consistent with 
  those applied in the financial statements 
  for the year ended 31 March 2016 and were 
  prepared under the supervision of the Chief 
  Financial Officer, M H Munro CA (SA). Any 
  reference to future financial performance 
  that may be included in this announcement 
  has not been reviewed and reported on by 
  the company's auditor. 
 10. Adoption of 
  new or revised accounting 
 Tongaat Hulett has adopted all the new 
  or revised accounting pronouncements as 
  issued by the IASB which were effective 
  for Tongaat Hulett from 1 January 2016. 
  The adoption of these standards had no 
  recognition and measurement impact on the 
  financial results, other than for the compulsory 
  adoption of the revised IAS 16 and IAS 
  41 which has resulted in cane roots being 
  reclassified from growing crops to property, 
  plant and equipment in the statement of 
  financial position, root planting costs 
  being capitalised to the cost of the roots 
  and thereafter the roots depreciated over 
  their estimated useful lives. Standing 
  cane is now disclosed as a current asset. 
 Comparative figures have been restated. 
  The restated consolidated financial statements 
  for the year ended 31 March 2016 have been 
  prepared and audited in accordance with 
  the recognition and measurement criteria 
  of IFRS. The effect of the adoption of 
  the revised IAS 16 and IAS 41 on profit 
  or loss for the 6 months ended 30 September 
  2015 (with the full year ended 31 March 
  2016 in brackets) was a decrease in operating 
  profit of R85 million (2016: R139 million), 
  deferred tax relief of R17 million (2016: 
  R32 million) and a decrease in net profit 
  for the period of R68 million (2016: R107 
  million). The effect on earnings per share 
  and headline earnings per share (basic 
  and diluted) was a decrease of 57,4 cents 
  per share (2016: 90,1 cents per share). 
  There was no impact on other comprehensive 
  income (2016: decrease in foreign currency 
  translation of R2 million). The effect 
  on the statement of financial position 
  at 30 September was the reclassification 
  of cane roots of R3 060 million (2016: 
  R3 234 million) from growing crops to property, 
  plant and equipment, a decrease of R85 
  million (2016: R137 million) in the carrying 
  value of cane roots, and decreases in equity 
  and deferred tax of R68 million (2016: 
  R105 million) and R17 million (2016: R32 
  million) respectively. 
 11. Subsequent events 
 There were no material events between 
  30 September 2016 and the date 
  of this report. 


Directorate: C B Sibisi (Chairman), P H Staude (Chief Executive Officer)*,

S M Beesley, F Jakoet, J John, R P Kupara^, T N Mgoduso, N Mjoli-Mncube,

M H Munro*, S G Pretorius, T A Salomão +

   * Executive directors    + Mozambican       ^ Zimbabwean 

Registered office:

Amanzimnyama Hill Road, Tongaat, KwaZulu-Natal

P O Box 3, Tongaat 4400

Telephone: +27 32 439 4019

Facsimile: +27 31 570 1055

Transfer secretaries:

South Africa:

Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Limited

Telephone: +27 11 370 7700

United Kingdom:

Capita Registrars

Telephone: +44 20 8639 2406

Sponsor: Investec Bank Limited

Telephone: +27 11 286 7000


e-mail: info@tongaat.com

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

November 14, 2016 03:06 ET (08:06 GMT)

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