RNS Number:0053S
Thorntons PLC
26 February 2002

For Immediate Release                                           26 February 2002

                                   THORNTONS PLC

                         ANNOUNCEMENT OF INTERIM RESULTS
                       FOR 28 WEEKS ENDED 12 JANUARY 2002

Thorntons, the specialist retailer and manufacturer of high quality chocolate,
toffee and other confectionery, today reports its Interim Results for the 28
weeks ended 12 January 2002.

Financial Highlights                      Results before property gains/losses*
                                                    2002                    2001

Turnover                                         £102.4m                  £99.4m
Operating profit                                  £12.4m                  £11.9m
Profit before tax                                 £10.3m                 £  9.4m
Earnings per share                                10.60p                  10.61p
Operating cash flows                              £19.8m                  £18.9m
Dividend per share                                 1.95p                   1.95p

*Property gains/losses include profit/loss on disposal of fixed assets and
movements on onerous lease provisions.

•                Total Turnover up 3.0%

•                Own shop like-for-like +4.1% over the 28 weeks

•                Gross Margins up to 54.7% from 53.0%

•                Underlying profit before tax +9.2%

•                Operating Cash Flow +5.1%

•                Gearing reduced by strong cash flow

•                Sweet special food royalties on stream

•                Impulse bar distribution agreed with Tesco

•                Valentines Day like-for-like + 4.0%

                                             Results after property gains/losses
                                                    2002                    2001
Operating profit                                  £12.0m                  £12.5m
Profit before tax                                £  9.9m                  £10.0m
Earnings per share                                10.16p                  11.22p

Commenting Peter Burdon, Chief Executive, said:

"We are very pleased to report that our performance in the 28 weeks clearly
demonstrates that the business has been stabilised. Good progress on the organic
growth initiatives is also well underway and we plan to set out more of our
longer term growth plans in September with our preliminary results."

For further information, please contact:
Peter Burdon - Chief Executive, Thorntons PLC                       01773 540550
Martin Allen - Finance Director, Thorntons PLC                      01773 540550
Charles Ryland / Catherine Miles - Buchanan Communications         020 7466 5000

Business review

We outlined, some 18 months ago, a 3 year strategy to turnaround the company.
The first phase was to stabilise and focus. The second phase was to accelerate
organic growth opportunities and then, finally, to look at developing longer
term growth options.

We are very pleased to report to you that our performance in the 28 weeks to 12
January 2002, as set out below, clearly demonstrates that the business has been
stabilised. Good progress on the organic growth initiatives is also well
underway and we plan to set out more of our longer term growth plans in
September with our preliminary results.


In the 28 weeks, to 12 January 2002, overall sales increased by 3.0% to £102.4m
but this encouraging improvement understates some of the progress made.

We trimmed back the Own Shop estate, a net reduction of 18 to 394, but still
grew total own shop sales by +2.1%. A more exciting events programme, better
products and good in-store management helped to drive up like-for-like sales in
the 28 weeks by 4.1% (compared with 0.4% in the same period last year).
Christmas was very buoyant with like-for-like sales up 8.0% for the 7 weeks to
29th December (compared with 0.6% last year).

We are pleased to report that the like-for-like performance for the first 5
weeks of the second half is up +2.6% with +4.0% for Valentines Day.

The plan to expand Franchise locations is ahead of our expectations with 33 net
new sites opened over the last 12 months making a total of 181 sites, helping to
contribute to a 30.9% sales increase for our franchise business.

Commercial sales were down by £1.6m to £9.2m, with the majority of this
reduction being sales of non-Thorntons branded, lower margin products. We also
transferred some corporate, branded sales into Mail Order in order to provide a
better, more efficient and more personalised service.

Including these transferred sales, E-commerce/Mail Order, which combines the
traditional Thorntons confectionery offer with a greater gift choice, such as
flowers and wine, doubled sales compared with the same period last year and is


As expected, gross profit margins improved in the 28 weeks from 53.0% to 54.7%.
This improvement was driven by three factors. First, production levels returned
to normal levels in the period compared to last year when the factory was
somewhat under-utilised due to stock reductions. Second, we continued to reduce
the number of events led by discounts and increased the emphasis on value added
product offers. Finally, our work on range reduction contributed towards
improved manufacturing efficiencies and increased sales of higher margin

Selling and distribution costs did rise as a result of increased and well
targeted marketing activity plus normal rent and rate reviews.  Good internal
controls kept most other cost rises to a minimum enabling the return on sales,
after these costs, to increase from 18.2% to 19.3% in the 28 weeks.


Total net debt has decreased by 20.0% over the last 12 months to £30.3m.

Operating cash flows improved by 5.1% to  £19.8m and working capital reduced by
£3.0m to again provide strong net cash inflow from operating activities of
£22.8m in the 28 weeks. Capital expenditure remains under tight control and as a
result cash on deposit in the UK rose from £6.5m in January 2001 to £13.9m.

Gearing levels have fallen from 82.0% (restated) to 66.6%.

Profit and Dividend

Underlying operating profit, excluding one-off property gains and losses, rose
from £11.9m to £12.4m. A significant reduction in interest costs helped to lift
profit before tax, on the same basis, from £9.4m to £10.3m, up 9.2%.

The tax rate charged in the 6 months was 32% up from an underlying 30% last
year.  After taking account of one-off property related gains and losses, which
do not affect cashflow, profit before tax fell marginally to £9.9m from £10.0m.

As a result of these property charges and the tax rise, basic earnings per share
has fallen from 11.22p (restated) to 10.16p.  Excluding the property items,
earnings per share is unchanged.

Your Board has therefore declared an unchanged interim dividend of 1.95 pence
per share. The interim dividend will be paid on 30 April 2002 to shareholders on
the register at close of business on 2 April 2002.

Accounting standard changes

Financial Reporting Standard 19, which requires full provision  for deferred
tax, has now been incorporated into the accounts and restatements of prior
periods made, where applicable. The impact for the 28 weeks ended 6 January 2001
is a decrease in basic earnings per share from 11.56p to 11.22p, gearing
increases from 68.3% to 82.0%, whilst net assets per share reduced from 83.30p
to 69.40p.

Strategic Initiatives

In September we set out our vision to be:

'The UK's leading retailer and distributor of sweet special food' and outlined 5
strategic initiatives to set us on our way.

1.      New Customer Proposition - 'Signature Stores'

We have now opened all 9 planned stores; 8 of them operating over Christmas. We
will formally evaluate them at the end of this month.  We are generally pleased
with the new concept as it is attracting a new and younger customer.
Nevertheless, we have identified a number of additional opportunities to improve
the proposition further.  In the coming months, we will open a small number of
additional stores, building in the current learning.

2.  Product Range Optimisation

The first stage of this initiative is largely complete. Over the last 6 months,
we have reduced the total product range by around 20% and phased out the deleted
lines without significant customer disappointment or write-off cost. We have now
built a very strict 'one in one out' philosophy into our internal processes for
new product introductions to avoid the over expansion of the product range in
the future. We will continue to look for further range  reduction opportunities.

3.  Cafe Thorntons

There are now 25 sites operating.  These include new cafes into existing stores
at  Warrington and North Shields, where we have taken the opportunity to
implement a number of improvements over the previous offer.  We plan to refit 2
cafes in the summer as 'Signature Cafes'. These cafes will have a radically
improved proposition, with enhanced service, a better food and drink offer and
different layout to benefit customers and colleagues alike.

4.      Licensed Products

This new venture for Thorntons is in its infancy but the initial results confirm
our view that our brand name fits very well onto a broad range of  'sweet
special food'.  The initial range of cakes and puddings only started to appear
gradually on shelves from September 2001 but over the 13 weeks royalties
totalled £56,000. We have a current range of 7 core products plus additional
seasonal lines and have listings in most of the key supermarkets.  Over the next
few months, there will be new developments in biscuits,  desserts and ice cream
all meeting the same high quality standard that we have set in this sector of
the growing premium food market.

5.      Impulse Products

We were pleased to announce that we had signed an initial agreement to begin to
distribute a premium range of Thorntons branded chocolate bars through the 700
strong Tesco chain of stores.   This marks a major step forwards in strategy, as
it will prove that we can sell profitably the same Thorntons branded products
through other outlets as well as our own stores.

Products such as bars are purchased, largely, for immediate consumption and
therefore availability to purchase is of greater importance than, for example,
boxed chocolates purchased for a gift. Our overall share in this market is less
than 0.5% and we believe there is a significant opportunity for us to increase
this. Unlike the licensed cakes and puddings, these products are manufactured at
Thornton Park helping to balance production capacity, especially outside the key
seasons of Christmas and Easter.


We have demonstrated that we have the business well under control with
increasing sales, higher margins and lower borrowings.  The organic growth
initiatives are beginning to deliver with the promise of significant upside.

We must leverage and build upon our competencies and assets if we are to realise
our vision of becoming 'The UK's leading retailer and distributor of sweet
special food'. There are many opportunities in front of us but we must carry out
a full evaluation to ensure our future actions maximise shareholder value at a
reasonable level of risk. We are now progressing with this evaluation and look
forward to being able to outline the next phase of our strategy in September.

John Thornton                                                       Peter Burdon
Chairman                                                         Chief Executive
25 February 2002                                                25 February 2002

Unaudited results for 28 weeks ended 12 January 2002

    For 53 weeks                                                         For 28 weeks ended   For 28 weeks ended
           ended                                                            12 January 2002       6 January 2001
    30 June 2001                                                Notes           (unaudited)           (restated)
      (restated)                                                                      £'000                £'000

         159,921 Turnover                                           2               102,384               99,422
        (76,722) Cost of sales                                                     (46,419)             (46,676)
          83,199 Gross profit                                                        55,965               52,746
        (62,297) Other selling and distribution costs                              (36,183)             (34,718)
             584 Net release of onerous lease provisions                                  6                  511
        (61,713) Selling and distribution costs                                    (36,177)             (34,207)
        (11,427) Other administrative costs                                         (7,572)              (6,216)
            (73) (Loss)/profit on disposal of fixed assets                            (420)                   70
        (11,500) Administrative expenses                                            (7,992)              (6,146)
             162 Other operating income                             3                   170                   83
          10,148 Operating profit                                                    11,966               12,476
             369 Interest receivable and similar income                                  67                  189
         (4,432) Interest payable and similar charges               4               (2,167)              (2,666)
           6,085 Profit on ordinary activities before taxation                        9,866                9,999
         (1,570) Tax on profit on ordinary activities               5               (3,157)              (2,583)
           4,515 Profit on ordinary activities after taxation                         6,709                7,416
         (4,490) Dividends                                          6               (1,288)              (1,288)
              25 Retained profit for the period                                       5,421                6,128

                 Key ratios (restated)
           6.84p Basic earnings per ordinary share                  7                10.16p               11.22p

           6.83p Fully diluted earnings per ordinary share          7                10.12p               11.21p
           6.80p Dividend per ordinary share                        6                 1.95p                1.95p
                 Key ratios - as originally reported
           6.99p Basic earnings per ordinary share                                      n/a               11.56p
           6.98p Fully diluted earnings per ordinary share                              n/a               11.55p

Continuing operations

All amounts above relate solely to continuing operations.

Historical cost results

There was no material difference between the result disclosed above and the
result on an unmodified historical cost basis.

Restatement of comparatives

The adoption of FRS 19 'Deferred Tax', as explained in note 1, has resulted in
changes to prior period reported results.

Consolidated statement of total recognised gains and losses

  For 53 weeks ended                                                     For 28 weeks ended For 28 weeks ended
        30 June 2001                                                        12 January 2002     6 January 2001
               £'000                                                                  £'000              £'000

               4,515 Total recognised gains and losses for the                        6,709              7,416
                   - Prior period adjustment - FRS 19                               (9,130)                  -
               4,515 Total recognised gains and losses since last                   (2,421)              7,416
                     annual report


 As at 30 June 2001                                                     As at 12 January    As at 6 January 2001
         (restated)                                                                 2002              (restated)
              £'000                                                                £'000                   £'000
                    Fixed assets
             96,457 Tangible assets                                               91,287                 100,368
                290 Investments - purchase of own shares                             290                     290
             96,747                                                               91,577                 100,658
                    Current assets
             13,220 Stocks                                                        14,662                  14,364
              9,024 Debtors                                                       11,314                   9,401
              3,275 Cash at bank and in hand                                      17,658                   9,032
             25,519                                                               43,634                  32,797
                    Creditors: amounts falling due within one year
           (10,556) Bank loans, overdrafts and finance leases                   (10,843)                 (2,297)
           (23,686) Other creditors                                             (31,151)                (29,382)
           (34,242)                                                             (41,994)                (31,679)
            (8,273) Net current assets/(liabilities)                               1,640                   1,118
             88,024 Total assets less current liabilities                         93,217                 101,776
           (37,234) Bank loans and finance leases falling due after             (37,133)                (44,611)
                    one year
              (813) Other creditors falling due after one year                     (710)                 (1,097)
            (9,130) Deferred tax provision                                       (9,130)                 (9,025)
              (750) Onerous lease provision                                        (725)                   (843)
             40,097 Net assets                                                    45,519                  46,200

                    Capital and reserves
              6,656 Share capital                                                  6,656                   6,656
             12,399 Share premium                                                 12,400                  12,399
                505 Revaluation reserves                                             505                     505
             20,537 Profit and loss account                                       25,958                  26,640
             40,097 Equity shareholders' funds                                    45,519                  46,200

                    Key ratios (restated)
             44,515 Net debt                                                      30,318                  37,876
             111.0% Gearing                                                        66.6%                   82.0%
             60.25p Net assets per share                                          68.40p                  69.40p
                    Key ratios - as originally reported
              90.4% Gearing                                                          n/a                   68.3%
             73.95p Net assets per share                                             n/a                  83.30p

Movements in shareholders' funds

 For 53 weeks ended                                                   For 28 weeks ended      For 28 weeks ended
       30 June 2001                                                      12 January 2002          6 January 2001
         (restated)                                                                £'000              (restated)
              £'000                                                                                        £'000
              4,515 Profit after tax attributable to shareholders                  6,709                   7,416
            (4,490) Dividends                                                    (1,288)                 (1,288)
                 25 Retained profit attributable to shareholders                   5,421                   6,128
                  - New share capital issued                                           1                       -
                 25 Net increase in shareholders' funds                            5,422                   6,128
             49,097 Opening shareholders' funds - as originally                   49,227                  49,097
            (9,025) Prior period adjustment - FRS 19                             (9,130)                 (9,025)
             40,072 Opening shareholders' funds - as restated                     40,097                  40,072
             40,097 Closing shareholders' funds                                   45,519                  46,200

Unaudited results for 28 weeks ended 12 January 2002

           For 53                                                                 For 28 weeks    For 28 weeks 
            weeks                                                                        ended           ended
            ended                                                       Note   12 January 2002  6 January 2001
          30 June                                                                        £'000           £'000

           21,117 Cash inflow from operating activities                      8          22,794          22,050
          (4,155) Returns on investments and servicing of finance                      (2,035)         (2,397)
              902 Taxation                                                               (575)           1,305
          (1,587) Capital expenditure and financial investment                         (1,140)         (1,271)
          (4,492) Equity dividends paid                                                (3,204)         (3,204)
           11,785 Cash inflow before use of liquid resources and                        15,840          16,483
              264 Management of liquid resources                                      (13,871)         (6,237)
                - Financing - issue of shares                                                1               -
         (10,716) Financing - decrease in debt                                         (1,499)         (9,547)
            1,333 Increase in cash in the period                                           471             699

Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt

   For 53 weeks                                                                    For 28 weeks    For 28 weeks
          ended                                                                           ended           ended
        30 June                                                                      12 January       6 January 
           2001                                                                            2002            2001
          £'000                                                                           £'000           £'000
          1,333 Increase in cash in the period                                              471             699
         10,716 Cash outflow from decrease in debt                                        1,499           9,547
          (264) Cash outflow from increase in liquid resources                           13,871           6,237
         11,785 Change in net debt resulting from cash flows                             15,841          16,483

        (4,168) Inception of new finance leases                                         (1,685)         (2,117)
            141 Translation difference                                                       41              31
          7,758 Movement in net debt in the period                                       14,197          14,397

       (52,273) Net debt at beginning of period                                        (44,515)        (52,273)
       (44,515) Net debt at end of period                                              (30,318)        (37,876)

Analysis of net debt
Group: for the 28 weeks             At 30 June     Cash flow     Other non-cash      Exchange     At 12 January
ended 12 January 2002                     2001         £'000            changes      movement              2002
                                         £'000                            £'000         £'000             £'000         
Cash at bank and in hand                 3,275           471                  -            41             3,787
Debt due within one year               (7,915)             -                  -             -           (7,915)
Debt due after one year               (31,659)             -                  -             -          (31,659)
Finance leases                         (8,216)         1,499            (1,685)             -           (8,402)
                                      (47,790)         1,499            (1,685)             -          (47,976)
Cash on deposit                              -        13,871                  -             -            13,871
Total net debt                        (44,515)        15,841            (1,685)            41          (30,318)

Group: for the 28 weeks             At 24 June     Cash flow     Other non-cash      Exchange     At  6 January
ended 6 January 2001                      2000                          changes      movement              2001
                                         £'000         £'000              £'000         £'000             £'000
Cash at bank and in hand                 1,801           699                  -            31             2,531
Debt due within one year               (8,350)         8,350                  -             -                 -
Debt due after one year               (39,574)             -                  -             -          (39,574)
Finance leases                         (6,414)         1,197            (2,117)             -           (7,334)
                                      (54,338)         9,547            (2,117)             -          (46,908)
Cash on deposit                            264         6,237                  -             -             6,501
Total net debt                        (52,273)        16,483            (2,117)            31          (37,876)

Notes to the interim financial statements

1.       Basis of preparation of the interim financial statements

The unaudited interim financial statements, which are abridged, have been
prepared on the basis of accounting policies set out in the Annual Report 2001
after giving effect to the adoption of FRS 19 'Deferred Tax'.  The consolidated
balance sheet as at 30 June 2001, the consolidated profit and loss account and
consolidated cash flow statement for the 53 weeks ended 30 June 2001 are
extracts from the Annual Report 2001, which has been delivered to the Registrar
of Companies, as restated for assets and liabilities in respect of provisions
for deferred tax, in accordance with FRS 19.  The auditors' report in the Annual
Report 2001 was unqualified and did not contain a statement under Section 237 of
the Companies Act 1985.

In these interim financial statements, FRS 19 'Deferred Tax' has been adopted
for the first time. As a result the opening balances and comparatives for the 28
weeks ended 6 January 2001 and the 53 weeks ended 30 June 2001 have been
restated. This is to provide for full provision of deferred tax arising from
timing differences between the recognition of gains and losses in the financial
statements and their recognition in a tax computation.

2.       Segmental analysis

The Group's continuing activities arise from UK operations only.

3.       Other operating income

  For 53 weeks ended                                                 For 28 weeks ended   For 28 weeks ended
        30 June 2001                                                    12 January 2002       6 January 2001
               £'000                                                                                   £'000
                 106 Rents receivable                                                59                   55
                  56 Franchise license fees                                          55                   28
                   - Licensing royalties                                             56                    -
                 162 Other operating income                                         170                   83

4.       Interest payable and similar charges

  For 53 weeks ended                                                  For 28 weeks ended  For 28 weeks ended
        30 June 2001                                                     12 January 2002      6 January 2001
               £'000                                                               £'000               £'000
                 768 Borrowings wholly repayable within one year                     254                 736
               3,078 Unsecured loan note interest payable                          1,600               1,630
                  13 Exchange differences and other interest                           -                  12
                 573 Interest on finance lease repayments                            313                 288
               4,432 Interest payable and similar charges                          2,167               2,666

5.       Tax on profit on ordinary activities

   For 53 weeks ended                                                 For 28 weeks ended  For 28 weeks ended
         30 June 2001                                                    12 January 2002      6 January 2001
           (restated)                                                                             (restated)
                £'000                                                              £'000               £'000
                1,734 UK corporation tax on profits of the period                  3,155               2,876
                  175 Onerous leases taxation                                          2                 153
                (444) Adjustments in respect of previous periods                       -               (447)
                1,465 Total UK corporation tax                                     3,157               2,582
                    - Overseas taxation                                                -                   1
                1,465 Total current tax                                            3,157               2,583
                  105 Total deferred tax                                               -                   -
                1,570 Tax on profit on ordinary activities                         3,157               2,583

The tax on profit on ordinary activities, including deferred tax, for the 28
weeks ended 12 January 2002 is based on the estimated effective rate for the
full period.

6.       Dividends

The Directors have declared an interim dividend of 1.95 pence per share (2001:
1.95 pence per share), which amounts to approximately £1,288,000 (2001:
£1,288,000).  The dividend will be paid on 30 April 2002 to shareholders
registered on 2 April 2002.  The shares will be quoted ex-dividend on 27 March

7.    Earnings per share

The calculations of earnings per share are based on the following profits after
taxation and numbers of shares:

                                       2002        2002            2002        2001        2001          2001
                                    Results       Basic   Fully diluted     Results       Basic Fully diluted
                                      £'000    earnings        Earnings  (restated)    earnings      earnings
                                              per share       Per share       £'000   per share     per share
                                                                                     (restated)    (restated)
Profit before onerous leases          6,705      10.15p          10.11p       7,058      10.68p        10.67p
Onerous leases credit                     4       0.01p           0.01p         358       0.54p         0.54p
Profit on ordinary activities         6,709      10.16p          10.12p       7,416      11.22p        11.21p

Weighted average number of shares:
                                                                                      2002               2001
                                                                                 Number of          Number of
                                                                           Ordinary Shares    Ordinary Shares
Basic weighted average number of ordinary shares                                66,057,578         66,056,697
Dilutive effect from share options*                                                236,919             59,187
Fully diluted weighted average number of ordinary shares                        66,294,497         66,115,884
*Average market price of the Group's shares during the period                      £0.9088            £0.9068

8.  Reconciliation of operating profit to operating cash flows

  For 53 weeks ended                                                      For 28 weeks ended For 28 weeks ended
        30 June 2001                                                         12 January 2002     6 January 2001
               £'000                                                                   £'000              £'000
              10,148 Operating profit                                                 11,966             12,476
                  73 Loss/(profit) on disposal of fixed assets                           420               (70)
              13,117 Depreciation charges                                              7,447              6,977
               (584) Non-cash movements in provisions                                    (6)              (511)
              22,754 Operating cash flows before working capital                      19,827             18,872
               (107) Cash flows relating to previous years provisions                   (19)               (87)
               3,781 (Increase)/decrease in stocks                                   (1,442)              2,637
             (1,413) Increase in debtors                                             (2,290)            (1,790)
             (3,898) Increase/(decrease) in creditors                                  6,718              2,418
              21,117 Net cash inflow from operating activities                        22,794             22,050

9.       Interim Report 2002

The Interim Report 2002 will be sent to all registered shareholders during March
2002.  Copies for general release will be available from the Company Secretary,
Thorntons PLC, Thornton Park, Somercotes, Alfreton, Derbyshire, DE55 4XJ.

The Interim Report 2002 will also be available on the company's website

- ENDS -

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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