RNS Number : 6705Z
  Thomson Intermedia PLC
  23 July 2008

    Thomson Intermedia plc

    Preliminary results for the year ended 30 April 2008 

    Change delivering results  

    Thomson Intermedia plc ("Thomson Intermedia" or the 'Group', AIM: THN), a leading provider of media intelligence and data, today
announces its preliminary results for the year ended 30 April 2008.


    *     Total revenue of �17.2m, up 8% on the previous 12 month period
    *     Consultancy services up 18% to �11.3m, representing 66% of total revenue
    *     92% renewal of recurring revenues on Technology and Data Services
    *     106% renewal of repeat revenues in Consultancy Services

    *     Group underlying* operating profit of �2.0m, down 10% on the previous 12 month period
    *     Group underlying* core operating profit up 27% to �2.0m (2007 - 12m: �1.6m)
    *     Reported operating loss of �1.1m due to non cash write-down of capitalised development costs (2007 - 12m: �0.2m profit)

    *     Group underlying* profit before tax was �1.8m (2007 - 12m: �1.8m)

    *     Reported loss before tax was �1.4m (2007 - 12m: �0.2m loss)

    *     Strong working capital management with a 32% improvement in debtor days and a 30% improvement in net debt position

    *     Management team strengthened across a number of levels

    *     Strong focus on:
    *     Introducing greater financial discipline
    *     Eliminating dependency on "one off" projects
    * before Highlighted Items (see note 2)

    Michael Greenlees, Chief Executive of Thomson Intermedia plc, said: 

    " 2007/8 has been a period of extraordinary change and I am confident that we have now set the company on course to prosper in the years

    As a marketing and media analytics business we focus on helping our clients create greater value from their marketing investment - a
proposition that should have even greater resonance given the uncertain economic environment"
      23 July 2008 


 Thomson Intermedia
 Michael Greenlees, Chief Executive       Today 0207 650 9601
 Andrew Beach, Finance Director      Thereafter 0207 650 9800

 Shaun Dobson

 College Hill
 Matthew Smallwood                             0207 457 2020 

      Chairman's statement
    The financial period that ended on 30 April 2008 was one of substantial change for the company and we have ended the period in a
stronger position than we started.

    The financial performance for this period must be viewed as one that reflects the transitional nature of the year. The handing over by
our company founders of the executive leadership of the company to Michael Greenlees has enabled a fresh perspective to be brought to the
business that will facilitate the next exciting phase of our Company growth.

    Last summer we celebrated the 10th anniversary of Thomson Intermedia; a company that started life with the passion of a small group of
individuals and now counts a significant proportion of the UK's largest advertisers amongst its clients.

    The Board was very fortunate to be able to attract Michael Greenlees to join the Board initially as a non-executive and then to step up
into the Chief Executive role. His experience and exacting management disciplines are being felt throughout the business. The appointment of
Nick Manning, with his vast experience of the media industry, now means that we have one of the most experienced executive teams in the

    The need to implement changes to the portfolio of products, and to focus the group's resources, has resulted in a write-down of some of
the Company's previous investments in development projects. In addition, some one-off costs have been incurred in order to ensure that we
have the best people in key positions. We have also moved into new offices as leases ran out and we sought to maximize the benefit of having
all elements of the business in fewer locations.

    We are now in a strong position to move forward. We have an executive management team that would be the envy of many larger companies.
We have a business that has been reviewed from top to bottom, and we have a platform that is both robust and unique, with a clearly defined
growth plan.

    I want to thank Steve and Sarah Jane Thomson for the 10 years of their lives they devoted to the creation of Thomson Intermedia. I must
also, on behalf of the Board, thank all the employees for their support through this transitional, and we believe transformational, period.

    Michael Higgins

    23 July 2008
      Chief Executive's Review

    Financial Overview

    Total revenue for the year to 30 April 2008 was up 8% to �17.2 million compared to the 12 months to 30 April 2007. Underlying operating
profit was �2.0 million, and although this was down 10% on the previous year, it nevertheless represented an underlying growth of 27%
discounting for one-off 'development' revenue. Following the non cash write-down of capitalise development costs (�1.5m), the Group reported
an operating loss of �1.1m, down from �0.2m operating profit for the previous 12 months.

    The Company continued to be cash generative at an operating level and this, combined with a more disciplined approach to cash
management, saw significant improvements in net debt, which fell from �3.0 million to �2.1 million over the year. 


    Since my appointment as Chief Executive Officer in October 2007, the Company has undergone a major transformation. Nothing has gone
unchallenged and little has remained unchanged. As a result it has been a period of extra-ordinary change, and I want to thank everyone who
has been involved for their support, dedication and enthusiasm in helping to grasp the opportunities that surely lie ahead for this
outstanding Company.

    This has been a year during which we have focused upon introducing greater financial discipline, eliminated our dependency on 'one-off'
projects and returned to our core strengths by rebuilding a strong recurring revenue stream, based upon providing an increasing range of
services to our large and growing client base. 

    We have carefully reviewed every aspect of the business in order to evaluate our strengths and to understand our weaknesses. This has
formed the basis of our strategic thinking for the future, and the fruits of this exercise should begin to emerge in the year ahead.

    Specifically, we have reviewed in detail:
-         Our management structure, with the aim of strengthening our depth of senior talent and     encouraging a culture of
-         Our systems and processes for managing the business effectively and efficiently, with special emphasis on ensuring clarity of
collective and individual responsibility
-          Our sales strategy, structure and pricing across our diverse product base
-         Our financial practices, with particular emphasis on business planning, performance management, accountability and treasury
-          Our data capture and quality control to ensure the best possible data output to the market
-          Our IT practices, structures and processes, in order to create maximum efficiencies with the minimum down-time, and to ensure
timely market delivery of both upgrades and new products
-         Our *go to market* strategy and branding in order to present the most powerful and relevant face to our client audiences
-         Our international capabilities, to address the need for a wider footprint for business expansion
-         Our Human Resources practices, in order to improve the way we reward, retain, motivate and   incentivise our people
-         Our property portfolio, aiming at an improvement in cross-company operations and working conditions

    As a result of this review the Board believe that our company is stronger, more focused and ready to deliver strong growth in the years

    Market Data: the currency of the media industry

    We operate in a worldwide advertising market worth over $360 billion and a UK market worth almost �8.5 billion. 

    As the media landscape diversifies and fragments, driven by emerging digital technologies, there is a greater need for marketing
professionals to have accurate, timely (and crucially) independent information, insight and advice. The growth of the Internet (fuelled by
Broadband distribution) has transformed the communications market and brought about a radical change in the way that people lead their lives
and an equally big shift in their use of communications media.

    Digital communications services, led by the Internet, have conspired with converging technologies to offer a massive range of choice to
today's consumers. Social Networking on mobile devices is a daily reality and user-generated content is already a permanent feature of the
media landscape. 

    The explosion of media choice is rapidly re-distributing the time, attention and disposable income of the audiences, and advertisers
face an enormous challenge in the way they connect with their consumers. What is sure is that this proliferation of media channels, and the
wide range of devices on which they are received, means that increasingly, media menus are becoming personalised and that this has
significantly disrupted the traditional 'media consumption' stereotype upon which so much traditional media planning relies.

    Data, which allows us to track and respond to consumer behaviour, is the hot new currency and although it is in plentiful supply, its
sheer volume creates its own problems, challenging marketers to transform information into actionable insights. This represents an enormous
opportunity for Thomson Intermedia. Advertisers increasingly need integrated and independent ways of navigating a clear path through the new
media jungle and we are well positioned to help them. 

    I believe that no other company offers our unique mix of capabilities. We have one of the largest - perhaps the largest - media
databases in the UK; we work with over 300 advertisers, we already deliver valuable insights direct to our clients' desktops in near real
time, and we measure and benchmark over �3 billion of media spend, trade and consumer promotional investment each year. This gives us a
unique perspective, and I believe an unrivalled ability, to provide our clients with powerful market insights that can drive their
businesses success. 

    Marketing Investment Management: 
    strategic realignment of our core capabilities

    In June 2008, I announced that our media monitoring platform would take the Billetts' name to become Billetts Media Monitoring (BMM) and
be aligned with our two other advertising services divisions: Billetts Media Consulting and Billetts Marketing Sciences. At the same time
BMM was significantly upgraded to provide advertisers with a dedicated and unique monitoring platform that is specific to their marketing
sector. The depth, accuracy and usability of this data platform is without equal, and our ability to tailor it to the marketing and media
needs of our clients is, I believe, unrivalled.

    Whilst each of the three Billetts business units is an authority in its own right, together they create what we believe will
increasingly become recognised as the best practice approach for advertisers. We call it Marketing Investment Management and it is designed
to ensure transparency, insight and value throughout the media planning and buying process, as well as to provide advertisers with the
strategic tools they need to help them build effective media and marketing plans and gain a demonstrable return on their investment. 

    In this cluttered and complex market, Billetts' mission is to become the clear source of independent and integrated advice for our
clients - to sit at their shoulder throughout the communications and planning process in order to help them:

-         Understand the competitive environment and in the process fine-tune their own activity and react quickly to competitive threats
-          Keep track of marketing campaigns in terms of advertising appearance, compliance and transparency
-          Grow their business by providing unique insights into the key metrics that drive their particular market
-          Benchmark their media activity and measure both the economy and effectiveness of their media planning and  buying
-          Understand their overall return-on-investment from their total communications and promotional activity
-         Manage their data sources and ensure they feed back into better communication planning and greater efficiencies across all media
and marketing choices

    We believe that no other company in our sector has access to so much data and yet can genuinely claim to be entirely independent of the
buying process. 

    Leveraging our core assets into growing markets 

    In the coming months we intend to focus on improving and developing the services we provide to our other two market audiences: Public
Relations and Publishers.

    Our editorial monitoring products aimed at the Public Relations market - Newslive and Newsmetrics - are a growing and important part of
our business. Today, most major corporations are concerned to properly manage their image; put more correctly perhaps, their reputation. In
the world of business, reputation is key and in today's busy and complex media environment, in which blogging is increasingly dictating the
pace of public opinion, tracking what people say about you - good or bad - is a crucial business tool.

    Both Newslive and Newsmetrics are specialist providers of high-speed news monitoring and evaluation services delivered on-line in near
real time. They provide intelligently selected media coverage and evaluation that helps inform strategic planning. 

    In addition we plan to further develop our 'publisher services' business by building upon our successful electronic vouching business.
Electronic vouching allows publishers to provide advertisers with proof of insertion via a purpose built web based platform helping them to
create significant efficiencies and cost savings. We have recently introduced this product in Holland where it has already met with
significant success.

    International development

    Approximately 19% (2007: 13%) of our revenue in 2007/8 was derived directly or indirectly from international client assignments. Of
this, 75% are for contracts conducted in 10 countries or more. We currently work with over 30 companies across Europe and Asia to provide
our international media audit service and in the coming year we intend to take steps to strengthen our country representation to more
closely match the needs of our clients. 

    Last month we entered into exclusive discussions with Media Value, Spain's newest and most dynamic Media Consulting and Auditing
Company, with a view to acquiring an initial 25% interest and by so doing, strengthen our existing presence in this important market. Media
Value was formed last year by senior professionals from Accenture/Media Audits, and has already built up a significant client list in its
own right. Billetts' Spanish and Portuguese accounts will join Media Value's existing business, jointly creating a powerful data pool for
the Spanish media market. 


    We have taken the first steps necessary to ensure a strong foundation for growth but there will be more to do in the coming year. We
will continue to invest in growth opportunities designed to build upon our strengths as a leader in marketing analytics. 

    Our primary purpose is to advise our clients on how best to create media value - more specifically, how best to ensure maximum return on
their marketing and media investment. At no time is this more relevant or more important than at a time of growing concerns about recession.
Already a significant proportion of our clients are either Finance Directors or Heads of Procurement seeking to set benchmarks or
interrogate value. Many are Sales Directors who look to create greater efficiencies from their growing trade promotion budget. And many are
Marketing Directors who need to make their marketing budgets work harder. Billetts Marketing Investment Management speaks directly to these
concerns. Overall, therefore, the Board remains cautiously optimistic about the year ahead.

    Michael Greenlees 
    Chief Executive Officer

    23 July 2008

      Financial Review

    Thomson Intermedia plc is publishing its final results for the 12 months ended 30 April 2008. Since the comparative period is a 15 month
period, this review also contains unaudited proforma figures for the 12 months ended 30 April 2007.


                          12 months ended 30       12 months ended       15 months ended 30 April
                                  April 2008         30 April 2007                           2007
                                   (audited)  (restated, unaudited            (restated, audited)
                                      �'000s                �'000s                         �'000s
 Consultancy Services                 11,310                 9,604                         12,168
 Technology & Data                     5,910                 5,716                          7,126
 Core                                 17,220                15,320                         19,294
 Development (one off)                     -                   661                            896
 Total Revenue                        17,220                15,981                         20,190

    Total Group revenue increased by 8% to �17.2 million (2007 - 12 months: �16.0 million) with Core revenue, excluding one-off development
projects, up by 12% to �17.2 million (2007 - 12 months: �15.3 million). This growth was driven by Consultancy Services where revenue
increased by 18% to �11.3 million. Within this segment, revenue from international audit assignments and marketing sciences projects both
grew strongly, up by 62% and 30% respectively.  

    Despite an encouraging 92% renewal rate (by value), revenue from Technology & Data Services was up only 3% year on year due to a
disappointing new business performance. Following contract wins in Holland and in UK magazine publishing, revenue from e-vouching services
for publishers was up 28% year on year.

    The Board made the decision to focus on recurring and renewable revenue streams based on our core product and service offerings rather
than one off software development projects. This explains the lack of Development revenue in the current year. 

    Gross Profit

    Gross profit for the period was �9.0m, yielding a gross margin of 52% (2007 - 15 months: 56%) which has been consistent throughout the
period. The margin decrease reflects the lack of one off development income, and the larger percentage of revenue being attributable to
Consultancy Services - and in particular international contracts - which has lower margins than Technology & Data.
      Operating Profit

    Profit before highlighted items is termed "underlying operating profit". Certain items have been highlighted because separate disclosure
is considered relevant in understanding the underlying performance of the business.  

                                 12 months ended        12 months ended          15 months ended 
                                    30 April 2008         30 April 2007             30 April 2007
                                        (audited)  (restated, unaudited       (restated, audited)
                                           �'000s                �'000s                    �'000s
 Consultancy Services                       1,993                 1,463                     2,088
 Technology & Data                            145                   220                       300
 Central costs                              (121)                  (92)                      (85)
 Underlying core business                   2,017                 1,590                     2,304
 operating profit                                                        
 Development (one off)                          -                   642                       877
 Underlying operating profit                2,017                 2,233                     3,181
 Highlighted Items                        (3,140)               (2,055)                   (2,230)
 Reported operating                       (1,123)                   178                       951

    Consultancy Services has performed well with increased revenues from a well managed cost base.

    Additional costs incurred in Technology & Data did not result in the desired uplift in revenues. As explained in the Chief Executive's
review, this part of the business is subject to a detailed strategic review.

    Underlying core business operating profit was �2.0m (2007 - 12 months: �1.6m), representing a 27% increase over the prior 12 month

      Highlighted Items

                                       12 months ended         15 months ended 
                                          30 April 2008           30 April 2007

                                 Cash   Non-cash  Total  Cash   Non-cash  Total
                                 �'000     �'000  �'000  �'000    �'000s  �'000
 Share based expenses                -        99     99      -       347    347
 Amortisation of purchased           -       369    369      -       484    484
 intangible assets
                                     -       468    468      -       831    831

 Non recurring:
 Acquisition related (Billetts)                       -    361         -    361
 Development costs write off         -     1,457  1,457                       -
 Provision for doubtful debts        -         -      -      -       474    474
 Property costs                    548      (90)    458      -       218    218
 Management restructuring costs    521         -    521    193         -    193
 Other costs                       236         -    236     47       106    153
                                 1,305     1,367  2,672    601       798  1,399

 Total highlighted items         1,305     1,835  3,140    601     1,629  2,230

    Following a comprehensive review of the Company's priorities in respect of development projects, the Group has taken a write-down of
�1.5 million in respect of capitalised development costs relating to projects that we no longer pursue. This is an accounting charge, which
has no impact on the Group's cash flow, now or in the future. 

    The property costs of �458,000 relate to the consolidation of the Company's London operations into one location at Tower Hill and
includes the cost of exiting our two other London properties in Charing Cross and Farringdon. 

    The management restructuring costs of �521,000 relate to Board changes implemented in October 2007 together with further restructuring
following a strategic review.

    Other costs relate primarily to liabilities of Billetts that arose from the period prior to its acquisition in August 2005 together with
legal costs in pursuit of a possible warranty claim. The Board has decided that it would be an unnecessary deflection of resources to pursue
this matter at this time.

    Profit before tax and EPS

    Net finance costs were �250,000 (2007 - 12 months: �353,000) which reflects a decrease in the Group's borrowings over the past twelve

    Underlying profit before tax for the twelve months was flat at �1.8m. Reported loss before tax was �1.4m (2007 - 12 months: �0.2m

    Underlying diluted earnings per share for the twelve months was 4.34p (2007 - 12 months: 5.00p). Reported diluted loss per share was
4.00p (2007 - 12 months: 0.55p).

    The Board is not recommending the payment of a dividend, reflecting the high growth nature of the Group and the opportunities for
further development, particularly internationally. 
    Cash and Debt

                       As at     As at
                30 April 2008       30
                   (audited)     April
                       �'000s     2007

 Cash                   1,687    2,105
 Debt                 (3,751)  (5,057)
 Net Debt             (2,064)  (2,952)

    Net cash from operating activities for the twelve months was �1.8m (2007 - 15 months: �2.0m), reflecting an improved working capital
performance on an annualised basis.  

    During the 12 months, the Group invested �335,000 in intangible assets (development work), �797,000 in relation to the property move,
and incurred �521,000 in relation to management restructuring.  

    There has been a strong focus over the last year on improving the processes for cash and working capital management, including debt
collection, invoicing and supplier payments. These initiatives have had a significant impact with debtor days down from 95 days as at 30
April 2007 to 65 days as at 30 April 2008. The profile of the debtor balances has also improved: as at 30 April 2008, 19% of debtors had
been outstanding for more than 60 days compared with 32% as at 30 April 2007.

    The net debt position as at 30 April 2008 was �2.1 million (2007: �3.0 million), the reduction being due to positive operating cash flow
over the past twelve months despite significant investment in property and management restructuring. Gross debt was reduced by �1.3 million
to �3.8 million as �0.9 million was repaid to the bank, and �0.4 million of vendor loan notes were redeemed.

    As at 30 April 2008, the Group had unutilised banking facilities of �4.1m.

    Andrew Beach
    Group Finance Director

    23 July 2008
      Consolidated Income Statement
    for the twelve months ended 30 April 2008

                                              12 months        15 months ended
                                                  ended          30 April 2007
                                           30 April 2008    (Restated -Note 1)

                                 Note              �'000                 �'000
 Revenue                                          17,220                20,190
 Cost of Sales                                   (8,261)               (8,758)
 Gross Profit                                      8,959                11,432
 Administrative expenses -                       (6,942)               (8,251)
 excluding highlighted items
 Administrative expenses -                       (3,140)               (2,230)
 highlighted items 
 Total administrative expenses                  (10,082)              (10,481)

 Operating profit before                           2,017                 3,181
 highlighted items
 Administrative expenses -                       (3,140)               (2,230)
 highlighted items
 Operating (loss)/profit                         (1,123)                   951
 Finance income                                       62                    80
 Finance expenses                                  (312)                 (473)
 Net finance costs                                 (250)                 (393)

 (Loss)/profit before taxation                   (1,373)                   558

 Tax income                       3                   97                   263

 (Loss)/profit for the period                    (1,276)                   821

 Attributable to:
 Equity holders of the parent                    (1,276)                   770
 Minority interests                                    -                    51
                                                 (1,276)                   821

 (Loss)/earnings per share
 Basic                            4              (4.00)p                 2.46p
 Diluted                          4              (4.00)p                 2.37p

    Consolidated Statement of Recognised Income and Expense
    for the twelve months ended 30 April 2008

                                       12 months ended         15 months ended
                                          30 April 2008          30 April 2007
                                                           (Restated - Note 1)
                                                  �'000                  �'000
 (Loss)/profit for the period                   (1,276)                    821
 Exchange differences on                             13                     56
 translation of overseas subsidiary  
 Deferred tax movement on share                    (80)                  (101)
 based expenses                      
 Total income and expense                          (67)                   (45)
 recognised directly in equity       
 Total recognised income and                    (1,343)                    776
 expense for the period              
 Attributable to:                    
 Equity holders of the company                  (1,343)                    725
 Minority interest                                    -                     51
                                                (1,343)                    776

    Consolidated Balance Sheet
    as at 30 April 2008

                                                  30 April 2008  30 April 2007
                                                                       Note 1)
                                                          �'000          �'000
 Non current assets                             
 Goodwill                                                 8,754          8,625
 Other intangible assets                                  2,876          4,432
 Property, plant & equipment                                882            610
 Investment in joint ventures                               115            115
 Deferred tax asset                                         979            895
 Total non current assets                                13,606         14,677
 Current assets                                 
 Trade & other receivables                                5,753          5,715
 Current tax assets                                           -            105
 Cash & cash equivalents                                  1,687          2,105
 Total current assets                                     7,440          7,925
 Total assets                                            21,046         22,602
 Current liabilities                            
 Other financial liabilities                            (1,951)        (2,857)
 Trade & other payables                                 (2,273)        (2,132)
 Current tax liabilities                                  (226)              -
 Provisions                                               (156)           (59)
 Accruals & deferred income                             (4,703)        (3,995)
 Total current liabilities                              (9,309)        (9,043)
 Non current liabilities                        
 Other financial liabilities                            (1,800)        (2,200)
 Provisions                                                (65)          (159)
 Deferred tax liability                                   (667)          (825)
 Total non current liabilities                          (2,532)        (3,184)
 Total liabilities                                     (11,841)       (12,227)
 Total net assets                                         9,205         10,375
 Capital & reserves                             
 Share capital                                            8,035          7,828
 Share premium                                            1,846          1,840
 Merger reserve                                         (4,504)        (4,504)
 Translation reserve                                         63             50
 Retained earnings                                        3,765          5,161
 Capital and reserves attributable to the       
 equity holder of the parent                              9,205         10,375
 Minority interest                                            -              -
 Total equity                                             9,205         10,375

    Consolidated Cashflow Statement 
    for the twelve months ended 30 April 2008

                                                12 months           15 months 
                                                    ended                ended
                                             30 April 2008       30 April 2007
                                                              (Restated - Note
                                                     �'000               �'000

 Cashflows from operating activities
 (Loss)/profit before taxation                     (1,373)                 558
 Adjustments for:
 Depreciation                                          333                 414
 Amortisation                                          434               1,120
 Capitalised development costs write                 1,457                   -
 Share option charges                                   99                 307
 Finance income                                       (62)                (80)
 Finance expenses                                      312                 473
                                                     1,200               2,792

 Increase in trade receivables                        (41)               (225)
 Increase in trade payables                            849                 112
 Increase in provisions                                  3                 110

 Cash generated from operations                      2,011               2,789
 Finance expenses                                    (312)               (473)
 Income taxes paid                                     107               (308)

 Net cash from operating activities                  1,806               2,008

 Cashflows from investing activities
 Purchase of property, plant &                       (610)               (317)
 Purchase of intangible assets                       (335)               (793)
 Purchase of investments                             (128)                   -
 Finance income                                         62                  80

 Net cash used in investing activities             (1,011)             (1,030)

 Cashflows from financing activities
 Proceeds from issue of share capital                  104                  32
 Proceeds from long term borrowings                      -               2,000
 Repayment of bank loans                             (863)               (375)
 Loan note settlement                                (443)             (3,218)

 Net cashflow used in financing                    (1,202)             (1,561)

 Net decrease in cash, cash equivalents              (407)               (583)
 and bank overdrafts
 Effect of foreign exchange rate                      (11)                (24)
 Cash, cash equivalents and bank
 overdraft at beginning of period                    2,105               2,712
 Cash, cash equivalents and bank
 overdraft at                                        1,687               2,105
 end of period 
    1. Accounting policies

    Basis of preparation

    These consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, International
Accounting Standards and Interpretations (collectively IFRSs) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) as adopted by
European Union (Adopted IFRSs) and with those parts of the Companies Act 1985 applicable to companies preparing their financial statements
under Adopted IFRSs.

    Change in year end

    In the prior year, the Group changed its year-end from 31 January to 30 April in order to better accommodate the commercial needs of the
Group. In consequence, whereas the current period covers the 12 months to 30 April 2008, the comparatives are for the 15 months to 30 April

    Change in classification of business segments

    The Group has changed the classification of Core revenue into two streams in order to better distinguish between the services that it
offers to its clients. This change, which reflects the reality of the business, should provide better transparency for investors and assist
the Board in its long term growth strategy. The two new revenue streams are:

-          Technology & Data Services: comprising revenue from competitive advertising monitoring, news monitoring and e-vouching, all of
which are delivered via online platforms.
-          Consultancy Services: comprising revenue from audit services and marketing effectiveness consultancy, which are delivered by
teams of media professionals using proprietary technology solutions and support services.

    The comparative figures have been restated to reflect this change.

    Change in accounting policies

    a)   Revenue recognition policy

    The Group has changed its accounting policy for revenue recognition of e-vouching contracts to recognise revenue evenly over the life of
the contract period. Previously, revenue recognition was weighted towards the start of the contract to take account of set up time and
costs. This change results in revenue being recognised more in line with the delivery of the service. The prior period comparatives have
been restated to reflect this change. 

    b)   New standards, amendments to published standards and interpretations to existing standards effective in 2007 adopted 
          by the Group

    IFRS 7, Financial Instruments and a complementary amendment to IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements - capital disclosure
(effective for accounting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2007).  IFRS 7 requires the disclosure of qualitative and quantitative
information about exposure to risks arising from financial instruments, including specified minimum disclosures about credit risk, liquidity
risk and market risk. Where these risks are deemed material to the group it requires disclosures based on the information used by key
management. It replaces the disclosure requirements in IAS 32 'Financial Instruments: disclosure and presentation'. 

    The amendment to IAS 1 introduces disclosures about the level and management of an entity's capital.  The Group has applied IFRS 7 and
the amendment to IAS 1 to the accounts for the period beginning on 1 May 2007.

    IFRIC 8, Scope of IFRS 2 (effective for accounting periods beginning on or after 1 May 2006). IFRIC 8 requires consideration of
transactions involving the issue or grant of equity instruments to establish whether or not they fall within the scope of IFRS 2. It applies
to situations where the identifiable consideration received is or appears to be less than the fair value of the equity instruments issued.
There was no impact on the group's accounts from its adoption.

    2.  Highlighted items

    Highlighted items comprise significant non-cash charges and non-recurring items which are highlighted in the income statement because
separate disclosure is considered relevant in understanding the underlying performance of the business.

                                       12 months ended         15 months ended 
                                          30 April 2008           30 April 2007

                                 Cash   Non-cash  Total  Cash   Non-cash  Total
                                 �'000     �'000  �'000  �'000    �'000s  �'000
 Share based expenses                -        99     99      -       347    347
 Amortisation of purchased           -       369    369      -       484    484
 intangible assets
                                     -       468    468      -       831    831

 Non recurring:
 Acquisition related (Billetts)                       -    361         -    361
 Development costs write off         -     1,457  1,457                       -
 Provision for doubtful debts        -         -      -      -       474    474
 Property costs                    548      (90)    458      -       218    218
 Management restructuring costs    521         -    521    193         -    193
 Other costs                       236         -    236     47       106    153
                                 1,305     1,367  2,672    601       798  1,399

 Total highlighted items         1,305     1,835  3,140    601     1,629  2,230

    Following a comprehensive review of the Company's priorities in respect of development projects, the Group has taken a write-down of
�1.5 million in respect of capitalised development costs relating to projects that we no longer pursue. This is an accounting charge, which
has no impact on the Group's cash flow, now or in the future. 

    The property costs of �458,000 relate to the consolidation of the Company's London operations into one location at Tower Hill and
includes the cost of exiting our two other London properties in Charing Cross and Farringdon. 

    The management restructuring costs of �521,000 relate to Board changes implemented in October 2007 together with further restructuring
following a strategic review.

    Other costs relate primarily to liabilities of Billetts that arose from the period prior to its acquisition in August 2005 together with
legal costs in pursuit of a possible warranty claim. The Board has decided that it would be an unnecessary deflection of resources to pursue
this matter at this time.

    3. Taxation

                                            12 months ended   15 months ended 
                                              30 April 2008      30 April 2007

                                                     �'000s             �'000s

 UK tax
 Current year                                           108                 60
 Prior year                                             115                  -
                                                        223                 60
 Foreign tax
 Current year                                            -                  19
 Total current tax                                      223                 79

 Deferred tax
 Origination and reversal of temporary                (202)               (69)
 Rate change                                             22                  -
 Prior year                                           (140)              (273)
                                                      (320)              (342)

 Total tax income                                      (97)              (263)

    The difference between tax as charged in the financial statements and tax at the nominal rate is
    explained below:

                                      12 months ended      15 months ended 
                                        30 April 2008         30 April 2007
                                                        (Restated - Note 1)
                                                �'000                 �'000

 (Loss)/profit before tax                     (1,373)                   558
 Corporation tax at 30%                        (412)                    167
 Non deductible taxable expenses                  98                     14
 Previously unrecognised deferred
 tax asset assessed as recoverable                  -                 (273)
 at the end of the period
 Overseas tax rate differential                   55                    (2)
 Capital allowances                             (26)                     20
 Additional deduction for R&D                       -                 (139)
 Prior year amortisation of other                  -                   (49)
 Effect of rate change                             22                     -
 Under provision of current and                 (156)                     -
 prior year tax
 Other timing differences                        322                    (1)
 Total tax income                                (97)                 (263)

    4. Earnings per share

    The calculation of the basic and diluted earnings per share is based on the following data:
                                        12 months ended        15 months ended
                                           30 April 2008         30 April 2007
                                                            (Restated- Note 1)
                                                   �'000                 �'000

 (Loss)/earnings for the purpose of              (1,276)                   770
 basic earnings per share being net
 profit attributable to equity holders
 of the parent

 Deferred tax                                      (320)                 (342)
 Highlighted items - recurring1                      467                   831
 Highlighted items - non recurring1                2,673                 1,399

 Earnings for the purpose of                       1,544                 2,658
 underlying earnings per share

 Number of shares:
 Weighted average number of ordinary          31,877,389            31,299,591
 shares for the purpose of basic
 earnings per share

 Effect of dilutive potential ordinary
 Share options2                                3,671,496             1,185,915

 Weighted average number of ordinary          35,548,885            32,485,507
 shares for the purpose of diluted
 earnings per share

 Basic (loss)/earnings per share                 (4.00)p                 2.46p
 Diluted (loss)/earnings per share2              (4.00)p                 2.37p
 Underlying basic earnings per share               4.84p                 8.49p
 Underlying diluted earnings per share             4.34p                 8.14p

    1 Highlighted items (see note 2).

    2 Note that certain share options have been excluded from the calculation of diluted EPS as their exercise price is greater than the
weighted average share price during the year (i.e. they are out-of-the-money) and therefore it would not be advantageous for the holders to
exercise those options. 1,387,379 (2007: 297,647) share options have not been included within the diluted earnings per share calculation at
30 April 2008 as they are anti-dilutive for the periods presented. These shares could potentially dilute earnings per share in the future.
There have been no movement in shares since the balance sheet date.

      5. Other intangible assets

                           Capitalised  Purchased        Total 
                                        intangible   intangible
                           Development      assets       assets
                                �'000s      �'000s       �'000s
 At 1 February 2006              2,695       3,395        6,090
 Additions                         793           -          793
 At 1 May 2007                   3,488       3,395        6,883
 Additions                         335           -          335
 Write off                     (3,251)           -      (3,251)
 At 30 April 2008                  572       3,395        3,967

 At 1 February 2006            (1,169)       (162)      (1,331)
 Provision for the period        (636)       (484)      (1,120)
 At 1 May 2007                 (1,805)       (646)      (2,451)
 Provision for the year           (66)       (368)        (434)
 Write off                       1,794           -        1,794
 At 30 April 2008                 (77)     (1,014)      (1,091)

 Net book value
 At 30 April 2008                  495       2,380        2,876
 At 30 April 2007                1,683       2,749        4,432
 At 31 January 2006              1,526       3,233        4,759

    6. Financial information

The financial information set out above does not constitute the Company's statutory accounts for the twelve months ended 30 April 2008 or
the fifteen months ended 30 April 2007, but is derived from those accounts. Statutory accounts for the fifteen months ended 30 April 2007
have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and those for the twelve months ended 30 April 2008 will be delivered following the
Company\'s annual general meeting. The auditors have reported on those accounts; their reports were unqualified, did not include references
to any matters to which the auditors drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying their reports and did not contain statements under
the Companies Act 1985, s 237(2) or (3).

When published, the Group's Annual Report and Accounts will be sent to shareholders and will be made available to the public at the Group's
registered office: The Registry, Royal Mint Court, London EC3N 4QN.

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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