RNS Number : 1871N

Tinci Holdings Ltd

26 September 2012

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 26(th.) September 2012




Tinci Holdings Ltd. (the "Company" or "Tinci") (TNCI), the AIM quoted environmental engineering company, today announces its unaudited interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2012.


-- Turnover of RMB 21.8 million against RMB 22.3 million in the first half of 2011.

-- Difficult market environment continues to restrict available new projects. Two new projects

won just before half year end.

-- Loss before tax of RMB 0.44 million (2011 Profit before tax of RMB 0.75 million).

-- Company concentrating on developing Flue Gas Desulphurisation ("FGD") joint ventures in niche markets, in particular with China Oil.

Commenting on the results David Steeds, Chairman, said;

"The first six months of 2012 were once again challenging for Tinci's core FGD business with new business difficult to win at reasonable margins. However, the management team continues to work hard to cut costs to reflect the reduced sales.

We were delighted to win the contracts totaling RMB 75 million with XinFa and JingYuan which were announced on 25 June.

The management continues to work on a number of joint ventures with our established partners in niche markets, particularly with China Oil. We will report to shareholders as and when progress is made in developing these joint ventures."

For further information, please visit www.tinciholdings.com or contact:

Tinci Holdings Ltd

   David Steeds            Tel: +44 (0)7836 578222 
   Joshua Cheng           Tel: +1 512 577 4613 

Westhouse Securities Limited

   Martin Davison           Tel: +44 (0) 20 7601 6100 

Jonathan Haines

Overview of Operating Performance

Trading in the first half of 2012 was at a slightly lower level than in 2011 but strong control of costs has limited the impact on profit and a small loss is being reported in these results to 30 June 2012. During the period the Company won two new contracts which were announced on 25 June 2012:

   --      A contract for FGD with ShanXi XinFa Chemical Co. Ltd for RMB 65 million 

-- A contract to retrofit nitrogen oxide removal with Jingyuan 2(nd) Electric Power Co. for RMB 10 million.

In the difficult market environment the Company again found it hard to win new customers at reasonable profit margins.

As reported previously, the Company management has concluded that it is unlikely to expand its business

simply by offering FGD in power plants, where it is in competition with the power companies' in-house

FGD subsidiaries. The Company intends instead to focus its FGD business in China on the petrochemical

sector, building on its good relations with China Oil as well as existing clients with established and reliable relationships.

The Company's Order Book at 30 June 2012 adjusted for the late contract wins noted above amounted to RMB 99 million compared to RMB 46 million at 31 December 2011.

Future Developments

Trading in the first half of the year is typically lower than in the second half and 2012 is expected to follow the same pattern. Early indications are that trading in the second half of 2012 will be ahead of the first half and the result for the whole year is expected to show a small profit, although it is too early to provide a clear prediction of the financial results for the full year. Operating cash flow is expected to be marginally positive for the full year.

Meanwhile, the Company will continue to concentrate its resources on developing its various joint

ventures, particularly its catalytic refinery project with China Oil, in the hope of achieving a breakthrough in

one of these new businesses while maintaining a stable income from FGD in the current year.

Financial Performance

Revenue in the first half of 2012 decreased by 2% from RMB 22.3 million in the same period of 2011 to RMB 21.8 million; loss before tax was RMB 0.444 million compared with a profit before tax of RMB0.752 million for the same period last year.

The main reason for the decrease in sales revenue and net loss was the decrease in FGD activity and in

new projects won.

Operating cash flow was negative in the first six months of 2012 due to a large reduction in accounts

payable in the period. The outflow of RMB 0.7 million compares with an outflow of RMB 15.3 million in the

comparative period.

The Company intends to improve its financial performance by focusing on collecting receivables, cutting

costs, and improving project management.


The Board expects the difficult conditions in the FGD market to persist through the remainder of 2012 and

into 2013. The Company will continue to concentrate its efforts on:

   --    Developing FGD joint ventures in niche areas with established customers/partners. 

-- Developing its investment in JiangSu AnDy in speciality chemical products, which is meeting its internal targets for its first year of operation

   --    Promoting co-operation with China oil on a catalytic refining project 
   --    Cutting costs and improving receivables collection 
   --    Improving project management with effective budgeting and cost control. 

Tinci Holdings Limited

Unaudited Interim Financial Information

For the six months ended 30 June 2012

Tinci Holdings Limited

Condensed consolidated statement of comprehensive income(Unaudited)

for the six months ended 30 June 2012

                                                    Six months                   Six months 
                                                        ending    Year ending        ending 
                                                            30    31 December            30 
                                            Note     June 2012           2011     June 2011 
                                                   (unaudited)      (audited)   (unaudited) 
                                                       RMB'000        RMB'000       RMB'000 
 Turnover                                               21,854         76,840        22,307 
 Other revenue                                             271          1,264           -36 
 Raw material and consumables used                     -15,724        -52,265       -13,573 
 Staff costs and benefits expenses                      -2,812         -8,618        -3,138 
 Depreciation and amortisation 
  expenses                                                -568         -2,028        -1,036 
 Other operating expenses                               -3,470        -12,597        -3,832 
                                                  ------------  -------------  ------------ 
 (Loss)/Profit from operations                            -449          2,596           692 
 Exchange loss                                              -2            -93           -28 
 Finance costs                                            -103           -149          -212 
 Non-Operating Income                                       75              0           300 
 Share of profit of an associate                           228            398             0 
 Share of losses of a jointly controlled 
  entity                                                  -193           -234             0 
                                                  ------------  -------------  ------------ 
   (Loss)/Profit on ordinary activities 
   before Taxation                                        -444          2,518           752 
 Taxation                                                  -30         -1,740          -430 
                                                  ------------  -------------  ------------ 
 (Loss)/Profit on ordinary activities 
  after Taxation                                          -474            778           322 
                                                  ============  =============  ============ 
 (Loss)/Profit for the period/year                        -474            778           322 
 Other comprehensive (loss)/income 
   Currency translation adjustments                        -20             74            29 
 Total comprehensive (loss)/income 
  for the period/year                                     -494            852           351 
                                                  ============  =============  ============ 
 Total comprehensive (loss)/income 
  attributable to: 
   Shareholders of the Company                            -494            852           351 
 (Loss)/Profit per ordinary share 
  Basic and diluted (loss)/profit 
  per share (Renminbi)                       6          -0.009          0.015         0.006 

Tinci Holdings Limited

Condensed consolidated statement of financial position(Unaudited)

asat 30 June 2012

                                                 At 30       At 31         At 30 
                                             June 2012        2011     June 2011 
                                           (unaudited)   (audited)   (unaudited) 
                                               RMB'000     RMB'000       RMB'000 
 Non-current assets 
 Land use rights                                   375         381           387 
 Property, plant and equipment                  10,904      11,288        11,732 
 Intangible assets                               1,710       1,866         5,559 
 Interest in an associate                       39,256      39,098        24,990 
 Interest in a jointly controlled 
  entity                                           686         879           453 
 Deferred tax assets                             4,464       4,464         5,571 
 Total non-current assets                       57,395      57,976        48,692 
                                          ------------  ----------  ------------ 
 Current assets 
 Amount due from customers for contract 
  work                                             143      19,342         3,652 
 Trade and other receivables, deposits 
  and prepayment                               171,341     152,341       188,149 
 Derivative financial instrument                     0          45             0 
 Restricted bank balances                        1,706       2,307         5,775 
 Cash and bank balances                          7,132       7,229         6,545 
 Total current assets                          180,322     181,264       204,121 
                                          ------------  ----------  ------------ 
 Total assets                                  237,717     239,240       252,813 
 Current liabilities 
 Amount due to customers for contract 
  work                                               0         -57             0 
 Trade and other payables                      -92,090     -93,549       -98,159 
 Bills payable                                  -2,681      -1,883       -11,588 
 Tax payable                                       130        -181             3 
 Total current liabilities                     -94,641     -95,670      -109,744 
                                          ------------  ----------  ------------ 
 Net assets                                    143,076     143,570       143,069 
                                          ============  ==========  ============ 
 Share capital                                   7,796       7,796         7,796 
 Share premium                                  18,078      18,078        18,078 
 Reverse acquisition reserve                    42,644      42,644        42,644 
 Share options reserve                             819         819           875 
 Translation reserve                              -272        -252          -297 
 Retained earnings                              74,011      74,485        73,973 
 Total shareholders' equity                    143,076     143,570       143,069 
                                          ============  ==========  ============ 

Tinci Holdings Limited

Condensed consolidated statement of changes in shareholders' equity(Unaudited)

for the six months ended 30 June 2012

                                                    Six months                   Six months 
                                                        ending    Year ending        ending 
                                                            30    31 December            30 
                                                     June 2012           2011     June 2011 
                                                   (unaudited)      (audited)   (unaudited) 
                                                       RMB'000        RMB'000       RMB'000 
 Shareholders' equity as at the beginning 
  of the period/year                                   143,570        142,718       142,718 
                                                  ------------  -------------  ------------ 
 (Loss)/Profit for the period/year                        -474            778           322 
 Other comprehensive income for the 
   Exchange difference arising on consolidation            -20             74            29 
                                                  ------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Total comprehensive (loss)/income 
  for the period/year                                     -494            852           351 
 Employee share option benefits                              0              0             0 
                                                  ------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Shareholders' equity as at the end 
  of the period/year                                   143,076        143,570       143,069 
                                                  ============  =============  ============ 

Tinci Holdings Limited

Condensed consolidated cash flow statement(Unaudited)

for the six months ended 30 June 2012

                                                    Six months                   Six months 
                                                        ending    Year ending        ending 
                                                            30    31 December            30 
                                                     June 2012           2011     June 2011 
                                                   (unaudited)      (audited)   (unaudited) 
                                                       RMB'000        RMB'000       RMB'000 
 (Loss)/Profit before taxation                            -444          2,518           752 
 Interest income                                           -15           -150           -70 
 Interest expenses                                         103            149           212 
 Depreciation and amortisation expense                     568          2,028         1,036 
 Unrealised gain on derivative financial 
  instruments                                                0             -8             0 
 Bad debts and provision for doubtful 
  debts                                                      0          4,600         1,000 
 Intangible assets written off                               0          3,128             0 
 Share of profit of an associate                          -228           -398             0 
 Share of losses of a jointly controlled 
  entity                                                   193            234             0 
                                                  ------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Operating profit before movements 
  in working capital                                       177         12,101         2,930 
 Decrease in amount due from customers 
  for contract work                                     19,199          4,828        20,518 
 (Increase)/decrease in trade and 
  other receivables, deposits and prepayment           -18,955         42,132         9,961 
 (Decrease)/increase in amount due 
  to customers for contract work                           -57             57             0 
 (Decrease) in trade and other payables                 -1,459        -64,087       -59,477 
 Increase in bills payable                                 798          1,883        11,588 
                                                  ------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Cash (used in) operations                                -297         -3,086       -14,480 
 Interest received                                          15            150            70 
 Interest paid                                            -103           -149          -212 
 Current income tax paid                                  -341           -664          -645 
                                                  ------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Net cash equivalents (used in) operations                -726         -3,749       -15,267 
 Cash flow from investing activities 
 Purchases of property, plant and 
  equipment                                                -22             -7           -30 
 Investment in an associate                                  0        -13,640             0 
 Repayment/(loan) to an associate                           70            -70             0 
 Investment in a jointly controlled 
  entity                                                     0           -660             0 
                                                  ------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Net cash generated from/(used in) 
  investing activities                                      48        -14,377           -30 
 Cash flow from financing activities 
 Movement in restricted bank balances                      601          4,147           679 
 Net cash generated from financing 
  activities                                               601          4,147           679 
                                                  ------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Net (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents               -77        -13,979       -14,618 
 Cash or cash equivalents at 1 January                   7,229         21,134        21,134 
 Effect of foreign exchange rates 
  changes-net                                              -20             74            29 
                                                  ------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Cash or cash equivalents at 30 June/31December          7,132          7,229         6,545 
  Cash and bank balances                                 7,132          7,229         6,545 

Tinci Holdings Limited

Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements

for the six months ended 30 June 2012

   1.     General information 

Tinci Holdings Ltd (the "Company") is incorporated in Hong Kong under the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance. The Company is a public listed company and its shares are quoted on the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange. The principal place of business of the Company and its subsidiaries (collectively "the Group") is Guangzhou, China.

The interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2012 are unaudited and do not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of s.240 of the Companies Act 1985.

   2.     Basis of preparation 

The Directors are responsible for the preparation of the Group's unaudited interim financial results. These unaudited interim financial results should be read in conjunction with the 2011 annual financial statements. The accounting policies adopted in preparing the unaudited interim financial information for the six months ended 30 June 2012 are consistent with those used in the preparation of the Group's annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2011.

The consolidated financial statements incorporate the financial statements of the Company and its subsidiary undertakings.

   3.     Changes in accounting policies 

The accounting policies adopted in the preparation of the Interim Financial Information are consistent with those set out in the 2011 Financial Statements except that the Group has adopted the following new/revised IFRS standards and interpretations foraccounting periods commencing 1 January 2012:

   IFRS 1 (Amendment)                    Severe hyperinflation and removal of fixed dates 

for first-time adopters

   IFRS 7 (Amendments)                 Disclosures-Transfers of financial assets 
   IAS 12 (Amendments)                  Deferred tax: Recovery of underlying asset 

The adoption of the above new/revised IFRS standards and interpretations did not have any material impact on the Group's Interim Financial Information and has not led to any significant changes to the Group's accounting policies.

The following new standards, interpretations and amendments to the existing standards have been published but have not come into effect for the financial year beginning 1 January 2012:

                                                            Effective for 
                                                            annual periods 
                                                             on or after 
IAS 1 (Amendments)   Presentation of items of other          1 July 2012 
                      comprehensive income 
IFRS 7 (Amendments)  Disclosures-Offsetting financial      1 January 2013 
                      assets and financial liabilities 
IFRS 10              Consolidated financial statements     1 January 2013 
IFRS 11              Joint arrangements                    1 January 2013 
IFRS 12              Disclosure of interests in other      1 January 2013 
IFRS 13              Fair value measurement                1 January 2013 
IAS 19 (as revised   Employee benefits                     1 January 2013 
 in 2011) 
IAS 27 (as revised   Separate financial statements         1 January 2013 
 in 2011) 
IAS 28 (as revised   Investments in associates and         1 January 2013 
 in 2011)             joint ventures 
IAS 32 (Amendments)     Presentation-Offsetting financial  1 January 2014 
                         assets and 
                         financial liabilities 
IFRS 9               Financial instruments                 1 January 2015 

The Group has not early adopted any of the above new/revised standards, interpretations and amendments to the existing standards in the period. Management is in the process of making an assessment of their impact and is not yet in a position to state whether any substantial changes to the Group's significant accounting policies and presentation of the financial information will result.

   4.   Foreign currency 

The functional currency of the subsidiary undertakings is Renminbi ("RMB"), and the presentation currency of the Group is RMB. Transactions in currencies other than RMB are recorded at rates of exchange prevailing on the dates of the transactions. At each balance sheet date, monetary assets and liabilities that are denominated in foreign currencies are retranslated at the rates prevailing on the balance sheet date, and gains or losses arising on retranslation are included in the net profit for period. Non-monetary assets and liabilities are translated using historical rates, and exchange rate differences arising are classified as equity and transferred to foreign currency translation reserve.

On consolidation, the assets and liabilities of foreign operations are translated at the exchange rate prevailing on the balance sheet date. Income and expense items are translated at the average exchange rates for the period/year.

For the six months ended 30 June 2012, the foreign operations' financial statements have been translated from GBP and HKD to RMB at the following exchange rates:

              Period     rates      Year end       Average     Period     Average 
            end rate    Period         rates         rates   end rate       rates 
               as at        to         as at       Year to      as at   Period to 
             30 June   30 June   31 December   31 December    30 June     30 June 
                2012      2012          2011          2011       2011        2011 
RMB: GBP      9.8169    9.9617        9.7116       10.3485    10.3986     10.5817 
RMB: HKD      0.8152    0.8126        0.8107        0.8279     0.8316      0.8389 
   5.   Turnover 

The principal activity of the Company is investment holding. The principal activities of the Group during the period were developing, selling and installing large-scale flue gas desulphurisation equipment to power stations.

Details of the principal activities of the wholly-owned subsidiaries are as follows:

   Subsidiaries                                          Principal activities 
   World International Investment                 Investment holding 


   Guangzhou Tinci Sanhe                          Developing, manufacturing and installing 
   Environmental Engineering Co. Ltd          Flue Gas Desulphurisation Systems 

Turnover represented the percentage of contract revenue completed and recognised.

Turnover for the period is wholly attributable to activities undertaken in China.

   6.   (Loss)/profit per ordinary share 
                                                                Year ended 
                                            6 months ended 30 
                                                         June  31 December 
                                            2012         2011         2011 
                                     (unaudited)  (unaudited)    (audited) 
(Loss)/Profit on ordinary 
 after taxation (in RMB'000)                -474          322          778 
                                     ===========  ===========  =========== 
Weighted average number 
 of ordinary 
 shares in issue (in thousands)           52,950       52,950       52,950 
                                     ===========  ===========  =========== 
(Loss)/Profit per ordinary 
   Basic and diluted profit/(loss) 
    share (in Reminbi)                    -0.009        0.006        0.015 
                                     ===========  ===========  =========== 
   7.   Dividend 

The Board is not recommending the payment of an interim dividend for the six months ended 30 June 2012.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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