RNS No 9298c
6th October 1998

            Announcement of Preliminary Results for
            52 weeks ended  27 June 1998 (Audited)
Thorntons,  the speciality retailer and manufacturer  of  high
quality  chocolate,  toffee,  and other  confectionery,  today
reports its Preliminary Results for the 52 weeks ended 27 June

Financial highlights
Continuing operations
                               1998         1997

Turnover                      #132.8m     #109.2m    Up 21.6%
Profit before tax and 
 exceptional items             #12.6m      #11.5m     Up 9.0%
Earnings per share before 
 exceptionals*                 13.80p      11.44p    Up 20.6%
Dividend per ordinary share     6.40p       5.85p     Up 9.4%

(* excluding the effect of prior year foreign losses)

*  Successfully completed two years of five year strategic

*  Own shop sales up by 32% to #105.9 million
*  Profit before tax increased 9.0% to #12.6 million
*  Annual like-for-like sales growth of 9.6%
*  100 new and resited shops opened in the year
*  Three major infrastructure projects; the new manufacturing
   and  packaging facility; the  new warehouse and distribution
   complex, and the roll-out of EPOS till systems underway  and
   are on schedule and within budget.

Commenting on prospects, Chairman John Thornton said:

"This year has started satisfactorily with first quarter like-
for-like sales growth of 5.7%".

"The outcome for the year will be influenced, as usual, by our
key  seasons which have historically held up well in difficult
market  conditions.  Due to this, and the initiatives we  have
taken  to improve the productivity of our business, we  remain
confident of a satisfactory outcome for the year as a whole."


We are pleased to report a second year of progress towards our
strategic goals.

This gives us continued confidence in our growth prospects for
the next 3 years as we complete our initial 5  year plan.


Sales  from continuing businesses for the year ending 27  June
1998 grew by 21.6% to #132.8 million.

Profit before taxation at #12.6 million grew by 9.0%.

Operating cashflows before working capital movements  grew  by
22.2% to #22.3 million from #18.3 million last year.

The  effective  tax  rate  for  the  year  at  28.7%  benefits
primarily from capital allowances on our investment programme.
We would expect similar rates in the coming year.

As  a  result  Earnings per Share were 13.80p an  increase  of
20.6% from last years level of 11.44p (excluding one-off  tax
relief for prior year foreign losses).

This  has been a very important year of capital investment  to
strengthen our business infrastructure for the future.  During
the year we have invested a total of #45.4m on our accelerated
shop  opening  programme, in developing our  EPOS  (Electronic
Point of Sale) capabilities and in expanding our Thornton Park
Manufacturing facilities.

It  is therefore encouraging that our net year-end gearing  at
67.2%  and  our full-year gross interest cover of  nine  times
were comfortably within our target minimums.

Your  Board is recommending a final dividend of 4.60p net  per
share,  taking total dividends for the year to 6.40p  net  per
share, an increase of 9.4%.

Infrastructure Projects

I  cannot recall any period in Thorntons long history that has
seen  such intense activity in driving through major  projects
designed  to  improve the Companys competitive advantage  and
future profit stream.

After a period of thorough evaluation and testing, we are  now
rapidly rolling out EPOS tills throughout our retail estate.

The  #35  million  investment in our Thornton  Park  chocolate
manufacturing  and packing facility announced  in  last  years
report  is  on  budget and ahead of schedule  with  the  first
chocolates  packed  in  September and the  transfer  from  our
Belper   packing  facility  likely  to  be  completed   before

In  July  we announced our decision to bring forward the  next
stage   of  our  planned  move  from  our  Belper  site,   the
construction  of a new warehouse and distribution  complex  on
Thornton  Park  at a capital cost of  #14 million.   Work  has
already  started  on the new building and we are  planning  to
commission this important new facility after Easter 1999.


We anticipate that borrowings resulting from this simultaneous
investment programme in manufacturing, distribution and retail
facilities will peak in 1999.

Due  to  the  highly  cash generative nature  of  our  ongoing
business, we still believe that medium-term borrowings are the
most  appropriate method of funding these investments and have
put the necessary loan facilities in place with a  combination
of our UK banks and a US unsecured loan note placement.

The commissioning of a new warehousing and distribution centre
was  part  of our long-term investment plans when we  arranged
our   loan  facilities.   The  decision  to  accelerate   this
investment  brings our peak gearing forward a  year.  We  will
therefore,  now be targeting to contain year-end gearing  this
year to a maximum of 95% with gross interest cover of at least
three times.


This  past  year  has  been an exceptionally  busy  period  in
Thorntons history with 100 new shops opened, 132 new  products
launched and 3 major infrastructure projects started.  It is a
source  of enormous pride to me that our people have responded
so  energetically and enthusiastically to these challenges and
I  would  like  to  take this opportunity  to  thank  everyone
personally  for  their hard work and teamwork  over  the  past


Jonathan Fellows resigned as Director of Finance on 31  August
1998  to  take  up a position as Director of  Finance  of  Bon
Marchi  - an unquoted womenswear retailer.  We would  like  to
extend  our  thanks to him for his contribution  to  Thorntons
during  his time with the Company and wish him well  with  his
new  position.  The recruitment of Jonathans successor is  in


We have progressed a long way in the last 2 years with 185 new
and   resited  shops  opened  to  an  increasingly  successful
formula.  We still have 250 new and resited shops to  open  in
the  next  3  years  to  the  same  formula.   This  gives  us
continuing confidence that we can maintain strong sales growth
momentum throughout this period.

The  year  ahead  is  another very  challenging  one  for  the
Company.   We intend to maintain the pace of retail  expansion
with  between  70-80 new shop openings.  At the same  time  we
intend  to  complete  the  3 major infrastructure  investments
within budget and to timetable.

This  year has started satisfactorily with first quarter like-
for-like sales growth of 5.7%.

Whilst  encouraged by the continued positive customer response
to  our new shops and new products, we are mindful of the more
unsettled economic climate.  Our plans for the year ahead  are
therefore  based  on  more conservative  like-for-like  growth

The  outcome for the year will, as usual, be influenced by our
key seasons, which have historically held up well in difficult
market  conditions.  Due to this, and the initiatives we  have
taken  to improve the productivity of our business, we  remain
confident of a satisfactory outcome for the year as a whole.

We  look  forward to updating our shareholders on our progress
on all fronts in March with our interim results announcement.

                                                 John Thornton
                                                5 October 1998

1997/98 RESULTS

Whilst everyone within the Thorntons business has been excited
by  our  excellent  21.6%  sales  growth  this  year  and  the
continued  progress made towards our strategic objectives,  we
are disappointed that our profit performance - at 9% growth  -
fell short of the internal targets we set ourselves.

We  have  always planned to grow sales faster than profits  at
this stage of our strategic plan as we invest in an aggressive
shop-opening programme, our infrastructure projects,  our  new
business trials and the expansion of our product range.

However  we  have  experienced an  "unwelcome"  slight  margin
erosion in the year as a result of additional warehousing  and
distribution   costs,  together  with  higher  than   expected
discounting costs from 15 under-performing new lines.

We are addressing these 2 issues by:-

Firstly  accelerating the next stage of our  planned  move  of
warehousing  and distribution from our Belper  site  with  the
construction of a new complex on Thornton Park to be available
post-Easter 1999.

Secondly completing the roll-out of EPOS tills and systems  to
give  us  better management control of our sales and inventory
levels by product line.

At  the  same time our second year of strong sales growth  has
confirmed that the strategic plan that we launched in 1996  is
looking  more  robust  than ever as an  engine  for  continued
growth.   In  particular,  as the three  major  infrastructure
projects   are   reaching  completion  we  feel   increasingly
confident that they will secure appropriate growth in  profits
in future years.


Total  sales  from continuing businesses, which  comprise  own
shops,  franchise  outlets and commercial customers,  grew  by
20.0%  in the second half of the year, taking full year  sales
to  #132.8  million, an increase of 21.6%  compared  with  the
previous  year.   Once again, the key driver  of  the  overall
sales growth came from our own shops.

Own  shop  sales  grew by 32.0% in the year to #105.9  million
with annual like-for-like sales growth of 9.6%.  Like-for-like
growth slowed in the second half to 6.5%.

Overall  own  shop sales growth was helped by the acceleration
of  the  new shop-opening programme, which saw 100  new  shops
opened  in the year compared with 85 in the previous year  and
an average of over 80 in each of the next 3 years.

As  expected Franchise sales declined 12.8% to #9.5 million as
a  further  51 under-performing franchises were closed  during
the year, taking the number trading at 27 June 1998 to 151.

Following  the  successful  results  from  the  8  "new  look"
franchise trials we are now recruiting new partners  and  have
identified 200 potential locations where this formula  can  be
replicated.   We still anticipate a number of closures  as  we
continue to reposition our franchise offer.

Sales  to  Commercial customers rose slightly  in  the  second
half.   However, the reduced first half sales meant that,  for
the  year  as a whole, Commercial sales fell by 4.0% to  #17.4


Our  retail  estate  continued to prosper as  we  completed  a
second successful year in our "retail revolution".

Highlights include:-

*  The  successful launch of 100 new and resited new shops  in
   the year
*  59 of these were in new locations
*  41  were resited with average sales uplifts achieved of 60%
   compared with their previous locations
*  Our increasing confidence in our optimum shop footprint  of
   450 square feet sales space and 16 merchandising bays
*  The success of our second shop in Eire with more planned in
   the years ahead
*  The  continued expansion into factory outlet villages  with
   10 shops now trading  and a further 3 opening before Christmas

Further  progress  was  also made  in  developing  our  retail
business for the future in a number of important areas.


Our  new touch-screen EPOS tills have been fully trialled  and
we  are  now aggressively rolling them out to the full  retail
estate.   They have now been installed in over half our  shops
and  we  plan to have completed the majority of our  shops  by
Christmas  with consequent benefits in service  and  inventory


We  have  launched a comprehensive training programme for  all
our  shop  managers,  focusing on  six  core  competencies  to
deliver  "Chocolate Heaven" in all our shops and are  starting
to  see  an improvement in service levels as measured  by  our
Mystery Shopper programme.

New Format

We  are trialling a new shop image for the year 2000 in  eight
shops with some useful indications for future improvements.

                  1995/96    1996/97  1997/98   2001 Target

Sales per Shop
   (#000s)         #238       #281     #327        #375
Number of Own
Shops at Year End   269        300      344         507

New Products

This   year  has  seen  the  largest  number  of  new  product
introductions within the scope of our strategic plan.

Continued refreshment of our core ranges has been complimented
by  the  introduction of a number of new ranges,  targeted  to
attract  new and younger customers to our stores, both  during
the key seasons and throughout the year.

In  particular,  the  launch  of  our  new  Childrens  range,
targeted  at  children from one to twelve years  of  age,  has
added a new dimension to the Thorntons product offer and is  a
key element of our long-term product development strategy.

Incremental  sales from our new ranges were over #5.5m  during
the  year,  a  major contribution to our retail  like-for-like
growth of 9.6%.

In  total, 132 new and updated products were introduced during
the last twelve months, of which 15 have been discontinued for
failing to reach an acceptable level of sales.  Whilst this is
not  a  high  percentage, it has caused us a  disproportionate
margin loss through a lack of timely performance information.

The  roll-out  of EPOS in the coming year will  enable  us  to
monitor  individual  product  sales  more  accurately.    This
information,  combined  with a more measured  and  sustainable
pace   of  new  product  activity,  will  help  us  focus   on
maintaining both sales and profit momentum in the years ahead.

New Business Trials

We  will  at the same time continue to explore ways of further
developing the Thorntons brand through the four remaining  new
business trials initiated in 1997.  All four trials have shown
promise as potential future growth vehicles from the Year 2000
onwards   but  still  need  evaluating  thoroughly  prior   to
investment decision.  We now intend to continue them as trials
for the next 12 months.

In summary:

Cafi Thorntons
With  London  Regent  Street and Bromley  cafis  opening  this
August,  we  now  have 11 cafi trials trading,  all  exploring
different types of location, cafi format and offer.  We intend
to  open a further two trials (in a tourist location and in  a
factory outlet) in the next few months which will allow us  to
explore  the  potential of the various cafi opportunities  for
an evaluation in mid 1999.

Mail Order
Whilst we are increasingly confident that there is significant
consumer demand for a Thorntons mail order offer, we are still
exploring  the  most cost-effective routes to  profitably  and
efficiently fulfil this demand.

Sugar Confectionery
Whilst  we continue to trial alternative branded offers  in  a
limited number of shops, we now feel there is better potential
for a Thorntons branded range.  We will be launching the first
wave  of 20 products in a new "Thorntons Original Sweet  Shop"
range  this  Autumn  as  part  of  our  investigation  of  the
opportunity to expand the Thorntons core confectionery offer.

Travel Locations
We  have  four  railway  and  five  airport  (landside)  trial
locations  and  are looking to expand this  test  in  airports
(airside) prior to a full evaluation of this opportunity.

The  success of our retail expansion strategy has in turn made
investments   in   supply-chain  productivity   and   capacity
increasingly attractive.

Thornton Park

Our focus in the year has been on project-managing the largest
infrastructure project in Thorntons history to budget  and  to
timetable   -   the  #35  million  investment   in   chocolate
manufacture and packing at Thornton Park.

We  commissioned  the new (120,000 square feet)  manufacturing
extension,  bridge  and  packing facility  a  month  ahead  of
schedule  in September and have started to pack chocolates  in
volume  and  to  new  levels  of quality  standards.   We  had
originally  targeted  to have the new  packaging  plant  fully
operational in early 1999 but now envisage this being achieved
before  Christmas  1998 with the final transfer  of  chocolate
packing from Belper.

Continued  investment  in new automated  production  lines  in
parallel  with  this  programme is  designed  to  ensure  that
Thorntons  retains  its competitive edge in premium  chocolate
manufacture.  Highlights include:

*  The commissioning of a new high volume enrobing line
*  A new high-specification automatic bagging line
*  A state-of-the-art  chocolate moulding plant

Warehousing and Distribution

Our   warehousing  and  distribution  facilities  came   under
enormous strain supporting our own shop sales growth  of  30%,
necessitating extensive use of costly third party storage.  We
have therefore decided to bring forward the next stage of  our
planned  move from our Belper site.  Work has already  started
on  the  construction of a new (140,000 square feet) warehouse
and distribution complex at Thornton Park at a capital cost of
#14 million.

This  will  mean  that  all  chocolate  manufacture,  packing,
warehousing and distribution will be on the same site, leading
to significant gains in productivity.


Toffee, fudge and sugar confectionery manufacture will  remain
at  Belper for the time-being.  It is probable in the  longer-
term that these will also move to Thornton Park.

World Class Standards

During the past year method improvements have been targeted to
maximise returns to be gained from the new facilities.   These
include benchmarking our manufacturing base with best in class
worldwide,  and driving to achieve World Class  "A"  standards
throughout   the   operation.   Inventory   record   accuracy,
manufacturing   schedule   performance,   supplier    delivery
performance  and service levels to our Retail estate  are  all
measures  which  are at Class "A" levels.  This  work,  and  a
drive to achieve similar levels across the whole supply chain,
is  designed to ensure that the anticipated productivity gains
can be achieved as early as possible.


We expect this year to be both busy and productive.

By  the  end of it we plan to be in great shape for  the  21st
Century  and  have  many years of sustainable  and  profitable
growth in prospect.

*  We  will  continue our own-shop retail expansion  from  344
   shops at 27 June 1998 to 507 by mid 2001 with over 250 new and
   resited shop openings planned over the next three years
*  We  will continue to innovate and expand our core chocolate
   and confectionery ranges although at a less "break-neck" pace
   than last year
*  We will continue to experiment with new business trials and
   formats to sustain profitable growth beyond the year 2001
*  We  will continue to challenge ourselves to better ways  of
   working to maintain our competitive edge and are undertaking a
   thorough review of the appropriate structure and cost-base for
   the business going forward.
*  We  will  be placing great emphasis across the business  on
   improving  margins,  reducing costs and maintaining  strong

*  We will complete the three major infrastructure projects in
   the year ahead - the Thornton Park manufacturing investment,
   the   new  warehousing  and  distribution  centre  and  the
   installation of EPOS.

We  look  forward to informing shareholders of the results  of
these  initiatives,  and  their implications  for  shareholder
value, at our next announcements in March and October.

                                                 Roger Paffard
                                               Chief Executive
                                               5  October 1998

Thorntons PLC - Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
for 52 weeks ended 27 June 1998

                        Continuing Continuing  Discontinued
                        operations operations    operations Total
                               1998     1997      1997      1997
                       Notes   #000     #000      #000      #000
Turnover                 1  132,779  109,209     2,079   111,288
Cost of sales               (63,125) (51,504)     (705)  (52,209)
                           --------  --------    -----   --------
Gross profit                 69,654   57,705     1,374    59,079
                           --------  -------     -----   --------

Selling & distribution 
 costs                      (46,443) (35,636)   (1,564)  (37,200)
Administrative expenses     (10,687) (11,257)     (109)  (11,366)
Other operating income   2      363      454         -       454
Provision utilised                -        -       299       299
                           --------  -------    ------   -------
Operating profit             12,887   11,266         -    11,266
                           --------  -------    ------   -------
Exceptional items
Fundamental business
  - continuing                    -                         (768)
Liquidation of
 Thorntons NV
- discontinued                   (9)                          -
Disposal of Gartner
 - discontinued                   -                         (191)
Disposal of French
 - discontinued                   -                       (3,584)
Provisions utilised               9                        4,543
                          ----------                   ---------
                                  -                           -
                          ----------                   ---------
Profit on ordinary
 activities before
 interest                    12,887                      11,266
Interest receivable
 & similar income               420                         411
Interest payable
 & similar charges   3         (724)                       (136)
                          ---------                    ---------
Profit on ordinary
 activities before
 taxation                    12,583                      11,541
Taxation             4       (3,606)                     (2,950)
                          ---------                    ---------
Profit on ordinary
 activities after
 taxation                     8,977                       8,591
Dividends            5       (4,213)                     (3,796)
                          -----------                 ---------
Retained profit
 for the period               4,764                       4,795
                          -----------                 ---------
Earnings per
 ordinary share     6         13.80                       13.32
Analysed as:
Attributable to
 profit before
 exceptional items  6         13.80   13.32       -       13.32
Excluding  taxation
 relief for prior
 year foreign
 losses             6        13.80    11.44       -       11.44
Dividend per 
 ordinary share     5         6.40                         5.85

Group Balance Sheet
                                         As at          As at
                                    27June 1998      28 June 1997
                            Notes      #000              #000
Fixed assets
Tangible assets                       86,208            52,033
 - purchase of 
   own shares                            490               835
                                   ---------         ---------
                                      86,698            52,868
                                   ---------         ---------
Current assets
Stocks                                16,866            10,556
Debtors: amounts falling 
 due after one year                    1,353             2,001
Debtors: amounts falling 
 due within one year                   8,734             5,328
Investments                                -                55
Cash at bank and in hand              11,958               895
                                   ---------         ---------
                                      38,911            18,835
Creditors: amounts falling 
 due within one year          7      (34,322)          (26,943)
                                   ---------         ---------
Net current assets
 /(liabilities)                        4,589            (8,108)
                                   ---------         ---------
Total assets less
 current liabilities                  91,287            44,760
Creditors: amounts falling 
due after one year           8       (42,674)             (416)
Provisions for liabilities
 and charges                          (3,817)           (5,901)
                                   ---------         ---------
Net assets                            44,796            38,443
                                   ---------         ---------
Capital and reserves
Share capital                          6,601             6,494
Share premium                         11,706            10,206
Revaluation reserve
- Investment properties                   95                32
- Non-investment properties              792             1,236
Profit and loss account               25,602            20,475
                                   ----------         ---------
Equity shareholders funds            44,796            38,443
                                   ----------         ---------

Consolidated Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses

                           1998       1998     1997       1997
                           #000       #000     #000       #000
Profit attributable to
 shareholders                        8,977               8,591
Revaluation surplus
 realised on
 property disposal          381                 100
Translation differences
 arising on overseas
 investments and investment
 financing                  (18)               (334)
                          ------    ------    ------     ------
                                       363                (234)
                                    ------               ------
Total gains recognised
 in the period                      9,340                8,357
                                   -------               ------

Historical Cost Results

There was no material difference between the result as
disclosed in the Consolidated Profit and Loss Account and the
result on an unmodified historical cost basis.

Movements in Shareholders Funds

                                          1998           1997
                                          #000           #000
Shareholders funds at 28 June 1997     38,443         33,269
Profit for the period before dividends   8,977          8,591
Dividends                               (4,213)        (3,796)
Other recognised losses in the period      (18)          (334)
New share capital issued                 1,607            713
                                        ------         ------
Shareholders funds at 27 June 1998     44,796         38,443
                                        ------         ------

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
for the 52 weeks ended 27 June 1998

                               1998     1998     1997    1997
                               #000     #000     #000    #000
Cash flow from operating
 activities (Note 9)                  17,877           12,981
Returns on investments
 and servicing of finance               (401)             467
Taxation                              (3,433)          (1,655)
Capital expenditure
 and financial investment            (34,992)         (17,956)
Acquisitions and disposals                 9           (1,095)
Equity dividends paid                 (3,908)          (3,519)
                                     --------       ---------
Cash outflow before
 use of liquid resources
 and financing                       (24,848)         (10,777)
Management of liquid resources       (11,124)           4,513
Financing - Issue of shares  1,607              713
          - Increase in
            debt            35,566            1,813
                            ------  --------  -----  ---------  
                                      37,173            2,526
                                   ----------        ---------
 in cash in the period                 1,201           (3,738)
                                   ==========        ========

Reconciliation of net cash 
flow to movement in net debt
Increase/(decrease) in cash 
 in the period               1,201           (3,738)
Cash inflow from increase
 in debt                   (35,566)          (1,813)
Cash outflow/(inflow) 
 from increase/(decrease)
 in liquid resources        11,124           (4,513)
                          --------  -------  ------   --------
Change in net debt
 resulting from cash flows          (23,241)          (10,064)
Cash, overdrafts and loans
 disposed with subsidiary                (9)              647
New finance leases                     (929)                -
Translation difference                   83               101
                                   ----------        ---------
Movement in net debt
 in the period                      (24,096)           (9,316)
Net debt at beginning of period      (6,009)            3,307
                                   -----------       ---------
Net debt at end of period           (30,105)          (6,009)
                                   -----------       --------

Analysis of net debt

                     At                     Other              At
                28 June    Cash Subsidiary non-cash Exchange 27 June
                   1997    Flow  Disposed   changes Movement  1998
Group 1998         #000    #000    #000      #000     #000    #000

Cash at bank 
 and in hand        408     (14)     (9)        -      -       385
Overdrafts       (3,009)  1,215       -        93       83  (1,618)
                 -----   -----  -------   -------  ------  -------
                 (2,601)  1,201      (9)       93       83  (1,233)
                 ------   -----  -------   ------   ------  -------
Debt due within
 one year        (3,950)  3,950       -        -      -        -
Debt due after
 one year           -   (39,574)      -        -      -   (39,574)
Finance leases      -        58       -      (929)    -      (871)
                 ------  ------  ------   -------   -----  --------
                 (3,950)(35,566)      -      (929)    -   (40,445)
                 ------  ------  ------   -------   ----- --------
Current asset
 investments         55      38       -       (93)    -        -
                 ------  ------  ------   -------  ------ --------
Cash on deposit     487  11,086       -         -     -    11,573
                 ------  ------  ------   -------  ------ --------
Total Net Debt   (6,009)(23,241)     (9)     (929)     83 (30,105)
                 ------  ------  ------   -------  ------- --------

                     At                   Other                 At
                29 June   Cash Subsidiary non-cash Exchange 28 June
                   1996   Flow Disposed    changes Movement    1997
Group 1997         #000   #000     #000     #000     #000      #000

Cash at bank 
 and in hand      1,050   (482)    (147)     -       (13)      408
Overdrafts          (48)(3,256)     349      -       (54)   (3,009)
                 ------  -----   ------   -------  -------   ------
                  1,002 (3,738)     202      -       (67)   (2,601)
                 ------  -----   ------   ------   -------  -------
Debt due within
 one year        (2,750)(1,813)     445      -       168    (3,950)
                 -----  ------   ------   ------   ------  --------
Current asset
 investments         55    -       -         -        -         55
Cash on deposit   5,000 (4,513)    -         -        -        487
                 ------  -----    -----    -----   ------   ------
Total Net Debt    3,307(10,064)     647      -       101    (6,009)
                 ------ ------    -----    -----   -----    -------


1. Turnover and segmental analysis         1998           1997
                                           #000           #000
Continuing operations
UK                                      132,779        109,209

Discontinued operations
France                                       -           2,079
                                       --------        -------
                                        132,779        111,288
                                       --------       --------

Turnover originating in the UK from continuing operations
includes sales made to the rest of Europe and the rest of the
world of #757,000 (1997: #630,000)
Turnover relating to discontinued operations was sold wholly
in the respective country of origin.

Profit before taxation of #12,583,000 (1997: #11,541,000) and
net assets of #44,796,000 (1997: #38,443,000) relate solely to
continuing operations.

2.Other operating income                  1998           1997
                                          #000           #000
Rents receivable                           354            298
Compensation received                        -             90
Other amounts receivable                     9             66
                                        ------     ----------
                                           363            454
                                        ------     ----------

3.  Interest payable and similar charges  1998           1997
                                          #000           #000
Bank loan and overdraft interest on 
 amounts wholly repayable within one year  643            123
Unsecured loan note interest payable       709              -
Exchange differences and other interest     35             13
Interest on finance lease repayments        43              -
                                         -----       --------
Total interest payable and financial 
 charges                                 1,430            136
Interest capitalised on 
 Thornton Park development                (706)             -
                                       -------       --------
Net interest payable and similar charges   724            136
                                       -------       --------

4. Taxation                               1998           1997
                                          #000           #000

UK Corporation Tax at 31%
  (1997 : 33%/31%)                        2,946        3,229
Overseas taxation                           12             -
Deferred taxation                          933           932
                                        ------       -------
                                         3,891         4,161
Adjustments in respect of previous years  (285)       (1,211)
                                        ------      --------
Total Taxation                           3,606         2,950
                                        ------       -------

The  tax charge in 1998 has benefited from accelerated capital
allowances  on  the significant fixed asset additions  in  the
year,  together  with  tax  losses utilised  against  property
disposal profits and adjustments in respect of prior years.

The  tax  charge in 1997 has been reduced by the agreement  of
claims for prior years foreign losses, shown as adjustments in
respect of previous years.

5. Dividends          1998          1997          1998   1997
                Pence per share Pence per share   #000   #000
10p Ordinary 
Interim Paid         1.80           1.65         1,198  1,066
Final Proposed       4.60           4.20         3,015  2,730
                    ------         -----         -----  ------
                     6.40           5.85         4,213  3,796
                    -----          -----         -----  ------

The  trust  operating the Long Term Incentive Plan has  waived
all  but  a nominal sum as dividends on the 504,610 shares  in
its  possession at the year end.  As such no dividend has been
accrued  for  their  shareholding although additional  amounts
have  been provided in anticipation of the conversion of share

The  Company  is seeking shareholder approval  at  the  Annual
General Meeting on 4 November 1998 for authority under Section
166  of  the Companies Act 1985 to purchase up to 10%  of  the
present issued share capital.  Purchases would be financed out
of  distributable  profits and the directors  would  not  make
purchases unless the expected effect of the purchase would  be
to  increase  earnings per share of the remaining  shares  and
unless  the  purchase  is generally in the  best  interest  of

6. Earnings per share:

The calculation of earnings per Ordinary Share is based on the
profit after taxation of #8,977,000 (1997: #8,591,000) and the
average  number  of  Ordinary Shares in  issue  of  65,055,014
(1997: 64,513,183).

The calculation of earnings per Ordinary Share attributable to
profit  before  exceptional items is based on  the  continuing
operations  profit after tax of #8,977,000 (1997 :  continuing
operations  profit  of #8,591,000) and the average  number  of
Ordinary Shares in issue of  65,055,014 (1997 : 64,513,183).

The  calculation  of  earnings per  Ordinary  Share  excluding
taxation  relief on prior year foreign losses of  #nil  (1997:
#1,211,000)  is based on a continuing operations profit  after
tax  of  #8,977,000 (1997: continuing operations profit  after
tax  of  #7,380,000) and the average number of Ordinary Shares
in issue of 65,055,014 (1997 : 64,513,183).

At  27   June  1998  options in respect  of  2,032,074  (1997:
2,919,321) Ordinary Shares were outstanding.

7  Creditors: amounts falling due within one year    Group
                                    1998          1997
                                    #000          #000
Bank overdrafts                    1,618         3,009
Bank loans                             -         3,950
Trade creditors                   13,396         2,750
Corporation tax                    1,679         2,467
Advance corporation tax            1,048           949
Other taxation and social security   834           545
Dividends                          3,035         2,730
Other creditors                      166           997
Interest accrual                     721            11
Capital accrual                    6,191         1,045
Accruals and deferred income       5,437         8,490
Amounts due under finance leases     197             -
                                --------     ---------
                                  34,322        26,943
                                --------     ---------

In 1997 bank loans outstanding at the year end of #3,950,000
were unsecured, and repaid in full on 30 June 1997 at a fixed
rate of interest of 6.7%.

8. Creditors: amounts falling due after one year                              
                                    1998          1997
                                    #000          #000
Unsecured loan notes              39,574             -
Trade creditors                      610             -
Accruals and deferred income       1,816           416
Amounts due under finance leases     674             -
                                  ------         -----
                                  42,674           416
                                  ------         -----
On  the  31  March  1998,  Thorntons PLC  issued  $65  million
unsecured  loan notes with a fixed Sterling interest  rate  of
7.35%, and entered into currency swap agreements covering  the
duration of the notes which remove all currency exposure.  The
notes   are   repayable  in  five  equal  annual   instalments
commencing in March 2002.

9.Reconciliation of operating
 profit to operating cashflows 

                            1998      1997       1997      1997
                        Continuing Continuing Discontinued Total
                           #000     #000      #000     #000
Operating profit          12,887    11,266        -      11,266
Profit on disposal
 of fixed assets            (237)     (799)       -        (799)
Depreciation charges       9,328     7,526         70     7,596
Amortisation of
 Long Term Incentive Plan    345       200        -         200
                          ------    ------      -----     ------
Operating cashflows before
 working capital
 movements                22,323    18,193         70    18,263
Cashflows relating to
 previous year
 restructuring provision  (1,548)   (2,853)      (299)   (3,152)
Increase in stocks        (6,310)   (3,755)        97    (3,658)
Increase in debtors       (3,213)     (660)        66      (594)
Increase in creditors      6,625     2,411       (289)    2,122
                         -------     ------      -----    ------
Net cash inflow/(outflow) 17,877    13,336       (355)   12,981
                         -------     ------      -----   -------

10. Annual Report 1998

The  financial information given above does not constitute the
Groups  Financial statements.  Financial statements  for  the
years  ended 27 June 1998 and 28 June 1997 have been  reported
on  without  qualification  by  PricewaterhouseCoopers  (1997:
Coopers   &   Lybrand),  the  Companys  auditors.   Financial
statements for the year ended 28 June 1997 have been delivered
to the Registrar of Companies and the financial statements for
the year ended 27 June 1998 will be delivered to the Registrar
of Companies in due course.

The  Annual Report will be posted to shareholders.  Copies for
general  release will be available from the Company Secretary,
Thorntons PLC, Thornton Park, Somercotes, Derbyshire, DE55 4XJ
from 9 October 1998.

Roger Paffard, Chief Executive 0171 466 5000 on Tuesday
6 October 1998 thereafter on 01773 540550
Tim Anderson/Charles Ryland, Buchanan Communications
0171 466 5000



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