19 March 2013 
                         Toledo Mining Corporation plc 
                          ("Toledo" or the "Company") 
                        Mandatory Cash Offer for Toledo 
          Posting of response circular from the Independent Directors 
The Independent Directors of Toledo announce that the Company has today posted a 
response document (the "Response Circular") setting the views of the Independent 
Directors  on the  mandatory cash  offer by  DMCI Mining  to acquire  all of the 
issued  and to be issued  Ordinary Shares not already  owned by DMCI Mining (the 
"Offer")  for  the  purposes  of  the  City  Code  on Takeovers and Mergers (the 
"Code").  A document containing the  full terms and conditions  of the Offer was 
posted to shareholders by DMCI Mining on 5 March 2013. 
The  Response  Circular  sets  out  the  background to and recommendation of the 
Independent Directors to shareholders to accept the Offer. 
The  information contained in  this announcement is  derived from, and should be 
read  in conjunction with,  the Response Circular.  Shareholders should read the 
whole  of the Response Circular,  in particular the letter  from the Chairman of 
Toledo, and not rely solely upon the information set out below. Terms defined in 
the Response Circular have the same meanings in the extracts contained below. 
On   15 February   2013, DMCI   Mining   increased  its  stake  in  Toledo  from 
approximately  17.0 per  cent.  to  approximately  37.7 per  cent.  through  the 
acquisition  of the  entire 20.7 per  cent. stake  held in  Toledo by  Mr. Jason 
Cropper  at a price of 50 pence per  Toledo Share and announced that DMCI Mining 
would  be making a mandatory  cash offer to acquire  the entire issued and to be 
issued  share capital of Toledo  not already owned by  DMCI Mining at a price of 
50 pence per Toledo Share. 
The  Offer  is  conditional  only  upon  the receipt of valid acceptances which, 
together  with Toledo Shares acquired or agreed  to be acquired before or during 
the  Offer, will result in DMCI Mining  holding Toledo Shares carrying more than 
50 per cent. of the voting rights in Toledo. 
Letters of Intent 
DMCI Mining has received letters of intent indicating an intention to accept the 
Offer  in  respect  of  a  total  of  3,801,019 Toledo  Shares,  representing in 
aggregate  approximately 7.6 per cent.  of the existing  issued share capital of 
Toledo.  In aggregate,  therefore, DMCI  Mining owns  or has received letters of 
intent  to accept the Offer in respect of 22,619,363 Toledo Shares, representing 
approximately 45.4 per cent. of Toledo's existing issued share capital. 
Toledo  has received letters of intent from  each of Fevamotinico SARL and Forth 
Asset  Management Ltd., which are  under common beneficial ownership, indicating 
that they do not intend to accept the Offer in respect of a total of 12,552,000 
Toledo  shares representing  25.18 per cent.  of Toledo's  existing issued share 
Information on Toledo 
Toledo  is focused on the mining and  development of nickel laterite deposits on 
the  island of Palawan in the Philippines.  The principal asset of Toledo is its 
56.2 per  cent. economic interest  in the Berong  Nickel Mine and the associated 
deposits  of  Berong,  Long  Point  and  Moorsom  (which  are  all  held or made 
application  for by Toledo's associate, BNC). In addition, Toledo holds a 52 per 
cent. economic interest in Ipilan Nickel Corporation, a lateritic nickel deposit 
covering  an area of 2,835 hectares and a  58 per cent. economic interest in the 
Ulugan  Nickel  Corporation  which  has  acquired  rights for Exploration Permit 
applications which cover more than 16,000 hectares in total. 
Current trading 
Toledo's  interim results  for the  six month  period ended  30 September 2012, 
released  on  31 December  2012, stated  that  Toledo  recorded  a  profit  from 
operations  of  GBP265,853 after accounting for foreign exchange losses of  GBP152,692 
which arose primarily from the currency translation of the US dollar denominated 
loans  advanced  by  Toledo  to  its  Philippines  associated  undertakings. The 
attributable  profit was a  significant improvement on  the loss of  GBP310,127 for 
the comparable 2011 period. 
Toledo  had cash holdings  of  GBP1.558 million  at 30 September 2012. On 9 October 
2012, Toledo  received from  BNC a  loan repayment  of US$2.774  million ( GBP1.726 
million) which has substantially improved Toledo's cash position. 
On  31 December  2012, the  Company  acquired  from  ENK  plc  for  a total cash 
consideration  of US$6,552,000 an 18.7 per cent.  direct shareholding in BNC for 
US$4,762,780  and rights to a loan to BNC of US$1,789,220. On 31 December 2012, 
the Company disposed to DMCI Mining for cash consideration of US$6,552,000 a 31 
per  cent. shareholding in Nickeline. The disposal resulted in a capital gain of 
approximately   GBP1,840,000 on which  a corporation tax  liability of  GBP275,000 has 
been  computed, in the absence of any  offsetting capital or trading losses (the 
computation  of the gain is  based on an apportionment  of an economic interest, 
rather  than a  strict acquisition  cost of  the shares  and could  therefore be 
subject  to  challenge  by  HMRC).  Since  the period end, an unrealised foreign 
exchange   gain  has  arisen  on  translation  of  US  Dollar  denominated  loan 
investments of approximately  GBP828,000. 
Key considerations and impact of the offer on Toledo 
Toledo  has  consistently  believed  that  the  best  way to build value for its 
Shareholders  has been to pursue an  added-value nickel process for the mineable 
ore  from  its  operations,  to  realise  the  maximum value from the long term, 
sustainable operation of its strategic nickel deposits. 
The  Independent Directors believe that the Offer  has been made at an opportune 
time  for DMCI  Mining when  the Toledo  share price  has been  depressed by the 
current state of the junior mining sector. Further the Company has realised only 
the  shorter-term DSO part  of its business  plan, with the  commissioning of an 
update to the order of magnitude and environment studies for HPAL, in pursuit of 
its  intended and much communicated long-term strategy to realise value from its 
nickel  assets through  the development  of added-value  processing, still at an 
early stage. 
The  Independent Directors understand that DMCI  Mining prefers and would intend 
to  pursue primarily a DSO operation. Despite  this, and in light of an internal 
valuation  exercise and having  been so advised  by RFC Ambrian, the Independent 
Directors  recognise that there are risks  attached to taking a longer-term view 
of the Company and therefore the opportunity for Shareholders to realise cash in 
respect  of their  Toledo Shares  in a  short timeframe  provides a more certain 
outcome  and that, in these  circumstances, the terms of  the Offer are fair and 
reasonable and accepting the Offer is in the best interests of the Shareholders. 
In  arriving at this view, the Independent Directors have taken into account the 
other following factors: 
Controlling Shareholders 
DMCI  Mining now owns 37.7 per cent. of  the issued share capital of the Company 
giving  it  significant  influence  over  the  future strategic direction of the 
Company  and the ability  to ensure the  rejection, if it  so wishes, of special 
resolutions  of the Company  including, for example,  the disapplication of pre- 
emption rights. 
If  DMCI Mining obtains a sufficient number of valid acceptances under the Offer 
(or  otherwise makes further share purchases) to take their interest to over 50 
per cent. of Toledo's Shares, then DMCI Mining will de facto have actual control 
over  the Company. In order to achieve  a shareholding in excess of 50 per cent. 
of  the  Toledo  Shares  in  issue,  after  taking  into  account  its  existing 
shareholding and the letter of intent to accept the Offer, DMCI Mining will only 
need  to acquire, whether under the Offer or through market purchases 2,303,304 
Toledo  Shares, representing  4.6 per cent.  of the  issued share capital of the 
Shareholders should be aware that if DMCI Mining acquires more than 50 per cent. 
of the Company's voting rights, DMCI Mining will also be in a position to ensure 
the  approval, or  rejection if  it so  wishes, of  ordinary resolutions  of the 
Company  including, for example, the appointment and removal of directors of the 
Loss of Code protections 
In  the circumstances  where DMCI  Mining holds  more than  50 per cent.  of the 
Company's  voting  rights,  DMCI  Mining  may  increase  its shareholding in the 
Company  without restriction  and without  incurring a  further obligation under 
Rule 9 of the Code to make another offer for the remaining Toledo Shares that it 
does not then own or control. 
Liquidity and Trading on AIM 
The  Independent  Directors  believe  that  it  is  not in the best interests of 
Shareholders  to remain in a  minority equity position in  a company where there 
may  not be sufficient liquidity  due to the likely  small size of the remaining 
free  float. The Independent Directors maintain this belief notwithstanding that 
DMCI  Mining will not receive sufficient acceptances under the Offer, to procure 
that  Toledo cancels the admission  to trading of its  shares on AIM, given that 
letters  of  intent  to  not  accept  the Offer, in respect of 12,552,000 Shares 
representing  25.18 per cent.  of Toledo's  existing issued  share capital, have 
been received from Fevamotinico SARL and Forth Asset Management Ltd. 
DMCI mining's strategic plans for Toledo 
DMCI Mining has indicated that it intends to grow the business by scaling up the 
DSO  operations of BNC. Given  the current resource estimate  at high grade, the 
Independent  Directors believe that increasing the scale of DSO operations would 
result  in a proportionately shorter mine life.  With this in mind and given the 
large  potential  of  the  lower  grade  exploration  targets,  the  Independent 
Directors  believe  that  shareholder  value  would  be  maximised  through  the 
additional pursuit of a value added processing strategy to treat the lower grade 
ore,  which makes up  a substantial proportion  of BNC's resources. Accordingly, 
SNC  Lavalin has been retained  to update its past  order of magnitude study and 
GHD,  an Australian engineering consultant, has also been retained to conduct an 
environmental engineering study. 
Toledo has previously reported on BNC's plans to extend and improve the causeway 
in  the port  area which  will improve  barge-loading efficiency. An alternative 
investment  in the  port facilities  to support  an extended  shipment window is 
already  under review  by BNC,  which is  anticipated to  be financed from BNC's 
internally  generated cash. While this would not necessarily allow investment as 
rapidly  as  external  finance,  either  via  equity  injection into BNC or debt 
financing,  it provides BNC with certainty and  would be non-dilutive to the BNC 
joint venture partners and ultimately to the Toledo Shareholders. 
While  tree-cutting  permits  are  required  in  order to continue mining at the 
current   rates,  the  Independent  Directors  believe  that  Toledo's  historic 
management  of these situations  demonstrates the Company's  ability to continue 
operations.  It should  be noted  that all  requirements for  BNC's tree cutting 
permits  have been complied with and since publication in the Philippines of the 
Executive  Order and the Implementation of  Rules and Regulations in 2012, BNC's 
application  has been recommended for approval and the Independent Directors are 
hopeful  that final sign-off will be received  in the current year. In addition, 
BNC  is  not  solely  represented  by  Toledo but with its long-standing venture 
partner  and  Philippines  listed  company,  Atlas.  The  Independent  Directors 
acknowledge  that there is  significant benefit in  the local permitting process 
from having Atlas, and already indirectly DMCI Mining, as partners in BNC. 
Given that DMCI Mining's strategic plans for Toledo are subject to completion of 
a  strategic  review,  it  is  not  possible  to  provide  Shareholders  with an 
assessment  of what DMCI Mining's  eventual plans for the  Company will mean for 
them or for Toledo's business and operations. 
Management, employees and locations 
The  Independent  Directors  note  DMCI  Mining's  assurance  that  the existing 
contractual  and statutory employment rights and pension rights of all employees 
will  be safeguarded and the Toledo Group employers will continue to comply with 
the  contractual and  other entitlements  in relation  to pension and employment 
rights of existing employees. 
However,  as noted above, DMCI Mining intends to undertake a strategic review of 
the  Toledo Group and therefore it is possible  that there may be changes to the 
employee base, locations and organisational structure. 
In  particular, DMCI Mining  already has an  18.6 per cent. indirect interest in 
BNC. If there were to be a re-organisation of DMCI Mining's holding structure of 
BNC  this may  have consequential  effects on  Toledo's interest  in BNC  and on 
Toledo's  employee base. DMCI Mining  has stated that it  may seek to change the 
composition  of Toledo's  Board and  increase the  representation of DMCI Mining 
(currently   represented   by   Isidro   Consunji)   should   the  Offer  become 
Compulsory acquisition, cancellation of aim admission and re-registration 
DMCI  Mining has stated that if it  receives acceptances under the Offer, and/or 
acquires  Toledo Shares such that it controls 75 per cent. or more of the Toledo 
Shares  by nominal value and voting rights attaching to such shares, DMCI Mining 
intends,  subject to the AIM Rules, to  procure that Toledo makes on application 
to the London Stock Exchange to cancel the admission to trading in Toledo Shares 
on AIM. 
If  the Toledo Shares ceased  to be traded on  AIM Shareholders who elect not to 
accept  the  Offer  will  continue  to  own  shares in an unquoted company, with 
significantly   reduced   liquidity  and  marketability,  and  with  a  dominant 
shareholder.  Therefore  there  will  be  no  readily  available market price or 
valuation ascribed to the Toledo Shares. In addition, Shareholders will not have 
the  benefit of the protections set out in the AIM Rules including, for example, 
in relation to the provision of information which is material to the Company and 
DMCI  Mining has also stated that if they receive acceptances under the Offer in 
respect of, and/or otherwise acquires, 90 per cent. or more of the Toledo Shares 
to which the Offer relates and the Offer becomes or is declared unconditional in 
all  respects,  they  may  exercise  their  right  pursuant to the provisions of 
sections   974 to  991 (inclusive)  of  the  Act  to  acquire  compulsorily  any 
outstanding  Toledo Shares not acquired or agreed to be acquired pursuant to the 
Offer or otherwise. 
However  the Independent Directors  wish to draw  Shareholders' attention to the 
letters  of intent  Toledo has  received from  Fevamotinico SARL and Forth Asset 
Management Ltd indicating that they do not intend to accept the Offer in respect 
of  a  total  of  12,552,000 Shares  representing  25.18 per  cent.  of Toledo's 
existing  issued  share  capital.  Given  this  intention,  DMCI Mining will not 
control  75 per cent. or more  of Toledo's Shares to  make an application to the 
London  Stock Exchange to  cancel the admission  to trading in  Toledo Shares on 
AIM,  or the 90 per cent.  or more of Toledo  Shares to acquire compulsorily any 
outstanding  Toledo Shares not acquired or agreed to be acquired pursuant to the 
Employee consultation 
In  accordance with the requirements  of Rule 2.12 of the  Code, Toledo has made 
available  to employees a copy of the  Offer Document and has informed employees 
of  the right of employee representatives under Rule 25.9 of the Code to require 
that  a separate opinion of  the employee representatives on  the effects of the 
Offer  on employment be appended to this  document. The employees of Toledo have 
confirmed that no such opinion is required. 
With approximately 37.7 per cent. of the voting rights of Toledo, DMCI Mining is 
already  in a position to exercise a level  of de facto control over the Company 
as  the single  largest shareholder.  If the  Offer becomes  unconditional, DMCI 
Mining will hold a majority of the voting rights of Toledo and will also be free 
to  increase its  shareholding without  making a  further offer for the Company. 
This  will  give  DMCI  Mining  significant  influence over the future strategic 
direction  of the Company and composition of the  Board. It may also lead to the 
loss of certain  Code protections as if DMCI Mining holds more than 50 per cent. 
of   the  Company's  voting  rights  DMCI  Mining  may  increase  its  aggregate 
shareholding  in  Toledo  without  restriction  and  without incurring a further 
obligation  under Rule  9 of the  Code. In  order to  achieve a  shareholding in 
excess  of  50 per  cent.  DMCI  Mining  will  only  need to acquire, or receive 
acceptances  under the Offer for, a further 2,303,304 Toledo Shares representing 
approximately  4.6 per  cent.  of  the  issued  share  capital of the Company in 
addition  to its existing shareholding and share pledged under letters of intent 
to accept the Offer. 
The Offer provides Shareholders with the opportunity to realise their investment 
in Toledo within a short timeframe at a cash price of 50 pence per Toledo Share. 
This represents a premium to the Closing Price of a Toledo Share of 61 per cent. 
on  14 February 2013 (being the last Business Day before the announcement of the 
Offer  by DMCI Mining). There can be no assurance that DMCI Mining (or any other 
party)  in the event the Offer lapses  will offer Shareholders a similar exit in 
the future. 
Shareholders  should also be aware that there can be no guarantee that either of 
Toledo or DMCI Mining will achieve their business objectives. 
The  Independent Directors believe  that DMCI Mining  is taking advantage of the 
current  junior mining sector conditions and of the fact that Toledo is still to 
see  the  full  benefits  of  operating  the  Berong Nickel Mine in a continuous 
manner.  However  the  Independent  Directors  are  mindful that DMCI Mining may 
obtain  a majority of Toledo's issued share capital and that a further 25.18 per 
cent. of holdings will remain under the control of a common beneficial owner and 
therefore  remaining as a Shareholder in  a company with limited liquidity would 
not be in the best interests of Toledo's Shareholders. 
The  Toledo  Independent  Directors,  who  have  been so advised by RFC Ambrian, 
advise Shareholders to accept the Offer. 
In  providing its  advice to  the Toledo  Independent Directors, RFC Ambrian has 
taken  into  account  the  commercial  assessments  of  the  Toledo  Independent 
Directors.  RFC Ambrian is acting as the independent financial adviser to Toledo 
for  the  purposes  of  providing  independent  advice to the Toledo Independent 
Directors on the Offer under Rule 3 of the Code. 
Accordingly,  the Toledo Independent Directors unanimously recommend that Toledo 
Shareholders accept the Offer. 
The  Toledo Independent Directors have no beneficial shareholdings in the Toledo 
Victor Kolesnikov, Chief Executive Officer, Toledo Mining Corporation 
+44 (0) 20 7290 3100 
John Harrison/Richard Morrison/Jen Boorer, RFC Ambrian Limited 
Financial Adviser and Nominated Adviser 
+44 (0) 20 3440 6800 
Anthony Shewell , Fin Public Relations 
+44 (0) 20 7608 2280 
Carina Corbett,  4C Communications Ltd 
+44 (0) 20 3170 7973 
Copies  of  the  Response  Circular  will  be  available, free of charge, at the 
offices  of RFC Ambrian, Condor House, 10 St Paul's Churchyard, London EC4M 8AL 
and on the Company's website (www.toledomining.com). 
The  Independent Directors, accept responsibility  for the information contained 
in  this announcement, except  that the only  responsibility accepted by them in 
respect  of the information contained in  this document relating to DMCI Mining, 
DMCI,  its subsidiary  undertakings and  the directors  of DMCI  and/or any such 
subsidiary  undertakings, which has been compiled  from published sources, is to 
ensure  that  such  information  has  been  correctly  and fairly reproduced and 
presented.  Subject to the aforesaid, to the best of the knowledge and belief of 
the  Independent Directors  (who have  taken all  reasonable care to ensure that 
such  is the case),  the information contained  in this document  for which they 
accept responsibility is in accordance with the facts and does not omit anything 
likely to affect the import of that information. 
The  Independent Directors  are the  directors of  Toledo with  the exception of 
Isidro Consunji. 
RFC  Ambrian Limited (which is authorised and regulated in the United Kingdom by 
the  Financial  Services  Authority)  is  acting  exclusively for the Company in 
connection  with the matters referred  to above and no  one else and will not be 
responsible  to  anyone  other  than  the  Company for providing the protections 
offered  to clients of RFC Ambrian Limited  nor for providing advice in relation 
to the matters referred to above. 
"AIM"                                    means AIM, a market operated by the 
                                         London Stock Exchange; 
"AIM Rules"                              means the AIM Rules for Companies as 
                                         published by the London Stock Exchange 
                                         (as amended); 
"acting in concert"                      has the meaning given to it in the 
"RFC Ambrian"                            means RFC Ambrian Limited; 
"associate"                              has the meaning given in section 988 of 
                                         the Companies Act; 
"Atlas"                                  Atlas Consolidated Mining and 
                                         Development Corporation; 
"BNC"                                    Berong Nickel Corporation; 
"Board"                                  means the board of Directors of Toledo 
"Business Day"                           means a day, not being a public 
                                         holiday, Saturday or Sunday, on which 
                                         clearing banks in London are open for 
                                         normal business; 
"Closing Price"                          means the middle market price of a 
                                         Toledo Share at the close of business 
                                         on the day to which such price relates, 
                                         derived from the Daily Official List of 
                                         the London Stock Exchange for that day; 
"Companies Act"                          means the Companies Act 2006; 
"Daily Official List"                    means the daily official list of the 
                                         London Stock Exchange; 
"DSO"                                    means direct shipping ore; 
"DMCI"                                   means DMCI Holdings; 
"DMCI Mining"                            means DMCI Mining Corporation; 
"FSA"                                    means the Financial Services Authority 
                                         of the UK in its capacity as the 
                                         competent authority for the purposes of 
                                         Part VI of FSMA; 
"HMRC"                                   means H.M. Revenue & Customs; 
"HPAL"                                   means high pressure acid leaching; 
"Independent Directors" or "Toledo       means the Toledo Directors other than 
Independent Directors"                   Isidro Consunji 
"London Stock Exchange"                  means London Stock Exchange plc or its 
"Ni"                                     means nickel; 
"Nickeline"                              means Nickeline Resource Holdings; 
"Offer"                                  means the mandatory cash offer made by 
                                         DMCI Mining to acquire the entire 
                                         issued and to be issued share capital 
                                         of Toledo not already owned by DMCI 
                                         Mining on the terms and subject to the 
                                         conditions to be set out in the Offer 
"Offer Document"                         means the document posted by DMCI 
                                         Mining on 5 March 2013 and, where 
                                         appropriate, any other document(s) 
                                         containing terms and conditions of the 
                                         Offer, constituting the full terms and 
                                         conditions of the Offer; 
"Panel" or "Takeover Panel"              means the Panel on Takeovers and 
"Rule"                                   means the relevant rule of the Takeover 
"subsidiary" or "subsidiary undertaking" having the meanings given to them by 
                                         the Companies Act; 
"Takeover Code" or "Code"                means the City Code on Takeovers and 
"Toledo" or the "Company"                means Toledo Mining Corporation Plc, a 
                                         public company incorporated in England 
                                         and Wales with registered number 
"Toledo Directors"                       each of Constantine Thanassoulas, 
                                         Victor Kolesnikov, Simon Purkiss, Jason 
                                         Cheng, Robert Jenkins, Isidro Consunji, 
                                         being all of the directors of Toledo; 
"Toledo Group"                           means Toledo and its subsidiary 
"Toledo Shareholders" or "Shareholders"  means the holders of Toledo Shares from 
                                         time to time; 
"Toledo Shares"                          means the ordinary shares of 5 pence 
                                         each in the capital of Toledo; 
"United Kingdom" or "UK"                 means the United Kingdom of Great 
                                         Britain and Northern Ireland. 
                                    - ENDS - 
Disclosure requirements of the Takeover Code (the "Code") 
Under Rule 8.3(a) of the Code, any person who is interested in 1% or more of any 
class  of relevant  securities of  an offeree  company or  of any  paper offeror 
(being  any  offeror  other  than  an  offeror  in  respect of which it has been 
announced  that its offer is, or  is likely to be, solely  in cash) must make an 
Opening  Position Disclosure following the commencement of the offer period and, 
if  later,  following  the  announcement  in  which  any  paper offeror is first 
identified.  An Opening Position Disclosure must contain details of the person's 
interests  and short  positions in,  and rights  to subscribe  for, any relevant 
securities  of each of (i) the offeree company and (ii) any paper offeror(s). An 
Opening Position Disclosure by a person to whom Rule 8.3(a) applies must be made 
by  no later than 3.30 pm  (London time) on the  10th business day following the 
commencement  of the offer period and, if  appropriate, by no later than 3.30 pm 
(London  time) on the 10th business day  following the announcement in which any 
paper  offeror is  first identified.  Relevant persons  who deal in the relevant 
securities  of the offeree company  or of a paper  offeror prior to the deadline 
for   making  an  Opening  Position  Disclosure  must  instead  make  a  Dealing 
Under  Rule 8.3(b) of the Code, any person who is, or becomes, interested in 1% 
or  more of any  class of relevant  securities of the  offeree company or of any 
paper offeror must make a Dealing Disclosure if the person deals in any relevant 
securities  of the offeree company or of any paper offeror. A Dealing Disclosure 
must  contain details of the dealing concerned and of the person's interests and 
short positions in, and rights to subscribe for, any relevant securities of each 
of  (i) the offeree company and (ii) any  paper offeror, save to the extent that 
these  details have previously been disclosed under Rule 8. A Dealing Disclosure 
by  a person to whom  Rule 8.3(b) applies must be  made by no later than 3.30 pm 
(London time) on the business day following the date of the relevant dealing. 
If  two or more persons act together  pursuant to an agreement or understanding, 
whether  formal  or  informal,  to  acquire  or  control an interest in relevant 
securities of an offeree company or a paper offeror, they will be deemed to be a 
single person for the purpose of Rule 8.3. 
Opening Position Disclosures must also be made by the offeree company and by any 
offeror and Dealing Disclosures must also be made by the offeree company, by any 
offeror  and  by  any  persons  acting  in  concert  with any of them (see Rules 
8.1, 8.2 and 8.4). 
Details  of  the  offeree  and  offeror  companies  in respect of whose relevant 
securities Opening Position Disclosures and Dealing Disclosures must be made can 
be   found   in  the  Disclosure  Table  on  the  Takeover  Panel's  website  at 
www.thetakeoverpanel.org.uk,   including  details  of  the  number  of  relevant 
securities  in issue, when the  offer period commenced and  when any offeror was 
first  identified. You  should contact  the Panel's  Market Surveillance Unit on 
+44 (0)20  7638 0129 if you are in  any doubt as to  whether you are required to 
make an Opening Position Disclosure or a Dealing Disclosure. 
This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of 
Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that: 
(i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and 
    other applicable laws; and 
(ii) they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and 
     originality of the information contained therein. 
Source: Toledo Mining Corporation PLC via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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