15 March 2013 
Toledo Mining Corporation plc 
("Toledo" or the "Company") (AIM:TMC) 
Berong Nickel Mine Resource Update 
Toledo  Mining Corporation plc ("Toledo" or the "Company" (AIM: TMC)) is pleased 
to announce an upgrade of its JORC compliant Mineral Resource estimate ("Revised 
JORC  Resource") for  its Berong  Nickel Project  as well  as further detail and 
confirmation  of the Exploration  Targets at the  Moorsom, Long Point and Berong 
Extension  prospects, all  held by  Berong Nickel  Corporation ("BNC")  in which 
Toledo has a 56.2% economic interest and located on the Island of Palawan in the 
Philippines. The Revised JORC Resource was estimated by Toledo Mining Management 
("TMM")  geology professionals responsible for  the Berong Nickel Project, under 
the  supervision of Mr. Pierre Charlent  (MAusIMM).  All tonnes reported in this 
statement are dry metric tonnes (dmt). 
Previous JORC Mineral Resource estimate for the Berong Nickel Project: 
The  previous JORC Mineral  Resource estimate for  the Berong Nickel Project was 
9.92 Million  tonnes of laterite resource at  an average grade of 1.55% Ni.  The 
resource was estimated by Snowden Mining Industry Consultants (Perth, Australia) 
and  announced on 20 June  2007 (the "Snowden Resource").   The Snowden Resource 
was calculated from 17,285 samples, including duplicates (1 in 10) and standards 
(1  in 20) derived from 435 diamond  drill holes and 1,266 re-sampled test-pits, 
and using a 1.0% Ni cut-off grade. 
Revised JORC Mineral Resource estimate for the Berong Nickel Project: 
The  Revised JORC Resource  upgrade followed the  completion in 2009 and 2010 of 
additional  infill drilling  (25 meter  x 25 meter  grid drilling or better) and 
extensional  drilling outside  the Snowden  JORC Resource  limits and within the 
granted Berong Mineral Production Sharing Agreement ("MPSA") area. 
The  Revised JORC Resource for  the Berong Nickel Project  at a cut-off grade of 
1.0% Ni  as  at  31December 2012 amounts  to  27.2 Million tonnes @ 1.41% Ni for 
384,722  tonnes of contained Nickel. 
Detailed  JORC compliant resource upgrade  estimates at 1.0% and 1.6% Ni cut-off 
grades follow: 
Resource at 1.0% cut off - Gross 
|         |Measured            |Indicated          |Inferred           |Total               | 
|         |                    |                   |                   |                    | 
|         |Tonnes Grade Nickel |Tonnes Grade Nickel|Tonnes Grade Nickel|Tonnes Grade Nickel | 
|         |                    |                   |                   |                    | 
|         |(Mt)   (%Ni) (t)    |(Mt)   (%Ni) (t)   |(Mt)   (%Ni) (t)   |(Mt)   (%Ni) (t)    | 
|Limonite |5.585  1.18  66,157 |1.654  1.21  20,038|2.512  1.15  28,851|9.751  1.18  115,045| 
|         |                    |                   |                   |                    | 
|Saprolite|1.139  1.54  17,534 |1.065  1.50  15,948|1.032  1.37  14,156|3.236  1.47  47,638 | 
|         |                    |                   |                   |                    | 
|Rocky    |11.632 1.58  184,336|2.042  1.44  29,460|0.583  1.41  8,243 |14.257 1.56  222,038| 
|Saprolite|                    |                   |                   |                    | 
|Total    |18.356 1.46  268,026|4.761  1.37  65,445|4.127  1.24  51,251|27.245 1.41  384,722| 
Note: Values for Ore Tonnes and Grade are reported as rounded 
Resource at 1.0% cut off - Net attributable to TMC  (56.2%) 
|         |Measured            |Indicated          |Inferred           |Total               | 
|         |                    |                   |                   |                    | 
|         |Tonnes Grade Nickel |Tonnes Grade Nickel|Tonnes Grade Nickel|Tonnes Grade Nickel | 
|         |                    |                   |                   |                    | 
|         |(Mt)   (%Ni) (t)    |(Mt)   (%Ni) (t)   |(Mt)   (%Ni) (t)   |(Mt)   (%Ni) (t)    | 
|Limonite |3.139  1.18  37,180 |0.929  1.21  11,261|1.412  1.15  16,214|5.480  1.18  64,656 | 
|         |                    |                   |                   |                    | 
|Saprolite|0.640  1.54  9,854  |0.598  1.50  8,963 |0.580  1.37  7,956 |1.819  1.47  26,773 | 
|         |                    |                   |                   |                    | 
|Rocky    |6.537  1.58  103,596|1.147  1.44  16,556|0.327  1.41  4,633 |8.012  1.56  124,785| 
|Saprolite|                    |                   |                   |                    | 
|Total    |10.316 1.46  150,630|2.675  1.37  36,780|2.319  1.24  28,803|15.311 1.41  216,214| 
Note: Values for Ore Tonnes and Grade are reported as rounded 
Resource at 1.6% cut off - Gross 
|         |Measured            |Indicated          |Inferred           |Total               | 
|         |                    |                   |                   |                    | 
|         |Tonnes Grade Nickel |Tonnes Grade Nickel|Tonnes Grade Nickel|Tonnes Grade Nickel | 
|         |                    |                   |                   |                    | 
|         |(Mt)   (%Ni) (t)    |(Mt)   (%Ni) (t)   |(Mt)   (%Ni) (t)   |(Mt)   (%Ni) (t)    | 
|Limonite |0.021  1.71  353    |0.006  1.85  114   |0.000  0.00  0     |0.027  1.74  468    | 
|         |                    |                   |                   |                    | 
|Saprolite|0.463  1.86  8,623  |0.360  1.85  6,682 |0.216  1.73  3,738 |1.039  1.83  19,043 | 
|         |                    |                   |                   |                    | 
|Rocky    |5.386  1.91  102,685|0.617  1.87  11,564|0.200  1.77  3,541 |6.203  1.90  117,790| 
|Saprolite|                    |                   |                   |                    | 
|Total    |5.869  1.90  111,681|0.984  1.87  18,360|0.416  1.75  7,279 |7.269  1.89  137,301| 
Note: Values for Ore Tonnes and Grade are reported as rounded 
Resource at 1.6% cut off - Net attributable to TMC  (56.2%) 
|         |Measured           |Indicated          |Inferred           |Total              | 
|         |                   |                   |                   |                   | 
|         |Tonnes Grade Nickel|Tonnes Grade Nickel|Tonnes Grade Nickel|Tonnes Grade Nickel| 
|         |                   |                   |                   |                   | 
|         |(Mt)   (%Ni) (t)   |(Mt)   (%Ni) (t)   |(Mt)   (%Ni) (t)   |(Mt)   (%Ni) (t)   | 
|Limonite |0.012  1.71  199   |0.003  1.85  64    |0      0.00  0     |0.015  1.74  263   | 
|         |                   |                   |                   |                   | 
|Saprolite|0.260  1.86  4,846 |0.203  1.85  3,755 |0.122  1.73  2,101 |0.584  1.83  10,702| 
|         |                   |                   |                   |                   | 
|Rocky    |3.027  1.91  57,709| 0.347 1.87  6,499 |0.112  1.77  1,990 |3.486  1.90  66,198| 
|Saprolite|                   |                   |                   |                   | 
|Total    |3.299  1.90  62,754|0.553  1.87  10,318|0.234  1.75  4,091 |4.085  1.89  77,163| 
Note: Values for Ore Tonnes and Grade are reported as rounded 
The  Revised JORC Resource is based on  a total of 1,156 diamond drill holes and 
1,408 re-sampled  test  pits  for  a  total  of  approximately 24,173 meters and 
26,703  samples. The Revised JORC Resource includes all data available as of 31 
December  2012, covering approximately  74% of the  total MPSA  area. Production 
from  the Berong  mine prior  to this  date has  been removed  from the resource 
estimate by using the 31 December 2012 surveyed topographic surface. The Revised 
JORC  Resource  was  estimated  by  Toledo  Mining  Management  ("TMM")  geology 
professionals  responsible for the Berong  Nickel Project, under the supervision 
of  Mr.  Pierre  Charlent  (MAusIMM).   TMM  is a management company owned sixty 
percent (60%) by Atlas Consolidated Mining and Development Corporation ("ACMDC") 
and  forty percent (40%) by  Toledo.  TMM manages the  Berong nickel Project for 
the BNC joint venture partners. 
Exploration Targets for the Moorsom - Long Point and Berong Extension prospects: 
A  review  of  the  Moorsom-Long  Point  prospect based on drilling conducted at 
Moorsom  in 2010 by  TMM and   historical exploration  and pitting data from the 
1970's at  Long Point by the Soriano  Exploration Group ("Sorex"), whose mineral 
rights were later transferred to ACMDC, has confirmed our initial estimate of an 
Exploration  Target of 80-120 Million  tonnes of laterite  resource for Moorsom- 
Long Point at an approximate grade of 1.20-1.30 %Ni. 
Further  analysis  of  geo-referenced  data  for  Long  Point  has  enabled  TMM 
geologists  to assess  the different  ore types  and delineate  high grade zones 
potentially  amenble as  direct shipping  ore ("DSO"),  similar to  Berong.  The 
Exploration  Target of Morsoom-Long  Point is based  on 409 test pits for 2,086 
meters and 3,468 samples excavated by Sorex in the 1970's in Long Point and more 
recent  drilling  by  TMM  on  four  granted  exploration permits on the Moorsom 
prospect  (624   diamond  drill  holes  for  5,258 meters).   Drill results from 
Moorsom  show a good  correlation to historical  test pit results  which is also 
consistent with results obtained from re-sampling test pits on the Berong Nickel 
Project and diamond drill hole analysis. 
The  review of  the Berong  Extension prospect  (outside the current Berong MPSA 
area)  which covers  the Dangla  ridge has  also confirmed  a target  of 60-100 
Million  tonnes of laterite  resource at an  approximate grade of 1.30-1.40 %Ni. 
(148  Test pits  for 956 meters  were dug  by Sorex  on the  Dangla ridge in the 
The  Exploration  Targets  reviewed  above  occur  on  Berong Nickel Corporation 
 Exploration  Permit  applications  (TMC  56.2% economic  interest)  and  future 
drilling  and  sampling  of  the  Exploration  Targets  will  only  proceed when 
permitting  and approvals are obtained.  The potential quantity and grade of the 
Exploration  Targets is  conceptual in  nature.  While  historical test pits and 
more  recent  drill  data  exists,  there  has  been insufficient exploration to 
estimate  a Mineral  Resource and  it is  uncertain if  further exploration will 
result in the estimation of a Mineral Resource. 
Qualified Person 
The  information  in  this  statement  that  relates  to Exploration Targets and 
Mineral  Resources is  based on  information reviewed  and compiled by Mr Pierre 
Charlent,  a Competent Person who  is a Member of  the Australasian Institute of 
Mining and Metallurgy. Mr Pierre Charlent is a full-time employee of the company 
as  Chief  Operating  Officer  of  Toledo.  He has sufficient experience that is 
relevant  to the style of mineralization and type of deposit under consideration 
and  to  the  activity  being  undertaken  to  qualify as a Competent  Person as 
defined  in  the  2012 Edition  of  the  "Australasian  Code  for  Reporting  of 
Exploration  Results. Mineral  Resources and  Ore Reserves"  and as  a qualified 
person  under the AIM Note for Mining, Oil and Gas Companies. Mr Pierre Charlent 
consents  to  the  inclusion  in  the  statement  of  the  matters  based on his 
information in the form and context in which it appears. 
For further information, please visit www.toledomining.com or contact: 
Victor Kolesnikov, CEO, Toledo Mining Corporation 
+44 (0) 20 7290 3100 
Richard Morrison / Jen Boorer, RFC Ambrian Ltd 
+44 (0) 20 3440 6800 
Anthony Shewell , Fin Public Relations 
+44 (0) 20 7608 2280 
Carina Corbett, 4C Communications Ltd 
+44 (0) 20 3170 7973 
This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of 
Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that: 
(i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and 
    other applicable laws; and 
(ii) they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and 
     originality of the information contained therein. 
Source: Toledo Mining Corporation PLC via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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